06261 (SFD)Desert Sands Unified School District CERTIFICATION OF PAYMENT OF SCHOOL FACILITY FEES Low NOTICE: THIS DOCUMENT CANWO-1 QU?L1,9,ATEDi a din a TO: Citpo DATE: Department of Community Development 78-105 Calle Estado La Quinta, CA 92253 This is to certify that k, &w o okatea-,) developer of which is located at 67,301 5�2XU-FM t7 t77L-U , CUAL0 11 r) within this DistricC, has paid school facility -fees im-posed pursuant to the authori genera ed by,Qoverwent qpde SectioiL3080a in thp ampunt of 7,9V 4� (Sy "Q(� Uix en covering a total of square feet of Vesiddntol or industrial/commerclai 8i;velopment and that building permits for this footage in this development may now be issued by your jurisdiction. (OS33 6 h P I it'L., 1) for DESERT SWNDS UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT White - Building Department 0 Yellow - Facilities Planning 9 Pink - Accounting * Gold - Developer 0007