0100-066 (RR)N 04 W O v � ' W �Z�^ ccoo0� I� l O, co J r` W U) Z LICENSED CONTRACTOR DECLARATION n I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professionals Code, and my License is in full force and effect. License # Lic. Class Exp. Date .2.31717 C-39 B Date 4. ? r Signature of Contractor OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the following reason: ( ) I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business & Professionals Code). ( ) I, as owner of the' property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business & Professionals Code). () I am exempt under Section B&P.C. for this reason Date Signature of Owner WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty' of perjury one of the following declarations: ( ) I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for workers' compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. (,),I have and will maintain workers' compensation insurance, as required by 'Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My workers' compensation insurance carrier & policy no. are: -Carrier Policy No. (This section need not be completed if the permit valuation is for $100.00 or less). ( ) I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the workers' compensation laws of California, and agree that if'I should become subject to the workers' compensation provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code, I shall forthwith comply with those provis ons. Date: �' ' - Applicant— Warning: Warning: Failure to secure Workers' Compensation coverage is unlawful and shall subject an Temloyer to criminal Fena`l666 and -civil fines up to $100,000, in addition to the cost of compensation, damages as provided for in Section 3706 of the Labor Code, interest and attorney's fees. IMPORTANT Application is hereby made to the Director of Building and Safety for a permit subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth on his application. 1. Each person upon whose behalf this application is made & each person at whose request and for whose benefit work is performed under or pursuant to any permit issued as a result of this applicaton Agrees to, & shall, indemnify & hold harmless the City of La Quinta, its officers, agents and employees. 2. Any permit issued as a result of this application becomes null and void if work is not commenced within 180 days from date of issuance of such permit, or cessation of work for 180 days will subject permit to cancellation. I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply with all City, and State laws relating to the building construction, and hereby authorize representatives of this City to enter upon the above-mentioned property for inspection purposes. Pe" rr �w Signature (Owner/Agent) r='1 • Z✓��� • Date BUILDING PERMIT PERMIT# DATE VALUATION LOT TRACT JOB SITE APN ADDRESS 41-246 OWNER CONTRACTOR/DESIGNER/ENGINEER 3W A.-0-S'L C,0W, ROA W-. ` SRN PA CD -1c R0��.�`t1te�O POBOX.799 3462 LA C&M—PANA, WAY RANCHO NMAC E CA 92270 PAIN SMINGS CA, 92262 (760)41 r✓-5TI7 CMN 4293 USE OF PERMIT Ccf��f�47S3RP v .&:'i f . ICRC llf?R�t B3Q n POLY'k.$T:Ivi"F."9 7e APA & dsCRYIJG' VALUATIOW 4786.00 L3 R ' `ff%4�Y i7•V5M ��yyvY��yy yy,,,,pp ae 7�;�3. p�R.�9/�bgJvL.�,t',vin,5pt•�\.,0735��A��'��tiBJ"i�(]YI.J'F�J5w1i.d,Yl,4� P.Rw•LSd,P.C1' (�`k.i"'�,t..I�AAR bey P11=114Y0!° FLA Z S 04'18-000 t Wn w`. tlfr W SEP 0 i 2001 CITY OF LA QUINTA FINANCE DEPT. �r S'CiB-`ii'.D°k"JVi C ihfMUC:t"IVC>N f441) PLAN'clu;g1c T 4 $30.00 �v. d RECEIPT DATEr BY DATE FINALED INSPECTOR INSPECTION RECORD OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR BUILDING APPROVALS MECHANICAL APPROVALS Set Backs Underground Ducts Forms & Footings Ducts Slab Grade Return Air Steel r Roof Deck �ZI 0 �� Combustion Air Exhaust Fans O.K. to Wrap 111 F.A.U. Framing Compressor Insulation Vents Fireplace P.L. Grills Fireplace T.O. Fans & Controls Party Wall Insulation Condensate Lines Party Wall Firewall Exterior Lath Drywall - Int. Lath Finall2_ . 6 BLOCKWALL A 'PROVALS Final POOLS - SPAS Steel Set Backs Electric Bond Footings Main Drain Bond Beam Approval to Cover Equipment Location Underground Electric Underground Plbg. Test Final Gas Piping PLUMBING APPROVALS Gas Test Electric Final Waste Lines Heater Final Water Piping Plumbing Final Plumbing Top Out Equipment Enclosure Shower Pans O.K. for Finish Plaster Sewer Lateral Pool Cover Sewer Connection Encapsulation Gas Piping Gas Test Appliances Final Final Utility Notice (Gas) ELECTRICAL APPROVALS Temp. Power Pole Underground Conduit Rough Wiring Low—Voltage Wiring Fbctures Main Service SLO Panels Exterior Receptacles G.F.I. Smoke Detectors Temp. Use of Power Final Utility Notice (Perm) COMMENTS: AUG -17-2001 10:16 AM P.01 Sent 8y: WESTERN PACIFIC ROOFING CORP.; 790 320 8912; Aug -fl -01 7o48AM; Page 2l5 ArWESTERN PACIFIC ft\)?0j 'lg CnrporAtfoK Singe 1949 Lie. #235717 AUCM 7, 2001 Kati*" Jordaa LAGURA DR L.A PAZ ROA C/O DZBRJtT MANAG61![M P.O. Ho= 79l. Janet* Mirage. CA 92770 RR: ]11Dert+Oooss g Pra j=4 Lquaa ne I.q Pim Hameowaern Amodadss 46•2011 cmic roaristaa a dtb?Ati Caib Fiwiltaa Aprikatioa of a prytn odme (am and acryk cost* roaAat 0811101 Dear hb. Jordan: i%aah you for tae opporranity to inspect the roofing 9YNCMW ase abM meed lXVM1Y K"ia6 done so we are pleaned to aftnt our nxon+mudodom ad Dropmal Sec the ivataUmlon of a polytuethane mursyatem. Tae mm mttended scope of work aad nNoWated cam an as fbilows f Ely #RAL Unim a gmmly stated to the conuwy, rho oontraww shall be reapoaai6ic lbr perfbrming dw AW10winr acts. URSCR11MON A. Tito geao:al coedidws of thia shmdard conwwdon canttact shall fo m a part of these q=ificablosta wl& ft tame ft= and eSott " dw h rgmted I wvm B. The ma:rrar. .ball farsda6-all Lsbm aaatedals, c*dl tneot, casuactor's liceimm, iaumanct: o__ _fi mow, err:., to pciftm all operatlorrs mgdted and sptxldod The oaorracW tOspll provide labor and motorial c agamrlly Irscludod in work of the agate Hague to give a quaihy, oa nplete }ob. C. if un=poaod canditima we awotmteted clueing the work and the cmdltlone advertldy aff—I the ones or progmw of the -a& ft ommsctor will nodf y the owner immadlatcty, and the ow= will ra•Rodate a chaap•+*der to resolve the wsexpeceod ooedhim A The CaeuwW.ban =Upq, We, And pamlt Gd= to tree the pmzr dm tatty far ft PUPSe of oomph the work to be pwf rmed tt Ww this cwm ct with the Ownw. 77o Canty imm ahrtll mt rtuthoarti-c or permit am oftr Dessert w an am Fe n ow fbr say pwpoae whataoem. waters Pk ift is to be given au resaonehie get-up mea 10019ing arta.. 3462 La.Camputa Way -.Palm Springs, CA 92262 • (760) 416-5877 • Fax (760),120-8912 wwnv.we9tpacraof.com • E-mail: wprcps )westpacrocf.cnm AUG -17-2001 10:17 AM P.02 sent By: 1VE8TERN PACIFIC ROOFING CORP.; 780 320 8812; Aug -a-01 7;48AM; Page 3!6 Lou" Do La Pas HGA AmCW 7, 3001 Prue 2 R. C'artt ntor's nonpo of work •stn not indiude the idatAftifoa4 delealm abawnt, ettcapat* Y Comracwr Woouatera Gay owk prodrw or esaadsb in the cottttts at pedunm8 td wc*, or it hwh hfuscdotu reatoWl am mum =cd by aM atbot arm PU*MMiAg wort at Ole Jabl= Gad ooauaaor dc'aratino that sxh moterisis prmxma hamrd to its nmptoyms. amts 'i sbrcll hard the rngm to Oxo wir= its wort and remove lm etnptoyera nnm the jobdre m dl sodr pmchim or t mutuals. and day hww* connocted awferwitlL are located aced abateiL awpihad or rernov4 or it is maesmined that no hXemd =I" (aa the cane may regaim), atd convenor Chap receive an ermaa orame io compl®e Us work ba miler mid eompen atbn fix delalys esoormtfflod as a =oil of Gash afteadon and cow. an sOBFACB P'WAR TWff A. Pzxw w ortht rooting aggreguc shall be by brvoming or paver •A^uuntio:. Tht cxistiiig Vurcl s Ucc will be vscuma ed, swc% toed vacuumed for proper NOW prOPMEb a S Ra:w ve the w6s0ng low Topa and replace with taller onm as nesse, . C. Crrind ell Z4mf metal to propm tar tbo Mplic nju of the libatn. (Gee suacbed detslq A. RcrnQK -:dSd a roo8nir MUM eQtirppM to expose the melid &-mp. (Gee artwaded dwW) E. Install new lbatnf.top tncW UQWW the perimeter ddw bulldhW where eocessarY. (ow attwJwd &-tag F Remove two couraoa of fik st the built-lp roaring mwoltkm and sot asides Cat s water4 tock lo wpmte the taro waMg sytmmos and en ms a watertight mai. (Gee rnebW deWl) APPLICATION OF POLYURETRANE FOAM AND COA71WG A, Renoft any eoatamitst m that wW inwiftm with the adhesion of spnryed urctham Loom to the sttbetrate. Surthoe dell be Lioe of low pariidw. B. Roof dock shall be pdmod wfth Neomwc pnro a ai tae two at _33 in .SO galloon per 100 squat fiat. G Uretbmne loaee insolation &sell bo sprayed •appiled to a nonmfui ftcknm of 1" (plus or rtdrmc meat)_ Additional Loam will be aW ied in the ponding ereaa m help disperse itis ditattg %Mr. 'Me addltloftai law will be s maximum of 1.3" tbiadr. The addltiofosl loam is not i.tty i m clog" palkive dopic+ but will batp W x tae ovend depth of tide powdif .raw and allow fw fa w evapsratba. Ono 3 ML dmft baw wtil be aced In tbb APPU940 L D_ Coadog shall be applied ins minimus» of three (3) sepaeaee eosm. Acrylic aoaina w be 6096 solidi ( plus or adnne 2%). a. The baps and intetmedla coat shall be sppllod st a rant of 1.2-4 gallons par 100 squaw AUG -17-2001 10:18 AM P.03 sant By: WESTERN PACIFIC ROOFING COAP,; 780 320 9012; Aug -9.01 7:49AM; Page 4/5 Laputa De La Pat HOA AUPS 7, 2001 PW 3 b. no tap aced dt u be tlPOW as a no of 1.50 0p1lons per 100 agnsee plot yielo"s a local yrsmn dddmeaa fm bats coats of 30.31 Total Dry M111t. d Date# ibr tlmi top acct appiicsmoo, rite @111 grammes will be embedded into the wet top Coat tnSMI&l m a nut Cf 90 pamda per 100 arm tbat. Top tint COW to 04 LIGHT GRAY. d. All abase is to be ceased. Coating dull squad up ted over all famed van piper and, ter sinond a minimatn o[2 inches ahm the fbatn,.crcatleg A neat appeiuraoee, Ulf- ocrmioaUW d—biag ices sdwlMd detWO Thie specification meets w==ftctonor rogaircmems, und"Witer l&bosacary bona sed 1CB0 oanwUaoae_ Thls sysotn . when apptiod over an Odstin"' fire - mW Claes A at B built-up root syaoom lois a UL 790, A claesilloatioa When appimd over as tutlattng C rwcd roof systt:ra+, dte exlating ntnag m®ias. RTC ICBG d Eli 4630 The total Cost for all labor, mrW%] sgmrvuwk% irbttralto0. MGM cm, Is: CONTRACT AMOUNT SMSMW 4&10 Calle lzariataa. No" a 3&' 7fi6.0 *146 salk noridaa Medea 8 56.E WARRANTY A '%n (10) year Mandedwres FW19ystrm wxmuity w0l be lasted by Reals T=hndaRy C'crporatioa cad West" pacific Roa t Corporadca uprm compietion of the and and fi nal payment it rsaiv+d PAYMZNT TERMS 1095 deposal up n approval or the contact. PtoV= psymcatr to be tendo twice a month untll oomMetlon. 8alan= due upon coq%ctlon and paid wtthia 10 dor. of reedp of the uwatee. The price quotod has beet► atrocxxured to rcdwt stsodenW we aamm we mutually dWmd: quality installation, sermi a reliability and bong ts®t Perf0f"8"= The prise =' be stun to change 13 days item tate date of this proposal if you as in aooanW= with the condmom h=cin. punas eaa a the agmmm below and ramrn both, capica to this ofioc We will, is turn, ap there oW return one oopy to pow. Thank lou for your cooperntion in ezpc&Uvg tyle co®uaa 1'3r y mr reefing mW& NOME TO OWNU Contcactota are requimd by Isw to be liccnmd mid regulated by the C'aWracoor's State Leone Board. AM gpeations oaoroerniag, a motraaor lacy to raft I d to the Rcgistnr. Cotdrac='b Stade Licmw Board P.O. Hex 26000.5a=umnlo, Calit6aeis 9=6- rA i =m= I �'"' I - IC -17-2001 10:18 AM Sant 8y: WESTERN PACIFIC ROOFING CORP.; 760 320 8912; Aug -8-01 7:50AM; Page 5!5 Lagma De La Pao HOA As" 7, 2001 PWA ACl00WLRMMElrTr Owasr aduvwlec*s dict be has red Sod raoeivod a laflbic copy of thi's allsa u mbj*r,& all wma and mmdSd p wAmlow bWboa mW wok it pod amM 04 chow bo has lead and nmtyW a lei copf of soap Ww dm0mad tbu Owwr hes d688d d"tQ5 tail nogdadon- Une h=t9 acknowkd : under tho pemaky ofpcdM do LAm am*c the kgtl Ovum and rldare sutbormW to siva this c VbW ac an a mi Of the 100 Owes' ACCE TANC& The sl a prism spodllcmdM =4 emdMOM are s tb%dM Ad arc hm Y accepted- Yam are amtaorhted to do the wads as Med. Prpoemt will be sa vrtt MM AWM Ym dlre bmM eaq caned lbb traeaactlam at my dee prior to ddsldM at the ddrd bwWw t day ager dee dam of tbb tr aseetloe. Sae the Atisand NWee ed Caw-4080es fbr ar asptanatlem Of tale rig" ( wu& has me rio to rergdee aonncwr m have a petibrnranae and pgercnt boed of Garners ea ppm. LAGUM DE LA PAZ HOA WZSTZRN YACOW ROOMG, CORP. Coalradom Lmmm M 23M17 Rubls L WivALM Opersdoms Mnomw 7-7-01 Drate wvrsatr rAR,MC sur MWP II" =X MORT TO s:M"'rtos Corr'rsACf vvrrrn„ nrrrwe nArs ur AC$'MApM Turn AritnYM&" (d 140T gn%UM UNMACCXrraar gy IRK Offta MArrAGWaNT AT 3"1 LA CAMTANA WAY. PALM MMS, CA 922CL NO C RAMU OR A=ff"a TO THiI AGM=hWff SHALL as EIm-nvt UNTIL APPROVED BYN M3URrAt.'l W. MAPtM:I Mff- AdA1tA WC®a aCLaPJAJK.LG: OaTR c P.04