BRES2014-103678-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMIT i VOICE (760) 777-7125 FAX (760) 777-7011 INSPECTIONS (760) 777-7153 Application Number: BRES2014-1036 Owner: Property Address: 48474 VISTA PALOMINO _ ' CYRUS FANAPOUR APN: 602200034 2537 COUNTRY CLUB DR Application Description: 362 SF GUESTROOM ADDITION OLYMPIA FIELDS, IL 60461 Property Zoning: N O O D a M Application Valuation: $50,000.00 , Applicant: Contractor: JMAR CONSTRUCTION INC JMAR CONSTRUCTION INC 0 OUTSIDE CITY LIMITS 0 OUTSIDE CITY LIMITS LA QUINTA, CA 92253 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 (760)275-6160 Llc. No.: :LIC -0104827 Date: 9/23/2014 ---------------------------------- c ' z c� m 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code, _ I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for workers' and my License is in full force and effect. compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance m of the work for whichthispermit is issued. Z M --I N O O D a M � ---------------------------------- LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code, _ I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for workers' and my License is in full force and effect. compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance License Class:' License No.: :LIC -91 7 ' of the work for whichthispermit is issued. have and will maintain workers' compensation insurance, as required by Date:, 10 — Contractor Section 3700 of.the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My workers'.compen sation insurance carrier and policy number are: ` OWNER -BUILDER DECLAR Carrier: Policy Number: I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the Contractor's State I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, -I . License Law for the following reason (Sec. 7031.5, Business and Professions Code: Any shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the workers' city or county that requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish, or repair compensation laws of California, and agree that, if I should become subject to the any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for the permit to file a workers' compensation provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code, I shall forthwith signed statement that he or sheds licensed pursuant to the provisions of the comply with those provisions. Contractor's State License Law (Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division of the Business and Professions Code) or that he or she is exempt therefrom and the Date: ?, 40-)_!;z_ l Applicant: ' basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars WARNING: FAILURE TO SECURE WORKERS' COMPENS ION COVERAGE IS NLAWFUL, ($500).: AND SHALL SUBJECT AN EMPLOYER TO CRIMINAL PENALTI INES UP TO (_) I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($100,000). IN ADDITION TO THE COST OF compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale. COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN SECTION 3706 OF THE LABOR CODE, (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' State. License Law does not INTEREST, AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does the work himself or herself through his or her own employees, provided that the improvements APPLICANT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold IMPORTANT: Application is hereby made to the Building Official for a permit subject to within one year of completion, the owner -builder will have the burden of proving that the conditions and restrictions setforth on this application. he or she did not build or improve for the purpose of sale.). 1. Each person upon whose behalf this application is made, each person at whose (_) I, as owner of the property, am exclusively'contracting with licensed contractors request and for whose benefit work is performed under or pursuant to any permit to construct the project. (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' issued as a result of this application , the owner, and the applicant, each agrees to, and State License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City of La Quinta, its•officers, agents, and .thereon, and who contracts for the projects with a contractor(s) licensed pursuant to employees for any act or omission related to the work being performed under or the Contractors' State License Law.). I following issuance of this permit. (_) I am exempt under Sec. B.&P.C. for this reason 2. Any permit issued as a result of this application becomes null and void if work is not commenced within 180 days from date of issuance of such permit, or cessation of ' work for 180 days will subject permit to cancellation. Date: Owner: I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances ankstate ws relatin uilding I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that there is a construction lending agency for construction; and hereby authorize representatives of then Pon the ovethe performance of the work for which this permit is issued (Sec. 3097, Civ. C.). mentioned property for inspection purposes. Lender's Name:bate: L9�-' Signature (Applicant or Agent)— Lender's Address: PAID DATE FINANCIAL INFORMATION `' +ACCOUNT ='�x` :QTY AMOUNT PAID ADDITION, EA ADDITIONAL 500 SF 101-0000-42400 0 $61.49 $0.00 PAID BY k ' `�"' METHOD r `k ` RECEIPT # ' '' x- CHECK #s `z CL BY `DESCRIPTION '' '_w� 'ACCOUNT ? ;''QTY ''.�; -AMOUNT, y. AID PAID DATE ADDITION, EA ADDITIONAL 500 SF PC 101-0000-42600 0 $17.16 $0.00 r'rj t_ PAID$Y s �t �4; METIiOD u w" ��`_RECEIPT# �: 'v�CHECK #L LTD BY z- �` ":DESCRIPTION _'ACCOUNTt x �� ,QTY AMOUNT,• PAID A PAID DATE ADDITION, FIRST 100 SF .101-0000-42400 0 $120.12 $0.00 "METHOD "RECEIPT # "'".e t3 «CHECK # CLTD BY y;DESCRIp,TION ,; :r Y �'L : r, ACCOUNT QTY q'.,: `AMOUNT " ' xr PAID `' PAID DATE ADDITION, FIRST 100 SF PC 101-0000-42600 0 $168.74 $0.00 `,L.. PAID BY r * �', >K METHOD ''..RECEIPT. # `� :.rCHECK # r;'•,_ ., CLTD BY Total Paid forADDITION: $367.51 $0.00 L }DESCRIPTION ' � `h; .^. ACCOUNT �,r }QTY ;. ; AMOUNTa:.t -PAID , 'PAID DATE HOURLY PLAN CHECK - YES 101=0000-42600 6.75 $472.50 $0.00 PAID ,CHEC CLTDBY',- Total Paid for BLDG CITY STAFF - PER HOUR: $472.50 $0.00 �iziy x DESCRIPTION z�rw 1 ACCOUNT4, 'r. ,QTY , „ 'AMOUNT' PAID' PAID DATE BSAS SB1473 FEE 101-0000-20306 0 $2.00 $0.00 ' +PAID Bi;' ' ` t METHOD:. r y `RECEIPT # r 'ate-. , CHECK #� LCLTD BY Total Paid forBUILDING STANDARDS ADMINISTRATION BSA $2.00 $0.00 i pc DESCRIPTION x' ACCOUNT t AMOUNT =. f PAID ,� . PAID DATE RESIDENTIAL, FIRST 1,000SF 101-0000-42403 0 $143.00,-, $0.00 PAID'BYR�'a�yYY"�"`METHOD ^`'{RECEIPT# CLTD BY, a DESCRIPTION .ar E ?`� Yi _'itACCOUNT = "'tx '.` QTY y'�ANIOUNT' PAID ` PAID DATE; RESIDENTIAL, FIRST 1,000SF, PC 101-0000-42600 0 $47.19, $0.00 PAID BYt;,-_ ,METHOD u ..'•.hz RECEIPT #Y i CHECK# CLTD BY„x` Total Paid forELECTRICAL - NEW CONSTRUCTION: $190.19 $0.00 DESCRIPTION t �� '' ACCOUNT ', c�i� !m s. QTY `+ski AMOUNT!": ii c; .' a F r` a+u PAID.IfF 3: 7 PAID DATEI CONDENSER/COMPRESSOR 101-0000-42402 0 $35.75 $0.00 4'7, PAID.BY � ''' r`'+ "F ' METHOD s ;• :t RECEIPT # � 'CHECK # .CLTD BY. . • .y t� ACCOUNT QTYi AMOUNT °�,�s ... PAID � PAID DATE z` : CONDENSER/COMPRESSOR PC • 101-0000-42600 0 $23.83 $0.00 - PAID BY r �r METHOD " w t3�� # CHECK # CLTD BY,. , , .r ..+ jjs,a)-RECEIPT ; ... r� DESCRIPTION " `"�i+rACCOIINT+ '' "� TYT -� °''" AMOUNT PAID PAID -DATE n -.n, -...At �4 ...}.. .. ....vn .. ...�'.... .� :�.w Y • f"`•S +�,t�i ✓..9 3 FURNACE 101-0000-42402 0 $35.75 $0.00 ' x. PAID BY,:METHOD *: k:RECEIPTe# CHECK # CLTD BY f:. ti. DESCRIPTION ;'.` jh ',;''ACCOUNT QTY "r AMOUNT ' »� .PAID PAID DATE FURNACE PC 101-0000-42600 0 $23.83 $0.00 PAID BY`�d "` s �, - �'� METHOD S RECEIPT # CHECK # CLTD BY`, w _ , •. ,.' ; < <DESCRIPTION �° ' ;, . ACCOUNT s„ -'' QTY' r,� 's AMOUNT PAID 'PAID: DATE: , r VENT FAN 101-0000-42402 0 $11.92 $0.00 , 'PAID BY -" ` n *, ; ` Y ` METHOD RECEIPT # '�tCHECK # CLTD BY'' . ., DESCRIPTION ,ACCOUNT ,;;. „ QTY-' AMOUNT -ws PAID PAID DATE VENT FAN PC 101-0000-42600 0 $4.77 $0.00 ETH OD RECEIPT # CHECK # CLTD BY• airPAID.BY'.w+M Total Paid for MECHANICAL: $135.85 $0.00 k Rte SCRIPTION" AM I D DATEOUNT ,x'DEF x; ,PAIPA FIXTURE/TRAP, 101-0000-42401 0. $35.76 $0.00 METHOD RECEIPT # ! : a�rir �(i'" CHECK # tr�".�_- CLTD BY ` -w DESCRIPTION :� "ACCOUNT QTY' ' '■ PAID BATE .,,AMOUNT,*,,�' ;PAID,*;' FIXTURE/TRAP PC 101-0000-42600 0 $35.76 $0.00 -PAIDBY .mow h4, '4 METHOD ? `;: RECEIPT CLTD BY x-• R. ODESCIPTI A AMOUNT. y PAID.DATEN _ � WATER SYSTEM INST/ALT/REP_ 101-0000-42401 0 $11.92 $0.00 a" `� PAID BY ' `� n� �yMETHOD �` RECEIPT # -' CHECK # '!CLTD BY w r .. : DESCRIPTION • ;, 'w +, `ACCO�UNT`r,,' :QTY . K }AMOUNT PAID i.. PAID"'DATE. z. . '� WATER SYSTEM INST/ALT/REP PC 101-0000-42600 0 $11.92 $0.00 �PAIDrBYf i ' ' ',p ;METHOD ^ := a� RECEIPT.# x'� ;CHECK #CLTD BY.' ° Total Paid for PLUMBING FEES: $95.36 $0.00 * �,DESCRIPTIONSAMOUNT `t PAID PAID DATE' est SMI - RESIDENTIAL' 101-0000-20308 0 $6.50 $0.00 a 3� PAID`BY f " $ ' �o ;METHOD' �." RECEIPT.#"x CHECK # K CLTD BY r s Description: 362 SF GUESTROOM ADDITION y Type: BUILDING, RESIDENTIAL Subtype: ADDITION Status: APPROVED Applied: 7/11/2014 KHE Approved: 9/22/2014 BHA Parcel No: 602200034 Site Address: 48474 VISTA PALOMINOLA QUINTA,CA 92253 - Subdivision: TR 29306 Block: Lot: 74 Issued:. Lot Sq Ft: 0 Building Sq Ft: 0 Zoning: Finaled: Valuation: $50,000.00 Occupancy Type: Construction Type:: Expired: No. Buildings: 0 No. Stories:0 _ No.'Unites: 0• f^ ar(. s iu 4 : f• Details: -362 SF. BEDROOM / BATH / CLOSET ADDITION TO EXISTING DWELLING. (EXISTING= 2482 SF + 362 SF =2844 SF TOTAL LIVING) 2013. ,. CODES.- 1 '7/22/2014 ' `' 7/22/2014 • ♦ p�; - y FY 73 a 1x� ��• i CHRONOLOGY ,. +CHRONOLOGY.TYPE'� %"STAFF NAME;- -'- .r - '+k" ACTION DATE�w' w_ 3t^ ;. a...._. -r_.. -_ _ ;rf. COMPLETION DATE'S �, '..'.r 6zr... t".: r ' y 'O " �* r`' °' * N TES'�� .i7 . �..,,,. _ +:... _�� ..4..... ' w ;+> ♦.\.4%x+,5» -+t'.., -.. .: - . W. , t ] t ,.. L aXP• _ :{_ f^ ar(. s iu 4 : f• E-MAIL =AJ ORTEGA - 1 '7/22/2014 ' `' 7/22/2014 EMAILED STRUCTURAL COMMENTS TO SGJMAR@AOL.COM AppliEyd to�A,pproved ADDITIONAL CHRONOLOGY ,. +CHRONOLOGY.TYPE'� %"STAFF NAME;- -'- .r - '+k" ACTION DATE�w' w_ 3t^ ;. a...._. -r_.. -_ _ ;rf. COMPLETION DATE'S �, '..'.r 6zr... t".: r ' y 'O " �* r`' °' * N TES'�� .i7 . �..,,,. _ +:... _�� ..4..... ' w ;+> ♦.\.4%x+,5» -+t'.., -.. .: - . W. , t ] t ,.. L aXP• _ :{_ f^ ar(. s iu 4 : f• E-MAIL =AJ ORTEGA - 1 '7/22/2014 ' `' 7/22/2014 EMAILED STRUCTURAL COMMENTS TO SGJMAR@AOL.COM + SCHOOL FEE LETTER GIVEN TO APPLICANT. EXEMPTION PENDING DOCUMENTS KAY HENSEL 9/5/2014 9/5/2014 + LETTER RECEIVED - PLAN CHECK SUBMITTED ON 7/01/2014 BUT PROCESSED ON PLAN CHECK SUBMITTAL BURT HANADA 7/11/2014 -7/11/2014 '' • 7/11/2014 ' 2ND SUBMITTAL RECEIVED ON 8/15/2014:. 8/20/2014 PACKAGE COULD NOT BE PROCESSED BY B. ' HANADA AS NO FOLDER OR DOCUMENTS OR REDLINED . PLAN CHECK SUBMITTAL BURT HANADA - 8/29/2014 8/29/2014 PLANS COULD BE LOCATED; PLACED ON PHILIP'S DESK TO - SEARCH FOR MISSING PIECES.. PACKAGE PROCESSED ON 8/29 BY K.HENSEL. CONDITIONS Printed: Tuesday, September 23, 2014 9:31:27 AM 1 of 5 CR SYSTEMS 3 1,OOOSF, PC Total Paid for ELECTRICAL -NEW CONSTRUCTION: $190.19 $0.00 Printed: Tuesday, September 23, 2014 9:31:27 AM- 2of5 CR SYS FINANCIAL INFORMATION "Z ! z�' V, Up' Sc rr -,4, ACCOUNT, -tAMOUNTAL DATE RECEIPT.#-! CHECK ;,;'MET14DD,,. 'PAID B' 7'7 BY ADDITION, EA 101-0000-42400 0" $61.49- $0.00 ADDITIONAL 500 SF ADDITION, EA 101-0000-42600 .$17.16 $0.00 ADDITIONAL 500 SF PC ADDITION, FIRST JiDO SF 101-0000-42400 , 0 $120.12 $0.b0' ADDITION, FIRST 100 SF 101-0000-42600 0 $168.74- $0.00 PC,— Total Paid forAD6-ITION: :$367.51'. $0.00 HOURLY PLAN CHECK 101-0000-42600 6.75 $472.50 $0.00 YES Total Paid for BLDG CITY STAFF- PER HOUR: $472.50 $0.00 BSAS SB1473 FEE 101-0000-20306 0 T $2.00 $0.00 Total Paid for6UILDING STANDARDS ADMINISTRATION $2.00 $0.00 BSA: RESIDENTIAL, FIRST 101-0000-42403 0- $143.00 $0.00 1,OOOSF RESIDENTIAL, FIRST 42 0 $471 • 1,OOOSF, PC Total Paid for ELECTRICAL -NEW CONSTRUCTION: $190.19 $0.00 Printed: Tuesday, September 23, 2014 9:31:27 AM- 2of5 CR SYS 11-11 7'11 ACCOUNT QTY 101-0000-42402 0 $35.75 $0.00 SOR 101-0000-42600 0 $23.83 $0.00 SOR PC FURNACE 101-0000-42402 0 $35.75 $0.00 FURNACEPC 101-0000-42600 0 $23.83 $0.00 VENTFAN 0 $11.92 $0.00 VENT FAN`PC 101-0000-42600 0 $4.77 $0.00 Total Paid forMECHANICAL: $135.85 $0.00 FIXTURE/TRAP .101-0000-42401 0 $35.76 $0.00 FIXTURE/TRAP PC .101-0000-42600 0 $35.36 $0.00 WATER SYSTEM 101-0000-42401 0 $11.92 $0.00 WATER SYSTEMC 1 1_ 600 -To 0000-42 _T $11.92 $0.60 INST/ALT/REP P Total Paid forPLUMBING FEES: $9.5.36' $0.00 SMI - RESIDiNTIAL 101-0000-20308 $6.50 Total Paid forSTRONG MOTION INSTRUMENTATION SMI: $6.50 $0.00 - INSPECTIONS SE PE COMPLETE 17 v FLOOR NAIL EPDXY TEMP USE OF PERM PWR Printed: Tuesday, September 23, 2014 9:31:27 AM 4 of 5 SYSTEMS LATH TEMPORARY POWER GRADE BEAM ROUGH ELEC PIERS SHOWER PAN UNDERGROUND PLBG ` OKAY TO WRAP SETBACKS FINAL" SLAB GAS LINE/TEST SEWER CONNECTION f ROUGH MECH ROOF NAIL DRYPACK UNDERGROUND GAS DRYWALL NAIL FRAMING UNDERGROUND ELEC UNDERGROUND MECH TEMPLATE FOOTING ROOF DRAIN FOOTINGS ' INSULATION Printed: Tuesday, September 23, 2014 9:31:27 AM 4 of 5 SYSTEMS • y r �'OF'P4�'` .. t- OND INFORMATION `• y. ATTACHMENTS Printed: Tuesday, September 23, 2014 9:31:27 AM S of 5 " srsreMs PARENT PROJECTS REVIEWS ywe' yg � -9 y'�:�`ia �"' 'W+F`}L4• • s �� REVIEIM TYPE '-. i..�t ., �.Y r..'}�. .i+ ;REVIEWER' i,. H,, x . r' T`�i ,t,�i.! S. Y".. _ SENT DATE, , i.. _ � ;aw- L �� .. �-�_ - rro-rb-i`-#p, •.. � ��:. 1` _ rSTATUS mr :> ' ., y�.r{ .aS a �.„a 1,Y a�` .C+ 4tit REMARKS . p> /a.: +*r'ry •4-a r..Yf;}S _ . ..2r r -:!• `t f, 9 . Wim_. �a�: •.&'P r hr�FNOTES 3 :� L� ss'D.UE;DATE r�> : ;«"R y.�'.`"r �. , .r, i7':.t.:y ;{. "� h.SY". 'G .w... .' • - ''� ;L,, i,r yii:, .:f{` „-.�. .:,� to ,'•yp,,+: f`,+ ,t,-� ' � +. .LW.,t' : p 'Y-�'4zP.,,.•:. .•.e. sa4F'x "i�.-", _a:...=.,. n TOM 7/11/2014 7/16/2014 7/29/2014 REVISIONS REQUIRED ; NON-STRUCTURAL HARTUNG ` -TOM 7/11/2014 7/21/2014 . -7/22/2014. REVISIONS REQUIRED YOUNG ENGINEERING STRUCTURAL • HARTUNG 1 M TOM 8/15/2014 8/29/2014 9/3/201'4 APPROVED NON-STRUCTURAL . HARTUNG - r PLAN REVIEW IN PROCESS AS OF -8/29/3014 PER _. YOUNG ENGINEERING. THEY ARE WORKING WITH TOM ARCHITECT DIRECTLY TO RESOLVE OUTSTANDING STRUCTURAL HARTUNG 8/15/2014 8/29/2014 9/19/2014 APPROVED STRUC APPROVED STRUCTURAL CORRECTIONS. APPROVED WITH ADDITIONAL STRUCTURAL ' :. ,'• • P PAGES ADDED DIRECTLY AT YOUNG BY ARCHITECT t- OND INFORMATION `• y. ATTACHMENTS Printed: Tuesday, September 23, 2014 9:31:27 AM S of 5 " srsreMs Din #' . to City of La Qulnta Building &r Safety Division P.O. Box 1504, 78-495 Calle Tampico . PermitJVV La Quints,CA 92253 - (760) 777-7012. Building Permit Application and Tracking Sheet Project Address: V I bAA 04 10 Owner's Name: A. P. Number:Address: Legal Description: '-City, ST, Zip: ntractor: `-� kht _ " ` elephone• :;.:.:;,:<;,:n<•:;?>::;:<;?::,a,::. Address: �'� ��.. r6jeot Description;- 4, 2<0� tty, ST, Zip:���... elephone: b dL —L 4i:4F4:•i?:::'i��..: \V � ' i1i�% � ♦ W w� \� � t�-vl-/� L� State Lic.#: 3�— yt%L ityLia % � �O17`�•� c�SP .�� to _ . Engr., Designer: SLC k l ddress: C> (.J 6 L. c., �US tOt �O (-t, , rv, \e c7 . ,! Zip: lA 3r ✓LNv%2 0 f tv L.QZY b elephone: (� .$'� >-:<,s;t::: r:::lh• W <::<:;:., Construction Type: Occupancy State Lic. # "` '''""'t'""''` `'"` :w:.;:; :;<.?::;•::.:..:::.:. Project type (circle one). New Add'n Alter Repair Demo ,milne of Contact Pe �-�J. Sq. Ft : #Stories: # Units: elephone #,of Contact P Qn: 3 1 6 — O Estimated Value of Project: U Od v A LICANT: DO MOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE # Submittal Req'd Rec'd TRACKING PERMIT FEES. Plan Sets—;16 4"(` Plan Check submitted Item Amount Structural Calcs. - Re ' , readyr coned 2 Plan Check Deposit Truss Calcs. Called Contact Person Plan Check Balance Title 24 Calcs. ,,p Plans picked up ✓ "�Construction 14 Vt Flood plain plan Plans resubmitted Mechanical Grading plan 2°" Review, ready for correction issue I y Electrical Subcontactor List Called Contact Person Plumbing Grant Deed Plans picked up S.M.I. H.O.A. Approval Plans resubmitted Grading IN HOUSE:- ''" Review, ready for correctionsfissue Developer Impact Fee Planning Approval Called Contact Person A.I.P.P. Pub. Wks. Appr Date of permit issue �. School Fees V. (a J M A,rM ® Total Permit Feu 11 C rDTAL. Date 9/5/14 No. 31535 Owner Cyrus & Naomi Fanapour Address 2537 Country Club Drive City Olympia Ads Zip 60461 Tract # Type Residential Addition CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Desert Sands Unified School District 47950 Dune Palms Road La Qu i nta, CA 92253 (760) 771-8515 Lot # No. Street Unit 1 48474 Vista Palomino Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 APN # Jurisdiction Permit # No. of Units S.F. Lot # No. 362 Unit 6 Unit 7 Unit 8 Unit 9 Unit 10 z' a OFRMUDA DUNES Ln RANCHO MIRAGE r] ,�. INDIAN WELLS d. PALM DESERT LA QUINTAINDIO Ci Y• La Quinta 1 Street S.F. Comments COC created on 9/22/14 as software crashed on 8/14. Original to be mailed to Bldg Dept & copy to Juan Alvarez, MAR Construction, Inc., 27 La Plaza, Palm Springs 92262 - sgjmar@aol.com At the present time, the Desert Sands Unified School District does not collect fees on garages/carports, covered patios/walkways, residential additions under 500 square feet, detached accessory structures (spaces that do not contain facilities for living, sleeping, cooking, eating or sanitation) or replacement mobile homes. It has been determined that the above-named owner is exempt from paying school fees at this time due to the following reason: Residential Addition 500 Sq Feet or Less EXEMPT This certifies that school facility fees imposed pursuant to Education Code Section 17620 and Government Code 65995 Et Seq. in the amount of $0.00 X 362 S.F. or $0.00 have been paid for the property listed above and that building permits and/or Certificates of Occupancy for this square footage in this proposed project may now be issued. Fees Paid By Exempt - Juan Alvarez Check No. Bank Name/Recipient of Certificate Telephone 760-275-6161 Funding Exempt BY Dr. Gary Rutherford Superintendent Fee collected /exempted byaro3' PcQilvrey Payment Recd .00 .� / ' Over/Under Signature �1(1tVW // L' NOTICE: Pursuant to Government Code Section 66020(d)is will serve to notify you that the 90 -day approval period in which you may protest the fees or other payment identified above will begin to run from the daTe on which the building or installation permit for this project is issued, or from the date on which those amounts are paid to the District(s) or to another public entity authorized to collect them on the District('s) behalf, whichever is earlier. NOTICE: This Document NOT VALID without embossed seal Embossed Original - Building Department Applicant Copy - Applicant/Receipt Copy - Accounting Community Development Dept. "Building,Division ` c` of rttti9� T r 78495 Calle Tampico .La Quinta, CA 92253 ~ (760)777-7125 voice—, (760) 777-7011 fax t •CERTIFICATION OF. BUILDING AREA STREET ADDRESS OF JOB: 48-474 VISTA PALOMINO trt �:1. j '• APN: 602-200-0344' ' DESCRIPTION OF WORKWIGUEST ROOM ADDITION'' NEW BUILDING AREA: 362 SF CONDITIONED AREA-RECEIVED*w . : SEP., - 5 2014 OWNER'S NAME:. CYRUS & NAOMI FANAPOUR. 3 _ D. S. U.S.D. 2537 COUNTRY CLUB DRIVE FACILITIES SERVICES OLYMPIA FIELDS, IL 60461- Coachella Valley United School `District; C� �� " �'f �'U� A' r T' 83-733 Avenue 55 y, BUILDING &' SAFFI7� SPT ' P O Box 847 ! .'; /�, �»� Thermal, CA 92274 F " ! 1 (760) 398 5909 OR CONSTRUCTION , . . i. �- Jam' . y - . - w DAT Bye • ; "Desert Sands Unified School D_ istrict ": 6 47-950 Dune Palms Road La Quinta, CA 92253 ' y • (760),771-8'515 r Please Note: This "Letter Verifies Conditioned Square Footage. - Please call your School District to VerMi School Fees, Requirement for Cashiers Check or Money Order and Hours -of ' _ . Operation. '. For questions regarding this letter, .please, call: ' PERMIT CENTER (760) 777- 7125, YO UN:G ENGINEERING <SER VICES w v r 77-682 Country Club Dr. Ste., B, .Palm Desert, CA 92211 ph. (?§0).772-5107 fax (760) 345-7620 . Letter of Transmittal To: City of La Quinta Today's Date: 9-18-14 78-495 Calle Tampico City Due Date: ASAP La Quinta, CA 92253 _ Project Address: 48-474 Vista Palomino Attn: Angelica Plan Check #: 14-1036 t , Submittal: ❑ 1st ❑� = 4th ® 2nd ❑ 5th' ❑ 31d • ❑ Other: We are'forwarding: ® By Messenger ❑ By Mail (Fed Ex or UPS) ❑ Your Pickup Includes: # Of Descriptions: Includes: # Of Descriptions: Copies: Copies: ❑ Structural Plans ® 1 Revised Structural Plans ® 1 Structural Calculations ❑ Revised Struct. Calcs . Truss Calculations Floor..,, ❑ • Revised Truss and Roof . ❑ Soils Report Revised Soils Report ® 4 Structural Comment List/ ❑ Approved Structural Plans ' Responses ® 1 Redlined Structural Plans ❑ ,Approved Structural Calcs ❑ Redlined Structural Calcs ❑ Approved Truss Calcs ❑ Redlined Truss Calcs ❑ Approved Soils Report ❑ Redlined Soils Reports ® 5- Other: Revised Structural Plan Sheets Comments: Structural content is approvable. During plan check, Architect was contacted for additional redlines and comments. Architect provided additional revised structural plan sheets for City's copy of plans. D. If you have any questions, please call. Time = 5.5 HR This .Material Sent• for: ❑ Your Files ® Per Your Request ❑ Your Review ❑ Approval ❑ Checking ❑ At the request of: Other: ❑ ', i • By: Kathryn Samuels Palm Desert Office: ®. (760) 772-5107 SEP R 2014 Other: ❑ CITY OF LA QUINTA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMElN t. WING PROJECT:' CY'tu*$ Fanapow Addition. 48.474 V (6(.ni-n La Qui�nta; CA: 92253: i8tcb: Rq ,Project ect Designer, .Slpm ssoi.cates..- 370 We`sA Oth .8ttO-Ot=Suite #210 Sari q . . nBernardino, -QA-:924 7 (909). 884-7660 Report.pto red by: John Wjja JOHN. MEJlA 370 W: 6th. -$trept, Stift.e.- 21.0 SmSernardiho, CA J06 Number 8114.1 4-R Date: 8/15/2'.0.1.4 cl FL'A_ QUANTA EJUILE)l G & SA. FET� OEPT, RO FO jySTjjUCn LA D - C9 The EnergyPro computerprogcam has been used to perfdrrn the calculabonssummaTized in ......'. nPOOp This prog raM hiaswappo vai-andsauthorized by the:CalifcnidEnergy Cdnmjssjofi f&-4*Wj� b6th the;Riskdohtiil and Npnre�idenbal 2013 Bing EnergyEfficiency Standards: This'program:developed by.EhergySdft: LLCwwW.enerj�iM.cdn'.. r t. WING PROJECT:' CY'tu*$ Fanapow Addition. 48.474 V (6(.ni-n La Qui�nta; CA: 92253: i8tcb: Rq ,Project ect Designer, .Slpm ssoi.cates..- 370 We`sA Oth .8ttO-Ot=Suite #210 Sari q . . nBernardino, -QA-:924 7 (909). 884-7660 Report.pto red by: John Wjja JOHN. MEJlA 370 W: 6th. -$trept, Stift.e.- 21.0 SmSernardiho, CA J06 Number 8114.1 4-R Date: 8/15/2'.0.1.4 cl FL'A_ QUANTA EJUILE)l G & SA. FET� OEPT, RO FO jySTjjUCn LA D - C9 The EnergyPro computerprogcam has been used to perfdrrn the calculabonssummaTized in ......'. nPOOp This prog raM hiaswappo vai-andsauthorized by the:CalifcnidEnergy Cdnmjssjofi f&-4*Wj� b6th the;Riskdohtiil and Npnre�idenbal 2013 Bing EnergyEfficiency Standards: This'program:developed by.EhergySdft: LLCwwW.enerj�iM.cdn'.. h ,s � � � - ' RESIDENTIAL MEASURES SUMMARY RMS-. Project Name Cyrus Fanapqur Addition :Building Type. 10 Single Family m Addition Alone D Multi'Famlly O Existing+ Addition)Alteration Date 8/9.5/20:14 Project Address 4.8474" Vista Palomino La Quinfa Cahforhia Energy Chmatg.2one CA Climate Zone 15. Total Cond.:Floor'kea; 361: Addition 36 #:of Units 1. INSULATION Construction T' ...e Area Cavity (ft) Special Features Status Wall Wood Framed R 19 539 New Wall Wood. Framed. R 15 188 Altered Roof Wood Framed kt'k: R:30. 361' New S/ati Unheated: Slab on-Grade - no �nsu/atlon 36.1' Penin = B3' New FENESTRATION. rea 89 GlaLn Percents e: 29.7 % tV -� Total Area.-­ew/Altered Avera e:U Facfor Orientation Area(ft) U Fac SHGCOverhang Sidefins Exterior Shades 0.39 Status Front'(* 20.0.0.'390 0:34 11.6 none 840--Screed New Front (tM 1:1;0 0 390 .0.34 none: none Bug'Screen. .. New Leff'(N) 6.6 0.'306 0:34: 1.6 none Bug Screen New Left (N) 2:U 0:390 0:34. none • none Bug Screen New Right{$). 42:0 0:390 0.34 1„6 none Bug:Screen New Right (S) 8:0 0.390 .0.34r none none Bug..Scree"n &V HVAC SYSTEMS :Qty,:Qtyjr He:ati6 . Min..:Eff, Copfinq Min. Of .. Thermostat Status, 1 Central Fumace: 78%;AFUE S hGAir,Condtioner 13:6 SEER' P Setback 7Veiv HVAC; OISTRIBU.TION Duct Location "Oling Cooling Duct Location . R=Value Status Package Unit HIP. System Ductless / with Fon; Ductless n1a New `WATER HEATING t' : 'T06 Gallons. Min. ,Eft Distribution .. Status Erie Pro 6:2 b Eiie Soft User. Number:•. 2585 RunCode:.2614.08,15T15r113:16 ID 81.4:14.-R Re e:10 of,13 CERTflCATE.OF COMPLIANCE , RESIDENTIAL PE.R.FOqMANCE'.CdMP�LiANCE::METHOD Project Name R.6si.ddritial B.6ilding CFI RmPIRF�*.01 Cbil.cu6ti.6nDatefrime:.,.10;,Fri,. ''A 15, . .! _ ug201.4 Pagel -W-7 ,CPIcul at' ,bescr'iption-:Title :24AriilVsii� , lo. n )npuffifiaNiarrfe:-CyNs. F0qejpq&.XmJ .04 PF90ctNarnd Residbritib(B 02 Calculation Description Title 24.,An­aly `03: Project -Location 48.4 :64- CA City ty Lo,:. i6ti. 0& ZP.600.6 .9.2.253 08., ClIMM6 Zone CZ15: .10. %Bij!l..din'g,Ty0# 'Single Family TOTAL Project Scope. Op. Addlti.mand/( 14 00. Area (FT2) 3,61: 16 SJOAee.a (FT*2) Q 18 Addition P6 nd, FloiDrArea 361 Addlti6ri. :3.61 180:78. 0178. S6.82- )MOUANCER-ESUL-ts :di Buildi h'GfZom" Complies with 6rnp6ter PerfoiWi-n-', 02 03: Th.ii.:­bbi101ng'incor tesieait�u -e'-s'Jih, atre4al Thipbuilding incorpqratesbra0Fioeci .04 05 'Energy Use (kTDV4t2' :gianaard*.D( Space Heating 0A3 - Space Cooling 180:63: IAQ Ventilatfoh, 40.00 Water Heating' '55Z4 PhotoVoltaid'offset. Nattirli G:a` is, TOTAL 1X60 ,Nthe suporvisidwof bi CEC=aopro*6d HERS: provider. .SUMMARY Standards Wrtion .0.7 09 .Compliance Manager W.rsl.oll Softviiare Version 1;1 Front Orientation`(deg/Cardinal) 1,3 Ntimbdr,19 I f D*ejli.ho�Qpjts. 15 - N.O.bek.W.Zones 1,7. Number af,Stories.. 19 Nattirli G:a` is, 21. 9laziiri*bntagellko) ,Nthe suporvisidwof bi CEC=aopro*6d HERS: provider. .SUMMARY 66 Oj 08: Proposed: Design. Compliairidib Margin Nrcent'ImproverKdrit -56.:77+ •3019%, bm 0100 0:0% �55;-84. 0:00: 0.0% 180:78. 0178. S6.82- 23.6% :Registration N . urfiber' 2.114-A.06.75.6i1A-666660000-0000 Rigistrafion Daie/Time: 2014-08715,12:11;35'HERS'Provider CwctRtsinc; : cksuilding-.EP+&0 EfficiOncyStandards -:2013Anidehti6.1 Compjikhce Repo ':.Ver ion.- &IR -08012014-595c' Report GimeratO&k 2Qi4-M-7.15116:04:� rt- S CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE -. RESIDENTIAL PERFORMANCE COMPLIANCE METHOD - Project Name: Residential.Btiilding Calculation Daterrime: 10:0.1, Fri'.Aug 15,2014 CFI R PRF-01 Calculation Description Title;24 Analysis, Page:2 of .7 Input. File NarnerCyrus;Fanapour;zml AEQUIRED;SPECIAL FEATURES` The:following are:features;that must.be,installed'as condition for meetin .,tlie modeled,ener 9: gy, perfo7mance for this computer analysis. i .Non=standard roof;►eflectance r: Window overhangs and/or fins PROJECT HERS. FEATURES: The following,ace project=level features'that must,be field=verified as a condition fb�'meeting tti'e Modeled.energy performance for this com ute .4 Isis: . inahe building componentsaables:below field p . y ., These, plus any:additional HERS'features listed. requ.re verification by. a certified HERS. Rater>. - lCheck:the'indrvrdual building_component;seciions:beiow fdk airy required HERS.verificatiowrequirements: BUILDING.FEATURE INFORMATION; ` 01 02- 204• 04. 05: 06 OZ . - Project:Name• ' Conditioned Ffoor Area (sft) Number gf0welting. Units ; 'Number of'Bedrooms : Number.:of:Zones _ Numberof' Ventilation Cooling'Systems Number, of Water Heating :Systems Residential guildleig 361: 1 1 f 0 1' ZONE;INFORMATION. Ali �" 02 +i 03 04 06 07 :Zone Name'•t• Zone;,Type , 2oni3 Floor Area 2 t05 4Ayg Gelling _ $,,HVAC System Name A �'{ (ft ) 0' (Height', ',Water He System'1 Water Heating System 2 Bedroom/Bath. Conditioned Package Und H/P Systeml 361 10 . DHW;Sys 2 ' OPAQUE SURFACES .. , 01 02 03- :.04 05:' 06. 07 08 09 40: Window: el l=ied Name Zone• Construction Azimuth Orientation Gross;Area. ft2 (, ). orpoor Ar a ftZ' e ( ,) Tilt deg) ;Status Existing x s ing Condition Front. Wall Bedroom/Bath: R.19Wall 270: ,Front 188` 30.971 90 ' New N/A Rear-YVall Bedroom/Bath. R=15.1Na11. 9., 0. Back., 188 90. Altered N/A, Left !Mall Bedroom/Bath R-19:Wall ;0 Left 220: 8 90 New N/A Rigtit;Walh Bedroom/Bath•.R-19 Wall 180: Right 220 49.9976 90 New N/A Roof - Bedroom/Bath; WM Roof°Attic 361 New N/A' h � Registratibn.Number , :214 Ao0758 1A-000000000-0000: RegistfatiOn Date/Time: 201408-15121:1:35: HERS Provider., , CA Building Erie rgy'Effieiency. Standards 2013:.ResidentiaiComplance Report Version- CF1R=08012014-595,4 CaICERTS''inc.. Report Generated at:2014 O8'i:5T10 04;5:7 CERTIFICATE OF;COMPLIANCE= RESIDENTIAC.PERFORMANCE COMPLIANCE METHOD ` 02 Side. of Building2' Front;llVall: Front=Wail. 01: 04 05 66 .07 Width(ft Height. Multiplie r' ) (ft) :r Area (ft;,). U=factor Z 0' 9;0 0:317 20:0 0:39' —_ 1 1:1'.0 Os39r 08. 09 SHGC ExtendrShading, --0..34. 0.34' 10 ' Status. New: New 19 Verified Exlstin g: - Condition N/Al'. N/A'� Project Name ResidentialBuilding Left:Wall`. 3 0: CF1 R -PRF -01:. Acs 6.0 Calculation Date/Time: 10:01, Fn; Aug 15, 201:4. 0,34 Page 3'of 7 Calculation Description.Title.24 ArialVsis InputFile,.Name. Cyrus Fanapourxml New Fixed;2 Left 1Nall :07 08 1 2 0 ATTIC 0:34 14 News 01 02 Ri ht 1Nall. 9 . :. Right;Wall? 'r> ��'... ,.4 �:,Ti�"�YRIG�p• j�ti:. ;0.3: 04 ^� X40 921 �4?t0 1:` pf*� 8 0 0:39 0:34: 0 39' 034: S,P 11 New 05. O6: Og 10' + Name tinstruction Depth Roof:Rise: Roof' Reflectance: Roof Erhittance Radiant Barrier Cool,Roof - Status. Venhailr Existing. ni. - 0.11 1:6 1.6: 0 Attic' Attic Roof Cons 0 4 0:1 ;0:85: Yes No New, No 0. WINDOWS 01 - • _ Name. endow. Fixed k"�'��� RT�!"`eL3"'.RX 02 Side. of Building2' Front;llVall: Front=Wail. 01: 04 05 66 .07 Width(ft Height. Multiplie r' ) (ft) :r Area (ft;,). U=factor Z 0' 9;0 0:317 20:0 0:39' —_ 1 1:1'.0 Os39r 08. 09 SHGC ExtendrShading, --0..34. 0.34' 10 ' Status. New: New 19 Verified Exlstin g: - Condition N/Al'. N/A'� - Window -2 Left:Wall`. 3 0: 40 Acs 6.0 0:39' 0,34 New Fixed;2 Left 1Nall :07 08 1 2 0 0:139.- 0:34 14 News N/A Sliding Glass Door Fixed'3 Ri ht 1Nall. 9 . :. Right;Wall? 'r> ��'... ,.4 �:,Ti�"�YRIG�p• j�ti:. =' 6 0 JP �.: f $7 6K .. 'y�y,yy . ^� X40 921 �4?t0 1:` pf*� 8 0 0:39 0:34: 0 39' 034: S,P - New N/A. New N/A, R.L •.� , .ff OVERHANGS AND: FINS' �«� .; r f w, `bc Y - .°d'a?ra • 01 03 04 OS'` 06 :07 08 09 10! 11. - 12 13 14 « Overhang, Left.Fln Right"Fin Left Right Window Depth' Dist Up•Extent: Extent Flap Ht:• • Depth Top -Up y DistL .Bot Up, Depth: Top Up Dist R Bot Up. - Window1.6 0.11 1:6 1.6: 0 0 U 0 0 Window Q' 1.61 0;1 1.6 1.6: 0; 0. 0 0 0 p: 0 0 Sliding Glass Door 1.6 1-.6:0.. 0 0 0 0 0: 0. 0 0. Registration'Number:, 214 A007587iA-000o00000-0000 RegistYation -Da ea. 2014,06-15.12: 11 :35 N HERS Provider: CA:Builtling-EnergV Efficiency;Standards 2013 Residential Compliance Report.Version - Cf.M68611614-595c CaICERTS:inc:. Report:Generated.at 2014708=nT10:04;57 CERTIFICAT.E.rOF'COMP.LiANCE'-'=RESIDEN' ' i 'NC.E'CM .OMPLIANMuHOD.- TIALPERFORMA Residential Proj6ct,Narbe::Riqside * .: . ­..... . . Building, m ,ing: :Calculaiibn bateme-10:61, Fri,,Auq-15, 2014. dalculation:Descriotion: Title 24 Afialysi6 Input Filqi:Nanie':' Cyrus Fbnapour;xml -CFIR-PRF=Ol Page 4-of7. OPAiaut.6URFACk:60kStr4ucTIONS: T 01 02: :03: 64 . 5 0.5 Conistriuetidn hare Surfacelype0: TrOm n Tbtal'JCavity:R.'vaiu6:: Assembly Layers Number'of HeatOts, . . . . . . . 01 SoliirF iactibri.(%) I stsiu's Verified Exiisting -Condition: bHW Sys:2 StaPO . ard . Annual Verified, 'Roofing: 10-PSF (Rodfr#6). :Attic Roof -Cobs Attic WiTdO.Chord of Roof Truss @ 24 -in. 6.c. np:lhsul;§6on-- Above Deck insulation no insulation - :Roo Wbod:Sidihg4heathiOg1de6kih .9 .Cavity.- - hd insulation - Existing Finish:' se lec tiftsid6lnish- - Area, (W) Edge Insul. kwzilue, Fraction Inside Finisk.-Gypstim Board R-10..yVall txteribr WaUsz .2x6l i.&Jn...O.C.. R'16 ea ik in -she a thirighfisul: - 62:8 none.-' 0.4 :No S.hea.t.tiingllnqc4l.a.ition..:- no. s . heath . inglihsur, �Exterior Finish.- Wood Sldin.Woeathing/beqkipj.. No :h7sid6Fin'J sh G' m: oafd- ypsu' B R46 Wall Extdhb--Walls .2x4 Q ib'inl..dt. R 15. Sh Extefidrin :F 'ish" "Wood. jdSi0h* thin .. ON a . g/deckih 91' 'R�30' Rbof:Attic, ilih§s,(bel6WjiW :,-2x4'@:24jh-. 10 M- T. 71 Mf M hAll- A� Z Attie Floor '- no attic:floor - j R:30. Shea ihinginsalation no sh6athirijfinsu/. - �G ypsu BO ro AK".... _A_ 'T Ar. A K V_ � :kA b-FLOORS. 0.1 02 :62: AS: W 0.6 07 08 69 Number'of HeatOts, . . . . . . . 01 SoliirF iactibri.(%) I stsiu's Verified Exiisting -Condition: bHW Sys:2 StaPO . ard . Annual Verified, Name ZonePdrindt6r: Carpiiied Existing Area, (W) Edge Insul. kwzilue, Fraction :Heated Status. Condition Slabbh:G�id6.. ro ed' omiBath �361 62:8 none.-' 0.4 :No New No WATER. kEAT.114G:SYSTEMS 01 :62: AS: .04 05 V6. Name; :lDistributfiDn Type- Number'of HeatOts, . . . . . . . 01 SoliirF iactibri.(%) I stsiu's Verified Exiisting -Condition: bHW Sys:2 StaPO . ard . Annual EkMng: No ReglStratlbn;'NUnJber-. -2laAdd7$8?..iA-60006dp0b-obdO:.-j.­ �O 1 1 5 12:1.1;35 .: kegilkration Date i. 21,14 8- HERS Provider` Cal,tEtRtS:inc.. 'C'A Building Energy EfticiLhey!;Ij.r.id.a.rds.-'2O13 Residential Compliance ReportNeirsioh - C,FlR-0801201.4-595e R606ft-G&w6tiM 4t:2014-q845T16:04:57* :CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE :RESIDENTIAL PERFORMANCE COMPLIANCE:METHOD Project Name Resiiiential Bulldmg Calailation Date/Time: 10 01;:Fn Au15 20:14. g CF:I RPRF-61 , :Calculation Description: Title>24 Analysis`. Page.:5: of 7 In'' FiIe; Name .Cyrus Fanapour.xml WATER HEATERS 01 02 03 04 05 pg ` 08 07 Name Heater Element Type Tank,Type, Tank;Volume (gal). Energy Factor or, Efficiency Input.-Rating Tan k;Extecior Insulation R Standby Loss DHW Sys 2: - Natural Gas: Small'Storage, 50. 0:575 EF' 40000-13tuRir value (Fraction): 0' p WATER HEATING •,HERS VERIFICATION - 0.1 :.02 • 03' • - 94 05: 00 07 Name Pipe Insulation Rarallel;Piping CompactMistributibri Point-of Use Recirculation with Manual,Control Recirul cation with ' Sensor:Control DHW Sxs:;2 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a. HVAC,SYSTEMS .01 02. 03 04 06 08 07 08 09 NeatingSystem. • ;Cooling System - Name System Type 1'"5 Name Ducted Name Ducted Distribution Fan ;Floor: Area. Verified Exis ing• f System System S®rued Status Conifi6ont 1,:Packa§eUnit+fi/qPOther Hea6ng,and S stem 9 Y Heayngp ' Yes ,Coolm g� No AirDistnbution x HVAC FanSysteml.Coolin 861 -Component nentF 1 4System 1, , 1 Q) New No.. "9gl4M,TAc •.pf„%��>'+t7e.•�ii�.k .�"i-.�,h}�G���•L} .. '-w'4'C4Y •w�rw%+,i :. @'' vlP..v"� ,, HVAC:- HEATING SYSTEMS 02' 03.'. Name Type. Efficiency ` Heating Component ? CntrlFurnace-.Fuekfked:central furnace: 78 AFUE HVAC-:CO.OLING;:SYSTEMS` _ 01:. 02 03 04. 05: Efficiency: Name System Type. EER. SEER; HERS Verification Cooling:Component:l DuctlessSplrtAicCond Ductless mini=split'an 1. multi=split heat.A/C l ? 3 13: Cooling Component l=hers cool Registration`Number:-214A0075871A 000000000 0000: Registration Date/Tih a:' - 2074-0&i512:11:35 HERS.Provider:. CA.Building Energy'Efficieney Standards. 2013 Res idenfial,Compliance' Repojt Versibri -.CFR-080121)14-595c cr Report;Generated at'2014 08 1ST10:04:57` CaICERTS inc: :CERTIFICATE OFZOMPLIANCE ­RtSiDENTIALPERF 0 - MAKE COMPLIANCE METHOD Project Name Residin 1 9. &I'R�PRF-01 Residential Building Calculation -Daterrim P* 10:01,,Fri; Aug 15,:20:14: ,Calculation Description Titi6i24:Analisis Page Input File Mme: -CyrUs:Fana'p'qUr..xMl HVACCOOLING:-:HERSVERIFICATION 01 :02: 03 64� 05: A6, Name .... Verified Refrigerant. Verified Airflow AirfowTarget VbrifiedEkR Veriflbd:SEERCharge? t;ooling:Fornponent:-1-hers-oobj Not.Reqpired Required Roqlv*i'ieo Not Required HVAC DISTRIB.I.11TIOW-SYSTEMS 01 02 03s 04 05 06, 07 i0t3. 09. .08. n SPOP InsLilatib:' '1v Duct Return but Type butt Ldakj§e :Wrva fij . e. , , ; ' t ..n .cV600 Existing HERS. Location: Lb� tibh By0ass D * : Verification: _d: Uct status. :CohditioK. : V66;fication: .Air bisiribution. Pqqltsildcated ehtir6l yin 'COOitioned :Conditioned" S� tern I Sealed ar*.:tested Ali bisitfibLition -conditioned space 2 1 one :Zone None: New No, system. 1-h-ers-dist' WVACIMS.T.R.I.B.I.11TIOW. HERS VERIFICATION 01 �OZ;: :06 Marltied Duc 771. t Design; Name: V TX arget,(%)'Verified Duc.Lo tioin 1eakagive, Return Puct Supply� kDst' kr. i ributibritystern 1-hbrs7dli$t� i 'v h� �.4 ? 5-734 *-Z'777 HVAC - FAA -.SYtTEMSA--HERS VERIFICATION. - 01 42: .01 o4 Waime. Type Fan Pb.W6r.(Watts1CFM). HERS Veriti6tiori HVAC Fan: 1' single Speed. PSC, Furnace Fan. Aegistraii6in-Numbeir. .214-A*007587'lA-000000000-0000: eg. R ist'ration Date/Time. 2014L08 -15:12:1.1:j6: HEM ProMer:.. CjftERTS_inc.. CA Building Erfergy.ETicien(y:$tandards 3013Resid­entiai Cdffipliahto Report Vmioin­ CFIA.-,'08612014-595c Mail.- 57 1. CERTIFICATE :."OF.CO.MPLIANC.E--'kE.SlbENTIAL PERFORMANCE OCIMPLIANCE METHOD Protect Name: Residential Building Cal' m culatio.ri.Date/Ti . 6;.A,0:0,1,;FrI,Au.g 15,,2014- Q31culati6h Ciesprioion-:Ti**t'16.24".Anailysis 1pput:Fi[le::lNarne: Cgfos'Fanaljour.xmi Y.that t this �. .. � - ... .. , . LJocym.ent@tlon. Author. Name: John M jia- Company:' John ' M r - pfla Q onsultants Addiess. 370. W. 6th Street; . .. aet, Uite210 San.BOrnpTd.inb, *,QA 92461 RESPONSIBLE" DECI 1:.certify,the:f6liowihg.uhd6r.oph,i'4 1: !'am ;.. eil;igibl6.�ibhd6r" ivisior 2: 1"certify,:that:the.energkfee A - egulations. T116'�-bui lei Respon . sible.:.Designer Name:. 8Pm.,A.r.phJt6pt.: Addres.s.- 370..W6th Street, :Ste 2 .I:o . San Bernardino, C 92401 IOWSTATEMEW documentation . il accurateand'66m s ..let' Documentation Signature Qate:: ;201.4=08=15 10:.12T44 PhonO,;: (909.) 88979768: ,QFI.R7PRF-0I Page 7`:of;7 Y,. under: the leiWs of-.th6:St t 6 6 of-Ceilifbrniia:; Business and Prdf6 -..,,sj0psCodetoaccepurespontibilit� fqti*lhiB..building,design!.iderit'i � s ified.bn'�this"Cdrbfi66te.ofCompliance: rmqnce:spPCifidatIons ideintified.o:'n"tfiis*'C'6'tti'fl-c'a'te*';6f:"' iance: ce:cohfbrrri-tdAhp reqy .• rp— Complian i 'ments:,o Title 24, Part I'arid. ParC6: t , 6 oe�c lifornia.:Code:df em,d6sign.fdatures id6htfieid,o"n,ifil.,s a4ertficat,e 0I to- –pp Kia nceiare�qonsiste-n... t'.>wi"hthe information provided Viddd ohwojhe rapplicable compliah66 ddoUn6nt;,Ccationssubm46dtdtfie-eforce PYIr�PTO Iding:permitappication. "kra— 0A 201*08 ff� 1-35.:` C11.170 Phbn+e: 9W884-7662 Digitally signed by TS.n ature4s:#roVjq0.jn0jd6 toaecure the content of this ocument,registered*d andinnoway impiiesRe tratiori Provider,responsibility Ohe kcui 'racy of the ......- fo rrifpfjrriatidn. R6g.istrbti6ri..N.qmbw- :2.14-A0075871A-000600 '-060-6 . ... .. tiRe%istration. . . Date/Time: -201408-1 51:Al 35HVtS�Pro i8er:CiICERTS int.CA Building Ehergy Efficiency Standards:- 2013 R6si&ntial ComplanceRepdrtV6rsion -CqR-o jj2614-595c: :Report-G'enereited 6t:.2011408 . -1511710`04.�ST MANDATORY MEASURES :S;UMMARY..Resldental -(Page 1of 3 M:FAR­ Project Name: D. Cyrus Fanapour Addition 8/15/2014. .NOTE Low-rise residential buildmgs.sublectto the Standards must comply with all applicable mandatory measures listed, regardless`of : pli the comance approach used More--:stringent; energy measures:listed on fhe Certificate of Complia rice! (CF-1 R, CF-1 R-ADD, or CF- 1.R=ALT Form) shall.supersede the items marked with an asterisk ('),below: This. Mandatory: Measures Summary shall: be incorporated, mtoahe permit documents and the applicable features shallbe considered by'all.parties asminimum component performance: specifications whether they;are shown elsewf%ere in :the: documerits or inthissumma Submit alba licable sections of the MF-1 R ry Pp Forin with Ions: Building Envelope: Measures:: §110.6(j)l'- Doorsand windows between conditioned `:and:unconditioned.s aces are manufactured to limitair leaka e. §:110.6(a)4: Fenestration products (except fieldfabricated.windows) have a:label listing the certified U-Factor,..c6Mfied;Solar'Heat Gain. Coefficient SHGC ;;and infiltraEiortthatmeets.the,re uirements:of 10-'11.!(A). 110.7 E.zteriordoors::and windows are weather-stri ed all''oints and enetrations are caulked and sealed. §1'10.8(aIrisulation.s ecified.orinstalled meets:Standardsfor Insulatin :MaterialJ di 64 e:and'include ion CF-2R Form. §110 8(i): The thermal emittance and: solar. refiectance values:of the::cool roofing material 'm' s the,requirements. of §110.8(1) when'the .. . .e installatiomoto.Cool Roof is s ecified on: the CF=1R Form. `.1,50.0 a : Minimum:R 30. R=19 for-Additions/Alterations :insulation in wood-frame ceilin orae uivaleni U-factor. - 1.50:0 b : Loose-fill insulation shall tonforen.witht m6nufacturer s installed, desi n labeled. R=Value: 1`50.0 c: Minlmum,R=.13 insulation in-M.wood=frame wall R-1:9 in 2x6 "or a UN616nt uU factor. w" 1:50:0 d Minimum.-1:0 insulation'in.raised wood-frame floor ore uiJalent U-factor. ' 150.0 Air:retardin : wrapwisIesfed; labeled, and installed:accordin' tb.ASTM E1677-95(20.00)-when-.specified on the UAfR* Form.:. 150.0 ::Mandato Va orbarrier instailed in.CfimateZones 14 or 16. §150;0(1) ..Water.absorption rate forslab.edge insulation material alone-without facings �s no'g"seater than 03%, 'Water vapor permeance. rate;is,no reater.than 2:0 erm/inchand shall be protected from ti sicol dams e;:and UV li ht e.itenoration:.- .... . §1500(q)'Fenestration Products.. Fene t sePa�atmg conditioned space: from:unconditionedapace or outdoors shall meet.the. reguirements;ofeitherltem 1 or below: 1: Fenestration rncludmg skylight products, rhust have asmaximum U;factorof-6-.66.2.. -6.58.2.: Theweighted average Ll4octorof all fenestration in cludingskyhght;products,ahall not.exceed 0:58. EXCEPTION to Section' t50.0(q' Up:to 10 square feet of fenestration.area;or0.5:percent of the Conditioned Floor.Area whichever is (eater,: is exem t from the; maximum :U,factorre uirement: 150.0 r Solar Read `Butldin s Shalf meef.the re u �rements�of`S'ection 1.10:10:.a licableao the buildin ro'ect:•... Fire laces;: Decorative Gas A " liances:and Gras Log Measures: 150:0 a 1A:Mason . -or facto builifire laces have.a`closable metal:or lass door covenn the entire o enin of ttie firebox: §150:0(e)1B: Masonry or: factorybwlt fireplaces have a,combustion outside air.intake which is:at least:sixsquare inches:inarea;and is equip ed with a wdh a:readil . accessible o erable and tiht;fitti dam er and ora combustion air control device. §150;0(e)2 :Continuous buming pilot lights and the_ use of indoor air.for cooling a.firebox jacket;. when: at'indoor air`is vented to:the .'outside: of the:tiuildin ,. are. rohibited.. - , S 'ace:Conditionin , Water Heating and Plumbing S` stem Measures: §110.0 §110.3. HVAC equiprnent water heaters sho%herheads, faucets and all other.* regulated <appliances are °certified;by.;the Energ-y Commission.. §110:3(c)5 Water heating recirculation loops serving multiple-Awelling units a.nd High-Rise residential occupanciesmeet the air-release valve, backflow revention .. um `isolation valve 'and [ecirculation loo)connection re uirements of 110:3 c 5: §110.5 Continuouslybuming.pilotlights are prohibited for natural gas- fan type ceritral.fumaces, household cooking.applOnce's (appliances with an electrical supply: voltage:connection with pilot lights that consume Less than` 150;Btu/hr are exempt), and and s a.heaters:_ .pool 1 50-o(hy Heating .:and/orcoolin loads-are cal'culated:in accordance with ASHRAE SMACNA or•ACCA. 91:50.0(i): Heating systems. are* eui ed with:thermostats thatmeet the setback requirements of Section 1102(c). §1.50,0U)1A:.St6r6ge:gas water heaters rated with an Energy,.Factor no greater"than the federal minimalstandard.are:extemally wrapped-with insulation.havin" 'an installed thermal resistance of 14;12.'orgreater... §150A)1B: Unfired storage tanks such as-storage tanks or,backup:tanks forsolarwater-heating system,.or otherindirect.hot:water tanks hare. R-12 external_ insulation'or R=1ti.intecnal insulation where the mtemal nsulation R'-value is indicated on the: exterior of the tank.. EnergyPro.6.2-by Ener Soft User.: Number: 2585' gY ID: 81.4.14-R Page 11 of 13 MANDATORY MEASURES SUMMARY: ;Residential (Page 2 of 3 MFAR Project Name Date Cyrus Fanapour Addition 1811512014 §1150.00)2A.- All domestic hot water systempiping'conditions listed below, whether buried orunbuded, must be insulated per TABLE 120.3-A. i. The first 5 feet (1,5 meters) of hot and cold water pipes from the storage tank. ii. All piping with a nominal diameter of 3/4 inch (19 millimeter) or larger. III: All. piping.associated with a::domestic hot water recirculation system regardless of;the pipe.,diameter. Iv. Piping from the heating source to storage tank or between tanks. v. Piping buried below grade.. vi: All hot water pipes from the heating source to the kitchen fixtures. §150.00)2: Pipe insulation for steam hydronic heating systems or hot water systems >15 psi, meets the requirements of Standards Table 120.3-A. §150.0(j)3A: Insulation is rotected from damage, including that due to sunlight, moisture, equipment ment maintenance, and wind. §150.00)4: Solar water-heatingsystems and/or collectors: are certified by the: Solar Rating and Certification Corporation. §150.0(m)l:,All air-distribution system ducts and plenums installed, are sealed and insulated to meet the requirements of C.MC Sections 601, 60.2,:603, 604, 605 and Standard 6-5; supply-air and retum-air ducts and plenums; are insulated to a minimum installed level of R-6 or enclosed entirely in conditioned space. Openings shall be sealed with mastic,, tape or other duct-closure system that meets the applicable requirements of UL 181, UL 181A, or UL 181 B or aerosol sealant that meets the requirements of UL 723. If mastic or tape-is used to seal openings reaterthan.11/4 inch, the:combination of mastic.and either mesh or tape shall be used §150.0(m)1:`Building cavities,' support platforms for air handlers, and plenums defined or constructed with materials other than sealed sheet metal, duct board or flexible duct shall not be used for conveying conditioned air. Building cavities and support platforms may contain ducts. Ducts installed in;cavities-6nd support platforms shall not be compressed to. cause reductions in the cross-sectional area of the ducts: §150.0(m)2D; Joints and seams of duct systems and their components shall not be sealed with cloth back.rubber adhesive duct tapes unless:such tape is used in combination with mastic and draw bands. 150.0(m)7: Exhaust fan systems have back draft or automatic dampers.. §150.0(m)8: Gravity ventilating systems serving conditioned space have either automatic: or readily accessible, manually operated dampers. §150:0(m)9: Insulation shall be protected from damage, including that due to sunlight; moisture, equipment maintenance,_ and wind. Cellular foam.insulation shall be protected as above'or painted with a coating that is:water.retardant and provides shielding from solar radiation that can cause degradation of the material §150.0(m)10: Flexible ducts cannot haveporous inner cores. §150.0(n)l: Systems using gas or-propane water heaters,. whether tank oron-demand, to serve individual'dwelling units shall include all the following components: A: A 120V electrical receptacle that is within 3. feetfrom'the water heater and accessible to the water heater With no obstructions; B. A Category III or IV vent, or.a Type B vent with straight pipe between the outside termination and the space where the water heater is installed; C. A Condensate drain that iS:no more than 2 Inches higher than the base of the installed water heater, and allows natural draining without pump assist, D. A gas supply line with a capacity,of at least 200,000:Btu/hr: §150.0(o): All dwelling units shall meet the requirements of ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.2 Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor-Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings. Window operation' is. nota: permissible method of providing the Whole Building Ventilation required. in Section 4 of that Standard. Pool and S' a Heating Systems and Equipment Measures: § Anypool'or spa heating system shall be certified to have: a thermal efficiency that complies with the Appliance Efficiency Regulations; an on-off switch mounted outside of the heater; a permanent weatherproof plate;or card with. operating instructions; and shall not use electric resistance heating ora pilotlight. §110.4(b)l: Any pool or spa heating equipment shall be.installed with, at least 36" of pipe between filter and heater, or dedicated suction and return lines, or built-u connections for future solar heating., 110.4(b)2: Outdoor pools ors as that haven heat pump or gas heater shall have a cover.. §110.4(b)3: Pools shall have directional inlets that adequately mix the pool water, and a time switch that will allow all pumps to be set or Programmed to run only during off-peak electric demand periods. 150.0 :, Residential pool systems orequipment meet the pump sizing, flow rate,_piping, filters,: and valve. requirements of §150.0(p) Residential Lighting Measures: §150.0(k)1A: Installed. luminaires shall.;be classified as.high-efficacy or low-efficacy for compliance with Section 150;0(k) in accordance With TABLE A 50.0-A or TABLE 150.0-13, as applicable., 150.0 k 1C: The wattage of>permanently installed luminaires shall be determined asspecified by §1*30.0(c). §150.0(k)ID: Ballasts for fluorescent lamps rated 13 Watts or reatershall be electronic and shall have an out utfre uenc <= 20 kHz: §150.0(k)1E: Permanently installed night lights and night lights integral to installed luminaires or exhaust fans shall.be.rated to consume no more than five watts of power per luminaire or exhaust fan as determined in accordance with Section 130.0(c). Night lights shall not be required to be controlled by vacancy sensors. EnergyPro 6.2 by EnergySoft User Number: 2585 ID: 81474-R Page 12 of 13 MANDATORY MEASURES SUMMARY. Residential (Page 3 of 3) MF IR Project Narrie. Date' Cyrus Fanapou. r Addition: 8/15/2014 1:50:0 k 1F Lijhtihq irate ral to leihausfl6ris, in rooms'oth"er:than, kitchens,'shall moet M a " licabile:re. uirements of 15.0.0 k : 150.0 k 2: All switchln devices: and,controls.shall:meet th'e:re uirements of §150.0(k)2. §150:0(k)3: A minimum of'50 percent;of theaotal rated. wattage: of permanently installed. lighting iri`kitchens shall be high efficacy.. EXCEPTION: Up to 50 watfs-for dwelling units less'than or`equafto 2;500 ft? or 100 watts for dwelling units larger than 2 500 ftz may be;exemptfrom the 50 percent high efficacy, requirement when,,alt lighting in.the:kitchen;is controlled in accordance with3he;applicable provisions:im'Seetion 150:0(k)2; and is also confrolled b vacanc sensors or:,dimmers:: • Pe►manenUy installed.1ighting.that`isintemal to cabinetsshall use'.no morethan.20 viOtts of power per linearfoot of illuminated cabinet.. §150.0(k)5 Lighting installed in bathrooms'shall meet;theI llowing requirements: A A.mrnimum of one high efficacy luminaire<shall be:insfalled in each'bathroom; and B. All other I ighting installed in each bathroom shall b0. high :efficac .orcontrolled.6y.: vacancsensors: §150':0(k)ti :Lighting installedin attached,an`d R — -' ied:garages,::laundry.rooms; and utility rooms shall be high efficacy lurrimaires and controlle'd.b vacanc ::sensors.: §15%0(k)7 :Lighting installed':in rooms:or areas otherthan in kitchens; bathrooms .garages, Iaundry rooms, and utility roomsahall: be high :efficacy, or shall:.be controlled;by'eitherdimmers or Jasancy sensors:. EXCEPTION 1,: Luminaires in closets less than 70 square feet: EXCEPTION;2. Li 4htin in.detadhed Stora a buiidin less than 1000: uare feet located on a:.resideritial'site. §150 0(k)8 .Luminaires recessed rntb,.insulated ceilirigs shall:be listed for zero clearance insulation contact (IC) by Underwriters. Latioratories.or other nationally recognized testing/rating laboratory .and have;a label.that Od.hifies,the.luminaire is airtight•with>air lei.akage less than 20 GFM.at 75 Pascals:when,tested jn accordance with ASTM`E283; and be sealed with: a.gaM' or caulk between. the`luminaire:housingand ceiling.. §150:0(k)9A . For single -family residential buildings', outdoor lighting permanently mounted to;:a. residential building.orotherbuildings on the;same lot:shall be high efficacy or may be low efficacy f if:mee'ts all of the following requireinents - i Gontrolled`by:a manual ON and Oow-FF switch that does not ovemde.to ON: automatic actions of`•items belowan'il: i Controlled by a motion seri$ f rj ofhaving ah override ortiypass switchahat disables the motion sensor or'controlled. by a motion sensor.having a temporary override switch: which temporarily bypasses the rnotionsensing function and automatically reactivates the rrioti­n-s6nsor within:.6 hours iiit:.C.ontroiled:by one: of the following methodst• a..Photocontrol not having an override or bypass switch that:disables'the photocontrol'o b: Astronomical time clock not having an ovgmde or bypass swiichahat� disables the astronomical'time clock; and. which is:'programmed to automatically tum the outdoor lighting OFF during daylight hours; or c: Energy management control system which meetsall of the following requirements: At:a minimum provides the functionality of:on astronomical' ttme;clo'ck:in;accordance.;with Section 1:109; meets the Installation Certification requirements in SectiOn'130 4 meets the.requirements4or an `EMCS in. Section 130;5; does not have an.ove�ride.or bypass switch.that:allows.the luminaire to be always ON and; is.programmed toautomatically tum the outdooriighting OFF during daylight hours. §150:0(k)9A: For low _rise multi family residential buildings, outdoor lighting for private patios, entrances balconies, and porches and outdoor lighting forresidential parking, lots and residential carports with' ies"s;than eighf Vehicles site shall.comply with one.of the - following requirements: _ • is Shall com I with Section 150 0 k 9A• or +" I Shall comp y with the applicable requirements in Sections 110 9 130.0 1A2,130:4, 140 7- and�1:41.0. §150 0(k)9. For low ri a residential buildings'with foul or more;dwelling units; outdoor lighting not regulated by`Section 150.0(k)9B;or Section 150 0(k)9D shall comply with:he applicable:regwrements in Sections1°10 ;9, 1;30 0 130 2, 130.4140.2and 14;1::0. §150,0(k)9D::Outdoorpghting for residential parking, lot sand. residenfial'.carporis with a total ofeight ormore vehicles persite,shall coni I vkh.thea licable re uirements m Sections: 110.9, :130:0, 130:2,130:4, 140':7, and 141:0. §15QAk)10 Internally illuminated address signs shall'comply with Section 140.8 OR:not confaina:sc ew=basesocket; and consume.. no more: than.;five watts:'of 'ower as determinei:accordin to 130:0 d .: 150.0 k 11 :.Li htin for residential orkin ara es for ei ht or:more . vehicles shall'comply`withthe applicable: require ments`for nonresidentiaLgarageS in Sections-110"9,130.0, 130.1, 130:4; 140:6; and141.0; §150.0(k)12A.::In a low=rise multi family residential building whereahe total interio-common:area in a single building equals.20. percent or ess of the :floorareapermanently.instailed lighting-'for-the kterior.common areas in'that building shall be. High .efficacy: luminaires:or controlled by;an occupant sensor:: §150 a low;nse multi family,resideniial budding where the total interior common:a'rea:in asingle:building equals:more than ­....FB..In 20 percent of the floor area permanently installed lighting in that bwlding shall- hallti i.Comply withlhe applicable: regwrements m.Sections'110 9; 130 Q,. 130:1, 140:6;:and 141`:0;:and u .Lighting installed in: corridors—and stairwells s611: a controlled by occupant sensors that redyce the lighting power:in each space by at.least 50 percent.:The occupant sensor§.Shall be.:capable: ofauming the hghYfully`:On and Off from all. designed paths.of hq'f ssAnd.,e ress. ' EnergyPro 0. k byEnergy.Soh. User:Nuimb&- z685*l0:: 81414=R_ Page 13 of 13