06-0851 (RC)P.O. BOX 1504 78-495CALLE:TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA'92253 Application Number:' 06-00000851 Prope"rty,Address: 50680 EISENHOWER DR APN: 773=3,70.?-029�. Application description: REMODEL - COMMERCIAL Property Zoning: MEDIUM DENSITY RES Application valuation: 5625 / � d .BUIL;DING & SAFETY DEPARTMENT_ BUILDING' PERMIT Applicant:, Architect�'or Engineer: �T egg .7z G/5D Owner: LANDAQ INC .55920 PGA BLVD LA,QUINTA, CA 92253 L 2006 tractor: OMPANIES CONSTRUCTION INC 1 05 QUAIL -STREET QV�1rA WPORT BEACH, CA92660 EPT. 49) 9 5 5- 3:8 3 2 Lic..No.e 863620 VOICE. (760) 777"=,7012 FAX (760) 777-701.1 INSPECTIONS (760):777-7153 Date: 3/02/06 LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm.under penalty of;perjury that I am licensed.underprovisions.ofChapter 9 (commencing with I hereby affirm,under,penalty ofperjury.:one,ofahe following,declarations: Section 700W of Division 3 of the:Business:ana'Piofessionals.Code, and my Ucense is.in,full force;and,effect. = I:ha)iWand will maurtsina -certificate of:conseot to'self-insure for workers' compensationi4s.provided License Class:',. B License No_: 863620 for by;Section 37001of the_Labor Code; for the,performancewfthe work for which this permit:is - -- - issued. Date:” Contractor: I'have`arid.Wll',maintain workers,' compensation.insuran-ce, as required'by Sectlon;370Q;of,tlie Labor. _ Code, for the rformance of the`;work for which this is issued,, My'workers' compensation perform OWNER-aU1LDER DECLARATION Insurancwcarrler.and policy number are: I hereby affirm. under penalty, of perjury that I am exempt from the Contracior's'State ,L icense'Law for the Carrier CLARENDON '.NATL Policy Number. 03KR002842-7 following reason (Sec. 7031.5, Business and,Professions Code: Any city or countythatrequires;a permit to I certify that' in the;performenc - the work for 'which'this permit is issued, I shall not,emp!oy:eny . constructi:alter; improve demolish or repair, structure, prior to its•issuance,.also•regwres°the applicant fonthe perso"n, in any manner so a o come subject to the.workers' compensation laws of California; permit to'fileA signed statement that he orshe is licensed, pursuant to the provisions of the,Contractor's State' d anagree that,4f.1` . ould me subje o workers' compensation provisions.of'S'ection Ucense'Law; (Chapter 9 (commencing with°Section 7000)rof.Division 3 of the; Business and Professions CodeYor 3700 of the Labq fode all forth ly with those provisions. that he or she is exempt therefrom and'the,6asis:for'the;alleged exemption. Any violation,of Section 7031,5 by any,!pplicant,for a permit subjects ;the applicanttoia civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars (55.00).: 1 _:) 1, as ownerof the property, or my employees with wages as their compensation, will do the work, and the,strueture:is.notintended or offere0br-sale:(Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' State,License'Law does not apply tocan owner of,property whwbuilo or improves' thereon, and who'es: rdothe work himself or herself througIh hiwor her own employees, providedthat,the improvements are not intended or offeredifor sale. If, however, the building or. 'improvement?is sold within one yearofcompletion the;owner-builder will have- -,the burden ofrproving,that he or'she did'not build.or- improve. for'the,purpose of 1 1 I, as ownevotthe property, am exclusively contracting withdicensed'contractors to,construct the;project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The.Contractors' State License1aw'does notapplyto an,ownerof' the p reon, and who�bontrects for, projectswiffi a,contractor(s) licensed property who bwlds�orim roves�the pursuant,to the Contmetors' State Licanse,L l _1 tem . P exempt;under Sec:. B.C. reason —^ 4 Datei-� % wrier: / CONSTRUCTIONILENDING,AGENCY I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that there is a;constructionaending'agericy for; the performancepf the. work for which this,permit is issued (Sec: 3097 ,Civ, C:)_ Lender's Namei: _ .1 Lender's Address: -N l LQPERMIT 1, SECTION 3706 OF THE LABOR,CODE, INTEREST„AND AP. PLICANT. ACKNO W IEDGEMENT IMPORTANT Application is hereby. made.to,the Director ofeBuilding and Safety for wpermit subject to the conditions end restrictions set forth on, this. application. 1, :Each person :upon; whose behalf ihis application: is made, each person'at whose request and,for whose benefit work is performed under or pursuantao any permitiissued as a result of this:application, the owner, and the applicant, each agrees,io, and shall defend indemnify and hold harmless the City of,La Quinta, iteofficers, agents:and.employees for any act oroniission ielatedadthe worksbeing ,performed under or followng.issuanceiof this permit. - - 2. Any permit issued as assault of flus application becomes null and void if work Wriot commenced' within 180 days from date of issuance:of such permit, or: cessation of work for 180.days will subject permit oto' cancellation. I certify that I have.read; this application and: that tfie:abov rmation'is�co -t.� I:agree to':comply with all: cityand county ordinances and state I ws`relating to by ruction, and re orize representatives of ihi o0bVV toAter upon the ve mentioned prgpertyf _ spectiorAor ses (Applicant or Agent): Application 'Number 06-0.0,0-,00851 Termit . . . . . . BUILDING PERMIT Additional desc Permit Fee . . . . -81.00 Plan Check Fee52-65 Issue Date. 'Valuation . . . . . . 5625 Expiration Date :8,/29/06 Qty Unit Charge Pier Extension BASE' FEE 45.00 4.00 9 000':0. THOU BLDG 2,, 0,Q1-:25, 000 ---------------------------------------- 16.00 Permit . . . . ELECT ADD/ALT/REM Additional de-sc ,Permit Fee- 87.26 Plan Check Fee 21.82 .issue Date Valuation 0 Expiration Date 8/29,/06 Qty: Unit Charge Per Extension BASE ;FEE -GA 15.00 3613. 00' -0260 ---------------- -------------------- � ELEC AAGE�OR NON-RESIDENTIAL ------ '12.26 — Permit . . . . . . MECHANICAL Additional deBC Permit Fee . . .88.50 Plan Check Fee 22.13 Issue Date . . . . Valuation & Expiration Date 8/29'/0.6 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 15,00 3.00 9.00'00 EA 'MEW FURNACE <-100K 2'7A0 1. 0 0 9;,0000 EA MECH B/C <=3.HP/190K.BTU 27.0.0' 3.00 6.:50'0:0 ---------- ------- -------- EA MECH. VENT FAN I ------- ----------------------------------------- 1,9.50 �Permit PLUMBING Additional desc ,* Permit Fee . . . 73.5,0 Plan, Check Fee— 18.38 Issue Date Valuation . . . . 0 Expiration Date 8/29/06 Qty Unit Charge Per 'Extension BASE, FEE 15.00 6..0'0 6;0000. EA PLB FIXTURE 36,'00 3- 00 7.15000 E& PLB WATER HEATER/VENT 22.A0 - ----- - - - -- - ----- - - - - I --- - - - --- - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - --- - - --- - - - - - - - - - Special Notes and�Comments - - - - - - 7 --- - - - SHELL IMPROVEMENTS'TO GROUND FLOOR LQPERAUT Application Number 0'6-'000008.51 Special Notes and Comments, SHELL AREA..3613$Q7,FT.DEMISING-WALLS, 3 UNISEX T. ItET,,R,MS,MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL WORK.2001 CBC,CMCf. 20-04'CEC, 2005.ENERGY CODES. ***UNDERGROUND SEWER AND WATER, PIPING UNDER ISSUED PERMIT 04-4030** Other Fees . . .. . . . . . . . ACCESSIBILITY PLAN REVIEW 5.26 ENERGY REVIEW FEE 5.26 Fee su-mm- -axy Charged, Paid ------- ------- -------- ---- Credited ----- ---------- ;Due Permit Fee Total 310,26 .0,0 .00 310,26 Plan -Check- Total 114-9.8 1. 09 -.00 1.114,08 Other -Fee Total 10.52 .00 .00 10-52 Grand Total 45,5.76 -.6.0. 001 4,55 i76 ,LQPERMff .Bin # P c - La QuInta VA j! " dtng & Safety,Divislorl Qj. ut=04,8r78495 Permit'# 0� ( .0 Box 1504, 78 495 Calle Tampico ,p3� L, Quanta, CA 92253,- (760) 777.7012 Building Permit'Applicadon and Tracking Sheet Project Address: 50 600 Lp rt�alTil CA tt$3 Ownor'sName;;AVA"tAVLjMS & Lp. U%,j \t, .,^" jjkp A. P: Number: 17-5-370-001 7 -37a- ooy Address: Legal Description:; City, ST, Zip:, Contrador.(lj,Corw�e N Co ST c--Ttowl Address: 110 7 e!b(AA U, 5F telephone:641)6'61 '!093 Project Description: -City, ST, Zip: `t�Ev�' f' $6 cM Cp °12668 M M ERC lAt.. I.•L- MR 7 .. Telephone q -_:5'' �3Z ° N SF, 19. #TtAco 1cM State.Lic. #': City :Lic. tk Arch., Engr., Designer: KT&Y ,PI P INC. Address: 17112- Kvrw. E L1_ Saarl� City, ST, Zip; 1 ILV 114E Telephone:.q y.q" 85`'2 i.3 Consttucfion Type: V, -H GiR,PY: $ State Lic. #; Project type,(circle one)r New Add'n (gb Repair .Demo Name: of Contact?erson:: �utyoF 1rL.ISq.: q � 78 #Stories: ,2: #'Units:Telgphone #of ColitactPerson: Chit{ OI 56T " �i 63 ated Value of Pmnct - i�. APPUCANT3 DO NOT WRITE`MLOW THIS'UNE # ' Submittal Req'd Recd TRACMG PERM&YEES Plan Sete Plan Checksubmitted item. Amount Structural Calcs. Reviewed; ready for corrections Plan,Cheek Deposit Truncates. Called.ContactPersou s Plan Check Balance• Titir24 Calcs.. Plans picw up Constraetion Flocd,plain.plan Plans resubmitted Mechanical' Grading plan 2°! Review; ready; for correetionsresue Electrical. SubcontactorLis_t _ l Called;.Contact Person _ Plumbing Grant Deed Plans picked up SALL H2O.AcApprovat Plans resubmitted Grading IN HOUSE: '"' Review; ready for eorrectionWinue Developer Impact Fee :Planning Approval Called Contact Person A.LP:P. Pab.. Wlls. Appr Dateof permit -issue School.Fees fib "D 707. 51'1) �522'•7�0 Total Permit Fees I *3.3,j . S'CO'PE` OF WORK REMODEL TWO (2) EXISTING' COMMERCIAL SHELL SPACES INTO EIGHT (8) READY FOR TENANT70 IMPROVE, SUITES WITH BASIC HEATING; AIR CONDITIONING, POWER LIGHTING, AND PLUMBING PROPOSED WORK OCCURS ON THE FIRST - FLOOR 'OF ,EXISTING TWO-STORY MIXED-USE BUILDINGS AND SHALL INCLUDE TIME FOLLOWING 1, ALL WORK SHALL COMPLY WITH STATE AND FEDERAL ,ACCESSIBILITY REQUIREMENTS NEW WORK SHALL NOT INTERFERE 'WITH ACCESSIBILITY FEATURES "OF THE, EXISTING BUILDING OR SITE ADD DEMISING WALLS (6 TOTAL) TO CREATE SEPARATE, TENANT SPACES DRYWALL SHALL BE TAPED AND SANDED READY -TO -FINISH; a ADD 2 -FOOT BY 4 -FOOT SUSPENDED C8UNG SYSTEM WITH SEISMIC RESTRAINTS: PANELS AND GRID, AS ,SELECTED .BY OWNER A PROVIDE A 1 -HOUR RATED: SHAFT BETWEEN SUITE AND ROOF FOR FUTURE COMMERCIAL KITCHEN HOOD (SUITES G-1 G-2 AND Gra ONM PROVIDE, SHEET" METAL CAP OVER PLYWOOD OVER 2X8 CURB AT ROOF. 5. PROVIDE WAC SYSTEM IN EACH SUITE COMPRESSORS SHALL BE MOUNTED ON DWNG PLATFORMS ON ROOF..REFER TO: DRAWINGS PREPARED BY OTHERS. RENQVAT EXISTING AUTOMATIC` SPRINKLER SYSTEM FOR NEW SUITES. REFER TO DAkM,& BY.OTHERS 7. PROVIDE BASIC LIGHTING LAYOUT WITH 24 -INCH BY 48 -INCH FLUORESCENT LIGHTING PANELS IN: SUSPENDED CEIUNa- FIXTURES AS SELECTED BY OWNER PROVIDE MINIMUM OF TWO LIGt4nNGbAdft SO No MORE THAN -TWO- - TUBES IN EACH: FIXTURE, ARE CONTROLLED BY "ONE SWITCH. a PROVIDE FULLY _ACCESSIBLE 'FINISHED RESTROOM IN EACH SUITE (8 TOTAL). PLUMBING FIXTURES, FITTINGAND TOILET ACCESSORIES SHALL BE AS SELECTED BY' OWNER �9. PROVIDE AR ELECTRIC 5-0ALL04WATER HEATER WITH SEISMIC RESTRAINTS ABOVE EACH RESTROOM. CIRCUIT TO 808 -PANEL IN SUITE stRwm. 10. PROVIDE FOUR (4) 110-VOLT'RECEPTACLES ON EACH SIDE OF THE NEW `DEMISING WALLS CIRCUIT TO SUB -PANEL IN SUITE SERVED. n PROVIDE J -BOX. ON EXISTING WALL ABOVE SUSPENDED CEILING ]Nafrbs Pmt FA �G-1 AND G-6 ON FUTURE RECEPTACLE CIRCUIT FOR FOUR (4) - RECEPTACLES . TO SUB -PANEL B -PA - NEL IN SUITE - SERVED. 12. PROVIDE SEPARATE-OIRCUMFOR EACH D-OERIOR .SIGN. CIRCUIT TO SUB -PANEL, - IN SUITE- SERVED--.- 13, PROVIDE 14NCH WATER SERVICE TO EACH SLUE LOCATION. BY OWNER 14 PROVIDE; A,44NCH SANITARY WASTE LINE TO EACH SUITE LOCATION "BY OWNER lS PROVIDE. A24NCH CONDUIT WITH, PROVISION FOR A MINIMUM OF FIVE'(5) TELEPHONE11NES TO EACH SUITE LOCATION BY OWNER 16. PROVIDE, A SIGN, ABOVE EACH EXTERIOR, DOOR, STATING -THIS' DOOR, SHALL BE REMAINED UNLOCKED DURING BUSINESS HOURS"' NOTE: THESE UNFINISHED SUITES ARE NOT INTENDED TO BE OCCUPIED AS !IS, "TENANTS WILL BE lREQUIRED1 TO, OBTAIN NECESSARY PERMITS FOR ANY IMPROVEMENTS AND THE. .BUILDING OFFICIAL WILLDETERMINE. FINAL OCCUPANCY BASED ON THE TENANT IMPROVEMENT PLANS, MINIMUM OCCUPANT LOADS, EXIT :SIGNS AND EMERGENCY LIGHTING WILL BE ADDRESSED IN THOSE DRAWINGS. RECEIVED ED AN 2 31006 Craig E Anthony. Fh:CtM plooffly, SM-iing the CM*end *e cifiles Of. Bemmuft O calimm 0 O Cbicb" O hWianWeb 4 - O Lww O ,I:6. Quiara O Rw4w V1kW O Ban Jacinto TWIN* Hoard of 8uparv_1ems. Bob.Budwt DkIlid I Ian Ta"=2 Jiff, DilUict 3 Roy WOW% DkMct 4 MWORAsIft. DW"5 .Mnuary-ips; idum 17MsM.ft9ff$od1h lnkw,, CA =14 Re. Non-ftuctural'BLdIding TA'Plan Fumaw LAQ-06-TI)62 f8llverhav* Comimerclal 56.820&5o4e0.Bwhhower Dr.. Fire Mpartmerit personnel have reviewed and approved the plans you subbed for the above, referenced project please bwadvimd4w Nowftzon-Mons apply as apart of. 1heltbridWis for the lest ance'ats, building penni 1) As may be necessary 'lo MeWitain proper fire sprInKerprotection,clut to constructlowchanges, fire sprhikW, system plans, for the tenant improvement area may ay bw1equired to,be submitted tothefire Depantrrrentforrwv16W�,ahftvdM,a,pI6nAns � .pectlo!jfee. The spdnider systeftwilthwe do be modilied and designed In *;co ce w1h NWA ,13, 19-99 Edition. The,approved,plans, vollfi Fire. Department Job,card, mud be attae job arm **I,Irspecllons. 20' provide Op to the tenant space -for Inclusion In the main litdidin' Knox Box "s)"Uhmm ffe Fft iffor kJwfM durable and leglblelmgs -caftof,#wcorrelefttenant epacei. 3) AN egress dooft'sluffi,complyw1h CBC Sec-10O&M.81bir proper door hardware. ,4) Insiall portable1m extinguishers, W TWO 19, but not lose than 201 OBC In rellf4w Coulact.woertilled wgngtdsher company'Ibr proper placement and spacing' ofaq,'uIpmenL 5) Approved biMng address dMI1, be.placed In such a poddowas to be:plalfityvisible and legible ftorn applice the sbvd and rear — – 'tile. In muM4*wd buildings. Wdnessss sWI111116i Poe btiethm,nameand sins n m1xw on back doom aswel swine ROM BulteviuMbowar ham must. U - bee imliftwofirthlidbITL Allieddme*v,fftustbolegible and ofsoolf*U Wcolorvii lhe. beftround. Pleasevoritact.the FireDepartmerit .1 planning & Engineering; staff for final Inspection prior occupancy. ReqL . wsts forInVeWoware 11D be made at least 72 hoM It a&-ancs and mWtbe wmqW by cilling All, questions regarding the meaning,of VM8 CGIIIA16rw Should be n3ftrred.t) the Fire Delaftept, Planning &-Enginsering staff at (760) 6534M TraW Hobday Chief FlOwDepartmentPlanner By Welter BrandeS Mrs &ftSpedallst Cc: City of'LAQt",—Bing-Dept EMERGENCY SOWICESVIVISION - PLANNING SECTION INDIO.OFFICE, .824KHWmw 11111 2^1 FL. U91kh CA Mt (7640M -88W. -Fox (M) 803-7072, 111AVR )RA'TTR 9U'0,T_ 90/OZ/10 Certificate of Occupancy °f ,(WQalxfa Building & Safety Department. This Certificate is issued pursuant to the requirements of Section 109 of the California Building Code, certifying that, at the time of issuance,: this structure was in compliance with the provisions of the Building Code and the various ordinances of the City regulating building construction and/or use: BUILDING ADDRESS: 50,M0 EISENHOWER I)R Use classification: COMMERICAL Occupancy Group:. B Owner of .Building: LANDAQ INC Building Official Building Permit No;: 06-0851 Type of Construction: VN Land Use Zone: RM Address: 55-920 PGA BLVD City, ST, ZIP: LA QUINTA, CA 92253 By, STEVE TRAXEL Date: 0.5-24-200.6 PLACE Part 1 of 3 LTG -1 PROJECT` NAME , DATE SILVER- HAWK COMMERCIAL 'SPACE G1' &/03/66 PROJECT ADDRESS 50-620/680 EISENHOWER .DR. LA QUINTA, CA. CLIMATE ZONE PRINCIPAL DESIGNER TELEPHONE Building Permit ._# B. A. MASCARDO (714)_W-3251, ❑ ALTERATION DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR TELEPHONE Checked by/Date B. A ,MASCARDO 114)546-325 Enforciri ` Use GENERAL INFORMA11ON DATE :OF PLANS, 2 .03' O6' ' BUILDING CONDMONm:FLOOR AREA 1108 CLIMATE ZONE BUILDING TYPEX❑ NONRESIDENTIAL ❑ 'HIGH. RISE RESIDENTIAL ❑ HOMAOTEL GUEST ROOM, PHASE OF CONSTR XD NEWOONSTRUCTION • ❑ ADDITION. ❑ ALTERATION METHOD OF LTG COMPLIANCE ❑ OM PISTE BUILDING.X❑ AREA CATEGORY ❑ TAILORED. ❑ PERFORMANCE T OF �COMPLI'ANCE `This Certificate of Compliance Iiste the building features and ,performance specifications needed to comply with. Title 24, -Parts ­1 .and, 6 of the Califomla Coda of .Regulations. This certificate applies only to building lighting 'requirements. The- documentation preparer' hereby certifies that. the documentation is ac NEje and ;pompteW _ �,,]'he Principal: Lighting Designer hereby certifies that the proposed b Ing design represented in this set of construction documents is consistent with the: other compliance forms and Lworksheets; with the specifications, ,and with. any, other. calculations 'submitted .with this permit.appticatlon., The proposed building has been ;designed to meet the lighting c -requirements contained in Sections 110, 119,.130 ,through 132, and 146 ,and 149: cPlease check one: "' 0 I hereby affirm that I am eligible under the-oo ,, 3 of the Business and, professions Code to I sign this document as the person responsible for Its' preparation, and that I am licensed in the 'State of'. California as a civil engineer or electrical engineer, or I am a licensed architect. J 1 affirm- that i am eligible under the exemption to Division '3 of the Business :and Professions Code ,by Section 5537:2 of the Business and Professions Code tolgn this ' document rs 'as the peon responsible :for its preparation; and that, I am alicensed` contractor proparing ,documents for ,work that I have contracted' to perform. 'i.❑ I affirm that I .am eligible under' the exemption to Division 3 of the Business and, Professions Code to 'sign this document'becouse It pertains tab, structure, or type of work,- described as' exempt pursuant to Business. and P _ rofessions Code Sections .5537, 5538 and 6737:1. These sections of the. Business and Professions- Code .are rinted 'bin fulk in the N nresldential Manual PRINCIPAL LIGHTING DESIGNER — NAME. SIGNATURE,a_ LIC.: NO. DATE . B. A. MASCARDO 41 N' ' E8130 02/03/06 ! IGHTLNG MANDATORY MEASURES r Indicate: location .on plans of -Note Block for Mandatory Measures -5 INSTRUCTIONS TO APPUCANT • For detailed instructions on the use of this and -all Energy Efflclency Standcrds cam I ,.f s pie Be refeF 4CRO V Nonresidential Manual published by the: California Energy Commission. i� BY ' LTG -1: Required. on plans fol all, submittals. Part 2 may be incorporated In schedules on plans. :LTG=2: Required for -all submittals. k) 'LTG -3: Optional. Use only if lighting control credits are taken. .I LfG-4: Optional. Use 'only If tailored Method is used. ' Parts 2 and 3 used only if applicable. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE — 1i hting' Part 2 of 3 , Sh. 1 YTG-1 rj F_r Lighting Schedule on Plans Shows xte�ior Li§hting Meets Efficccy' •and Control Requirements of 1304 Control. Requirements of 1310 MANDATORY AUTOMATIC CONTROLS (J; -CONTROL LOCATION I I CONTROL !D al' PLUS'SUB70TAL FROM CONTN PAGE I PORTABLE, ,UGNTING (From LTG -1 Pgrt, 3 of 3) 1 0� LESS CONTROL, CRMIT WATTS (From. ,LTG' 3)1 0 ADJUSTED ACTUAL WATTS228 CONTROL TYPE; ,Nom To ONTROLS FOR CREDIT CONTROL LOCATION, CONTROL CONTROL _ LUMNAW CONTROLLED. NOTE, TO -' ROOM- - 1IDERMCAMON' . TYPE TYPE No. of Um're FIELD ,I N'DTES TO FIELD - For Buildin, De artme t U.se Only PROJECT NAME SILVER NOW COMMERCIAL SP DATE 02/03/06 INSTALLED• LIGHTING SCHEDULE . LAMPS CODE LUMINAIRE Type No DESCRIPTION' r �A 2 x 4 FLUORESCENT 2 I B 1 1 x 4 FLUORESCENT: 2 WA1T5% LAMP 1 32 32 BALLAST' TYPE DES -"PITONS 1 ELECTRIC 1 1 ELECTRIC 1 Lum alro, No No 1 l 15; 1 1 1 WAT15 58 58 1 TOTAL. WATTS 870 58 rj F_r Lighting Schedule on Plans Shows xte�ior Li§hting Meets Efficccy' •and Control Requirements of 1304 Control. Requirements of 1310 MANDATORY AUTOMATIC CONTROLS (J; -CONTROL LOCATION I I CONTROL !D al' PLUS'SUB70TAL FROM CONTN PAGE I PORTABLE, ,UGNTING (From LTG -1 Pgrt, 3 of 3) 1 0� LESS CONTROL, CRMIT WATTS (From. ,LTG' 3)1 0 ADJUSTED ACTUAL WATTS228 CONTROL TYPE; ,Nom To ONTROLS FOR CREDIT CONTROL LOCATION, CONTROL CONTROL _ LUMNAW CONTROLLED. NOTE, TO -' ROOM- - 1IDERMCAMON' . TYPE TYPE No. of Um're FIELD ,I N'DTES TO FIELD - For Buildin, De artme t U.se Only 'PORTABLE LIGHTING WORKSHEET PART 3, of 3, Sheet 1) LTG-1. - P No='NA1EDATE SLVER" HAW CMGRERCIJU. SPACE GI 8 TABLE 1A - PORTABLE UGH7ING NOT SHOWN ON PLANS FOR OFFICE AREA > 250 SQUARE FEET A B� C, D RDMI f OR ZONE 1D- DEFAULT AREA TOTAL WATM' C 1.426:0 i. L .. TOTAL: - 142&0 0.0 - TABLE 18 - PORTABLE. LIGHTING SHOWN. ON PLANS FOR OFFICE AREA >,M0 SQUARE FEET - A B C D E F Ri ROOM + OR M'-L'D PORTABLE U6t11MG mm"ONS S PER TAW AM UAMM RES NATIS. PER TAik AREA TASK. AREA (9) NUNBt7t O TASK AREAS:, TOTAL AREA (SF) TOTAL WATTS 0.0 .0.0-- 0.0--0:0 0.0 -, 0.0 Oi0_ _ OiO 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 .. 0.0. 0.0 rt 0.0 0.0 c QO, 0.0 0.0 0.0 i .0.0 0.0 0.0 0:0_' �_. 0.0 0.0' L TOTAL 0.0 0.0 '­5 TABLE IC-PLANS SHOW PORTABLE LIGHTING IS. NOT' REQUIRED FOR .OFFICE .AREAS>250 SQUARE, n Room / . OR. ZONE ® _ TOTAL AREA _ Dad0 x made to p vft det W doapnentatM Vwt the lothip kwel proMed''�byAhe wmheadllotbg meetd the nee& ofthe epos TM dstdo kidid6 hm*Wks type% CU. drid,mouUnq Wc@U ne %IatM to.rak mm - �• r i TOTAL ', 0.0 BUILDING SUMMARY=PORTABLE :LIGHTING i Blum, st"ARY TGTAL AREA, (SF) TAKES-14419+10 TOTAL WATTS TABLES 1A+18 142&0 0:0 i Fite► an 110,-f ,aM 2: Pat"'pp *q Wmtkd Camplksros Farm LIGHTING COMPLIANCE SUMMARY Sheet 1 LTG=Z PROJECT; NAME f)ATE SILVER: F1AWK COMMERCIAL, SPACE: Gl_ 02/03/06 O6 ACTUAL LIGHTING POWER Lii►oNA1RE OESCWP710N NO OF WAUMV CEO DEFAULT TOTAL WATTS NAME_ WM'RE Rip. BALLAST Y N A 2 x 4 15' 58 870 B 1 x 4 1 58 Q Q 58 0.0 0:0 0 0 Q 0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 ©, 0 . 0.0 O.Q. 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 C] a o.Q 0.0 0 0 [] 0 Cl 0 - 0.0 O:o G . 0 �. 0 f-0.0 0Q "o 0 O 0. 0.10, a, o o o C] .0 OA 0.0 0 0. ❑ 0 0 o a 0.0 0 0 �` [] Q SUBTOTAL FROM THIS PAGE 828 1. PLUS SUBTOTAL FROM CONT PACE 828 PORTABLE LTC (Fran LTG -1 Part .3 of 3) O�Ii LESS CONTROL CREDIT WATTS (From LTC --3) 0 j. ADJUSTED WATTS 928 I - If not usb CEC'Dsfoult id. ocie OrwA& dowArtenYdUon.- ` " ALLOWED LIGHTING POWER Choose One Method COMPLETE BUILDING METHOD BUII MC CATEGORY Ohm 'Table 2-53M WATTS PER SF CIMP1.E1& _ BLDG AREA ALL'OWI:D WATTS 0 AREA CATEGORY METHOD BULLDM' CATEOORY WATTS AREA. ALLOWED ram Table 2-53N PER SF WATTS RESTROOYA 0:8 64 38 OFFICE 1.2 1.364 1,637 c ri 1,428 - 1`675' BLDG AREA I BLDG 'WATTS :,)TAILORED OR PERFORMANCE METHOD .0darsd 0 Owfonnanorr TOTAL AUMAD'WATTS t v:�(From LTG -4 or iron► oom rim .r Part '1 of LTG -1 PROJECT NAME DATE SILVER HAWK; COMMERCIAL SPACE F2, F3 02/03/66 - PROJECT ADDRESS BUILDING CONDITIONED ,FLOOR. AREA 1108, 50-620 680 EISENHOWER DR. LA QUINTA, CA: BUILDING TYPE PRINCIPAL DESIGNER TELEPHONE Bullding Permit j S. A. MASCARDO 714 546=3251 0161ION rOCUT NTATION AUTHOR TELEPHONE Checked Ey/Date A. MASCARDO(714)546-32511, Enforcingenc Use rr (i) C t STATEMENT OF OOMPLIMOE This Certificate of Compliance `Hets ,the building features and performance specifications needed to, comply with Title 24, Parts 1 and 6, of the. California Code of Reguigtione. This' certificate applies only to building lighting requirements. i The documentation r arer herebycertifies .that the documentation is r t'e and Tete. DOCUMENTATION. AUTHOR SIGNATURE, DATE B A ,MASCARDO 02/03/06 The. Principal fighting Designer hereby certifies that the proposed b ding design represented in this set, of construction documents is consistent. with the, ;other compllgnce 'forms and, worksheeta; with the specifications, and with any' other' calculations submitted with this permit application. The proposed building has been designed .to meet the lighting c_I requirements contained In Sections 110, 1,19, 130 through 132, and 146 and 1'49: c.I. Please check one: "' QX I hereby affirm that I am eligible under the provisions of Division 3 of the Business and professions Code to c I sign this document as the person responsible for its preparation;', .and .that. I am iicensed'� in the State of Califomia: as a civil' engineer, or electrical engineer,. or I am a licensed archited. GENERAL, INFORMAVON DATE -,OF PLANS )2/0.3/66 BUILDING CONDITIONED ,FLOOR. AREA 1108, COMATE ZONE BUILDING TYPE XQ NONRESIDENTIAL HIGH; RISE ,RESIDENTIAL 0 HOTEL/MO'iEL GUEST ROOM, PHASE OF CONSTR E],'NEWrCONSTRUCTION 0161ION X� ALTERATION METHOD 0F4LTO COMPLIANCE � COMPLETE BUILDING Q AREA CATEGORY Q� TAILORED ,Q PERFORMANCE . I affirm that I am eligible, under the exemption to DMsion 3 of the Business and Professions Code by Section 5537:2 of the Business > and. Professions Code to sign :this document as the person' responsible for its preparation; and that I am alicensed contractor preparing oocumente for work that 1 have contracted to perform.. [] I offirm that 'I am eligible :under the exemption to ,Division 3 of the. Business and Professlons. Code to sign this document because if pertains to 'a . structure or type of work described as exempt pursuant, to Business and Pcofeasiona Code Sections 5537, 5538 and 6732:1. These sections of the Business and Professions Code ars printed bin IMI in the'japnresidentlat Manual MPRINCIPAL .UGHiING DESIGNER - NAME SIGNATURE. LIC. NO. DATE e! A. MASCARDO Il EB136. 02/03/06 LIGHTING MANDATORY MEASURES t Indicate. location on plans of. Note :Block for Mandatory'Me' asurea I E-5 For detailed. instructions on the use of this and all Energy Efficiency Standards compliance fomes, please refer to the Nonresidential Manual published by the Califomia Energy Commission. LTG -1: Required on plans, for all .submittals. Part 2 may be; `incorporated In schedules on plans. LTG -2: Required for all submittals. LTG -3: Optional. Use only If lighting control &edits are taken. tr LTG -4: Optional: Use only if tailored Method is used. Parts 2 and' 3, used' only If, applicable: ,r [CERTFICATE OF COMPLIANCE ightiryg Part 2 of'3 (Sh,. 1 ATG . 1 IPROJECT NAME SILVER FDA -TE 02/03/06 INSTALLED LIGHTING' SCHEDULE F-(O-DE]L LUMINAIRE f: Too No WATTS/ TYPE TOTAL WATTS DESMP71ON peec"PtImme LAJAP DESCRIPTIONS No No WATTS A: 2, x.4 7 FLUORESCEN 2 32' ELECTRIC.1 11 58 638' R I X 4— ! FLUORESCIENT 2 32' ELECTRIC 1 1 58 58 0 0 0 0 n 0 SUBTOTAL FROM THIS PACE ego! N9 Lighting Sctiedule on Plans Shows PWS SUBTOTAL FROM CONTN PAGE 696 ms's Exterior Lighting -Meets PORTABLE 'uWnNG (Frain Lr,1 Pmtz .of 3), 202 -i0 1 Effl-cc,cy and Control :Requirements of 130? LESS CONTROL CREDIT, WATTS'(From LW 4), f Control Requirements of 131(f) ADJUSTED L ACTUAL WATTS iI MANDATORY AUTOMATIC CONTROLS CONTROL LOCATION CONTROL Cbmmm TYPE (ROOM i) IDDMRCA71ON thdollme,Sw, Bderlor, etc.) ALL SWITMIED SaS cI ; MOTES -TO FIELD For Build nqDepaftm-,6ff`t .7, Use Only M07E TO NOTE fin PORTABLE L IGHTING WORKSHEET (PART :3 of "3, Sheet 1) LTG -1 _ PROSECT NAME DATE SILVOUHAW COMMUtCIAL SPACE.F2; F3 8 TABLE; IA PORTABLE UGHTiNG NOT SHOWN :ON PLANSFOR. - OFFICE AREA '> 250' SQUARE -FEET A B C D ON :OR ZONE ID DEFAULT AREA'(SF) TOTAL WS 1008.0 Y014 entW Lbmp wm Farm. TOTAL 1.0080 201.6 TABLEJ B - PORTABLE UGHTING SHOWN ON PLANS ,FOR OFFICE AREA > 250 SQUARE FEET -' A B C D E F G "ROOM' ./ OR: ZONE ID ! PORTABLE LDn= DfSCPoP110t Klt TASK AREA LUMNAIRES WATTS iPIX TASK AREA TASK AREA (S� NUI®ER' OF TASK AREAS IDTAL;AREA (Si TOTAL WATTS 0.0 0.0 I 0:0 0.0 0.0 0.0. 0.0 _ 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0:0 0.0. I 0.0 ; 0:0 '0.0 0.0 t_! - 0.0 0.0 -! 0.0 0.0 ; ! 0.0 0.0 'MAL O.D 0.0 TABLE IC -PLANS SHOW PORTABLE UGHIING IS NOT REQUIRED, !FOR OFFICE AREAS>250 SQUARE FEET ROOM / 'TOTAL AREA OR nK ID Dedpq needs to Protide dstaled docum i taUan thd i w 00tby ww prwmw by #0 wmhood notbi mesh tM needs o1 %s_ waft The detais;tadude.lunindre typo, CU: nnd.,mmftg l000thns rd*o to work arae. ! TOTAL 0.0 LDING SUMMARY -PORTABLE LIGHTING BUILDING SUMMARY. c L TOTAL AREA (SF) TABLES ,tA+1B+16 '1DTAL WATTS FROM TABLES 1A+1B 1.00&0 201.6 Enter an LTr-1 and 2 Portab(o Wino entW Lbmp wm Farm. LIGHTING COMPLIANCE SUMMARY Sheet 1 LTG -2. PROJECT .NAME_ DATE SILVER HAWK COMMERCIAL SPACE FZ F3. 02 03 ACTUAL. 'LIGHTING. 'POWER. LUMINAIRE DESCRIPTION NAME _ A 2.x 4 - B -1-,x 4. 0.0. 0.0` 00 0.0. 0:0 MO, 0.0 mo , - 0.0 0:0 0.0 , 0.0 0.00.0' 00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 O 0.0 . If ,not awho CEVD~'vahw plsaes doaoisentatim NO OF ' Wilm ' 11 0 0 O 0 p. 0 0 0. 0 0.- 0 W�LUM-RE CEO. DEFAULT LIICL,BALIAST Y w 58 Q 58�� �_ 0 0 0 0 Q O E O 0 El, 0 0 0 ED 0 CD 'O 0 ca 0 0 0 Q' 0 �. 0 �]' SUBTOTAL FROM THIS PAGE PLUS SUBTOTAL FROM CONT PAGE. PORTABLE LIC(Fran LTC—f Part I of 3) LESS OONTROL CREDIT WATTS (_From LTfr3) ADJUSTED WATTS; TOTAL WAT15 638 58' -0. 0 0 0 0 '01- O0.0 0 0. 0 0 0 69e 696 202 0 898'x, ALLOWED LIGHTING POWER; :Choose One Method. COMPLETE BUILDING METHOD _ I BUUINO CAIEGORY mm Table 2 -_ WATTS PER SF COMPLETE BLDG AREA ALLOWED , WATTS 0 AREA CATEGORY METHOD_ ( a i MUM CATEGORY Man. Table 2-83N WATTS' PER SF AREA' I ALLOWED WATTS RESTROOM _ 0.6 84 38_. OMCE 1.2 844 1133' 1.008 1.171' BLOG;AREA BLDG WATTS. I - - �, , 'TAILORED OR PERFORMANCE METHOD [�Tanomo t " Pwftmance, TOTAL,ALLOWED WATTS r m LTC -4 or &= owiOuter nm), c cwu - _". FF & Gii rA DA STRUC7, ey inc. Mevads Coldrado ManOnd "_OoPF10E'IC4" tV - b2,Oj SUMMARY OF ENERGY CONSERVATION FEATURES Following the Performance- Method. of Compliance and -using, the energy :features outlined, below each building was able to. meet the Conun&t6aI Title 24 Energy R equirements set bythe. : CEC. Using the approved E=pro Prescriptive, Calculation :Software , each building was modeled p 9- .Separately at all f6ur orientations. 'Tbe resulting energy use fort he worst-case exposure was then compared to theallowed energy budget'. Because the proposed energy budget; was found, to be. lower than, that allowed by.,the Standard Design .Energy :Budget the building complied with the, current Title 24 Residential, Requirements. (BuildiogsT & G) 1. R-30 CEILING INSULATION. .2. R-13 EXTERIOR WALL INSULATION, 3. R-4.2 DUCT INSULATION. 4. HERS VERIFACATION REQUIRED FOR. THE FOLLOWING J. 11 EER 2. T X -V 3. <12'OF DUCT IN UNCONDITIONED SPACE 5. VINYL WINDOWS AND PATIO DOORS. 1. :OPERABLE WINDOWS WITH U -VALUE OF'0.40:. & SHOC OF 0.3.2. 2. FIXED WINDOWS WITH U -VALUE OF 0.40 & SHGGDF 032. 31. PATIO _ DOORS, WITHU-VALUE, OF 0.40 &.:'SHGC OF -0.32. & YORK HEAT PUMP WITH 13.0'SEER+TXV 0 TITLE 24 REPORT' I 'Title 24 Report for: .La Quinta Commercial - Building F La QUihta, CA Project Designer:; K-TGY-Group 17992 Mitchell South Irvine, CA 926,14 (949) 851 _2 - 1 33 Report Prepared By: Jason A. Krefft LD'IMech-anical 1740 Deli - lah Street Corona, CA 928,79 '(909) 340-9685 Job NuMber:, Date.. .k, 12/23/2005 The EnergyProcomputer program. h has been used ' to perform the in,this compliance report. Thisprogramhas:appfoval;and is authorized bythe California Energy'Commission for use with both the -Resideniisiland,NonresidentiiiI 2005 Building ding EnergVEffide . ncy Standards. This program developed by EhergySoft,,LLC - www.dnergysoft.com. 4.6 TABLE OF CONTENTS Cover Page, 1 ,Table of Contents. 2 Nonresidential Performance Title 24 Forms 3 Form MECH-MM Mechanical Mandatory Measures 12 ErvergyPro 4.0 by EneWSoft Job Number. 'User Number. *693 1PERFORMANCE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE -Part 1 of 3 PERF -1' PROJECT NAME DATEOVPLANS 12-14-05, DATE- La Quinta Commercial_- -Building F BUILDING TYPE NONRESIDENTIAL HIGH RISE RESIDENTIAL E'HOTELJMOTEL GUEST ROOM 12/23/2005 PROJECT ADDRESS' consistent with the other compliance ldrms,:and worksheets, with the specifications, and with any other calculations submitted with thic permit application. The proposed building as designed meets the energy efficiency requirements contained in sections 110, 116, La Quinta, ENV.LTG. MECH. Penna PRINCIPAL DESIGNER, - ENVELOPE TELEPHONE 13wldmg # :. KTGY Group (�949),851 m2133 ktl DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR TELEPHONE Checked -6y1ii 6 LDI Mechanical 909)340-9685 t6 en 'Use. GENERAL INFORMATION DATEOVPLANS 12-14-05, BUILDING CONDITIONED FLOORAREA- 3,541sqXta CLIMATE ZO E 15, BUILDING TYPE NONRESIDENTIAL HIGH RISE RESIDENTIAL E'HOTELJMOTEL GUEST ROOM IPHASE,OF�coNmucTION' NEWWCONsTRuc-noN F_]. ADDITION [] ALTERATION EXISTING + ADDITION STATEMENT OFCOMPLIANCE Thl of Compliance"llsts the building features and.performance specffications, neected tovomp�y,wfth Title 24 Parts I and 6 of the a Caltl� if iffomia,Codb of Regulations. Thlizertillicate:applies only, to a Building using the performance,compliance:a h. The dodumvpWiflon prepares herebyicbrtlfled that,the docurnentat! Isacdurat9*#Co 0 0 ;'m P DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR SIG ATURE DATE Jason A. Kreifft I he Principa( Designer hereby certityp that the proposed 'b_Wing7d61i'g'n r4i6Ventea in ini&ZT&%&trdct6on documents is consistent with the other compliance ldrms,:and worksheets, with the specifications, and with any other calculations submitted with thic permit application. The proposed building as designed meets the energy efficiency requirements contained in sections 110, 116, through 118, and, 140, 1142, 143 or 149, of Title 24, Part 6. ENV.LTG. MECH. 7 F-] F-] 1.1 hereby af6rm that,I am eligible under the provisions of 'Division 3:of the Business and Professions Code to sign this document as the person responsible for its preparation; and that I'am licensed in the -State of California as a, civil engineer, Mechanical engineer;or I am a licensed architect. F-] F 2> 1 affirm,that I Ain eligible under the proVisionsof Divilsim 3L ofthe Businegslairid. Professions Code, Section 5537:2 or 6737;3 to sign this.Aodumeht, as: the person resporttible,f6r1its, preparation; and that I am a licensed ,contractor performing this work. _ . F-] F] 7. Z.] affirm that I 'am eligible.,under Division 3,6f the Business and Professions Cocl0o sign this%clocument because it,pertains;to a structure, or tppusuant to ProfessionsI type'of work describedis exempt to Business and I Codia Sections 5537, 5538, and 6737. l..,(These'sections of "theBusiness and Professions Code areprinted in fuli in the Nonresidential' "Man -UPI.). ENVELOPE COMPLIANCE Indicate locatimon plans ol"Note Block for Mandatory Measures ENVA Required Forms PRINCIPAL ENVELOPE DESIGNER'- NAME TURTWUR IC. NO. DATE ,KTGY Group J'SIGN _ 4 � cV—, b -710 6 LIGHTING: COMPLIANCE, Indicate location:oni plans. al"Note'Block. for Mandatory Measures 'LightingCompliance Not In The Scope Of 6 , 4i Required Forms 'J 1211b OULAIIIELdi PRINCIPAL LIGHTING DESIGNER NAME SIGNATURE LIC. No. [DATE MECHANICAL COMPLIANCE Indicate location on plains of Note Block for Mandatory Measures Required Forma MEQ-_HA-;Mn6,MEQH-3, PRINCIPAL MECHANICAL DESIGNER- NAME SIG LIC. NO: LD[ Mechanical kATURE t 'Ruh Initiation ime&J2121106 10.27m03 Run Coftle:� 1135362423 Energqft 4.0 by'EnergySoft User Number.; 693 Job Number. Page:3 of 13 PERFORMANCE CERTIFICATE DF COMPLIANCE Part ,2 of 3 PERF -1 PROJECT NAME DATE, La QUinta Commercial - Building F 1 12/23/2005; ENERGY COMPONENT Space Heating Space Cooling Indoor Fans Heat Rejection Pumps & Mi6c; Domestic Hot Water Lighting Receptacle process Standard . Proposed Compliance, 7OTALA: 31V57 1 V57 300Z6 11.51, Percent better than '-Standard: +31% 3.7%, excli 'Building Orientation Number of Stories Number of Systems Number of,Zones (Noith) O'deg, Conditioned Floor Area 3,54-sqh. UnconditionedFloorArea, 1 Conditioned Footprint Area 3;64qt Fuel Type Natural Gas I 1 .41 61 Front Elevation (North782 Orientation GrossArea Glazing Area Glazing Red Front Elevation (North782 scft 280 sqft 35.8% Left Elevation (East) 896 sqfL., 1 608 scift, 67.9% Rear*Elevation '(Sot6) D.Sqk 0 sqft. b.0% Right Elevation If (west Total Roof 578 2,256 sqft; 1;it sqft. 3485 1,216 ==�1,qft. sqfL sqft. 60.2% FRemarks; PERFORMANCE CERTIFICATE OF .COMPLIAN:CE Part3 of 3 PERF -1 submitted. The HVAC System "YorltE1RD048SOW,F-1" incorporates a,HERS verified,Refrierant Cha e.test ora HERS, verihed'Thermostatic a ansion Valve. The HVAC S tem"York E1RDl)60S06 174" indorpdratma HERS verified Refrr erantCha elest or &HERS verified7hennostatic,Expansion Valve. The HVAC System "York E1 RD060S06 F-3" incorporates a HERS'verfied_Refri erantCha a test or a HERS verified Thermostatic Expansion Valve: The exceptionalfeatures'listed in this performance approach appllcatlon;havwspeclflcally been reviewed. Adequate written Justification and. documentation for their use, have been provided by the applicant. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE ENV=1-C PROJECT NAME DATE, La: Quinta Commercial - Building 'F 12/23/2005 #' STS a Area U=Fac. Insulation Cay. Cont..Azm. Act. Tilt Cond' Joint.Appendix Status `IV�Reference Location / Comments 1 �W II East 0. ' _ R-13 R-04 "Storefront 0 New 09-A3 - ids 48 OAOO.NFRC 0:32 NFRC Wall New Storefront Office 3 Window. 90 _ 90 52 0.400 NFRC 0:32 NFRC 09-A3 Office .3 Wall 35 0.102 East r 270 90 _ 09-A9 Office 4 Wall `70 0.102 R-13 R-0:0 270 90 Ne 69-A3 Coon Rest.,Supp. 5 Wall 77 - 0.102 -RAI R-0:01 90 90 New 09=A3 Office 6 1wall 39 0.102 R-13 R40 270 1 90 _New Office 09=A3 Office 7 Wall '70 0.107 RA3 R-0.0 270 90 New- 09-A3 Coor. Rest. Supp. 8 Wall 193 0.107 R-13 R-0.0 0 _ 90 New 09-A3 Office .9 Wall 53 OJO2, R-13 R-0:0 90 _ 90 New MM Offioe 10 Will 16 0.102: R=13 R-0.0 27.0 90 New. 09-A3 Offioe 11 Wall 70 0.102, R-131 R40 0 90 09=A3 Coon Rest. Supp. • N. E. A. R (New. Usama, Altered. Removed)' 7 :More. than or equal to. 10,000 dq.ft, of si�llt fenestration area must include alabel'csrtlficste either iseuetl�by NFRC or,proJlde a CEC Def iuttLabel Certificate using the default LI -factors finis CfeMnMu TeMle 110.4 nnA'Rl�Lf11a L1G aMll'hs RbA in 1ha'iwkleMnfe rimiaiM May eh,Ann nnnaln,rliM eM.in Hu' M dl�nn ,aana.aWa .Rro cellar nnnali.,rlinn # Type OR SH6DING Area U -Fac'' SHGC2 Act: Azm. Cond. Stat. GlazingType Location/ Comments 1' Window Left East 48 0:400 NFRC 0.321 NFRC 90 New "Storefront Office 2 Window. Left' East 48 OAOO.NFRC 0:32 NFRC 90 New Storefront Office 3 Window. Left East 52 0.400 NFRC 0:32 NFRC 90 New 'Storefront Office - 4. Window Left East 52 0.400 NFRC 0:32 NFRC 90 New Storefront _ ' Office 5 Wndow Left. East 52 0:400 NFRC 0:32 NFRC _ 90 New Storefront _ _ Office. 6 Wndow :Left East 52 OA00 INFRC 0:32 1 NFRC, 90 . New Storefront Office _ 7 Window. Right: est 5210.400 NFRC0:32 NFRC 270 New Storefront Office 8 Window Ri fit Mest 1e 0:400 NFRC T32' NFRC 270 New Storefront_ Office '9 Window Right est 48' 0:400:NFRC' 0.32' NFRC 270 New Storefront Office 10 Window Left East 48 0.400 NFRC' 0:32 NFRC 90 New Storefront Office; '11 Window .Left East 52 OA00 NFRC' 0:32 NFRC 90 New 'Storefront Office 12 lWndow Left East 52 0.400 NFRC 0:32 NFRC '90 Kew [Storefront: _J Office; _ 13 Window, ;Ri ht it) 48 OA001 NFRC 0:32 NFRCJ 270 New Storefront Office (2) Sir yp 116-B,Default Table from Staniferds,,COG CNbmer of -Glass, IFRC Labeled Valuie Appendlz; NFRC,LatteleC:value: YPe� The proposed'bullding eardatris an enGosed apaee:wM'.floor area greater fhan:26,000 sq^ a calling height greater than 1b feet and a LPD for general lighting of. a_ t least 0 6 Wlaq.fl. Rtftls box Is checked. ENV:4-C must be fllled out:when submktlrm underthe.Prescriotive CormAlance Aooroach. Number.. OR SH6DING Exterior Shade Type HGC Window H t. Wd_. Overhang � Left Fin Ri g_ht Fin 'Lon. Hgi None - 0:76 8:0 6 0 6.5' 0.1 6:0 &0 2 None 0.76, 80 60 6.5 0.1 6:0 6:0 3 None. 0:76 8`0 6:5 6.5' 0.1 8.0 6.0 4 Mone 0.76 8.0 6:5 6.5 0.1 6.0 6:0 5 None '0;76 8 0 6'5 6.5 0.1 6:0 6.0 6 None 0.76 8:0 6:'5 6.5' 0.1 6.0 6.0 7_ .None 0.76. &0 6.5 2.0 0.1 1.0 2.0 8 None - 6:76' 8:0 2.0 .2.0 0:1 2.0 7:0 9 ,None 0:76 8:0 &0 .2.0' 0.1 2.0 2:0 10 None 0.76. 8:0 6:0 6.5 0.1 6.0 6.0 11 .None 0.76 80 6!5 6.5 0.1 6.0 6:0 12 'None 0:76 1 8.'0 65 1 6.6 0.1 6.0 6.0 3 None 0:76 &0 6:5 2.0 0.1 2:0 2:0 _I [MINIMUM .,M SKYLIGHT OR LARGE ENCLOSEUSPACES The proposed'bullding eardatris an enGosed apaee:wM'.floor area greater fhan:26,000 sq^ a calling height greater than 1b feet and a LPD for general lighting of. a_ t least 0 6 Wlaq.fl. Rtftls box Is checked. ENV:4-C must be fllled out:when submktlrm underthe.Prescriotive CormAlance Aooroach. Number.. CERTIFICATE OF EOMPLIANCE ENV -1 -Cl PROJECT NAME' La Quinta OPAQUE SURFACES DATE Building F 1 ffi-��N insulation ® Area U=Fac' ..: Act: Azm. Condi I Stat. Glazin T e; 'Location/. Comments 16 1window Front North 128 0.400:NFRC i 0.32 NFRC 0 New Storefront Offiee 17' Window Front North 48 ,0.400'NFRC 0.32 NFRC 0 New Storefront Office 18 Window Front North 52 0.400 ,NFRC 0.32 NFRC 0 New. Storefront Office Wi 19 ndow Front North 52 0.400 NFRC 0:32 NFRC 0- New Storefront Office, 20' Window Left East 48 0.400 NFRC 0:32 NFRC 90 ■dam®®�®�-® Storefront Office 21 Window Left. (East) 52 .0.400 NFRC 0.32_ NFRC, 90 New Storefront Office, 22 Window Left East 52,0;400 NFRC 0:32 NFRC 90 New Storefront Office 23 .Window Right t 48 .0:400 NFRC 0:32 NFRC 270 Nevin_ Storefront Office 24 Window ftht t 16 0.460 'NFRC 0.32 NFRC 270 New Storefront Office 25 Window Ri ht est 52 0.400 NFRC 0:32 NFRC 270 New Storefront Office MINIMUM SKYLIGHT AREA N; E; E; A,.R (New, E)isdng; Altered, Rem FENESTRATION SURFACES. FMore #wm or _equal to 10,0W9g1t. of elW16ul tfenesMedon Area must include a tabel:oerd6cate sither lsaued by.NFRC'or provide a CEC Default Label Certificate using the:default LI -factors from RfwnrWrils TwhIw.11A:A wne1R. Cwrtlliratw shall M filed in Mw ennfraMnrsernfwM efRnw dudnnmnalnuiinn,wndIn,fhw,fuillAinn mwrwnwrs nfRrn waver mnfdn�dinri # 1TV20 Area U=Fac' SHGC2 Act: Azm. Condi I Stat. Glazin T e; 'Location/. Comments 16 1window Front North 128 0.400:NFRC i 0.32 NFRC 0 New Storefront Offiee 17' Window Front North 48 ,0.400'NFRC 0.32 NFRC 0 New Storefront Office 18 Window Front North 52 0.400 ,NFRC 0.32 NFRC 0 New. Storefront Office Wi 19 ndow Front North 52 0.400 NFRC 0:32 NFRC 0- New Storefront Office, 20' Window Left East 48 0.400 NFRC 0:32 NFRC 90 New Storefront Office 21 Window Left. (East) 52 .0.400 NFRC 0.32_ NFRC, 90 New Storefront Office, 22 Window Left East 52,0;400 NFRC 0:32 NFRC 90 New Storefront Office 23 .Window Right t 48 .0:400 NFRC 0:32 NFRC 270 Nevin_ Storefront Office 24 Window ftht t 16 0.460 'NFRC 0.32 NFRC 270 New Storefront Office 25 Window Ri ht est 52 0.400 NFRC 0:32 NFRC 270 New Storefront Office MINIMUM SKYLIGHT AREA FOR LARGE ENCLOSED PACES (1 Li4actor Type: t td -A Default Table from Standards, Table NIA Default Table from thgACM Manuel Appendix, NFRCIabeled value. (2; SHGC Type: 1.16-B DefeuttTable from Standards; COG Center of Glass, NFRC Labeled Value: O S ADING # ExteriorShade Type HGC Window „ H t. Wd! Overhang -t... E . Left Fin. Right Fin � _" D _ � D Len., H 16 .None 0.76 8.0 16.0 2.0 0.1 2.0 2:0 1.7 None. 0:76 8.0 6.6 2.0 0.1 2.,0 _ 2:0 - 18 None 0.76 8.0 6.5 2.0 0.1 2:0 2:0 19 11 None 0.76 .8.0 6.5 2.0 0.1 2:0 2.0 20 'None 0.76 11 8.0, 16.0 6.5 0.1_ 6:0_ 6.0 1 [None. 0.76 8.0 6.5' 6.5 0.1 6:0 6:0 22 1 None 0.76 8.0 6.5• 6.5 0.1 60 6.0 _ ,23 None 0.76 8.0 6.0 2.6 0.1 2s0 2.0 24 None 0.76 8.0 2.0 2.0 0:1 210 2.0 _ 25 None 0.7.6 8.0 6.5 2:0 0:1 2:0 2.0. MINIMUM SKYLIGHT AREA FOR LARGE ENCLOSED PACES building Contains'an enclosed $PC@ wftn floor area.91" r. Ills box Is checked ,ENV44 must be Nled out; when'sudmld Run Initiation Time:: 1?J5 4.0 bv,Enerav$o8 User Number: 4693 Number. a LPD for, general llghtlng of at least 35362423 Page:'7 of 13 JOERTIFICATE, OF COMPLIANCE MECH-7-C PROJECT NAME DATE La'Quinta Commercial = Building F 12/23/2005. Designer: This form is to be used by'the designer°and attached to the plans: Listed below. are all the acceptance tests -for mechanical systems:'The designer is required to checkthe" by all'acceptance tests thapappty and,list all equipment',thatirequires an,acceptance test. If'alliequipment of a certain type requires a test, list -the equipment' description and'the number of systems to be tested°in parentheses -'The NJ number designates!theiSection`in the Appendbc ofthe Nonresidential ACM'Manual that describes the test: Also indicate the person responsible for performing the tests (i:e. the installing contractor; design: professional or anagent selected'by the owner)'. Since this form will be part of the plans, completion of, this section will allow the responsible party to budgetforthe scopeW work appropriately. Building Departments, SYSTEM ACCEPTANCE. Beforwan,occupancy peripit is granted for ,newly constructed building or space, or amew'space-conditioning system serving•a building or space is opersted'for normal'use, all control devices servingtheibuilding orspace shall. be certified as meeting the Acceptance Requirements for Code Compliance. P In:addition a Certficate of Acce tante, MECH=1-A Form shall be submitted to the building'+depaitmentsthafcertifies plans, specifications; installation certificates. and operating and maintenance information, meet the; requiements,of,Section 10-1.03(b) and Title 24' Part:6. STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE ❑(MECH-27k'Ventilation System Acceptance Document -Variable AirVoiurne Systems, Outdoor Air Acceptance -Constant�AirVolume,SystemsOutdoor A -R Acceptance EquipmenUequiring,acceptanoe testing ❑'MECH-3-A;,Packaged HVAGSystems Acceptance, Document Equipment requiring -,acceptance -testing ❑'MECH-4-A: Air Distribution Acceptance Document Equipment requiring acceptance:testing ❑;MECH=57A ,Air�Side,Economizer Acceptance Document Equipmentrequiring acoeptanoe testing ❑ MECH- i -A: `Demand Control Ventilation Aoceptance Document Equipment requiring'@'c eptance.tesbng MECH-7-A:Supp1y F.anVariable:Flour'Control_Acceptence.DocUment= Equipment requiring acceptanowtesting ❑,MECH-&A:-Hydronic System Control,Acceptanoe Document -Variable Flow Controls -Automoic1solation Con_ -trots -Water-loop Heat Pump Controls =Variable Frequency. Controls Equipment requiring acceptance testing Energyft 4A :byiEnergySoft User; Number:4693 Job,Number. Page:8,of 13 AIR SYSTEM 'REQUIREMENTS Part 1 of 2 'MECH-2-C ITEMAR SYSTEM, TAGS) Number of Systems, AWSYSTEMSi, CentraVor Single Zone York E1 RD048S06x2, F=1 York E1 RD060S06 F-2 York E1 RD060S06 F-3: 2 1 1 T44 MANDATORY` MEASURES Section; Reference;on Pians'or-SpeciflcaUo.n Heating Equipmentaiftciency Cooling Equipment,Efficiency Heat Pump Thermostat Fumace, Controls Natumi'Ventllation Minimum Ventilation VAV Minimum Position Control Demand Control Ventilation TlmwControl Setback andSetup' Control Outdoor Damper Control Isoladon2ones Pipe Insulation, Duct Insulation PRESCRIPTIVE MEASURES Calculated Heating `Capacity. X1.43 2 Proposed', Heating'capacity 2 Calculated Sensible Cooling Capacity x1,V2 Proposed'Sensible Cooling Capacity 2 Fan Control DP Sensor'Location . Supply: Pressure Reset (DDC only) Simultaneous, Heat/Cool Economizer Heating Air.supply Reset Cooling Air Supply Reset Duct. ssaling;for P,rescriptiye Compliance 1' For each,central;and single zone airsystems (orgroup ofsimiler Units) MYin the referenoe;to sheet number and/or: specification section and paragraph number where the required feaiures;arwdocumented: If�a requirement is.notapplicable; put N! In the column. 2: Not'required for h dronic heath And Coolin ... Either enter avalue here or Out in'reference of lens and s reg Y 8 B p P pecificatons'perfootnote-l. 3: Enter Yes if System is: Constant•Volume, Single.Zone; Serves ,< 5,000 sgft Hes > 25%ductin unconditioned apace: Duct sealingjs required for Prescriptive Compliance;; see PE0-1 for performance method, duct sealing requirements.. 112(a). 9:00 HSPF 9?00 HSPF: '� 9:00 H8P'F 112 a _ 13.0>SEER /-11.0; EER 13.0 SEER Y11.0 EER 13.0:SEER /I1 AEER 1]2 b Yes Yes Yes 1:12c,1 -15a Na Na We 121(b) Yes, Yes Yes ;121(b), _ `226,efin 161,Cfni, 144 cfin 121 c No No No 121 c No No No 121 c -322 a Prbgramffable Swftch Prbarahimable,Swftch I ProgramrhableSwitch 122(6)_ Heating & Cooling 'Required Heating &Cooling.Recluired Heating,&Coolin .R uired 122 __ Auto Auto Auto 122 Na n/a Na 123. 124. R-4:2 R-4.2 R-4.2 144 a & b Na Na Na 144 a & b 37,225 btuh 22,610 btuh 22,610 btuh 144,(a & b - Na Na Na 14410 & b 48,706 btuh 44,528 btuh 44,669 btuh 144' c Constant:Volume. Constant Volume . Constant Volume. 144 c 144,(c) No No No. 144(d) No No -No 144 a No Economizer No Economizer No Economizer 144 Constant Temp Constant Tem Constant Tem 144:(f) Constant Temp Constant Temp Constant Temp 1144,'(k) No No No ~ PRESICkIPTIVE, REHEAT LIMITATION (Section 144(d)) MECHANICAL VENTILATION -(Section 121 M21 AREA BASIS OCCUPANCY BASI& VAV MINIMUM ib al Cc, 03 offim 1,454 0.151! .218, 216 2113 York,E1RD046S06x2 F-1 Total, 226_ 226 Ofrice 11022 0.15 1W, 153 153 York,E1RD060S06 F�2 Total 161 161 C Minimum ventilation rate oat section 121 Table 121-A E Based an fixed seat or t�e arsaier of the w=cted number of occupants and'50% of the CBC occupant load for agrees purposes for spaces wftout fted swung. H Required Ventilation Alt (REQVV�Ajjs M'larger of." ventilation rafts calculated on and'AREA or.00CUPANCY-BASIS (column D or G): Mustbegreatertha or equal4o H. or useTransfer Air (ooiummk�tb makeup the difference. i Design fan supply cfm,(FaKCFM) x 30%; or K Condition area (ft. act.) x 64 dmh sq.4 or M this must be less than or "ual to column,L and greater -that or equalito me sum,of Columns: H*K .N Transfer. air must be'provided:where theRequired Ventilation Air (column H . ) is greertarvi- 6'Ds :M ur(qw I ump M Where required, transfer air must,be greater than o equal to1he difference between the kequiredlVentilationAir (column H) and the Design Minimum Air (column M), column H -- M. IMECHANICAL EQUIPMENT DETAILS Part 1 of 2 MECH-5-C PROJECT NAME La Quinta Commercial- Buildin F IDATE12/23/2005-- ICHILLER System,Type Distribution Type Efficiency Tons Vol. (Gals.) PUMPS Ext R Val. Equlpment Name Equipment Type Tot GPM, BHP Motor Eff. Drive Eft. Pump Control _ MULTI -FAMILY CENTRAL WATER HEATING DETAILS - Hot Water P mp Hot Water Piping Len th ft Control _. #' - HP T e In Plenum Outside Buried Add 1/2" Insulation 1DHW I BOILER SUMMARY - Energy Factor or RE Standby Loss or Pilot TANK INSUL. stem Name System,Type Distribution Type Ply Rated Input; Vol. (Gals.) !Condltlon Status Ext R Val. MULTI -FAMILY CENTRAL WATER HEATING DETAILS - Hot Water P mp Hot Water Piping Len th ft Control _. #' - HP T e In Plenum Outside Buried Add 1/2" Insulation CENTRAL SYSTEM RATINGS . HEATING CO.OUNG System Name S stem Type Output Auz-,Condition kW _ EH: output Efflclen _ Status EconomizerType York E1 RD048S06 Split DX .2 '29,800 0. 9:00 HSPF 40,40013ASEER /11.0 EER New No.Economizer York E1RD060S06 SpI t;DX 2New .36;2 0 0. !9.00,HSPF 51,10013.O:SEER /11.0 EE No Economizer C'RAL SYSTEM FAN s RY stem Name Fan Typg - Motor Location. CFM. BHP Motor Eff. Drive Eff: CFM BHP' Motor Eff. Drive Eff. York E1 RD046S06' Constant Volume Blow -Through 2,000 0.20 60:0% 100.0% none York E1.RD0.60S06 Constant Volume Blow -Through 2,000 0.20 60M% 100.0% none. Run Initiation Ti Co 13 EnergyP,ro 4.6 '.by1EnergyW UserNumber 460 , Job Number. Page:11 of 13 IMECHANICAL MANDATORY MEASURES Part 1 .of 2 MECH.-M (PROJECT NAME DATE La Quinta Commercial m guildinq F 12/23/2'005 DESCRIPTION Designer' Enforcement Equipment and Systems Efficiencies Fx_1 §111 Any appliance for which there' Is a CallfornlazWndard established.InAhe Applianew.Effici . ency Regulations will comply with'the applicable standard. F—] § 11 5(a) Fan typerbntral'furnaces shall, not havea pilot light. 0 § 113 - Pipingexcept that ,conveying fluids at temperatures -between Skand 105 degrees Fahrenheit or within "HVAC equipment shall be Insulated In accordance with Standards Section 123. 194 Alrbandilng duct.systemsi.shall be installed and InsulatedIn compliance with: Sections 60.1, 663 and,604;of the Uniform Mechanical! Code. Controls 122(6) Each,spacwconditioning,systern shaWbe,installed with;one ofthwfolt ng: - .0 §,1 22(e)1A Each space,conditioning,systern serving,building types.such,as offices,and manufacturing facillUes,(and all others i not ex litft *xempttfronrthe explicitly requirements of " Section 112',(d)) shall beinstalled withlawautomatic time switch with an accessible manual override that allowe operatl9wof the system during off -hours for up to 4,hours. The time switch shall be: capable of'programming different'schedulewfor weekdays and4sekends and have program backup capabilities that prevent,theIoss of the device's program and time:88tting for -at least 10 hours 0 pavierls interrupted; or § i22(4)i6,Amoccupancy sensor to control the operating period of the system; or utimer mer that can be manually pperated.twcontrol the operating period of w(G)IC, A 4-hour thesystem'. 2 ni ng system a he X 12 (e)2 Each space.6ondltio' 11 -be Installed WK.Kponftis that tiemporaft F restart andtemporarily operate the system ;as -required to maintain w8stback heating;andlora setup cooling ihennostat-,setpoint, Ing multiple4ones *Itlka combined. F§ 1122(g), Each space condition.ingoystern serving conditioned,, n6orareamore1han:25000square feetishall'bepr0*1ded with, isolation zones. Each zone: shallmotoxceed 26,000 square feet; shall be providediwIth isolation devices, Ices, such awvah/es ordarnoers, that aiiowthosupply of heating or cdollowth be, setback�of shut-off Independently of other'lsolatlon areas; and shall be controlled by a time control -device as described above. 122(Ab) Each spate conditioning system shallibeicontr6liedby an individuatthermo stat that responds 7to,tempersture.mthin the zone. Where used to control heating, the, control shall! bwadjustable down to 65.degreftT or -lower. For cooling,,the control shall, beadjustable up to 86 degrees F or higher. Where,used for both heating and cooling, t he:tontrolshal - I be capablerof proVid .. Ing a deadband,oUat, least 6 degrees F!wlthin whIch.ihwsu.pp!y of heating and cooling Is,shut,off or reduced to a,mln , Imum. 7 121(c) Thermostats shall'have numeric setpoints in degrees Fahrenheit (F) and personnel. aqjudtik-bibsetoWhtstops acdes#iblo:only to.authod*zbd6 - 112(b) Ije4,pumps shall be installed with. controls to prevent electric resistance supplementary°heatsr operation when heating load can be met by%the heat pump alone., I EnergyPro By EnergySoft User Number. User Job,Nurnber. Paoe'12 of 13 IMECHANICAL MANDATORY MEASURES Part 2of2 MECH-MMI PROJECT NAME inta Commercial -'Building F 12/2 Description Designer Enforcement Ventilation FX1 § 121(e) Controlsishall be; provided to allow outside alrdampersw deviceslo be.opsraied at the ventli0tion rates,as,spedfied on these,plans. Gravity;orfauto stic 4ampe rsInterlocked and closed on fan shutdown shall be provided owthe outside air Intakes and.discharge&o[all spacezonditioning and exhaust dystoMs,. 122M All gravity ventilating'systernwshall be,provlded wiWautomatic, or readily accessible manually operated dampers In all.openings10 the outside,. except for-combustl9n, air, openings. f.121,M11 AIr:Ba lancing: Thelsysternzhall,'be balanced Imaccordance with the,Nahonal Environmental Balancing Bureau (NEBB) Procedural Standards (1983), or AssoclatedAir I3aIanc6,Councfi (AABC)'kationali.Standards (Igift. or 1 X] § 121(42 Outside Air Certification:, The system,shall provide-the*lhlrnum-outskie air as shown on the mechanical drawings, And shall be measured and certified by the Installing licensed C-20 mechanical contractor and,certified1ty (1),the design mechanical engineer, (2) the Installing, licenced C-20 mechanical vontradtor,, or,(3):the personvith, overall reeponsiblitty4or the:design,'of the ventilation'sysWW'or F—] § 121M3 Outilde Air Measurement: the system sihallibe equipped with a"callbrated1oddlor remote, device capable,of me08u-rIn0'thwqu1k1ntII*, of outside aWona continuous baelwand displaying, that.quanttty,on: a readily accessible display ;1jvIce; or F—] §.12IM4 Another method approved by the Commission. Service Water Heating Systems §,113(b)2 We circulating hot,water system Is1natalled Uh It.sha-d-, -ave, a control capable of automatically:tuming off the circulating pump(s)-when hot'water Is not required. 113(b)3B Lavatories In restrooms ofpublic facilities, shall', be equipped with controls to limlUthe outlet temperature to 110 degrees F. 7 § 113(b)3C Lavatories In restroorns,of 'public facilities shalfbe equipped with onwof the.. following: Outlet devices that limit the flow of hot water to a maximum of 0.5 gallons per minute. Foot actuated control valves, and IoUtlet devices that limit the flow of hotwater to a maximum,ofA.769allons per minute. Proximity -sensor actuated control valves, and outlet devices t - MCI - Imit the flow of hot water to a!maxImurn of 0.15 gaildn's per'minutp. Self -dosing valves, and outlat'devices; that Ilmh4he flow of hot water to a maximum of 24 gallons per Minute, and;0.26�gallone/cycle,(cimul"n.9 system). Self-cloilngvalves, and, outleUdevices that limit the flow of hot water to a maximum of 2.6,gallons per minute, and .0M gallonalcyclwelnon-clrculatlng system). Self-closing valves, and outlet devices that limit the flow of hotwater twa maximum of 2.51gallonsper minute, and 0.75gallongicycle (foot switches and prootirfilt- - sensor' controls). EnergyPro By EhergySaft User Number. User Job,Number. Page:j 3 of'l 3 TITLE 24 REPORT Title 24 Report for. La- Quinta Commercial - Building 0 La Quinta, CA Project Designer r0i KTGY Group 17992 Mitchell: South Irvine, 'CA 92614 (9497) 851-2133 Report Prepared: 'By: Jason A. Krefft" ,LDI Mechanical 1 740 Delilah Street Corona,, CA %92879: (909.) 340-9685 'Job Number:, Datc. The EnergyPro computer Program has-been used,toioerlomthe daiculationsaummarized in this complignee report. This program, hacapprovaPand is authorized -by the Calffomia'Energy Commission for use wifKboib fhe'Resi'dent-ial'-and '-No-nr-esidontieil'2005 Building En.erg Efficiency Standards: This program developed- by EnergySoft, LLC - www.,energysofLcom. :EnergyPro.4.0, byEhftySoft Job Number. User Number.'.4693 TABLE OF CONTENTS Cover Page Table of Contents Nonresidential * Performance Title 24 Forms Form MECH-MMMechanical Mandatory Measures 1 2 3 13 I EnergyPro 4.0 by;Energy5oftl Job NuMber. ;User Number: 4e93 y 1PERFORMANCE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE- Part l of 3 PERF -1.1 PROJECT NAME. DATE La QUinta Commercial - Building G 12/23/2005 PROJECT ADDRESS LaQqinta PRINCIPAL DESIGNER -ENVELOPE: . iTELEPHONE KTGY Group 851-21-33 DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR TEL EPH , ONE I Mac -(909) 34.0 9685 'LDI Mechahidal GENERAUNFORMATION Thl17: - 9 Cortillcetwof Compliancelists thelbullding features and performance specifications needed to comply wlthlltl&24, Parts.i end 6 ofthe I DATE OF PLANS 12-14-05 BUILDING:CONDITIONED FLOOR AREA, 5,696sq.Ft. CLIMATE.;ZONE 15 BUILDING TYPE NONRESIDENTIAL Ati n I - wi �any other calculations submitted with-thic consistent'with the other dornplianc06fths and worksheets; with1hezpecific o s,and wiPany 6 HIGH RISE"RESIDENTIAL E] HOTELIMOTEL GUESTROOM PHASE OF! CONSTRUCTION NEW CONSTRUCTION ❑ ADDITION [:] ALT'ERATION' EYJS71NG: + ADDITION STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE Thl17: - 9 Cortillcetwof Compliancelists thelbullding features and performance specifications needed to comply wlthlltl&24, Parts.i end 6 ofthe Ifornia Code of Regulations. This certificals,appliew only to,a Building using the performance complian7 approach. The documentation preparer hereby coo"se,that the documentatigo Is accurate. and co DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR. SIG TORE Jason, A. Krefft �V � con The PdhciOal Designerhereb -thatihe proposed bNirt -design rppresented'i7n cuments-AS CertifVSg �o structi6h do Ati n I - wi �any other calculations submitted with-thic consistent'with the other dornplianc06fths and worksheets; with1hezpecific o s,and wiPany 6 permftlapplication. The proposedbuilding as designed.meets the:energy efficiency requirementszontainedin sectibns,1'10,, 116, through 118, and 140, 142, 143 or 149 of Title 24, Part 6. ENV. LTG. MECH. 1..I' hereby affirm that'l am, eligible under the provisions, of Division 3 of the Business,,and Professions Code to sign this document as the person responsible for its preparation; and that] am licensed imtheState of Califorhia,as, a- civil- engineer, -mechanical engineer, -or I am -a"licensed architect. Zj affirm that., El 1, am eligible Under the provisions of Division 3 ofl,theBusiness and Professions Code Section 55�75537.2 or 673 ' 1:1 7. 3,to�sign this document ;asAhe person responsible for its preparation; and that I am a,licensed contractor, performing 'this work.. EJ 0 F1 3. .1 affirm thatL'I am eligible under Division_ 3 of. the Business and Professions Code to sign this document because it pertains to a,structure or type ofworkAescribbd as exempt pusuant to Business and Professions Code Sections'5537, 5538, and 6737.1. (,These sections of. the Business.and Professions Codefare printedj in full �in the 'Noqresi_dential Manual) ENVELOPE COMPLIANCE' Indicate, location on plans, of Note Block for Mandatory Measures ENV -11 Required' Forms PRINCIPAL,,ENVELOPE DESIGNER -WAME, SIGNATURE UC. -;NO. DATE, K7G,Y Group LIGHTING COMPLIANCE Indicate location on plans of'14ote Block for Mand I atory Measures Lightfing .Compliance Not In The Scope Of Required,: Forms T I Fllb'%-)UurllltEdl PRINCIPAL. LIGHTING, DESIGNER - NAME 81GNATURE LIC.'NO. DATE, MECHANICAL COMPLIANCE Indicate location on plans of Note Block forMaridatory Measures 4A EGJI--MECH-3 Requipid, Forms PRINCIPAL MEC,HANICAL.DESIGNER,- NAME SIGIIATURE LIC. NO. LDI Mechanical Run Initeatoon Time- 12123[0510w16v14 Run Cafia- 1135362374 EnergyPro 4.0 by'Energysoft, User Number.,4693 . Job Number. Page -3101`14- PERFORMANCE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Part2 ,of 3 PERF-' PROJECT NAMEDATE La Quinta Commercial - Building G 12/23/2005 EN Standard Proposed Compliance ENERGY COMPONENTDesign Design Margin Space Heating - 1.38 Osgff 6 0.70 iol ;0.66 a, S i pace: Cooling 124.30 3,171 1,772 108.37 o 15.93 Indoor Fans 17.78. 23.86 ` m.6A8 Heat Rejection. 0:00 �0.00 0.00 Pumps & Misc. 0:00 0.00 'o:oo Domestic Hot Water 4.84 4:84' '0.00 Lighting `W:83 77.831 0.00 Receptacle '87.99 87.99' 0.00 Process o.00 0.00 0.00 TOTALS: 314.09 303.58' 10!51 Percent better than Standard: 1,31% (' '3.3% excluding,proeess) Building Orientation Number of Stories. 'Number of Systems, :Number of Zones North o deg Conditioned Floor Area Unconditioned, Floor,Area Conditioned Footprinf Area Fuel Type; . 5s syyn, Wit: 1 Osgff 6 5,696 iol Natural Oas 280 1099 Orientation Front Elevation(North) (Left Elevation . (East) Rear Elevation South' Right Elevation (West) Total Roof ,[:::::::�.sgtt. dross Area sgft: spit. sgft: sgft, syR. Glazing Area. Glazina 'SO. sgfL 'soft sgft sgit. syn. Ratio 0:0% 67:4% 59.2% 52.8% 556% 245 0 1,354 912 473 280 1099 580 3,171 1,772 o � Remarks: PERFORMANCE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Part 3 of 3 PERF -11 PROJECT NAME DATE La QUinta Commercial -Building G 2/23/200 ZONE- INFORMATION Floor 1 inst. f,;­C­td`W-Al I LPU-,',� -,phb�:i­ Area � LPD ,Credits Loads SysternAime Zone,Same Occupancy -Type Oicift.) mwlsf) C', York EIR0648S06X2rG_1 —office Office 1,463 il.26C Cdor.)Rest..SUpp.' Corriddr/Restroom/SUpport 51 VA P4 , YorI(,E1RD060S06;G-2,3,4 Office Office 1,022 R' Coor_ Rest. 'Supp. Corridoi/RestroonVSuppoft *0.60C Office' Office 1 022 1-1 *1.20( J. Coor, ResL!Supp. corridof/Rewoornisupport 51 *0:60C Office -office 1,0221 -1.20 Coor. Rest.::Supp. Corridor/Restroom/Support : I 51 40.60 A York EIRD060S06,G-5 Office Office 912 :*1.' 0 21 ICoor. Rest;.,SuDD. corri'dor/Restroom/SucDort 51 *6.6 W A C ,Notes' 1. See LTG -2- 2. See LTG -C_ 3. See LTG -5=C 4.. See LTG -6-C I _,,q.6& specte 1�ocumsntsb&f, (rooms markedwitkastedik, see LTG4 -C�,by,others) (by others) p, I EXCEPTIONAL CONDITIONS -COMPLIANCE CHECKLIST The loca.l,enf,omemont,agency-tihoul4,pay�speciaI attention to the Iterns'specifled In this checklist; These items requWspeclal written Justification and documentation, and special verification to be used with 1hW performan.Pq IoCjjlLefifdrcerfient approach. Thb�agency determines the adequacy of -, theljustfflcation,:and may reject building or design1hatotherwise compliestased on the adequacy of the speclaijuldificatio'n and'docurfidntation submit had. The HVACtystern "York E1RD048S06x2_ G-1" incorporates a,HERS verifleaRefrigerant Charge test or a.HERS`verified Thermostatic ExpansionValve. The HVAC,System "York El RD660S06 G-2;3,4" incorporates, a HE RSvedfied Refrigerant.Charge.test or a,HER8 verified Thermostatic Expansion Valve The HVAC,Sstem "York El RD060S06,G-5" incorporates a HERS verified Refrigerant Cha rg6test or a HERS verified Thermostatic Expans anion Valve. The exceptional features listatin thisperlidniniftwappraqch application have specifically been reviewed.. Adequate n and u justificatiP documentation for their use have beeniprov-We diby't-hwapplicant Authorized SignaturworStamp Run.Inffiefflon,10'r6c ;1 RUn Codei 1135362374 Enerj#Pro4.0 by'EnergySoft. User Number 1 4693 Job Numben Page:5 of 14 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE ENV - PROJECT NAME DATE La Quinta Gommercial -Building G 12/23/2005 Insulation Act. - - # Surface ,Area U -Fac. Cay. Cont: Azm:' Tilt and: �VReference x Status 'N.Reference Location /Comments 1 mill' 245 Left -13 -6.6 0 _901 New 09-A3 Office, Wall' 159 -6:102 0.102 A-13 R-010 90 90 New 09 A3 Office 3 Wall 36 1 Q2 Storefront' Office 270 - Left East 09-A3 Office 4 Wall __._O., 70 0.102 RA3 _ R-00 _270 90 Ne 09=A3 coon, Rest; Supp. 5 Wall 7-71, 0.102 R-13 R;-0.0 90 - 90' New 09-A3 'Office 6 Wall 39 0:102 R-13 R-00. 270 90 New _'09-A3 Right Office 7 Wall 70 - _ 0.102 _ R-13 R-0.0 270 -1 90 New 09-A3 Coor. Rest. Su 8 Wall 77 0:102. - • R-13 R=00 _90 1 90 New 109-A3 Office -9 Wall 39 0:102 R43' R=0.0 270 '90 New '09-A3 _ Office 10. Wall 70 0:102 R-13 'R-0:0 270. 90' N 09-A3 Coor.;Rest. Supp. 11 Wall _ _ 77 0:102 R-13 'R-0.0 90 - 90 New 109-A3 Office 12 lWall 39 MINIMUM RA3 R-010 270 90 09-A3 Office 13 Wall 70. RA3 :R-0:0 270 90 New- 109-A3; Coor..Rest. Su . 14 Wall 53 %0.102,, _ R-13 R-00 90 90 09=A3 Office 15 Wall 193 R-13 R4.0 180 90 New 09-A3 Office 16 Wall 16 R-0:0 270 90' 09-A3' 'Office 17 Wall 70 0.102 -R-13 R=13 R-0.0 270 90 ew 09-A3 Coor.,Rest.Supp. N. E. A. R (New. Eidshna. Attered.,Removed) f� More then or equal'to 10,000 sq.ft.;of afte-0uilt %.isi adon area must include a label certifia'ais either Issued by,NFRC.orprovide a CEC Default Label Certificate using the default U -factors: I I R _ ClnnAn Ae Tnl,In MLA n.N C1 r`aAiRMa Mell I_ eluA in IAn in I h AIM- : nnnnndn MI ro disc nnnaln uM nn # type, SHADING I Area U -Fac? � I SHGC2 Act. Am. Cond. 'Stat.. 'Glazing -Type Location/ Comments_ 1 Window Left East _ 52 ,0.400,NFRC' 0:32' NFRC ' _90 New Storefront Office .. 2 Window Left East 52 0.400'NFRC' 0.32 NFRC 90 New. Storefront Office 3' Window Left East 52 0:400'.NFRC 0:32 NFRC 90 New Storefront' Office 4 Window Left East 52 0.400 (NFRC' 0:32 NFRC 90 New Storefront Office. 5 Window Left East 48 '0.400 NFRC 0:32_ NFRC ._ 90 `New !Storefront, Office 6 Window Left_ East 48 0.400.NFRC 0:32 NFRC 90 New Storefront Office 7 Window Ri 'ht est 52 0.400'NFRC 0!32 NFRC 270 -New Storefront _ Office 8 Window Right (West)16 0.400.NFRC 0:32 NFRC 270 New Storefront- Office 9 Window. Ri 'ht est 48 0.400'NFRC 0:32 NFRC 270 New. Storefront Office 10 ,Window Left. East. 48 0.400'NFRC _ 0:32 NFRC 90 -Now Storefront Office: 11 Window LeftEast 8.0 6:0 1 52 0.400'NFRC 0.32 NERCI 90 New 'Storefront, Office _ 12 Window Left' East 52 0.400'NFRC 0.32' NFRCI 90 New Storefront Office: 13; Window Right t 52 0.4001;!NFRCI 0.32 INFRCT 270 New _ 'Storefront Office - (1)) U4actor Type: 116-A Default Table from Standards, Table NI -1 Default Table frorrrthe ACM.Menual Appendix; NFRC, UdWdd value.. (2) SHGC Ty*. 116-B Default Table from' Standards; COG Center -61' Glass, NFRC Labeled Value EXTRIOR SHADING # Exterior,Shade Type HGC Window -H t. Wd. - "Len. Overhang I.Ext-REict, Left Fin Right:Fin Dist Hijit. D16L Lem HotHat. 1 'None 0:76 8.0 6.5 6.5 0.1 6.0 60 2 'None 076 :6.6 6:5 6.5' 0:1 6:0 6.0 _ 3 1 None 0.76 1.0 6:5 6.5 0.1 6.0 6:0 4' None: 076 .8.0 6.6 6.5' 0.1 6:0 6.0 5 None 0.76 .8.0 6.0. 6.5 0.1 6:0 6.0. :None 0.76 8.0 6:0 6.5 0:1 6.0 6:0 7 None. 0.76 8.0 6:5 2.0 0.1 2:0 2.0 8 None 0.76 8.0 2:0 2.0 0.1 20 2:0 9 None 0:76 8.0 6.0 2.0 VA 2.0- -2.0- 2:0-10[None. 10 110.76 8.0 6:0 1 6.5 0.1 6:0 SO 11 1 ;None 0:76 8.6 6.5 6.5 0:1 6:0 6:0 12 None; 1016 8.0 6.5 6.5% 0.1 6:0 6:0 13 1 None 10.76 1 8.0 6.5 1 2.0 0.1 2:0 2.0 MINIMUM LI T AREA FOR LARGEENCLOSED SPACES` ❑The proposed bunding contains en enclosed space, with floor area greater than 25,000 sq.ft, a ceiling height greater than Wisest and a LPD for general' lighting of at least 0.5 W/sq.fL If this box Is checked„ENV-/-C must bs filted.out when_submhtlng under the Prescriptive Compilance Approach. the*Pm 4.0 by Ene Soft 'User'Number. 4693; Job1Number.-" 'Page: 6 of`14 Ir,iERT-IFICATE OF COMPLIANCE ENV -1:-C PROJECT NAME DATE La Quinta Commercial - Buildinq G . 12/23/2006 # Type SHADING Area U -Fac? SHGC-2 Act: Azm. Condi. Stat. Glazing Type Location/ Comments. '16 Window Left East 52 0.4001 NFRC 0.32 INFRC 90 New Storefront Office _ 17 Window Left East 52 0A00 NFRC 0.32 NFRC 90 New. Storefront Office 18 Window Left East 48 0.4001 NFRC 0.32 NFRC 90 New Storefront _ Office 19 Window Right(West) __6.0 16 0.4001 NFRC 0.32 NFRC 270 New' Storefront Office 20 .Window_ Right:(West)_ 20 _ 48 M4001 NFRC 0.32 NFRC 270 Nemf Storefront Office 21 Window- Right (West) '52 f,0.4001 NFRC 0.32 NFRC 270 New 'Storefront Office 22 IWndow 'Left (East)- NFRC 524-0.4OO'NFRC- 0.32 NFRC . 90 _ New Storefront _ - Office 23 Window Left East 52 0.32 NFRC 90 _ New Storefront Office 24 Window Left East 48 NFRC 0.32' NFRC 90 New Storefront Office 25 Wndow Ri ht est I 16 NFRC 0.32 NFRC 270 New Storefront Office. 26 Window Ri hf est 48NFRC 0.32 NFRC 270 New _ Storefront Office 27 Window Ri ht st 52NFRC 0.32 NFRC 270 New Storefront Office28 Window Left East 48 NFRCI 0.32 INFRCI Rol New I Storefront Office, �1) U"adorType:-110-A.Defauft:Table from -Standards; Table NI -I DefaultTable hom the ACM Manuel'Appenc!6 , NFRC Labeled value. 2)'$HGC Type• 1.I" DerauR Table hom Standards, COG Center of Glass,:NFRC,Labeled Value EgERIOR SHADING # Exterior Shade T e: HGC Window Hgt Wd. Overhang Left Fin Right Fin Lori.. -Ldti,;.Hgt. " 16 None 0.76 8.0 6.51 6Z 0.1 6:0 6.0 17' None 0.76 &0 6.5 6:5 0.1 6:0 &0 18 None 0.76 &0 &0 6:5 0.1 &0 __6.0 19 1 None 0.Z6 8.0 2.0 2.0 _ _ 0.1 _ 2:0 _ _ 2.0 20 None 0.76 8:0 _,6.0' _ 2.0 0.1 2:0 None 0.76 8.0., 6.5. 2.'0 0.1 2.0 2:0 22 None 0.76 8.0 6.5 6:5 0.1 &0 6.0 "23 None 0.76 8:0 6.5 6 5 0.1 6'0 60 24, None 0.76 8.0. .6.0 6.5 _ 0.1 6'0 6'0- '2& None 0.76 8.0 2:0 . 2.0 0.1 2.0 2:0 - - - - 26 1 None 0.76_ 8.0-6.0 2.,0 :01 2i0 2:0 27 None 0.76' 1 &0 6.5 _ 2:0 01 2i0 2:0 28 1 None 0.76 1 8.0_ A.0 ---6.5 0.1 &0 6.0 [MINIMUM -SKYLIGHT AREA FOR LARGE ENCLOSEDSPACES, The, proposed Dullding coMalns an ancloseA epa_oo.wlCi floor ansa°greaterthan 26,000 sq.1t, • celllnp_hslpM_great, thenl5feetanda LPD for general.tighting'of et least 0.6 Wlaq R K tlNe bods checked, l]JV. IC must be t01etl out when submhtln9 under the Prescriptive Compilanca Approach I EneravPro 4i0 by EnerdvSoft User Nurnber. 4693 Job Number. Paae: 7 of 14 I JOERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE ENV-1-C'i IPROJECT NAME DATE La QUinta Commercial - BUildinq G 12/23/2005 Surface Insulation Adt. Cdh-di -i JohritAp-06fidik 14 Type, Area U -Fac. Cay. Cont. Azm Tilt Status, 1V Reference Location] Comments N,, E, A, R (Now; E> stlng, Altered; Removed) FENESTRATION'', SURFACES F-] i%reShan equal: %000 sq ft: of sit"dilt,fenestration area mustinclucib a label oartificater either issued by NFRC or provide a CSC DefauttLabel Certificate using the default U -tactors m is�fff & 11&A1and B' derhfirate'shall be filed In the conivactars orniect office durina ooristnlion and in tho'bullciino mansoar'a office after construction Type -Arga., U -Fac? SHdIC2 Act AZM. Co-nd. Stat., Glazing pe Location/ Comments, 31 Window. Rear_ (South)- 128, 0.4001 NFRC .0.32 NFRC 180 New. Storefront Office 32 Window Rear (South ) 48.0.400 NFRC 0.32 NFRC 180 !New, Storefront- Office. 33 Window Rear (South) 52 0.400 NFRC. 0.32 NFRC 180 NOW Storefront Office 34 Window; R&sfr -(South ) 52 0.400 NFRC 0.-32'NFRC 180 'New I Storefront' Office 135 Window Right (West) 52 0.400 NFRC 032 NFRC I 270 Ndw I Storefront Office 36 Window 'Right: (West) 48 a.400 NFRC, 0.32, NFRC 270 N6w Storefront Office, 37Window Right (Welit) 16, 0.,400 ,NFRC 0:32` NFRC 270 NeW 'Stdr-efrof it office I MINIMUM SKYLIGHT AREA FOR. LARGE ENCLOSED SPACES ,�,Wactor Type:, 1 1&A'Defautt Table from Standards; Table N1,1 Default Table fromtheACKManuat'Appen dix, NFIRCIabeladmalue. SHGC Type:, liB-B!Default Table,ftmSWndards, COG Center ofCJa.as;.INFRC,Laboled.Value ExPERIOR SHADING # Exterior'Shade Type, -SHGC Window 149t. Wd. Lem-kgt. Overhang LExtgEicL Left Fin:F;bght Fin Dist. Lan.-Hgti- D - isit. Len -Hot. - ,31 None -0.76 16;0 Z0 01' :2.0 2.0 32, None 0.76' 8.0 6.0 2.0 0.1 2.0 2.6 33 None 0.76 8:0 6.5 2.0 0.1 2.0- 2.0, 34 None 0.76 8.0 6.5 2.0 QA 2.0 2.0 35 None -:0.76-- B.'o 6.5 ZO- 0.1 2.0 2.6 36 None 0.76 1 8.06 . Ov 1 2:0 0'..1'2.0 2.0 37 None 0.76 N '2-.0 2.'Q 0.1 2.6 2.0 I MINIMUM SKYLIGHT AREA FOR. LARGE ENCLOSED SPACES fest er4s LPD for qenwrai ligmev.4 at least. Job Nuinb6r.' CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE MECH-1-C PROJECT'NAME DATE La Quinta Commercial -'Building. G 12123%2005 uesigner: This 'form is to be) used by, the designer and attached to -the plans. Listed%beloware;all the acceptance tests for mechanical systems. The, designer is required to che&thetoxes by all acceptanceJests thatapplyand list;all equipment thatrequires;an acceptance test. If all equipment of'a oertain type requires a test, list:the equipment description and the.numberof systems'to be tested in parentheses; The NJ number designates the -Section in the Appendb( ofhthe.'Nonresideritial ACM Manual that describes the test:.Also indicate the person responsible for perfonning•the tests (Le. the installing contractor, design°professional or,an';agent selectedby the owner). Since,this'form will be part.of the plans; completion of.this section will allow the responsible party'to budgetfor the scope of work appropriately: Building Departments: SYSTEM ACCEPTANCE. Before an occupancy permit is granted for anewlyconstructed building or space, orwriew space -conditioning system serving a buildingior spaceistoperated fonnorina.Wse, all control devices serving.the:building or:space shall be ertified as, meeting the Acceptance Requirements for Code Compliance. lnaddition wCertificate of Acceptance; MEC114-&Form shall 1* submitted to the building department that certfies plans, specifications, installation certificates. and ooeratino and maintenance information meet the reduiements'.of Section 10-103(bi and Tide 24 Part6. STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE ❑ MECH-2-A Veniilation,System:Acceptance Document -Variable Air Volume Systems.Outdoor Air Acceptance .Constant Air. Volume Systems Outdoor Air Acceptance Equipment requiring acceptance testing ❑ MECH-3-A: Packaged. WAC Systems Acceptance Document Equipment requiring acceptance testing ❑MECH74-A: Air Distribution Acceptance Document Equipment requiring acceptance testing ❑!MECH-5-A:'Air-Side]Economizer Acceptance Document Equipment°.requiring :acoeptanceytesting ❑.MECH-6-A: Demand Control Ventilation Acceptance.Document Equipment;requinng; acceptance,tesiing ❑ MECH4-A: SuppylFan'Variable Flow Control Acceptance Document Equipment.lrequiring acceptance`testing ❑ MECH-8-A:-Hydronic System Control Acceptance,Document -Variable Flow Controls -Automatic IsolationCon-frols -Water-loop HeatftmpaControls -Variable Frequency Controls Equipment requiring acceptance testing Energy0ro 4:0, by EnergyS-oft - User Number '4693 _ Job Number. Page:9bf 14 VIR SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS Pact.1 of 2 MECH-2-C PROJECT NAME DATE La Quinta Commercial - Buildinq G 12123/2005 ITEM .OR SYSTEM TAO(S) Number of Systems MANDATORY' MEASURES Heating Equipment_Efficiency Cooling Equipment Efficiency Asa Pump Thermostat Funnace Controls Natural Ventilation Mintmum' Ventilation VAV Minimum PositionControl Demand Control Ventilation Tlme,Control .Setback and Setup Control Outdoor Damper Control Isolation Zones Pipe.Jnsulation. Duct Insulation PRESCRIPTIVE MEASURES Calculated Hesting Capacity k 1.43 2 Proposed. Heating Capacity, 2 Calculated Sensible:Cooling Capacity x,1.21? Propcsed�Seneible Cooling Capacity i2' Fan Control DP,Sensor,Locatlon Supply PressureReset(DDC only) Simultaneous HeatlCool Economizer Heating, Air Supply Resef Cooling_Alr Supply Reset Duct Sealing for; Prescriptive Cbmpllancep t4A 'Section! AIR SYSTEMS, Central or Sin le Zone York1E1RD048S06x2`G-1 York E1RD060S06 G-2;3,4. York EIR6060SO6 G-5 7 3 . 1 Reference ii Plans or'Speclfication 1 fi:12(ai 9.00 HSPF 9:00 HSPF 9.00 HSPF 112 a 430SEER./I1.0'EER 13.0 SEER f11.0 EER 13.0 SEER /'11.0 EER 112(b) Yes. Yes 'Yes 1"12(c), 115(a), Na n/a n/a 121(b) Yes Yes 'Yes 121 b 227 ch 483 drn 144 afro 121 c No No No 121' c No No No 121 c 122 (61 P- rammable'Switch Proarammable.Switch P 7ammable,Switch '122(e) Heatingt&,Cooling Required Heating & C , ooling Requited Heatin ;8_ICoolin Re wired 122M Auto Auto . Auto, '122 n/a n/a Na 123 124 R-4.2 R-4,2 R-42 144 a &b n/a Na n/a 144 a &b 37,225 btuh 67,829 btuh 22;610 btuh 144 a &gib n/a Na Na 144 a & 6 48;727 btuh 133 584.btuh. 45;151 btuh 144 c Constant Volume. Constant Volume Constant Volume 144 (c) 144 c No. No No 144 d No _ - No No 144 a No Economizer No Economizer NwEconomizer 144 Constant:Tem ConstantTemp Constant Tem 144 (t) Constant Temp Constant Temp Constant Temp. 144 k). No No No 1: For each central and single zone elr systems (or group of similar units):fill in..the:reference to sheet number and/or specificationaection and paragraph number where the requiied features are:documented., If a requirement isnot applicable, put "N/A" it the: column. 2' Not'required for hydronicheating; and 000ling: Either eater avalue here orrput -in reference of plans and speciricetons per footnote l; 3;. EnierYes rf System is: Constant Yoiume, Single^Zone; Serves < 5,000 sgftS Has!> 25% dud imunconditioned'space. Duct sealing is, required:for:Presoriptive Compliance, ,see 'PERF -1' for perfonnanw method duct sealing, requirements. MECHANICAL VENTILATION MECH-3-G NAME - PRESCRIPTIVE REHEAT _ LIMITATION Section 144(4 MECHANICAL VENTILATION, I 1 ARE SASIS OCCUPANCY'BASIS VAV. MINIMUM A B. G D E F G H I J K L M N ZONEISYSTEM� o >,8 .con; CL d;z m v n 3 -A n,- o - Kari n� 0 �- d 3 ��. m 3 o� �_,, m $, � m n :.��:-A o 3 �o. X31,... O- m m .>Ke,n �c .n v m o o .,�cp o �� c.o m. 3 ,0, r,- 3aac o ��, o' m Ftp 310. .0�.A � �:iK w J, o o� 3' CAB d ox ow, z" rnp� m� » o 0 3 a o m Office IL0.15 219, 2191 219 - _ - Coor. Rest: Supp.. 5 0:15 8I .8, 8 York.E1RD048SOW GA Total 227 227 Office" 1',022 0.15' 1531 .153:1 153 . Coor., Rest.,Supp: _ 5 8 8 8 Office: 1,0 --O.i6li ;0.15 153'I]] - 153. ° 153 Coor.-Rest:;Supp. 5 0.15 8 8 8 Office 1;022 0.15 151 153 1.53'' Coor. Rests Supp. 5 0:151 01 8 8 Y.ork.E1RD060S66 G-2,1,4 Total 483 483 - Office 912 0.151 137' '137 137 Coor. Rest:'Supp. 5 0.15 .8 8 8 1 York: ElRD060-SO6 G-5 Total.l.. 144 144- I 1 - - -- IE Based on fixed seat or the reaterof the a number of -nts"end,50%'of the CBC oocupancioad for as'Wmosesfor ces without fixed seatin . H. Reauired Ventilation Alr. REQ'D V.A'.' is the larner of the ventilation rates calculated on and AREA or OCCUPANCY BASIS. column D or G I Must -be areater than or.equal to H or use Transfer Air column N to Makeup-the'ditference. J Design fen su cfm Fan CFM x30%; or - x04 cim/ft: : 'or K Condltlon arae ff - L=of Columns H; J: K or 300`dm - - M IThis must be, less than or equal to Column ,L- and' reatar.Mat orequal"to the sumW Columns H + N., N Transfer elr mustbe pm%rided4h.are the Required Ventilation Air (oolurnn H),ie'gresterfhan the Design Minimum Air (colunin,M). Where required,transferals must be giaeter than or equal'to the dtliemnoe between the Required Ventilation Air (column H) and the Design Minimum :Air (column M), column H -;M. .EriergyPio4ff by,EnergySbft. User Number. -4693 Job Nurribei:_ Page: 11 of 14 INFECHANICAL EQUIPMENT DETAILS Part 1 of 2 MECH-5-C PROJECT NAME La Quinta Commercial .- Building Q- _ DATE 12/23_%2005 ICHILLER AND TOWERSUMMARY HP Type In Plenum EfficiencyTons 1 PUMPS --- Equipment Name- EqulpmentT pe TotMotor Qiy GPM BHP Elf. Drive Eff. I Pump Control CENTRAL SYSTEM RATINGS EATING COOLING stem Name Sy, gern- a Dutput Aux. kW Eff. OutDut. Efflclon;y Condition Status Economizer York E1 RD046S06 Split'DX' 2 29,800 6.0 9.00 HSPF 40;40013:0 SEER/ 11.0 EER Now No Economizer York E1RDO60S06 S l� DX P 4 36;2 0 0i. 9A0 HSPF 51;10013.0 )HW I BOILER SUR New MULTI -FAMILY CENT_ RAL WATERHEATING DETAILS Hot Water P mp Hot Water kPing, Len ft Control_ # HP Type In Plenum Outside Buried Add 1l2" Insulation CENTRAL SYSTEM RATINGS EATING COOLING stem Name Sy, gern- a Dutput Aux. kW Eff. OutDut. Efflclon;y Condition Status Economizer York E1 RD046S06 Split'DX' 2 29,800 6.0 9.00 HSPF 40;40013:0 SEER/ 11.0 EER Now No Economizer York E1RDO60S06 S l� DX P 4 36;2 0 0i. 9A0 HSPF 51;10013.0 SEER% 11.0 EE New No,Economizer MECHANICAL MANDATORY MEASURES Part 1 of 2 MECH-MM NAME DATE I La Quinta Commercial - Buildina G. I 12/23/2005 :DESCRIPTION Desi ner Enforcement Equipment and SY411OFft Effidilancies FX -1 § 111 Any appliance forwhich1here4s a�Califomia,standard2estiblished In the, , Appliance Effidency Regulations will comply with the appil icable,standard. F� § 116(a) Fan,ty pe contral.fumaces shallnot have a pilot light. FX -1 123 Piping, except that conveying fluids -at tomperatumsibetween Wand 105 degrees Fahrenheit, ,Qrvoio!nHVAC.equiohi6ot,shall b6.insulated in.accordance with, Standards Section 123. 124 Air handling duct systems shall be Installed and'insuiatediincompliance WM Sections401, 60-3:and 604 of the Uniform Mechanical Code. Controls §'122(e) Each space conditioning'systern shalUbe"Install6d wiftone of the1dilowing: FXJ §,122(6)1A Each space condltlonlng;systern serving building types such as;of.fices7and mantr1aftiring,f#c1litl (and all other% not explicitly exeinpt from the requirements of Section 11 1 2 (d)) shall be'lnstalibd�vAth.an:automaUc�time switch sto-- *O,,*Riicdes"siblelihiinualoverride;thatii[ibi":000t*dib-n)ldftha - .A.Uring sy , M off-houmfor up to 4hours. The tIm9:swftcWshaII be capable of programming different schedules for -weekdays and weekends and have program back - capabilities that prevent the loss of theAevices-progriunand time setting for at least 10 ;hours If power Is lrftrrupted;;ot F] §122(6)IB An occupancy sensor to control the operating period of the system; or �F-] '§,122(9)1.0 A4-hourtimer,thatcon bomanually operated to control the operating period of the system: X§ 122(9)2 Each space conditioning system shall be Instilledmith controls that temporarily restarLand-temporarily operate the system as required to maintain a setback heating and/or a setupcoollng therindistatootp6int. 122(g) Each space conditionirio4ystern serving multiplwzones,with a.com1bined, conditioned floor area more then 25,000 square foot shall be providedmith Isolation zones. Each zone: shall notexceed 25,600 square fbet;'oshall be OrQvIded with Isolation devices,'sUdh aevalves,ordarripe jhat@11ovkhesupply of heating or cooling to be sotbacWorishut.olf independently, of dtherllsolatldn areas; and shalUbo,controlled'by,a time control AsOm as described above. 122(a&b) Each spareconditioning systain shall bercontrblled:6yanliricflvldUa11 thermostat that;responds, to temperature within'the zone. Where;used to contr1ol'heatirig, the controUshall be adJustable.down tm'66 degrees F or lower. Forcooling,the control ohall be adjustaitile up,to 85 degrees F or higher. Whom usW'fqr both heating and cooling, the control shall.bocapatifiD of providing a deadband. of at (least 6, dogressiF within 'which the supply q heating andicooling, is shut off or reduced We minimum. in. [Aj"I 6 122(c) Thermostats shall havo,numerlc,setpolnts in dogress Fahrenheit (F) and adjustable setpoInt,sWps accessible onlyttoeuthorized personnel, § 112(b) Heat;pumps shall bo'lnstalledwith,controls to prevent electric resistance ouOpiementary 49ater operation .when the heating load caff. bemot by the heat pump alone. EnergyPro By EnergySoft User Number: User Job Number. ftgel 3 of 14 MECHANICAL 'MANDATO'RY MEASURES Part 2 of 2 MECH-MM La Quinta Description Designer Enforcement Ventilation FXI' § 121(s) Controls shall; be provided,to,allow+outside.air dampers ordeviees10 be operated at the ventilation rates as specified on these plans. ❑ § 122M Gravity or automatic dampersinterlocked and'closed on fan shutdown shall,be provided on the outside airIntakes and discharges of all space.conditlonin%and exhaust systems, - ❑ ,§ 122M All gravityventllating systems shall be provided with automatic or readilyy accessible manualy,operetedidampers in all:openings,to thevutside,sxceptfor combustlon alr openings. - ❑, § 1Y1(})1 Air Balancing: The; system shall bo balanced in accordance with the National Environmental Balancing Bureau (NEBB) Procedural Standards (1983),, or Associated Alr 3alance.Councll'(AABC), NationabStandards (1,989); or X❑ § 121M2 ..Outside'Air Certification: The system shall provide the minimum.outside air as shown on the mechanical drawings, and shall be measured and certified by tile Installing licensed C-20 mechanicatcontractotand certlfied,by (1) the design mechanical engineer, (2) the installing licenced C-20 mechanical contractor, !or (3) the person with overall responsibility for the design:of3hevontilation.system; or ❑ § 121(03 Outside Air Measurement: Thesystem shall be equipped with a calibrated' or remote device capable of measuring,the�quantity'of'outalde:alrodi a continuous basleAnd displaying that;.quantity on a,mead11 accessible display divlce; or ❑ § 121(t)4 Another method approved by the,Commisslon:. Service Water Heating Systems ❑ § 113(b)2 ff,a circulating hot water system Is Installed, It -shall have a control capable of automatically tuming,offthe circulating'pump(s) when 'hot water Is not,requlred. ❑ § 113(0)36 Lavatorles=in restrooms of. public :facilities',shall-be:equlppediwlth controlsito.11mitthe outlettemperature,to 110 degrees F. ❑ § 113(0)3C Lavatories In res"wrns,of public -fecilities;shall. be, equipped: with one of the, following: Outlet devices1hat limit theflow ot,hot water to,&maximum of 0..5 gallons per minute.. Foot actuated'. control valves; and outlet devices that Ilmtt.theAow:of:hot waterto a maximum of 0.76: gallons per minute. Proximity sensor actuated control valves, and outlet devices,that limit the flow of hot water to a maximum 4 0.75 gallonvper minute. Seff-closing valves;,and outlet devices.that limit he flow of hot water to a -maximum of 2:5 gallons per minute,; and 0.25 gallonslcycle (circulating system). Self-closing valves,,and:oudet devicesihat jifnittherflow-Of hotwater'to s maximum of 2.5 gallons per minute, and 0.5&gallons(cycle (non -circulating system): 'Self-closing valves, and.outletdevices that II_mitAhe flow of hot water to a maximum Of 2.5 gallons per minute,:and 0:75,gallonslcycle (foot switches and proximity sensor controls).. Energyft ByZnftg Soft User Number. User Job Number Page:14 0114