04-5598 (BLCK)BUILDING &' SAFETY DEPARTMENT P.O. Box 1.504 (766).717-7011 95 CALLE, TAmnco. FAX (7,60.) 777-7011 UINTA, CALIFORNIA 9225,3 INSPECTION REQUESTS (760),777-71153 AUG 0 2 2004 BUILDING PERMIT ii7y-&i —�ultaTA er 04-0D065151,98, Date 7/23/04 Property "o5,0680, EISENHOWER DR. APN:, 773 -370 -029 - Application description WALL -/'FENCE Property rty Zoning ing MEDIUM. DENSITY RESAppli,Ca�tdon valuation '2'250 Owner Contractor ---------------- -------- LANDAQ INC, LUCAS GENERAL CONTRACTING CORP 559.20' PGA BLVD! 1111 QUAIL STREET LA QUINTA CA ;922'5. 3 PALM DESERT CA, 9,226'0 (909) 474,.0,221, WCC: STATE 'FUND 01-1 01,/ 0 5 WC:: 17,14,98,8 01/01/05 CS.LB - 758,785 012/28/05 CCC: B * Permit . . . . . . . ---------------- ---------- WALL/FENCE PERMIT ------- Additional desc Permit Fee 54.00 Plan Check Fee Is8ue Date Valuation 2250 Qty Unit Charge, Per Extension BASE' FEE, 14-5.00 1.00 9�.0600 -------------------------- THOU BLDG 2, 0,01 -21 . ,0 GO 9.00 --------- .Spec:ial Notes And Comments 9`0 LF RETAINING I WALL PER STUCTURAL CAICS ANDAPPROVED PRECISE ------------------------------- 'Other GRADING PLAN. Fees -------- ------- . . . HOURLY PLAN CHECK 52.50 Fee summary ------------ Permit Fee 'Total Plan Check Total Other. FeeTotal Grand Total Charged Paid - Credited ------------ - ----------- 54.,06 .'o,o .00 .00 00 .070 52-5.0 O:Q 10'6'..50 .00 .00 Due 54.00 .00 52.50 106.50 P.O. BOX 1.504W 'VOICE (760) 77:7-701:2 78-495 C'ALLE TAMPICO TiffFAX (760) 7.77-7011. LA gUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 INSPECTIONS, (766) 777,=7153 'BUIL'DING& SAFETY DEPARTMENT Application Number: Date: Applicant: I Architect or Engineer: Applicant's Mailing Address: Architect or Engineer's Address:, Lic.- No.:' BUILDING, PERMIT DECLARATIONS LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I.hereby.affirm under penalty of perjury that,l am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing wifh'Sectlon 7000) of Divisiom3:of the Business and Professionals ,Code, and my Licens full force 9nd effect License Class. - Qs License No. 2S % Fl S Date Contractor OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affinnunder penalty of perjury that I am exemptfrom the Contractors' State Llcense.Law forthe,following reason (Sec. 7031.5; Business,and Professions, Code: Any city or county that requires a permit to construct, alter;,improve, demolish, or repair, any prior to its issuance; also reguires`tf re applicant for the perrnitto file a signed statementthathe;orshe-is licbnse6pursuant:to the provisions of the Contractors"Stste License: LaW(Chapter9 wf (commencing fh;Section 7000),of Division 3 of the Business and PPfessions:Code r tf ,he'oY she is exempttherefrom and the'basi forthe Wleged exemption. 'Anyviolation of'Secabn 7031.5 by,any;applicont4ora permit subjects thea licantto.a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollarw($500).): (, 1,:asvwnerof(the property, or my employees�with,wages as their sole oompensationi will.do the work,and the structure is nWn, tended or:offered for sale (Sec. 7044; Business and Professions. Code: The,Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner ofproperty,who builds or mproves thereon, and Who does the work gemployees,=p. provements•are not intended or offered for sale:. If,.however, the building orimprovement is himself or herself or throw h.his w her own rovided�lhatthe im sold withinone yearof completion, the owner bulider will have the burden okproving thathe or she did not build.oi improve forte* purpose of sale.): U L as:owner of the property ,am exclusively contracting with licensed, contractors to construct the project(Sec. 7044,; Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' State. License Law does notapply bo an owner of property'who builds orimproves thereon;;and.who contracts• for the projects -with a;contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractors' State .License Law.). (, I am exempt'.undersecz _ BA P'C' for'this reason Date Owner WORKERS' COMPENSATION; DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of pedury'one-of the,foliowing declarations: _ 1'have:and will maintain a certificate oPconsent to;self-insure.fdr,workers' compensation', as'provided4br by Section.3700,ofthe Labor Code, forthe;perfonnance of:the work for which this:penmit is -issued. _ t have and will maintain workers' compensation insurance, as'sequired by Section 3700,of the•Labor Code, for the perfomnance of thewoik for which thss'permit',is 5. gears' ppn mer an li M wo com cation insurance .ca d�yfnpscapq Carrier s n, ' Policy Number, ! I'cerlify that, in'the perfomrance.of the'w,ork forwhich this pennitis issued,.l;shall not'employ, any person In any manner so;awto,become;subject'to,the workers' compensation laws o(California, and agree that, if I should,become�subjectto the workers' compens#on, provisions-of.Section 3700 of the Latior, code,, l,shell, J�(/ 'forthwith comply with those provisions. natsk ;GJ: e 'OnniiMnf WARNING: FAILURE TO SE CURE'WORKERS`COI CIVIL FINES UP TO ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND C SECTION'3Z08'AF'THE:LABOR CODE, INTEREST; ,GE IS'UNLAW FUL, AND SHALL SUBJECT AN EMPLOYER TO CRIMINAL PENALTIEV AND. ADDITION TO.THE COST OFCOMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS:PROVIDED.'FOR IN CONSTRUCTION LENDING!AGENCY I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury thatthere is a construction lending,agencyforthe performance of the work,for which this permit'is issued (Set.3097; Civ. C:j. Lender's Name Lender's Address APPLICANT` ACKNOWLEDGEMENT IMPORTANT Application is hereby made to;the.Director of.Building and Safety fora,permit subject'tat he'condidons and.restricoong set forth,on'this'application. 1. Each person upon whose behalf this; application is made; each person;at whose request and for whose benefitwork is performed under orpursuant to any, permit issued as a result of thisTappiication, the owner; and the applicant, each)agree Ito, and the[(., defend;; indemnify and hold harmless the Cily of La'�Uinta, its officers, agents and employees for any act or:omission related1to1he work,being performed underorfoilowing issuance of this.penmit. 2. Any permit issued as a,result of this application becomes null and void; if work is noccommenced.within 180 dsys'from date,of,issuance of such permit, or cessation of work for 180 days'will subject permit to cancellation. I, certify that have.read this application and state thattheabove information'Is`oorrect. I:agree to compiy;wilh all cityand'county ordi_nances�andztate laws eleting.to building construction;,and'herebyauthonze"representatives of Ehiszcountyto enter upon the;above-menfloned'property forinspection purposes. c Da 6 -Signature; (Applicantor Agent):