06-4349 (BLCK)ti P.O. BOX 1504 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 �I. Application Number: Property Address: APN: Application description: Property Zoning: Application valuation: Applicant: ,004306 0 -0 49 52960 LATROBE~LN 770-340-023- - WALL/FENCE LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL 6096 Architect or Engineer: LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION BUILDING & SAFETY DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMIT 1 I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professionals Code, and my License is in full force and effect. License Class: 597267 LicenseNo.: B-C27-C53-AC23 rDate:,� 10a Contractor: OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the Contractor's State License Law for the following reason (Sec. 7031.5, Business and Professions Code: Any city or county that requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish, or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for the permit to file a signed statement that he or she is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's State License Law (Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code) or that he or she is exempt therefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars ($500).: ( 1 I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does the work himself or herself through his or her own employees, provided that the improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner -builder will have the burden of proving that he or she did not build or improve for the purpose of sale.). 1 _ 1 I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who contracts for the projects with a contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractors' State License Law.). 1 _ 1 I am exempt under Sec. , B.&P.C. for this reason Date: Owner: CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued (Sec. 3097, Civ. C.). Lender's Name: _ Lender's Address: LQPERMIT VOICE (760) 777-7012 FAX (760) 777-7011 INSPECTIONS (760) 777-7153 Date: 12/21/06 Owner: CHARLIE NATHAN f 52960 LATROBE LANE LA QUINTA, CA 92253 O O = N Contractor: CALIFORNIA LANDSCAPE & LU 0 273 N. BENSON AVENUE C3 91L UPLAND, CA 91786 (909)949-1601 Lic. No.: B-C27-C53-AC2 11 DESIGN ------------------ WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: _ I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for workers' compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. have and will maintain workers' compensation insurance, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My workers' compensation _ insurance carrier and policy number are: Carrier REDWOOD INS Policy Number W6433665 I certify that, in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the workers' compensation laws of California, and agree that, if I should become subject to the workers' compensation provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code, I shall forthwith comply with those provisions. r Date: Applicant: WARNING: FAILURE TO SECURE WORKERS'. COMPENSATION COVERAGE IS UNLAWFUL, AND SHALL SUBJECT AN EMPLOYER TO CRIMINAL PENALTIES AND CIVIL FINES UP TO ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS 1$100,000). IN ADDITION TO THE COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN SECTION 3706 OF THE LABOR CODE, INTEREST, AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. APPLICANT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT IMPORTANT Application is hereby made to the Director of Building and Safety for a permit subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth on this application. 1. Each person upon whose behalf this application is made, each person at whose request and for whose benefit work is performed under or pursuant to any permit issued as a result of this application, the owner, and the applicant, each agrees to, and shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City of La Quinta, its officers, agents and employees for any act or omission related to the work being performed under or following issuance of this permit. 2. Any permit issued as a result of this application becomes null and void if work is not commenced within 180 days from date of issuance of such permit, or cessation of work for 180 days will subject permit to cancellation. I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relating to building construction, and hereby authorize representatives of this county to enter upon the above-mentioned property for inspection purposes. Date: � �� OGSignaure (Applicant or Agent): Application Number 06.-00004349 . <• Permit WALL/FENCE PERMIT - Additional desc . Permit Fee . . . . 90.00 Plan Check Fee .00 j Issue Date Valuation • 6096 ' Expiration Date 6/19/07 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 45.00 5.00 9.0000 THOU BLDG 2,001-25,000 45.00 _ - --------------------------------------------------------------- Special Notes'and.Comments 230 LF 6' BLOCK WALL/16 LF 5' BLOCK ' WALL/COURTESY INSPECTION OF 50 LF 2' RETAINING WALL. ALL PER CITY STANDARD.' Fee summary Charged Paid Credited ----------------------------------------------- Due ---------- Permit Fee -Total 90.,00 .00 .00 90.00 Plan Check Total .00 .00 .00 .00 Grand Total 90.00 .00 .00 90.00 LQPERMIT Bin # City of La Quinta Building a Safety Division P.O. Box 1504, 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 - (760) 777-7012 Building Permit Application and Tracking Sheet Permit # • Project Address:' 2 3 A. P. Number: Tra 2 S Owner's Name: .� �1d f 2 U a Address: •Trac dl oyes 2 Legal Description: Contractor: ror 4. D.415i City,'ST, Zip: a Telephone; Address: Project Description: City; ST, Zip: U t �k L.F. 41 Tall Teiephon . Q _ I ` I Tat[ Binck. 1 State Lic. # : 6 City Lic. #: Arch., Engr., Designer: / J� Address: City, ST, Zip: Telephone: State Lic. #: Construction Type: Occupancy: Project type (circle one): New Add'n Alter Repair Demo Name of Contact Person: Sq. Ft #Stories: #Units: Telephone # of Contact Person: Estimated Value of Project: APPLICANT: DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS UNE # Submittal Req'd .. Ree'd TRACIMG PERMIT FEES Plan Sets Pian Check submitted Item Amount Structural Calcs. Reviewed, readyfor•'• 'Erections Plan Check Deposit. Truss Cales. Called Contact.Persoh" Plan Check Balance Energy Calcs. Plans picked by Construction Flood plain plan Plans resubmitted Mechanical Grading.plsn V Review, ready for corrections/issue Electrical Subcontactor List Called Contact Person Plumbing Grant Deed Plans picked up S.M.I. H.O.A. Approval Plans resubmitted Grading IN HOUSE:- 3AReview, ready for.corrections/issue Developer Impact Fee Planning Approval Called Contact Person A.I.P.P. Pub. Wks. Appr "Date of permit issue School Fees Total Permit Fees September 15, 2006 -3- 1997 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE INFORMATION Project No. 544-06682 06-09-914 The International Conference of Building Officials 1997 Uniform Building Code contains substantial revisions and additions to the earthquake engineering section in Chapter 16. Concepts contained in the code that will be relevant to construction of the proposed structure are summarized below. Ground shaking is expected to be the primary hazard most likely to affect the site, based upon proximity, to significant faults capable of generating large earthquakes. Major fault zones considered to be most likely to create strong ground shaking at the site are listed below. Fault Zone Approximate Distance •From Site Fault Type (1997 UBC) San Andreas 12.0 km A Based on our field observations and understanding of local geologic conditions, the soil profile type judged applicable to this -site is Su, generally described as stiff or dense soil. The site is located within UBC Seismic Zone 4. The following table presents additional coefficients and factors relevant to seismic mitigation for new construction upon adoption of the 1997 code. t Sladden Engineering Near -Source Near -Source Seismic Seismic Seismic Acceleration Velocity Coefficient Coefficient Source Factor, Na Factor, Nv Ca C� San Andreas 1.0 • 1.12 0.44 Na 0.64 N� t Sladden Engineering RECORDING REQUESTED BY. SOUfTiLAND TITLE . INLAND EMPIRB (Tule) AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: Clunes Wan Escrow No-, INW14S A.P.N.: T70 -W4234 T" 1. [SOC " 2005-0809266 09/30/200s 08:004 F40:30.ee Page 1 of 2 Doc T Tax Paid Recorded in Official Rtcords County of rtiveraltla Larry U. Ward Aswssor, County Clark & Reoorder MMUS D14-1 THE UNDERSIGNED GRANTORA DECLARE(S) DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX IS $693.00 , [XI computed on full value of property conveyed, or 3 ( computed on full value less value of [lens or encumbrances remaining at lime of sale. ( j unincorporated area ( X ] Olty of La Quinia FOR A VALUABLE. receipt of which is hereby Wltnowledged, David M. Young and Barbara J. Young, TnWeas of the pavid M. Young and Barbara J. Young Living Trust dated March 5.1997 hereby GRANT(S) to Front Nine Investments, LLC, a Washington Limited Liability Company tete following described real property In.Me County of Riverside, State of Califomla Lot 23 of Tract No. 28397,1n lila City of La QuInta, County of Riverside, Slate of Caufomia, as per map moorded In Book 278, Pages) 69 through 78 of Miscellaneous Maps, In the office of the County RecoNer of said County. Dated: December 24, 2004 STATE OF CAUEOR COUNTY OF i ) SS. r.lbefore me aP pato forja Xf4 i3614 Co�nly end5'tate, person4ky parsonegy known to me (or prayed to me -on the basis or satlsfeaory evtdenca) aro be the persons) whose names) Ware subscribed to the wtd in instrument and acknowledged to me that helsheMey wwarted the same In histherlthelr authorized capaclty([es) and that by !tlsfiedthelr sianature(s) on the inStNmard the person(*] or the entity upon behatf of which the person(s), sued, executed the instrument WETNESS my hand and viii al —17 Signeturn , S;gn ure Notery David M. Yoking and Barbara J. Young, Trustees of the David M. Young and Barbara J. Young Living Trust dated March 5, 199'7 L OUNTER0 CMpmt aloe • 1425872 elotflty YubYc : C041060 Rh�e2d. 004* MY Gomm Jut 2Z 2007 (This area for omciw noury sash MNL TAX STATEMENTS AS DIRECTED ABOVE ILLEGIBLE NOTARY SEAL DECLARATION GOVERNMENT CODE 27361,7 I CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT THE NOTARY SEAL ON THE DOCUMENT WHICH THIS STATEMENT IS ATTACHED, READS AS FOLLOWS: NAME OF NOTARY: COUNTY WHERE BOND IS FILES: !1^SiC, DATE COMMISSION EXPIRES; , 4�0-,;25 - ` f2 PLACE OFF EXECUTION OF THIS DECLARATION: SAN BERNARDINO GATE: „ 9 - COMMISSION NUMBER: SOUTHL.A D TITLE JENN LIS TITLE SISTANT Section G- Energy Efficiency ( 2005 California Energy Code): 1. See Window Schedule Sheet # 23 for added fenestration number correction on window letter K. Section K- Miscellaneous Comments: 1. Red marked plans have been corrected and revised. 2. A copy has been provided of the grant deed. Sincerely, Richard C. Holden, Architect P.O. Box 1504 ' LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92247-1504 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 September 13, 2006 Mr. Charles Nathan BUILDING & SAFETY DEPARTMENT (760)777-7012 FAX (760) 777-7011 RE: Plan Review Extension Request — 52960 Latrobe Lane Dear Mr. Nathan: I have reviewed your fax dated. 9/12/06, requesting a time extension for the Plan Review of the single family residence at the above address submitted under Application number 05-4714. Plan review status: Original application date: .10/21/05 180 -day expiration date: 4/19/06 180 -day extension date: 10/16/06 Under the provisions of California Building Code Section 107.4, your request is hereby granted., Because the Building Code specifies that "no application shall be extended more than once," please be advised that unless a building permit for this project is issued on or before Monday, October 16, 2006, your application will expire automatically. Yni ire tri ihi Greg Butler Building & Safety Manager Nathan Const Inc 4257717105 09/12/06 07:21pm P: 002 Mr. Greg Butler City of La Quinta Building Department 9/12/2006 Mr. Butler: I respectfully request a one time extension on my building permit # 05-4719. The architectural review process was very lengthy and I live in Seattl.e which made it difficult for me to stay on top of things: I would appreciate your assistance with this matter and will be picking up the permit shortly. _ Thank You Z') . Charle6 Nathan f CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Desert Sands Unified School District 47950 Dune Palms Road Q BERMUDA DUNES O RANCHO MIRAGE Date 9/13/06 La Quinta, CA 92253INDIAN WELLS No. 28897 (760) 771-8515 �DESERT � F LA LM QUOTA �y ��INa y� 0 Owner Nathan Construction APN # 770-340-023 Address Jurisdiction La Quinta City Zip Permit # Tract # Study Area Type Single Family Residence No. of Units 1 Lot # No. Street Unit 1 52960 Latrobe Lane Unit 2 Unit 3 , Unit 4 Unit 5 Comments S.F. 4480 Unit 6 Unit 7 Unit 8 Unit 9 Unit 10 Lot # No. Street S.F. At the present time, the Desert Sands Unified School District does not collect fees on garages/carports, covered patios/walkways, residential additions under 5 00 square feet, detached accessory structures (spaces that do not contain facilities for living, sleeping, cooking, eating or sanitation) or replacement mobile ho mes. It has been determined that the above-named owner is exempt from paying school fees at this time due to the following reason: EXEMPTION NOT APPLICABLE This certifies that school facility fees imposed pursuant to Education Code Section 17620 and Government Code 65995 Et Seq. in the amount of $2.63 X 4,480 S.F. or $11,782.40 have been paid for the property listed above and that building permits and/or Certificates of Occupancy for this square footage in this proposed project may now be issued. Fees Paid By OC/Washington Mutual Bank - Charles Nathan Check No. 854378526 Name on the check Telephone By Dr. Doris Wilson Superintendent Fee collec, Signature Funding Residential Payment Recd $11,782.40 tomer/Ubder !4 _' NOTICE: Pursuant to Government Code Section 66020(d)(1), this Will serve to notify you that the 90 -day approval period in which you may protest the fees o r other payment identified above will begin to run from the date on which the building or installation permit for this project is issued, or from the date on which those amounts are paid to the District(s) or to another public entity authorized to collect them on the District('s) behalf, whichever is earlier. NOTICE: This Document NOT VALID if Duplicated Embossed Original - Building Department/Applicant Copy - Applicant/Receipt Copy - Accounting