0306-431 (RC)LICENSED CONTRACTOR DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that i am licensed under provisions of H Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and N W Professionals Code, and my License is in full force and effect. O License # Lic. Class Exp. Date d In LLIJ 464856 B HPC 10/31/2( Z r— Date Signature of Contractor �O 0• ~ J U OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION H WW I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the Contractor's ct) License Law for the following reason, Z ( ) I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business & Professionals. Code). ( ) I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business & Professionals Code). . c'') O I am exempt under Section , B&P,C. for this reason to N Date Signature of Owner O rn d Z WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION rIt o Q � I hereby affirm. under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: , � �-; p O 1 have and will. maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for workers' X W LL compensation, as provided for by Section 3760 of the Labor Code, for the mJ Q performance of°the work forwhich this permit,is Issued. Q I have and will maintain workers' compensation Insurance, as required by O I n Q Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the pedomlance of the work for which this Il Z permit Is issued. My workers' compensation insurance carrier & policy no. are: Z Carrier STATE.FUND Policy No. 1613446-1003 Ci g (This section need not be completed,if the permit valuation is for$100.00 or less), ( ) I certify that In the performance of the work for which this permit is Issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as `to become,subject to the workers' compensation laws of Califomia, and agree that if 1 should become 3 subject to the workers' compensation provisions of Section. 3700 of the Labor Code, I shall forthwith comply with those provisions. Date: Applicant Warning: Failure to secure Workers' Compensation coverage is "unlawful and shall subject an, employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to $100,000, in addition to the cost of compensation, damages as provided for in Section 3706 of the Labor Code, interest and attorney's fees. IMPORTANT Application is hereby made. to the Director of Building and Safety for a permit subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth on his application. 1. Each person upon'whose. behalf this application is made & each person at whose request and for whose benefit work is performed under or pursuant to any permYissued as a result of this applicaton; agrees to, &shall, indemnify & hold harmless the City of La Quinta, its officers, agents and employees. 2. Any permit issued as a result of this application becomes null and void 'If work is not commenced within 180 days from date, of issuance of such permit, or cessation of work for 180days will subject permit to cancellation. I certify that'I have read this application and state that the above information is • correct. I agree to comply with all City, and State laws relating to the building construction; and hereby authorize representatives of this City to enter upon the above-mentioned property for inspection purposes. Signature (Owner/Agent) Date BUILDING PERMIT PERMIT# • 0306431 DATE VALUATION MAW= LOT TRACT JOB SITE APN ADDRESS 47-120 DUM PALM RO" STE = - - OWNER CONTRACTOR / DESIGNER / EN 1NEER DUNE PALMS PLAZA LLC ULTRA CONSTRUCTION P.O. BOX 7250 ' 3065 F. VERONARD NEWPORT BEACH CA 92658 PALM SPRINGS CA 92262 (760)320-2113 CBL# TBD USE OF PERMIT 10010MCIAL REMODEL 5000 it TENANT'IMPROVEMENT FOR BEAUTY COLLEOV1934 OCCUPANCY,2001 CBC VALUATION 77.400..00 LS XSTBIATED COST OF CONS LWCTTOM 77 400.00 PERD=FEE SUMMARY PLAN CHECK FSE 101.000-439.318 $35.1133 CONSTRUCTION FEE 10.1-000-418-000 $540.50 ELECTRICAL FSE 101-000.420-000 $34.00 STRONO MOTION FEE • COMM 100-000-241-000 $16.15 SUB -TOTAL CONSTRUCTION AND PLAN OEM $942.08 LESS PRE-PAIDYM $0,00 TOTAL PE 0nT TEES DUs NOW $942DO RECEIPT DATE BY DATE FINA LED INSPECTOR I P.O. Box 1504 78-495 CA'LLE TAM.PICO LA QUINTA,, 'CALIFORNIA 92253 June 5, 2003 f W MT : V)DI + 130 (7'60) 777-7000 FAX (T60) 777-7101 Mr. Eric Merten Top of the Line Signs 74882 Joni Drive Palm Desert, CA 92260 . 1X* P6V6 goo, Sam GIF SUBJECT: Sign Application 2003-705 - ID Sign fo ne Palms Road #5 The Pool Store - Dune Palms Plaza Dear Mr. Merten: In regards to the above subject, this Department has approved your request to install two business identification signs, as shown on Exhibits A and B, approved copies of which are enclosed. This approval. is subject to the following conditions: 1. The applicant is responsible* for proper sign maintenance and compliance with other general sign standards as set forth in the City's sign code, Section 9.160.030, as well as procuring any required building permit. 2. The sign shall be established within one year:, commencing 06/05/03, which shall constitute the date of approval for this sign. 3. Installation, design, maintenance and removal of the sign shall conform to the standards set forth in Chapter 9.160 of the Zoning Code, pertaining to permanent signs. During our review, it was determined that this proposal constitutes two signs, which are permitted in the sign program for Dune Palms Plaza when two or more contiguous suites are leased under the same business. Should you have any questions regarding this information, ,please do not hesitate to .call me at 760-777=7069: Very truly yours, JERRY HERMAN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR - Wallace Nesbit Associate Planner WN/wn Enclosure c: Mr. Bart Rinker Building and Safety Department Code Compliance Usted sign section. NEC 600-3. Depth Consists of insulating boots, varies insulating sleeves, plastic face,. tube supports and channel letter. Suitable for damp, wet or outdoor locations unless marked for dry or indoor locations only. Tube su000rt Neon tube. Spacings maintained per spacing table. Electrode imulating boot, GT6 insulating sleeve provided with sign. Drain holes B used in damp, wet or outdoor locations. WWI varies In thirimess and material Listing marks:. Lb" mark sign section label shall be on each letter and trttrisby ► enclosure. Thelirst blank spaco ideriUfies the number of each to sectim. The second blank'spooe indicates the total number of sign setions. Fasteners as required by the local jurisdiction. Primary electrical source NEC 600-5. Listed disconnect switch in primary to - be within sight (maximum 50 h.) of sign. (Many interpret transformer enclosure to be part of sign.) NEC 110 -Nb), 600.6: Listed flex (metal shown) and listed GTO cable (secondary aids only). See dwg CB and C7 for delta ll requtremenb. For nonmetallic we dwg CBA and M. Seal building penetration(s) to comply with applicable building code requirements. LISTED _ by qualified electrical testing laboratory ELECTRIC SIGN SECTION NO. XX -123456 [�of= Spacings maintained per spubv table. r SPACING TABLE A Betweeninstdatedhigh vollagewiringandt)pimarywirigand2)dead me1a1wheredead metal isp ralelstheftighvoltagewiringformorethan length. B. Between noon tubingandneauestsurfaoe. C. Between uninsulatedhghvoltageperlsandl)dead Metal and2)instllati hghwltageorsuppyiconductors. D. BeNyeerttminadatedhigttvOAppaf4sandl)otheruttiwAdoladhigh vdtagepartsand2)urtinsulatedauppyandlowvt bWparts. Wta4e _ A 1 B C D 10013to5000 16ich 1/41nch 3/41nch t inch 50O1to10000 3J4inch 1/41nch 1-1/8indt 1-1/2inch 10001115000 11nch 1/4 inch 1-1121nch 2" Listed sign section (consists of transformer and encl)sure) a dwile for damp wet or outdoor locations unless madod for dry or indoor locations only. Acomlible. NEC 600-3, WD -5(c)(1)(2), 600-7.60D-6. M9(d), 600.218 M23. Gmwxled enclosure. _ by local jurisdiction. @ Reso O Planning Commission O City Council PCommunity Dev. Dept. o Initials Case No.. .9 p3--yor Exhibit A IVith Conditions Installation o— f signs listed per UL48 Note: Installation requirements only. Manufacturing requirements contained in UL48. r— N right remved. No w d 06 wrk ooveed by M copyright trereen may be n «used'n any khan « by any nheerhs - tFapHe, NxboNc, «nndnrical, irht�dirp phot000prQhg. ��. dW^o. «inbnr�tion norape 0-M nebieyat tgrstetre . wipput wrift pe+missiorh d the PhhbBshK e�ept Iver sanpls copies d lid vldtaal --- payers msy be made by a bona fide limp' ' sgn estsisfion loin lorthe eob pupose Of providirq yui farce on ft inoffatim Of ebehieal signs or aline figh ft without No pemdssim of ft puftlw ILLUMINATED CHANNEL LETTER INSULATING BOOT AND SLEEVE - Date: April 1996 Scale IAEl UL48-TIO None owg. No. ?S .5µ.,u.. ,.. Approved bv: O Planning Commission O City Council t Community Dev. Dept, Initials 6 Case No. LA 03 100 r j Exhibit A Awith Conditions h.._ t %3• 1 Aft'oftL SPR OF THE LIRt'' Produced for 43 'bo 3 41 . a8 8 Z 4 Designed by:: Pate: Fax 341.0580 Estimated Price Final Price 14.882 joni Di #5 Palm Mert to 92253 Customer signature Reso # I JUL- Z-03 WH �3:04 PM RIT CO, FIR'E FLE INDIO Tom Tisdato Fire 6f 101 .Proudly serving the uninooepot'e!W Areas of Riwoide Catmty and the Cidcs,of: ins 0 Beaunuxit Calimesa Canyon Ake 0 Cbmftlla Desert 1 tot -1 Indian Wellr Indio 4 Lake Elakwe 0 La Quina Moreno Valley Palin Desert 4 Perris 4 Rancho kGragc O San Jacinto Tonecall'a. Bo,vd of Supervisors Bob Busted, District 1 John Tevaghone, District 2' JinrVenWC, Dir'VkO Roy Wilson, District A M* ion Asb1cy, T)iilrict 1 FAX 1-0. 1 760 H,3, 7072 P. I RIVERSIDE COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT In cooperation .with the C'altfornia Department of 4,0evq and Fire Proreciian 210 en iwinto Avenue. Pems, oma: 0.Fnxi(Wg) 94_0-6910 J my 02, 2003 City of La Quints Building Department Re:, Fire and Life Safety Clearance LAQ-03-TI-021 The Riverside County Fire Department is grantinp a fire and life safety clearance for th'a Following project, Pool Spa Store located a -O- nes Palm rd: La Quints City. FRANK°KAWASAKI Chief Fire Department Planner By nQ o Terry D ucy U3,—, Fire Systems Inspectors EMEMENCY SERVICES DIVISION • PW` NING:SEC QN i 1NDI0'OFFICE 82-675 H16way I I i, 3"' FI., Indio, Gi 92101 • (760) 863.8886 9 Fax (760) 963-7077