0281With Qroper.validatibn this formconstitutes an encroachment permit o, 44 CITY OF LAS (�IJINTA APPLICAT10P4CFOJ,,, ERMIT,r� «A PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION (ENCROACHMENT) For the construction 'of public, .or private curbs, driveways, pavements, sidewalks, parking lots, sewers, water mains prid.oth1.er like public,works improvements in connection,with MINOR;I.MPROV-EkiENTS and APPROVED SUBDIVISIONS NO Subdivision, Improvement Permit — Class III DAT ' ctoj�r 2QVr�� —��' i ' � �" � � ''�' ' to ���� Minor Improvement Permit Class IV XX ' 4.,�"�U�:•: �•� ;, ,.;,'. LOCATION OF CONSTRUCTION . 52nd Avenues «t850 t East of Ave. Bermudas (StreetaddressorDescription'of Locatiop)�=L'FiCt, " 77:771xt; V,, ;4tw Cteo 3.ra J Mace Gi • � tTtt .; f��.: ���'^+ 1��Y .� I..Z��.i r t t.'!r•Y - r- - PURPOSE OF CON$TRUG ,I,Q yl Stom' Drain Sketch (attach construction plans`if appropriate) 0 -inch Storm D�afn_ See roject plans on file. DESCRIRTION OF 991 NSTRUCTION `'. -t---- ki`5 : �,, CGt�2 trsC,t3 'rl fii' - i z1y f Co�dtiit Constructi� , � f � Storm nra' unc+- on s �r� q Notes The attached Oeneral•�and NOF IN ,TALLATIO R REMOVAL 'Special.: -Provisions are DIMENSI r:tea ;14r'5,7,jj), Wi,v ' t..,� '10,Lj-nclud'edXAnd' made a part •'771777,17c; KyJJS -an(> r-,11nL*.;�i,1'!CC Otofgtli s1SRermit-i;• u, -I SIZE OF EXCAVATION'•!IF NEEDED 7i iXltic C. :1rC iipr"i:� '' #"y1.�� t IyS: "r?E:i CCi�t3r'w on, k C�i1i �*«ts tit;' ti Peiio. a :'177 5 t ' `; -77 A separtte encroachment permit APPROXIMATE TIME WHSN WORK WILL BEGIN Jan]Aary, , 1988 will be required if work is' ate. -Oben � � �" „ . + - _ : '" performedYby =other ",than :C *'V. W. D., APPROXIMATE TIME OF COMPLETION J111v, 1A88 forces.,- ' ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST $Q00 ��` '� R' UG ` "'�' . ' ' r p' ` (Including removal f all obstruct; •j materials and. debris, backfilling, com-' USA Inquiry No. paption: and placing permanent resurfacing and/or replacing" improvements) Date+ �sC "` In considerati n of the.g antin thi ,per_ lt, th a plica thereby agree >to: � l,u;a+ g 3 i��tJ L�JrYItIT! v.., y kilt; i '� i .._ed n Z'..irtt .1.0S1 Indemnity, •defend' i savq the .City, its authorized agents, officers, representatives and employees, harmless from and against. any and all penalties, liabilities or loss resulting from claims or court action and arising out,of any accident; loss or damage to persons or property happ nin or "occurring s a prox at r ult of any' work""undertaken under the .p rmit granted pur uant to Ti!application. . � +-t +�: :e �R: '. 13, f tt; C'tJt' 'i t: t d�A r c.�'; >�" _« i k ri ,�3;. " ia.l? lit: ' Notify the Adminjsttraattive Autthorityr t least t_ epty,;four J 4)y hours in ;a ance of that 1g hen %,,k ill'. started,• .i .A17YF+1e, 6.� Lh'�e� d,�l J 1 ,d. ..-int t:.lT3,. CA •-j-" . �\f l3 A. .. `13,, .a. tiJ.t, C%. ''�S 1. ti i:` ..:d. "�' Comply with alljipgligabit CRjVtOrdinanggs thl, teems ann iiions of•S;th leYmit and..k l a pl ca i rel sfan egu on f�thg C4ty �f� � L.e Quint§ and tP:PwYI fpr anyA ddi �neM1 ri� wut1.�� ryi xhri rjaV,%,t � *its 1.1� +'xt»Cilk l ny ?tall ., dC: •'+'.; l , Ss�iC C,/ SSA �T t ,'L �.Ld i orae to adjt^fi co C kC s-1 J LiSh 'IL t . 11:; 11 bG t1'. s„,wcaiiit:t,'7aal:;i�ICGis'at: .:11 c1�SL�9kure,of.AppliaorrAgerit� ' Coachella ValleX Water District, P. 0. Box 1058,'Coachella, CA 398-2651 Name of Applicant (please print► � �' "''_ " `$usiness'Addre`ss 14*tO 1, -:146;. fit Telephone No:'.�:: ^ BusineSS A, dress el hQne,Nq. Name ofo.ytiractor'andJo°.e17z1�:ZZ,b i�:'.�ft:w" c:ht�ax r.�atru.� n1±a V#s1j7(,I~e 1�1 �' 1'. F' - 't_' '.tii. t S, .L : .4.::, te''�.i: F• � w 4''.�.'Q SJ. }�lti .�.;. al��. J. 3, ~ I,4e(4. _ a F f J' •v' + .,+ Contractor's License�No. Cj.ty En 471ver �'i:vnittev :D': -ill "recity,�susiness L'iceho NOfJr - all iiaspec.t�on.4074; ..4r the ra-to Ot $30.00 por hou:x, (Notez t Applicant's Insuran ..�.�, parry ,� r PolicyNumberA FEES: , Subdivision Improvement Permit — Class I I I Public improvements: 3% of estimated construction costs f Private improvementk,; r ` QfWfti►ted,cpn,5ruct V costs; LA O«'•4rA, CAS,IFOf '0243 Minor Improvement Permit'— Class IV: See attached schedule 291L Inspection Fee $ r NSA .. PERMIT VALIDATION Permit Fee N.1 A PERMIT NO. Penalty. •• 'DATE APPROVED ' Cash Deposit -Surety. Bond " if required EXPIRATION DATE / Z13/1 tL TOTAL: $ N 1 ADATE ISS ED Receipt No. y Received by Date „ Recorded by TELEPHONE: • 1619) 564-2246 • ', �! .. ; i iw ��.'.. •� , Y ���' .4'8 '._` 1#4 Administratife Authority aoTE: !Nith"proper validation tiVis form constitutes an CITY OF LA QUINTA encroza:hment permit APPLICATION FOR PERMIT PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION (ENCROACHMENT) For the construction of public or private curbs, driveways, pavements, sidewalks, parking lots, sewers, water mains and other like public works improvements in connection with MINOR IMPROVEMENTS and APPROVED SUBDIVISIONS Subdivision Improvement Permit — Class I I I DATE: October 20; 1987 Minor Improvement Permit Class IV XX LOCATION OF CONSTRUCTION 52nd Avenue; ±850' East of Ave. Bermudas (Street address or Description of Location) PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTION Storm Drain Sketch (attach construction plans if appropriate) DESCRIPTION OF CONSTRUCTION 60—inch Storm Drain Conduit Construction across 52nd Ave & Storm Drain -itinction structure DIMENSION OF INSTALLATION OR REMOVAL SIZE OF EXCAVATION, IF NEEDED r APPROXIMATE TIME WHEN WORK WILL BEGIN Januarv, 1988 APPROXIMATE TIME OF COMPLETION ,7117-v. 19PR ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST $ -30 - 000 See project plans on file. Note: The attached General and Special -Provisions are included and made a part of this permit. A separtte encroachment permit will be required if work is performed by other than C.V.W.D. forces. (Including removal of all obstruction, materials, and debris, backfilling, com- USA Inquiry NO. paction and placing permanent resurfacing and/or replacing improvements) T);4tP In consideration of the granting of this permit, the applicant hereby agrees to: Indemnify, defend and save the City, its authorized agents, officers, representatives and employees, harmless from and against any and all penalties, liabilities or loss resulting from claims or court action and arising out of any accident, loss or damage to persons or property happening or occurring as a proximate result of any work undertaken under the permit granted pursuant to this application. Notify the Administrative Authority at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the time when work will be started. Comply with all applicable City Ordinances, the terms and conditions of the permit and all applicable rules and regulations of the City of La Quinta and to pay for any additional replacement necessary as the result of this work. Signature of Applicant or Agent Coachella Valley Water District, P. 0. Box 1058, Coachella, CA 398-2651 Name of Applicant (please print) Business Address Telephone No. Name of Contractor and Job Foreman Business Address Telephone No. Contractor's License No. City Business License No. Applicant's Insurance Company Policy Number FEES: Subdivision Improvement Permit —Class III Public improvements: 3% of estimated construction costs Private improvements: 3% of estimated construction costs Minor Improvement Permit — Class IV: See attached schedule Inspection Fee Permit Fee Penalty Cash Deposit -Surety Bond if required TOTAL: Receipt No. $ _ N/A N/A Received by Date Recorded by PERMIT NO PERMIT VALIDATION 2 6;?"/ DATE APPROVED �L' A Vk7 EXPIRATION DATE DATE ISSSSUED �C' �7_ ?AC 7 Y Administrative Authority TELEPHONE: (619) 564-2246 l 4(4V -' 78-105 CALLE ESTADO LA .QUINTA, *CALIFORNIA,92253 - (619) 564.2246 ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS ENCROACHMENT.PERMIT NO. F -W n t Str Ave 5 F e • r ' e- $agebru and ate alm R33 Survey monuments shall be protected in place -or re-established pursuant to City standards and'the State of California Land Surveyor's Act. R34 Contractor or_CVWD to provide all necessary compaction testing of trench backfill and aggregate base,=as determined -by City Engineer. R35 Contractor shall comply -with the local noise ordinance and, construction,operations and maintenance of equipment within one half mile of human occupancy shall be performed only during the time periods as follows: October 1st to April 30th: Monday -Friday 7:00 a.m. -'5:00 P.M. Saturday 8:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Work•shall be prohibited anytime on Sunday or Federal holidays. R36 Contractor to provide City with filled in Emergency Information,' Form. R37 A'detailed traffic control and traffic'routing plan shall be submitted for review and approval prior to starting any construction work in City. Detour standards shall be as per Cal Trans Traffic Manual. Field adjustments in detouring shall be accomplished as directed in order to -adjust to actual•field conditions. It shall be the contractor's responsibility to adequately barricade and detour this site. S- 2, ;.�. A minimum of two -travel lanes -on W- t shall remain open. /14-w,v� 3 09 R38 .•If work done by other than Coachella valley Water District forces, then an initial inspection fee deposit shall•be made as determined by City Engineer. Permittee shall reimburse City for all inspection costs.at'the rate,of $30.00 -per hour. (Note: estimate one hour per day during the construction period.)-. Any unused funds will be reimbursed. MAILING ADDRESS" P.O. BOX 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 1�f R39 —Material haul routes shall -be confined to City arterial .highways . - . :and the streets under construction. *No local streets.are to.be' used for construction,material haul routes. R40 Replacement pavement shall be existing asphalt thickness plus:"one inchf*but'not less than 3 inches of'AC Pavement shall be placed. Aggregate base'shall be as per existing or 4" minimum for local streets, or 611.minimum for arterial streets.. R41 'All excavations at or near„the travel way shall -be backfilled at . the end of the work day, for the protection of'the traveling public. Temporary AC paving shall be placed as,per special provision R25 and as directed by the City Engineer in order to provide an all weather driving surface in;t'ravel lanes and private driveways. R42 -Traffic striping for regulatory signs (stop barandstop legend). shall be repainted as soon as possible after temporary pavement placed, :and a required by City Engineer. R43 Fo 'al K nsver a et ssings o the s wer th rench sh 1 ba fi 1 w t sa nd t r y he. a ed .are R pl m n pe ne t t e s ing thi s 1” .,one inc 3-1 c ) i ). .A a nt no m OU, n tran tion cap. shal be nst c as pe ty gin R45. This" permit is 'only for workwithin public street right-of-way. R46'.. Ingress and egress for local properties shall be -maintained at all times. R47 This permit=is not valid unless the USA Inquiry -'Number is'noted on, the City copy of this„permit. R48 C s c tractor to. oord' ate acements se r 1' a°c.,ss' g o a h'n ton reet ( or h of i'hw 111 it it s r e c r c or .. it Is pr j ct t st r + Ju e'' '1 1 8 PERMIT25.7 PERMIT25.7 - NOTE: With proper validation this form constitutes.an CITY OF LA QUINTA encroachment permit APPLICATION FOR PERMIT PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION (ENCROACHMENT) For the construction of public or private curbs, driveways, pavements, sidewalks, parking lots, sewers, water mains and other like public works improvements in. -connection with MINOR IMPROVEMENTS and APPROVED SUBDIVISIONS -.Subdivision Improvement Permit — Class III DATE: 0/1 7 Minor Improvement Permit Class IV LOCATION OF CONSTRUCTION AVE OF- SZ- EAST DE AVE -611106, 1Q �2MuIO,A-S APPP.0YIML-TLy SSO F-£E"r (Street address or Description of Location) PURPOSE -OF CONSTRUCTION gT0IQ.M 10 1046'1LA Sketch (attach construction plans if appropriate) C-0 RST- C_IO DESCRIPTION OF CONSTRUCTION_ 1"TAL-LA T-1 O . o ST P aAr LrJ A C -0 -OSS A VEw1uE .Z SEE �-T rAc� E. VJ DIMENSION: CF E^fS': LI_ATION OR REMOVAL O• VJiahMErE12 bV�wiIi hL let I ZI(33) SIZE OF EXCAVATION, IF NEEDED 3 S FEET W 11U E E E T. IAS 1G P APPROXIMATE TIME WHEN WORK WILL BEGIN 1986 APPROXIMATE TIME OF COMPLETION ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST $ -- 1 O. O O (Including removal of all obstruction, materials, and debris, backfilling, com- paction and, placing permanent resurfacing and/or replacing. improvements) In consideration of the granting of this permit, the applicant hereby agrees to: Indemnify, defend and save the City; its authorized agents, officers, representatives and employees, harmless from and against any and all penalties, liabilities or loss resulting from claims or court action and arising out of any accident, loss or damage to persons or property happening or occurring as a proximate result- of any work undertaken under the permit granted pursuant to this. application. Notify the Administrative Authority at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the time when work will be started. Comply with all applicable City Ordinances;rthe terms and conditions of -the permit and all applicable rules and regulations of the City ot. La Quinta ano to pay for any additional replacement necessary as the result of this work. Signature of Applicant or Agent CoAL►-i£LtrA► MELEE.`! [..JA -M12 18IS171P O L9CY IbSB GbA"F-ILLAr i6f �9$ Z65i Name of Applicant (please print) Business Address X2=.3 & Telephone Na. To ME nF rEi1_&4 LkEP Name of Contractor and Job Foreman Business Address Telephone No. Contractor's License No. City Business License No. Applicant's Insurance Company Policy Number 3o. ds►-�P&w2�/k' ��3�� O /� T� /L i n� 0. � i1 0 ' 8 ' I ► = 210.8/ ' �- At 4 I —N ` r �o �. --- l In � v ^ � � 1\ \ � \� � ` � - - - - - - — - -• _ � - � �, �. � �. � (`` � �� � `U M � ry � `- _ v � � \ �l= ��. -J ,, �— � � � < 1✓ � � � � / ', � ill � E��_ � f c�� — - 5 - ------ ---- -- r- — -- --�— - - a �' 45 (1 4.6 47 �1 — 48 49 5D �--- (� o — --. � • ; 1 � \ I O / TRACT � BOv1VDARY 7 \ 1 — i ' — — 324, 0-,-.45.69 Z- 25 e, STORM OSP ST. N 00900 046.1 ST<1. 3t 7.25 CONSTRUCT !00 "RCP STORM LW 4/fit/ I) \ �•CURVE DATA ' ` ' oil - N R= 45, 00' CONSTRUCTION NOTES: al I T= 44.63 a �I I C . V . W . D . DRAWING APPROVAL ExisTiniG Gc "RCP m �J I L = 70.31 E Q CONST. PRESSURE MANHOLE, BASE STRUCTURE PER - RI V. CO. i j W L-7 2 Jkp _ °AC, I F FLOOD CONTROL DIST. STD. MH. 2521 SHAFT PER. STD. I I BC "PROTECT ENGINEER I •• O I DWG. No. I \ '3/7Q .:.... M.N. 258, FRAME E COVER PER STD. Al H. 256 1 (o � �•��•••^a•�� 1 DEPUTY CH EF ENGINEER R.C.E. No. I 2 CONST. PRESSURE MANHOLE PER DETAILS ON SHEE 30. iAOP�o�•a: C ✓ O GENERA! MANAGER-CHIEf ENGINEER R.C.E. No. CO23078 I 1 I scAc E: = 40 /3 RE�YIOI�E EX/ST/NG 6'O" NPCP /fj� REVISION^a DATE APPR. i I _i.-r..._.r.*.w.f+iwr.......rrt"r.�.w.. -...w•'w n.:., .. .r.. x :'..w.:x La4:YN:..6-w.:w.•ro,6-w..,'.Fah.Er.....:.•.«mS.n.wv0.4.a.i:+...4eYSf..v:.'.'. L.r�uu•ii.r4nJu.:.. s.`-Gw«� PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF: J. F DAVIDSON ASSOCIATES, INC. civ -THE C/rY OF LQ QUIwTA _ CIVIL ENGINEERS 0 SURVEYO S • PLANNERS Tl -?,l CT NO. Z1660 REGISTERED CML ENGINEER N11 / �� /-L I -y . 3i�� ❑ P.O. BOX 493 ❑ 11200 SO. MT. VERNON AVE., #D 3-080 EL PASEO, # 103 C P O. BOX 15' 2, RIVERSIDE, CA 92052 • COLTON, CA 92324 • PALM DESERT, CA 92260 • TEMECULA, CA 92390 STORM DRAIN DATE: j� (714) 686-0844 (714) 825-1082 (619) 346-5691 (;14) 676.5335 APPROVED BY CITY OF LA QUI NTA : SCALE BENCH MARK: i G /1VG iA AS NOTED -- n n rc .SE -E StiE"ET 20 .,.,. . . ---- _ - 1 _. Y .... _... �.. sem^ ._ .,..,;,..�.:.;::y,•�-. 45.00' T= 44.63, EX/ST//VG Com" RCP m ( I L = 7a. -3 \ Ill 5 CAC. E: / " = 40 o�'x, DATF (APV 'k�JaT�HV CHECKFF)0r CONSTRUCTION NOTES /Q CONST. PRESSURE MANHOLE, BASE STRUCTURE PER R/V. O. FLOOD CONTROL DIST. STD. M.H. 252, SHAFT PER. STD. O I h ee M.N. 2587 FRAME t; COVER PER STD. M.H. 254 (o n V CONST. PRESSURE MANHOLE PER DETAILS ON SHEET{ 30. /3 .eE�l4vE EX/ST/NG 60" �PC�' V"P - I C.V.W.D. DRAWING APPROVAL /gyp DATE —CT. ENGINEER Reco••ended: DM6. No. J DEPUTYCH EF ENGINEER R.C.E. No. Approved: 6ENERAI MANAGER -CHIEF ENGINEER R.C.E No. CO23076 REVISIONS: DATE APPR. FOR //V T14E C/TY OF LA QU/NTA T/.?A c NO. 2/690 2� STORM DRAIN - UW @A OFJ3 ,HEETS WO F B FILE NO 191 21 (33). i PREPARED UNDER THE 5uPERV15ION-OF: J. F. DAVIDSON. ASSOCIATES, INC:. 6� _ CIVIL ENGINEERS • SURVEYOR •PLANNERS NO �- l=� P 3 r5 P.O. BOX 493 0 11200 SO. MT. VERNON AVE., #D X 7.3,-000. EL PASEO, # 103 ❑ P.O. BOX 15' REGISTERED CML ENGINEER t f RIVERSIDE, CA 92052 • COLTON, CA 92324 PALM DESERT, CA 92260 TEMECUTA CA 92390 DATE: — (714) 686-0844 (714) 825-1082 (619) 346-5691 (714) 676-5335 APPROVED BY CITY OF LA QUI NTA : SCALE BENCH MARK: A 5 NOTED DATE R. C. E. DATE: SEPT,%8lv V"P - I C.V.W.D. DRAWING APPROVAL /gyp DATE —CT. ENGINEER Reco••ended: DM6. No. J DEPUTYCH EF ENGINEER R.C.E. No. Approved: 6ENERAI MANAGER -CHIEF ENGINEER R.C.E No. CO23076 REVISIONS: DATE APPR. FOR //V T14E C/TY OF LA QU/NTA T/.?A c NO. 2/690 2� STORM DRAIN - UW @A OFJ3 ,HEETS WO F B FILE NO 191 21 (33).