04-4025 (CNHK)P.O. Box 1504 78405 CAL.LE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253' BUILDING PERMIT 0 jUN 1 El' 2004 jj_Y OF �_A A BU.ILDING & SAFEMDEPARTM ENT (700).'771-7- '0 12 FAX (760) 777-701.1 INSPECTION, REQU.S.TS,(7 -610) 777-7153 _ i App1cation. Number 04-,0'0.00402:5 Date 6/0:9/04 ,Property Address 5,068b EISENHOWER -DR APN: 73-370-029- 773-370-029- - - Application.description, Application.descripti.on, NEW COMML,- OTHER NON -HOUSEKEEPING Property Zoning . . . . . .. MEDIUM.DENSITY' RES Application valuation 530319 'Owner Co,ntra,ctolt ----,----.-------------°---APARTMENTS AT LQ VILLAGE L,.P.. LUCAS. GENERAL CONTRACTING CORP 1105 QUAIL ST 1,111 QUAIL -STREET NEWPORT BEACH CA, '9 2 615 8 PALMDESERT CA 922-660' ;(9 019) 474-022.1 "WCC : STATE, FUND , 0'iJai./­05 WC 1711.4988 .01/01/05 .-CISLB:, 75B..78.5 02/28/05 .02c: B ------ 8�truc,ture Information R=1jU-1,B/M MIXED: USE ----- Construction Type. TYPE V -: NON RATED - Occupancy Type . . . HOTEL/APT/CONG, R8ING >10 Flood Zone . . . . . . . . NON -AO FLOODZONE Other struct, infb,'. CODE EDITION 201'01 CBC FIRE SPRINKLERS MIXED-USEiOCCUPANCY YES OCCUPANT LOAD, 6"5::00. PATT'0. SQ ?TG1422-00 FIRST. FLOOR SQ , FTG , 5845. 00 SECOND FLOOR SQ FTG 5758.,00 --------------- Permit . . . . . . ------ ---------------- BUILDING PERMIT -------------- Additional. de'sc Permit Fee, . . . . 2132.,50 Pian Check Fee .00 I:ssue Date Valuation 530319 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 2039i50 31.00 3;.0000 THOU BLDG 50'0,001-'1,000,_000 93.00, ----------- Permit.ELEC-INEW ----------------------- RESIDENTIAL --------- Additional desc. ., . I Permit. Fee . . . . 179.13 Plan Check -Fee 39.0,8 Issue Date -Valuation 0 Qty! Unit Charge Per Extension V . P.O. Box 15.04 VOICE (760) 177'4012 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO FAX, (760) 777=70:7 1. LA QUINTA, C'A'LIFORNIA 92253 INSPEC:TIO.NS .(760) 77.7-7'153 BUTLDING' & SAFETY DEPARTMENT • Application. Nurnber: 0 Z- Date: Applicant: Architect or Engineer: Applicant's Mailing Address: Architect or°Engineer's Address: t <:�\ rAyt,,� tna;,rr YW, 1N rt_ cam- ��{q- X51- zrr33 �z.ba Lit. No:: BUILDING PERMIT DECLARATIONS LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S'DECLARATION thereby affirm, under penalty of 06dury�thattl^am'licensed under:provisions of'Chapter 9 (commencing with'Section 7000),of Division°3,of the Busin_ ess.and Professionals Code, and;my Licensgg��'s.in full force and effect: License Class -117 f--*ense:No. '�� , � Date I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that!' •am:exempt+from the Contractors' State License Law:for the following reason',(Sec: 7031.5,.Business,and Professions 'Code: Any city or countythatrequires:a penniLto"construct;.alter, improve; demolish, or repair,any structure, prior to; its issuance, also requires the applicant for'fhe; permittolfile"aligned statementihat he.or she,is''licensed pursuant to the"provisions of the Contractors' State License Law (Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3;of,the;Business. and'ProfessionsI.Code)"orthat he or she is -exempt therefrom -and the basis for the alleged exemptlom Any violation of:Saciion 7031.5 by'anyapplicant for pernitsubjects the, appticant,to,a civil:penalty of not -more than fiy&hundred dollars ($5009:): U I, as owner of,the property; or myempioyess withwVages'as:their<sole compensation, will do the,work, and the :structure•is noCintended or ofteredsforsaW(Sec: 7044; Business: and"Professions Code: The Contractors''State License Law does'not!apply to an owner ofproperty"who builds or improves thereon.w , and ,who does the himself or herself or.through his or her'own employees, provided that,theImprovenrents are not intended or offered. for sale. If, however, the building or. improvementis sold within;one yearf, c ,completion,: the owner -builder will have the`burden'of,proving,thathe orshe did not build or improve for the purpose of sale.): U 1, awowner: of the property. am exclusively contracting with, licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The, Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an:ownerrof property who builds,or:improves thereon,:and who'contracts,for the projects with a pontractoos) licensed pursuanCto. .the Contractors' StaW'Ocense Law.). U I am,exempt underSec... , BA P.C. for this reason Date Owner I hereby affirm It Cartier WORKERS' .COMPENSATION DECLARATION under, penal1ybf peddry,one of the following declarations: ave,and will maintain a certificate of consent'to self, insurwfor workers' compensation, as provided for by'Section 3700 of the'Labor Code,4or the performance of the workforwhich!:thrs,pennit'is issued. ave and will maintain,workers' compensation irisurance,.as required bySectionW.00 of the Labor Code, for the perfonmance,of thework for which this permit is _ I;certifythat„in;tfie':perfornance of thework for which this permit is'issued; I shali;not employ. any pennon inany manner `so as to become,subject to the workers` compensation laws of Califomia„and agree thatjfl,should become subject to the workers' compensationprovisions ofSection 3700 of the LsborCode, I shall forthwith, comply with those, ,provi ions. D"ate' I0, sltAPPiicant �'� �,w WARNING:,. FAILURE TO SECURE WORKERS' CO PENSATii , N, COVERAGE IS UNLAWFUL, AND SHALL SUBJECT AN,EMPLOYER TO CRIMINAL PENALTIES AND CIVIL FINES' UP TO ONE.HUNDRED THOUSAN6DOLLARS, (3100;000), IN ADDITION TO THE COSTOF'COMPENSATION;:DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN SECTION 3706 OF T,HE'LABOR CODE;;INTEREST,; AND ATTORNEY'S' FEES. CONSTRUCTION.LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm under penaltyof perjury thatithere is a constructionlendingagency for the,performance of the work for which this permit is,issuedi.(Sec. 3097, Civ. C.): Lendees.Narie Lender's Address APPLICANT' ACKNOWLEDGEMENT IMPORTANT Application is hereby made to the Director of Building and Safety fora perriitsubject to,the conditions and, restrictions set.foith_on this'applicetion. 1. Each person upon whos%behalf'this application is made, each person atwhose request and for whose benefit•work is performed: under orpursuantto any permit issued as a result of this application, the owner ,and'the applicant, each agreesto, and shall, defend;'in-demnify and!hold harmless the'City of La Quinta, its officers, agents and employees for acforpmission related; to the'work.being perforated under or'following issuance of this pernriL- 2. An" i ermitissu y p ed as a result ofthis application becomes null and.void,ifwork is-notcommenced within 180 days!from d_ate,ofissuance of such permit, or cessation of work for 180 days will sublect,pernibto.cancellation: 1',certify.thatj have;readthis;application and state that the above information`iscorrect. Iregre comply city andcounty ordinances and statelews relating to building construction; and'hereby authorize representatives,ofthiszountyto'enter ur4,he above -m _ ned;property fo 'nspection purposes. Date (D `Signature:,(Applicant or Agent): Application Number 0`4-0:0,004.025 Page 2 Date 6/0;9/04 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 1.5:00 547'1.00 .0300 ELEC NEW RES; - MULTI °FAMILY 164..13' Permit . . . ELEC-NEW COMMERCIAL Additional desc . . Permit Fee . . 110.5.9 Plan Check Fee,,. 27..65' Issue Date Valuation . . . . 0 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 15.00 4742.0'0 .0200 ELEC GARAGE OR NQN-^RESIDENTIAL.; 94.84. 1:0-0 :71500 EA ELEC POLE LIGHT ..75 Permit GRADI:NG PERMIT Additional ., Permit Fee . . . .. 15.00 Plan Check Fee .00 Issue Date 'Valuation 10 Qty 'Unit 'Charge Per Ext'en'sion BASE FEE 15.00 Permit MECHANICAL Additional desc . Permit Fee 200.50 Plan Check Fee 50.1=3 Issue Date . . . Valuation 0 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 1r5.. 00 5.00 9.000'0 EA MECH ,FURNACE' - —100'K 0'K 4.5 . 0:0 14..0,0 4.5000 'EA. MECH VENT :INSTJ DUCT ALT 63.00: 5:0'0 9..0000 EA MECH B/C z=3HP/1-00K'BTU 4,5. GO 5:00 6.5,00!0 EA MECH AH <=1,0K CFM. 32,.,50 Permit PLUMBING Additional .desc . Permit, 'Fee. . . . . 529.50 Phan, Check, Fee 132,.3.8 Issue ,Date . . Valuation . . . 0 Qty Unit: Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 15,00 Page 3 Application Number . . . .. . 04--0,000.4:025 Date 6%09/04 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension 53'. 0.0 6.0000 EA, PLB FIXTURE 318. GO 1..00. 15.0000 'EA, PLB BUIL DING` SEWER. 15.00 2.00 6.000ff EA PLB ROOF DRAIN 12.0`0 9..00 `7.50010 EA PLB WATER HEATER/VENT 67..50 1.00 3.0000 EA, PLB WATER :IN.ST/ALT%REP 3.0:0 1.00 9.0000 EA PLB LAWN SPRINKLER SYSTEM 9.0:0 1.00 7.500'0 EA PLB VACUUM BRKR FIRST 5 7.50: 1.00 3.0 0 0.0 'EA. PLB GAS PIPE 1-4` .OUTLETS 3 .0'0 6.00 .7500 EA PLB GAS PIPE >=5 4,.:50 5.00 1.5.000:0 EA, PLB GAS' METER. 75. 0.0 ---_---------------------=--- _----t-=- --_-------------- --------- . Special Notes and Comments MIXED USE COMM/RES,. RES SQ:. FT'. 5471 AND 3 6`13 SQ. FT, COMM . PERM -I T DOES NOT INCLUDE CARPORTS, TRASH ENCLOSURES, SIGNS, AND LANDS`CAPING.. Ot'her 'Fees . . . ART IN PUBLIC PLACES -COM 2631.59 DIF COMMUNITY CENTERS-R_E& 534.00 DIF CIVICCENTER - RES 2.64' . 0',0 DIF CIVIC, CENTER - COMM 195.10 DIF FIRE PROTECTION. -RES 1;92 . 00 DIF FIRE PROTECTION -COMM 209.55 DI,F LIBRARIES - RES 1-236.00 DIF PARK MAINT FAC - RES 24.00 DIF PARKS/REC - RES 2760.. 00 STRONG :MOTTO.. (SMI) - COM 1,11.3 6 DIF STREET'MAINT FAC=RES 48.00 DIF.STREETMMAIN,T'FAC-COMM 101.16 DIF TRANSPORTATION = RES 3'846.00 D -IF TRANSPORTATION - COMM 7645.1.0 Fee summary Charged Paid Credited, Due Permit. Fee 'Total 3367.22' . 00 . . 0,0 3;1'67.22 Plan Check. Total 24,9.24 .,OD Uo0 2`49.24 Other Fee Total 1.9797.86 .010 .00. 19797.86 Grand Total 2,3214.3'2 .0110 .0.0 23214.32 Craig E. Anthony Fire Chief Proudly serving ,the unincorporated areasof Riverside. Countyand the Cities of: Banning 0 Beaumont 0 Calimesa. 0 Canyon Lake. Coachella Deserf`Hot Springs M 'Indian Wells 4 Indio 0 Lake Elsinore Af La :Quints S: Moreno Valley Palm Desert 0 Perris 401 Rancho Mirage SantiJacinio Temecula Board of Supervisors Bob Buster, District 1 John Tavaglione,. Districtl Jeff Stone;, District3, Roy Wilson,. . District 4' Marion Ashley; Disbia--5 RIVERSIDE COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT 82-67.5 Highway lo, CA 9220.1 .: s ax,863-7072 :January 10, 2006 KTGY Group, Inc. 17992. Mitchell Zouth Irvine, CA 92614 Re. Non -Structural Building TA Plan Review LAQ-06-TI-002'./'Silverhawk Commercial 50=6204 50-80.Eise'nhowerDr. Fire,Department personnel have reviewed ,and approved the plans you,submitted forte above referenced project. Please be advised,the following conditions apply as a part;of'the conditions for the. issuance of a building permit. 1) .As may be necessary"to maintain. proper fire sprinkler protection due to constructions: changes; fire sprinklersystem plans for the tenant improvement area may be required to be submitted to the Fire Department for review, along with a plan/inspection fee. 'The sprinkler system will (have to Ibe modified and designed in:accordancewith NFPA 13,1999 Edition. The approved plans; with Fire Department Job card must be at the job site for all inspections. 2) Provide'keys to Atha tenantspace .fbr inclusion in the main building, Knox Box,. iKey(s) shall have, durable and legible. tags 'affixed' for identification ,of the -correlating tenant space„ 3) All egress;doors.shall complyWffi CBC Sec. 003.31A for proper door hardware. 4) Install portable fire extinguishers:,,per TT,dle 19.,, but^not less than;2A1 OR;C in rating. Contact a .certified extinguisher company for proper placement and spacing of equipment. 5) Approved building address shall be placed in ,such a. position as to be plainly visible and legible from, the street'and rearaccess ifapplicable. In muiti-tenant buildings, businesses shall post the business name and suite number on backdoors as:well as the front. Suite numbers-6r1etters must be a minimum of 6` in :height. All addressing ,must be legible;arid of a :contrasting color with the background. Please contactthe Fire. Department Planning & Engineering staff for final' inspection prior,to occupancy. Requests.for,inspections are to°be made atleast 7,2 hours in advance and, may tie arranged byrcalling° (760) 863=8886. ,All questions regarding the meaning of these.condiboih ,should `be referred#o the Fire Department Planning', & Engineeringistaff at:(760) 86378886. sincerely,; Tracy Hobday, -Chief Fire; Department Planner By '* Walter Brandes Fire Safety Specialist Cc: Cityof,La-Qurnta,— Building Dept. ' M:VTM P D.W. 6sh1PR0JECTi%TkA0-M7 &2.d0t EMERGENCY SERVICES DIVISION f. PLANNING,SECTION -ANDIO OFFICE 82-675Highway111',,:2ii°"FI.,Indio, ,CA 92201, 4(760),863.-8886, •:Fax<(760),861-7M. Certificate of Occupancy Tar °F:WQ�«tu Building &., Safety Department ,This Certificate is issued pursuant to the requirements of Section 109 of the, California Building Code, certifying that, at the time of issuance, this: structure was in compliance, with the provisions of the Buildin W, Code and the various ordinances of the City regulating building construction and(or use. 'BUILDING ADDRESS: 50-680-EISENHOWER DR. UNITS 101201202 203 204205 Use class ification: MYD Building Permit No.,; 04-4025 Occupancy Group- B Type of Construction- V -N Land Use Zone: V -C Owner of Building: Apartments ft LaQuinta LIP Address: P.O. BOX 2990 :z2lm A"Off"o Building OffiTIV City, .ST,, ZIPS NEWPORT BEACH CA. -92568. By: G. SHOWALTER Date: 08/23/05 so -&40 consulting group, inc. September 91 2004 Mike Woodhart Lucas GeneralContracting Corp. I I I I Quail Street Newport Beach, CA 92660 Re: La.Quinta Village Pour condition of footing and slab GECG job No. 60462-514 Dear Mr. Woodhart, SEP 14 2004 Pursuant to your request regarding the, above! captioned project, we,submit the'following. It is structurally acceptable to pour the; exterior footing at the perimeter walls of ithe., building first;and pour the slab,on grade at a later time, considering that the dowels per call out detail I/SDI, shall be in placeinorder to tie the exterior footing to the future poured slab at the retail space. Note: Please verify the above with the building department prior to construction. If you, have any questions please do, not hesitate. to contact this office. Sincerely,. GOUVIS'ENGINEERING CONSULTING GROUP,, INC. In'--Sha ram Noori Project Manager 949.752:1612 fax 949:752.-5321 4400 Campus. Drive Newport Beach, CA 92060 Palm Springs, CA Pleasanton, CA Sacramento, CA Salt Lake City, UT Ho ChiMinh City, Vietnam