04-5661 (BLCK)®m )x 1504 CALLE TAMPICO NTA, CA41FORNIA 921253 ty Address 4&4" BUILDING &'SAFETY DEPARTMENT (760)_777-701 2 FAX (760) 777-7011 1NS-PEcTi0N"kEQU,ESVS (160) 777-71-53 BUILDING PERMIT' APN: Application description Property Zoning . . . . . . . APP141cation valuation 04-00'H56161 506810 EISENHOWER-DR 773-37-0:-029- WALL/FENCE MEDIUM DENSITY RES 8 75 7,/'26/04 Owner Contractor LANDAQ, INC- LUCAS GENERAL CONTRACTING CORP 5592,'0 PGA BLVD 11,11 QUAIL STREET LA QUINTA CA 92-253 PALM DESERT CA 92260: (9�0,9) 4;7'4 -02 2 WCC. STATE FUND 01/01/05 17'14 9'8.8 01/01/015 CSLB': 715,8785' '02/28/0'-5 CCC:i -------------- Permit. . . . . WALL,/.FENC,8! PERMIT - -------- 1: Additional desc' 'Permit Fee . . . . 23.00 Plan Check Fee— .00* Issue Date . . . . Valuation . . . . $75 Oty Unit Charge Per 'EXtension BASE FEE 15.0,0 4.. GO 2.0000 HND BLDG 5011-2,0 10 0 ' 8.00 Special Notes and Comments, -------------------------- 35 LF 6! BLOCK WALL TRASH ENCLOSURE PER ORCO STANDARD AND APPROVED PRECISE, GRADING 'PLAN Fee summary charged ----------- Permit Fee To al 23. GO Plan. Check Total .010 .Grand Total 23.0'.0 Paid credited Due .00 .,00 23 i 0,0' .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 '2;3.00 P.O. BOX :1.504 VOICE,(7.60) 777-7012 78-4,95 CALLE TAMPICO FAX (760) 777-7011 LA QuINTAi'CALIFORNIA 92253 INSPECTIONS (760) 777=7133 BUILDING & SAFETY. DEPARTMENT Application Number: 0 Date: Applicant: —T Architect;or Engineer: Applicant's Mailing Address: Architect or Engineer's Address: Lic. No.: BUILDING PERMIT DECLARATIONS LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I hereby affirnunderpenaltyW perjury that'I,ani,licensed under;,provisions of -Chapter 9'(commencing wilh'Section 7000);,of Division 3 of the Business and Professionals Code,And'my L'icensq is in'fult force and effect: License!'Class LS License No. ;Date 1 d Contractor OWNER-BUILDERMECLARATION Thereby affirm under penalty of perjury thatl am sxempt*orn the Contractors' State License,Law for the following reason (Sec. 7,031:5, Business°,and Pmfessionstodw, Any city or tour that - county requires: a pertnit;td construct; alter, improve, demotish,::or:repairsny structure, prior to its issuance, aleo,require8 fhe. applicant for the pertnk,to,file a signed' statementthafhe.or she' is;licensed pursuant.to,the provisions of the Contractors' State License "Law:(Chapter 9 (commendng with;Sectiori 7000) of,DMelon.3'of'4wiBusiness and�Professlons' Code),orthat he or'she is exempt therefrom and the basis for, the alleged exemption. Any violation of Soction1031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant o a civil penalty of not more4han five;hundred dollars 000:): U 1, as owner of the property; or my, employees with wagewas their sole compensation; will do the work, and the structure;ts not 'intended or offered.for,sale (Sec. 7044, Business an&Professions Code: the Contractors`+State License Law:does not,apply to amowner or through his�or her own employees, provideof'proper%who builds or.improveslthereon. and who does the work himself.orherself d that: the1miprover►ients are not1ntended or ffered..forsale.: If„however,,.the.building orImpiovement is sold'wittin one:year of completion, the owner -builder will have the'burden of proving ftt he. or she did not build or, improve for;the purpose of sale.). () 1; as,ownerof the property, am excluslyely contractingwith-licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec.'7044. Business and ProfessioneGode: The,Contrectors' - State License Law does not apply to an ownerof,property who: builds or improves thereoni and, who contractsfor the projects with e,contractor(s) licensed pursuant W the Contractors' State: License Law). d:am exempt under Sec. „ BA P.C.Jor this reason Data Owner_ I hereby affirm,under penalty of perjuryo _ I have and will maintain a ce of the work for which this I _ I Have andwill,maintain,worl, ' -*-Sma- yvorker mml Perrier, 10—folz I certify that, • in,the i performai compensation laws,of Cal forthwith comply with thos DSip `i Applicant_ .WARNING: FAILURE TO;ISECUREWO CIVIL, FINES UP TO ONE444 DRED'Tl SECTION 3708 OF THE LABOR CODE, WORKERS' COMPENSATION DECLARATION__' of the following.deciarations: tate pf,consent'to selMnsure:for workers' compensation, as provided for by Section:3700 of the,Labor Code,,for the performance mitis issued. copensstion insurance; as Mquired''.:bySection, 3700 of,the.Labor Code, for tie peftfmance,of the:work for -which this,pennit is. 0hsurance carrier and policy numbs are:. Policy Number / -w y��� i of the work for which this pernk'is issued, I shall not employany person Imany.manner;so as to become subject,io the workers' ria; and"agree that; if'I should become subject to ttie workers''o0mpensation provialone of section 3706.of,the Labor Code, I shall GEIS UNLAWFUL,.AND'SHALL SUBJECVAN.EMPLOYER TO CRIMINAL PENALTIES,ANO ADDITION TO THE COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS'PROV.D..ED FOR.IN CONSTRUCTION: LENDING AGENCY Thereby affirm under penalty of perjury that there is a construction,lending agency for the performance of the work for whichiils"pemut is issued (Sec. 3097; Civ: C.). Lender's Name Lendoes'Address APPLICANT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT IMPORTANT'Application;is nerebymade to the Director of Building`and:Safety for a permit subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth on, this application. 1.. Each;person upon;whose behalf this application is made, each,person;atwhose request,andfor whoselbenefit work is:perforned under or pursuant to any -permit issue&as a:result of this application.7the owner, and the applicant, each agrees to, snd'shall, defend, indemnify and hold, harmless the Cityof ha duinta; its officers;;agents and employees for anyactorromission related to the work-being;perf6inwd,under:orsu icllowingisance of this permit. 2. An permit issued as, a result of thiwapplication becomes;null and',void if workas not commenced wflhin'180 days fromdaIbe of Issuanceofsuch pemdt,;or ceseation,of work for 180Aays;will .subject pernit,to cancellation.. •1 certify that I have read this application;and.state thatthe above information is correct. I agrebAh,comply with;ali city and county ordinances and state1awaselating1 to,building. construction, and hereby authorize representatives of this county to enter upon the above-mentioned roperty.for inspection purposes. Dated 2 �. Signature (Applicant or Agent);: G'