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11-0841 (MECH)
P.O. BOX 1504 ^� VOICE (760) 777-7012 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO FAX (760) 777-7011 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 BUILDING & SAFETY DEPARTMENT INSPECTIONS (760) 777-7153 BUILDING PERMIT n Dat s 11. A0phcati6hNumber`.•11 .0.0000841- Owner.' FF PropertyAddress 47355 VIA RAVENNA KEN & MONTE MARTS 1_ APN: 643-100-005-185 -26152 - 47355 VIA RAVENNA �C�J;I `J L �g� Application description: MECHANICAL LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Property Zoning: LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL GITy(g: jfkQUi14TA Application valuation: .6700 Contractor: Applicant: Architect or Engineer: ESSER AIR CONDITIONING & HTGI P.O. BOX 1636 CATHEDRAL CITY, CA 92235 (760)324-0550 Lid. No.: 489046 ----------------------------------------------------------------- LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION Thereby affirm under penalty ofperjury that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with - I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: ' Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Busi s.a Professionals Code, and my License is in full force and effect. _ I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for workers' compensation, as provided License Cl ss: C20 ense N 8'9'046 for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. Q� I h' compensation insurance, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Oates~ V ContracI — ave and will maintain workers t Code, for the performance of the work for which.this permit is issued. My workers' compensation OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the Contractor's State License Law for the following reason (Sec. 7031.5, Business and Professions Code: Any city or county that requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish, or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for the permit to file a signed statement that he or she is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's State License Law (Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code) or that he or she is exempt therefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than fivehundred dollars (5500).: as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, -Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does the work himself or herself through his or her own employees, provided that the improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner -builder will have the burden of proving that he or she did not build or improve for the purpose of "sale.(• (— 1 1, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec.. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who contracts for the projects with a contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractors' State License Law.). (_) I am exempt under Sec. , B.&P.C. for this reason Date: Owner: CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued (Sec. 3097; Civ. C.). Lender's Name: _ Lender's Address: LQPERMIT insurance carrier and policy number are: Carrier MAINTSTAY BUSNS Policy Number MBS -SIP0051611 I certify that, in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the workers' compensation laws of California, and agree that, if I should become subject to the workers compensation provisions of Section. t �x( 3700 of the Labor moose provisions. CDate_ (/ r (� Applicant'/:/ 's�� � WARNI G: FAILURE TO SECURE WORKERS'. COMPENSATION COVERAGE IS UNLAWFUL, AND SHALL SUBJECT AN EMPLOYER TO CRIMINAL PENALTIES AND CIVIL FINES UP TO ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND ' DOLLARS ($100,000). IN ADDITION TO THE COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN SECTION 3706 OF THE LABOR CODE, INTEREST, AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. APPLICANT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ' IMPORTANT Application is hereby made to the Director of Building and Safety, for a permit subject to the conditions and restrictions. set forth on this application. - 1. Each person upon whose behalf this application is made, each person at whose request and for whose benefit work is performed under or pursuant to any permit issued as a result of this application, the owner, and the applicant, each agrees to, and shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City of La Quinta, its officers, agents and employees for any act or omission related to the work being, performed under or following issuance of this permit. ' 2. Any permit issued as a result of this application becomes null and void if work is not commenced within 180 days from date of issuance of such permit, or cessation of work for 180 days will subject permit to cancellation. I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is c rrect. I agree to comply with all city and co my ordinances and state laws relatin�Wc uction hereby authorize representatives of this cou ty t enter upon the above-mentione' purposes. ;Date: f Signature (Applicant or Age Application Number 11-00000841 _. Permit . . . MECHANICAL ` Additional desc . Permit Fee 31.50 Plan Check -Fee 7.88 Issue•Date Valuation . . . . 0 Expiration Date 2/01/12 Qty. Unit'Charge 'Per; Extension BASE FEE 15.00. 1.0.0 16.5000 EA MECH B/C >3-15HP/>100K-500KBTU 16.50 ------ Special Notes and Comments " 3.5 TON SPLIT SYSTEM. 2010 CODES ---- -=------------------:---------------------------------- Other Fees . . . .". BLDG STDS ADMIN (SB1473) 1.00 Fee summary Charged - Paid" Credited --- - - - - -- ----- Due -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----- .-- - - - -- Permit Fee Total 31.50 .00 .00 31.50 Plan Check Total 7.88 ..00 .�00 7.88. Other Fee Total 1.00 .00 00 1.00 Grand Total ._ 40.38 .00 .00 40.38 LQPERMIT AUG -05-2011. FR I'• 08: 10 AM FAX NO. P. 04 of Resldealial Alter,Mo fs martz, Ken & Monte Residential - Climate 'Lone It 15 General Information Site Addrew:47355 Via Raver= Rancho INlra©e CA o2253 Enforcement Agency:Date: la Quints, Building Type (3 Sinsle Family O Multi Family City of 8/5/2011 Circle the Front Orientation: WG S, W. or degrees CF -11Z -ALT Pa. --fie I of tt•of Stories 1 Conditioned FloorArea(CFA): 1600 Project Typo: QAltr rations Frrvclope Fenestration Roof Q HVAC ent or Out ElDuct RplamMnt ❑ Water Healer Thisform is nat la be madfor Newly ConstrUc Md Bui!durg>; orAd&tions /narlatim Values For Opaque Stara (for Furring use the Maas and Furring Strips Constr etion table &Jow) Assembly AWration ❑ Opening of framed eavity alone - NWallons that involve the ape"ing of the framed cavity oja wall, ceiling arJloor must install the §J50 for the altered assembly. Fill in Columns A -C and enter mandatory umlation value in Column H mandatory minimum luvlotron value per. ❑ Rel lacenstat of 901re assembly- Replacement ofan entire ivay, eelling, orflaorassembl efy requires the iru7a!lation of Component pauu - D insulation values in Table i51 -C. Fill in Columns A -J. "Ans por me furred rttoned of Maw Walls sec Furring Strie Construction Table below. I C H ! Pro StanQard Values From JA4 Table qM • Framing - Thoma BelM Fr4med Continuous lA4 Assembly . Cell Value' Nae: Forfuff laJiL ( I,,,,, .. : .., .,._... ,.:...:•:.. aa.m.:•s Frrrrin ConrtrLctium ic6li 6e1 j' +�"�'yr pr 4 v . j�RIS wa//s rise the Mass and For Tag ID t,•. ,,' Vi°_: n.. 1. / llo wx;;� .. ;•;...., 2 dt@.�{IBN n ,� matclr�ia V. M, /ndicate the Assembly Name or Kao /road Meta/, Meta/ bitulldingd, Mass, en R �1 a �� r. y;y�T'SI t,Calagll'li}Lrdiwte the Framie type and size: For ��} f 4 Q�1�e!'� . �t 3 Fuer the th/cbtear for mass In orches or m ' : • y a pnc g'�hueenj ember8 enter: Auch as Concrete Sandwich panel Spandrel Prpre% � , w • of plher for NL othrrr cef►tbly description Logs, Sirgw Panel and etc.... 4. Roser/ on the Climate Tone; enter the Sumdard [�jactor jran.Tali/eilSJ-R, Cor D for each differemei�bly. j►irte of ryp� S- bider the Table number that closely resemble, the proposed assembly. 6 Fater the R -value that is being installed in the wall cavity or benveen the jrdming, otherwise, enter " 0': 7 Enter the Continuous lnrtdalian R value for the proposed assembly: a,Uterwise, enter "0 "- B. Ener the row and column of the (!.factor value blared on Column F Table Number and enter the Assembly U factor in Column.1 9.2ite ftep ud Assembly U factor, Column J. must be equal 10 or leis than the _&=dW Ufaclor in Column E to comn/y. for roparties of Masonry and Conanle Added Ietr br i Walls From Refcreaee in Funing SpA 1Jtenda Table 435. 1 r.,: -s & _. ( J KL W Exterior immution M u from Reference w ►7 G` O A jE Mass Nmnobor WTable ir�Cnrsx' T Numbe? c > 4 H Comte ( J KL W Exterior immution M u from Reference Iu Table 43.13 e Final Assemblyy tUfac#o='' Comte Reg/slratxn Number.- 31 t-A00072WA-WD00o0o0.0000 Reg/stralian lame?ime: 08/05/201108:43:09 CBPCA 2008 Residerdial Compliance Formic HERS Provider: _ August 2009 AUG -05-2011 FRI.'08:10 AM lilaWntial. Manz, Kan & Monte ' FAX N0. P; 05•' .. (ftgo Climata Zone h h of Stories : 115 1 Nass and Fmning Siri Con�truct%o/t Qabwafes I. Indkale The type ofassembly to include; Hallow Unit Masonry Walls, Solid Unit Masonry, Solid Concrete Walls, FAa Additional assemblies can ye found Reference Joint Appendix JA4 This is /he U -Factor based on the IhicMcss of /he assembly in inches t The R value ofthe insu/alion to be added on the tnlerior or exterior of the assembly. f, rite Calculated R- Value is Ilse R -value of the furred out section ofllie assembly. �,-6.77uc Final Assembly is calculaled using Equoliom 4-2 ar Fquation 4-4of the Reference Joiurt Appendix JA4 The equation is The inverse of Coban added to Column I. Column Kis the inverse from column J. Insert lbe calculated U actor value on to the ODague Su ace De/u1ls in Column J rsa. ■ r✓eea,u ■�XN"-fKATiON ALLOWED ARI>rAS (Co /etc i ltrore tbaa SOJis offelies&aZion Is added) A B C D E F G Allowed Existing Fenespalion Total Area CFA of Entire %of Fenestration Area Fenestration Allowed ProposedArruz Dwelling CFA Area Rmovcd Arca Added (A x B) E -D) + C Total Fenestration Ams .20 (Required in 05 CZ's2,4&7-15) 1. West Femestralion Area includes west -sloping skylights and awry skylights with a pitch less than l: l Z 2 West facing glazing area removed cannot be "counted " twice_ " In order to distribute the west glazing area removed to the other orientations; input the west glazing area removed im the Total Fenestration Area raw, cohumm D. 3. Include the Proposed Area of the Wesl facing fenestration in both Area cohanns below. 4 To meet compliance, /he Pro sed Area must be less than or equal to The Total Allowed Area or BOT11 the Total and West Fenestrattan Arn.., Registrallon Number: 311-A0007200""0W000.8W0 Registration Date/time: 08/05/2011 08:43:09CBPCA 2008 Residential Compliance Founts HERS Provider: Angus! 2009 AUG -05-2011 FR 1: •08:10 AM 'FAUNO, P. 06 1 Prescriptive Certificate of Cbnm lienee: Residential' CF -1R -ALT Residential Alterations (page 3 of Project Name: Climate, lane ## of atones Ma►1z. Ken & Monte 15 1 ROOFING PRODUCTS (COOL ROOFS) $ISJ(fili 1Vbttt the area of eAIchor roofsurface to he replaced_greeeds more t/tan 50% ofrhe cdth g roofarea, or mare thoe 1.000 , whichever is less, the tttw raofirff area must nicej tore roofing piodud "Caul Root" requirements of §152(b)IH4 IS-70)JHAor 152(b) JH& Check appikab/e alterndivr or txcepdon below fMe roofalleration a exentpl from the roofing produc! "Cool Roof' requlremeius: Note: /fairy one of the allernatives or exception below is cheered, Oce Aged Solar Refleefance and Thermal Fmittanee requimme,14 for roofing products in §118(1) are not applicable. Do not fill table below. Cool Roofs191 Required in Climate Zones 1-12, 14, and i6 with a Low Sloped. Less or 2:12 pitch. Roofs Required in Ch than flb/1�. mate 'Zones 1 through 9 and 16 wilt aStcep-Sloped Roofs (pitch greater than 2:12) and product unit weight less than SJ Alternatives to #152(6)1 Hi and §152(b)Hii, Steep -slope roof (pitch >.2, 12) 13 insulation with a thermal n'sisiHnm of at kAA US hr-tie-°FBtu or at klas a 3/4 inch air -space is added to die roof decl• over an attic; or I :.rating ducts in die attic arse insulated and sealed.according to § 151(1)!0; or. O In climale zones 10, 12 and 13, with 1 tie off= ventilation area of attic ventilation for every 150 fir of attic floor area, and where ail "'a 30 p0sctart of die franc vendhilion arra is within 2 feet vertical distance of this roof ridge, or O Building has W least R-30 coiling insulation; or 0 Building has 4.1. j o a1Lc tl�tingt equi P 3 Building has�f i � i _P Y �1 s �ti o n w�i a ri ` O In climate zonas Rstt+o e�7tr� c- ., R-3� dodo e. ion Exception to §lSZ(b))IIE �j < pe.rnRtf j � 1 �'�a vo s '' t O Building has n1i"a" Otbee Esceptims 0 Roofing ama coy=14-iry � Roof aonsa'ttctioriri''1�rat:l Note: If no CRRCr 1 "00 Chrck the apmlicable Uri !dumber' ❑ 1 © =��E ma"s 'F1q amass M=13 mn�aM from the below Cool Roof criteria. m the: below Cool Roof 1-ritea ia- .. - -Iv 1—se94, rraauct to tv,anner can be Obtained jean, the Cool RoafRating Cawuy% s Ras rec(ory al t Indicate the type ojprarb,ci is being r,rrd jos the 1.60f lop ix ringleply rso,uf, asploll roof metal roof crc. (/the Aged R4llectartce !a not available in t/te Cool Rwfj?XingCoraacil's Raced Product Directory then use the !nisi'! Re)kaance .ufwf am rhe sonar directory nett! ure the equation (0.2T07(pl yual- 0,2) to obtain a calculated aged value. tt?tere p ie ow rniiid Solar Reflectance. Check bins IfUre Aged AVIeetarue is a calculated value using rhe equation above, Calculate the SlU value by using the SRl- Worksheet at httn:/hu,v,v_enero M rte/ 1 24/and enlcr the resulting uolue in ncc SRI Column a&w and attach ace the SRl- Workdw1 to the CF -!K o apply Liquid Field Applied Cotttittge, the coating must be applied across 1ho'entire roof surface and moot the dry mil thickness or coverage ,commended by the coatings manufacturer and meet minimum performance m(luirentenis listed in § 1 i 8(i)4. Select dw applicable coating; Aluminron-Pigmented Asplrait RoofCoating 113 Cement -Based Roof Coating IO ower Registration Number: 311 AOD07200"oo000000.W00 RegWralion Date/I in,e: 08/05/2011 08:43:08CBPCA 2008 Resident>al Camp! once Fo ins — HEI�SProvir/er: August 2009 'F1q M=13 M MIN .. - -Iv 1—se94, rraauct to tv,anner can be Obtained jean, the Cool RoafRating Cawuy% s Ras rec(ory al t Indicate the type ojprarb,ci is being r,rrd jos the 1.60f lop ix ringleply rso,uf, asploll roof metal roof crc. (/the Aged R4llectartce !a not available in t/te Cool Rwfj?XingCoraacil's Raced Product Directory then use the !nisi'! Re)kaance .ufwf am rhe sonar directory nett! ure the equation (0.2T07(pl yual- 0,2) to obtain a calculated aged value. tt?tere p ie ow rniiid Solar Reflectance. Check bins IfUre Aged AVIeetarue is a calculated value using rhe equation above, Calculate the SlU value by using the SRl- Worksheet at httn:/hu,v,v_enero M rte/ 1 24/and enlcr the resulting uolue in ncc SRI Column a&w and attach ace the SRl- Workdw1 to the CF -!K o apply Liquid Field Applied Cotttittge, the coating must be applied across 1ho'entire roof surface and moot the dry mil thickness or coverage ,commended by the coatings manufacturer and meet minimum performance m(luirentenis listed in § 1 i 8(i)4. Select dw applicable coating; Aluminron-Pigmented Asplrait RoofCoating 113 Cement -Based Roof Coating IO ower Registration Number: 311 AOD07200"oo000000.W00 RegWralion Date/I in,e: 08/05/2011 08:43:08CBPCA 2008 Resident>al Camp! once Fo ins — HEI�SProvir/er: August 2009 AUG=05-2011 FR I 08:10 AM',',-:.:. `. "FAX -N0. P. 07 Prescriptive Certift ate of-Coot�Banes: Residential CF=M-ALT Residentkl AlteiafionxPrua e 4 of 5) Manz.t n a M Climate 'Lone N k ofstories . MaAz. Ken &Monte '. - ' � � 15 1 � HVAC SYSTEMS - HE i'ING Minimum Duct or Piping , Configuration 1-Ieai ngg �uipment Efficiency Distribution Insulation Thermostat' �0.2.) (AFUr: or HSP T and 1ACtrtion4 R -Value T (Central, split S P=We or HVdronic) Fumace, 36000 78 AFUE Ducted, Se188ck Split !. /nd ieule Heating Type (Central Furnace, Lyall Furnace, Heal pump, Boiler Electric Resistance, etc.) 2. Electric resistance heating ns allowed only in Component Package C, or except where electric heating is supplemental (i.e. if total aipacity 2 KW or 7,/100 B/u/hr electric heating is eonlrio/Ied by u time -limiting devise not exceeding 30 minutes). See §15l (h)3 exception 3. Refer to the /IERS Verlfu alwn section on Page 4 of/he CF -IR ALT Farm for additional requirements and check upplicab/e bares. 4- Indicate Yype or Location (Ducts, Hydronic in Floor, Radiators, etc) HVAC SYSTEMS - COOLING Minimum Cooling P.�ciency Duct or Piping Configuration g Equipment (SEER/FER or Disiribution Insulation Thermosial (Central, Split, and C01)Type and Lix=ion3 11-ValueT Space,• Pae or dronie E3. ditioner, • 0 . ,� 16 SEF.R p{Jag0. - . SstBack Split .0 ff Uri 811 rl CooingTYpe.'f�i1C:it!10 RIMP.epK theTIERS l!eaV?Qalrgn seCt/ala�,�� . o t c 1 t'°�'r-1 7� or LOct/ari %}acts„ Idlo irr7�laor Radiators. etc. rri• 1 :. �r4h ;62M r: t�Ym,%: pli.:.:15:..%iW:.+7.e.�Q i. . WATER HEATIN :r • :ti .._ter „, ��". _':` .'.:�."';': �!t•:. !ti:Yr..�a'•„ :,;;inJ:�J;�t`..r`k'S"� ' :rxdJd.:. List water healers and.:boll bath don ` I wales' a hcatin Ind - gas orprapa►re tred, cui�' f '' „ rs i * 1►1g healers midst be ,,P 1 g• rv�riWpl' ell DHw hot water f nuryntil`esceeQS ' HO;sulat�Qipjj DHW r to lhe.�tC>1en(s� pPn al/ wedergraund J is re W/red in a// cam nem; _ r� "�. itr�il trraaiies.� �_�r r�N �jae "w:d ' E f. :.u, yyk `� n \° :i W' (i,i^ �, .:r' ti ExU=al Tank Water beater Type/Fuel Distrilwtion Type gl !!"lumliea,i : ' f t (standard Rscirculatirr ?`'' ?,;,,,,� Fuxat insulation S Ca (al) T1u nmol Eiiicicney R -Values 1 _ hrulicale Type (Storage Gas. Heat Pump. Instantaneous, etc) � Recirculating Owlems serving multiple dwe/ling w,& shall meet the recirculation requirements of j150(n)_ The Prescriplive requirements do not allow the installation of a recirculating water heating system for single dwelling units J. The external rooter 6�Lajjng lank andeJves shall be Insulated to meet the re uiremenis of §15p& SPECIAI, FEATURES The e.{%arcement.ugenry xhould pay speeial atlenliOU to the Special Features speeifeed in this checkhrl below. r1we items may LeguireWrillen usliTcalion and documentation and s Bial ver; nation. KLM ROOT%ASSFMOLY Radisat Barrier The radiant barrier uirementof '151( 2 docs not apply to roof alterations, . Slab Fdge (Perimeter) Insulation 0 YI:S © NU YES: In Climate 'Lone 16 in Component Pacbagcs D, R-7 insulation is required. Heatrd Stab Insulation C3 YES iJ NO YFS: Slab edge insulation Mquired for all heated slabs in all Climate Zones. See details in Table 118-A of tk standards. Raised Slab Insulation Q YFS 0 NO YES: In Climate zones I.2, 11, 13.14 & 16, R-8 insulation is r aired;• in Climate Zones 12 & 15. R4 i5 uired under corp nent Package D_ Thermal Masa To obtain Compliance Credit for the insiallation of dwrnral mass, use the Performance q h, Registration Number: 311,A0007200"o0D000 "000 Reg;stratlon Date/1'lme, 08/05/201108.43:09H CBPCA 2008 Residential Compliance Farms HERS Provider: Augusl2009 AUG -05-2011 FR'I: 08: 11 AM • . - ', , Rest kndal Altertu Project Naxen, Martz, Ken & Monte FAX NO; P. 08 tesitientiiil CF-IR-A>✓I a e5ou Climate Zone 11 0 oratories 15 1 1 HERS. VERIFiCATION SUMMARY The enforcement agency should pay special attention go the HERS Measures specified in this checklist below, A completed and signed CF -4R Form jor all the measures specified shall be sub -tiled to the building inspector before final ins ctiorr Duct Staling & Testing HF.Rs verification is requiredfor this measure, 0 YES 0 No VFS: In Climate Zones 2 and 9-16, if marc than 40 linear fast of new or replacement ducts arc installed in unconditioned space, die ducts aro to be saded per ¢ 152(b)1Dii and the newly installed ducts arc to be insulated per § 151(1)10. 0 EXCEPTION: Existing duct systems that are extended, which am constructed, insulated or scaled with asbestos, 13 YES 0 NO YES: In Climate Zones'2 and 9-16, if the existing SPacc-conditioning system (HVAC equipment and ducting) is replacrd, sire ducts are to be sealed per § 152(b)1 Di. O YES 04110 yrs: In Climate Zones 2 and 9-16, if the existing HVAC equipment is replaced (including slur replacement of the air handler, outdoor eondensing unit ora split system, cooling or heating coil, or the furnace heat exchanger) the ducts are to be sealed per 11152(b)1ly 0 EXCEPTION: Duct systems that are documented to have been pr cviously sealed confirmed dwough ITERS veriff"tiou in accordance with procedures in the Reference Itesidential Appendix RA3. 13 EXCEPTION; Duct systems with his than 40 linear tect in unconditioned space 17 EXCEPTION- Existing duets stems constructed. insulated or seated with asbestos, Refrigerant Charge -Split Systein IIERS ver on is required jor IW measure_ © YES ©N ES: r ,maw Zoncy 2 and S, 0cisting HV _ ui t is replaced (including'thc replacement oftlw air �i m w or the funee heat ...exchan r)amtn measummanawlv 52(h)1F_ Central Fan In��,,�,� `7 ^�j ��� y •. f m ,pay p The ventilation reac,9 l n.� N,;i a "..'�i. _ A: 4Pk-*V0" •&` ' '' �i tlt �' ?1 Ducted Split Sysetjji =' 13 Yes 13NO:?Yset3 • Tim Ewer • Esser Air Condlfining 36665 bankalde Dr,Drive OFC,OFFICE Cathedral City California 92234 requiredfor this measure. Rn (HVAC equipment and ducting) is Meet tht-mquit_ptttsnts of$t5l(07B. Eurax •+, - ::�..:,:a;:, Lydia Garcia i if Applicable 13CEA or (Certification d): Plhane: 760-324-0550 responsible Building Designer's Declaration Statement • 1 am eligible under Division 3 ofdhe Califomia Susiness and PrOlessions Code to accept responsibility for the building design idenoiied on this Certirwatu of Compliance. • I certify that the energy features and performance specifications for the building design identified on this Certificate of Complianoc conform to the requirements of Title 24, Paris 1 and 6 of the California code of Regulations. • The building design features identified on this Certificate ofComplianee are consistent with the information provided to document flus building design on the other applicable compliance forms, woricbhccfs, calculations, plans and specifications wbmitted to the enforcement aeen v for annroval with this MaiLri..,+ ,,,,.,,.:..,...�: Tun Esser E_ssorAfr Condifining 36885 hanlolde Dr,01ve OFC,OFFICE Cathedral City California 92234 Signature: Lydia Garcia Dst1e: &5/2011 4 39046 760,24.0550 For assfstante or questions regan*ng the Enetgq Standards, coniacs the Energy Ifof/!ne at: 1,80Q772 -33#a Rebirtratlod Number,• 311.A0007200A40000000043000 Registration Date:171me: 081051201108.43:09 100812esidential Compliance Forms HERSProvider: — August 2009 ' AUG -05-20.1.1 FRI 0,8:09 AM FAX NO., ; P. 03 Bin i — r�' of i.a Qffr*% ►� Building 8t' Safety DMS/on'. Permi P.O. Box 1509; 78 495 Calk Tampico 341La Quln ta, CA 92253 - (760) 777-7012 ' Building Permit Application and Tracking Sheet project Addr=: `t 3� > \ V Owner's Name: o� A P. Number. Addicts: �j/�' � • I.cgaI Description: City, ST. zip: (7z Contractor - /'V C . Telephone: Addrt=: e'v� lG3 G Project Description: City -S -Zp: C*7N"M CA. 1223s Telephone: 764�' • 31 rt. O � 5'G . State Lic. City Arch., Engr., Dcsigac, Address: City., ST, Zip: Telephone: - Construction Type Occupancy: . State Lic- #: Pro)cci type (circle one): Now Add'n Alter Repair Demo Name ofCantactPcsson; v4Vfs7 Sq•Ft. : /��d #Stories: #Units: Telephone # of Contact Person: 76 o _ 3 2 Lt, e'�:� S'© Estimated Yalue of Project APPLICANT: DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE # Submittal Req'd >tre'd tRACTmVG PFAU4 T FEES Plan Sets Plan Ckeek Submitted Iters Amount Stsuctaral Calra. Pcviewcd, ready for corrections Plan Check Deposit Truss Calcs• Called Coutact Person Pian Cheek Balance. la. Plans picked np . Colo ruefiap plan „` ..nElectrical Puns resubraltled rUxt r ldat Calied CohbLct PersouPlumbing Plans picked upS.M.L roval T%Us resubmitted Grading IN HOUSE:_ '`` Review, ready for cor rcctions/nssuc Developer Impact Fee Planning Approval Called Contaet iC'erson A.LP.P. Pub. Wks, Aper Date of permit issue School Fees Tocol Pertalt Fern