0272 (2)J. - tail NOTE:- owl Willy prqpqry.q Ido rl t.( r l acr i. " this form pq nst,!tutes,@q encroachment,perrinit-, :`4 - PLIC?ATJP FQ,R 4tPUBLIC P WORKS CQIVTR.U CTION (ENCROACHMENT J wt t,A )ti twandii VA Ititt"Fbr fthe 'construdtiQn 1"of'.'Publ,iib�,,orlpri%fate "curbs,-tdrive*aysiAkVements,,e's.i.do I W61ksto?pirkingilots;Tiewer..s,.tWatoilmainsjff,- ,d,,,ophe��j i ke ;py# IP ,�J�,,yvqr4 M Jm-pip P R I�E yp M. Pr) s 1,; ?,R9VF, JV,,)qN,S1,fin =4 t'U r v wn I a'.L tt *, t a c t vy n n,_1 tyi o-oth. - ix,- #,t� 00149 Iku-tj J'41--th I Vbjt-,4,i L,(ft,tt St IQ -41J k)1jXJ in D 1 4-1,, SU4divisigp Improvement t$ C DATE: ­1 19,'ai' e �, ,�,%%_.AuSast 1iiWorImprovement Permit Class IV LOCfflO�,9F PONRTRU,�,TION Uirl _hnQ I np-iggrt s1$]gd;t tinj f i eld A r r t ohnn'! I)i Ili J r SH 7iI;�s:� 41 V gy So Pit 04L,� �%)N �A '10 lei, VfWi�rfy �41�041 Iln' ItIOLIt'v AVenue 50 r Aljili; t' , -Pivf. — 1N I.,—, -24 lit ��q.rDescriwiopqfiLy "I I ti:;; Ore PRO ?URPOSE,OFCONSZie-,,underSround-togethe TRUCTION Kle,,Sketch (4ttach,con ructioWplowif appropriate)i a:icl DESCRIPTION OFCONSTRUCTIOW Y ached 9 Aal gi,,nY Y.erAj� ad,..special -11 Il 1 V, 0, P;;9 Y, 17 kai* 94,0,, afire 4401 Pik, I; _k JOR P �.a Olt 'K ," diub ie 44 SIZE,OFX -E'` CAVAT-I'ON-,,IF NEEDED, Pau See attached Sketch. 'Urrio .1 .'k C4 ly of "I Q4im,! f M, 1. M, MMMP17 APP,!3QcX1MA,►TE,TJli W.IJENN G N APPROXIMATE TI' E'OF COMPLETION ; ifWV164 tou M_Ima,rloo at all loioirl$ `;J ber,11'ec ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION (Including ncZi removal of 11, obstruction, rrkqtqrials, and debris, backfilling, ng ng, com, ppction and'p n Jacino, permanent resurfacing and/or replacing impr"ovem q6ts), In ;gonsideratio ,.of,,thq,,-,agrjaqtingeof/.thistperm.it;ohe applicant hereby agrees to. lndPm'iiJy,-,defe00,,ap4, spvq,the trity, its authorized agents, officers,' representatives and employees, harmless'from and against any and all IV, 1" pimalties, I iabilities'k or loss resulfing from ckr�, qimtoco�urtidct'i'on)"ai'id�atiting -out ofany accident, loss or dqmage!i6,1jiirsons,6T *,prope rty happepint. pr• occ4rri te-cesultgLon,"(,� up a h� e,�Ti,% r1pt urs to this cation. `1ffl1;;,0 " 0., W.i's"t — Uali- 11 flrlql& ft,,t, 9,, P, ig Xqry 4. 'tint Notify -thqi#.Oryiinistrati..yo,Ayt4prit rqtO.kastoS onty, f Qu r 34.4 wil Comply with all applicable XijV' brdinancis thi terms and} conditions of thv permlt�and-a(l'applicable rules 13n&rejula tionsof the City of -Ja duintlarand to pay fo.r.4.iny,-Idddi'tional).replqcomontthecetsary.as, the);r&sqlt of this work. Z atm-rwo n Ont Name of Applicant , (pl4seprin -P the: Tho"pero-u-me'o, f:1, it ly 011 COMC(A,,� " -i, ry tx;rn,,Iameas ot I. W pf*() n" zioe u -m V'�PfBuii6eis:Address i - `TiIebh6ne,N'0'..gr„ !" be Name qtContractde'and'Job'Fdirim6n C--1.0 324877! r'-*- o i op lf-%, i - 1 4- Contrqctor':r Licensq,.No.'icuan6., Oidlfi-arlq,r 1,,461 City Business License No. Aetna Applicant's Insu16nceCompanjKJ0',,1.2.1, Policy.Nvmber* FEES: Subdivision- ImprovementPermit Class III ia Public, imprbverribhtit: 3%,w .;,;'Ao I C I PZ Of& P+ 0J 4 a 0Yof Lim 0 4-0 `Z,.! I y' (I tev f iestim at6d. constructioncosts,*r Privqtt;e, improvements. 396 of estimated construction costs - 7. Minor'id- vkwtblli� f P__� d ImpriDvement,�Peerhit;ZClass.IV.','.$ee,,attache 4cheduIq.4irR�t$,.'. mam I 'Inq ik M1 I rald Inspection Fee, n:qvttjdvk$,, 40£a yt PERMITiF1/ALIDAT TION -,y 7 Permit Fi0 (�R! VL WAY 45 09,,-m 'fl.'JA -L, - aell tht, IT PERMIT NQ Penalty DATE APPROVED, I' -6E7 Cash Deposit-SurW Bond • if req4ir;d m; F7 1"4, 4�. J14 tim 'i.4 44 V .N,PA, TOTAL: DATE ISSWE Receipt -.N'- k4 P,; 10 f 1. �A IE i V 17 1 : Mt, ;oj,47J, B "Y7 Received by "DateAdniffifstrative Authority Recorded, by 7 TELEP.Hp-NE-.46'19)-564 w224.641tioc-1,4 !nusio 4), F% r% .04 eto 'a., W. . S.0. I may u8 I vowisy ai eu Lui 9 wL:iiy be replaced by a licensed civil engineer or surveyor at the expense of the permittee. A complete set of notes showing the ties to these monuments shall be furnished to the City I Engineer prior to the a rem I oval of any monuments"This I off ice I shall be notified'6pon completion of "replacement of all survey monuments for proper project clearance. 0%4