0279 (2)a711;�lc .1 4*- �Ti -1. Pr IT 0 N F70Y to 4h, proper Widatiorf.' this form constitutes an. CITY' OF LA,«0,14.114TA— lot t -I44* encroaqhmen `�irlltF1 �T•a ZVI* 3 ;Ale?, -4, -!P- WORKS CONST. -RUCTION .,(F- N ROX -0 PUK MgNf P _C ,- For the 'cons of public or private curbs, drvqWaVs,,pavements iideWalks:'OakirrlDts;wsewers-wate-mains-.., .11P.Wo' SITpprovemen s in,connection with'MINgRIMPROVEMERT -and�4.FRR VEp.%Jp LV JONS nfzh' tonbim% canorw'.Ni Ion 041*1 ."..*—.Subdivision Improvement *Permit Class, I I I Oqtob'ee_"q,,TrF Minor Improvement Permit Class IV LOCATION OF -~Dune- ',- Miles (Street address or Description. of Location) N P,URP(iSEOF,.CONSTRUCTION, J!LU--'G PPM-PUD144 DESCRIP.T, ON I ,.OFP.QN,§TRUCTIOTj t_.Sketchlottach construction plans if appropriate) .��,w,.>.»�5�� attac ed�.drewinq:,..,.,,�„��, - 0 Q_LM_EV,.�4QJ9�tO LA- f •,;..,s:.S _,­­+­­�­­­­4nate Issued: t 4t tO.Ittl3Vc I ;h: I - J l -- $ � - A`�l T e ­" v V'" C A f ' ­­ � -' -Vn MW r; b� t�,r* Ti If i t, SIZE -OF EXCAVATION, IF NEEDED i-,AFPR.OXIMATE;TIME,WHeN,-W.O,RK�;WI-Lt',- PPIN 3444 y... PW7%1_ , ... TIME QFCOM APPRQ�IMA� 1711 TE _TtqN V, AMk—, 1,1a4- 114, -,RPCTION CO, — ESTIMAT�P�CONST t&,T L $ 47 0, ddebris;,bac filling, comp U, -.4; �0. (including removal of all obstruction, materials, an backfilling, 'and pla'iiij bviiments)', paction c permanent resurfacing cindl& repla ing,impr In consideration 'of the 'granting of t ivpermit,­the*4a Indemnify, -defend a`nd save the City its authorized agents officers, rep resentitiy9i'ind-emp I oy0s, harmless,fr9m and against any and all n g liti@§!&r 1. -,from claims or'court action'and arisinq-j�ot ot,any,acci t, . qss damageto"persons or-propertym—.,,,, - C*Pt-tf'l _cjjipi� 9g.rek9ttinq ;�7 � _. oar 4a?6dg i- - . -I , ­.. , , ' ' ' V � VD� I ." t I I an q,pr oL;q,�rigg as a pro :mate�fesultwdean un t* ., �;t, �i Y�`Wo*ikl -.dertaken�under�,thdipOrmit--grenteo-purs'u'ari to hV�,app!ip"on,,,_,_, ,..',Nojity_jhefAclrn Y hours in the 'tirrie when 'work will .be started init�ratiyqrAuthority,�vleapt ti�e -foy advance of writy _ r ` applicable"' 6i'ty0_d h 0_h6bld`,�qle n Comply.. with all r inances,..t a terms and conditions of thi p�rinitjn&i ap sa d`r6aUlations,of the City of,, Le Quinta and to pay, for' any additional replacement nqq"ry as the,result bi'this "Witrk.," U mt'i Ins tC4 Signature1q.Mt4 of or Agent 40 F 64 Genre4-_g -22 f.- I 11SIr, I= � Adip CA..22201"619-342-0535 Dr. QArrrou A W 'ft�§ine _..!;Address ;Telephone No. - Name of App IntuUM, I _..!W� _k1,ca,qt (ple sayr .:rV f s W 01 Ie Name of CqnJrajtqVpd.I11b d Telephone No. -- ,t� dress Contra6to• d License -No ., ss City Buiine Applicant's Insurance Company Policy N6m6e;7" FEES: ­Silbdivisiofill'lmbrovement Permit- Class III , Public improvements: $% of estimated, consU •construction costs . :Pii'v ate impe vements:.a%,of�e t -cos s -,. Class, 'IV': See attached schedule Minor Improvement Permit PERMIT'VALIDATION 7 Permit Fee PERMIT N ya4 ,r ti�04 .Penalty DATE APPRnvr-n Bondy 4 140: 4., .'Cash• Deposit -Surety lrE�XPiRATI N-,. if requited. RATE 4,2= TOTAL:. it'r, ISSUED' &I -DATE ReceiptNo .44 �777 7 ,Re Da �Administ e, Authority qeiVed,'by te:,: ff�-, 11'x ?JJ �., r cordedby. K 1r ),'�6 4 Re TELEPHONf., 6 16 k— S dits tsitptinseoithe pormittee.Acompl6teset of notes showing the ties tothese monuments shall be furnished to the City Engineer prior to the removal of any monuments. This office shall be notified upon completion. of replacement of all survey monuments for proper project clearance. RD -31