0267 (2)Of 4, yL .NOTEi4 e Y 4. a es'an�',- �404 stitut „,this form cp , �� * 4., CITY-OHL !A, (�Y encroach�miinfperm iv,�':* Z, ,�Witli prop., r.yaliOation,, x �TA 4w T Ty W, _ It ON' APPLICATI FOR`' PERMIT UC"'WlblkKS�6014STRILICTIOW (ENCROACHMENT.) ot3lA,:' PUBLIC 7S• rti�, y 4 For the 'construction"' of p6blic, or private 'curbs ,.. "driveways, pavementssideWalks';Oarking;' 10ts,.,sewers; water mains .-, MINOR IMPROVEMENTS and APPROVED SUBDIVISIONS in n in connection _,ano other Ii , ke.pLiblic works. improvema ts'* J 0II y 87 u� .y :Subdivision`' Improvement Permit it Class I I I ." E:' July: "2 TMinorImprovenent Permit Class IV, mot , LOCATION OF CONSTRUCTION 4A " le (Street address or Dekription,�?,f.L'Pcatip'g)-,.- •- '%? -t , �X- FE QF:CONSTRUCT-ION', 'k PURPOSE t construction- plans rf appropriate) ----------- 4,4 '77 FSCRIPTION,OF CONSTRUCTION. 4.� ­'DIMENSI!QN,OF LAT1,0N.-Pfitlig YAL'.'-"-' 40 77, -7- z SIZE OF EXCAVATION, IF NEED'EW—­ Af WHEN WORK WIWFBQ9,!N',— ;­4: ,kAPPROXIMATE TIME USA Inquiry No..' APPROXIMATE TIME OF COMP "Tjj 777, 'ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST Date,lseuiid ba.ckf illing,-co' M. ,t:, IncIuc!jng.rern6VaIjSf ,4pil"Postructio'n" ri ,,;and debris, poption.jmd -"placing iermanent Ires /0' cin" r:re improvements) % Ra g; n. her -consideration, of tthe.grepting,of this p0mit,tthe, applicant by agrees, to.-':-.4tl t, -6 ls?.V agents� of ficersi-orepresentatives,an a lo eis * r ' ;, .,. , i4 - I j ni :diefI..Is jr-n..., n and 811L ourt.action and arising,out'of an 'acci ent;t � I oss or damage ­ to pe I rsons' or. property wqr�'uqqeqakqn undei"the per i ni -ursuant:to this application. ild�'i­ricil6f i t 'I' 9"whi 0 ill-be",starte !jvanm 6 it d s,and,condiiioni ot the permit and all applicable rules and regulations of the City of uin,ta!and to for, any additional necessaryreplkqrnent.as the r�suli•of ;his;yvq k' pay j, !Signature. of Ap 4 Agent �plicant'6r Age f'� ;:568-2828 d'. un National -Mortgage and',La'n "Ik-00`Cq try'Cj�xb Drive,- 'erf"T44 9 Lr. "Name of Applicant print) 'Bus* ss ,`!�-,Telephone No." plicant (please I I iness Address "6- N 4 � `4 0 6- �- Lz JQ'I - x io Name � of Contractor and. Job, Foreman BusineisAdd�es r A �,V. vd .4 It, Coritra6tor,s . L ir cense'No it sine` Licensii -f J'�, P wk, cy,N4l;iber,� -c A oli, Applicant's' - nt?s'Insurance 7, 'FEES: %*• Subdivision Improvement Permit --Class 111 P 'I V q ublic improvements: 3% q estimated construction costs, v .t Y 'Private impir.94emen1s. estimated consl t,- L .. iructi'6n,costi IV:' a al V. Minor Improvement Permit schedule ..M lass ttac!�d pi •, .•��� . ,..�� r• �:- �� '� •'�- uwf. i.�.�1 �±�,�-x"�t�,�k��"£�,�t��+,�la�:ta��rY��r��'���� r Yf Fee 1 331-;32','-" IS $ 1�lnspectiorif .,PERMIT -VALIDATION 10.00, Pqrmit'Fee'm', A PERMIT NO.. nalty'l-f V. -Surety Bond Cash Deposit DATE APPROVED if require it t.EXPIRA N'DATE (on Biles 'V Indorrin d end end t�, or Pena es"'Iab h P�Qn r �rrin e n9,'o Sketch m 4. urfac a y Mt It, halt N't.ltv he".Ad Comply v with I .applicable h .1 La Ouinte.iind'tq Pay TAL, 1,341032 )TO DATE.IS§jL&ED,-- D, Receipt No. x: rBy 77777 'Administrali'lve Authority Received by Date — "A -k gyp 7 .Recorded by.. ..i!'TELEPHQNE.'(61'9) 564-2246 4