05-5140 (SPIN)P.O. BOX 1504 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA. 92253. :Application, Number: 05 - 00005;140 Property Address: 50.68'Q EISENHOWER DR APN: 773-170-029- - Application description: SPECIAL 'INSPECTION Property Zoning: MEDIUM DENSITY RES Application, valuation: 2150_.0 BUILDING &: SAFETY DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMIT Owner: APTS®.,LQ.VILLAGE LP 1105'QUAIL ST. NEWPORT'BEACH, CA 92660 Contractor: .Applicant: Architect or Engineer:: MARK COMPANY: 228'8, ,BATAV.IA ORANGE, CA 92865 J.r1, ('714) 685-2462 Lid., No.: 266187 LICENSEDCONITRACTO R'S' DECLARATI ON' I hereby_affjrm under penalty of perjury'that.l am licensed:under provisions of.Chaptar;9 (commencing with Section 7000).of Division 3 of the Businese;and'ProfIessionels Code„and my License is in fulhforce and effect. License'.clsss: A ElLicense No:: 266187 /;, _ :actor:. - ;OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby under penalty of perjury that.(am exempt from'the Contractor's;State License Law for the fdlowI a reason (Sec. 7031.8, Business and Professions Code:. Any city or county that requires a permit to construct,,alter, improve, demolish, or repair any structure, prior to its Issuance, also requires the applicant for the permit to file a signed staterrient,thathe or she is,licensed pursuam to the.prowsions,of the Contractor's State: License Law; (Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 700%otDivision 3 of the'Businew and;Professions Code) or 'that;he or she'is exempt therefrom,and the basis for the alleged exemption.- Any violation of Section 7031.6 by any applicant for a permif:subjects the applicant to a civifpenalty of,not;more;then five hundred dollars (8500).: (_ ). I, as ownerof the property, or1mv employees: with'wages as their sole compensation, will;do the work, and the,structure la;not-intended or offered for "WISeo: 7044; Business a1. .Professions Code: The Contractors' State License Lew does'not apply,wanowner,of propertywho builds or improves thereon, and who does the work himself or herself through his;or her own employees, provided that the improvements, are not intended'oroffered for sale. If, however, the. building, or'improvement.is sold'Within one yearof completion the owner -builder -will have the burden of proving that'he or she did not build or improvelor the purpose of sale:(. �) I, as owner' of the property, am exclusively contractin licensed contractors to construct the,proiect.(Sec. 7044, Business and Professions; 9: Ttie Co - act s' State'License Law does notepply to en'owner-of Property who builds or improves thereon; a ho ntracts:fort/�r�J}eets with a contractors) licensed pursuaiit.to the Contractors' State Licensew. (_ ► I am exempt Sec. B.& C. f t reason y Dttei Owner06L Ll -k CONSTRUCTIOWLENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm under penalty of;peoury that there Is a construction.lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit is Issued ISec; .3097, Civ. C:): Lender's Name: Lender's Address: LIQPE R IIT. VOICE (760) 777-7012 FAX (760) 777-7011 INSPECTIONS (760) 777-7153 Date: 11/23/05 ,` )v 2 3 2005 PINAHICE WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I h_ ereby.effirrn under penaky,of perjury one of the following declarations: _ I have and wrll,maimain a certificate of consentto self -insure -for workers' compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the,Labor Code, 1or,tfte performance of the work for which,ths,petmk is, issued. _ I.have and will maintain workers' oompensadominsuranoe as required by:Sectiom3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance otthe workEforwhich this permit;is',issued. My workers' compensation insurance carrier and policy number,a-re' Carrier- STATE: FUND Pol'icyNumber 046=0010738 I;certifythat; in'the performance of the.work1orwhich this permit -is issued, I,shall'not employ any person in any manner so as to a subject to the workers' compensation laws of California, and spree that; if I should bacontijecttq the workgr_ Ncompensation:provisions of Section WARNING: FAILURE TO SECURE WORKERS''COMPENSATION COVERAGE IS UNLAWFUL, AND SHALL SUBJECT AN EMPLOYER TO'CRIMINAL.PENALTIES AND'CIVIL FINES UP TO ONE HUNDRED?HOUSAND DOLLARS (8100;ODO).:'IN ADDITION TO THE COST OFCOMPENSATIONj DAMAGES AS PROVIDEDFOR IN SECTION: 3708' OF THE LABOR CODEi. INITEREST,. AND ATTORNEY'S FEES: APPLICANT' ACKNOWLEDGMENT IMPORTANT Application'is hereby made,to the Director of Building and Safety for a permitsubject to the conditions and restrictions `astforth on,this application. 1: Each ,person,upon whose behalf thisapplication(s made,each person at whose.request and for whose benefit work is.performed'under or pursuant to any permitJssued as a result of this application„ the owner, and the applicant; each agreesto, and shell defend jndemnifyand'hold'harmlass the City of La;Quirrta its officerej agents and,employees'for,_ any act or omission related to the work being performed under or following Issuance of this Parton. 2. Any permit issued as a resultof this application becomes: I and voidrf work Is not commenced Within 180 drys, from data of issuance of. such permit,: 'on of work for 180 days willsWb_ jest permit to;cancellation. I certify that I have'read this application and state that above i mation is, la to complywith all city end county ordinances and pffW,IaWs releting'to buil ing c ion,'and. yaut n 'mpresbntatiyas �/ cognty t"kn _ above-mentioned props, for i ion pu s Date(, Z �J gnature (Applicant or Agent)' 14 LOPERMr Application Number . . . 05=00005140 Permit SPECIAL INSPECTION Additional dere,. Permi't'Fee 100.00 Plan Check.Fee :00 Issue Date . . . Valuation 21500 Expiration Date 5/22/06 Unit. Char a Per Exten- 1oa--jn ---------:Qty-- ----g-------_BASE-FEE-------------------------- Special Notes and Comments --- SPECIAL INSPECTION OF SHELL :IN ORDER.'TO POUR -NON-STRUCTURAL SLAB IN PREPARATION FOR TI &EXTENSION OF UNDERGROUND PLUMBING ABOVE FINISH GRADE Fee summary Charged Paid Credited. Due Permit Fee .Total 100.00 .0.0 .00 100.00 Plan Check .Total .06 :00 .00 :0'0 Grand Total 10`0..00. .00. .-00 100:.00