07123 (SFD)Desert Sands Unified School District CERTIFICATION OF PAYMENT OF SCHOOL FACILITY*FEES TO: City of La Q gu DATE- Departme-n"t"'.to-f Co i Ay Development 7,8 A 11r. -S & 1AQ" i - - Quint:5:4�'�'A 92253 (C3) ffa This is to certify tha� 26u -'O' eDob �&CT)l a�&- 60. developer of /y-JdCje� _ ?\, which is locEted at b I -��J F �) bfLkm within this District, has paid school facility fee—s imposed pur to the aut�., it�y.jegratqv b GQ rnm t C d seption 5�080 the ampunt of +KAU, cove!ring a total of square feet of (A) residential or ( ) industrial/commercial development and that build , g permits for this footage in this development may now be issued by your jurisdiction. orv-, , --A,, W [), 12&�t�Ltt- U" for'D�SERT SAND�-UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT White - Building Department 0 Yellow - Facilities Planning 0 Pink - Accounting 0 Gold - Developer (10)-37