BRES2015-024378-495 CALLE TAMPICO 44 QuIltro VOICE (760) 777-7125 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 FAX (760) 777-7011COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT INSPECTIONS (760) 777-7153 BUILDING PERMIT: LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION 'I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code, and my License is in full force and effect. License Class: License No.: :LIC -0013511 pate: Contractor: OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the Contractor's State License Law for the following reason (Sec. 7031.5, Business and Professions Code: Any city or county that requires a permit to construct, alter, improve; demolish, or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for the permit to file a signed statement that he or she is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the 'Contractor's State License Law (Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code) or that he or she is exempt therefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars ($500).: (1 1, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale. (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does the work himself or herself through his or her own employees, provided that the improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner -builder will have the burden of proving that he or she did not build or improve for the purpose of sale.). (_) I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project.. (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who contracts for the projects with a contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractors' State License Law.). I ) I am exempt under Sec. . B.&P.C. for this reason Date: Owner: CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued (Sec. 3097, Civ. C.). Lender's Name: Lender's Address: Io I ID ISS \J (AV o►AtS omp to f tom op ( CAnt, (760)413-8860. Llc. No.: :LIC -0013511 WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for workers' compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. _ I have and will maintain workers' compensation insurance,, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My workers' compensation insurance carrier and policy number are: Carrier: _ Policy Number: _ I certify that in.the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the workers' compensation laws of California, and agree that, if I should become subject to the workers' compensation provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code,.I shall forthwith comply with those provisions Applicant: _ WARNING: FAILURE TO SECURE WORKERS' COMPENSATION COVERAGE IS UNLAWFUL, AND SHALL SUBJECT AN EMPLOYER TO CRIMINAL PENALTIES AND CIVIL FINES UP TO ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($100,000). IN ADDITION TO THE COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN SECTION 3706 OF,THE LABOR CODE, INTEREST, AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. APPLICANT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT IMPORTANT: Application is hereby made to the Building Official for a permit subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth on this application. 1. Each person upon whose behalf this application is made; each person at whose request and for whose benefit work is performed under or pursuant to any permit issued as a result of this application , the owner, and the applicant, each agrees to, and shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City of La Quinta, its officers, agents, and employees for any act or omission related to the work being performed under or following issuance of this permit. 2. Any permit issued as a result of this application becomes null and void if work is not commenced within 180 days from date of issuance of such permit, or cessation of work for 180 days will subject permit to cancellation. I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relating to building construction, and hereby authorize representatives of this city to enter upon the above- mentioned property for inspection purposes. bate: Signature (Applicant or Agent): " n6 C2.QS�O(1SQ aS iS.. Date: 7/21/2015 Application Number: BRES2015-0243 _ Owner: Property Address: 80849 VIA SAVONA BRIAN PERSINGER APN: 777130013 2015 80849 VIA SAVONA Application Description: PERSINGER RESIDENCE / REMODEL ��� LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Property Zoning: Application Valuation: $148,000.00O�LAQUINTA 3UN;TY DEVELOPh9E4T DEPARTMENT Applicant: i;�^f1i Contractor: MONARCH HOMES DESERT DIVSN INC MONARCH HOMES DESERT DIVSN INC OUTSIDE CITY LIMITS OUTSIDE CITY LIMITS LA QUINTA, CA 92253 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION 'I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code, and my License is in full force and effect. License Class: License No.: :LIC -0013511 pate: Contractor: OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the Contractor's State License Law for the following reason (Sec. 7031.5, Business and Professions Code: Any city or county that requires a permit to construct, alter, improve; demolish, or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for the permit to file a signed statement that he or she is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the 'Contractor's State License Law (Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code) or that he or she is exempt therefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars ($500).: (1 1, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale. (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does the work himself or herself through his or her own employees, provided that the improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner -builder will have the burden of proving that he or she did not build or improve for the purpose of sale.). (_) I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project.. (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who contracts for the projects with a contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractors' State License Law.). I ) I am exempt under Sec. . B.&P.C. for this reason Date: Owner: CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued (Sec. 3097, Civ. C.). Lender's Name: Lender's Address: Io I ID ISS \J (AV o►AtS omp to f tom op ( CAnt, (760)413-8860. Llc. No.: :LIC -0013511 WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for workers' compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. _ I have and will maintain workers' compensation insurance,, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My workers' compensation insurance carrier and policy number are: Carrier: _ Policy Number: _ I certify that in.the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the workers' compensation laws of California, and agree that, if I should become subject to the workers' compensation provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code,.I shall forthwith comply with those provisions Applicant: _ WARNING: FAILURE TO SECURE WORKERS' COMPENSATION COVERAGE IS UNLAWFUL, AND SHALL SUBJECT AN EMPLOYER TO CRIMINAL PENALTIES AND CIVIL FINES UP TO ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($100,000). IN ADDITION TO THE COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN SECTION 3706 OF,THE LABOR CODE, INTEREST, AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. APPLICANT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT IMPORTANT: Application is hereby made to the Building Official for a permit subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth on this application. 1. Each person upon whose behalf this application is made; each person at whose request and for whose benefit work is performed under or pursuant to any permit issued as a result of this application , the owner, and the applicant, each agrees to, and shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City of La Quinta, its officers, agents, and employees for any act or omission related to the work being performed under or following issuance of this permit. 2. Any permit issued as a result of this application becomes null and void if work is not commenced within 180 days from date of issuance of such permit, or cessation of work for 180 days will subject permit to cancellation. I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relating to building construction, and hereby authorize representatives of this city to enter upon the above- mentioned property for inspection purposes. bate: Signature (Applicant or Agent): " n6 C2.QS�O(1SQ aS iS.. } i 77777777. � � 7 r ` b o �. � � F t t s, ✓ r t �}r �i t. V., .. ... "Reg AN ' r'j' , .Vis. x �fY' .W r" , T,.: + `f ..... -': a .. R, `.S sT§. ,� ,.,,;y?':`. DESCRIPT.ION� ACCOUNT z:: TY , _" n . ' .,� �� ; r�g�.mm, �;:��r�Q_m.�� AMO�UNTr � PAID„ � �s�� s PAID DATE. �Y u, HOURLY PLAN CHECK,- YES 101 0000-42600 ;' 2 $140 00 $0:00 ��� � �� PAIDBY�' METFIOD 4` �- RECEIPT#" < , �fra': CHECK # s :X CLTOBYe a�`..:. .x..,.au x 3i.4<a�' ;-..*ts*«�`<��r,�.:fia.., u. �r_��£..m:;;er xY9: :r.�s.M:rr&aa: •is;.-, Y'fx,' ..-;--'� ,s.lFx^i t:.+'•.. Y..tiy.. GR x.XA:X., Yhi. ,J�'. 'Y'.'n".-X,, yfk#.L: ktt�':...zz $`.+Tt- R".'4r}S 'i v�.fKLmf`t` ,,.!ySs` '"L.' -8!'•s dgT .,m7'<5ai DESCRIPTION �: , ��CCOUNT1�y yQTY ; :AMOUNT; , PAID PAIDDATE; ffil x -e sF&?�. `fiPS.::< .f:mr1�3f ".�.��3�w�eY 5?T4;�'sxm �1��� ��. us'A�i#ELilt?'<""F_.ex..�?t HOURLY PLAN ` CHECK. -.YES', ' - 101 0000-4260075 $Q 00 -f' ��s ;fix?"., ", u sw =„ �a PAIf) BYE x ��� ETH 62 ` in 5 ' RECEIPTS#� ,CLiECK # CLT.D BY s.��.,.a: .. s� 'al wx xmE xz crxr� Ffr,f��xs :Tota(Paid f6r.BLDG CITY<STAFF PER HOUR $192 50 $0,00 t-. am lSa4 7'ay<;y-.r �7; �N '; W25 k� '�".6';Cr�„g,`M0111 ��3 `z��'�.k�" , ACCOUNT if QTY w Will �s PAID. � : ": _ ,PAID. DATEtj" ...x'��`�,T, `,-E rh�3,.rki,.+``k'aCdHttFira�i.€:: '`#N<7:. Fi? S, BSAS.SB1473 FEE' 101-0000-20306,' r'SC`,!rz', j€ �c'�`;F<h'h.�14�`'. a, 3iy.''si%e<.....:Ed. ;K .; '. s- '.. .a:.:ku''`Yu, �,f''it �r4ia£e3'i:'mx.fIl4'`k.:,�PA10"=BY,�;�._ METHOD RECEIPT#� ' , p ECK # "$'-. ^ew..rs-dies-R.'i"iw`aa'4v Ym`.t,:.vF.,xbs,&Fs..5.$i`E ..,. ma.i�:Sro_E_5§:...v?n?tc??,,,..si=r;�'_i Tota l Paid forBUILDING STANDBARDS ADM INISTRATION BSAr S$6 00 ;'. $0.00 1+�v r',g.'.z S `.'..mt.?.'A,,.:l, :mor:ShS� zT •-,`.'Y .{a �"sfl A%3 £�s`:ai1;iGCaari ktv'. S':'$-h,..._°`b.< s���OESCRIPTION� r'ACCOUNT� TYAMOUNT '� PAI C1`,s. 'PAIDrDATE DEVICES,FIRST 20 101 0000=42403 0 �; $24.17 $0:00 r; " , .. ib.. 'cm'F, +, Yy ,$�.., ?a'w ,. :'"a' ',."_..ra'F:'*¢R3` F"9S:`¢ ^za. `.'c _ _>: " L of C"i , . ?P.?"*_.�&:a't p v'="J� e tg IDzBY .,g��� METHODk �u .RECEIP•T#; �� CHECK #CLTD�BYM z r,.;Ya f ,:.c reltir .Yx i N.Y,4 ..>Y`k <., m' aT¢ .4€� < ,8&W -a %i. Axd.cL!S�°•„f1-;�>Suz irr I' «*-..?5.. n%,,a' '.�". m:: ti'x, sz:' .n�<i `,✓oiii'm..iw�. _ J< t, �,���� � 'a�.<a. liro,"Lt<,m` $sN',I' s, -;i, E;xc' A{ 9 X`0�'f` iS S'f E'm' °t- 3 ... fPi^:.'3FS �'�Xa°DESCRIP_TION :�a��<v'.A000.UNT� pM`s rS �$y Q OUNT PAIDs PAID DATE a ' <� '' R� s'4"^ v� a,�. w.°= -s., h`F e• :i'}c�i _ �.,' x"s% Y„ :,_ .' :s� FmvY<o. .�sn sa3 <YL&...c�-{y.Yti>'s5'.4'{ Y.eAXE ,."5 .., .... _.. .: iXSw_._T,,Y; :$s. .% .1u * w: DEVICES , FIRST`20;PC " ` 101 0000-42600 s . 0 $24 17 00 :'�'<.'^4 £ + Iz' ;o a:-�<i�.:4t;w g t;,_vl 4k'2'�,rxx.:+"* e ��Yta, tmF""i-"".s s�q� PA1DaBY :.: ' .'I �� •.CHECK # � � CLTD BYF, �A�mw.. m' 4e"r, x„xva i$ .. ..,wnYT�n�.n.�`.YA:xmr':dx"2'AAY...f ti,�..I�L '...Y'T<lA',•Y+'.:..sx-°kis'L`4,ikvx.f6w�mvxY#%":.:Yf'e$#�eeFTie^w':.'vE { , Total,Paid.fOrELECTRICAL $48r 34 $0..00 Sive, T` 95yj1k ;iP° uam".'.. -'fry »,:`h.,':'f $' 4�' mi'<?' V--xa_.'<„�'.... ` "2-<?-'+'. +*N rr."4' fm'S•X'$'..". .. •' .,E„ ..� r DESCRIPTION a<a a n d at c r s. ' �A000UNT, AMOUNT PAID PAID�DATE - ,..?%r�hAxt«'�...,.jhs.,,�� S.P,.'x .,.v.."Y`.'AV..?s,.-,, ,. FIREPLACE '.' 101-0000=42400, 0 n ' $290 06 $0.00 r:,� :# gyp •' zxr < PAIO BY :x �� METHOD ER "RECEIPT'#CHECKF#�� �CLTDBY�`7 '„fit.»ib ,..^^.%_,.d4':sX,rtb�'x „v"3y.< x°m' En.`s.ti,+�>4=tt&fi ?' i` -3r ;y.`i 3'y€z1Y';sat3.4f.,"rP c''4 ,� "?�•f: + k �cRf .✓'.3�"'" .{: a 4sass"% '1 k+Eei''i S<&(.:- ;� °i'i pY mvA `F`a'4 p3 i <DESCRIPTION f :::�gy ::: "ACCOUNT ��” QTLY :;AMOUNTED° {.�P�PAID� PAIDDATE= • 1111 ,� *'i .e�..1< a'K;'x ..,.r .z,';ss.:....$ m�;m`'<',_,.ct {fr N.�.n'u- `. .,fir _;�,::i:a.<:-.:dk s�i3"J&':`a`. .tax. �`` �" 's. ?^x.; . a ..??' :...,€:m�'�`ai»': . �:t.iS<:ss?; I.. !.._ '`:';,"RFn .., i:t°��"��:.:_.�".�'.§ 1 �.:e:Ax:"wm _ ars , n:c.._-ix?h - i:� REPLACE0000;42600 0$0.00 ` - w�O':�m`� .� `� `ak".cr�C>su�m ,�Y€ d:���''R'._ _"rxc�e�„�..�.2s.�.< -.m ."''y ..': ktj�"t'"a�4a3€{'" .?; F L P.&.3';:.i;:"W ;METI00 RECEIPT # aCF1EGK�# ��CLTO BYE ;,�.>?'.`'_ ' :umt c4 '>ra9a°x-."x£;�.kr.�.>,...;: TotafP.aid for FIREPLACE ;� $725 16 �:, $0:00 new . - •,csq;b2_t. r '$Z: ��'SCRIPTION` �'���� - ACCOUNT'��QTYY`�AfVIOUNT'"A�Pdlb PAIDDATE ;Xs...,.Li C ra'.."'p '..'E:- r`m'<sr.. ':E•�-!" N. T. is:6#a'9=a. i;:"a4; $'E<X„i$.l`ikS x�d'+"GKZ :Tk. .�:,1'?�:�,." i h, vias'k.:. Yy a.�a:?<-<5....<Y.'xtPx".•%e APPLIANCE REPAIR/ALTERATION 101 0000=42402, O ^ �'_$12 09 `",r $0;00 ;,< ,: m . � ,� � �., � t• ��E<��{ f � . � �� -,< r:' "�. � �,, ,�,�m�{�> �� 'ter 4� �dS `PAID BYE METFIOD� `'RECEIPT¢# CHECK°# ' yCLTO BY MEN`'isifs.,�.sn,%ITiT'?d.�o..x<(;who'f3E:.,..,R�_:?��S'.''.'.,.Jl.-.YXY.a,..m'[."ki'':Aa'L.:fi,?.<.Y�'E,i'zx£..;r'..SSy,:s&`6,a....t"#'4t'-'r°�T<c: ">n,....<.',5�z:_„3, Z,.'iS'b• ” 3t L;r.§"-', <..Tr,Ft `. »> � t3 '' ,.f �s�S, g a.'R`a#� {'A;,ia:B iyYV 'ty: i .%£k�idY.�'+ .:i:M.S� K'€�>,: 5 `c' .§: t ";!,q £$E. 4�k5 ;W q' �xs DESCRIPTION-"' LM h ACCOUNT S m jQTY ' AMOUNTM* tP<AID a PAIU-DATE' <.F' ,K. < d$""eem`[A`].ffPa}:$:'n.:Ynu�A'... .:'i {' x?i :VS<m .`�T,F4't2s7119.,'4k'X Ill APPLIANCE REPAIR/ALTERATION RC 101-0000-42600 0 $4 83 $0.00 .... F,.z..�nT ,$ ..,x� s .+k� ���-i � �f �Yi.�£y. �S'�.. �....:. Mt PAIO�BY�� <,t�`f �RECEIPT�#zCI1ECK # � �`�CLTD�BY y'=����S:i��x.�a hf�.`�i�-.�+".���-e�a"L:.'�.:..,: :y A } i 77777777. � � 7 r ` b o �. � � F t t s, ✓ r t �}r �i t. V., .. ... "Reg AN ' r'j' , .Vis. x �fY' .W r" , T,.: + `f ..... -': a .. R, `.S sT§. ,� ,.,,;y?':`. DESCRIPT.ION� ACCOUNT z:: TY , _" n . ' .,� �� ; r�g�.mm, �;:��r�Q_m.�� AMO�UNTr � PAID„ � �s�� s PAID DATE. �Y u, HOURLY PLAN CHECK,- YES 101 0000-42600 ;' 2 $140 00 $0:00 ��� � �� PAIDBY�' METFIOD 4` �- RECEIPT#" < , �fra': CHECK # s :X CLTOBYe a�`..:. .x..,.au x 3i.4<a�' ;-..*ts*«�`<��r,�.:fia.., u. �r_��£..m:;;er xY9: :r.�s.M:rr&aa: •is;.-, Y'fx,' ..-;--'� ,s.lFx^i t:.+'•.. Y..tiy.. GR x.XA:X., Yhi. ,J�'. 'Y'.'n".-X,, yfk#.L: ktt�':...zz $`.+Tt- R".'4r}S 'i v�.fKLmf`t` ,,.!ySs` '"L.' -8!'•s dgT .,m7'<5ai DESCRIPTION �: , ��CCOUNT1�y yQTY ; :AMOUNT; , PAID PAIDDATE; ffil x -e sF&?�. `fiPS.::< .f:mr1�3f ".�.��3�w�eY 5?T4;�'sxm �1��� ��. us'A�i#ELilt?'<""F_.ex..�?t HOURLY PLAN ` CHECK. -.YES', ' - 101 0000-4260075 $Q 00 -f' ��s ;fix?"., ", u sw =„ �a PAIf) BYE x ��� ETH 62 ` in 5 ' RECEIPTS#� ,CLiECK # CLT.D BY s.��.,.a: .. s� 'al wx xmE xz crxr� Ffr,f��xs :Tota(Paid f6r.BLDG CITY<STAFF PER HOUR $192 50 $0,00 t-. am lSa4 7'ay<;y-.r �7; �N '; W25 k� '�".6';Cr�„g,`M0111 ��3 `z��'�.k�" , ACCOUNT if QTY w Will �s PAID. � : ": _ ,PAID. DATEtj" ...x'��`�,T, `,-E rh�3,.rki,.+``k'aCdHttFira�i.€:: '`#N<7:. Fi? S, BSAS.SB1473 FEE' 101-0000-20306,' r'SC`,!rz', j€ �c'�`;F<h'h.�14�`'. a, 3iy.''si%e<.....:Ed. ;K .; '. s- '.. .a:.:ku''`Yu, �,f''it �r4ia£e3'i:'mx.fIl4'`k.:,�PA10"=BY,�;�._ METHOD RECEIPT#� ' , p ECK # "$'-. ^ew..rs-dies-R.'i"iw`aa'4v Ym`.t,:.vF.,xbs,&Fs..5.$i`E ..,. ma.i�:Sro_E_5§:...v?n?tc??,,,..si=r;�'_i Tota l Paid forBUILDING STANDBARDS ADM INISTRATION BSAr S$6 00 ;'. $0.00 1+�v r',g.'.z S `.'..mt.?.'A,,.:l, :mor:ShS� zT •-,`.'Y .{a �"sfl A%3 £�s`:ai1;iGCaari ktv'. S':'$-h,..._°`b.< s���OESCRIPTION� r'ACCOUNT� TYAMOUNT '� PAI C1`,s. 'PAIDrDATE DEVICES,FIRST 20 101 0000=42403 0 �; $24.17 $0:00 r; " , .. ib.. 'cm'F, +, Yy ,$�.., ?a'w ,. :'"a' ',."_..ra'F:'*¢R3` F"9S:`¢ ^za. `.'c _ _>: " L of C"i , . ?P.?"*_.�&:a't p v'="J� e tg IDzBY .,g��� METHODk �u .RECEIP•T#; �� CHECK #CLTD�BYM z r,.;Ya f ,:.c reltir .Yx i N.Y,4 ..>Y`k <., m' aT¢ .4€� < ,8&W -a %i. Axd.cL!S�°•„f1-;�>Suz irr I' «*-..?5.. n%,,a' '.�". m:: ti'x, sz:' .n�<i `,✓oiii'm..iw�. _ J< t, �,���� � 'a�.<a. liro,"Lt<,m` $sN',I' s, -;i, E;xc' A{ 9 X`0�'f` iS S'f E'm' °t- 3 ... fPi^:.'3FS �'�Xa°DESCRIP_TION :�a��<v'.A000.UNT� pM`s rS �$y Q OUNT PAIDs PAID DATE a ' <� '' R� s'4"^ v� a,�. w.°= -s., h`F e• :i'}c�i _ �.,' x"s% Y„ :,_ .' :s� FmvY<o. .�sn sa3 <YL&...c�-{y.Yti>'s5'.4'{ Y.eAXE ,."5 .., .... _.. .: iXSw_._T,,Y; :$s. .% .1u * w: DEVICES , FIRST`20;PC " ` 101 0000-42600 s . 0 $24 17 00 :'�'<.'^4 £ + Iz' ;o a:-�<i�.:4t;w g t;,_vl 4k'2'�,rxx.:+"* e ��Yta, tmF""i-"".s s�q� PA1DaBY :.: ' .'I �� •.CHECK # � � CLTD BYF, �A�mw.. m' 4e"r, x„xva i$ .. ..,wnYT�n�.n.�`.YA:xmr':dx"2'AAY...f ti,�..I�L '...Y'T<lA',•Y+'.:..sx-°kis'L`4,ikvx.f6w�mvxY#%":.:Yf'e$#�eeFTie^w':.'vE { , Total,Paid.fOrELECTRICAL $48r 34 $0..00 Sive, T` 95yj1k ;iP° uam".'.. -'fry »,:`h.,':'f $' 4�' mi'<?' V--xa_.'<„�'.... ` "2-<?-'+'. +*N rr."4' fm'S•X'$'..". .. •' .,E„ ..� r DESCRIPTION a<a a n d at c r s. ' �A000UNT, AMOUNT PAID PAID�DATE - ,..?%r�hAxt«'�...,.jhs.,,�� S.P,.'x .,.v.."Y`.'AV..?s,.-,, ,. 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Mt d— z ?,.;DESCRIFif,1ONj WWO? iN M WPM 2��W, "WAIUM.- I -.10M, IN MR. M "N. -M CONDENSER/COIVI PRESSOR-- -000042402 101. '., 0 :26 $0.00 BYE" M�1.­""it ..,.,,.1`, -2, N�M IT nRr M-* 'Ong M ME, ON 2 m H mgmg CLTD Off M I TY"M g q Z, r FR l� E�y"M 66 'MMM W, Tw NO, RM 4 E�,,AM 1, "QTY UNT M!, IN w m 'I 'AIDIWi ,,DESCRIPTION k,. g-,10; i� a COMPRESSOR'PC "Or 11 4 g M 9mm, IRP 'CHECKVI�'inm I My, HN 11 fm SIR MA IN W, wk�.l ZoAmdty-1.3PAID -V . EVAPORATIVE COOLER `1010 000 9, $0 po' km.,mr im-w-M mj§-,1Mjk&� fW N. MIR lq� p41 -m -m -A 4t lh 14 N_ Wff� ODt ng� _10 HA g sm Kmlm� ii 4 M'CLTD,BW W, MM -It -M ZWKW Wk u 1, 10 8, I N RM.0 VAN 2 Lam' D S C R I P, T.:; I wO NIR- A M W." ME IBM � � n, , A, IT 0 � v,*�'!�� *XPAID V '91".. 1164 PAID W MET , M COOLER -'P" 1VAOOATIVE'C 000-42600" $12.09:, 0, s 66 W, AIR M, A" I �..Njg m M "IRRECEIR W.I. N M CHECK Z" ',LD NO m h'A "R M-6 TotaI Paid .f oirMECHANI.CAL:,.,., 3 $0.007 r'g-g- M.fv 5 M,% I KO MAMOUNT RE a _._DES FIXTURE/TRAP: '101 0000-42401 % 0 24.18 -MET m ,, RE _rg W 1HOW 0 IN N N V jgj T J�W ti or M V�rn a _Mr MIM M. `M4.WACC6UNf.,.ifflffl AMOt PIR h MOMAII ",DATE,,,' Pj� A '10 FIXTURE/TRAP P,C 7, 7 I '1%101000042600.',��,',', 24.18 SM M pig, -j "W=, *r gg ME � .1yal RON IR ,, Mil, pfig k, M ACCOL 1� __ g5e t7zjpog�,e wg MOM .1, ON 5 10 -AMOUNT' fl, - I 1��' "i 17, X B.", MR PT t i,. v , fill M."Mm"MM N t,"AlFDATE: Imam - WATER SYS E A�-T/REP,,',�_, 101-0110 0., 9.. 12.0 M� VMS 0 " , M,9 1, WIN � W, WE-, r ,j Y, K'Mi"% MM Hill, ii to ECEIP Te"M "ge�,-2,0ma g x 'ze HMO '00 MMMMl "MMMIX Fj�LD XWaiP.1. JE g �.mwuzJ�191r, MA M -M' FWm YN g_ "l;ydRIPT16N TE4 mqIw., , Ou ,WATER SYSTEKINST A'LT' REPLPC` -0000-42600 ,� J2 4E ON A, affiDBY r 1�.Rr Q_HECKf 'Total'Paid forPLUMBING FEES =r $72;54 P.,00 A, '�l A OF -�l IBM ACCOUNT - '4 -AMOUNt, 0, �M 'ItT NO mm ��fVvWW,7­.k_ki n, 41�,.Vgm.m ON MIN REMODEL,' . EkADDITIONAL:1S!O'O'SF',,, 101;0000'42400- 21:S`,.`�­i' .1 m I M411 I'M= q mm m mg? q 011R, 501 M' M -WR Nwl w wffig %i� -fflqw$g NT mal 111, polly m 'DATE4 PAIM �, �0.4 mm W. m i N' W ull; W M 1 10 REIVIOb3 EL; 'ADD T NAL 0 SF PC, _101'0:' -000:42600": 0., g, Am -gg - AIMBY19 NZ e M_�t WO 0 "A"Mi METHODS_ H 0 D 0 §A Ril .., QuRECE K, B yw� _'M - _.M.� w vm­ - J_ e i DESCRIPTION €; DESCRIFTIOIVACCOUNT >' Q AMOUNT __� c PAID�� i PAID -DATE: REMODEL; FIRST 100 SF :101-0000-42400 0 $49.31 $0.00 ,s +' ' M PAIDBY a .. g? aFMETHOD ds ° _ RECEIPT #,s CHECK # , , t ._'' aCLTD BY :z5.y 5 C �.S aY >'i _ _ •l'6 CC'i�+ �. fPDESCRIPTIONY*<,4, t 5i'!l 'A. '"%T'. E tXi ACCOUNT 'h �a",za.t - QTY F ,Y �S{r AMOUNT # + X....., PAIDs t g € - FPAID%DATE. _ REMODEL, FIRST 500 SF PC 101-0000-42600'37Y' 0 $134.88 $0.00 ' 1l. :Li' y„S`-. `fi ; ..j1 C ., .'. Y C`.T 'I x� PAID, BY' �y - F%'R'3 t METHOD. v i4Y f,- A t ,RECEIPT 5 -;•'.` .. CHECK # ..-. �. CLTDBYE` Total Paid forREMODEL: $223.34 $0.00 y,..,.., _..... �.� DESCRIPTION kr a a'E A000UNT� t k i ,�. 'QTYAMOUNT+` .. ,... s 'e r„PAIO`ti `? 5 FPAID DATE' SMI -RESIDENTIAL - 101-0000-20308 0 $19.24 $0.00 ' YF�rc PAID_ BY .Ykvji x xw 'METHOD a RECEIPT CHECK # 7 CLTD BY Total Paid forSTRONG MOTION INSTRUMENTATION SMI - $19.24 $0.00 TOTALS:00 t • aut cs"fof7�a�ao Description: PERSINGER RESIDENCE / REMODEL_ zs Type: BUILDING, RESIDENTIAL Subtype: REMODEL Status: APPROVED Applied: 6/23/2015 MFA t Approved: 7/21/2015 JJO Parcel No: 777130013 Site Address: 80849 VIA SAVONA LA QUINTA,CA 92253 Subdivision: TR 29894-2 Block:. Lot: 113 Issued: Lot Sq Ft: 0 Building Sq Ft: 0 Zoning: Finaled: Valuation: $148,000.00 Occupancy Type: Construction Type: Expired: No. Buildings: 0 No. Stories: 0 No. Unites: 0 Details: interior remodel replace fireplaces,mich.elec and plumbing �'"{APPIed to Approved€� � � . ADDITIONAL SITES zs .. x ._.. CHRONOLOGYTYPE' ` *a :„STAFF NAME RACT.ION DATE> DATE .,COMPLETION PLAN CHECK COMMENTS �'"{APPIed to Approved€� � � . ADDITIONAL SITES Printed: Tuesday, July 21, 2015 2:01:08 PM 1 of 4' SYSTEMS CHRONOLOGY .. x ._.. CHRONOLOGYTYPE' ` *a :„STAFF NAME RACT.ION DATE> DATE .,COMPLETION PLAN CHECK COMMENTS FROM CONSULTANT KAY HENSEL 7/8/2015 7/8/2015 STRUC READY FOR CORRECTIONS. 7/8/2015 RECEIVED PLAN CHECK COMMENTS FROM CONSULTANT MARY FASANO 7/20/2015 7/21/2015 RETURNED FROM YOUNG STRUCTUAL APPROVED. RECEIVED PLAN CHECK PICKED UP ED VASQUEZ 7/9/2015 7/9/2015 PICKED UP FROM ED FOR PROCESSING. SENT TO PLAN CHECK SENT TOPLANS KAY HENSEL• 7/17/2015 7/17/2015 YOUNG FOR 2ND P/C. CHANGED DUE DATE TO 1 WK. BASED OUTSIDE PC -- ON CORRECTIONS REQUIRED. DUE BACK 7/24/2015 PLAN CHECK SUBMITTAL - 2ND PLAN CHECK SUBMITTAL RECEIVED, REDLINES, 2 NEW ED VASQUEZ 7/17/2015 7/17/2015 RECEIVED REVISED SETS, 2 SETS STRUCTURAL. PLAN CHECK SUBMITTAL MARY FASANO 6/23/2015 6/23/2015 RECEIVED Printed: Tuesday, July 21, 2015 2:01:08 PM 1 of 4' SYSTEMS 777 FIREPLACE PC 101-0000-42600 0 :>435.10 :>0.00 C ALLED ALBERT TO INFORM HIM PLANS ARE READY FOR TELEPHONE CALL _ JIM JOHNSON PAI 7/8/2015 7j8/2015 I ` _ . - �. CR~~~~ ..'.~~ .Phnted:Tue�day ]u�21��152:U1�8PN1 - ' ' ' .-� , ' 2nf4 ` - . . CORRECTIONS TELEPHONE CALL JIM JOHNSON 7/21/2015 101-0000-42600 7/21/2015 called Albert Daza, to inform him plans are ready to issue YES Total Paid for BLDG CITY STAFF -PER HOUR: CONTACTS $0.00 E TY ESSI Total Paid forBUILDING STANDARDS ADMINISTRATION APPLICANT MONARCH HOMES DESERT DIVSN OUTSIDE CITY LIMITS LAQUINTA CA 92253 DEVICES, FIRST 20 INC 0 $24.1T $0.00 CONTRACTOR MONARCH HOMES DESERT DIVSN OUTSIDE CITY LIMITS LA QUINTA DEVICES, FIRST 20 PC CA 92253 $24.17 $0.00 - INC Total Paid for ELECTRICAL: $48.34 $0.00 FIREPLACE 101-0000-42400 0 $290.06 FIREPLACE PC 101-0000-42600 0 :>435.10 :>0.00 _ :Total Paid forFIREPLACE: PAI $0.00, BY ` _ . - �. CR~~~~ ..'.~~ .Phnted:Tue�day ]u�21��152:U1�8PN1 - ' ' ' .-� , ' 2nf4 ` - . . ' ' HOURLY PLAN CHECK - 101-0000-42600 YES Total Paid for BLDG CITY STAFF -PER HOUR: $192.50 $0.00 Total Paid forBUILDING STANDARDS ADMINISTRATION DEVICES, FIRST 20 101 . -0000-42403 0 $24.1T $0.00 DEVICES, FIRST 20 PC 101-0000-42600 0 $24.17 $0.00 - Total Paid for ELECTRICAL: $48.34 $0.00 FIREPLACE 101-0000-42400 0 $290.06 $0.00 FIREPLACE PC 101-0000-42600 0 :>435.10 :>0.00 _ :Total Paid forFIREPLACE: $725.16 $0.00, ` _ . - �. CR~~~~ ..'.~~ .Phnted:Tue�day ]u�21��152:U1�8PN1 - ' ' ' .-� , ' 2nf4 ` - . . ' ' Printed:. Tuesday, July21;2015'2:01:08 2:01:08 PM 3of4 Cff?w-1ySTEMS' I ............ ..... .....• 7VT Printed:. Tuesday, July21;2015'2:01:08 2:01:08 PM 3of4 Cff?w-1ySTEMS' I ............ ------ 77 w -VA1U;UA:fET',R CEIPT#.�-�' t It APPLIANCE 101-0000-42402 0 $12.09 0.00 REPAIR/ALTERATION APPLIANCE 101r0000-42600 0. $4.83 $0.00 REPAIR/ALTERATION PC CONDENSER/COMPRES 101-0000-42402 0. $36.26 $0.00 SOR • CONDENSER/COMPRES 101-0000-42600 0 $24.17 $0.06 SOR PC EVAPORATIVE COOLER .101-0000-42402 0 $12.09 $0.00 EVAPORATIVE COOLER 101-0000-42600 0 $12.09 $0.00 PC Total Paid for MECHANICAL: $101.53 $0.00 FIXTURE/TRAP 101-0000-42401 0. $24.18 $0.00- FIXTURE/TRAP PC 101-0600-42600 0. $24.18 $0.00 WATER SYSTEM - .101-0000-42401 0 $12.09 $0.00 INST/ALT/REP 'WATER SYSTEM 101-0000-42600 :0 $12.09 $0.00 INST/ALT/REP PC -Total Paid for PLUMBING FEES: $12.54 $0.00 REMODEL,EA 101-0000-42400. 0 $21.75 $0.00. ADDITIONAL 500 SF REMODEL, EA 101-000.0-42600 01, $17.40 $0.00 ADDITIONAL 500 SF PC REMODEL, FIRST 100 SF 101-0000-42400 0 i$.49.31 $0.00 REMODEL, FIRST 500 SF 101-0000-42600 .0 $134.88 $0.00 PC Total Paid for REMODEL: $223.34 $0.00 SMI - RESIDENTIAL 0-20308 7F 101-0000-20308 0 7' $19.24 $0.00 Total Paid forSTRONG MOTION INSTRUMENTATION SMk $19.24 $0.00 Printed:. Tuesday, July21;2015'2:01:08 2:01:08 PM 3of4 Cff?w-1ySTEMS' TOl'ALS: y1,3lilS b5 ;, 1 .... $O.UU ,,,.,, .... ,„ .. , REVIEW TYPE "REVIEWER SENT DATE DUE. DATE RETURNED REVIEWS STATUS REMARKS _ NOTES _;- DATE NON-STRUCTURAL - BUILDING 6/23/2015 7/7/2015 7/8/2015 REVISIONS REQUIRED 2 WK BUCKET YOUNG 6/23/2015 7/7/2015 7/7/2015 REVISIONS REQUIRED STRUCTURAL - 2 WK ENGINEERING NON-STRUCTURAL - JIM JOHNSON 7/17/2015 7/24/2015 7/21/2015 APPROVED 1 WK KATHRYN 7/17/2015 7/24/2015 7/20/2015 READY FOR APPROVAL STRUCTURAL - 1 WK 2ND SUBMITTAL, PLANS, REDLINES, CALCS. SAMUELS BOND INFORMATION Printed: Tuesday, July 21, 2015 2:01:08 PM 4o . f 4 sysrrMs B`"'#(n� Permit # City of La Quinta Building 8t Safety Division P.O. Box 1504, 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 - (760) 777-7012. Building Permit Application and Tracking Sheet Project Address: Owner's Name: d , A. P. Number: 2� Address: Legal Description: City, ST, Zip: �II-- Contractor: r ` r\ V• V1oy '`'� �W W\ T eleP hone: Address: ^O 1, ri S70 3� Project Description: City, ST, Zip: s 17,7 -zq) Telephone: h one: K Ar 0 l� State Lic. # : City Lie. #; Arch., Engr., Designer: 'L, AAt , t Lam` 41 Y Address: 54vC- V -,.. t le lvicn V 0, b t City., ST, Zip: ons �C�TelePhone. nYP Occupancy:ancY State S to Lic. # Project e �- . circle one): New e Add'n Atte Re' J 'r Demo ty P � II Name of Contact Person: �t✓'y9 it�-A Sq. Ft.: # Stories: # Units: Telephone # of Contact Person: .6 0 28-5 3 Estimated Value of Project: APPLICANT: DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE f< Submittal Req'd Recd TRACKING PERMIT FEES Plan Sets Plan Check submitted Item Amount Structural Cates. Reviewed, ready f corrections Plan Check Deposit Truss Cates. Called Contact Person Plan Check Balance Title 24 Cates. Plans picked up Construction ' Flood plain plan Plans resubmitted Mechanical Grading plan 2°" Review, ready for corrections/issue Electrical Subcontactor List Called Contact Person Plumbing Grant Deed Plans picked up S.M.I. H.O.A. Approval Plans resubmitted Grading IN HOUSE:- '"' Review, ready for corrections/issue Developer Impact Fee Planning Approval Called Contact Person A.I.P.P. Pub. Wks. Appr Date of permit issue c School Fees Total Permit Fees %1 zo - C41 -Mow ev ..04m 07' YOUNG ENGINEERING ` u - e +` Letter of Transmittal' ' To: City of Ca Quints Today's Dater 7-20-15 . 78-495'Calle Tampico' City Due Date: 7-24-15 La Quinta,'CA,92253 'k. : Project:Address:; `80849 Via Savona Attn:.-,- 'Kay Plan'Check #: BRES 2015-0243 + X " Submittal: ❑ 1'st c.. El4bd th •} - - ® 2nd f 5th ❑ 3ro. ❑ Other:' Weare forwarding ® By Messenger ❑ ,. By Mail (Fed Ex or UPS) : ❑ Your,Pickup; ' • includes # Of Descriptions:.Includes'- # Of Descriptions: Copies; Copies: j ❑ Structural Plansp ® 1 Revised Structural Plans 1 Structural, Calculations ❑ Revised Struct. Calcs ' :Truss Calculations Floor. ` ❑ ❑ y Revised Truss ' ado ❑. _ .. Soils Report. r; ❑ Revised Soils Report •., ', 1, Structural Comment List ❑ 4 Approved'Structural Plans T ® 1 Redlined.. Structural Plans,' ❑. Approved Structural' Calcs. ❑ ' Redlined Structural -Calcs, 0 < Approved Truss Calcs ❑ Redlined Truss Calcs Approved Soils Report, ❑ Redlined'Soils Reports A ❑ Other`::, i• s - Comments. Structural content is approvable."'.,. If'You have any. questions, -please calla i 0 Time'= .75`HR CITY OE LA QtIIN7:. " IMMUNITY-DEVELOP:,..Y " , ' _ This Materia) Sent for, YourFiles- : '- ® -Per Your Request'. - 1 � ❑Your,Review ❑ Approval w, c ° ❑ Checking; " *` ❑ At the request of Other: BY: Kathryn Samuels Palm Desert'Office.:: ® (760) 772-5107 °y -° Other G OP IrNC' • 77570 Springfield Lane, Suite "D" Teleph6ne: (760) 360-9998 Palm Desert, CA 92211 Fax: (760) 360-9903 Structural Calculation For Persinger Residence . , r At 80-849 Via Savona The Hideaway { La Quinta, CA r 00 Type Of Project: Residential '1 . Remodel - a� �� 0X o 1 10 Revision#1(07/16/2015) ' - ®� ' ®'� t�G 7813 ;U m C0 & SAFETY. 7* l BUILDING Y Date: May 18, 2015�� P R®V Design by: R.A. FOR CONST UCTI ; JN: 150553 • � DATE � 2t B � - Nup 111!n R PROJECT: BM#2 PAGE: ■A-[rN(;INI-'I'-STFW z-L`��AL CLIENT: Persinger Residence DESIGN BY: R.A. FINc. JOB NO.: 150553 DATE: 7/16/2015 REVIEW BY: R.A.. Wood Beam Design Based on NDS 2012 y INPUT DATA & DESIGN SUMMARY" L MEMBER SIZE 6 x 10 No. 1, Douglas Fir -Larch L + MEMBER SPAN L= 7.75 ft l UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED DEAD LOAD wD = 595 lbs/ft FDt + 1 R02 UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED LIVE LOAD wL = 330 lbs/ ft WL CONCENTRATED DEAD LOADS PD1 = 191 lbs WD (0 for no concentrated load) L1 = . 3 • ft . s PD2 0 lbs 1 T L2 _ 0 ft DEFLECTION LIMIT OF LIVE LOAD 16L = L / 360 Camber => 0.12 Inch DEFLECTION LIMIT OF LONG-TERM AKcrD-L= L/ 240 THE BEAM DESIGN IS ADEQUATE. Does member have continuous lateral support by top diaphragm 7 (1= yes, 0= no) 0 No , Code Duration Factor, Cr, Condition Code Designation ' ~ 1 0.90 Dead Load 1 Select Structural, Douglas Fir -Larch 2 1.00 Occupancy Live Load 2 No. 1, Douglas Fir -Larch 3 1.15 Snow Load 3 No. 2, Douglas Fir -Larch F 4 1.25 Construction Load 4 Select Structural, Southern Pine 5 1.60 Wind/Earthquake Load. 5 No. 1, Southern Pine ' ' 6 2.00 ` Impact Load 6 No. 2, Southern Pine , Choice => 4 Construction Load Choice r => 2 = - r ANALYSIS DETERMINE REACTIONS,. MOMENT, SHEAR Wseu wt = 11 - lbs / ft Rua = 3.75 kips - RRIght = 3.70 kips VMax = 3.00 kips, at 9.5 inch from left end MMax = 7.32 ft -kips, at 3.80 ft from left end s DETERMINE SECTION PROPERTIES& ALLOWABLE STRESSES b 5.50 in E'ml„ _ 580 ksi E = E- = 1600. ksi Fb = .1687.5 psi . d = 9.50 In FbE = 12306 psl Fb = 1,350 psi F = FbE / Fe 7.29 A =. 52.3 int 1 = 393 in° Fv = . 170 psi Fe = 1,674 psi Sx = 82.7, in RIB = 7.520 <50 E' = 1,600 ksi F„ = 213 psi 1E= 15.0 (ft, Tab 3.3.3 footnote 1) CD CM Ct Ci CL CF Cv C° Cr _ 1.25 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.99 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 • CHECK BENDING AND SHEAR CAPACITIES fb = MMax / SX = 1062 psi < Fb - - 1674 psi [Satisfactory] f,; = 1,5 VMax / A = 86 psi < Fv [Satisfactory] CHECK DEFLECTIONS r, A (L• Max) = 0.04 in, at 3.875 ft from left end, < d u = L/ 360 [Satisfactory] 1d(Kcr0+L,Max) = 0.17 in, at 3.875 ft from left end < dKcrD-u =+L / 240 '[Satisfactory] _ • Where Kc, _ 1.50 (NDS 3.5.2) . DETERMINE CAMBER AT 1.5 (DEAD + SELF WEIGHT) A (1.5D. Max) 0.12 in, at 3.875 ft from left end IV OF L QUINTA • BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. APPROVE® FOR CONSTRUCTION 1 - r PATE_ BY CHECK THE BEAM CAPACITY WITH AXIAL LOAD AXIAL LOAD' F = 1 kips THE ALLOWABLE COMPRESSIVE STRESS IS F,' = F, Co CP CF = 1081 psi V Where Fc = 925 psi Co = 1.60 F F CF = 1.00 (Lumber only) CP = (1+F) 12c - [((1+F) /2c)'- F / c]os = 0,731' . Fc = Fo Co CF = 1480, psi. Le Ke L = 1.0 L = • 93 in b = 5.5 in SF =slenderness ratio = 16.9 < 50 [Satisfies NDS 2012 Sec. FiE = 0.822 E'min / SF = 1667 psi E'min = 580 ksl F = FcE / Fc* 1.127 C = 0.8 THE ACTUAL COMPRESSIVE STRESS IS f, = F / A 19 psi < F, [Satisfactory] THE ALLOWABLE FLEXURAL STRESS IS Fti = 2143 psi, [ for Co = 1.6 J THE ACTUAL FLEXURAL STRESS IS " fb = (M + Fe) / S,= 1128 psi < Fe [Satisfactory] y CHECK COMBINED STRESS [NDS 2012 Sec. 3.9.2] (f� / F.' )Z + fb / [Fe (1 - fc / F.E)] = 0.533 < 1 [Satisfactory] f I I I I I I I I T T� � O Irr / \ \ �y•1 i . I . I f I I I I I I I I T T� � �y•1 . ZI cL• • •i I M ' I \ \ I I _______________ ,I -----------------------� I r CLIENT: �rsin�e� Res;derm _ . SHEET: SUBJECT: �e�►ode) x�i StYllCtllYllZ E/ZQZnBCYIfZQ," InC._ JOB N0: 150553 DESIGN BY: RA La�P�'Q I ; U�x = y 2 0 tbS .f- 6, 90 2 J�s = y 9, z )bs , _+5,500 16S x )�� - 7,150 lis Go�P��s . S g,5o� I bs x OA Lafe�ai �pUd Oilrd�in� r - -7 I50 As x J%2 z, 5-7-5 lbs A r . (J1P(2j KTXZIX13 KS FI10(1AdIe= 21�5o l6sA bs 3,5 �-5 Itis < Sv ids ✓nk s * OF ( MNTA 4 cI DEPT. BUILDING & SAFETY ° CTION FOR CONSTRU .. DATES Y _ } t. RPROJECT: Seismic , " PAGE fir. `'y t` k: ASTRUCTURAL CLIENT: Persinger DESIGN BY. R A;.ENGINGfUNG JOB NO.: 150553 ,, DATE: REVIEW BY: R.K-. One Story Seismic Analysis Based on 2012 IBC / 2013 CBC Determine Base Shear (Derived from ASCE 7 Sec. 12.8 & Supplement 2) V = MAX( MIN [ SD11 / (RT) , SDS I / R ] MAX(0.044SOsl , 0.01) 0.5S1 I / R } W = MAX( MIN[ 0.75W , 0.15W ], 0.04W 0.05W)' -7- 0.15 .0.15 W, (SD) I(for S, Z 0.6 g only) 0.110, (ASD) = 5.50 kips Where SDS = 1.001 (ASCE 7 Sec 11.4.4) SD1 = 0.701 (ASCE 7 Sec 11.4.4) S1 = 0.701 " --(ASCE 7 Sec 11.41) ` R = 116.5 -(ASCE 7 Tab 12.2-1) 1 1 (2012 IBC Tab 1604.5 & ASCE 7 Tab 11.5-1) Ct = 0.02 (ASCE 7 Tab 12.8-2) hn = - 14.0 ft X = 0.75 (ASCE 7 Tab 12.8-2) T' = Ct (hn)x = 0.145 sec, (ASCE 7 Sec Calculate Vertical Distribution of Forces & Allowable Elastic Drift (ASCE 7, Sec 12.8.3 & 12.8.6) Level Wx hx hxk Wxhxk Fx , ASD (12.8-11) axe,allowable, ASD Roof. - 50 14 14.0 700 5.5 ( o.11 wx) 0.6 50.0 700 5.5 ' � f Where", k = 1 for T <=.0.5 Ike,allowabie, ASD = Aa 1/ (1.4 Cd), (ASCE 7 Sec 12.8.6) k = 0.5 T + 0.75 for T @ (0.5 , 2.5) Cd = 4;,,� ,(ASCE 7 Tab 12.2-1) ' �. k =. 2 for T >= 2.5-- ( Da = E 0 02 �,j hsx, (ASCE 7 Tab 12.12-1) Calculate Diaphragm Forces (ASCE 7, Sec Level Wx EWx Fx EFx Fpx , ASD, (12.10-1) Roof 50.0 50.0 5.5 ' 5.5 6.7 ( 0.13 Wx) ' 50.0 5.5 Where . Fmin = 0.2 SDS I Wx / 1.5 , ASD Finax = 0.4 SDS I Wx / 1.5 , ASD r- fA QtjINTA AFETY DEPT. O E® BY �� ; A M + p • r. r- fA QtjINTA AFETY DEPT. O E® BY �� ; ®� PROJECT: Wind _ ' PAGE: A5 rRUCTURAL CLIENT : Persinger - -� , y ,. •-r"� : ', DESIGN BY : R X r ' �rNr;Inlr-.rr.tnc; JOB 150553 DATE: . REVIEW BY: R.A;�:" ; Wind Analysis for Low-rise Building, Based on ASCE 74010 INPUT DATA Y ' Exposure category (B,.0 or,D, ASCE 7.10 26.7.3) C Importance factor (ASCE 7.10 Table 1.5.2) 1w = 1.00 for all Category " Basic wind speed (ASCE 7-10 26.5.1 or 2012 IBC) V = 110 mph 4 Topographic factor (ASCE 7-10 26.8 &Table 26.8-1) Flat r v ' Building height to eave he = 14 ft •ir. L k Building height to ridge hr = 20 ft _ Building length L = 39 ` ft I p Building width B = 29 ft i--� Effective area of components (or Solar Panel area) A = 20 ft2 DESIGN SUMMARY Max horizontal force normal to building length, L, face = 12.65 kips, SD level (LRFD level), Typ Max horizontal force normal to building length, B, face = 8.50 kips Max total horizontal torsional load = 61.91 ft -kips' - Max total upward force = 18.10 kips ANALYSIS Velocity pressure qh = 0.00256 Kh Kt Ka V2 = 22.91 psf where: qh = velocity pressure at mean roof height, h. (Eq. 28.3-1 page 298 & Eq. 30.3-1 page 316) Kh = velocity pressure exposure coefficient evaluated at height, h, (Tab. 28.3-1, pg 299) 0.87 Ka = wind directionality factor. (Tab. 26.6-1, for building, page 250) = 0.85 h = mean roof height = 17.00 ft < 60 ft, [Satisfactory] (ASCE 7-10 26.2.1) < Min (L, B), [Satisfactory] (ASCE 7-10 26.2.2) Deslan riressures for MWFRS ' p = qh [(G C°f )-(G Cpl where: p = pressure in appropriate zone. (Eq. 28.4-1, page 298). pmiTI = 16 psf (ASCE 7-10 28.4.4) G C°f= product of gust effect factor and external pressure -coefficient, see table below. (Fig. 28.4-1, page 300 &301) G C° I = product of gust effect factor and internal pressure coefficient. (Tab. 26.11-1, Enclosed Building, page 258) } 0.18 or. -0.18 - a = width of edge strips, Fig 28.4-1, note 9, page 301, MAX[ MIN(0.18, 0.11., 0.4h), MIN(0.04B, 0.04L), 3] _ 3:00 ft Net Pressures (osfl. Basic Load Cases Net Pressures sfl, Torslonal Load Cases r - , 3E 3 2 2 2 2E 3 - - ' 2E 2 E 3E 3 -3T T 3E - - • g + i�4 4\� T 2E 2 6 6 6T 4 ,w\�. 4E 4E 4E - T.UII �9 6Ev� 0 / �� 6 E B I IE 6 5 I IT 1 IE REFERENCE CORNER IE 5E • REFERENCE CORNER IE SAFETY DEFE. - ` REFERENCE CORNER _ REFE�ENF�I ti0 i�N WIND DIRECTION 24 ° b WIND DIRECTION - WIND DIRECTION 20 D 0 A cT E® Load Case A (Transverse) Load Case'B (Longitudinal) Load Case A (Tronsverse) oad CopoWeepQ541RUCTION Basic Load Cases Torsion' Load Cases f w Roof an le e = 22.48 Roof an le 0 = 0.00 GO°' Net Pressure with G�Of Net Pressure with Surface (+GC I) (-GC I) (+GC I) (-GC I) 1 0.54 8.19 16.43 -0.45 -14.43 -6.18 •2 -0.47 -14.82 -6.57' -0.69 -19.93 -11.68 3 -0.47 -14.83 -6.59 -0.37 -12.60 -4.35 4 -0.42 -13.63 -5.39 -0.45 -14.43 -6.18 5 0.40 y 5.04 13.29 6 -0.29 -10.77 -2.52 . 1E 0.77 13.58 21.82 -0.48 -15.12 -6.87 2E -0.74 -21.02 -12.78 -1.07 -28.63 -20.39 3E -0.65 -19.02 -10.77 -0.53 --16.26 -8.02 T 4E -0.60 -17.87 -9.63 -0.48 -15.12 =6.87 5E 0.61 9.85 18.10 6E -0:43 -13.97 -5.73 r - , 3E 3 2 2 2 2E 3 - - ' 2E 2 E 3E 3 -3T T 3E - - • g + i�4 4\� T 2E 2 6 6 6T 4 ,w\�. 4E 4E 4E - T.UII �9 6Ev� 0 / �� 6 E B I IE 6 5 I IT 1 IE REFERENCE CORNER IE 5E • REFERENCE CORNER IE SAFETY DEFE. - ` REFERENCE CORNER _ REFE�ENF�I ti0 i�N WIND DIRECTION 24 ° b WIND DIRECTION - WIND DIRECTION 20 D 0 A cT E® Load Case A (Transverse) Load Case'B (Longitudinal) Load Case A (Tronsverse) oad CopoWeepQ541RUCTION Basic Load Cases Torsion' Load Cases f w Roof an ile 0 = 22.48 G C° f Net Pressure with Surface (+GC° I) (-GC° I ) 1T 0.54 2.05 4.11 2T -0.47 -3.70 -1.64 3T -0.47 -3.71 -1.65 4T -0.42 -3.41 -1.35 Roof an le 9 = '. 0.00 G C°, Pressure with SurfaceNet (+GCp l) (-GC,, 5T 0.40 1.26 1 3.32 - 6T -0.29 -2.69 -0.63 r - , 3E 3 2 2 2 2E 3 - - ' 2E 2 E 3E 3 -3T T 3E - - • g + i�4 4\� T 2E 2 6 6 6T 4 ,w\�. 4E 4E 4E - T.UII �9 6Ev� 0 / �� 6 E B I IE 6 5 I IT 1 IE REFERENCE CORNER IE 5E • REFERENCE CORNER IE SAFETY DEFE. - ` REFERENCE CORNER _ REFE�ENF�I ti0 i�N WIND DIRECTION 24 ° b WIND DIRECTION - WIND DIRECTION 20 D 0 A cT E® Load Case A (Transverse) Load Case'B (Longitudinal) Load Case A (Tronsverse) oad CopoWeepQ541RUCTION Basic Load Cases Torsion' Load Cases f w Basic Load Case A Transverse Direction Basic Load Case B Lon itudinal Direction) 3 Torsional Load Case A Transverse Direction Torsional Load Case B Lon itudinal Direction Design pressures for components and cladding zr x__z ys 3rzy? sizya p= qhI (G Cp) - (G Cpl)] s i t i i t i i Z °. . s i t i i t t where: p = pressure on component. (Eq. 30.4-1, pg 318) ` ' 's sit°"° ° 2 i 12 2: - i" -1- 12 . Pmin = 16.00 psf (ASCE 7-10 30.2.2) ° G CP = external pressure coefficient. Walls ~ T see table below. (ASCE 7-10 30.4.2) Roof e•r, Roof a»- R Note: If the effective area is roof Solar Panel area, the only zone 1, 2 , or 3 apply. 1 Min. Area Pressure k with Surface (ft') (+GCPI) (-GCP J . 1 462 3.78 7.59 2 518 -7.67 -3.40 3 518 -7.68 -3.41 4 462 -6.30 -2.49 1E 84 1.14 1.83 2E 94 -1.98 -1.20 3E 94 -1.79 -1.01 4E 84 -1.50 -0.81 E Horiz. 12.65 12.65 8.50 E -8 3E 94 Vert.' -17.67 -8.35 Min. wind Horiz. 12.48• 12.48 28.4.4 Vert. -18.10 -18.10 Min. Area Pressure k with Surface (flz) (+GCP i) (-GC I ) ' 2 518 -10.32 -6.05 ' 3 518 -6.52 -2.25 5 405 2.04 5.38 „ 8 405 • -4.36 -1.02 2E 94 -2.70 -1.92 3E 84 -1.53 -0.75 SE 88 0.86 1.59 6E 88 -1.23 -0.50 2E Horiz. 8.50' 8.50 E -8 3E 94 -1.79 Vert. -15.90 -6.67- wind Horiz. 7.89 7.89 28.4.4 Vert. -18.10 -18.10 Comp. 8 Claddln0 Pressure 'f Psf 1 Area pressure k with, Torsion fl•k '.Surface z (ll) (+GCPI) (-GC I) (+GC i) (-GC I) 1 ' 189 1.55 3.11 13 26 2 212 -3.14 -1.39 -10 -4 3 212 -3.14 -1.40 10, 4 4 189 -2.58 -1.02 21 8 IE E _ 84 1.14 • 1.83 19 30 2E 94 -1:98 -1.20 -12 -8 3E 94 -1.79 -1.01 11 6 4E 84 -1.50 -0.81 25 13 1T 273 0.56 1.12 -5 -11 2T 306 -1.13 -0.50 4 2 3T 306 -1.13 -0.50 -4 -2 4T 273 -0.93 -0.37 -9 -4 Total Horiz. Torsional Load, MT 62 62 Comp. 8 Claddln0 Pressure 'f Psf 1 Area ' Pressure k with Torsion R -k Surface a • (R) (+GC I) (-GCPI) (+GC I) (-GCPI) 2 518 -10.32 -8.05. -6 -3 3 518 -6.52 -2.25 4 1 5 159 0.80 2.11 4 12 6 159 -1.71 -0.40 9 2 2E 94 -2.70 -1.92 19 13 3E 94 -1.53 -0.75 -11 -5 5E 88 0.86 1.59 11 21 6E 88 -1.23 -0.50 16 7 5T 247 ' 0.31 0.82 -2 -6 6T 247 -0.66 -0.16 -5 -1 Total Horiz. Torsional Load, MT 40.1 '40.1 Comp. 8 Claddln0 Pressure 'f Psf 1 Effoctivo Area. (ft') Zone 1 GC - GC GC Zone 2 - GC GC Zone S • GC Zone 4 GC - GC Zone 6 GC • GC Comp. 20 0.44 -0.87 0.44 -1.55 0.44 -2.42 0.95 -1.05. 0.95 -1.29 Comp. 8 Claddln0 Pressure 'f Psf 1 Zono 1 Zone 2 Zono S Zono 4 Zone 6 po�ilivo No otivo Poskivo No °tivo Positivo . No olivo Poalliv° Ne otivo Positive Negative 16.00 -24.05 1600 ' -39.62 16.00 -59.54 25.81 -28.10 25.81 -33.76 CITY :NGAFE:TYE T/ BUILDIPT. A FORN i I DATE -R PROJECT: Grade Beam for HFX21xl3 PAGE: CLIENT: Persinger DESIGN BY: R.A. ' e- -ASTRUCTURAL =IiNG[NE[:f I?,:(7 JOB NO.: 150553 DATE: REVIEW BY: R.A. Footing Design of Shear Wall Based on ACI 318.11 INPUT DATA wr WALL LENGTH Lw =-` 1.75 ft, _ Pr WALL HEIGHT h = 13 ft _ D w WALUTHICKNESS t = 6 in FOOTING LENGTH L = ' 8.75 ft F L, = 3.5 ft M FOOTING WIDTH B = ' 2.5 ft P FOOTING THICKNESS T= 24 in h w FOOTING EMBEDMENT DEPTH D = 2 ft ALLOWABLE SOIL PRESSURE qa = 1.5 • ksf PF DEAD LOAD AT TOP WALL Pr,DL = 0.2 kips, wr,DL = 495 plf ' D LIVE LOAD AT TOP WALL Pr,LL = 0.2 kips, wr,LL = 330 plf 10 TOP LOAD LOCATION a = 0.875 ft WALL SELF WEIGHT Pw= 0.1 kips L 1 Lw ' LATERALLOAD TYPE (0=wind,l=seismic) 1 seismic SEISMIC LOADS AT TOP (E, SD) F = 2.6 kips �� " •� ��� ^ �^ �• M = 0 ft -kips CONCRETE STRENGTH fc'.= 2.5 . ., ksi ' '• REBAR YIELD STRESS fy = 60 ksi . t TOP BARS, LONGITUDINAL 4 # S BOTTOM BARS, LONGITUDINAL .4 # 5 BOTTOM BARS, TRANSVERSE # 3 @ 12 in a.c. < _= Not Required • - ANALYSIS CHECK OVERTURNING FACTOR (2012 IBC 1605:2.1,1808.3.1, & ASCE 7-10 12.13.4) F= MR/MO= 0.83 > 1.0 x 0.75 / 0.9 foe seismic [Satisfactory) Where . Pr,DL = 1.06625 kips, (total roof DL, including Wr,DL) Y Pr,LL = 0.7775 kips, (total roof LL, including wr,LL) _ a 0.581356 ft, (total roof loads) 7 •, Pf _ ,-_ 6.34375 kips (footing self weight) Mo = F (h + D) + M = 39 ft -kips (overturning moment) , ' MR = (Pr,DL) (1-1 + a) + Pr (0.5 L) + Pw (L, + 0.51_w) = 33 ft -kips (resisting moment without live load) CHECK SOIL CAPACITY (ALLOWABLE STRESS DESIGN) Ps = 4.375 kips (soil weight in footing size) ` P = (Pr,DL + Pr;LL) + Pw + (Pf - Ps) _ 3.91 kips (total vertical net load) MR = (Pr,DL + Pr. LL) (1-1 + a) + Pf (0.5 L) + Pw (L, + 0.51-w) = 36 ft -kips (resisting moment with live load) e = 0.51- (MR - Mo) / P = 5.21 ft (eccentricity from middle of footing) \ `e5 for 9nrrx BG 6 2P. L _ -1.24 ksf < 4 / 3 qa . 3B(0.5L-e)' for e>6 (Satisfactory) Where e.= 5.21 ft, > (L / 6) CHECK FOOTING CAPACITY (STRENGTH DESIGN) ; -r ` ' Mu,R = 1.2 IPr,DL (L1 + a) + Pf (0.5 L) + Pw (L, + 0.5Lw)l+ 0.5 Pe, LL(L1 + a) ��/ CITY . Mu,o = 1.0 IF(h + D) + M) _, 39 ft -kips = 41 ft -kips DEPT 11 �� , P 1.2(Pr,DL+ P+ P + 0.5 P 9 kips p I� Pu f w) r, LL= p P BIL ap&��5®/A�_pv u,f , A eq.✓EP e„ = 0.5L - (Mu,R - Mu,o) / PU = 4.20 ft e P 1+ Lu) L. 0 W 9,,.n4nx - BL .for e„� 6= 14.36 ksf � w� � qu,r ox 2p.f L or e„ > 3B(0.5L-e„)6''Xu _ BENDING MOMENT & SHEAR AT EACH FOOTING SECTION Section JV 0 1/10 L 2/10 L 3/10 L 4/10 L 5/10 L 6/10 L 7/10 L 8/10 L 9/10 L L Xu (ft) 0 0.88 1.75 2.63 3.50 4.38 5.25 6.13 7.00 7.88 8.75 Pu,W (klf) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 78.4 1.0 -76.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Mu., (ft -k) 0 0 0 0 0 -20 41 -43 44 "46 -47 Vu.w (kips) 0 0 0 0 0 -35 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 Pu,f(ksf) 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 - Mu,f(ft-k) 0 0 -1 -3 -5 -8 -12 -16 -21 -27 -33 Vuf(kips) 0 -1 -2 -2 -3 -4 -5 -5 -6 -7 -8 qu (kso -14.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Mu.q (ft -k) 0 7 15 23 31 39 48 56 64 72 81 Vu,q (kips) 0 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9, E Mu (ft -k) 0 6 13 20 26 11 -5 -3 -1 0 0 E Vu (kips) 0 9 8 7 6 -29 3 2 2 1 0 - 20 10 0 -10 20 0 -20 -40 (cont'd) Location Mu,max d (in) PregDPprovD Vu,max �Vo = 2 b d (t� )°'8 Top Longitudinal -5 ft -k 20.69 0.0001 0.0020 29 kips 53 kips Bottom Longitudinal 26 . ft -k. 20.69 0.0018 0.0020 29 kips 53 kips Bottom Transverse 0 ft -k / ft 20.19 0.0000 0.0000 0 kips / ft 21 kips / ft r 0.85f` C1- I - M. 0.383bd'f Where P = fy 0.85,61fr eu p,,r,,X _ = 0.0129 f y Eu+Et P min = 0.0018 [Satisfactory] CITY OF LA QUINTA BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. APPROVFD FOR CONSTRUCTION i _BY DATE �