04-3643 (BLCK)E'l ER ..K)i F:w d 0 BUILDING &.SAFETY DEPARTMENT c .. P.O. BOX -1504 ' (760)77 7,7012 •�OF17 9 78-495 CALLS TANPICoFAX (760) 777-7011 LA Q.UINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 -I14SPECTION REQUESTS (760)-777-7153 BUILDING PERMIT .-Application Number 04-000036,43 Daae 4/21/04 Property Address ., 48655 RISENHOWER DR APN: 658-1.40-999- -29436 - Applic.ation description., WALL/FENCE Property Zoning.... LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL Application valuation .".. '56250 -Owner Contractor IVANHOE LA QUINTA COVE TRANS WEST HOUSING,'.INC.. C/O -R BARRY MCCOMIC_ '9.968 HIBERT STREET, STE,##102 -.19J.5*.-IVANHOE AVE .STE :550• : SAN DIEGO - " CA 921.3.1 LA-.JOLLA CA . 92037, J858) .65:3-3003• WCC STAT ; ,FUND, WC 1648.813, 10./:.0.1/04 CSLB:. -70103-9.*01/31/05 ' CM, ----- Permit WALL/FENCE ----------------- - - -- ----------- PERMIT Additional, clesc . Permit Fee-- 446.00 Plan Check Fee .00. Issue Date -Valuation 56250 Qty 'Unit Charge Per _• Extension BASE` FEE .: 414.50 1 7.00. 4. 5 0 0,0 -THOU. BLDG 50, 001-10.0, 0.00 31: 50 Fee.6ummary Charged- Paid Credited -Due -------=-------- --------- Permit Fee Total .446.00. ---------- ----------- - ------- .00 ..0-0. 446.00 Plan Check Total :00 0.0 .0.0 .00; •Grand -Total 446.00 .00 :04 446.00 E'l ER ..K)i F:w d 0 P.O. Box 1504 VOICE (760)'777-7.012 78-495 CALLS TAMPiCO FAX (7,60) 777-70,11 LA QUiNTA. CALIFORNIA.:92253 INSPECTIONS -(760)777 -?1'53 BUILDING & SAFETY DEPARTMENT Appiic:ation Number. 0 (c 41 Date: Appiicam AlchitM or Engi mw. Architect or Eng'Rleer s Address: Lic. No : BUILDING PERMIT DECLARATIONS Lic NSED CONTRACTOR'S DECWtATloli 1 hereby sibm under psneltyd perjury iter I air icensed aider provietois d Air 9 (w - cbm wkh SeaSai 7000) d DivWm 3 ditm 8uekresa'end Prdesdonsb LCode, aand my License i full lotus and erred. l Cissa � V • Cankscior OWNW-BUILDEIe DECLARATION 1 hereby alfirm penalty of perjury gel I am eoaenp *aro Ow Contracted' state Liwase Law lice the idin 9 reason (See. 7031A Business and ftlessions.Coft My oily a WU* #W free a pemil b eanelnrd. afar. kr*rW. demh 18" or any dPA*M i. price b.Na bawnea. also re*dm ve app6cai for its permit to an a signed trot he or ole b lip anesd pursuant b the prevtabrre of the CantraebW State License Law (ClepW 9 foo wnendm vAh SGCGM 7000) d•DiilWorh 3 d thesuakess and Pigdeasiore Code) cr that le orshsb a mmo Uwehom end Ye belie br Oe alopd araemptlon, Any viol = d Sec*w703t,5Ibyww applicant br a penA subjects Oe applicant lwa ddl penalty of not mere tim Svc hundred doNors (Mo t U 1, as owrer,d #w prapwy. crmy anployepa wNlh wapee as their tole ooniparh:MOM velli do Oe work, and Ore.sbu Were b not l In ad or elle a br nab (See. 7014. Business and Prdfesalae Code: The Ca*oc ore Stain Licowe Law does not apply b an wirer of prepertyvrho buHda or hnpr0i x tlmeac and olio does ft work timaslt oc tersella Ohragh hit or hsr own emrpbyess, pnevided Ghat Ifs ireprovsnheris are not krtendad or whined tar ade. M, h0v+eyer, trio bulidirhp atnngwvemerd Is sold hvgFirh ams year d oompletioe, the owner4 idldar.wdl have Ore burden d pm ft that he wr el did nd build or hap ave for its purposed tale.} U (, as Owner *(to properly. am errd nw*.wontranikhg vdlh ioerheed m hadors lb oo-0- -1 rte project (Sec. 7044.8winme and Prdesdm Coder The Cw*od W state Lioereetaw does mol epply b an owner of prepeAy who bndlds or:knproties iteieon, and who eoriradstor Mw ptojeds wfh s,oontractor(s) 6eenaad pimu" b. Oe ca acbre' Stets Lkw" Law. U I am ezemptundsr Sec . B,8 P.C. br itis reason Dab' Owner WORKERS' COMPENSATION DECLARATION l hereby affirm under, penalty of pe*n one of ft i awbw dedwa§= _ 1 have and vA maintain a oaO c ape d w0rro a I to aeMareue br wakes' comp m nonce- as provided tor. by Secdm 5700 d Oe Labor Cods. br Oe peRarmanoe of dw wakior wNeh this.. pem*'b bauod. _ 1 hwe and ne �� N nee. p requirad,by'SecOon 5700.d.Ihe Labor Code. t« lie peAormance d Ora oak br vrhidn Oarpemit b waber • _ lien. h4he paAonnanoe d Ohs oak br wtidh� step notemploy,any person► in any rrerhrher so as to baconre subject b 0e vrorkers' comp a 0ellan iewsdCaiiarria, and apse Oct. III dwmM beoemne subject b"wakoW conrperaatiom provisim of Sedion 3700 d the Labor Code. l alien t dbwllh.coi viv with Orose w viabns. LURE�TO.SECURE WORKEfiS' COMPENSATION COVERAGE IS UNLAWFUL. ANDSHALL SUBJECT AN, EMPLOYER TO CRIMINAL. PENALTIES AND ' TO ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($100MM. ADDITION TO THE COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN OF THE LABOR CODE INTEREST. AND ATTOMIEM FEES.. ' CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY Liraraby elRrnr► wader penalty d perjury Orel there >s a corebued0n larhdirg agarrey br la perfaemnoe dtM wakbr whi h *k pamN b baued (Sec. 3097. Civ. C:). APPLICANT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT PAPORTANT Appko§m b hereby nWo,to Ore Dheceor d. Building and Safely for e.pemdt subjed b t e oorhdibne and asaictions sel bethn thb oepplicallm_ 1. Eadr Person upon whose behat(Ois eppNeaUon k made, each parses► it uhne, request and for whose benaR vmck is pert0med under arpursuant b.arry Osman Issued as a result of itis eppBcatlon, its owner, and the epp6eand, each agrees b6 and sloe, defend. indemnity and`- iold7ernie" the City of La Oulrft Na dkers. saw is end wRia es 10r any actar ombslon related to the work being; pertan ed under atioomwing Issuer" d itis Pont* 2 Mfr perad issued as a resultd itis app'i9on bnoonres nw end void N wok k not comunenoad wtOin 184 days from dated iEauence of vein pemiL or cessall m m d work for 180 days will suliJeet b canoebadon. I cw* Oct tteve read Ons aWkMon end Stele V W't a above krbmhation boor. 1 egrae.m comply with ae city and amdyardrreno" and slate laws reletGnp,to bulidap and hereby au0edre reprvsee d tris Courcy b anter uportthe aboveanrx►tionad property for inspacfon Purposes ate (AppGcard or Agen*. CITY OF LA QUINTA PLAN CHECK CORRECTION LIST California Pools & Spas September 30, 2004 86-100 Ave 54 Coachella, CA 92236 PLAN CHECK NO. 04-6178 FINAL CHECK ADDRESS 48655 Eisenhower Dr OCCUPANCY U-1 SCOPE OF WORK Pool & Wall TYPE -OF -CONST. V -N The submitted plans and specifications have been reviewed by the VCA CODE GROUP. In our professional opinion the plans are in substantial conformance with thebuilding codes and regulations adopted by the CITY OF LA QUINTAand the State of California Amendment. APPROVAL FOR A BUILDING. PERMIT IS HEREBY RECOMMENDED SUBJECT'TO OBTAINING APPROVALS/CLEARANCES FROM ALL APPLICABLE. CITY DEPARTMENTS, AGENCIES, AND ASSOCIATIONS. Plans checked by: Neil Evans, PE VCA CODE GROUP 2200 W Orangewood Ave, Ste 155 Orange, CA 92868 (714) 363-4700 ext. 750 VCA File No. LQ -16735