BRES2015-0085.4 r VOICE (760) 777-7125 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO ` C` 0 D 4 FAX (760) 777-7011 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT INSPECTIONS (760) 777-7153 BUILDING PERMIT Date: 6/22/2015 Application Number: BRES2015-0085 Owner: Property Address: 53507 VIA MALLORCA GARY ARTHUR APN: 777390010 Property Zoning: II iiApplication Valuation: _$579,264.40 I"I Applicant: I �I ! 11- 14--; 22 ZD{5 SIJ — JI Contractor: PAUL OLSEN' GOODNO CONSTRUCTION INC t . c ,]:,lNTA li?i wa• ��" )t:c..r iAt�•')EPAMiENT 35712 LINDA ROSEA ROAD TEMECULA, CA 92592 LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code, and my License is in full force and effect. License Class:.B License No.: 558626 Date:' Z12-2 0 contractor OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the Contractor's State License Law for the following reason (Sec. 7031.5, Business and Professions Code: Any city or county that requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish, or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for the permit to file a signed statement. that he or she is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's State License Law (Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code) or that he or she is exempt therefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars ($500).: (_) I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale. .(Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does the work himself or herself through his or her own employees, provided that the improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner -builder will have the burden of proving that he or she did not build or improve for the purpose of sale.). (_) I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project. (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who contracts for the projects with a contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractors' State License Law.). (_) I am exempt under Sec. . B.&P.C. for this reason Date: Owner: CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued (Sec. 3097, Civ. C.). Lender's Lender's 1 .(951)302-0266 Llc. No.: 558626 WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for workers' compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. I have and will maintain workers' compensation insurance, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My workers' compensation insurance carrier and policy number are: Carrier: _ Policy Number: _ I certify.that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the workers' compensation laws of California, and agree that, if I should become subject to the workers' compensation provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code, I shall forthwith comply wit those provisions. Date: `� Applic E!f!5�5 WARNING: FAILURE TO SECURE WORKERS' COMPENSATION COVERAGE IS UNLAWFUL, AND SHALL SUBJECT AN EMPLOYER TO CRIMINAL PENALTIES AND CIVIL FINES UP TO ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($100,000). IN ADDITION TO THE COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN SECTION 3706 OF THE LABOR CODE, INTEREST, AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. APPLICANT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT IMPORTANT: Application is hereby made to the Building Official for a permit subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth on this application. 1. Each person upon whose behalf this application is made, each person at whose request and for whose benefit work is performed under or pursuant to any permit issued as a result of this application , the owner, and the applicant, each agrees to, and shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City of La Quinta, its officers, agents, and employees for any act or omission related to the work being performed under or following issuance of this permit. 2. Any permit issued as a result of this application becomes null and void if work is not commenced within 180 days from date of issuance of such permit, or cessation of work for 180 days will subject permit to cancellation. I certifythat I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relating to building construction, and hereby authorize representatives of this city to enter upon the above• mentioned property for inspection purposes. napp icantoAt):igture (.Dater rn !7r • :. .. .?Y. "-_ .z ... ate': .ii -r: i41".` .w, n.c :. g.e.. £."� t .„.t ' i b :rt. 6 ART IN PUBLIC PLACES - RESIDENTIAL 270-0000-43201 0 $948.16 $948.16 6/22/15 PAID BY METHOD RECEIPT #w CHECK#,- .,CLTD BY g x , .. prA �� € „k»;° CARLENE TOMEI CHECK R7213 0000210080 MFA Total Paid forART IN PUBLIC PLACES - AIPP: $948.16 $948.16 . Ala DESCRIPTION, �' _, r QTY AMOUNT'a z -= PAID PAID:DATE xA000UNTy �. t ,.. ...�s,,. .. HOURLY PLAN CHECK - YES 101-0000-42600 8.75 $612.50 $612.50 6/22/15 ` z _, " PAID BY,',= ,;x .F" + °METHODS .,: '" ,,,,, s �. Ae Pl s RECEIPT,#� }°.". CHECK #' ' ' > ' •.s.. CLTD BY r. z' CARLENE TOMEI _ CHECK R7213 0000210080 MFA Total Paid for BLDG CITY STAFF - PER HOUR: $612.50 $612.50 DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT' �g s zQTY AMOUNTr�w }_,� ' q PAID DATE .,PAID BSAS SB1473 FEE 101-0000720306 0 $24.00 $24.00 6/22/15 PAID BY °, < `Y METHOD R RECEIPT # % �� CHECK # LTD BY e CARLENE TOMEI CHECK R7213 0000210080• MFA Total. Paid for BUILDING STANDARDS.ADMINISTRATION BSA, $24.OU $24.00 3, *DE50RIPTIONgACCOUNT -E-, • j';QTY, if ,AMOUNT PAID _ PAID;.DATE DIF - CIVIC CENTER 252-0000-43200 0 $942.00 $942.00 6/22/15 PAID:BY xrMETHOD' 4. RECEIPT'# ::E �. CHECK # x� CLTD BY 9 _ CARLENE TOMEI CHECK R7213 0000210080 MFA f s a :DESCRIPTION o -t;: >UNT ACCO =QTY rx AMOUNT:. PAID �' PAID '�DATEi -.:.-•,. N . ` _ > t' _ DIF - COMMUNITY CENTERS 254-0000-43200 0 .. $129.00 $129.00 6/22/15 "`' PAIDB'' A Y T ' METHOD RECEIPT°# x t CHECK #> �- CLTD BY . CARLENE TOMEI .,CHECK R7213 0000210080 MFA - x €v DESCRIPTIONh" ;4'. `ACCOUNT:`QTY +sAMOUNT':� z PAID PAID DATE: k t.-:4 ,al.. d w }�f •n .- ._ ,., nz:-. 8 .:il, > e yF. .. ,Ysa S,.. DIF - FIRE PROTECTION 257-0000-43200 , 0 $433.00 $433.00 6/22/15 =; PAIDZY ' � � � >'. �� METHOD �»r � r �€ RECEIPT # , � $ C HECK # � CLTD BY ..> � • � °- � ; , _ 8 � CARLENE TOMEI r CHECK R7213 0000210080 MFA a `DESCRIPTION F QTY AMOUNT i' <r PAID 4F PAID DATE kw3A000UNT s, t C DIF - LIBRARIES 253-0000-43200 0 $344.00 $344.00 6/22/15 PAID BY : x+ METHOD =£ >t n z y CHECK # F v .. t.CLTU BY F' _ �,. _ .,.., _. .._ . ,. a... ,F:w .. ems• +--., ,,.... ... 4 ' ,RECEIP,T# CARLENE TOMEI ,CHECK R7213 0000210080 MFA DESCRIPTION r *: ACCOUNTS g'QTY AMOUNTy PAID PAID'DATE: 4„ : DIF - PARK MAINTENANCE 256-0000-43200 ' . 0 $40.00 $40.00 6/22/15 Y PAID BYMETHOD > RECEIP:T;# ' CHECK # ' • •+CLT,D BY CARLENE TOMEI CHECK R7213 0000210080 MFA DESCRIPTION ' ; ,�" ` °ACCOUNT QTY AMOUNT s PAIp PAID DATE: , M 's t 5 y# DIF - PARKS/REC 251-0000-43200 0 • $2,048.00 $2,048.00 6/22/15 :PAID B METHOD , RECEIPT.# i CHECK # ii CLTD BY •° f 4 CARLENE TOMEI CHECK' R7213 0000210080 MFA DESCRIPTION . •s¢fR QTYAMOUNT &, PAID .. ; PAID DATE q, t„ACCOUNT 6 '+•A3 ' 1 �_ °' ' �� T, .331 .,t..'•� DIF - STREET MAINTENANCE 255-0000-43200 0 , $116.00 $116.00 6/22/15 PAID.,BY ,c " 1 �", METHOD' RECEIPT # 4 x CHECK # CLTD BY.: l (r r CARLENE TOMEI CHECK R7213 0000210080 MFA i:TDESCRIPTION `ACCOUNT s "`>' QTY AMOUNT ':` PAID PAID DATE. DIF - TRANSPORTATION 250-0000-43200 0 $2,842.00 $2,842.00 6/22/15 PAID<BYYMETHOD RECEIPT #€ CIiECK # ; BY $ ;CLTD , CARLENE TOMEI CHECK • R7213 0000210080 MFA Total Paid forDlF - SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING: $6,894.00 $6,894.00 r ;DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT a°,At { s QTY AMOUNT= /PAID :z ? (PAID DATE; :` TEMP POWER SERVICE 101-0000-42403 0 $24.17 $24.17 6/22/15 PAID] , METHOD ` _' `RECEIPT # ` CHECK #, .' CLTD BY !I, :s x CARLENE TOMEI • CHECK R7213 0000210080 MFA DESCRIPTION a :< ACCOUNT T' QTY AMOUNT �'. "'rr 'PAID , 'PAID DATE' TEMP POWER SERVICE PC 101-0000-42403 0 $16.92 $16.92 6/22/15 F t PAID BY E: 'METHOD iE $ ,RECEIPT # CHECK # x : CLTD BY s _z ,k e CARLENE TOMEI CHECK .117213 0000210080 MFA Total Paid for ELECTRICAL: $41.09 $41.09 s DESCRIPTION "` c '`° ACCOUNT4 1. QTYAMOUNT - PAID ;;. 'PAID,DATE E .�`Yr RESIDENTIAL, EA ADDITION 1,000SF 101-0000-42403 0.. $98.64 $98.64 6/22/15 PAID BY ` METHODS ;=RECEIPT # fr ' . CIiECK CLTD BY ; :se _. _. CARLENE TOMEI CHECK R7213 0000210080 MFA s "DESCRIPTION , '_ ACCOUNTS y.QTY 'AMOUNT ? s PAID PAID. DATE RESIDENTIAL, EA ADDITION 1,000SF, PC 101-0000-42600 0 $40.64 $40.64 6/22/15 ' PAIDB Y L METHOD `r =RECEIP..,T #°. " CHECK # s '� i CLTD BY • s !i CARLENE TOMEI CHECK R7213 0000210080 MFA "DATE rg ' DESCRIPTION:ACCOUNT ,. " f" . QTYAMOUNT,, y4PAID • .` PAID RESIDENTIAL, FIRST 1,000SF 101-0000-42403- 0 $145.03 $145.03 6/22/15 >,. PAID';$Y .�k METHOD E. RECEIPT # `_ ` CHECK # CLTD BY CARLENE TOMEI CHECK R7213 0000210080 MFA `DESCRIPTION 4 " ACCOUNT_':.,c,". QTY .,, t AMOUNT ° ` PAID PAID DATE RESIDENTIAL, FIRST 1,000SF, PC 101-0000-42600 0 $47.86 $47.86 6/22/15 { PAID BY. .ti METHOD ��* `' # CHECK # � CLTD BY .'a ,`RECEIPT CARLENE TOMEI -CHECK R7213 0000210080 MFA Total Paid for ELECTRICAL - NEW CONSTRUCTION: $332.17 $332.17 p DESCRIPTION + : ,F ACCOUNT ! CITY r AMOUNTS' ` ", . PAID x *` PAID. DATE . RESIDENTIAL PRECISE GRADING - CUSTOM 101-0000-42408 0• $36.26 $36.26 6/22/15 HOME LOT >7KSF r ti A/-� '" ' PAID;BY K f METHOD ;RECEIPT # - r' CHECK # CLTD BY .. , CARLENE TOMEI CHECK R7213 0000210080 MFA DESCRIPTION ACCOUNTr`1 QTY AMOUNT : PAID ', ' PAID DATE" RESIDENTIAL PRECISE GRADING -CUSTOM: 1 101-0000-42600 0 $181.29. $181.29 6/22/15 HOME LOT >7KSF PC +zPAID BY T 4 ` j ` # ! RECEIPT #j E CHECK # CLTD BY DESCRIPTION : �T `c' ,'•METHOD ,.. , x, t..� I CARLENE TOMEI CHECK ` . R7213 0000210080 MFA Total Paid for'GRADING: $217.55 $217.55 A jv DESCRIPTIONm: ;r ' ACCOUNTQTY -101-0000-42600 AMOUNTF P ` PAID ; `"'Y PAID DATE 6/22/15 ff t PAID .BY f';'$ METHC+D } $ `' # rt :w CHECK # ;; t CLTD BY t CONDENSER/COMPRESSOR 101-0000-42402. 0 $217.56 $217.56 6/22/15 . ! �. PAI; - F CHECK a LTDBY ...t, 4,'QTY % AMOUNT C a p PAID N ' PAID DATE CARLENE TOMEI CHECK R7213 0000210080 MFA DESCRIPTION : �T `c' <a; ACCOUNT t ', ' ~ QTY `.° 'AMOUNT;; i.. PAID PAID DATE .,.:$ _ CONDENSER/COMPRESSOR PC -101-0000-42600 0 $145.02 $145.02 6/22/15 ff t PAID .BY f';'$ METHC+D } $ `' # rt :w CHECK # ;; t CLTD BY t d s •. s.. .: Y!RECEIPT " , CARLENE TOMEI CHECK' R7213 0000210080 MFA DESCRIPTION{ x ; ' ACCOUuNT 4,'QTY % AMOUNT C a p PAID N ' PAID DATE E _' „ , u a,` . -�, EXHAUST HOOD 101-0000-42402 ..0. $12.09 $12.09 6/22/15 `PAID BY i METHOD RECEIPT # ' CHECK # CLTD BY -41 CARLENE TOMEI CHECK R7213 0000210080 MFA DESCRIPTION 'ACCOUNT QTY4 i;', AMOUNT „ PAIU #'' " 'PAID. DATE' EXHAUST HOOD PC 101-0000-42600 0 $4.83 $4.83 6/22/15 PAIDyBY {;: g` METHOD RECEIPT # I, ; ` CHECK # '<. CLT' D'BY , "' CARLENE TOMEI CHECK' R7213 0000210080 MFA AMOUNT`: -,,,PAID :'PAID. -DATE' FURNACE 101-0000-42402 0 $217.56 $217.56 6/22/15 PAID BY METHOD ' + RECEIPT #'¢s ' CHECK # l '=- CLTD BY: " CARLENE TOMEI CHECK , ' R7213 0000210080 MFA 'S ACCOUNT QT„<MOUNT�suDECRIPTION DATE 3 FURNACE PC 101-0000-42600 0 $145.02 $145.02 6/22/15 PAID BYX METHOD _ _`" }<a ,RECEIPT# '' "CHECK # t ` CLTD BY , r_ CARLENE TOMEI CHECK. R7213 0000210080 MFA , ACCOUNT � AMOUNT ��, PAID PAID DATE ._QTY�� �,� £ ; . VENT FAN 101-0000-42402 0 $120.90 $120.90 6/22/15 PAID:BY .RECEIPT #'CHECK*' ;y CLTD BY CARLENE TOMEI CHECK j R7213 0000210080 MFA DESCRIPTION? ACCOUNTS ` ,QTY;* AMOUN: IDT` :4„ PA PAID DATE .;"i P VENT FAN PC 101-0000-42600 0' .. $48.30 $48.30 6/22/15 PAI"DS BY ..zMETHOD RECEIPT. # E CHECK # CLTD BY `` " # C CARLENE TOMEI -CHECK. ., R7213 . 0000210080 MFA Total Paid forMECHANICAL: $911.28 $911.28 DESCRIPTION "bt. :� k t PulNT� QTY AMOUNT PAID `I PAID DATE' f .A ,. .'f �9 NEW CONSTRUCTION PERMIT 101-0000-42400 0 $794.37 $794.37 6/22/15 PAID. BY' ° k a METHODS RECEIPT.#V ::, CHECK # gt ', CLTD BY s re' , t. CARLENE TOMEI CHECK R7213 0000210080 MFA i Total Paid for NEW CONSTRUCTION PERMIT: .$794.37 $794.37 Y �4 ; �° sa,ACCOUNT a.;QTY AMOUNT "� PAID r `. PAID�DATE i>„DESCRIPTION h NEW CONSTRUCTION PLAN CHECK 101-0000-4260.0 .0 $1,700.00 $1,700.00 3/11/15 AlDt METHOD RECEIPT # CHECK # CLTD BY r , .. GOODOO CONSTRUCTION INC CHECK R3970 11817 PJU �. :DESCRIPTION ani: ACCOUNT ;QTY AMOUNT PAID F a F ,PAIDDATE NEW CONSTRUCTION PLAN CHECK 101-0000-42600 0. $19.16 $19.16 6/22/15 PAID BY tf rE ' METHOD #�,> z. CHECK CLTD BY',: € .;; .:' �a,}• rxRECEIPaT: i CARLENE TOMEI CHECK R7213 0000210080 MFA Total Paid forNEW CONSTRUCTION PLAN CHECK: $1,719.16 $1,719.16 DESCRIPTION z�E z' ACCOUNT C r} QTY �i' r AMOUNT PAID>z PAID DATE" �ts."1£Y. 2 BACKFLOW DEVICE 101-0000-42401 0 $12.09 $12.09 6/22/15 'METH OD"'*' ��" a 'RECEIPT # " ' CHECK # '2. CLTD BY, a CARLENE TOMEI CHECK R7213 -0000210080 MFA rs y r' ": "ACCOUNT ' QTY F " AMOUNT PAID r PAID,DATE • ,DESCRIPTION, , BACKFLOW DEVICE PC, 101-0000-02600, 0 $4.83 $4.83 6/22/15 PAID 'BY'METHOD{° , r x << r> �RECEIP,T #s CHECK # 4 ; CLTD BY F ...� j CARLENE TOMEI CHECK 'R7213 0000210080 MFA s + DESCRIP,TION "` ; ACCOUNT 41 QTY AMOUNTF� " r PAID t DATE v . ,PAID BUILDING SEWER 101-0000-42401 0 $12.09 $12.09 6/22/15 ' PAID,BYp ", METHOD RECEIPT # CHECK # CLTDf BY ' , y , <�� s� s� k CARLENE TOMEI CHECK R7213 0000210080 MFA t` :DESCRIPTION, COU ACNT AMOT r x UN,a:< r # ; PAID �6 .PAID DATE` ..:• :: .. ttF. `,.,., .QTY F ° «.. BUILDING SEWER PC 101-0000-42600 0 $12.09 $12.09 6/22/15 ` i PAID BY y z METHOD RECEIPT.#s 9 ` CHECK# : CLTD BY =<::a .. '. ,., F CARLENE TOMEI -CHECK R7213 0000210080 MFA DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT QTY AMOUNT PAID % PAID DATE: >!; K FIXTURE/TRAP 101-0000-42401 0 $386.88 $386.88 6/22/15 PAID.BY = q s 8 METHOD � -�' ., RECEIPT. #x ° CHECK # : CLTD BY £x.t:f CARLENE TOMEI CHECK R7213. 0000210080 MFA DESCRIPTION € -�� >Fs F ACCOUNT QTY AMOUNT � PAID ti PAID'DATE z yl.r ,, t 4< . $, FIXTURE/TRAP PC 101-0000-42600 ' 0 $386.88 $386.88 6/22/15, 4 PAID„BYE x ; F ` METHOD4 RECEIPT # ` f CHECK # ”: CLTD BY . r y K . CARLENE TOMEI CHECK R7213 0000210080 MFA DESCRIPTION s AMOUNT PAID _sPAID,DATE n „3 * rACCOUNT QTY f, ;w F $ ;� GAS SYSTEM, 5+•OUTLETS 101-0000-42401 0 $36.26' $36.26 6/22/15 �a s: PAID BY{ ' �.r METHOD 4z ',RECEIPT #} CHECK # BY. �r� w _°CLTD CARLENE TOMEI CHECK. R7213 0000210080 MFA tDESCRIPTI { ' s ACCOUNTS QTY= s£ 'AMOUNT= PAID c PAID DATE 'N GAS SYSTEM, 5+ OUTLETS PC 101-0000-42600 0 $24.17 $24.17 6/22/15 PAID " RECEIPT#' CHECK# CLTD BY, .BY },;METHOD# ,€<,' {".> $'. CARLENE TOMEI CHECK R7213 0000210080 MFA �s s 'DESCRIP;TION .' * r QTY, AMOUNT PAID PAID DATE s pF "ACCOUNT t -� ROOF DRAIN., 101-0000-42401 0 -, $60.45 $60.45 6/22/15 PAID BY d`,; �`-." METHOD , RECEIRT# CHECK#, CL B t z .. .: .., ...,: , .. . ;.=s ,a CARLENE TOME[ : CHECK • R7213' 0000210080 MFA DESCRIPTION`. QTY AMOUNT{ PAID .. .. 'D,. ATEgipACCOUNT PAID ' ROOF DRAIN PC 101-0000-42600 0 $60.45 $60.45 6/22/15 " METHOD ,z _ , RECEIPT:.# ° CLTDBYr F ,r.CHECK# t CARLENE TOMEI CHECK' R7213 0000210080 MFA DESCRIPTION 4 "j'#� _ n.r 'ACCOUNT .W" 'u QTY AMOUNT s,�- PAID PAID DATE , " y p r ,: WATER HEATER/VENT 101-0000-42401 0 $24.18 $24.18 6/22/15 PAID BY -METHOD, -''-"a RECEIPTz# ` y=; CHECK # a CLTD BY-. ; CARLENE TOMEI CHECK R7213 0000210080 MFA a DESCRIPTION ;, ACCOUNT QT I,AMOUNTP "PAID DATE, ,,.' , APHID WATER HEATER/VENT PC 101-0000-42600 0 $14.50 $14.50 6/22/15 �¢ w ' `' "PAIDBY,> METHOD 4RECEIPT# ' "" CHECK# CLTD BY. r: ;• CARLENE TOMEI CHECK R7213 0000210080 MFA a ;.DESCRIPTION >_ ; " ; ,., ACCOUNT ;`s +�; � r t AMOUNT' �; . "''' PAID : ' `r ' PAID DATE' r; ,QTY t WATER SYSTEM INST/ALT/REP 101-0000-42401 0 $12.09 $12.09 6/22/15 , PAID'BY, = r METHOD - s RECEIPT # '• CHECK # {rs '. BY.:'. ,' ° ,CLTD CARLENE TOMEI CHECK R7213 0000210080 MFA rr; DESCRIPTION F' i E ` f a OUNTI _ PAID PAID�DATE ,,ACCOUNT,,':-, n WATER SYSTEM INST/ALT/REP PC 101-0000-42600 0 $12.09 $12.09 •6/22/15 .. PAID BY a * r �€" z 3r 'METHODa,Ml,.a RECEI T= ,# " CLTD BY%G r CARLENE TOMEI CHECK R7213 0000210080 MFA Total Paid for PLUMBING FEES: $1,059.05 $1,059.05 r: 'DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT T , TQY AMOUNT° * ; s {'-� PAID .• *RAID DATE SMI - RESIDENTIAL 101-0000-20308 0 $75.30 $75.30 6/22/15 t� PAID BY METHOD ' RECEIPT,#f ~`'` ICHECK # CLTD BY` c .{ "i` . t 1 S. ,. r, e.- ± CARLENE TOMEI CHECK R7213 0000210080 MFA Total Paid forSTRONG'MOTION INSTRUMENTATION SMI: $75.30 $75.30 DESCRIPTION ' x F P ACCOUNT}' €QTY `AMOUNT $ }PAID r ° �PAID t .DATE SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED 224-0000-20320 0 _ *$1,837.44 $1,837.44 6/22/15 44 t . 'PAIBY «" cx , >r `` :RECEIPT #4, t' , : CHECK #' f CLTD BY .METHOD CARLENE TOMEI CHECK 117213 0000210080 MFA Total Paid forTUMF - RESIDENTIAL: $1,837.44 $1,837.44 TOTALS: $15,466.07 $15,466.07 F v � � Description: TOMEI RESIDENCE NEW SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING Type: BUILDING, RESIDENTIAL Subtype: DWELLING - SINGLE Status: ISSUED Applied: 3/11/2015 PJU FAMILY DETACHED - - Approved: 6/19/2015 JJO Parcel No: 777390010 Site Address: 53507 VIA MALLORCA LA QUINTA,CA 92253 Subdivision: TR 29894-3 Block: Lot: 48 '. Issued: 6/22/2015 MFA • _ Lot Sq Ft: 0Building Sq Ft: 0 _' Zoning: _ Finaled: - Valuation: $579,264.40 Occupancy Typed Construction Type:: Expired: 12/19/2015 MFA No. Buildings: 0 No. Stories: 0 `. No. Unites: 0 Details:. NEW SFD 7436 S.Q. FT: THIS PERMIT DOES NOT INCLUDE POOL, SPA, BLOCK WALLS, DRIVE WAY APPROACH, WATER FEATURE, FIRE-' PIT, OR BBQ. HOME -IS FIRE SPRINKLED PER 2013 CRC CODES. 100 3 nG 7 f Applied to Approved Approved to Issued =n • 1. Printed: Monday, June 22, 2015 10:48:36 AM - 1 of 8 " - ` SYSTEMS - ADDITIONAL • • • • �sT, y-=.::- :CHRONOL'OGYTYPE.-'.::STAFF..NAME :. ; -s .:, x ,;.� ,.-.� .. . •msµ -.�- .,_ �:3:;- AC7ION DATE` OMPLETI' N:DAT s fir.-: NOTES.F .: r ff. NOTE JIM JOHNSON, 3/27/2015 4/3/2015 PENDING STRUC CORRECTIONS `. ' NOTE ' JIM JOHNSON ` -, S/14/2015 5/29/2015 PENDING CORRECTION FROM STRUC P/C NOTE JIM JOHNSON 6/18/2015 6/18/2015 - NOTESTEPHANIE KHATAMI 5/28/2015 5/28/2015• 2ND PLAN CHECK RECEIVED NOT APPROVABLE. MEET WITH TOM AND ENGINEER OR RECORD ABOUT PLAN - CHECK COMMENTS, INFORMED THEM THAT THERE WILL BE A PROBLEM WITH THE POOL WINDOW AND BASEMENT CONSTRUCTION. THERE WILL BE ANOTHER ROUND OF OFFICE MEETING _ JIM JOHNSON' 6/18/2015 6/19/2015 CORRECTIONS BECAUSE OF NO RESPONSE TO PLAN CHECK COMMENTS. EXCESSIVE PLAN CHECK. APPLICANT WILL BE CHARGED FOR HRS OVER 10 Printed: Monday, June 22, 2015 10:48:36 AM - 1 of 8 " - ` SYSTEMS - Printed: Monday, June 22, 201510:48:36 AM 2 of 8 x — a SYSTEMS PLANS WERE APPROVED IN A OFFICE MEETING WITH OFFICE MEETING JIM JOHNSON 6/19/2015 6/19/2015 OWNERS REP. CONTRACTOR, ARCH, ENGINEER AND JIM '- JOHNSON. ITEMS PENDING SCHOOL FEES. PLAN CHECK COMMENTS FROM CONSULTANT JIM JOHNSON 6/18/2015 .6/17/2015 „ RECEIVED - PLAN CHECK COMMENTS PLAN. CHECKS COMMENTS RECIEVED FROM YOUNG NOT FROM CONSULTANT PHILIP JUAREZ 4/1/2015 4/1/201_5 : APPROVABLE; _ RECEIVED ' r PLAN CHECK PICKED UP JIM JOHNSON . • 6/18/2015 .6/18/2015 PLANS PICKED UP BY TOM PLAN CHECK PICKED UP PHILIP JUAREZ "' 4/7/2015 4/7/2015 PLANS PICKED UP BY TOM GOODNO 951-302-0266. ' PLAN CHECK PICKED UP STEPHANIE KHATAMI ' ' . 5/29/2015 5/29/2015 PICKED UP BY GOODNO - PLAN CHECK SUBMITTAL KAY HENSEL 3/13/2015 3/13/2015, APPLICATION RECEIVED AT FRONT COUNTER BY PJ. " RECEIVED PLAN CHECK SUBMITTAL MARY FASANO -6/3/2015 6/3/2015, ROUTED PLANS TO YOUNG ENGINEERING RECEIVED PLAN CHECK SUBMITTAL C 'LUIS URIBE 5/6/2015 .'5/6/2015 PLANS PROCESSED AND SENT TO YOUNG ENGINEERING. RECEIVED - SENT TO PLAN CHECK . ` . HENSEL • "KAY 3/13/2015 .- - 3/13/2015 PLANS PROCESSED AND READY TO GO. TO YOUNG BY PJ ON CONSULTANT • 3/11/2015 TELEPHONE CALL JIM JOHNSON 4/3/2015 ~' 4/3/2015 l CALLED TOM GOODNO TO INFORM HIM THAT PLANS ARE • . READY FOR CORRECTIONS 1ST. P/C. TELEPHONE.CALL JIM JOHNSON 5/29/2015 5/29/2015 CALLED TOM TO INFORM HIM PLANS ARE READY FOR CORRECTIONS CONDITIONS CONTACTS NAME TYPE jNAME - - ADDRES51 . CITY STATE - ZIP -a -_ PHONE - FAX z EMAIL' , ; APPLICANT PAUL OLSEN (760)728-9691 1 1 1 � Printed: Monday, June 22, 201510:48:36 AM 2 of 8 x — a SYSTEMS FINANCIAL INFORMATION METYPE NAME ADDRESSI ?CHECK T, ET.HAOD'" "'RECE'PT-#jr F AX 7' ART IN PUBLIC PLACES 270-0000-:43201 $948.16 000021008 6/22/15 R7213 CHECK- MFk RESIDENTIAL .$948.16 CONTRACTOR GOODNO CONSTRUCTION INC 35712 LINDA ROSEA TEMECULA CA 92592 (760)728-9691 ROAD 8.75_ $612.SO." $612.SO OWNER GARY ARTHUR 7600 LANDMARK WAY GREENWOOD co 0 (760)728-9691 NO 1206 VILLAGE YES FINANCIAL INFORMATION ti DESCRIPTIONi .:4;Ff'�':�'�ACCOUNT"' 0 TY *AMOUNT PAID ?CHECK T, ET.HAOD'" "'RECE'PT-#jr ��"rk KZ r BYi-' ART IN PUBLIC PLACES 270-0000-:43201 $948.16 000021008 6/22/15 R7213 CHECK- MFk RESIDENTIAL .$948.16 _CARLENETOMEI 0 Total Paid forART IN PUBLIC PLACES - AIPP: $948.16 •$948.16 HOURLY PLAN CHECK -101-0000 . -4 2600 8.75_ $612.SO." $612.SO 6/22/1S R7213 000021008 HEC - K CARLENE OMEI T. - MFA YES 0 . Total Paid for BLDG CITY STAFF - PER HOUR: $612.50 $612.50 BSAS 561473 FEE7, 101-0000-20306 0" $24.00 - $24.00 �6/22/1S 1.- R7213 1.0000210081 CHE�K�CARLENE T(5M*El' MFA 0 Total Paid forBUILDING STANDARDS ADMINISTRATION $24.00 $24.00 BSA: CIVIC CENTER 252-0000-43200 .0 1$942.00 $942.00 6/22/15- R7213 000021008 CHECK CARLENE TOMEI MFA 0 DIF - COMMUNITY 254-0000-43200 0 $129.00 .$129.00 6/22/15 R7213 000021008 CHECK CARLENE TOME) MFA .CENTERS 0 DIF - FIRE PROTECTION 257-0000-43200 0 $433.00 $433.00. 6/22/15 R7213 000021008 CHECK CARLENE TOMEI MFA. DIF - LIBRARIES 253-0000-43200 0 $344.00 $344.00 6/22/15 R7213 000021008 CHECK CARLENE TOME1 MFA . 0 DIF - PARK 256-0000-43200 O�,, $40.00 $40.00 6/22/15 R7213 000021008 - CHECK CARLENE TOME1, MFA MAINTENANCE 0 DIF - PARKS/REC 251-0000-43200 0 $2,048.00 $2 6/22/1S R7213 000021008,048.00 CHECK CARLENE TOME1 MFA 0 Printed: Monday, June 22, 2015 10:48:36 AM 3 of 8 CffwsYSTCM5 _ _ p�F. . , .: .. ,.„fir -•s� �.. Yap ` ,. ", ..'., ., - w'•� m z>. ._ i,;may e,IaAij..: a - ., V77 CLTD� ."°- `,_ ,<.;. N Y MOUNT. :PAID DATE'dDESCRIPTION :RECEIPT #" a,'CHECK # a rMETHOD�` T PAID ;. x ' : + ti a �t cz .:. r' µ.. yzFi`wi iPAID err i kr� rt •, z? ,; t = c BY DIF -STREET 255-0000-43200 0 $116.00 $116.00 6/22/15 R7213 000021008 CHECK CARLENE TOMEI MFA MAINTENANCE 0 DIF -TRANSPORTATION 250-0000-43200 0 $2,842.00 $2,842.00 6/22/15 R72130 000021008 CHECK CARLENE TOMEI MFA . Total Paid forDIF -'SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING: $6,894.00 $6,894.00 TEMP POWER SERVICE. 101-0000-42403 0, $24.17 $24.17 6/22/15 117213 000021008 CHECK' CARLENE TOMEI MFA 0 TEMP POWER SERVICE- 101-0000-42403 0 $16.92_ -- $16.92 6/22/15 _ R7213� 000021008 CHECK CARLENE TOMEI MFA PC f. e 0 Total Paid forELECTRICAL: $41.09 $41.09 RESIDENTIAL, EA 101-0000-424036/22/15 ' 0 $98.64 $98.64 s . 117213 000021008 CHECK CARLENE TOMEI MFA ADDITION'1,000SF • -0 RESIDENTIAL, EA000021008 101-0000-42600 0 - $40.64, . - $40.64 ,6/22/15 R7213 CHECK CARLENE TOMEI MFA ADDITION 1,000SF, PC 0 - RESIDENTIAL, FIRST000021008 101-0000-42403 0 $145.03 - $145.03 _ :•6/22/15 R7213 CHECK CARLENE TOMEI MFA 1,0005E 0 RESIDENTIAL, FIRST 101-0000-42600 , 0 '' $47.86 �,' $47.86 6/2 * - S_ R7213 � 1000021008 CHECK CARLENE TOMEI MFA 1,000SF, PC 0 Total Paid for ELECTRICAL - NEW CONSTRUCTION: $332.17 $332.17 - RESIDENTIAL PRECISE GRADING -CUSTOM 101-0000-42408 0 $36.26. ` $36.26 6/22/15 R7213 000021008 CHECK CARLENE TOMEI MFA HOME LOT >7KSF 0 RESIDENTIAL PRECISE . GRADING - CUSTOM 101-0000-42600 0 $181.29 $181.29 6/22/15 R7213 000021008 CHECK CARLENE TOMEI MFA HOME LOT >7KSF PC 0 Total Paid forGRADING: $217.55 $217.55 CONDENSER/COMPRES 101-0000-42402 0 $217.56 $217.56 6/22/15 R7213 000021008 CHECK CARLENE TOMEI MFA SOR 0 CONDENSER/COMPRES000021008 101-0000-42600 '-0 $145.02 $145.02 6/22/15 • 117213 CHECK CARLENE TOMEI MFA ' SORPC 0 Printed:. Monday, June 22, 2015 10:48:36 AM 4 of 8 CBFW.IYSTrms w `7 7777777 74 .,.DESCRIPTION�', -,--ACCOUNT�`-'Alv- ��-.��Am NT--,- :PAID --PAID DATE RECEIPT mbl) "P 'Al D,BY q, rkti e. EXHAUST HOOD 101-0000-42402 0 $12.09 $12.09 6/22/15. R7213 0000201008 CHECK CARLENE TOMEI MFA EXHAUST HOOD PC .101-0000-42600 0 $4.83 $4.83 6/22/15 R7213 000021008 '0 CHECK CARLENE TOMEI MFA FURNACE' 101-0000-42402 0 $217.56 �$217.56 6/22/15 R7213 0000210080 CHECK CARLENE TOMEI MFA FURNACE PC '101-0000-42600- .0 '--$145.62 7 $145.02' 6/22/15- R7213 000021008 - CHECK CARLENE TOMEI MFA . 0 -VENT FAN 101-0060-'42402 $120.90 -$120.90 6/22/15 R7213. 000021008 CHECK CARLENE TOMEI MFA —0 0 VENT FAN PC 101-0000-42600 0 $48.30 $48.30 6/22/15 '117213 100002,1068 '-CHECK, CARLENE TOMEI MFA' 0 Total Paid forMECHANICAL:1 $911.28- $911.28 NEW CONSTRUCTION 101-0000-42400 0 $794.37 $794.37. 6/22/1S R 7'il 3 1000 . 021008 1 CHECK CARLENE TOME! MFA PERMIT 0 Total Paid for NEW CONSTRUCTION PERMIT: $794.37 $794.37 NEW CONSTRUCTION- 101-0000-42600 -74- 0 $1,700.00 j/11/151 -R3970 11817 CHECK GOOD00 PJU PLAN CHECK •$1,700.00 'CONSTRUCTION INC NEW CONSTRUCTION 101-0000-42600 0 $19.16 - $19.16 -6/22/15 R7213 000021008 CHECK CARLENE TOMEI' MFA PLAN CHECK Total Paid forNEW CONSTRUCTION PLAN.CHECK: $1,719.16 $1,719.16 BACKFLOW DEVICE .101-0000-42401. 0, $12.09 $12.09 6/22/15 R7213 000021008 CHECK CARLENE TOMEI MFA 0 BACKFLOW DEVICE PC 101-0000-42600 0 $4.83 $4.83. 6/22/15 R7213 000021008 CHECK' CARLENE TOMEI MFA 0 BUILDING SEWER 101-0000-42401 0 $12.09 $12.09 6/22/15 R7213 000021008 CHECK CARLENE TOME[ .,MFA 0 BUILDING SEWER PC 101-0000-142600 0 I $12.09 T $12.09 6/22/15 R7213 1. 0001021008 CHECK CARLENE TOMEI MFA . . . 0 Printed: Monday, June 22, 2015 10:48:36 AM -5of8 CopwYSTEMS. - -1 7 n, 7— �-­041D,BY LTD DESCRIPTIO AMOUNT N, jvc--' ;PAID. DATE. RECEIflltr C # ;METHOD FIXTURE/TRAP 101-0000-42401 0 $386.88 $386.88 R7213 0000201008 CHECK CARLENE TOMEI MFA FIXTURE/TRAP PC 101-0000-42600 0. $386.88 $386.88 6/22/15 R7213 0000201008 CH . ECK CARLENE TOMEI MFA' GAS SYSTEM, S+ 101-0000-42401 01. $36.26 $36.26 6/22/15 117213 000021008 CHECK CARLENE TOMEI MFA OUTLETS 0, GAS SYSTEM, S+.000021008 101-0000-42600, 0 $24.17 $24A 7 6/22/15 R7213 CHECK -CARLENETOME1 MFA OUTLETS PC 0 ROOF DRAIN 101-0000-42401- 0 $60.45 -$60.4S '6/22/15 R7213. 000021008 -0 XHECK CARLENE TOMEI MFA ROOF DRAIN PC 101-0000-42600 0' $60.45 $60.45 6/22/15 117213 00002:1008 CHECK CARLENE TOMEI MFA 0 WATER HEATER/VENT 101-0000-42401 0 $24.18 $24.18 6/22/15 R7213S. 000021008 CHECK CARLENE TOMEI MFA' 0 WATER HEATER/VENT -000021008 101-0000-42600 O. $14.50, '$14.SO* 6/22/1S' R7213 CHECK CARLENE TOMEI MFA PC 0 WATER SYSTEM000021008 101-0000-.42401 0; "$12.09 $12.09' 6/22/15 1172137 CHECK CARLENE TOMEI,, MFA, INST/ALT/REP 0 WATER SYSTEM 101-0000-42600 $1 2.0�'. .09 6/22/15 R72 13 19000210081 CHECK CARLENE TOMEI MFA INST/ALT/REP PC ..$12 0 Total Paid for PLUMBING. FEES: $1,059.05.. $1,059.05 -To-] SMI -RESIDENTIAL 03 8 101-0000-20308 $7S.30 6/22/1 S R721 3 .210081 00000 CHECK FCA'RLENETOMEI MFA .$7S.30 Total Paid. forSTRONG MOTION INSTRUMENTATION SMI $75.30 $75.30 SINGLE FAMILY 224-0000-20320 0 $1,837.44 837.44"! 6/22/15 R7213 0000210081 CHECK CARLENE TOMEI MFA DETACHED 0 Total Paid forTUMF - RESIDENTIAL: $1,837.44 $1,837.44 TOTALS: $15,466.07 $15,466.07 . .. ......... . .. . .. ........ . Printed: Monday, June 22, 2015 10:48:36 AM 6,of 8 CRw YSTEMS m:ut 'Oz �r is Cff`y 0 F'113E�� 6. SEQID INSPECTION TYPE INSPECTOR SCHEDULED 'CQM^ PLETED RESULT.--. REMARKS a NOTES &: . y-. "� ^ild3 NOTES' A �>, . . D AT E .T TE DA ,f 3/11/2015 .3/27/2015 REVISIONS REQUIRED NON STRUC READY FOR CORRECTIONS YOUNG 3/11/2015 4/1/2015 4/1/2015 FINAL" STRUCTURAL STRUCTURAL CONTENT NOT APPROVABLE _ ENGINEERING i - :: _ BOND INFORMATION.. Printed: Monday, June 22, 2015 10:48:36 AM 7 of 8 ' - SYSTElviS PARENTPROJECTS 'P RETURNED STATUS: REMARKS':` REVIEW TYPE ' REVIEWER SENT DATE DUE DATE ` _ rt . y-. "� ^ild3 NOTES' Y .DATE U ' NON-STRUCTURAL JIM JOHNSON 3/11/2015 4/1/2015 .3/27/2015 REVISIONS REQUIRED NON STRUC READY FOR CORRECTIONS YOUNG 3/11/2015 4/1/2015 4/1/2015 REVISIONS REQUIRED STRUCTURAL STRUCTURAL CONTENT NOT APPROVABLE _ ENGINEERING NON-STRUCTURAL JIM JOHNSON 5/6/201S 3/20/2015 5/14/2015 REVISIONS REQUIRED APPLICANT DID NOT PROVIDE WRITTEN 'RESPONSES TO CORRECTIONS KATHRYN 5/6/2015 .5/20/2015 5/28/2015' . REVISIONS REQUIRED STRUCTURAL SAMUELS 1ST PW GREEN _ 4 AMY YU 5/13/2015 5/27/2015 5/13/2015. INCOMPLETE = CONTRACTOR NEEDS TO PROVIDE PM -10 SHEET CERTIFICATE NUMBER ` NON-STRUCTURAL - JIM JOHNSON 6/2/2015 6/16/2015 6/17/2015 REVISIONS REQUIRED'' 2 WK ; STRUCTURAL - 2 WK KATHRYN 6/2/2015 ` .6/16/2015 6/17/2015 r' APPROVED APPROVED PER PHONE CONVERSATION WITH SAMUELS ENGINEER OF RECORD AND KATHRYN SAMULES. 1ST PW GREEN AMY YU 6/15/2015 6/19/2015 6/17/2015 READY FOR APPROVAL SHEET - :: _ BOND INFORMATION.. Printed: Monday, June 22, 2015 10:48:36 AM 7 of 8 ' - SYSTElviS _ Attachment T �. - , - CREATED OWNER _. _ DESCRIP,TION PATHNAME' A p SUBDIR { . ETRAKIT ENABLED BRES2015-0085 - 2ND DOC '5/6/2015 LUIS URIBE . ' 2ND SUBMITTAL SUBMITTAL �_ -0 • o RESPONSES RESPONSES.pdf . - 2ND PLAN CHECK. 2ND PLAN CHECK •' . DOC _ ~ 5/29/2015- , STEPHANIE KHATAMI COMMENTS FROM COMMENTS FROM , ' - 0, = ' YOU,NG.pdf ' YOUNG.pdf DOC = 6/17/2015 'STEPHANIE KHATAMI "PM -10 APPROVAL PM -l0 APPROVAL.pdf 0 " DOC ' 6/17/2015. STEPHANIE KHATAMI:, _ PM -10 GEO TECH . PM -10 GEO TECH.pdf: ' ' ` `�: 0 f ' Ver' ' � x - �•�� :. to ,. .. 1 �* �, - _ .�• fY 4%t ,. � •t . h 4 � . •`5. + \ ! - u J y4 -- .!'.� ,.. + .'"i' :, k' k C � it r � - . r j, a •. + � i � Printed: Monday, Jurie 22, 2015 10:48:36 AM . ^ 8 of 8 - SYSTEMS '1441 ` P.O. BOX 1504 Building 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO Address VIP vAA1—"kX-f} LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 / Address 6 O,C>,JPfa zx Aj ! ( vz , 1, / r�b teujFA Tel. & Classif. F 55!9 Lic. # Arch., Engr., Designer PAVE L 5 D a> �744"Pyn I /L()7-6 ILic.# C2,I2-4. LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION Ihereby affirm that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Bu/sin�nd Professions Code, and my license is in//full force and effect. SIGNATURE DATE O N -BUILDER DECLARATION hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the following reason: (Sec' 7031.5, Business and Professions Code: Any city or county which requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish, or repair any structure, prior to its issuance also requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he is licensed pursuant to the Provisions of the Contrac- tor's License Law, Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code, or that he is exempt therefrom, and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars ($500). ❑ I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale. (Sec. 7044, Business and Profes- sions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon and who does such work himself or through his own employees, provided that such improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner -builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for the purpose of sale). ❑ I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project. (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who contracts for such projects with a contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License Law.) O 1 am exempt under Sec. B. & P.C. for this reason Date Owner WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION hereby affirm that I have a certificate of consent to self -insure, or a certificate of Worker's Compensation Insurance, or a certified copy thereo . Sec 3800 abor Code.) Policy No. ��. C1Cery � , ❑Copy is ed_with he city. ❑Certifie copy i hereby furnishe . CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE (This section need not be completed if the permit is for one hundred dollars ($100) valuation or less). I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to Workers' Compensation Laws of California. Date Owner NOTICE TO APPLICANT.' If, after making this Certificate of Exemption you should become subject to the Workers' Compensation provisions of the Labor Code, you must forthwith comply with such provisions or this permit shall be deemed revoked. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. (Sec. 3097, Civil Code.) Lender's Name Lender's Address This is a building permit when properly filled out, signed and validated, and is subject to expiration if work thereunder is suspended for 180 days. I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relating to building construction, and hereby authorize representatives of this city to enter the above-mentioned property for inspection purposes. Signature of applicant Date Mailing Address City, State, Zip 1 �? 1 7 WHITE = BUILDING DEPARTMENT MAR 11 2015 APPLICATI?#yOffiYA QUIITA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BUILDING: TYPE -�CO�NSST. P. OCC. GR A.P. Number -7— ,Xla -610 Legal Description ¢�� &vk O'l Project Descriptiony STi�t/9 hJppl �6� Sq. Ft.•./ Size 3� 7 No. Z No. Dw. Stories Units New -7f, Add ❑ Alter ❑ Repair ❑ Demolition ❑ Estimated Valuation �IVC)C)" Ott PERMIT AMOUNT ~ Plan Chk. Dep. Plan Chk. Bal. Const. Mech. Electrical Plumbing S.M.I. Grading Driveway Enc. Infrastructure TOTAL CONTACT INFORMATION MEZK.t HONE. 42 —VZ ZONE: BY: Minimum Setback Distances: Front Setback from Center Line Rear Setback from Rear Prop. Line Side Street Setback from Center Line Side Setback from Property Line FINAL DATE INSPECTOR Issued by: Date Permit Validated by: Validation: YELLOW = APPLICANT PINK = FINANCE J "; Coachella Valley Unified School District 83-733 Avenue 55, Thermal, CA 92274 (760) 398-5909 — Fax (760) 398-1224 J This Box For District Use Only DEVELOPER FRES PAID AREA: AMOUNT LEVEL ONE AMOUNT: LEVEL TWO AMOUNT: MITIGATION AMOUNT: COMMAND. AMOUNT: "DATE: ''. - RECEIPT' CHECKa: TNITIALS' CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (California Education Code 17620) Project Name: L Me i Date: June 22, 2015 Owner's Name,: Peter Tomei . Phone No.. Project Address: 53-507 Via Mallorca, La Quinta, CA 92253 Project Description: New Single Family Dwelling Unit APN: 777-390-010 Tract #: Lot #'s: Type of Development: Residential Commercial Industrial XX f Total Square Feet of Building Area: 7,436 Sq. Ft. Certification of Applicant/Owners:.The person signing certifies that the above information is correct and makes this statement under penalty of perjury and further represents that he/she is authorized to sign on behalf of the owner/developer. Dated: CJ �Z Z �j Signature: SCHOOL DISTRICT'S REQUIREMENTS FOR THE ABOVE PROJECT HAVE BEEN OR WILL BE SATISFIED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ONE OF THE FOLLOWING: (CIRCLE ONE) Education Code Gov. Code Project Agreement Existing Not Subject to Fee 17620 65995. Approval Prior"to 1/1/87 Requirement Number of Sq.Ft. 7,436 , Amount per Sq.Ft. $ 3.36 Amount Collected. $24,984.96 Building Permit Application Completed: Yes/No -~ By: Elsa F. Esqueda, Director of Facilities and Maintenance Certificate issued by: Leticia Torres, Facilities Analyst -.Si gna'ture: • I Section 66020 of the Government Code asserted by Assembly Bill 3081, effective January 1, 1997, requires that this District provide (1) a written notice to the project appellant, at the time of payment of school fees, mitigation payment or other exactions ("Fees"),.of the 90 -day period to protest the imposition of these Fees and (2) the amount of the fees. Therefore, in accordance with section 66020 of the Government code and other applicable law, this Notice shall serve to advise you that the 90 -day protest period in regard to such Fees or the validity thereof, commences with the payment of the fees or performance of any other requirements as described in section 66020 of the Government code. Additionally, the amount of the fees imposed is as herein set forth, whether piyable at this time or in whole or in part prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. As in the latter, the 90 days starts on the date hereof. This Certificate of Compliance is valid for thirty (30) days from the date of issuance. Extension will be granted only for good cause, as determined by the School District, and up to three (3) such extensions may be granted. \4V:e/mydocs/dcvtce/ecrtil+care ofcompliance form.updated:,-2007 11/2010 I F - DOC # 2014-0248308 07/03/2014 10:16 AM Fees: 518.00 RECORDING REQUESTeD BY: Page 1 of 2 Doc T Tax Paid - - 'Escrow Plus, Inc.. Recorded,in Official Records 'Ordei No. 614691654 Counti'of Riverside . Escrrow No. 1267tH ' Larry.W. Ward j. ` Parcel 'No. 777-390-010-2 - { Assessor, County; Clerk B Recorder . AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: _ "'This do electronically recording— T �t•Y PETER A. TOMEI�2005 LIVING TRUST to tfie County of R verside forreco�ding" - � GRANT DEED r -_w ..... J •« se:'�+,r�+_ ` ^-.�^W...'.,'�^..+w.w •_.. THE UNDERSIGNED GRANTQR(S) DECLARE S) THAT' DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAXIS S489SO and CITY S computed on full value of property conveyed, or " t ❑ "computed on full value less liens,or encumbrances remaining at the time of sale. unincorporated area;, • La Quinta, and FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt Yof.which is hereby acknowledged, a' R' Gary;Arthnr and Laura A. Arthur, Trustees. of the .Gary Arthur trust dated ,7/18/06 as -to 50% Interest and • -; Gary Arthur and Laura A. Arthur, Trustees of the Laura A. Arthur Trust dated 7/18/06, as to a 50% Interest To r* -Cf-us+ems hereby GRANT(S) to Peter A: Tomei 2005 Living Trust 1 ��}Q,tr Ar • T �. R r ,the following described'real property in the County of Riverside, State of California:' s �";',See Attached Ezhtbit "A„ ''Date June 25, 2014 4Gary Arthur and Laura A.- Arthur, Trustees of the ' Gary Arthur trust dated 7/18/06 . AM ui1 By Garyur, Trustee` , ,` B .'Laura A Arthur;Trustee ,� ,i,"�_ fi.-..� � .w.l �. .,�'e$/•.f °"-.�,��...�+taY�JIW�.���� ....a +Y$3`���5.-.�+'�i'�`� �t"'�rDl�.'v��'�'Y' 4 t� ���°. •.ract:-vrwt-r`iic1�-•-�'•-• /'� ../lwwn l . }S.S COUNTY OF AmnikM} On J� 7k X0/41 , before me, G WISE *C-X�>F!.7 04H Personally appeared & A?y k2rkr A-xI-j9~ A, Aer4te . v ` . who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence.to be the person(s) whose name(s) istare subscn"bed "to Ale,.: within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in Itis/her;�thetr authorized * , capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon.behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. •' , -. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing pwAg vb is true and correct e - o u , O WITNESS my hand and official seal Lw NOTARY l'UWC STATE OF COLORADO Signattlre�.t�' (Seal). NOTARY 1D 200540 MY COMMWI0N p(pM FWW Z W 8 Mail Tax Statement to: SAME AS ABOVE or Address Noted Below Ix It Nit 77 � - _ �, � 't* •w _ 4. - 9 : �.. a" �� � S , T , y '+� •:. • • ^� .'} L t'tr ' 1. i E -.. ' _ , }�-�`4,°�4�i�r"�,� � ,.`°,'"�'r� y��,, ��:�N� k .r 4 a .. � } � �&�� � 4� a�.i�ll4,•N9; G'144�pI " A�, �,► ik�; 'y?, �;', �,;-�. .. .' �t t-. � �. ' .iw a 'i. ` t� ' Fr+ �cJ ' WY'"`3 e ^ l� ;:+Zi.+• n : w• 'l ;. ,r. lr U .- � � � , 4 A' � • � Af f t" tL { 1 ��' d� '•1 Cy ,t,p . ;�5 '. f sw f,"� ,� ,�y^J+► bN r - �,., � . {, ;_°'y� L� _ � t r � ., 'n ..�.r a w � �.An •ir 41 t ,i ! !d`r�' • E^fWIBIT ~} w THE LAND REFERRED TO HEREIN IS SITUATED IN THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE; !'rfATt OF M x 4 rr,,���LIFO.RNIA;'AND IS DESCRIBfD:AS FOLLOWS: PARCEL 1:vp LOT 48 OF TRACT NO 29894 3, IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OFA LIFORNIA, AS SHOWN BY -MAP ON FILE IN BOOK,351; PAGES35 THROUGH' 4$,FINCLUSWc_,O{ _ ' '�G >MAPS, IN.' OFFICE OF THE`COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COU�Na,TY ." i#M�'ttq,Ll'+ • EXCEPT'TF1EREFRONI'TtiE`OTi","GAS� 1NFiZALS;"AND OTHER'HYOROCi4RBON'SUBSTANCES`L,YJ�IG"'"�'""`�;`" r `,BELOW THE SURFACE OF SAID, LAND,:AS PROVIDED, IN DEEDS OF:RECORD. `PARCEL 2: 4.1A ON;EXCLUSIVE EASEMENTS -FOR ACCESS, INGRESS; EGRESS; DRAINAGE, MAINTENANCE, r REPAIRS, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES,'ALL AS DESCRIBED IN THE DECLARATION RECORDED ON 'DECEMBER' 13, 2002.AS'INSTRUMENT NO. 2002-745938, ANDoSUPPLEMENTAL DECLARATION RECORDED ON ,MARCH 4, 2004 AS INSTRUMENT NO: 2004151.981; BOTH OF. OFFICIAL RECORDS, ;yASSESSOR'S ` PARCEL NUMBER: 777-390-010-2 ' • � �y t2 t }'' �;�'M i'�.�a tj'43�y.0 �1.. � } I f'r' V,ri� ..1!' .'�A ,� .! _ .. a ' - , ` fir• .. .. r ,: ,, V '' `�.i - ti �'9a�' r y;�Y.a�.M�.a.9�rtis '!� "r ..�,.h. �,Jl►.. :.4 •' �� ` "Xi wwafi�:� 4 - ., • wts, {�# Iia 1. V ' i .�y#� `� � h afAv � i �" ¢r d P 6. f{ b. y #:_':� r♦. .i T � ➢3 I �:. „Y, `4 �.i7ail�'',4++ �lyK � '� � r �+w«` t , ,�. . �r+w.wr.uw.lti.r.+�:V:^'•`y,�.:�3'+� i � • � d11tt_'��i_,�,} ,.'� )�1 3r �/ JUN U 2 .� 2015 11, May 26, 2015 Mr. Peter Tomei Re: Lot 48C at 53507 Via Mallorca Final Design Review #1 Dear Mr. Tomei, This correspondence shall serve as notification that the Hideaway Design Review Committee (DRC) reviewed your final working drawing submittal at the May 19, 2015 meeting. The project was approved to start construction subject to the following comments being addressed. prior to foundation being poured at the lot. 1. The second floor balcony landing was modified to provide the 5' privacy wall; however, the deck itself must also have the privacy walls. This modification is required. 2. Details and specifications must be provided for all exterior wall sconces showing conformance with the guidelines. 3. Specifications and details for the fire bowl proposed are required for review and approval. 4. The committee was unable to locate detail information with regard to the water feature. Please submit for review. 5. The committee appreciates that your design team is working towards a more drought tolerant plant palette. However, as proposed the layout and consistency of design does not appear to be fully developed. For instance, the Zephyranth candida, Rain lilly/Fortnight lily, Anigazathos and Kangaroo paw proposed are higher water usage plants. An alternative to those plants that would provide the same look would be Aloe species, hesperaleo'Agave parrii and Dasylirions. You could, for example, utilize three or four Hesperaleo in lieu of ten of the Lily plants specified and have a more interesting design and be more water efficient. In addition to the examples above, the 5' wide turf strips will be difficult to irrigate without overspray. It may be more beneficial to create a larger turf area that is properly irrigated. 6. Courtesy comment: .As the committee believes that Owners may start requesting the removal of small turf areas in their front yards in the near future, the committee is no longer making it mandatory' for new homes to tie into lawn areas on neighboring lots' however,. a thoughtful, alternative design must be presented.. Where an adjacent Owner has material other than turf, a new owner must propose a design that transitions per the guidelines. 7. It was noted that the color board with actual samples was still in process. This is a submittal requirement per the guidelines. Please contact Brook Marshall at 760-219-8057 or by email at DRCFacilitatorpgmail.com with any questions or to schedule your Pre -Construction Meeting once a Building Permit has been obtained. No work may commence at the lot, including preparation of the lot and temporary facilities, prior to a Pre -Construction Meeting being held. Sincerely, THE HIDEAWAY DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE -o6 CITY OF LA QUINTA PUBLIC WORKS. DEPARTMENT GREEN SHEET PUBLIC WORKS CLEARANCE FOR RELEASE OF BUILDING PERMIT Form updated & effective 9/25/2009 Green Sheet approvals are forwarded to the Building & Safety Department directly by Public Works. Please DO NOT submit the Green Sheet (Public Works Clearance) Packet to the Public Works Department until ALL requirements listed below are complete. Incomplete applications or applications which cannot be processed will be returned to applicant. " Date: / /-Bevelep�r.0 �a TOMF,) Tract No.:Tract Name: 'N1MA UJA\/ Lot No.(s): L Address(s): ij'27'56"7 \)]A iMAu DC-cA Phone Number: M15) 01619 267 r -L5 R ED 14LD02 C, -r. 12AOJ VI U1 i CA--' 945 06) . The following are the requirements for Public Works Clearance to authorize issuance of a building permit from the Building & Safety Department: CUSTOM HOMES: PROVIDE ITEMS #2—W37= , #5 & 47 BELOW ❑ TRACT HOMES: PROVIDE ITEMS 41, #2, 43 & 45 BELOW ❑ COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS/OTHER: .PROVIDE ITEMS 41, #2, #3, #5 & #7 BELOW ❑ WALLS, SIGNS, OTHER: PROVIDE ITEM 46 BELOW 1. Attach Pad Elevation Certificates in compliance with' the approved - design elevation for building pad (maximum allowable deviation of +/- 0.1 foot). Pad Elevation Certificates must be current .(within 6 months of current date). If a precise grading plan creates -the pad for approval, please withhold green sheet submittal until a Pad Elevation Certificate.can be provided. 2. Attach geotechnical certification of grading. plan.compliance including compaction reports from a licensed Soils Engineer'. Recently rough graded residential developments which have a previously approved geotechnical certification are exempt from this requirement. . 3. Attach recorded final map or title information/grant deed showing proposed building locations are legallots. 4. Complete the attached < 1 acre per lot or infill project. Fugitive Dust Control project information form, PM10 plan & agreement or provide alternative &.valid City approved PM10 plan set reference number or hard copy plan. PM10 plans for commercial & residential developments (beyond 1 lot) are submitted. separately with grading plans & are subject to additional requirements. A current PM10 certification number is required. 5. Attach a copy of the rough or precise grading plan -to the Public Works Department showing building location(s).for pad elevation verification. , AO flood zone developments will require an approved flood plain development plan.. 6. Attach supporting documentation for.wall plan, monument sign, grease trap or special facility installations. 7. Complete and sign the attached water quality management plan'(WQMP) exemption form; if. applicable. PW approved building construction projects require either a WQMP or a completed WQMP exemption form. Approved maps/plans maybe viewed at the following link: http://www.la-quinta.org/PlanCheck/m search.aspx I have reviewed and confirmed the requirements listed above as presented and find the improvements to be sufficiently complete . for construction of the proposed buildings/structures/walls/signs on the subject lot(s). Pursuant to my findings, the above project may be released for building permit issuance. . This section completed by City staff. '7 Recommended by: Date: 6 I L //—LS Public Works Distribution: ( L/ )Green Sheet to Building & Safety Green Sheet to Planning Department Declined for approval for reason(s) as follow(s), please correct and resubmit: T:%Checklists - Forms & Applications\Forms & Applications\GREEN SHEET cover & PM10 less than 1 Acre Revised 10-02-12.doc MAY 13 CITY OF LA 1" !"''' COMMUMITY DF 'f1 -- `t ' . City of 1a Quinta - PM 10 Fugitive Dust Control Project Information Construction Phase PM 10 Agreement (< 1 acre/lot or Infill Project) Project Information Project Contractor: 6 6,60 b Project Phase (check one) ❑ Construction ❑ Demolition Project Name: -TOYA B I '�z,ES11 �lGE Project Tract/Lot Numbers: 1..9152� 14- - 48. C . Project Street Address: _ _ 12- 2j • 030-7 VIA MA Lu aj2 CA L`• P V l IAS Gd - Total Acres in Active Construction (< 1 acre per Lot): Anticipated Start Date: -7 / / 261Santicipated Completion•Date: KO PM10 Contact Information Please note: Dust control is required 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, regardless of construction status. Person listed below is responsible for dust control during business and non -business hours. Name:' —TOM 606W-40 Title: _LYO(L Company Name: &OOlOrk G6 UC 0 Mailing Address: 572 Url DA a E7% City, State, ZIP Code: 71MECOLA, CA- 01 Z51 Z Primary Phone #: �1 rJ l G14 2, 15-714 Fax #: 24 Hour Emergency Phone#: q 51 543 5714 - Cell Phone #: glr51 Email Address: OO�Y�OG YV1Zn. 6604 PM 10 Certificate #: �7��-j05 - 0 O 2-3�� The above stated oronerty owner (or authorized renresentative): - Shall act as his/her acknowledgement of dust control requirements and their enforceability, pursuant 'to SCAQMD Rules 403, 403.1, 401, 402, 201, 203 and PERP; o Shall constitute an Agreement to comply with all project conditions as identified in the approved dust control plan. Acknowledges that dust control is required twenty-four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week, throughout the period of project performance, regardless of project size or status; Shall ensure that each and every contractor, subcontractor and all other persons associated with the project shall be in continuous compliance with all requirements of the approved dust control plan; Shall take all necessary precautions to minimize dust, even if additional measures beyond those listed in the dust control plan are necessary; • Shall authorize representatives of City/County to enter the property for inspection and/or abatement :• fStiMl-'holdrmless the-City/County and its representatives from liability for any actions related to this dust control plan or qDy_City/GRunty initiated abatement activities. it 5/60 si'gna�tiireeb ty wner or uthorized Representative Date Y _ Building Permit Number. BRES 2015-0085 Project Description: SFR Exempt: O (Materials may contain hazardous wastes and are not subject to recycling provisions) Construction Debris Management Plan Plan Submittal Date 5/8/2015 .lob Site Address 53507 Via Mallorca Owners Name Peter Tomei Number, Street, or PO Box Owner's Phone Number Owner's E -Mail Address Project Manager's Project Manager's Phone N Project Manager's E-mail Ai Builder i Con Number, Street or P City, State, Postal Don St Hours 951-543-5714 don0dismotorsoorts.com Goodno Construction, Inc. 35712 Linda Rosen Rd Temecula, Ca. 92592 Project Square Footage) 7500 sq ft - City ApprovalF-4— Date of City Approval 4Sl a8�1�i Materials To Be Discarded: Product Tons Trash 28.25 Not recyclable Product Tons Asphalt 0.00 Recyclable Masonry (broken) 0.00 Recyclable Brick/Block 0.00 Recyclable Plaster 7.50 Recyclable Cardboard 0.00 Recyclable Scrap Metal 0.00 Recyclable Commingled 0.00 Recyclable Tile (floor) 0.50 Recyclable Concrete 31.00 Recyclable Tile (roof) 0.75 Recyclable Drywall 3.50 Recyclable Wood 7.75 Recyclable Donated / Reuse' 0.00 Recyclable Landscape Debris 0.00 Recyclable 'Describe Items - Totals: Re c cle Trash Projected Diversion: 51.00 28.25 64.360/ 1 understand It Is the property owner's responsibility to submit copies of weight tickets or receipts to the District Environmental Coordinator as these hauls occur. I hereby certify that completion, Implementation and adherence of the Debris Management Plan (DMP) for the above named project shall guarantee that at least 50% of the jobsite waste is_ �diveReil from lendfllling. The remaining material wbeill recycled or reused. I will divert, for recycling or re -use, remaining ~� materials generated from the first day of the project through the completion of the project in accordance with this plan. This DMP is Issued In the name of the property owner(s) and shall remain their property throughout the construction and/or demolition project. A contractor serving as agent of the owner may obtain a DMP for the owner. However, the DMP is still Issued in the name of the property owner(s) and the owner retains legal responsibility for ensuring that the provisions of the DMP are adhered to. The property owners) and general contractor shall be kept informed of the diversion progress through bi-monthly reports. if self -hauling, all refuse material from this project site must be taken to an approved recycler or transfer Owner I Developer I Project Manager I Superintendent Date NEC iStandard Electrical LoadCalculation.for Dwellings Location: O . I ' Owner: :T Total: Floor Area: of Dwelling. (NEC 220.12) ::2 43 0 SQ FT. l Factor Quantity Volt Amperes A (I"General Lighting." ( L General Lighting S FT X 3 VA/S FT Table 220.12 SIf7 Yeses No o Yes No a 12. Small Appliance Circuits (1500 VA per circuit) (NEC r;I 220.52(A)) min. 2 x :V7 3c� D g 1 '3. Laundry Circuit 1500 VA per circuit(NEC 220.52(B)) t 114. Total General Lighting Loud Add lines 1, 2 & X = 115. First 3000 VA rr; 100%: 3000 16. Total General Lighting Load.— 3000 = i3 35%= Yes o*N1 117. Net General Lighting Load (Per NEC T. 220.42) (Add lines 5 & _ Kitchen I:l&tin Sched�i�e-""� ____,.._w....�..._...�.�._...,,__.. High Efficacy? �.�._.,..---• Watts �..•,.._._. x .� °•,,;'•• � •Q Efficacy Watts o_Odw Wats l Yeses No o Yes No a :raO �5 x :V7 3c� D g 1 t O X = or Yes o*N1 _ _ Yes o'7S x.OT Yes n x. Total A: B: Cph{p.LIESi'FA?B Yes•' No a ' N 8. 3 or,less Appliances, Total Appliance VA; 4 or more Appliances, 75% Total kppijorop UA "T 0 :20 to atin Ad usted Rating 'Other Loads (other than motors) BUILDING & SAF g g I'l n n n n r.. .— (V'Ai (VA) -- L1; . _ _ • r2. 13. :14.25% of largest motor(NEC 430.24. jjjotal Volt -Amperes, VA Add lines 7 8 & 9 thru 14). ' lTotal Volt -Amperes / 240 -volts = Amperes IFIC Size Undipate Copper or Aluminum IlService Rating (Amperes) Note: See 2008 NEC< Annex D, Example D1 N