11-0839 (MECH)R.O. BOX 1504 1 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 Application Number: 11-00000839 t—Property Address: 52025 AVENIDA HERRERA APN: 773-223-012-1 -000000- Application description: MECHANICAL Property Zoning: ' COVE RESIDENTIAL Application valuation: 8500 T4tyl 4 4 Q" Applicant: Architect or Engineer: ------------------ LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION BUILDING & SAFETY DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMIT I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professionals Code, and rry License is in full force and a ect.— License Class: 20 License No.: LDate: "Contractor: OW111600BOUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the Contractor's State License Law for the following reason (Sec. 7031.51 Business and Professions Code: Any city or county that requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish, or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for the permit to file a signed statement that he or she is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's State License Law (Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code) or that he or she is exempt therefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars ($500).: (_ 1 1, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does the work himself or herself through his or her own employees, provided that the improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within . one year of completion, the owner -builder will have the burden of proving that he or she did not build or improve for the purpose of sale.). ( 1. I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who contracts for the projects with a contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractors' State License Law.). (_ 1 I am exempt under Sec. , B.&P.C. for this reason ' Date: Owner: CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued (Sec. 3097, Civ. C.). Lender's Name: _ Lender's Address: LQPERMIT Owner: DUNHAM SELBY 52025 AVENIDA HERRERA LA QUINTA, CA 92253 ( VOICE (760) 777-7012 FAX (760) 777-7011 INSPECTIONS (760) 777-7153 Date: 8/04/11 Contractor: /,V DCS HEATING/AIR CONDYI G HNC O 72078 CORPORATE WAY; '' THOUSAND PALMS, CA 276 C� "may (760)343-5566 �.,'�� r ��• LIC. No.. 595145 —---------- _ ------------------—------- _ _ _ — — _ _ — _ _ — — — — — — — _ _------ WORKER'S _ — — — — ' WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: _ I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for workers' compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. I have and will maintain workers' compensation insurance, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My workers' compensation insurance carrier and policy number are: ' Carrier HARTFORD INS Policy Number 72WECLS7131 I certify that, in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person,in any manner so as to become subject to the workers' compensation laws of California, and agree that, if I should become subject to the workers' compensation provisions of Section j00 of the Labor Code, I shall forthwith comply with those provisions. Date:: _1 t t Vj _Applicant: WARNING: FAILURE TO SECURE WORKERS' CONME.NSATION COVERAGE IS UNLAWFUL, AND SHALL SUBJECT AN EMPLOYER TO CRIMINAL PENALTIES AND CIVIL FINES UP TO ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS (5100,0001. IN ADDITION TO THE COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN SECTION 3706 OF THE LABOR CODE, INTEREST, AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. APPLICANT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT IMPORTANT Application is hereby made to the Director of Building and Safety for a permit subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth on this application. 1. Each person upon whose behalf this application is made, each person at whose request and for whose benefit work isperformedunder or pursuant to any permit issued as a result of this, application, the owner, and the.applicant, each agrees to, and shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City of La Quinta, its officers, agents and employees for any act or omission related to the work being performed under or following issuance of this permit. ' 2. Any permit issued as a result of this application becomes null and void if work is not commenced within 180 days from date of issuance of such permit, or cessation of work for 180 days will subject permit to cancellation. I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relating to building constructio�herebyauthon*esentatives of this co y er upon the above-mentioned property for inspectionDate:- Signature (Applicant or Agent): LQPERMIT Application Number . . . . . 11-00000839 Permit . . . MECHANICAL Additional desc . Permit Fee . . . . 33.00 Plan Check Fee 8.25 Issue Date . . . . Valuation . . . . 0 Expiration Date 1/31/12• Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 15.00 1.00 9.0000 EA MECH FURNACE•<=100K 9.00 -1.00 9.0000 EA MECH B/C <=3HP/100K BTU 9.00 --------------------------------------------7------------------------------- Special Notes and Comments HVAC CHANGE OUT 4 TON. 13 SEER CONDENSER,COIL,AND FURNACE. 2010 CODES. ------------------7---7----------------------------------------------------- Other Fees . . . . . . . . . BLDG STDS ADMIN (SB1473) 1.00 Fee summary Charged ------'-------------- Paid Credited -------------------- Due ----------------- Permit Fee Total 33.00 .00 .00 33.00 Plan Check Total 8.25 .00 .00 8.25 Other Fee Total 1.00 .00 .00 1.00, Grand Total 42.25 .00 .00 42.25 City of La Quin to • Buli ing a Safety Dlvlslon Permit # P.O. Box 15.04, 78-495 Caffe 7'amplco. La Qulnra, CA 92253 - (760): 777-7012 1 Building Permit-Application and. Tracking. Sheet Project Address: s�0t E .Owner's Name: A. P. Number: Address: Legal Description: City:, ST, Zip: Contractor: (SGS ems` �` Telephone: � i . Address: -Ja, J4� & fcd u) 4--tQ { Project Description: City, ST, Zip: �'% Telephone-'Z • V S/ V '' '_• Y'>%j= "^.:, • gyp,%?:' � !� � State Lic. # : ��ISI �fS� City Lie. #; Arch., Engr., Designer: Address: City., ST, Zip: Telephone:' State Lic. #: � •,f; ax ,,� u R ,!``f��'��.c�/7;.�ii�Ex=. Construction Type: Occupancy: ; Project type (circle one): New Add'n Alter Repair Demo Name of Contact-Person: 00G� o� z0a_'i< CJYR Sq. Ft : # Storibs: # units: Telephone # of Contact Person: %( Estimated Value of Project: SBD APPLICANT: DO. NOT WRITE. BELOW THIS LINE # Submittal Plan Sets Req'd Rec'•d TRACMG Plan Check submitted PERMIT FEES Item Amount Structural Cates. Reviewed, ready for corrections Plan Check Deposit Truss Cates. Called Contact Person Plan Check Balance • Title 24 Cates. Plans picked up Construction Flood plain plan Plans resubmitted Mechantcal Grading plan 2"' Review, ready for corrections/issue Electrical . Subcoatactor List Called Contact Person . Plumbing Grant Deed Plans picked up. S.M.I. H.O.A. Approval Pians resubmitted Grading IN HOUSE:- 7rd Review,.ready for corrections/issue Developer Impact Fee Planning•Approval Caped Contact Person A.I.P.P. Pub. Wks. Appr. Date of permit Issue Schodl Fees . Total Permit Fees Simplified Prescri tive Certificate of Compliance:- 2008 Residential HVACAlterations CF -IR -ALT -HVAC Climate Zones 10 to 15' Site Address: Enforcement Agency: Date: Permit I: gr�<3-�� Conditioned Floor E ui ment T et List Minimum Efficienc a Duct insulation requirement Area Thermostat ❑ Packaged Unit D ❑ AFUE 80 Xo ❑ COP Over 40 ft of ducts added or Setback . urnace ndoor Coil [].SEER 73 ❑ HSPF replaced in unconditioned space Served by system (ijnot already ndensing Unit ❑ EER / / ❑ Resistanceinstalled) ❑ R 6 (CZ 10-13) ❑'R 8 (CZ 14-15) sf present, must be Cl Other 1. Equipment Type: Choose the equipment being installed,- if more than one system, use another CF -1 R-ALT-HVACjor each system. 2. Minimum Equipment Efficiencies: 13 SEER, 78%AFUE, 7.7HSPFfor typical residential systems. HERS VERIFICATION SUMMARY Listed below are four HVAC alteration Options. The installer decides what work is being doneand picks one of the appropriate Options. Each Option lists the HERS measures that must be conducted. A copy of the forms shall be left on site for final inspection and a copy given to the homeowner. At final, the inspector verifies that the work listed on this form was in fact the work completed by the installer. The inspector also verifies that each appropriate CF -6R and registered CF -4R forms (no hand filled CF-4Rs allowed) are filled out and si ed. Beginning October 1, 201.0, a registered copy of the CF -IR and CF -611 shall also be on site for final inspection. 1. HVAC Chengeout Required Forms: • All HVAC Equipment replaced CF -6R forms: MECH-04, MECH-2I-HERS and (for split systems) MECH- 25 -HERS CF -4R forms: MECH- 2l and fors litsystems)- -MECH-2.5 • Condenser Coil and /or CF -6R forms: MECH-2I-HERS and (for split systems) MECH- 25 -HERS • Indoor Coil and /or CF -4R forms: MECH- 21 and (for split systems) MECH-25 • Furnace For Split Systems: Duct leakage < 15 percent; RC, CCA > 300 CFM/ton(Minimum Air Flow Requirement), TMAH For Packaged Units: Duct leakage < 15 percent Exempted from duct leakage testing if: ❑ 1. Duct system was documented to have been previously sealed and confirmed through HERS verification, or ❑ 2. Duct systems with less than 40 linear feet in unconditioned space, or ❑ 3. Existing duct systems are constructed, insulated or sealed with asbestos ❑ 2. New HVAC System Required Forms: • Cut in or Changeout with new CF -6R forms: MECH-04, MECH-20-HERS,and (for split systems)•MECH-22-HERS, and MECH-25-HERS ducts: (all new ducting and all CF -4R forms: MECH 20-, and (for split systems)MECH-22, and MECH 25 new equipment) For Split Systems: Duct leakage'< 6 percent; RC, CCA > 350 CFM/ton, FWD, TMAH, STMS, and either HSPP or PSPP. For Packaged Units: Duct leakage r 6 percent O 3. New Ducts with Replacement Required Forms: • Includes replacing or installing all new ducting CF -6R forms: MECH-04, MECH-20-HERS,and (for split systems) MECH-25-HERS and/or outdoor condensing unit and/or indoor CF -4R forms: MECH-20 and (for split systems) MECH-25 coil and/or furnace. Not all equipment changed. For Split Systems: Duct leakage < 6 percent, RC, CCA > 300 CFM/ton, TMAH For Packaged Units: Duct leakage <.6 percent [14. New Ducting over 40 feet Required Forms: • includes adding or replacing more than 40 CF -6R forms: MECH-04, MECH-2I-HERS CF -4R forms: MECH-21 linear feet of duct in unconditioned space. For split system or packaged units: Duct leakage < 15 percent ❑ EXCEPTION: Existing ducts stems constructed, insulated or sealed with asbestos. Contractor (Documentation Author's /Responsible Designer's Declaration Statement) • I certify that this Certificate of Compliance documentation is accurate and complete. • I am eligible under Division 3 of the California Business and Professions Code to accept responsibility for the design identified on this Certificate of Compliance. • i certify that the energy features and performance specifications for.the design identified on this Certificate of Compliance conform to the requirements of Title 24, Parts I and 6 of the California Code of Regulations. • The design features identified on this Certificate of Compliance are consistent with the ' orm tion documented on other pylic ompliance forms, worksheets, calculations, plans andspecifications submitted to the enforcement a ency for appro al with t e permit application. Name: Cl e --n Wa ure: Si 9 rt-1 Company:`r, �'t Date: 9 3ri Address: �-�-(� (1J'LC Ol t�6,q License: ! City/State/Zip:-T_A-041SG.,� a,LPY­S, '-7 90-1 Phone: -760-343_ -S� INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE CF-6R-MECH-2I-HERS Duct Leakage Test — Existing Duct System (Page 1 of 2) Site Address: 52025 AVENIDA HERRERA, La Quinta CA 92253 (System Enforcement Agency: City of La Quinta Permit Number: 11-839 1) ❑ 3 °-J" ^'��kage h aw', t smoke and fix all leaks Enter the Duct System Name or Identification/Tag: System 1 Enter the Duct System Location or Area Served: Whole House Vote: Submit one Installation Certificate for each duct system that must demonstrate compliance in the swelling. This installation certificate is required for compliance for alterations and additions in existing dwellings to space conditioning systems and duct systems. Vote: For existing dwellings, a completely new or replacement duct system can also include existing parts of he original duct system (e.g., register boots, air handler, coil, plenums, etc.) if those parts are accessible ind they can be sealed. For a completely new or replacement duct system installed in an existing dwelling, ise the Installation Certificate titled "Duct Leakage Test - Completely New or Replacement Duct System." Duct Leakage Diagnostic Test - existing duct system Select one compliance method from the following four choices. 1. Measured leakage less thar �.'^ of fan flow ❑ 2. Measured leakage to .%' 7', -an 10% of Fan Flow ❑ 3 °-J" ^'��kage h aw', t smoke and fix all leaks Jaz end HERS rater verify Dete 17 L / ❑ He! 2�. K"97 (Actual Leakage to c. Pass if Actual Leakage is less than Allowed leakag 0.10 = CFM M i if Actual leakage to outside is less than Allowed Option 3 used then: fm' Initial leakage prior to star[ vork = _ CFM Final leakage after sealing all accessible leaks using smoke test = _ CFM 3 Initial leakage _ - Final leakage _ = Leakage reduction _ CFM ((Leakage reduction `/ Initial leakage_) x 100% _ % Reduction Pass if % Reduction > 60 Pass r• Fail Option 4 used then: 4 All accessible leaks repaired using smoke test. HERS rater must verify (No Sampling). Pass if all accessible leaks have been repaired using smoke C Pass C Fail Reg: 211-A0047453C-M2100001B-0000 Registration Date/Time: 2011/11/22 13:38:30 HERS Provider: CalCERTS, Inc. 2008 Residential Compliance Forms March 2010 CERTIFICATE OF FIELD VERIFICATION & DIAGNOSTIC TESTING CF-4R-MECH-21 Duct Leakage Test - Existing Duct System (Page 2 of 2) Site Address: 52025 AVENIDA HERRERA, La Quinta CA 92253 (System Enforcement Agency: City of La Quinta Permit Number: 11-839 1) 595145 HERS Provider Data Registry Information VE be - app. leaks)jo 2 New lea . -an Integrated (CFI) ventilation systems, shall not be seated/taped off acts that utilize controlled motorized dampers, that open only when OA r' = Standard 62.2, and close when OA ventilation is not required, may ^� H,icf leakage testing. ram„ -liance "_` .�'' ape to seal • I ce , ui,aer penalty r laws of the State of California, the information provided on this form is true and correct. • I am the certified HERS ro Al d the verification services identified and reported on this certificate (responsible rater). • a. The installed feature, maten, a r • • �- � , or manufactured device requiring HERS verification that is identified on this certificate (the installation) complies with the equirements in Reference Residential Appendices RA2 and RA3 and the requirements specified on the Certificate(s) of Compliance -1R) approved by the local enforcement agency. • The information reported on applicable sections of the Installation Certificate(s) (CF -6R), signed and submitted by the person(s) responsible for the installation conforms to the requirements specified on the Certificate(s) of Compliance (CF -1R) approved by the enforcement agency. Builder or Installer information as shown on the Installation Certificate (CF -6111) Company Name: (Installing Subcontractor or General Contractor or Builder/Owner) D C S HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING INC Responsible Person's Name: CSLLicense: Chris Brown 595145 HERS Provider Data Registry Information Sample Group # (if applicable): 251123 tested/verified dwelling1:3 not-tested/verified dwelling in la HERS sample group HERS Rater Information Ca10ERTS Certificate # CC1-1798591705 HERS Rater Company Name: The Energuy CA LLC Responsible Rater's Name: Responsible Rater's Signature: William David Painter William David Painter - Responsible Rater's Certification Number w/ this HERS Provider: Date Signed: 11/23/2011 CC2005784 Reg: 211-A0047453C-M21000018-M21A Registration Date/Time: 2011/11/23 20:42:16 HERS Provider: CalCERTS, Inc. 2008 Residential Compliance Forms March 2010 CERTIFICATE OF FIELD VERIFICATION & DIAGNOSTIC TESTING CF-4R-MECH-25 Refrigerant Charge Verification - Standard Measurement Procedure (Page 1 of 5; Site Address: Enforcement Agency: Permit Number: 52025 AVENIDA HERRERA, La Quinta CA 92253 City of La Quinta 11-839 Note: If installation of a Charge Indicator Display (CID) is utilized as an alternative to refrigerant charge verification for compliance, a MECH-24 Certificate (instead of this MECH-25 Certificate) should be used to demonstrate compliance with the refrigerant charge verification requirement. TMAH and STMS are not required for compliance, when a CID is utilized for compliance. As many as 4 systems in the dwelling can be documented for compliance using this form. Attach an additional form(s) for any additional systems in the dwelling as applicable. Temperature Measurement Access Holes (TMAH) and Saturation Temperature Measurement Sensors (STMS) Procedures for installing TMAH are specified in Reference Residential Appendix RA3.2. If refrigerant charge verification is required for compliance, TMAH are also required for compliance. STMS are only required for completely new or replacement space -conditioning systems that utilize prescriptive compliance method. TMAH - Access Holes in Supply and Return Plenums of Air Handler System Name or Identification/Tag System 1 System Location or Area Served 4—whole House 1 ©Yes I] Nr.. ,f16 in (8 mm) access hole upstream of evaporative coil in the return plenum and f Bled according to Figure in Section RA3. ?~` "j inch (8 mm) access hole downstream of evaporative coil in the supply plenum 2 Yes .: labeled according to Figure in Section RA3. Ye_ �..,.:�.....,_...... , r°*., Enter Pass or Faill G✓ Pass I C Fail STrY— The sensor is factory installed, or field installed according to manufacturer's 6 0 Yes systL ,A specifications, or is installed by methods/specifications approved by the Executive Director. The sensor wire is terminated with a standard mini plug suitable for connection to a 7 0 Yes 0 No digital thermometer. The sensor mini plug is accessible to the installing technician and the HERS rater without changing the airflow through the condenser coil 8 0 Yes 0 No When attached to a digital thermometer, the sensor provides an indication of the saturation temperature of the coil. Yes to 6, 7, and 8 is a pass. Enter N/A if STMS are not ✓ 8 N/A ✓ p Pass C Fail I COI77.1 4. utei nometer, the sensor provides an indication of the ouwn temperature of the coil. TMS are not v4 jJ N/A ✓ 0 Pass ✓ ❑ Fail apF *„ STMS - Sensor on the Coni ; 7"- I System Name or Identification/1 System i The sensor is factory installed, or field installed according to manufacturer's 6 0 Yes 0 No specifications, or is installed by methods/specifications approved by the Executive Director. The sensor wire is terminated with a standard mini plug suitable for connection to a 7 0 Yes 0 No digital thermometer. The sensor mini plug is accessible to the installing technician and the HERS rater without changing the airflow through the condenser coil 8 0 Yes 0 No When attached to a digital thermometer, the sensor provides an indication of the saturation temperature of the coil. Yes to 6, 7, and 8 is a pass. Enter N/A if STMS are not ✓ 8 N/A ✓ p Pass C Fail applicable. Otherwise enter Pass or Fail Reg: 211-A00474S3C-M250000113-M25A Registration Date/Time: 2011/11/23 20:44:41 HERS Provider: CalCERTS, Inc. 2008 Residential Compliance Forms March 2010 "ERTIFICATE OF FIELD VERIFICATION & DIAGNOSTIC TESTING CF-4R-MECH-2E Refrigerant Charge Verification - Standard Measurement Procedure (Page 2 of 5' Site Address: Enforcement Agency: Permit Number: 52025 AVENIDA HERRERA, La Quinta CA 92253 City of La Quinta 11-839 Standard Charge Measurement Procedure (for use if outdoor air dry-bulb is above 55°F) Procedures for determining Refrigerant Charge using the Standard Charge Measurement Procedure are available in Reference Residential Appendix RA3.2. As many as 4 systems in the dwelling can be documented for compliance using this form. Attach an additional form(s) for any additional systems in the dwelling as applicable. • The system should be installed and charged in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications before starting this procedure. • The system must meet minimum airflow requirements as prerequisite for a valid refrigerant charge test. • If outdoor air dry-bulb is 55°F or below, the installer must use the Alternate Charge Measurement Procedure. Soace Conditionina Svstems System Name or Identification/Tag System 1 System Location or Area Served Whole House Outdoor Unit Serial # 8254w031109627 Outdoor Unit Make rudd Outdoor Unit Model 14ajm4901 49000 Nominal Cooling Capacity Btu." : Date of Verification a 11/23/2011 D& - Date Measut, Systerr Supp''. tem, . rz- Re, - tempE,o,„ie tTreturn, w`�� _ Evaporator saturation temi, (Tevaporator, sat) Condensor saturation temperature (Tcondensor, sat) Suction line temperature (Tsuction) Liquid Line Temperature (Tliquid) Condenser (entering) air dry-bulb temperature (Tcondenser, db) 71 59 34 84 52 i7: 73 11/1/2011 (must be re -calibrated monthly) Reg: 211-A0047453C-M2500001B-M25A Registration Date/Time: 2011/11/23 20:44:41 HERS Provider: CalCERTS, Inc. 2008 Residential Compliance Forms March 2010 0 INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE CF-4R-MECH-25 Refrigerant Charge Verification - Standard Measurement Procedure (Page 3 of 5) Site Address: Enforcement Agency: Permit Number: 52025 AVENIDA HERRERA, La Quinta CA 92253 City of La Quinta 11-839 Minimum Airflow Reouirement Temperature Split Method Calculations for determining Minimum Airflow Requirement for Refrigerant Charge Verification. The temperature split method is specified in Reference Residential Appendix RA3.2. System Name or Identification/Tag System 1 Calculate: Actual Temperature Split = Treturn, 18.00 db - Tsupply, db Target Superheat from Table RA3.2-2 using Target Temperature Split from Table RA3.2-3 18.8 using Treturn, wb and Treturn, db Calculate difference: Calculate difference: Actual Temperature Split - -0.8 Target Temperature Split = System passes if difference is between -60F and Passes if difference is between -40F and +40F or, +60F upon remeasurement, if between -40F and PASS -100°F Enter Pass or Fail Note: Temperature Split Mer':. :r; tion is not necessary if actual Cooling Coil Airflow is verified using one of the airflow measurement prod-; ' i d in Reference Residential Appendix RA3.3. If actual cooling coil airflow is measured, the value mi, , ; greater than the Calculated Minimum Airflow Requirement in the table below. Mme-' _ '�^�-'•'Y^'r . sti s': CE ': •. int (CFM) = Nominal Cooling Capacity (ton) X 300 (cfm/ton) Syste Calculat.. Measi Pass eq' ; or Fail Superheat Charge Metr_`',;is for Refrigerant Charge Verification. This procedure is required to be used for fixed orifice metering de System Name or Identification/) , Calculate: Actual Superheat = Tsuction - Tevaporator, sat Target Superheat from Table RA3.2-2 using Treturn, wb and Tcondenser, db Calculate difference: Actual Superheat - Target Superheat = System passes if difference is between -60F and +60F Enter Pass or Fail Reg: 211-A0047453C-M2500001B-M25A Registration Date/Time: 2011/11/23 20:44:41 HERS Provider: CalCERTS, Inc. 2008 Residential Compliance Forms March 2010 0 INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE CF-4R-MECH-25 Refrigerant Charge Verification - Standard Measurement Procedure (Page 4 of 5) Site Address: Enforcement Agency: Permit Number: 52025 AVENIDA HERRERA, La Quinta CA 92253 City of La Quinta 11-839 Subcooling Charge Method Calculations for Refrigerant Charge Verification. This procedure is required to be used for thermostatic expansion valve (TXV) and electronic expansion valve (EXV) systems. System Name or Identification/Tag System 1 Calculate: Actual Subcooling = 8.0 Tcondenser, sat - Tliquid Target Subcooling specified by manufacturer 10 Calculate difference: -2 Actual Subcooling - Target Subcooling = System passes if difference is between -4°F and +4°F PASS Enter Pass or Fail Metering Device Calculations for Refrigerant Charge Verification. This procedure is required to be used for thermostatic expansion valve (TXV) and electronic expansion valve (EXV) systems. System Name or Identifications System 1 Calculate: Actual SuperheF' �.� 18.0 Tsuction - Tevaporator. Eng. _ M ', 4-25 be SPL - Syst allow, Reg: 211-A0047453C-M2500001B-M25A Registration Date/Time: 2011/11/23 20:44:41 HERS Provider: CalCERTS, Inc. 2008 Residential Compliance Forms March 2010 INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE CF-4R-MECH-25 Refrigerant Charge Verification - Standard Measurement Procedure (Page 5 of 5) Site Address: Enforcement Agency: Permit Number: 52025 AVENIDA HERRERA, La Quinta CA 92253 City of La Quinta 11-839 Standard Charge Measurement Summary: System shall pass both refrigerant charge criteria, metering device criteria (if applicable), and minimum cooling coil airflow criteria based on measurements taken concurrently during system operation. If corrective actions were taken, all applicable verification criteria must be re -measured and/or recalculated. System Name or Identification/Tag System 1 595145 HERS Provider Data Registry Information Sample Group # (if applicable): 251123 System meets all refrigerant charge and airflow ❑ not-tested/verified dwelling in la HERS sample group requirements. PASS The Energuy CA LLC Responsible Rater's Name: Responsible Rater's Signature: Enter Pass or Fail William David Painter Responsible Rater's Certification Number w/ this HERS Provider: Date Signed: 11/23/2011 CC2005784 VIP laws of the State of California, the information provided on this form is true and correct. I am the certified HERS d the verification services identified and reported on this certificate (responsible rater). The installed feature, mate. ;• "" or manufactured device requiring HERS verification that is identified on this certificate (the installation) complies with the equirements in Reference Residential Appendices RA2 and RA3 and the requirements specified on the Certificate(s) of Complian. rt) approved by the local enforcement agency. The information reported on applicable sections of the Installation Certificate(s) (CF -611), signed and submitted by the person(s) responsible for the installation conforms to the requirements specified on the Certificate(s) of Compliance (CF -111) approved by the enforcement aclency. Builder or Installer information as shown on the Installation Certificate (CF -611) Company Name: (Installing Subcontractor or General Contractor or Builder/Owner) D C S HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING INC Responsible Person's Name: --7C—SLB License: Chris Brown 595145 HERS Provider Data Registry Information Sample Group # (if applicable): 251123 tested/verified dwelling ❑ not-tested/verified dwelling in la HERS sample group HERS Rater Information Ca10ERTS Certificate # CC1-1798591705 HERS Rater Company Name: The Energuy CA LLC Responsible Rater's Name: Responsible Rater's Signature: William David Painter William David Painter Responsible Rater's Certification Number w/ this HERS Provider: Date Signed: 11/23/2011 CC2005784 Reg: 211-A0047453C-M2500001B-M25A Registration Date/Time: 2011/11/23 20:44:41 HERS Provider: Ca10ERTS, Inc. 2006 Residential Compliance Forms March 2010 INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE CF-6R-MECH-04 Space Conditioning Systems, Ducts and Fans (Page 1 of 2) Site Address: 52025 AVENIDA HERRERA, La Quinta CA 92253 (System Enforcement Agency: Permit Number: 1) City of La Quinta 11-839 Space Conditioning Systems Heatina Eouiament Equip Type (package- heat pump) CEC Certified Mfr. Name and Model Number ARI Reference Number2 # of Identical Systems Efficiency (AFUE, etc.)1, 3 (>=CF -1R value)4 Duct Location (attic, crawl- space, etc.) Duct R -value Heating Load (kBtu/hr) Heating Capacity (kBtu/hr) Split Furnace RUUD RGPS07HAMER 3765722 1 80 AFUE IAttic 70 56 kBtu Cooling Equipment Efficiency Duct (SEER Location and EER) (attic, ARI # of 1, 3 crawl- Cooling Cooling Reference Identical (>=CF -IR space, Dud Load Capacity Svstems value)4 etc.) R -value (kBtu/hr) (kBtu/hr) 4R kBtu J 1. B ,,. _,-_..� new cor., notes to Standards Table 151-8 and Table 151-C for duct ceiling compliance. 2. ARI Reference Number c, y entering the equipment model number at http://www.aridirectofy.orgla, 3. Listed efficiency on this page ue greater than or equal ( ? ) to the value shown on the CF -IR form. 4. When CF -1R is reference it is also applicable to the CF -IR, CF -1R -AA or CF -IR -ALT ALL BOXES MUST BE CHECKED TO BE A VALID FORM ® §110-§113: HVAC equipment is certified by the California Energy Commission. • §150(h): Heating and/or cooling loads calculated in accordance with ASHRAE, SMACNA, or ACCA. 0 §150(i): Setback Thermostat on all applicable heating and/or cooling systems meet the requirements of §112(c). • §150(j)2: Pipe insulation for cooling system refrigerant suction, chilled water and brine lines meets minimum requirements of Table 150-B and includes a vapor retardant or is enclosed entirely in conditioned space. Reg: 211-A0047453C-M0400001B-0000 Registration Date/Time: 2011/11/22 13:38:22 HERS Provider: CalCERTS, Inc. 2008 Residential Compliance Forms August 2009 INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE CF-6R-MECH-04 Space Conditioning Systems, Ducts and Fans (Page 2 of 2) Site Address: e t Agency: Permit Number: 52025 AVENIDA HERRERA, La Quinta CA 92253 (System a City of La City o �uinta 11-839 1) (Title): 595145 8/5/2011 Ducts and Fans §150(m): Duct and Fans 2 1. All air -distribution system ducts and plenums installed, sealed and insulated to meet the requirements of CMC Sections 601, 602, 603, 604, 605 and Standrd 6-5; supply -air and return -air ducts and plenums are insulated to a minimum installed level of R- .2 or enclosed entirely in conditioned space. Openings shall be sealed with mastic, tape or o her duct -closure system that meets the applicable requirements of UL 181, UL 181A, or UL 181B or aerosol sealant that meets the requirements of UL 723. If mastic or tape is used to seal openings greater than 1/4 inch, the combination of mastic and either mesh or tape shall be used; and 2 1. Building cavities, support platforms for air handlers, and plen ms defined or constructed with materials other than sealed sheet metal, duct board or flexible duct shall not be used for conveying conditioned air. Building cavities and support platforms may contailn ducts. Ducts installed in cavities and support platforms shall not be compressed to cause reductions) in the cross-sectional area of the ducts. 2 2D. Joints and seams of duct systems and their components sha I not be sealed with cloth back rubber adhesive duct tapes unless such tape is used in combinatio with mastic and draw bands. * 7. Exhaust fan systems have back draft or automatic dampers. I * 8. Gravity ventilatir%-, s serving conditioned space have either automatic or readily accessible, manually operated r: Protection of Ir . ition shall be protected from dam ge, including that due to sunlight, •e, and wind. Cellular foam insula Ion shall be protected as above or - er retardant and provides shieldi g from solar radiation that can cause r. si DI'" 3ws of the State of California, the informa • I a,. �, neer Jry _ :, and Professions Code to accept responsit representative of the pem, '; construction (responsible person). • I certify that the installed fe_ s, components, or manufactured devices id conforms to all applicable cod. :ions, and the installation is consistent with enforcement agency. • I reviewed a copy of the Certificate or L�ompfiance (CF -111) form approved by the enfor requirements for the installation. I certify that the requirements detailed on the CF -IR • I will ensure that a completed, signed copy of this Installation Certificate shal building permit(s) issued for the building, and made available to the enforcers understand that a signed copy of this Installation Certificate is required to be provides to the building owner at occupancy. A;17_ ._. provided on this form is true and correct. for construction, or an authorized `ied on this certificate (the installation) plans and specifications approved by the !ment agency that identifies the specific iat apply to the installation have been met. be posted, or made available with the !nt agency for all applicable inspections. I ,icluded with the documentation the builder Company Name: (Installing Subcontractor or General Contractor or Builder/Owner) D C S HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING INC Responsible Person's Name: Responsible Person's Signature: Sara Hart Sara Hart CSLB License: Date Signed: Position With Company (Title): 595145 8/5/2011 Reg: 211-A0047453C-M0400001B-0000 Registration Date/Time: 2011/11/22 13:38:22 HERS Provider: CalCERTS, Inc. 2008 Residential Compliance Forms f August 2009 CERTIFICATE OF FIELD VERIFICATION & DIAGNOSTIC TESTING CF-4R-MECH-21 Duct Leakage Test — Existing Duct System (Page 1 of 2) Site Address: 52025 AVENIDA HERRERA, La Quinta CA 92253 (System Enforcement Agency: Permit Number: 1) City of La Quinta 11-839 Enter the Duct System Name or Identification/Tag: System 1 Enter the Duct System Location or Area Served: Whole House Vote: Submit one Installation Certificate for each duct system that must demonstrate compliance in the swelling. This installation certificate is required for compliance for alterations and additions in existing dwellings to space conditioning systems and duct systems. Vote: For existing dwellings, a completely new or replacement duct system can also include existing parts of he original duct system (e.g., register boots, air handler, coil, plenums, etc.) if those parts are accessible ind they can be sealed. For a completely new or replacement duct system installed in an existing dwelling, ise the Installation Certificate titled "Duct Leakage Test - Completely New or Replacement Duct System." Duct Leakage Diagnostic Test - existing duct system Select one compliance method from the following four choices. 21. Measured leakage less tha•. '. of fan flow ❑ 2. Measured leakage to r i , • an 10% of Fan Flow 3.." '-��P F it smoke and fix all leaks 171 nd HERS rater verify Not 31 El MOM Pass if Leakage Actual is less than All r � ��.� 1 , v 2 inokage , .10 = _ CFM Actual Leakage to M Pass if Leakage Actual is less than All Pass r, Fail Pass m Fail Option 3 used then: Initial leakage prior to start o, work = _ CFM Final leakage after sealing all accessible leaks using smoke test = _ CFM 3 Initial leakage _ - Final leakage _ = Leakage reduction _ CFM ((Leakage reduction _ / Initial leakage _) x 100% _ % Reduction Pass if % Reduction > 60% C Pass ❑ Fail Option 4 used then: 4 All accessible leaks repaired using smoke. HERS rater must verify (No sampling). No smoke allowed to leak from system. Including ducts, plenums, air handler and door panel. Pass if all accessible leaks have been repaired using smoke r: Pass r-; Fail Reg: 211-A0047453C-M21000012-M21A Registration Date/Time: 2011/11/23 20:42:16 HERS Provider: CalCERTS, Inc. 2008 Residential Compliance Forms March 2010 INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE CF-6R-MECH-2I-HERS Duct Leakage Test - Existing Duct System (Page 2 of 2) Site Address: 52025 AVENIDA HERRERA, La Quinta CA 92253 (System Enforcement Agency: Permit Number: 1) City of La Quinta 11-839 0 0l1t-;.4o air (OA) d- .' V E be RAI Y' - aAleaks) 0 New 2 M. leaf =' =an Integrated (CFI) ventilation systems, shall not be sealed/taped off ucts that utilize controlled motorized dampers, that open only when OA E Standard 62.2, and close when OA ventilation is not required, may - nq duct leakage testing. mliance Ape w DIL . I cei , i„er penalty cot ;aws of the State of California, the information provided on this form is true and correct. . I am eligible under Divisio,�±� - s and Professions Code to accept responsibility for construction, or an authorized representative of the person ..> j:? i "-`. construction (responsible person). w u: . I certify that the Installed feats. k is, components, or manufactured devices identified on this certificate (the installation) conforms to all applicable codes a..-.ations, and the installation is consistent with the plans and specifications approved by the enforcement agency. . I understand that a HERS rater will check the installation to verify compliance, and that that if such checking identifies defects, I am required to take corrective action at my expense. I understand that Energy Commission and HERS provider representatives will also perform quality assurance checking of installations, including those approved as part of a sample group but not checked by a HERS rater, and if those installations fail to meet the requirements of such quality assurance checking, the required corrective action and additional checking/testing of other installations in that HERS sample group will be performed at my expense. . I reviewed a copy of the Certificate of Compliance (CF -111) form approved by the enforcement agency that identifies the specific requirements for the installation. I certify that the requirements detailed on the CF -111 that apply to the installation have been met. . I will ensure that a completed, signed copy of this Installation Certificate shall be posted, or made available with the building permit(s) issued for the building, and made available to the enforcement agency for all applicable inspections. I understand that a signed copy of this Installation Certificate is required to be included with the documentation the builder provides to the building owner at occupancy. I will ensure that all Installation Certificates will come from a HERS provider data registry for multiple orientation alternatives, and beginning October 1, 2010, for all low-rise residential buildings. Company Name: (Installing Subcontractor or General Contractor or Builder/Owner) D C S HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING INC Responsible Person's Name: Responsible Person's Signature: Sara Hart Sara Hart CSLB License: Date Signed: Position With Company (Title): 595145 8/5/2011 Is this installation monitored by a Third Party Quality Name of TPQCP (if applicable): Control Program (TPQCP)? ❑ Yes ❑ No Reg: 211-A0047453C-M2100001B-0000 Registration Date/Time: 2011/11/22 13:38:30 HERS Provider: CalCERTS, Inc. 2008 Residential Compliance Forms March 2010 INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE* CF-6R-MECH-25-HERS Refrigerant Charge Verification - Standard Measurement Procedure (Page 1 of 5) Site Address: Enforcement Agency: Permit Number: 52025 AVENIDA HERRERA, La Quinta CA 92253 City of La Quinta 11-839 Note: If installation of a Charge Indicator Display (CID) is utilized as an alternative to refrigerant charge verification for compliance, a MECH-24 Certificate (instead of this MECH-25 Certificate) should be used to demonstrate compliance with the refrigerant charge verification requirement. TMAH and STMS are not required for compliance, when a CID is utilized for compliance. As many as 4 systems in the dwelling can be documented for compliance using this form. Attach an additional form(s) for any additional systems in the dwelling as applicable. Temperature Measurement Access Holes (TMAH) and Saturation Temperature Measurement Sensors (STMS) Procedures for installing TMAH are specified in Reference Residential Appendix RA3.2. If refrigerant charge verification is required for compliance, TMAH are also required for compliance. STMS are only required for completely new or replacement space -conditioning systems that utilize prescriptive compliance method. TMAH - Access Holes in Supply and Return Plenums of Air Handler System Name or Identification/Tag System 1 System Location or Area Served Whole House 1 2 Yes O No s/16 inch (8 mm) access hole upstream of evaporative coil in the return plenum and eled according to Figure in Section RA3. 2 Yes r r 5 inch (8 mm) access hole downstream of evaporative coil in the supply plenum labeled according to Figure in Section RA3. Ye.- �, i;µ J Enter Pass or Faill ✓ Pi Pass I ✓ ❑ Fail : L STMS - Sensor on the CL I Reg: 211-A0047453C-M2500001B-0000 Registration Date/Time: 2011/11/22 13:38:41 HERS Provider: CalCERTS, Inc. 2008 Residential Compliance Forms August 2009 INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE CF-6R-MECH-25-HERS Refrigerant Charge Verification - Standard Measurement Procedure (Page 3 of 5) Site Address: Enforcement Agency: Permit Number: 52025 AVENIDA HERRERA, La Quinta CA 92253 1 City of La Quinti 11-839 Minimum Airflow Reauirement Temperature Split Method Calculations for determining Minimum Airflow Requirement for Refrigerant Charge Verification. The temperature split method is specified in Reference Residential Appendix RA3.2. System Name or Identification/Tag System 1 Calculate: Actual Temperature Split = Treturn, 26.00 db - Tsuppfy, db Target Superheat from Table RA3.2-2 using Target Temperature Split from Table RA3.2-3 Treturn, wb and Tcondenser, db using Treturn, wb and Treturn, db 24.2 Calculate difference: Actual Temperature Split - 1.8 Target Temperature Split = System passes if difference is between -50F and Passes if difference is between -3°F and +3°F or, +5°F upon remeasurement, if between -3°F and PASS -100°F Enter Pass or Fail Note: Temperature Split Met' -:x" is tion is not necessary if actual Cooling Coil Airflow is verified using one of the airflow measurementrocs . ` `,{-; -d in Reference Residential Appendix ppendix RA3.3. If actual cooling coil airflow is measured, the value mu^.." greater than the Calculated Minimum Airflow Requirement in the table below. e •.,- -.:;<;s:;; ani �'` Ci :`� '"` : ant (CFM) = Nominal Cooling Capacity (ton) X 300 (cfm/ton) Systl Calcula�; Meas Pass eq F, ' re,.,:.,. ,z . or Fail Superheat Charge Met.'_ is for Refrigerant Charge Verification. This procedure is required to be used for fixed orifice metering & x;:.' System Name or Identification/,.' System i Calculate: Actual Superheat = Tsuction - Tevaporator, sat Target Superheat from Table RA3.2-2 using Treturn, wb and Tcondenser, db Calculate difference: Actual Superheat - Target Superheat = System passes if difference is between -50F and +5°F Enter Pass or Fail Reg: 211-A0047453C-M2500001B-0000 Registration Date/Time: 2011/11/22 13:38:41 HERS Provider: CalCERTS, Inc. 2008 Residential Compliance Forms August 2009 INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE CF-6R-MECH-25-HERS Refrigerant Charge Verification - Standard Measurement Procedure (Page 2 of 5) Site Address: Enforcement Agency: Permit Number: 52025 AVENIDA HERRERA, La Quinta CA 92253 1 City of La Quinta 11-839 Standard Charge Measurement Procedure (for use if outdoor air dry-bulb is above 55°F) Procedures for determining Refrigerant Charge using the Standard Charge Measurement Procedure are available in Reference Residential Appendix RA3.2. As many as 4 systems in the dwelling can be documented for compliance using this form. Attach an additional form(s) for any additional systems in the dwelling as applicable. • The system should be installed and charged in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications before starting this procedure. • The system must meet minimum airflow requirements as prerequisite for a valid refrigerant charge test. • If outdoor air dry-bulb is 55°F or below, the installer must use the Alternate Charge Measurement Procedure. Space Conditioninq Svstems System Name or Identification/Tag System 1 System Location or Area Served Whole House Outdoor Unit Serial # 8254WO31109627 Outdoor Unit Make RUUD Outdoor Unit Model RGP507HAMER Nominal Cooling Capacity Btu/',r Date of Verification.,: 38300 8/5/11 ca 4: Dz. Date Measui System Supp' tem; Re' to -� RE. temPl. _ i return, Evaporator saturation tem,,,.;: (Tevaporator, sat) Condensor saturation temperatutQ (Tcondensor, sat) Suction line temperature (Tsuction) Liquid Line Temperature (Tliquid) Condenser (entering) air dry-bulb temperature (Tcondenser, db) 86 62.5 49 117 69 110 107 8/1/11 (must be re -calibrated monthly) :r "onthly) Reg: 211-A0047453C-M2500001B-0000 Registration Date/Time: 2011/11/22 13:38:41 HERS Provider: CalCERTS, Inc. 2006 Residential Compliance Forms August 2009 INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE CF-6R-MECH-25-HERS Refrigerant Charge Verification - Standard Measurement Procedure (Page 4 of 5) Site Address: Enforcement Agency: Permit Number: 52025 AVENIDA HERRERA, La Quinta CA 92253 1 City of La Quinta 11-839 Subcooling Charge Method Calculations for Refrigerant Charge Verification. This procedure is required to be used for thermostatic expansion valve (TXV) and electronic expansion valve (EXV) systems. System Name or Identification/Tag System 1 Calculate: Actual Subcooling = 7.0 Tcondenser, sat - Tliquid Target Subcooling specified by manufacturer 7 Calculate difference: 0 Actual Subcooling - Target Subcooling = System passes if difference is between -3°F and +3°F PASS Enter Pass or Fail Metering Device Calculations for Refrigerant Charge Verification. This thermostatic expansion valve (TXV) and electronic expansion valve (EXV) sya System Name or Identification/T-,. System 1 Calculate: Actual Superheat Tsuction - Tevaporator, 20.0 Ent m •i, 4-25 bra 'L SPI Sys' allow. A 7-1 required to be Reg: 211-A0047453C-M2500001B-0000 Registration Date/Time: 2011/11/22 13:38:41 HERS Provider: CalCERTS, Inc. 2006 Residential Compliance Forms August 2009 INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE CF-6R-MECH-25-HERS Refrigerant Charge Verification - Standard Measurement Procedure (Page 5 of 5) Site Address: Enforcement Agency: Permit Number: 52025 AVENIDA HERRERA, La Quinta CA 92253 1 City of La Quinta 11-839 Standard Charge Measurement Summary: System shall pass both refrigerant charge criteria, metering device criteria (if applicable), and minimum cooling coil airflow criteria based on measurements taken concurrently during system operation. If corrective actions were taken, all applicable verification criteria must be re -measured and/or recalculated. System Name or Identification/Tag System 1 CSLB License: Date Signed: Position With Company (Title): System meets all refrigerant charge and airflow 8/5/2011 Is this installation monitored by a Third Party Quality Name of TPQCP (if applicable): requirements. PASS Enter Pass or Fail f aws of the State of California, the information provided on this form is true and correct. I am eligible under Di iws1» u, s, , sand Professions Code to accept responsibility for construction, or an authorized representative of the perso " + construction (responsible person). . I certify that the installed fea. " % a� ,. s, components, or manufactured devices identified on this certificate (the installation) conforms to all applicable codes Alons, and the installation is consistent with the plans and specifications approved by the enforcement agency. . I understand that a HERS rater will check the installation to verify compliance, and that that if such checking identifies defects, I am required to take corrective action at my expense. I understand that Energy Commission and HERS provider representatives will also perform quality assurance checking of installations, including those approved as part of a sample group but not checked by a HERS rater, and if those installations fail to meet the requirements of such quality assurance checking, the required corrective action and additional checking/testing of other installations in that HERS sample group will be performed at my expense. . I reviewed a copy of the Certificate of Compliance (CF -1R) form approved by the enforcement agency that identifies the specific requirements for the installation. I certify that the requirements detailed on the CF -1R that apply to the installation have been met. . I will ensure that a completed, signed copy of this Installation Certificate shall be posted, or made available with the building permit(s) issued for the building, and made available to the enforcement agency for all applicable inspections. I understand that a signed copy of this Installation Certificate is required to be included with the documentation the builder provides to the building owner at occupancy. I will ensure that all Installation Certificates will come from a HERS provider data registry for multiple orientation alternatives, and beginning October 1, 2010, for all low-rise residential buildings. Company Name: (Installing Subcontractor or General Contractor or Builder/Owner) D C S HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING INC Responsible Person's Name: Responsible Person's Signature: Sara Hart Sara Hart CSLB License: Date Signed: Position With Company (Title): 595145 8/5/2011 Is this installation monitored by a Third Party Quality Name of TPQCP (if applicable): Control Program (TPQCP)? ❑ Yes ❑ No Reg: 211-A0047453C-N2500001B-0000 Registration Date/Time: 2011/11/22 13:38:41 HERS Provider: CalCERTS, Inc. 2008 Residential Compliance Forms August 2009 Dear Homeowner, We want to thank you again for your patronage and loyalty with our company. It is now time to schedule for an Air Conditioning Inspection with your City. It is important to have this done as quickly as possible to get the permit closed. If your unit is located in the attic or on the roof you will need to provide a ladder for the city inspector. Enclosed in this packet is your IID application, the permit card and the required forms needed by the city to close your permit. I have enclosed and highlighted your IID application. Please sign where indicated. You will need to contact the city directly to schedule the inspection of your HVAC as soon as possible. It is important to do this quickly so that you can submit your application in a timely manner, since there are time limits on the rebate request. Once you have the permit signed off by the city, you will need to make a copy of it and attach it to your rebate application and submit it directly to IID in the enclosed addressed envelope provided. Once your application has been submitted to IID, you can expect your rebate in approximately 4-6 weeks. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, DCS Sales Department