04-4021 (DSF)BUILDING & SAFETY DEPARTMENT P.O. Box 1.504 (760),;777-7012 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO FAX (760) 777-7011 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 INSPECTION REQUESTS (760) '777-7153 BUILDING PERMIT Application Number . . . Property Address APN: Application description Property Zoning . . . . . Application valuation . 64 - GO GO 02.1 49130 EISENHOWER DR 658•--290-006-117 -000 DEMO - &INGLE FAMILY LOW DENSITY RESIDENT . 0 Date 5./10/04 e MAY 10 2004 Owner Contractor I FINANGCucri. MAZZELLA ANNE J EMERY LAND CLEARING & GRAD INC 4 E 64TH ST P.O. BOX 10'09 NEW YORK NY 10021 THERMAL CA 92274 (760) 391-5840 WCC: STATE FUND WC: 116532.004 04/12/05 CSLB: 600283 11/30/05 CCC: C21 Other struct info . . . . NUMBER OF UNITS 1.00 _Permit . . . . DEMO PERMIT Additional d_esc . Permit Fee . . . 45.00 Plan Check Fee .00 Issue Date . . . . Valuation . . . . 0 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 45.00 Special Notes and Comments DEMO OF SWIMMING POOL AND HOUSE TO BARE GROUND, INCLUDING SEPTIC ABANDONEMENT. Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due Permit Fee Total 45.'00 .00 .00 45.0.0 Plan Check Total .00 .00 .00 .00 Grand Total 45.00 .00 .00 45.00 P -O. BOX 1.504 � VOICE (760) 777-7012 Tur 78-493 CALLE TAMPICO FAX (760) 777-7011 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 INSPECTIONS (760) 777-7153 BUILDING & SAFETY DEPARTMENT Application Number: '024-770-v Date' -5 01'.' Applicant: Architect or ineer: Applicant's Mailing Address: Architect o En ineer's Address: Lic. No: BUILDING PERMIT DECLARATIONS LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I hereby affiim.under penalty of perjury'fhat I am lice�ed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professionals Code, and my License is in full force and effect. !0 I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am.exempt :from the ContrsctoW State License Law for the following reason (Sec, 7031,.6. Bushess and Prolessions`Code: Any city or county that requires a permit to construct, alter. Improve. demolish, or repair any structure, prior to its Issuance, also requires the applicant for the permit to file a signed statement that.he or she Is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractors` State License Law (Chapter 6 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Profeaslons Code) or that he or she is exempt thetefrom.and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant fora,psmdt subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars ($500)J - U, I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do.the work, and. the structure Is not lnkwwW or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions,Code: The Contractors' State License. Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon. and who: does the work himself or herself or through his or her own employees. provided that the improvements are not untended or offered for sale. if. however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion; the owner -builder will have the burden of proving that he or she did not build or improve for the purpose of sale.). U 1, as owner oftheproperty, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044; Business and.Pnofessions Code: The Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or -improves thereon, and who contracts for the projects with a contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractors' State License Law.). U 1 am exempt,under See. B.& P.C. for this reason Date � ,Owner . WORKERS' COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: _ I.he" and will maintain a_certificate of.consent to self4nsure for workers' compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of. the work for which this pernit'is issued. %7 1 have and will maintain workers' compensationiiosurance. as required by Section 3700 of Labe Code, for the performance of the work for vrhkh this gem* is tte last, - My workers' compensation insurance carrier polio rlymber are - Carrier. .S T^7-07�'r/.✓� Policy Number G _ I'cerfffy that, in the performance of the workfor which permit is°issued I not amployany person in any manner;so as to become subject to the workers' compensation laws of California, and agree that if I cold s to tie workers' compensation provisions ot:Section 3700 of the Labor Code,1 shall �j comply with those provisions: n� J li" I U l enrr�. f may • WARNING: FAILURE TO SECURE WORKERS' COMPENSATION COVERAGE IS UNLAWFUL, AND'6aALL SUBJECT AN EMPLOYER TO CRIMINAL PENALTIES AND CIVIL FiNES UP TO' ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($100,000), IN ADDITItNI TO THE COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES ASPROVIDED FOR IN SECTION 3706 OF THE LABOR CODE, INTEREST, AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm under penalty ofperj that there is a construction tion lending agency for ft performance of the work for which this permit to Issued,(Sec. 3097. CN. C.). Lenders Name Lenders Address APPLICANT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT IMPORTANT Application is hereby made to the Director of Building and Safety for a permit subject io the conditions and restrictions set forth"on alis application. I. - Each person uponwhose behalf this application is made. each parson at.wtose request -and for whose benefit worts is performed under or pursuant to any permit issued as a result of this application, the owner, and the applicant, each agrees to, and shall, defend. Indemnity, and hold harmless the City of Le CuiMa. Its officers, agents and employees for any act or omission related to the work being performed under or following issuance of this perryk 2 wiArty Permit issued as a result of this application becomes nuti.and if work is not commenced within 160 days from date of issuance of such pemrit, or cessation of work for 180 days will subject permit to cancellation. I certifythat l have read this_appiicabon and state that the above infomretion bV1 with all city and county ordinances and state laws relating to building oonsbuctio .and hereb�ylauthorize representatives of this countyto u toe ed forinspection purposes. Data (7 ` Signature (Applicant or Agerd)•_ 4/29/03 P.O. Box 1504 78-49'5 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 Ms. Anne J. Mazzella 49-130 Eisenhower Drive La Quinta, CA 92253 RE: 49-130 Eisenhower Drive Demolition Dear Ms. Anne J. Mazzella, BUILDING & SAFETY DEPARTMENT (760).777-7012 FAX (760) 777-7011 The unoccupied single family dwelling structure is determined to be in an unsafe condition. The rear patio is partially fallen and likely to fail or to become detached and collapse in high winds or earthquake in the condition observed. The structure is in such a condition as to constitute a public nuisance. This letter serves as notification for the immediate asbestos removal and demolition of the�single family dwelling due to unsafe conditions and site contamination. Please follow the following demolition requirements; • Submit an asbestos survey and demolition permit application to the Building Department Provide evidence of South Coast Air Quality Management District Notification (AQMD) Obtain Building Department demolition permit Submit asbestos removal documentation prior to Building Department final inspection. Please contact me at (760) 777-7027 for any questions and/or assistance. Thank you. Sincerely, 4anie/P.ra E r. Building Inspector II La Quinta Golf Estates Community Association Architectural Committee P.O. Box 553 La Quinta, CA 92253 (760) 564-0136 April 20, 2004 Mr. David Howard Cherokee Homes 73-180 Highway 11l Palm Desert, CA 92260 Dear Mr. Howard: The Architectural Committee for the La Quinta Golf Estates Community Association has reviewed your letter dazed April 19, 2004 outlining the,plans to demolish the structure, west property block wall, driveway, patios, and pool located at 49-130 Eisenhower Drive. This letter is to advise -you that we have approved them Please rememberthat the approval is for these plans only and if you make changes to your plans they will have to be resubmitted for approval. Yours truly, ' 'e D. Woods Architectural Committee !16/2004 FRI 11.08 FAI 12-122232040 clm properties inc •ta ""Mu�aEffiNOR AN, MIM 114COVOID PWI. MS ttEM AM UMZU CJI 'RW'= 'HOW SELOW, bUtL TAC STAT61 WMt3M Anne Y. MamBa 4, Fast 64th Street New York, NY 10021 A.p.N M-290-006.0 V03/005 DOG N 2000--466598 11/MW90 98':00A Fee.B,.00 PVW i of Z Cnc t TAN Paid Recorded in Official Records Catintty of Riverside Cary L. Ors* Assessor, County Clark i Raaerder 1111111 Jill 1111 W- I so1CA1M=,1wmIowI&W— TWO Order No. 20591634 Ztemw,or Loan No. IW1464WA GRANT DEED Imo; UMMMONI3D OLAMOR(g) D �) D0CU AJKY TRANSPBRTAX is S 330.00 Crry TAX 0 cvmPuw of &a value ofpfoPerty coaveyed, or p Wnfu don fnli value lass value of Hens of emunbmnces rcmoiuing at titae ofule, 0 UmncaapOMcd atca: Cityof 1Qlt3uta � caw FOR A VALUABLE CONM]U A710N bmvby wJmewl d F=4 0 Wife as Joint Tooam; ' mceipt of which '(lsac(y and Iarita U'Cuady Huabaad Y GLOUiiS) t0 A= L Matz & A Married woman; as Her Sots gad separa0e Property; *6 following _dc6mibed progeny, is the County of RIYBRSIDB. Stats of Calif or,a: Lot 114 and 117 OfTraat Map Book 37/9fr96_La.Qalnta Golf.gatases Ng., 98 in BMW mop recorded m Book 37, Pages 46.97 . and the CfRce Oftbo Ct»mty'llecorder of Riverside.Cmmiy. Dated: October:27, 2000 State of4l Vftim X.11— Of 11 SS. on ! ' � before am, a petsonau'y icrtown to'me (Or pied to are On the basis of ry evidcace) to bo the pason(t}'whose >sama(a) rales aubscaibcd to the wmdu kmmmet mod acbwMedgcd ov me that beJidwMky mcuted the iblm�suthotiaed tapadiy(iea}, and that by hial w E5����Ensftwnmnt mw the payem(s� or.the mdwupon a(i) ecttd. ax¢vvted the tnsftw» �r0 0 v,j�./ _ !' •t. l� .i i.11�,�*, et i e 1<alaq�iDtilwRain blraw dads ��itldt�! Mu—sm for tsfficid MALewma) TAX STAT09;N'TSt AS D� A$OVE X04/16/ ff0 FRI-,,.11:08 FAX 12122232040 c1m propetfi:8'49c' Louis Mazzella & Anne I Mazzella - - April 1612004 Cherokee Homes 73-180 Highway 111 Palm'Desert, CA 92260 Attn:,,Don How W 'Re. Demolition of Eisenhower Dr. House Dear Mr. Howard: This is a latta of authorization for your Company Cherokee Home to perform the demolition of the above-mentioned house. Yourfum b to demolish the house and cart It away, and then to grade and scod the lot after completion. If them is anything else that you may need please fool five to call me at either the California or the Florida numbers, d=k you, Very Truly YOUM Aare E LOU MaM41i @002/005 APR -15-04 09:53 AM CHEROKEE HOMES 7603410946 Cety of La Qu inta Developers PM -10 Approval Form P.01 Prior to the issuance of a Demolition permit for the project llsled below, Public Worb APPro>al must be obtained. Please return this form to the Building and Suety bepartment only 4ftrapproval. Project Address: — (3 ��rt �'l b uxe Applicant,Nameftone#: i Scope Of Work: To [hpit dust at this jobsite 1 will: Maintain Adequate Watering at. All Times. Prevent Trackout Tarp All Vehicles Removing Debris from Site �,a - ft—Vork in high Wind Conditions SVS Ftrip oalc To BE dvmP1�m) 1of x'-10 L(i'mluaec C��s -- go. 0 Publie Works Is Hereby granted: •4ry1 :G I 14 tt. SOUTH COAST AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT NOTIFICATION OF DEMOLITION .OR ASBESTOS REMOVAL (NAIL FORM AND FEE TO SCACMD. ASBESTOS NOTIFICATIONS. FILE # 59841. LOS ANGELES CA 90074.9641 T P At�NB'USE ONLY ski 61r . RCENED3 TMARK s t i BFERED1r b1EmFlcAnoN COMPLETED BY COMPANY EMERY LANDCLFA, RING PHONE 76Ml-5840 LORI EMERY V.P. AND GRADING, INC. DATE 51" CHECK # 1283 FEE $ 118.41, PROJECT # NOTIFICATION TYPE ORIGM REVOw DATB Rmm Ong (hWghq CANcaLAnoN PROJECT TYPE DEaa.moN Ogma Darolrrran. RENOVATM (lanov* EMERGENCY REMOVAL RANm RENO (ammo SITE INFORMATION SITE NAME SITE ADDRESS 49=130 EISENHOWER DRIVE CROSS STREET COACHELLA DRIVE CITY LA QUINTA STATE CALIF. ZIP .92263 COUNTY RIVERSIDE DESCRIBE WORK AND LOCATION DEMOLISH HOUSE LA QUINTA COUNTRY CLUB BUILDING SIZE (SQ FT) 1800 NUMBER OF FLOORS 1 BUILDING AGE ffARS) 20 NUMBER OF DWELLING UNITS 1 BLDG PRIOR/ PRESENT USE cm wmm HOsfAL IwDwTm 00m Owe Plmcam SMM SNP UMVrAU E SITE OWNER MS. ANNE J. MAZZELLA ADDRESS 49-130 EISENHOWER DRIVE: CITY LA QUINTA STATE CA ZIP 92253 CONTACT MR. DON HOWARD PHONE 7OV341-0920 REQUIRED BUILDING INFORMATION ASBESTOS YES NO I PRESENT? ASBESTOS YES NO SURVEY? ' ASBESTOS YES NO REMOVE`D7 BUILDING TO BE YES NO DEMOLISHED? PROJECT DATES START l 1 END, WORK SHI ng, nlgtM ASBESTOS AMOUNT TO BE LOVED (n square foo FRIABLE CLASS I CLASS II TOTAL AMOUNT (add MW) ASBESTOS REMOVAL FROM SURFACES PIPES COMPONENTS AMOUNT OF EACH TYPE OF ASBESTOS (m square" ACOUSTIC CEILING LINOLEUM INSULATION- FIREPROOFING DUCTING STUCCO � MASTIC FLOOR TILES (VAT) DRYWALL PIASTER TRANSITE ROOFING OTHER CONTRACTOR INFORMATION CSLB LICENSE# 600283 OSHA REG# AQMD ID # 100435 NAME EMERY LANDCLEARING AND GRADING, INC. ADDRESS P.O. BOX 1009 CITY THERMAL STATE CA ZIP 92274 SITE SUPVR JAMES C. EMERY PHONE 760x/749493 WASTE TRANSPORTER #1 LANDFILL ADDRESS ADDRESS CITY STATE FZI CITY STATE ZIP * Asbestos surveys are required oft to Demolition and Renovation .. SCAQMD NOPHCATION OF DEDOLATION OR ASBESTOS REMOVAL PUL FORM AND FEE TO SCAOMD, ASBESTOS NOTIFICATIONS, FILE # 59641, LOS ANGELES CA 9W745841 WASTE TRANSPORTER #2 WASTE'STORAGE SITE ADDRESS ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CITY STATE ZIP CONTROLS: DESCRIBE WORK PRACTICES AND CONTROLS TO BE USED AT THE RENOVATION AND: DEMOLITION SITE. Pmcedure # 1, 2, 3, 4, S cr Odw... For asbestos rarramis circle the coreft alum of Rude 1403 procedures used Procedure.4 and 5 submit plans fcr Atm Prior approval ASBESTOS DETECTION Pte: CIRCLE THE PROCEDURES AND ANALYTICAL METHODS USED TO DETERMINE ASBESTOS IN THE BUILDING: Srrm, Bulk Sarrmlma hlsper dm. PLM, PCM, TEM, Assrmed as Asbeslos-PALM, Describe Oftw- FOR ONC LITION$.GIVE THE COMPANY NAME AND DATES OF THE ASBESTOS REMOVAL BRICKLEY EWRONMENTAL I d FOR OROERED DEMOLITION SEND ACOPY OF THE ORDER AND GIVE THE AGENCY NAME & PHONE # CITY OF LA QUINTA 7OWM-7027 AUTHORIZING PERSON: MR. DANIEL P. CRAWFORD JR. TITLE BUILDING INSPECTOR I DATE OF ORDER: 4128104 DATE ORDERED TO BEGIN: Sl6(04 FOR ENStGENCY ASBESTOS"REMOVAL GIVE THE NAME MID S40W NUMBER OF THE PERSON DECW211GIAUTHORIZING THE EMERGENCY; DATE AND HOUR OF EMERGWY AND DESCRIBE THE SUDDEN, UNELECTED EVENT: PROCEDURE fly RiK2U.EY DIVIRONMENTAL EXPLAIN NOW THE. EVENT' WOULD CAUSE UNSAFE CONDITIONS, EWPM ENT DAMAGE OR,UNREASONABLF FINANCIAL BURDEN:' PATIO PARTIALLY FALLEN - UNSAFE CONDITIONS CONTINGENCY PLAN: DESCRIBE ACTIONS TO BE.FOLLOWED JF UNEXPECTED ASBESTOS IS FOUND DURING DEMOLITION OR ASBESTOS MATERIAL BECOME DISTURBED,, CRUMBLED, PULVERIZED, OR REDUCED TO POWDER STOP PROJECT,iHAVE cenrim ASBESTOS OVAL toNTRAO'TOR REMOVE AND DISPOSE OF. TRAINING CERTIFICATION: I cm* l 0 an k diMW trairred'tn the pmmelorm of reglMm AQMD Rude 1403 and NESH AP vAlf be on sited ft the removal and evWmm #ret the mg ed trai ft hes been a000rr byft pwm w61 befor irlspention during ra n busirs. abble rre� hou. Corrip" Name EMERY Pdrdrm, oromwhpoW Sigm- tune Tittle of omer4walor Dale6 UANDCLEARING AND .LORI EMERY GRADING, INC. VICE PRESIDENT INFORMATION CERTIFICATION: I oertitjrthat the stxxrearAm Mm is oomect u d I have orudased a stMdnneMs_ CwWM Name EMERY Print m ofamerkpwator of Time of aenerkperator Da LANDCLEARING AND LORI EMERY C ER r h GRADING, INC. V J V GR3 am,not be accepted wftm tie re*w tee (AQMD a 301). Admics'mmvals oQm flan 100 sqn s feet are exempt from mon and fees. Please make choft payable to-"SCAQMD'. Fees we perm, not mbxk bte, and vary wmr ft to #w project sim Fees are as fdlow. DEMOIITION.OR ASBESTOS REMOVAL PROCEDURE 4 OR 5 PLAN $ 33121 FROM 100 TO 1,000 SQUARE FEET $ 29.52 SPECIAL HANDLING FEE $28.17 FROM 1,001 TO 5,000 SQUARE FEET $ 90.24 REVISION OF NOTIFICATION $11.94 FROM 5,0011010,WD SQUAD FEET $211.22 RETURNED CHECK CHARGE $`29.28 MORE THAN 10,000 SQUARE FEET $33121 CANCELLATION OF NOTF=TION $ 0.0 DEMOLITION OF LESS THAN 100 SQ'FT $ 29.52 ASBESTOS REMOVAL AT omm $ 29.52 'MNL FORM AND FEE TO, SCACANX ASBESTOS NOTIFICATIONS, FILE # 55641, LOS ANGELES CA 900746641 Page 2 of 2 TELEPHONE: M 398.= FAX (909) 398,'1342 Form REV 20030827 FORMS, INSTRUCTIONS,.ANDTHE.RULE 1403 CAN BE OBTAINED FROMAQMD:WEBSITEAT HTTP://WWW.AQN4D.GOV ePAnUn I- • .a 71RM C f f Ja o Mkm rtionw%A Dor PA 047RC A1A7 10M% Q0R'X M z (D �Me LotjdCLOkrin� �(5pI1��1q�2?4 IS ------------------ - -------------------- FROM : BR I 6<LEY B#J I RONMEtvTAL FAY N0. : 909 3s31 3433 May. 04 2004 03: 36FM P_ 4 Environmental Remediation Contractor FAX COVER SHEET DATE: May 3, 2004 TIME: 2:08 PM TO: SOUTH COAST A. Q. M. D. PHONE: 909.398-3 9 ATTN: MOHAN NAGAVEDE FAX: 909-396-3342 FROM. KERI HEIL RE: PROCEDURE 5 ;NOTIFICATION MOHAN: ATTACHED IS A PROCEDURE 5 NOTIFICATION FOR YOUR REVIEW. WE WOULD LIKE TO START THE WORK SOMETIME THIS WEEK PENDING YOUR APPROVAL. ONCE APPROVED, BRICKLEY ENVIRONMENTAL WILL SUBMIT THE PROCEDURE 5 ALONG WITH THE SCAQMD NOTIFICAT ION FORM AND APPLICABLE FEES. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR NEED ANYTHING, FURTHER PRIOR TO ISSUING AN APPROVAL #, PLEASE CONTACT IAN GORDON OR MYSELF. THANK YOU. VHEIL ECT ADMINISTRATOR IF YOU HAVE DIFFICULTYREADING ANY OF THE FOLLOWING PAGES, OR HAVE ANY QUESTIONS REGARDING THIS TRANSMISSION, PLEASE CALL OUR OFFICE AS SOONAS POSSIBLE. Number of pages including cover sheer 4 857 W. Reece Street. San 9emardho, CA 92411., Uc. No. 610414 CAL/OSHA No, 49 909,888.2010 .800.530-3366 FAX 909.361-3433 ENVIRONMENTAL FAX N0: :;909.381.3433 May. 04 2034 03:36PM P3 09:5e 9Ql9g806628 PAGE,03 General Environmental, .3o, MW somCowAir Ckwov � AM., Mr., Mahan UNROVodu 2,1905f.. Copley Ddw DIanWd emr, CA:97765 fs Pr+duh 54t VOCIInt PmPerly County of Ahmi" 49130 E smheywsr Drive Lm tom, CA MO Dear Mr. Nago wu- VIS . to► h lMbnnpdon in compowm wkh ftb 14(1X01)(B)M. V" Mquest Your WOW. OoMmerb and .subsecpant approvml so ft pry may canmi ". Piaase na'I )UR %Wballlc so khat VA an tm tftftd ttpht away. Should yaa hM SOY qumft s. A1sW & $Kd hssbft ft e ct ins. 4. J � JohPaon. GettllW AsbW GEMS SwVkms Consultant. 92.0698 UOZ0 Arraw,Rcute, Suite 105, ftmho Cucsrnonpa, CA. 917. (100) 886-2589 0 Obx (W9)980-6628 ENUIRONMSJTAL FAX NO. :909 3E1 3433 May. 04 "2004 03:35PM P4 12147 9999806029 PAS 02 General Environmental ; Manavaement sir vie ma , PV=EDUR 5 APPLICATHM & I ORMATMN LCICATION: 5F -- i1Ml�C�li�iEGi CQUtt W QP R1nU DE am i. MVS" LA QUWA, C:A am 't . biStanr of std: The subject Slee is a single V" home IOCRW. In the La Quints 4Y olub d rent The aippr a sge of the home is 30 Yeem• The have is vacantfor dernoMon pulp • Somefte befteen ft dMO OOwpanbs v=DW !It@ dwMM atbco:a Month "o,WW 0* tUrte the dwnoMjon ortwty showed up, a Polon or pefmons unknOPPown Improperly f�DA1oV0d �t►' eR• fit. of roofing tlIe and aev+nnsly darti'wged to path cover resuftlng InirOpprco(e Esq. fL of e�ebean c orfthWq JIMstee to be red about the Z. - ; n apri a9, 2Ernilr � Occur at the stru�e wft esbalt rod by h t apk ' at &iddey merdsl, The inspection MM is veers verbally p Ph�OgraPhicaNy mportd fe GENA SeW4" (800 attaahed Rho�opnrphe). I'M ebtrature wn toured to bb It t6t at the marof fthouse. The ft for tie exr� br the prpo overttang A In a Oave in. Approx ° ha been rs�MMAd ep.1t of rooming % t coat oldatrved to be Win! around the khmeduft area. lira ff t 19 known to be asbestae �nialNng f rm a bulk sample SUN" analysie Provided by Soott morrkron and As®ociS�es (see Vii, 3. fton the cone petip ane Sewn is ePP=. 400 ma�flrtp fGIL Around the chlrnne and eve erbt Of W, maw which Is notd ,110 MO wM be 75 lira�etr R cmiundion with ft r Ing ieft debdL Contamkmftd wsebe +eili be double tiransparwit'g ni poly and pmpe* wim pm' aArtd 'v&be steed wfih f+Yd Wfan Eom number, ICOKI batob[I ooMainer. Ia6Yh gtfd transferrer! to a 84ided 4• ►ef-d I[Ubrlcthe work ie'to be pef ffrad by ftickley ConshuGtibn Ce., lnc. dba Brle�cfsy Ertvinur+mentatt, located at 957 gt,, 8®n Bamerdtno� ret 0.24Y 1. Thee: #81O414. Qxftd lbr t w rarttracr i$ Ian t�orrlsort. Phone 3 01$ fbx: #S"1-,433. The worn 11010 Arrow Routs, SufNe 105, Rancho Cucamonga, CA. 9,1730 (800) 886-2589 • FOX (909) 980-5828 ENVIRONMENTAL FAX NO. :909 361 3433 May. 04 2004 03:37Ft9 P5 89: ee 9899@85826 FAEE 0: TM Work WIII be pfd a8 fOftm: 1. Stene 0060o8 119136 and Pftftd algae around the j b Sm. Z. Workers vial MNlar'tYM011uU body ppm cgs "'W proW re PMW "ufpment, boots andppbvaa: 3. W piwit rmod ae .air =- am In pre wet axWeon at an WW raughout the worit area. All materials vNN be pr*4N* prlor t D placing he labeled "I polyethylanf baps for proper dlapopal. 4. Double bq or double wrap with "m polyehyiene. PMWIY I&W with 9WWWW number and transfer ib.laoioabla disposal 5, Wft mT and HERA vacuum all surfaces within the work or", G.E.M.Swig conduct final inspection *w vteibis 90cumuta bm of roon% felt *669 OW the abateRm t has been mnpbbd. T. Ono* the armis tow aPhis werl visuW slum not, w=prarlpbe au end s ulaoss In 00 WNW eros; MMM alt endleeefg embole and WN bang m. 014110OUL SITE: An" Land Reolameticn 1201 W. GbW tone /tmm, CA,91702 b Jasriph Johnson, Celitomia Ce ditd Asbeifte Cona 4mik 131-0996, hartre Propbred the Pr+oaedure b work plin forapphvNal by the 800 Coast Air Quaky Pnagernent �n���im�Proedumat forth In: ft plan, beaaoaiani rooth debris should be mnowd in iffi enftty. • 31010 Arnow Roue, Sults 105, Moneho CUCsmOnga, CA. 91730 (800) 886-2589 0 Fax (909) 880.-6$28 Riversidc, ('A 4251', ( 909) 624- Mr+s SCOTi' MORR1SO N & ASS(1CIA 1 FS ASBESTOS SURVEY REPORT (Addendum) Completed On April 22, 2004 PLM0416#1501 add ClientCherokee Homes 73-180 Hwy: 111 Palm Desert, CA 92260 Project 49130 Eisenhower Drive La Quints, CA (single-femily home with attached gerage) .1ISis rkrtu Palm Drive, Ste. 03-407 C:ethedrat (ley. . CA 027.14 t'ht»a2,►•7743 On April 20, 2004 additional bulk sampling was conducted at the above project address Bulk samples were taken of the exterior stucco only at the request of the client named above. A total of (03) bulk samples were submitted to Caroline Environmental, Inc. located at: 107 New Edition Court in Cary NC (NVLAP Code 101768-0 and Cel Environ. Lab. Cert 02493) to estimate the percentage of asbestos by volume and determine the type(s) present by using the 1,000 point -counting method. Carolina Environmental. Inc. determines percentages and type of asbestos by using EPA approved method BDOVM4-82-020, Interim Method for the Determinetton of Asbestos in Bulk Samples. Bulk samples°were analyzed by using 1,000 total voirits or a field matrix using a polarized light microscope Tt•e California Code of Regulations (CCR 1529) requires bulk sampling be conducted according to the A HE R.A. protocol provistons of 40 CFR Part 763.86. The A.H. E.R.A. protocol recommends three (3) or more frlable surfacing samples from a homogeneous area be collected and analyzed before any building material is determined to be non -asbestos containing. Scott Morrison & Associates conducts asbestos inspection surveys following the A.H.E. R.A. inspection orotocol. ASBESTOS INSPECTION BY: Scott Morrison, DOSH 092-0248 BULK SAMPLES ANALYZED BY: Carolina Environmental, Inc, NVLAP 0101768.0 The results,on the following page(s) Indicate that asbestos,(greater than 1.0%) was detected in 00 or the 03 samples analyzed. (1) P.O. Box 5;;:Q Rivmidt, CA 42517 (904) 62-0- lfo,s IRLfV1041601801add ti(,c x.1..1. NIOR ISON & ASSO CIA 11" 11855 Date -Palm Drive. Ste 01507 Cathed_ rat City. CA 994 t �a��t3�1.�743 Sample #CH-16a0d - Type o. material:exterior stucco/ tan -grey Location: N. -central exterior well. by A/C fan Area:throughout exterior wills Friable' no Result:#: 0.1 % Chrysotile asbestos (1 pt. 11000 total) Sarnple #CH-17add Type of material:exterior stucco/ tan -grey Location:E,-central exterior wall (patio area) Ares. -throughout exterior walls Friabie:no Results. 0.2% Chrysotile asbestos (2 pt 11000 total) Sample #CH•18add type of material:extenor stucco/ tarngrey Location:W -central- exterior well, by HVAC closet Ares:throughout exterior walls Friable.no ResuNs: 0.1% Chrysotile asbestos 0 pt.11000 total; Note: All asbestos containing building material(s) containing greeter than 10% asbestos by volume or weight. must be removed by a state certifi90 asbestos abatement contrector prior to any demolition or renovation of ilia property Inspector Scott C. Morrison Certified Asoestos Consultant DOSH#92-0248 (2-) w -V -W Oi':lW From-CARLihA.EW110l144"A6 CAF1X ► EWY%,tree. WNION15dllp, asac rANcare11 PW0,00IE11Ns Fa:(Y1te14tiiow -41* 14!1 T-tiO F QV14 P- 1t LA 130RATO RY REPORT 68618108 BULK AN LYSIS Client* soott Morrison & Assoelstaa CEI Lid COtle; A04.2876 31855 Date Palm Or. Suite 3.507 Received- 04-2'-04 Cathedral City, CA 92234 Anay0d 04-2244 Reported. 04-22.04 Analyst,.AnneAAslmtlarQ project: PLM0416#1501 ad+d X JJ0MWgWvITY 088CHIPTION CL1sN7 10 LAS t,AS ID AIME OS s;N.16add A2541.96 L'iill�RloR STUCCO P_LASIiB CHRY Q.1 X Heterogeneous, len. Grey, Non-fibrous, loosely 130Un0 ,:HRY 0.1110 ®IND 499% CELL <1 Yt 0,.l % Chry = (1 Chry POInt 11000 Total PAINT s1 % points) x'100 CH- 17add A254199 FTERIo STUCCO PLASTER CHRY 0.7% Hste Wr.cous, 'Tan, Gray; Nos.l orous. Loosely !sound CHRY 0.2% 01HP 000% CEL: 'et Y. 0.2 % CFry = (2 Chry Pant 110,00 TO•.el PAINT 'Cl % points) K 100 CH--18add A254200 EX*satOa sTUcco PLASTER CHRY 0.1 Heterogeneous. Fan: Grey, Nam -fibrous, Loosely BOuna CFIRY 0.1% !$IND 11110.9% CELL Kt % 0 1 " Ch • 11 ChryPOIn111000 Tota! PAINT ,t1 % N IS olm"s) x ' 00 ---- .. Page i CLIMNAIN CU EODY /+Cv- ,4 ff�o C�) W,& ql ?I- - - -f 4s f�2- From SoM Merriam & AswisOn Ta: Cordials Kawkeumeaft% bc. TI.O. BOIL 55329 107 New Edilim court NdvbfWt, CA 925I 7 Cory, WC' 27511 {76%323-7743 t919} 481-1413 NVL"Co&WON D CAFIAP*240 co ft. CHMIC. Cl-ittoko Arv&vs PWWR Tnkbg VIA &*kw it Job Igo.Wtt�flG-130 PZI Sam*# Mohffw & nmatftm Oftr tnfwmafi on Ion -1 74a qD CK -Itjb4trw s4utw h - TkoLh I I W�q v p EP p Nr Cp . . ..... ---- -- POIL io Yates tea No Olt Relingoi B7: DnvfriML-- Olt Z, V30P41RWr*IW MaWF*z ire SceK Mordom & Asockftsv 31856 Date Pxft Dr..S.k-- OX-587. Catbedrol City, CA 92234.476" 323-7743 1oi-Zi•01 Oi:69an fres-CARQLNA ENVIRUMMtd A6 *•o,,.+. T.he jollovA nq dthnitions apply W the it"revistlons used M the A3BE87.06 SULK ^MALYSIS REPORT: CHRY s Chyaotse CELL a Cellulose Dta3A o Debris AMOS s Amo:xte F515PL a Fibrous Oless 9iND a Sinder GAOC 0 Groc dials ORt3N a organim SiLI v SNCAW TRLM v Tromoilte SY NT = syntnebt s GRAY a Gravel ANTM • r1r+tAophy lits WOLL a Wollastonite MAST = Mastic ACTH a Act'nottte CERWt. Cosmic wool PLAS s Piaster N D = Vose DetecteC NTRF m a Non•Asbeetiform PFRL a Perlite NAIVTIi s Non-Aabestltorm Tr aUte FWDR =Rubber AMtiaphy;lite -- CLIENT: Scott Morrison & Assoaat!s PaeojeeT: PLM041601801add. U CS, t.A6 ccoh= A04-2876 gte,edscople Mlemecopy and poler:zed light microscopy couple4 with disoemion stairing to to.analyti�aI tecIII a f, used rot sample identification. The percentage of each C*mponart is visually estimetec by volume. These results partair only to the swrples analyzed. The eernctes were analyzed as submitted by the client !no iney not be ropresentolbr0 of the larger inslSrial In question. Ur+lses notified in wrlting to return samples,. Caroline Environmental. Me, WIU disord a,l DVIX semple9 attar 30 days . Mot lied it a fiber Many viny' 000rriies tiave bee-1menufaaureq usinl7 rester themro 1 r , ap "NOne 0e 4cted" D read p on vinyl floor He site below the de'actlon limit of poisry7.sd light rRlt roscoG!Y nere(ore, rov:dei a more ooncwswe does M1 necessarily exclude the presence of p9bestoe. Transmissl0r. electron microscopy p Torr" of engysxs'for vinyl flv4r tt-es. tis .osrMied by the sig sue 1os'0:80096105 jhat in b <lina ImaterieIs.�,irld. is The acctealted es tmetllod s EPA 1$06 / M 82r! 020 for Proprarr, (NVLAP) for the analysts of asbestos in buCding Taierlate. P+fO W, as 4eicrlbed in ERA 16041 R -9J r 1' 6 hwe tleen lrcorpOratsd where appcksale Tne detact':on limit forths method is 0,1 % (trooe ,mount), Carolina Env ronrnental, Ines NVLAP accreditation number K fJ101789.0. This repartIS not to be 6sed to Clair" product endorsement frit NVLAP Or 6ny agency of tate U S Governrne-it. This report. end its con*gts are on,,yvalid when reproduced in tuft. Dust and soft analyses fof asbestos using PCM ilia not covered tfndsr NVLAP aWeditatioh. 'ANALYST REVIRWED BY Tlo�beo Oor, PhA. � ,, Laboratory Dirftl& End of Report (� �% LAW OFFICES OF GARY ALDO DAPELO * ` ooD, •` ILDMAw, HEowEss & WALLEY TROY M. GOOD ROBERT W. OYESS,JR.* (RETIRED) MARSHA GABLE 5000 CAMPUS DRIVE PAUL C..HEGNESS * WggrpOgT BEACH, (`AT T711(1 BNTA. 02860-2181 PAUL W. WILDMAN HEIDI -STILB LEWIS TIMOTHY C. PICKART (949) 955-1100 CITY Y OF LA 01 11NITA (1924-1983) NIKKI A. PRESLEY , MICHAEL P. RIDLEY OF COUNSEL JOHN A. STILLMAN (� OCTCJT LOUIS A. CAPPADONA THOMAS E. WALLEY * 1 REC,IJ DOUGLAS M. VICKERY STEPHEN B. OTTO *A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION pA ' fifiyy FAX (949) 833-0633 October 8, 2003 Tom Hartung Building and Safety Director CITY OF LA QUINTA PO Box 1504 La Quinta, CA 92253 Re: Mazzella vs. O'Gradv 4.9130 Eisenhower Drive, La Qunita, CA Dear Mr. Hartung: Thank you for responding so quickly with your Declaration. I have finalized your Declaration and enclose it for your review and signature. I also enclose a self- addressed, stamped envelope for return mailing and for your convenience. Should you have any questions in this regard, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, GOOD, WILDMAN, HEGNESS & W. By: ,/ AZV7Y O THOMAS E. WALLEY, ESQ. TEW al Enclosure cc: Lou Mazzella. (w/ enclosure) Hartung, Tom (re. Mazzella v OGrady).ltr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 THOMAS E. WALLEY, ESQ., State Bar No. 46115 GOOD, WILDMAN, HEGNESS & WALLEY 5000 Campus Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 Phone: (949) 955-1100 Fax: (949) 833-0633 Attorneys for Plaintiff, ANNE J. MAZZELLA SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA IN THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE—INDIO BRANCH ANNE J. MAZZELLA, Plaintiff, V. FRANK O'GRADY, LORITA O'GRADY; DYSON & DYSON OF CALIFORNIA, INC.; BOB A. LA VENIA dba CASA DE LA VENIA; and Does 1 through 5 and 7 through 15, inclusive Defendants. FRANK O'GRADY and LORITA O'GRADY Cross -Complainants, V. BOB A. LA VENIA dba CASA DE LA VENIA; DYSON & DYSON OF CALIFORNIA, INC.; and ROES 1 through 20, inclusive, Cross -Defendants. BOB A. LA VENIA dba CASA DE LA VENIA, Cross -Complainants, V. DYSON & DYSON OF CALIFORNIA, INC.; FRANK O'GRADY and LORITA O'GRADY; and MOES 1 through 10, inclusive, Cross -Defendants. CASE NO. INCO31034 The Honorable Robert G. Taylor Dept. 2G DECLARATION OF TOM HARTUNG, BUILDING AND SAFETY DIRECTOR OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA Complaint Filed: 8/29/02 Hearing Date: Dept: 2G I, TOM HARTUNG, declare as follows: -1- DECLARATION OF TOM HARTUNG 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 J N' 12 3 m m � 13 W O °o � �z�W -z. 14 W a n a 0 15 q is a24— 16 O) a m o a 17 o. 9 z 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1. I am the Building and Safety Directorforthe City of La Quinta. I am competent to testify and if called upon, would testify to the truth and accuracy of the following facts. 2. The real property which is the subject of the within lawsuit is located in the County of Riverside, State of California, identified as: Lot 114 and 117 of Tract Map Book 37/96-98 La Quinta Golf Estates No. 1 as per map recorded in Book 37, Pages 96, 97, and 98 in the Office of the County Recorder of Riverside County, and is commonly known as 49-130 Eisenhower Drive, La Quinta, California (hereinafter the "Property"). 3. On or about March 27, 20011 was contacted by Lou Mazzella, Sr. I visited the Property on that same day. 4. 1 observed that concrete in the garage was upheaving in some areas. I also observed minor cracking in the tile at several locations in the house on the Property. 5. 1 recommended to Lou Mazzella, Sr. that he contact a soils engineer to determine the cause of the upheaval in the garage. I declare under penalty ,of perjury that the foregoing .is true and correct. Executed in La Qunita, California. Dated: October / s, 2003 TOM HARTUNG, Buildi and Safety Director of the City of La Qunita -2- DECLARATION OF TOM HARTUNG