0106-409 (RR)H W CY O � M W o Z O o F— CD ►W— d U) Z co LO N ON U_ °' a 0_ Z `rFQO LL X W — mUU O d MLO o d J 3 LICENSED CONTRACTOR DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professionals Code, and my License is in full force and effect. License # Lic. Class Exp. Date M717 C-39:13 £51l�31l;( Date * .yG_ Signature of Contractor ✓ ���"� W r OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the following reason:. ( ) I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business & Professionals Code). ( ) I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business & Professionals Code). ( ) I am exempt under Section B&P.C. for this reason Date Signature of Owner WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: ( ) I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for workers' compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. ( ) I have and will maintain workers' compensation insurance, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My workers' compensation insurance carrier & policy no. are: Carrier Policy No. .,;TATE F+i.T3d) 04$^M24-" (This section need not be completed if the permit valuation is for $100.00 or less). ( ) I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the workers' compensation laws of California, and agree that if I should become _ subject to the workers' compensation provisions of Section 3700 of the Lab Code, I shall forthwith comply with those provisions. D Date: jr Applicant Warning;: Failure.,to..seoure-,Workerss'Compensation coverage is unlawful a --shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to $100,000, addition to the cost of compensation, damages as provided for in Section 37 of the Labor Code, interest and attorney's fees. IMPORTANT Application is hereby made to the Director of Building and Safe for a permit subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth on hi application. 1. Each person upon whose behalf this application is made & each person at .whose request and for whose benefit work is performed under or pursuant to any permit issued as a result of this applicaton agrees to, & shall, indemnify & hold harmless the City of La Quinta, its officers, agents and employees. 2. Any permit issued as a result of this application becomes null and void if work is not commenced within 180 days from date of issuance of such permit, or cessation of work for 180 days will subject permit to cancellation. I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply with all City, and State laws relating to the building construction, and hereby authorize representatives of this City to enter upon the above-mentioned property for inspections purposes. Signature (Owner/Agent)`"'"alf k Date a BUILDING PERMIT PER, # DATE VALUATION LOT TRACT t Mli°Z.i:'/2m JOB SITE APN ADDRESS yy�� }} �� gg �c y'[.yy //�� 0-2245 �tSA.fIX �J�RRi RWA •• .• OWNER CONTRACTOR/DESIGNER/ENGINEER 1AGURA DE LA PAZ WMIMN PACIFIC R00F190 48-226 CJ�LLt 1;?L0R3JTJ 1 3462 LA, CA 'AINAWNY 1,5.4, fT,NTA CA. 92253 PALM MiR S CA 922,62 (76001(5-n77 C.i'7X 4293 USE OF PERMIT 0 % i?,< WELD .Ci Y 'A' ms's i'Si;3iVLLS) ENU1 A dED C(.>Vr OV' CONS',Y.RCrMCOT Vii, l43t5.0<9 PIR, .R00F ME 1. F 01.000-A} 8.000 MIN D 7UNA2001 QUINTA FINANCE DEPT SrMk `'0TAi, XG) PLAN CY C K $10.00 IMS :JPRE-11417 k r%r&.r $0.00 r• RECEIPT DAT +' BY DATE FINALED INSPECTOR INSPECTION RECORD OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR BUILDING APPROVALS MECHANICAL APPROVALS Set Backs Underground Ducts Forms & Footings Ducts Slab Grade Return Air Steel _ Roof Deck ���/ ci S� Combustion Air Exhaust Fans O.K. to Wrap F.A.U. Framing Compressor Insulation Vents Fireplace P.L. Grills Fireplace T.O. Fans & Controls Party Wall Insulation Condensate Lines Party Wall Firewall Exterior Lath Drywall - Int. Lath Final Vis` 0 S BLOCKWALL APPROVALS Final POOLS - SPAS Steel Set Backs Electric Bond Footings Main Drain Bond Beam Approval to Cover Equipment Location Underground Electric Underground Pibg. Test Final Gas Piping PLUMBING APPROVALS Gas TestElectric Final Waste Lines Heater Final Water Piping Plumbing Final Plumbing Top Out Equipment Enclosure Shower Pans O.K. for Finish Plaster Sewer Lateral Pool Cover Sewer Connection Encapsulation Gas Piping Gas Test Appliances Final COMMENTS: Final Utility Notice (Gas) ELECTRICAL APPROVALS Temp. Power Pole Underground Conduit Rough Wiring 4 -ow Voflage Wiring Fixtures Main Service Sub Panels Exterior Receptacles G.F.I. Smoke Detectors Temp. Use of Power Final Utility Notice (Perm) MAY -30-2001 11:24 AM By: WESTERN PACIFIC 1100r1NO ('(]fit'. i 700 32U 0912; Apt -5 -Of 2:27PMi 11o47ng t'orpnradwi Since 1940 `+ Amit .S. ).1)111 Karlene Jurdau LAGUNA DR I.A PA'/.. IIVA C/O DRSERT MANAI:P.Ml:NT P.O. iWL 7" .iMncho Mirage, 4;A 923711 RE:1ticclronAttg P.ejt ct; l.al!►tna Pe I..n PaT ITtrtrtrttnncts 4rKocittlltm Appileatltm or a polynretltene roam sad ne ryllc e,reling ttw-w ing System Dear Ms. Jordan: Thank you fnr the nlrltttttttuily to Inl mel tine nntllt ►, �F SlentS on Itr_ abmw xthranoed property. Flaying done so we we pleased to snbmil our ra:vmn+cndatiotos anel litop Tel far the installation. of it polyarnttetne rtror system. The nmeorltatenrlccl st-orr. of wtxlc and n"winlul costs aro as rollows: CoXWERAL llnlcz9 expoev.4 xuded to the: c:nutrnrv, the cpntr,^.rt,.r slmll lrt re•c1,nn.sibic for pe,tbrmir-p, the fo!lowiatr, S, DLrS,CRW 1'10N A. Vic general ylntxfant (vilsttuctinu tanottttct sluall form a pert oftltcw g)eciriculiuns with the sncne-, rot= and effort tat though nspcated heroin. 11c. 'nit; trtttraltor .hall rurnislt ;111 Intc+r, Tnutctlnls. tvpdrancnt, contrat:tor's lioentlM inatuatuce cerillit:ationn, ctc:., to Pei lit, - all nlwralions tcdrtlrcYl lord arev.-med lbe centroc"w shall ymn-ide labor and tm;nc:t i:nl vuMov ntlln fochtel^d to woytc of rite sant: stature to sive a eptrtlity, complete job. ('. if uncxpected oanditic,cos rtre enc enntlert-4 ditrinr. the +rank, and the ataditions adversely alpnq the cost or pmgtrss of tvul k. the cnntwlorwill urtfiry 1.Ite inviter littate4intely, and the mover will neptttixlc 9 t:hnngc--nttl^r to tr,"��It`e ttrc Itr<o!tj+�-tcnl cUllt)ltlon. A. The Cantingol 11+911 Cc:c ttl.ry, Urv, Aad rernit, Ulhim,; tet tont: the fwcntiws Only for tilt` p11rp09e of exnnpleling tltc t+Y,rk In hr; lr..rrru•rttccf unJt-.j- Ihia cxngrv•t with the Owner. 'I'lte Coutructur SWI toot uuthcmi^.e lot prrmit tm►y other Irsrutn to lose sni•1 rrentlres fbr any Imrpmse wbuuenever. western Ncifle Is to be given 311 t+-aerrnablc sel••tort and atnp.)ng nmas. Page 3 c :A t)??r,.! c00) 410-_ 8'77 - Fax (760) S7.0-8912 34Ci2 L:1 ('3n+lr;tn:c ��st�� .. (`;olnr . tn•ins:.. - ( 1 .t ww.ttrc :tl+ o,:rr.+r,}'.%ort. • r. Ittail• tt•Itrc !>sccilwcsll)acrt�of.cotu 04/05/.Ill 14:25 TX/RX N0.8879 P'. 003' MAY -30-2001 11:24 AM P.02 t By: WESTERN rACIFIC noor.1Nil C()lil'.; 700 020 Wife,; Apr -5-0/ 2:27PM; Page 4/7 L Suet( De i..n PR'c HOA April Si '2001 Paw. 2 l F. Conlraclnr's swop ol" work -shrill itul hu:lutlit tltc hlrnlflit:nffutr dcrccllolt, nhetetucnt. rnr�-grnlntitt►1 or trnumnl nr acfteslnc nl slinllnl It,, •:ntltm.: snfinttln(MS. if C'ontmetor citiminler>; ac►y Arch ptotlnt•IS OF m:110i,llr; ill (Ile C.otlrnt t.tl r•rt fitt►ctttyl illy 11-01k Of if Such NIZV. -dmfs 111h10�rlalt arc Ctti' ^utile rrd try• rmy 011ier flat( lr: r llm triitih mmk ill the jobTife nitd Contractor d_tennlnet a it! !rwli m-picri-win present if 1lnr1►rt1 to Ifa •_nipinvecn, coni rector s1let I have the right tp dis :nniitau! tt.a work :tirl n.'mtnr ii.5 rmldn.)�tY� thim tfte! jntrite nntil :wuch prndue tv or Irr:ticrials.:Ittrf ally Irv.:rltic chane ciftl lhefe% llls. nit anti abste& erleatmItAted or reurm-ctl, or it in dt9cnctit)rI flint nn luirarl crtiras ( n- dir cage nifty regalm), and Cont.ructor artful fr. Ove no erlr• tisinit cif finte ki t.'V11 1lejC 119 1+'011i (trlrlrf-tk!r and r0illptetrsntloll for dcluys irticauntered ns it re -toll Of m1c.11 sltt-ntion nail rort,mvilnn. SU1itFAC@; I?RdFARA'I11A14 A. . Retuuvul of (lie revoling afAl;r4rlike eftftll 1w.. by hrlltrallug fir power vacatmning. T)te existing ravel SUMCC will Ir vacuu1110d, Swe.11 and +ltatumt`cl for lxnlaer 911tjltce M-ftrlrulion. Ill, Remove. IhC CASllnF fol+' 'i'-!0 and tt'Lillt(r. with taller fairs ns neOCS9Ary. C. Crind all 7.-1air mc-taf to lire pair. for thr nprilictttion tit the ti►nnt. (9ce attached ddAil) 171- Retrinve existing itinnn,g nromid carirtitem, to enpUf=^. (lie metal flange. See atimcbed dendl) E. lilstall new ronm Stop tnrild nrxmnct if1C peo11111:ler er file 1111ildlings VVILCIL' ncC(swry. 'i (Ilia stttldtcll IfltAQ) F. Iteultwe two coltrccS of life at the 1•T.tlit-lop tl)ollnf; Inivigifiou and set D:rl.Cio. lilt 0 water-bfOClc to scllclrsu: Ow Iwo sysltans unt! rnsutic ;i fv 11rt liehl Srnl. (ICC nit+arhed detail) AJ1117LICA'FION OF. I'()I,VURF.T1[AN.F, irOAR7 AND COATING A. Rcmuvc wu, conitiininflnis 11,111 a Ill livie- -re wilh the ntlhcxitrn ors(►r:►yod w'elhmte ronin to tfte stihstmie. Serf -ho. sltnll Ir: rice of 1001te Mfticlea. D. R.txtf deck shall be printed %A111 Nr.00nir ptint!!r 111 the rate of .33 to .50 gallons Per 100 egttare .tett. thiacrtnvs of I^ (pltix or minirt G. llrCrhltr>c Cantu intnlatlnn shell is ^lintt�xl :ggrlir`il In;, n4,min-tt Inch). Atlditimiril R•nn► i! ill Ira )trtllf�vi in the i-ril"Ji►tg n.rrrls t0 he1P di -Ter" th0 etaltding wAter. The millif imlicl (:►1tl will 1m;j lnaxisitutit or 1.5" Ihlc* The eddhionil foam is ant ftatemled to taY,Btt•. pIf!titivC 1lflr . Ai•t iYfel netip 1"-irn Ihr: ,art lilt drplh orthc rModing wBIGC ltmd allow for f3r9ter ev"pnrsttiun. 4)nly 3 W.R. derlvlt)• forint twin tltr. used In thb appllcrltit"L D. — C:onling shall be -ippliM In a nainitrium of three (3) scp;lcate coals. Acrylic comHng, to be fAW* scliris. ( r0as or rnititts 2%). OL hareand inlcrmediate cirri Sluill On itpl)licd M a rate of 1 7,1 f3ilifon9 per .100 -Vin�T' r fact 2EMPAGFIC Adw- s 0 01/05/01 1.4:25 TX/RX N0.8879. P'.0.04' MAY -30-2001 11:25 AM 't 8y: WESTERN PACIFIC noorMa COM". ; P. 03 700 tia0 6012; Apf-S.01 2:26MI; Page 5/7 Lagunw.ibe Le Pa IIQA Aptrd 5, 211111 Prtj;e 3 IL 'I'be Ifm creat shall Fal sir plitx! al n title. n!' 1 50 1pilloim per M sv uam I% ,yirlding a hullosle-tet Ibirkuccc rot. lloNl vmtc IS ( If►. 1') 1,111711 Ofty MRS. I•. I lucinl.. Ilrr li-l:l 14111 .`I1:11 orlK+111•:11icur. •:i.•r !rt I I-'rr11kill 5 .Pill be. etnkxyklal Into IhC WC -1 full, I-InI 'ii;tl Id :t tate ul 411 r+m1110v vvv I'Al �ycCtru rrt:l. 'rep coal culvr its ire 1.11"l1'1' CAIA 1'. it. All himit lr: lu leer exalted Ctirthirgo rhnll t:mtru,) ttt+ mad over fell $mmml vent rtif►rs and tcrminited a miuitilunl of 2 irchte almvr. 11w faatrt, crcadnga treat aptmrsince, self tcrminathig lint;tsin•g. jeter attached detalll Thio spetificatir n curets mnrnrt cturer reclWrclnente, t►,rrlt;rwrites Laboratory Spoc)lieatintm and 1t DO cvtnrainnce, This syetetrt, Miele 1twied (m r an cxdsring-firc- mie d Clnss A ar R huilr up roof sysicm has a M. 740, A rhomificaclon. Wimi sapplied aver an existing C ruled raor sysicuL tlar_ cxisting fttling mmaina. RIC 1(130 fa• ER 46311 Tor. touts ml for all I:rtsur, 111murial, sigwfivislun, ilmlilnce, luxe, Inc., is: Ck)k t&Ct A i h1JlnT 88.414:60e Florintax Model:g S6.744.60 WnRtlAm-Y A'1'cn•1 dj year Marrttf tcturt-r'.s Milli Sy:rte n wnt.rnaty trill lx- issrted lay Kt ah TectlNtlt►gv C'arfll Itr►n And Weviern PpcHTt RoefinR Corr.nrntiun irr"Prl mcitrieiiott of the rmfmid 6A payineot is M01*41. PAYMkNT TIMMS loth tkq jlit repot approve! of III(; Contract. Pmgmss r+ns heals ro he //redo twice a r»onth trnll) cdd►ipiction. Balasioe 46e utitri� 6,h i� kllim Held tfltid within Iit days vi recclltt of the Avice. The pride t�ltottic� ni (tdttut to rellect Nlilijt:t�hN hr, asliW4-- alo ittrhutdy desired; ctllttlity 111stalltsl nn, scrvl ii i. Illy ;tnc�'dltr; tG*m per�rnitliit+ls. 'llta fit is a riii be 9llbJetet to LlttttlgC 15 days f lit Iht; tic of t s nl. If yme ail in axoidnn; a %4+ flip c ar>tiliiens herein, (!jt' tt c+xe�cttb: thQ + m ►t ter low ttrrrct tejuirn berth cnpics ililhis roles. We will. in film, sight thcm stid ttliil 1 alle cot- / lu j1)u. '1'hdtlk YOU for yb11r imcweial+vn In C:xrieAtlns this cotttraci (br yscar rubaht;A ill". 140TJCfi Tal OWUR C rynlricttns Pre rrxrftircd by hi -m to he lit,",gcd anti rr gulnled lry• Itic 'Ce"trat:ior's Suets Lk—taw. Ne/1Rd. Any cP.calions c anccrninR :r cmiliracicrr Play tic rcltrrect to lite Rcgisrrar. Cordraclor's Stme Liuenae 4*4rtti, P.o. )lox ?ftm. snemim!"en, f'tflinim)n 951M, -VYWQ-M 4 O""mmm ar. to" 04/05/01 11:25 TX/RX NO'.8879 P.005 =a+b RM P-04 tBy: WESTERN PACIFIC r100rINO 001111. i T00 C20 0912; Aim* -5-01 2:20PMi Page 0/7 t �J A L*gurim Do La Par, 110A April 1,.2001 pftm4 ACKNU'W1.EhAMRNT: f )tin<:r rrautmvk rlgrx Ihm Itr luta u•ftd nr•d frecived a iegiblo cxW of this agrecment hicinMnl; all mrnt$ later vmvtiyrd prm irlomt 1-4mr. wo.1, x%wk IH perflor Med and that he itan rend and nxxived a Icgihtc c•tpy ttl'uvuty ultra tktt:ammrll that Lm 11ce has ;rlume:d tJulit.l, this ucRoua ou. 1/%YC Itetrb y acknowledge ufrtyr 11m pc+utlry of lsjttry thst Vw.i a alair IN: lclpd ovr rciu raid mn/am authorincd to sign IAis contract ns nit ngc:m n[ the iWI otwtcr. ACCIPTTAWFE: The aimvr pAcc9..4per1flcallnns and r iontlititm, are aatWactory and are hereby accepted.. Yme err Aetho6zeli to iffy the work tis rtterifird. i`rrym!mt wUl he am outlined atone. You, rite trrryc!r rany rutfcri thti e! arw flnte rein.• In ratifirf?,Af at tim Wed t4+rii+nt:tri day olifer the bale. rrf this t: an-miriinn. Q: -r. the. :t4itichrd N!rfirr err !'Priced-vf- r fpr =a-c3gp(eaa1ion of (Isis right. Chvner bis the right to mptire ennirncfor tit luiv -:r lierkyommaim attJ tzryment btmd it nwnrr'c "I-eicm. LAGUNA DF, LA PAZ. HOA Tide ma- Wl!STj!RN PACT "IC RO0nKG, CORP. (II.-riractory I..icensp# 233717,E Ilot)iu I... VVInkle Ol►ernfl nttc Madager aNFS78R�r1JrA •ITj��}ROVY1M1r:ifA,9't'fiEtijCII'1TOitllC4l=i1vt1'f1119�ll)!VtltAt'T��7TIILTfYLFTPENDt,Y9OF �srt'��'I'.APL'1: �'•si1l4.�t7it$FpirS1'r r9 NlTr.iflNt)fV�: tll�t'r . AI:Y't+.PfRP ItY'rltl! OFF1C:lt MANAGEM:NT A? Jd62 LA C:AMIIA14A rVA'.', P)Ol b% tttNu!I, C.A 91[262. MIM IAt`L mm 1 H2 AAIiIT[OM TO'tB7SAGRF.EWNT S)1ALL RF, EFPEC,7'IyE UNUL.Al9 MIViril FIV wY%TvstN raCIVIC MAt ACEMF,PtT. IN..NAG MsACCE11rANCRr waw rA ]c'40,01rix ' lb— Ifw 04/05/01 14:25 (-D TX/RX N0:8879 P.006'