12-0990 (SOTB)P.O. BOX 1504 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 Application Number: 12-00000990 Property Address: 47120 DUNE PALMS RD S.TE A APN: 600-020-010- - - Appiieation description: STRUCTURES OTHER THAN BUILDINGS Property Zoning: REGIONAL COMMERCIAL Application valuation: 6000 Applicant: Architect or Engineer: pip BUILDING & SAFETY DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMIT LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of.perjury that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter (commencing with Section7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professionals Code, and my Licenswisdn full force and effect. Llcena I CI sa: D42 C45 License No.: 830131 ate:?1 Z. orltraator• OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of.perjury that I am exempt from the Contractor's State License Lew for the following reason (Sec. 7031.5, Business`end.Professions Code: Any'clty or county that requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish, or repair any structure, prior to Its Issuance, also requires the applicant for the permit to file a signed statement that he'.or she is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's•State License Law (Chapter 9 lcommencing with Section 7000) of;Division-ZofI the Businessand.Professions Code) or that he orsheis exempt therefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any -applicant -fora permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more thawfive hundred dollars ($5001:: 1 _ 1 I, as owner of the property, or my employees With wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is notintended;or'offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code. The Contractors' State License Law does novapply to an owner of propertywho builds or improves thereon, and.who does the work himself or herself through his or her own employees, provided that the improvements are not,intended or .offered for sale: If, however, the building'or improvement is sold within one°year of completion, the owner -builder will have the burden_of proving that he or she did not build or Improve for the purpose of sale.). (_ 1 I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct, the project (Sec. 7044; Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of propertywho.bwilds or improves thereon; and who contracts for the projects with a contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractors' State License Law.). (_ 1 I am exempt under Sec. , B.AP.C. for this reason Date: Owner: CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm under peneity of perjury that there is.a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued (Sec. 3097, Civ. -C.). Lender's Name: Lender's. Address: LQPERMIT Owner: WOOD PATRICIA B/JACKSON B PO BOX 1764 LA QUINTA, CA 92247 Contractor: SIGNARAMA 4.1945 BOARDWALK, "L" PALM DESERT, CA 92211 (760)776-9907 Lia. No.: 830131 VOICE (760) 777-7012 FAX (760) 777-7011 INSPECTIONS (760),717-71 53 Date: 8/30/12. iD Q � AUG 31 Z012 CIN OF LA QUINTA FINANCE DEPS: WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty, of perjury one of the following declarations: _ I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to seif4nsure for workers' compensation, as.provided foi'by Section 3700 of the,Lebor Code,,for the performance of themorkJor which this permit.is, Issued: I have and will maintain workers' compensation insurance, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the. performance of•the work for which this permit Is issued. My workers' compensation 1nsurance,carrier and policy numbenars: Carrier HARTFORD CO Policy Number 19860,7 I certify that, in the performance of the work for which this permit'is issued, I, shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the workers' compensation laws -of California; and agree that, If I should, become' subject to the workers,' compensation provisions of Section )3700 of the. Labor Coda�1shalllfforthwith comply, with those provisions. Z/Ay�^,,' Gam' WARNING: FAILUR TE O SECURE WORKERS' COMPENSATION COVERAGE IS UNLAWFUL, AND SHALL SUBJECT AN EMPLOYER TO CRIMINAL.PENALTIES AND CIVIL FINES UP TO ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($100,000). IN ADDITION TO THE COST OF -COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN SECTION 3708 OF THE LABOR CODE, INTEREST, AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. APPLICANT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT IMPORTANT Application is hereby made.to the Director of Building and. Safety for a permit subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth on this application. 1. Each person upon whose behalf this• application is made, each.person at whose requesvend.for whose benefit work is performed under or pursuant to any permit issued as a result of this application, the owner, and the applicant, each agrees to, and shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the.City of La'Qulnta, its officers,agents and employees for any act or omisslon,relate-d to the work being performed under or following issuance of this permit. 2. Any permit Issued as a result of this application' becomes null and void if work is not commenced Within 180 days. from date of Issuance of such permit, or cessation of'work, for 180 days will subject. permit to cancellation. I certify that Lhave read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply with.all city and county ordinances and`state laws relating to buliding,construction„and hereby authorize representatives of this �col ty to eenter upon theabove-mentioned property for Inspection purposes. ate: 1i I Sire (Applicant or Agem): _ IF T Application Number . . 12-00000990 PermitBUILDING _PERMIT Additional•desc . Permit Fee . . . . 81.00 Plan Check Fee 52.65 Issue Date Valuation . . . . 6000 Expiration Date . . 2/26/13 Qty Unit Charge Per. Extension BASE FEE 45.00 4.00 9.0000 THOU BLDG 2,,001-25,,000 36.00 ------------------------------------------ Special Notes and Comments (1) MONUMENT SIGN PER SA_# 2012-1627 "-DUNE PALMS PLAZA" 2010 .CODES & APPROVED ENGINEERING. ---------------- ------- Other Fees . --------------------------------------- - . . . . . . BLDG STDS ADMIN (SB1.4173) 1.00 ENERGY REVIEW FEE 5.27 HOURLY PLAN CHECK 70.00 STRONG MOTION (SMT) - COM 1.26 Fee summary ----------------- Charged Paid Credited - -- - ---------- ----------- ---------- ----------- pue Permit Fee Total Permit .00 ..00 21.00 Plan Check Total 52;.65 .00 .-00 .52.65 Other Fee Total. 77.53 .00 .00 77.53 Grand Total 211.18 :0:0 ..00 211.18; LQPFJLM r X a/30 )qgo. City of La Quinta R 'Wing a Safety Divisionui 1504, 78-495 Calle Tampico La QL#nta, CA 92253 - (760) 777-7012 Building Permit Application and Tracking Sheet Permit #PO.Box A00 1****k I Project Address:#7/.7_ 0 -;,7 f3 �M Rj, �_'q '3 wner'sNimc:-P-1— A. P. Number: 3ES A Address:<'17 1;-?-o-,D t4,z, f -I Lr n Legal Description- C C (A City; ST, Zip: of Contractor: AT,Icphori( - /� Address: Z//—,Tv Sr 5 '6 " I- ') " C.1 � _ Project Description:. L -57 CityST. Zip- ry"_ 'T 5" Tcleph '7 d 7 -7 IL State Lic.'# 970 Cit) Lic. #:I) ro"Y ,Arch., Engr-. Designer: Address: jf2 City. ST, Zip- 7 0-1ka1mv-t. Telephone: Construction Type: Occupancy: State Lic. 0: Project type (circle,one): New Add'n Alter Repair Demo Name of Contact Person: Sq. Ft.: 0 Stories: # Units - k Telephone # of Contact Person: stimatod Value, of Project: 0 &000 APPLICANT.- DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE _'??tAtA # Submittal Req'd Ree'd ;Cjry 7-". PERMIT FEES Plan Sets V Plan Check submitted Item Amount Structural Cates. 'r correct Reiriewed. ready for correc*K272 Plan Check Deposit Plan Tress Calm Called Contact Person Plan Check Balance Tide 14 Cales. Plans picked up Construction Flood plain plan Plans resubmitted Mechanical Grading plan 2" Review. ready for correctionstissue Electrical Subcontactor List Called Contact Person Plumbing Grant Deed Plans'picked up S.M.I. H.O.A. Approval Plansresubmitted Grading IN HOUSE:- ' Review. ready for correctionslissue Developer Impact Fee Planning Approval Called Contact Person A.I.P.P. Pub. Wks. Appr Date o(permit issue School Fees Total Permit Fees a/30 )qgo. Certificate of Compliance q7 - i90 No,�. �JeVi5 Location of Sign t�y taovr a+ Phase of Sign Construction islQ,W Signs This Certificate of Compliance includes the O Mandatory Measures (Lighting Controls) 13 Indoor Signs O Sign Alterations wing components (check all that apply; ❑ Maximum Allowed Lighting Power (Page I of 4 SU Date: C ❑ Not O Specific Lighting Sources 4C 1. Certificate of Compliance Declaration Statement (this may be a CIO. C45 or other eligible person) 1 certify under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the State of California. the information provided on this form is true and correct. 1 am eligible under Division 3 of the California Business and Professions Code to accept responsibility for the lighting design. This Certificate of Compliance identifies the lighting features and performance specifications required for compliance with Title 24, Parts I and 6 of the California Code of Regulations. • The design features represented on this Certificate of Compliance are consistent with the information provided to document this design on the other applicable compliance forms. worksheets, calculations, plans and specifications submitted to the enforcement agency for approval with this building permit appl's Name: rr-4 / Signature Company : f, Phone 7GO1776 - )Y 77 Address: License number (may be wmtrwgx's. lie i1) Citylstatelzip: q � Dart of rv+ _ , Z. Installation Certificate to be,siresponsible person after insmilation) Permit number Csedtred bwMwie (Pnfa.oema t Abaci Ufe I lFa A. 11. i Installation Declaration staten1kent • 1 certify under penalty of perjury. under the laws of the State of California. the information provided on this form is true and correct. • 1 am eligible under Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code to accept responsibility for construction, or an authorized representative of the person responsible for construction. • 1 certify that the installed features, materials, components, or manufactured devices identified on this certificate conforms to a applicable codes and regulations, and the installation is consistent with the plans and specifications approved by the enforcement agency. a I certify that the requirements detailed on this Certificate of Compliance have been met. • 1 will ensure that a completed, signed copy of this Installation Certificate shall be posted. or made available with the building permit(s) issued for the building, and made available to the enforcement agency for all applicable inspections.-, I understand that a signed copy of this Installation Certificate is required to be included with the documentation the builder ptovidt to the building owner at occupancy. Company Name: Responsible Person's Responsible Petscm`s S' ka License number (may be contractor's litff — 1 7�/ igned: Position With C ny: -J� P 2008 Nonresidential Compliance Forms July 2010 Certificate of Compliance (Sign ghti Project Name: ! (Aco,rv_ Pa e 2 of 4) SLTGiC D*iel-A, 3. Mandatory Sign Lighting Controls ,VOTES. 1. The Mandatory Measures (sign lighting controls) are required for compliance With 11re .sign lighting Srmrdordr,. The sable responsible person may in -Trull both the sigrt and life .sign lighting controls. or o different responsible person rmnr-r��:tht •sign lighting controls than the responsible person insralling the sign, 2 if the person responsible for installing the sign is nor also responsible for the sign lighting controls. then rite o►snrr of the sign• g 3. enrral contractor• or architect shall be responsible ro have the sign lighting aorrtrola installed. if ►"ore than one person has respornibility for c rtmpliance, each Person shall re u►rJ an lnsroilurian Compliance Crrrifrcate applicable to the portion of c»rrsrction for which they or, r trponsi and sign a leaclrte e tar Wd the Person with chief responsibility for constt'ltction Shull prrpare crud sign the Cerrifrcate of Compliance Dtciarativ►r �tptensent or the entire consiniction. 3a. Statements of Responselbiiety; - - -- The rson si in the CertiltSale of iro linnet Declaration Ste 1 I have responsibility for installing the sign lighting controls ❑ Yes, com lete mrts 3a and 3b of this form 2 Then: are no existing sign lighting controls and 1 will be inst2 ❑ Ycs There are no existing sign lighting controls and someone eO�Nlse 3 ❑Yes There are existingsignli No 4 installing compliant sign light lighting controls do not cornp[y w 13 Yes There arc existing sign lighting controls that do not comply w 5 will be responsible to install compliant sign lighting controls ❑ Yes es or No for all of the lete Dart 3a of this form ! u i-- g compliant sign lighting controls I be responsible to install compliant sign lighting controls the applicable provision of § 119 and § i3�willbe the applicable provision of § 119 and § 133 and satitro e 3b. Mandatory Sign Lighting Controls - The person signing the Certificate of Compliance Declaration Statement shall answer all of the follow n con[rouirernents. ` owing questions if they are or ca I in with the si li ti resnsible fl If there are construction documents, indicate where on the building plans the �,a: mandato measures si I tin control note block can be located: I a 133(a)1, All ierdaar sign lighting is controlled with an automatic time switch control that complies with the Y N NA a licable r uirements of I 19. §l33(a)l and 2. A!1 outdoor sign lighting is controlled with an automatic time switch control plus a photo yF� .N 2 control or an outdoor SWrnttotnicaI time switch, that co —'-.with the a livable r switch R!E c ntrs of I a NA Exception to §133(a)2. Outdoor signs is tunnels or large, en areas that require illumination Burin � ❑ da 1i ht hours. 8 Y NA 9133(a)3. All outdoor signs are controlled with a dimmer that provides the ability to automatically reduce Y❑N 10 sin wet b a tninimtlrrf of 65 [rent durin nighttime hours, NA Exception I to §133(a)3. Signs illuminated for less than one hour ❑ ❑ 3 Exception I. toOutdoor signsg Per day during daylight hours. Y da li t hours. in tunnels or large covered areas that require illumination during 0 N Exception to §133(a)3. Only metal halide, hi A illurninatin si or arts of si s Kit pressure sodium, cold cathode, or neon lamps used for ❑ §133(a)4. An I;fertronic message Y NA g Center (EMC) having a new connected lighting power load r ,� 15 kW has a control installed capable of reducing the lighting power by a minimum of 30 greater than 4 reccivin a demand res si percent when Y N n[Iq al utili, Exception to §i33(a�. EMC required y health or life safety statue, ordinance. or regulation. but not limited to exit si ns and traffic si ❑ Field Ins eK n, including Y NA ocelot Notes: 2008 NonresiJential Compliance perms July 2010 Certificate of Compliance Sin Lighting) (Page 3 of 4 SLYG---X C Project Name: Date- 4. Maximum Allowed Li htin Power Method of Compliance Certificate of Compliance and Field Inspection Energy Checklist Complete this part if there are sigma using the maximum allowed lighting power method of compliance. (Co*gtC Dast.5 of this Certificate of Com liance if there are silzris using the Specific liFhtinF,sources method of compliance A B C D E I F G H I J Allowed Watts Design Complies'? Wass Y / N u H --Field U .. 0 w .-• a v Inspector o 'o .�i`'�. u '' ^ �-' 3 3 u. 3 x b s 6$ y w Check that Sign E S _s cr � u �qc � i3 N ; .� �.; 6�i Gi 3. _ rn a u. _ .Complies M 11 w Q - T-- ro, CAL � 9. � � ►���-t z s 9 S 0 1 g 1 Y ❑ �- 0 a A -,rn" or code usad on the clans when plans arerequired) and uther docursrents 8 A narrative deserilton of the sian, or location of si on the buRdin • and the location Ofsign on construction documents. OPT F[7NAL -Check this box only if this sign has a prnnanent, pre-printed, factory -installed label, listed with Underwriters Lsbixat". (UL) or Other testing laboratory accredited by the National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP) or International Standards Orginization (ISO) 17025 in accordance with ISOIIEC 17o I l with the products produced under an ongoing inspect;ion pogram r C carried out by a Type A inspection body in accordance with ISO/IEC 17D20, confirming that the sign complies with the Section 1 i r of she Califomin 2003 Title Z4, Part 5 Standards. using the Maximum Allowed Lighting Power method of compliance. For signs with such a label, columns 'b' through 'i' are reset required to be failed Out. Note; lasing a label is an optional method to validate compliance_ A label is not needed for cm liance. D The si asra in square Feet. E List "r if the si is internall illuminated. List "E" if the sign is cmernally illuminated F Allowed watts r uare foot. Eater 12 if the si is fisted as "I" in column E_ Enter 2.3 if sigm is listed as •'E" in column E. G Mullin[ the I usre foots a in column D times the allowed Li hun Power Densi LI'p =watts in column F. H Show the total installed watts in the si , as determined according to the mpplivable visions of I 13 d or e . t Enter. Y if the number in column H is Icss than or zeal to the number in column G. Otherwise, the si n does not cum J This a doubles as a field ins rive checklist. iefd Inspector Notes: 2008 Nonresidential Contplianee Forms " ' r July 2010 .-4—_ Certificate of Colm fiance (Sign Lighting) Pa e 4 of 4 SLTGIC Pru}ect Name: /I-- Daw S. Speciflc Lilehtina Source Method of Compliance Certificate of Compliance and Field Inspection Energy Checklist Complete this part if there are signs using the Specific lighting source method of compliance. (Complete part 4 of this Certificate of Cam fiance if there arc signs usin& the maximurn allowed lighting wer method of co fiance A B C OPTIONAL D E UL Symbol or other Specific light source used for Fie_ Inspector or Description [abet compliance Shall include only lighting bk-k that Code instructions instructions technologies listed below C Wow) List all that apply :.. Ve (AL I� _ lI�L G�avr.ct �-c_�i�. .,,. L C-�. D O O iA t 1] O _� or EnC sr . or foeation of si on the buiktin • and rile location of si vsr coitsttvCtiort dpswrtents C QP iIQIIAL - Ctxck this box only if MIS sign has a permanent, erred, f (UL) or other testing laboratory accredited ' ' Amy -installed Label, listed with Underwrtetn:t.a3o3�iioe Standards by the National Voluntary I-aixxatory Accreditation Program (NVLAPI or lnternationel Organization (ISO] 17025 in accordance with I3QrlEC 17011 with the cazned out by a Type A inspecrion b in product, produced sip under li s with a Section 48 atam body accardance with 1St71TEC 17Q20, cvnlzrmirrg rlssr this sign complies with the Section 1+t8 ofthe California 2008 Title 24. Part 6 Standards, using the Specific Lighting Source Method of Compliance. For signs with such a label; caluinn 't]' is not luired to be filled out Note: IJsin V a label is MrItlotionall method to vslidaft ComPliance. A label is not needed for corn Barrie. Specific Light Source Corrrpliance Method The signs) identified above use only the following lighting teclrnaiogies: Liu all a iicable numbers { rhrvtz I ❑ that a I in column l3 above for each row. ...••••� ��« srneu ❑ a oanast with a 88% effiCienc 3 Pulse start metal halide lamps that are < 320 watts. are not 250 watt or 175 watt lamps and are served by a ballast _ with ? 80% efficienc 4 Neon rr cold cathodt tarn s with transformer or wt r su i S Neon or cold cathode lamps with transformer or wer su 1 efficient _ 8�f with r /9with ated Dafted t uitcturcntt? 50 mA 0 Fiuorescrnt lamps with a mimmurn c� olor rrndering index (CRt] of 80 Note: when usin cicctrorric ballasts far Ctitrl 1ianCc, 1 with a CRI < $t] Tian be used Li t etnitiin diodes LEDs .with a power su I with Sin IC VOI — 80°/a eftiCtenC g tage LED external power supplier designed to convert 120 volt AC input into lower voltage DC or AC 8 output. having a nameplate output power less than or equal to 250 watts, and certified to the Energy com i in whit the iicable r uirements of the Appliance Efficienc Re ulations Title 20 Commission as 9 Coln ct fluorescent larrl s that do not contain a medium screw base sockets E241E26 10 Electronic ballasts with a fundamental out ut F uenc > - This t doubles as a Field instsection checklist_ — 24 kHz eid Inspector Notes - 2008 Nonresidential Compliance Forms July 2010 P.O: BOx 1.504 LA QUINTA;,, CALIFORNIA 92247-1504 7'8=4:95 CALLE TAMPLCO LA .Q'UI'NTA, ,CAL1F_6'RNIA 922".53' August 21, 2012 Mr. Bill Sigurdsen Sign -a -Rama 41--945 Boardwalk, Suite ,L Palm Desert, CA 92211 (760) 777-7000 FAX (760) 777-7101 SURaECT: SIGN PERMIT APPLicATfON 20121627: DUNE PALMS PLAZA MONUMENT SIGN ALONG DUNE PALMS ROAD Dear' Mr. Sigurdsen: The Planning. Department has reviewed and approved your request to install one monument sign along Dune PalmsRoad for the Dune Palms. Plaza, located at ,47-120 Dune Palms Road. The approval of the monument sign is subject to the following Conditions: 1, This sign permit grants one monument sign, to be placed along Dune Palms Road for Dune 'Palms Plaza., The sign shall be located'a minimum of five (5) feet out of the public right-of-way, or a seventeen (17) feet from back-of=curb along Dune Palms Road'. The sign shall be a minimum' -of thirty-five (35) feet south of the driveway entrance along . Dune. Palms Road. The sign shall be double -sided, internally illuminated, and shall be oriented perpendicular to Dune Palms Road. 2. The monument sign shall match the existing monument sign for the center, located. along Highway 11.1. The monument sign shall not exceed a- maximum height. of 94.5 inches, and shall' have 'a maximum of five (5) tenant panel signs, the largest of which shall not exceed a maximum height of twenty-six (26) inches. The top of .the sign shall include an architectural element with the center's name. 3.. The applicant shall obtain a building Department prior to placement of the can be reached at (760) 777-7012. permit from the City's Building and Safety signs. The Building and Safety Department Should you have any questions or need additional iinformation please feel free to contact me at (760) 777-7125. Sincerely, gIC CEJJA Assistan C: Building & Safety Department; 172'' FLAT'CUT ALUMINUM LETTERS 80.25" 12.0" INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED DOUBLE SIDED MONUMENT ALUMINUM w/TEXCOAT FINISH COLORS TO MATCH EXISTING MONUMENT TENANT PANELS WHITE ACRYLIC 30.5" q0 Sign Description: Frontage:_ Linear Feet Customer: Telephone: 760-564-720 INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED ENCORE Consign Design Studio DOUBLE SIDED MONUMENT 9 9 Fax: 760 XXX XXXX ALUMINUM w/TEXCOAT FINISH Address: COLORS TO MATCH EXISTING MONUMENT 47120 Dune Palm Rd. Suite A TENANT PANELS WHITE ACRYLIC Total Signage 52.7 S -F: La Quinta, CA. 02153 ELEVATION Contractor's LIC # 830131 C45, C61/D42 Dwg. No. 55068 Rev.: 1 SIGN*A*RAMA. 41-945 Boardwalk, Ste. L Workers Comp. # 1938807 Date: 08-08-12 Palm Desert CA. 92211 City LIC. #97005491 Designer: JT - PH 760-776-9907 • FX 760-776-9844 Jobsite: Same 4r' Location .:...-�...� APPROV D Y PLANNING DE A_II gWomer t- DATE YOUR SIGNATURE ACKNOWLEDGES FULL APPROVAL OF DESIGN CONTENT AND LAYOUT, RELEASING SIGN'A'RAMA FROM'RESPONSIBILITY IN REGARD TO INCORRECT DESIGN AND INFORMATION. THE COLORS SHOWN ARE ONLY REPRESENTATIVE OF ACTUAL. PMS COLOR CALL OUTS.. FINAL COLOR WILL BE MATCHED AS. CLOSE AS POSSIBLE, COMMENSURATE WITH. MATERIALS USED. THIS DESIGN IS PROPRIETARY PROPERTY AND MAY NOT'BE USED WITHOUT THE E)CPRESSED WRITTEN CONSENT OF SIGN•A*RAMA. It _ TENANT 26.0"X 59.0" TENANT 18.0"X 59:0" TENANT 7.75"X 59.0" TENANT 7.75"X 59.0" TENANT 7.75"X 59:0" 80.25" 12.0" INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED DOUBLE SIDED MONUMENT ALUMINUM w/TEXCOAT FINISH COLORS TO MATCH EXISTING MONUMENT TENANT PANELS WHITE ACRYLIC 30.5" q0 Sign Description: Frontage:_ Linear Feet Customer: Telephone: 760-564-720 INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED ENCORE Consign Design Studio DOUBLE SIDED MONUMENT 9 9 Fax: 760 XXX XXXX ALUMINUM w/TEXCOAT FINISH Address: COLORS TO MATCH EXISTING MONUMENT 47120 Dune Palm Rd. Suite A TENANT PANELS WHITE ACRYLIC Total Signage 52.7 S -F: La Quinta, CA. 02153 ELEVATION Contractor's LIC # 830131 C45, C61/D42 Dwg. No. 55068 Rev.: 1 SIGN*A*RAMA. 41-945 Boardwalk, Ste. L Workers Comp. # 1938807 Date: 08-08-12 Palm Desert CA. 92211 City LIC. #97005491 Designer: JT - PH 760-776-9907 • FX 760-776-9844 Jobsite: Same 4r' Location .:...-�...� APPROV D Y PLANNING DE A_II gWomer t- DATE YOUR SIGNATURE ACKNOWLEDGES FULL APPROVAL OF DESIGN CONTENT AND LAYOUT, RELEASING SIGN'A'RAMA FROM'RESPONSIBILITY IN REGARD TO INCORRECT DESIGN AND INFORMATION. THE COLORS SHOWN ARE ONLY REPRESENTATIVE OF ACTUAL. PMS COLOR CALL OUTS.. FINAL COLOR WILL BE MATCHED AS. CLOSE AS POSSIBLE, COMMENSURATE WITH. MATERIALS USED. THIS DESIGN IS PROPRIETARY PROPERTY AND MAY NOT'BE USED WITHOUT THE E)CPRESSED WRITTEN CONSENT OF SIGN•A*RAMA. It