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lu(,iLrfu 73-495 CALLE TAMPICO D -` LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMIT Application Number: Property Address: APN: Application Description: Property Zoning: Application Valuation: Applicant: SOLARCITY CORPORATION 3055 CLEARVIEW WAY ATTN ZOE STEELE SAN MATEO, CA 94402 BSOL2015-0118 78535 VIA SONATA 646290008 SOLAR ROOF MOUNTED PANELS. $18,740.00 LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the.Business and Professions Code, and my License is in full force and effect. Lice n {I s: C4 C10 A Lice e N 1 Dat Contractor: OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt fro�te Contractor's State License Law for the following reason (Sec. 7031.5, Business and Professions Code: Any city or county that requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish, or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for the permit to file a signed statement that he or she is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's State License Law (Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code) or that he or she is exempt therefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars ($500).: (_) I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the'structure is not intended or offered for sale. (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does the work himself or herself through his or her own employees, provided that the improvements_ are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner -builder will have the burden of proving that he or she did not build or improve for the purpose of sale.). (_) I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project. (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who contracts for the projects with a contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractors' State License Law.). (_) I am exempt under Sec. . B.&P.C. for this reason Date: Owner: CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued (Sec. 3097, Civ. C.). Lender's Name: Lender's Address: VOICE (760) 777-7125 FAX (760) 777-7011 INSPECTIONS (760) 777-7153, Date: 8/11/2015 Owner: GEORGE COOPER 78535 VIA SONATA LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Contractor: SOLARCITY CORPORATION 3055 CLEARVIEW WAY ATTN ZOE STEELE SAN MATEO; CA 94402 (650)963-5630 Llc. No.: 888104 WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for workers' com sation, which for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance e rk for which this permit is issued. I have and will maintain workers' compensation insurance, as required by e ' 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My workers' compensation insurance carrier and policy number are: Carrier: _ Policy Number: _ I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not_employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the workers' compensation laws of California, and agree that, if I ould become subject to the .workers' compensation provisions of Section 370 Aof t e Lab Code, I shall forthwith comply ith th se provisions. Date: Applicant: WARNING: FAILURE TO SECURE WORKERS' COMPENSATION CtVRAGE IS UNLAWFUL, AND SHALL SUBJECT AN EMPLOYER TO CRIMINAL PENALTIES IVIL FINES UP TO ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($100,000). IN ADDITION TO THE COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN SECTION 3706 OF THE LABOR CODE, INTEREST, AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. APPLICANT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT IMPORTANT: Application is hereby made to the Building Official for a permit subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth on this application. 1. Each person upon whose behalf this application is made, each person at whose request and for whose benefit work is performed under or pursuant to any permit issued as a result of this application , the owner, and the applicant, each agrees to, and shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City of La Quinta, its officers, agents, and employees for any act or omission related to the work being performed under or following issuance of this permit. 2. Any permit issued as a result of this application becomes null and void if work is not commenced within 180 days from date of issuance of such permit, or cessation of work for 180 days will subject permit to cancellation. , I certify that I have read this application and st at tUinformationis correct. agree to comply with all city and county�or finance ao building construction, and hereby authorize represe, tatives o the above- mentjengd r pe y fo�ection purposes. Date.: C�J1 Signature (Applicant or gent DESCRIPTIONS'- <t g _ FINANCIAL ,. s — . ;• 4•, ; _ ACCOUNT =y QTY_ - �. AMOUNT w� .PAID PAID DATE BSAS SB1473 FEE 101-0000-20306 0 $1.00 $0.00 PAIDLBY a,'' ,'y'RECEIPT #r ''CHECK # . T • , CLTD BY; Total Paid forBUILDING STANDARDS ADMINISTRATION BSA: $1.00 $0.00 =`DESCRIPTION _ '' , „ls =; ACCOUNT y t.' QTY ;AMOUNT PAID ° PAID DATE PV SYSTEM - ARRAY, FIRST 20 101-0000-42403 0. $24.17' $0.00 r PAI6BY ..» `ar w METHOD '+ n*'' RECEIPT #. CHECK #'. CLTD BY 1 DESCRIPTIONS c' s: a ;= ACCOUNT K .. .. ra. .. :w ,. _.. ... .. .. .. ;QTY Is " PAID PAID DATE, PV SYSTEM - ARRAY, FIRST 20 PC 101-0000-42600 0 $24.17 $0.00 ` PAID BY,,,,-' . METHOD �* ;,�' 'sir. <RECEIPT'# �_� CHECK # CLTD.BY" max" iw ger:DESCRIPTIONt ?k s,;* t, r AC000NTZ CITY , ,� AMOUNT, PAID 'PAID DATE PV SYSTEM - MISC EQUIPMENT 101-0000-42403 0 $24.17 $0.00 SPAID.BY y," 4 _ METHOD . `_` RECEIPT #' CHECK #"CLTD BY 'ACCOUNTS-''* ,;QTY" AMOUNT '# PAIDys PAID DATE PV SYSTEM - MISC EQUIPMENT PC 101-0000-42600 0 $24.17 $0.00 x PAID:BY" _ wr :', . „ r', " METHOD " 3 •' . ,. RECEIPT,# t. ;`'CHECK # r;. r"a CLTD.BY{ Total Paid for ELECTRICAL: $96.68 $0.00 •. DESCRIPTION,_ ACCOUNT PAID 7y PAID DATE PERMIT ISSUANCE 101-0000-42404 0 $91.85 $0.00 PAID'.BY{" ..� 4� METHOD ti w r t. t "°RECEIPT#i ., .• CHECK# , x fCLTDBY;; Total Paid for PERMIT ISSUANCE: $91.85 $0.00 TOTALS: Description: SOLAR ROOF MOUNTED PANELS. _ Type: SOLAR Subtype: Status: APPROVED Applied: 7/30/2015 PJU Approved: 8/10/2015 JFU Parcel No: 646290008 Site Address: 78535 VIA SONATALA QUINTA,CA 92253 Subdivision: TR 21555-4 Block: Lot: 8 Issued: Lot Sq Ft: 0 Building Sq Ft: 0 Zoning: - Finaled: Valuation: $18,740.00 Occupancy Type: Construction Type: Expired: No. Buildings: 0 No. Stories: 0 No. Unites: 0 -- TYPE, STAFF NAME Details: .8.48 kW SOLAR ARRAY - (32) 265W KYOCERA KU2656ZPA PANELS W/ (1) ABB PVI-3.6-OUTD-S-US-Z-A INVERTER + (1) 125A SUBPANEL [576SF] 2013 CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL CODE. J Applied to Approved r TINANCIAL INFORMATION Printed: Tuesday, August 11, 2015 4:37:38 PM 1 of 3 - SYSTEMS ADDITIONAL CHRONOLOGY -- TYPE, STAFF NAME ACTION DATE" ' COMPLETION DATE �" `- r4 'NOTES' ,CHRONOLOGY s , . , n NOTIFIED ELENA W/ SOLAR CITY THAT PLANS WERE E-MAIL JAKE FUSON 8/10/2015 8/10/2015 APPROVED AND PERMIT WAS READY TO ISSUE. PLAN CHECK SUBMITTAL PHILIP JUAREZ 7/30/2015 7/30/2015 RECEIVED • :CONDITIONS CONTACTS v' NAME TYPE NAMES: = r� �! ADDRESSl�' �*'aCITY STATE ` '1' ZIP `�= 'PHONE FAX APPLICANT SOLARCITY CORPORATION 3055 CLEARVIEW WAY SAN MATEO CA 94402 (818)456-6220 mplasse@solarcity.com CONTRACTOR SOLARCITY CORPORATION 3055 CLEARVIEW WAY SAN MATEO • CA 94402 (818)456-6220 mplasse@solarcity.com OWNER GEORGE COOPER 78535 VIA SONATA LA QUINTA CA 92253 (818)456-6220 TINANCIAL INFORMATION Printed: Tuesday, August 11, 2015 4:37:38 PM 1 of 3 - SYSTEMS QJ1 =I 31 ft 91 !1 i I PA RETSMI �-""01�9111"Wll W"'! ---------- 7 K T 7 c T COUNT11�4, QTy' '_�,,AMOUN P A I D, PAID DA �TE- ID BY'- BSAS SB1473 FEE 101-0000-20306 d $1.00 $0.00 Total Paid forBUILDING STAN DARDSADIVI IN ISTRATION $1.00 $0.00 BSA: PV SYSTEM - ARRAY, 101-0000-42403 0 $24.17 $0.00 FIRST 20 . PV SYSTEM - ARRAY, 101-0000-42600 0 $24.17 $0.00 FIRST 20 PC PV SYSTEM - MISC 101-0000-42403 0 $0.00 EQUIPMENT .$24.17 PV SYSTEM - MISC 101-0000-42600 0 $24.17 $0.00 EQUIPMENT PC Total Paid for ELECTRICAL: $96.68 $0.00 PERMIT ISSUANCE 101-0000-42404 0 $91.85 $0.00' Total Paid forPERMIT ISSUANCE: $91.85 $0.00 -� M-1 PA RETSMI �-""01�9111"Wll W"'! ATTACHMENTS 74 PerYfllt� fetaIIS PERM T NUM] BSOL2015 01 ?City of LaiQtf nta ATTACHMENTS Bin. # .. • off' . City La Qurnta BulkUng ai Safety pit+lia'on P.O Box 1504,78-49.5 Caffe Tampko [a.Quinta, CA 92253 -:(760) 7777012 Building Permit Application and Tracking Sheet PerrWt # Project Address: Owner's Name:. A- Number Addruss�V V1�1'�� Legal Description: City..ST Zip: La Quinta, CA contractor Solar City Telephone: Address: 3055 Clearview Way. r Project .Dow•iption:-3141 roof mounted solar panels . city, ST, zip: San Mateo, CA, 94402 inverter(s) d 1aY—VVI . Telephone: 650-638-1028 " state Lid # : 888104Cfty Lic. #; Arcb:, EW.' Designer. Address: City, ST. Zip: Telephone: Construction Type: " Occupancy: State Lic. #: Name of contact Person: Elena Loya Project type (circle one): New Add'n Alter Repair Demo Sq. Ft.:#Stories # Units: Telephone # of contact Person: (4421256-1134 Estimated value of Project: APPLICANT: DO. NOT WRITE BELOW THIS UNE p Submittal Req'd Recd TRACICYTIG PERM TFF.ES Plan Sets Pian Cheek submitted Item Amount Structural Calcs. Reviewed, ready for SUN= Check Deposit. . Trus Cates. Called Contact Person, f ` . Ptan Check Balance - Title 24 Calcs. Plans picked up Construction Flood plain plan Pim. resubmitted Mechanical Grading plan 2'4 Review, ready' r corrections/irsue Electrical Subeontector List Called Contact Person 7-7 Plumblug Great Deed Pians picked nP 3.D4.L H.O.A. Approval Plans resubmiMed Grading IN HOUSE:- 1r° Review; ready for �rrectionSlissae Developer Impact Fee Planning Approval • Called Contact Person Pub, N!ke. Appr Date of permit issue School Fees Total Permit Fees ' r u) ABBREVIATIONS ELECTRICAL NOTES JURISDICTION NOTES N NZ 0 A AMPERE 1. THIS SYSTEM IS GRID—INTERIIED VIA A ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL COMPLY WITH THE 2013 oqlb AC ALTERNATING CURRENT UL—LISTED POWER—CONDITIONING INVERTER. CALIFORNIA BUILDING, RESIDENTIAL, MECHANICAL, BLDG BUILDING 2. THIS SYSTEM HAS NO BATTERIES, NO UPS. ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, ENERGY, AND GREEN M CONC CONCRETE 3. A NATIONALLY—RECOGNIZED TESTING BUILDING CODES AND THE LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL w DC DIRECT CURRENT LABORATORY SHALL LIS] ALL EQUIPMENT IN CODE EGC EQUIPMENT GROUNDING CONDUCTOR COMPLIANCE WITH ART. 110.3. (E) EXISTING 4. WHERE ALL TERMINALS OF THE DISCONNECTING EMT ELECTRICAL METALLIC TUBING MEANS MAY BE ENERGIZED IN THE OPEN POSITION, FSB FIRE SET—BACK A SIGN WILL BE PROVIDED WARNING OF THE GALV GALVANIZED HAZARDS PER ART. 690.17. 1111A GEC GROUNDING ELECTRODE CONDUCTOR 5. EACH UNGROUNDED CONDUCTOR OF THE GND GROUND MULTIWIRE BRANCH CIRCUIT WILL BE IDENTIFIED BY �® HDG HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED PHASE AND SYSTEM PER ART. 210.5. I CURRENT 6. CIRCUITS OVER 250V TO GROUND SHALL 0 "G Imp CURRENT AT MAX POWER COMPLY WITH ART. 250.97, 250.92(B). l Isc SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENT kVA KILOVOLT AMPERE 7. DC CONDUCTORS EITHER DO NOT ENTER BUILDING OR ARE RUN IN METALLIC RACEWAYS OR O i� c� kW KILOWATT LBW LOAD BEARING WALL ENCLOSURES TO THE FIRST ACCESSIBLE DC MIN MINIMUM DISCONNECTING MEANS PER ART. 690.31(E). 8. ALL WIRES SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH STRAIN G ® �ZA ��I cE � (N) NEW RELIEF AT ALL ENTRY INTO BOXES AS REQUIRED BY ,p .9 T TTL UL LISTING. �� NTSNOT SCALE .MODULE FRAMES SHALL BE GROUNDED AT THE OF LA QUINTA OC ON CENTER UL—LISTED LOCATION PROVIDED BY THE CITY PL PROPERTY LINE MANUFACTURER USING UL LISTED GROUNDING BUILDING &SAFETY DEPT. POINT OF APPROVED PV PHOTOVOLTAIC 10. MODULE FRAMES, RAIL, AND POSTS SHALI RF FOR CONSTRUCTION SCI I SCHEDULE BONDED WITH EQUIPMENT GROUND CONDUCTORS. S STAINLESS STEEL STC STANDARD TESTING CONDITIONS C DATEU0jj&f TYP TYPICAL UPS UNINTERRUPTIBLE POWER SUPPLY V VOLT VICINITY MAP INDEX Vmp VOLTAGE AT MAX POWER Voc VOLTAGE AT OPEN CIRCUIT O W WATT 3R NEMA 3R, RAINTIGHT PV1 COVER SHEET PV2 SITE PLAN �/ 1 PV3 STRUCTURAL VIEWS PV4 UPLIFT CALCULATIONS PV5 THREE LINE DIAGRAM LICENSE GENERAL NOTES PV6 ONE LINE DIAGRAM C� h ELECets TRICAL Attached CA # 888104 1. ALL WORK TO BE DONE TO THE 2013 C-10 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE AND THE 2013 CALIFORNIA RESIDENTIAL CODE. 2. ALL ELECTRICAL WORK SHALL COMPLY WITH THE 2011 NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE AS AMENDED BY THE 2013 CALIFORNIA ELECTRIC CODE. MODULE GROUNDING METHOD: ZEP SOLAR REV BY DATE COMMENTS AHJ: La Quinta REV A NAME DATE COMMENTS UTILITY: Imperial Irrigation District DESCRIPTION: DESIGN: CONFIDENTIAL -THE INFORMATION HEREIN JB -9224006 ,TOB NUMBER:COOPER, 0 0 PREMISE OWNER: CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE GEORGE COOPER RESIDENCE Thomas Ireson �? , MOUNTING SYSTEM:-,,; ZEP Mighty Hook 78535 BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT SOLARCITY INC., NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN `` VIA SONATA 8.48 KW PV ARRAY ,1`SOIarCi} Y PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE THE RECIPIENTS ORGANIZATION, IN CA 92253 MODULES: LA QUINTA, EXCEPT CONNECTION WITH THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE (32) KYOCERA # KU2656ZPA APN: 646290008 3055 Clearview way SHEET: REV: DATE: Son Mateo, CA 94402 SOLARCITY EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF SOLARCITY INC. (818) PAGE NAME: T:(650) 638-1028 F:(650) 638-1029 456-6220 COVER SHEET PV 1 7/23/2015 (888)—SOL—CITY (765-2489) www.solarcity.com INVERTER: ABB # PVI-3.6—OUTD—S—US—Z—A S9L) uwo6ZOL-W9 S IOZ �Z L / / Z Ad NVId 3iIS OZZg_g5-V �g l8) V-z-sn-s-alno-s*C-Ind 88V 'ONI ALIONVIOS 30 NOISSIW28d M (099-(889) 6Zol-8£9 (0 9):J 9ZOl-9£9 (OS9) L 20666 VO 'oa}oW uos �31V0 J1321 133HS 3WVN 3:}tld :8312DANI N3111NM 3H1 1nOH11M '1N3WdIn03 AlIO?JVIOS 3nLL03638 3Ht !0 3Sn aNV 31VS 3HL VdzgSgznN # Vd33O kN (ZF DM met (o}y} MalnnalO SSO£ �9ZZ6 VO 'b1Nino di s3�n00w �� NOLL33NNOO NI 1d3OX3 'NOLLVZINV92l0 SdN W338 3H1 3OISLnO S83HL0 01 IHVd' ' �1ooH A401H d3Z W3LSAS ONLLNf10W ��)Jp O �!!� J�dddd Ad MA W2 d1dNOS W99k� NI NO 3lOHM NI 3SOl3 3 39 V JOB N39 O31H XON u0sail sowo4l ■' I S °,; 3ONMS3d d3d000 [VIA 304030 `d3d000 soi a3Sn 3388 TNHS 3NIV1N08 NI3a3H NOLM1803NI 3H1 - lVLLN301lNOO 00 9 0 0 V Z Z 6 —W :08WnN Wr V1530 :NOLLdR1OS30 :83NN0 35N'13}!d s TZ OT ,T 0 3 M g08gCotc #8313H R T – „Z£/£ aI�S 1VN01103Hla 18 ONIISIX3 �u\d. N Ned DES0!V)IZZ 'S3dlM Z 88V:d312��NI, b '3SVHd 310NIS 'AO -VZ VOOZ I3NVd NIVW NOW X301 03HSV0 SI 1N3WdIn03 2M31N1 L —'J aid 3dV S1N3n ONI0nGONd 1V3H 0 :i33NNOOSIa.OV Bdnzzzoa # d3WWVH lnlnS 30N33/31V9 dOld31N1 NO Nna llnaNOO Wld31X3 NO NnN llnaNOO SN011V001 330aNV1S 1VN0110MO-18 03SOdDd f-, 9S� 50q92Ot,2 #d313W L 6313W W031S�S Ad 031V0103 I Im no�Z/oz�.. of S130VI ONINaVM )W d31N30 aVOI Ol I I I� M AN HVAN I 3SVHd VAN S130V1 V 13NVd NOIlnadisia aI I _ eSd £ :NOIlVW2103N1 d3W2103S,6.� SI30VI )? X08 d3N18W00/N0110Nn(' 0a Oa V a � S138V1 ONINdVM V 103NN00SIa 0V © wl —I S13OVI ONIN2IVM )? 103NNo0Sla 00 e Q 31VO S138V1 9NINdVM V re=; ODSla 0a allVd931Nl /M 231H3nNl nb1SN00 NOSI30VI 9NINdVM � Ham J,iniln (3) O 8S3 ,£ AOHddV O' II •ldSIa A13JVS'8 JNla-lln8 D, Pa}e � I iM I F b1Nino vi 4a Allo TdW 4 D}DUOS DIA W99L ae- AW «8 (E) 2x4 k (E) LBW (E) 2x10 _. � – 3 , - � t • - - (E) LBW �' _ ?� ' , - 01-90 ~{ - r --• t moi" (E) LBW - `'� r � ; A SIDE VIEW OF MP1 -vTs . . - ••. t_ y MPS X -SPACING X-04NTILEVER Y-SPAQNG Y{ANTILEVER ` NOTES _ - _ - ..... _� 'r at'.- - • . .. r• —+ _ - -�. ' IAN.DSCAPE 72" 24" 52" 24" ' PORTRAIT 48", 20" 52" 24" - TOP CHORD 2x4 and 2x10 @ 24" Ofi. ROOF AZI 270 PITCH 23 Sl.ORIFs: 2 ARRAY AZI 270 PITCH 23 . - - - a • - - - r - - - S-Tfle Cement jt • .. - INSTALLATION ORDER , ZEP SPANNER BAR LOCATE RAFTER, MARK RAFTER r - (6) LOCATION, AND REMOVE TILE. , , (1) • PLACE STANDOFF BASE & DRILL PILOT HOLES AT THE RAFTER #w- LOCATION. y DIA BOLT & NUT 2) CLEAN PAPER. AROUND' PILOT (1) (2) (Z) (3) 'HOLE. ZEP SPANNER BAR CLAMP _: 3 ) ADJUST STANDOFF TO BATTEN - HEIGHT. `{ , STANDOFF, SEAL'PILOT HOLES 'AND BOTTOM (E) TILE �; (J (4) OF STANDOFF- WITH .POLYURETHANE x ' (E) ROOF DECKING �5) (4) SEALANT. _ -. - 5/16" DIA STAINLESS 5) LAG STANDOFF INTO RAFTER. STEEL LAG BOLT (2-1/2" EMBED, MIN) LOWEST MODULE SUBSEQUENT MODULES - 6) NOTCH TILE WEATHERING TO FIT (E) RAFTER STANDOFF AROUND STANDOFF. . . _ � ••" Scale: 1 1/2".= 1' .. , . - - CONFlDENDIAL –THE INFORMATION HEREIN aoB NUMBER J B-92'24006 00 PREMISE OWNER . _ t { DESCRIPTION: DESIGN: . �lreson CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE COOPER, GEORGE COOPER RESIDENCE "- Thomas BENEFlT OF ANYONE EXCEPT SOLARCITY INC., NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN MOUNTING SYSTEM• ZEP Mighty Hook • 78535 VIA SONATA .. + r • .� ' $.48 'KW PV ARRAY.. i SolarCi ��� y PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE THE RECIPIENTS ORGANIZATION, MODULES LA QUINTA, CA 92253 a a ` is41 + EXCEPT IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE (32) KYOCERA # KU2656ZPA t ;'_ f `xw `• s "' 3055 CleorvieN way ; SOLARCITY EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF SOLMCITY INC. INVERTER: (/818 456=6220. I ) , '. PAGE NAME w m �� REV. DATE PV 3 7/23/2015. San Moteo• CA 94402 T:(650) 638-1028 F:(650) 638-1029 ABB PVI -3:6—OUTD—S—US—Z—A l}.. L STRUCTURAL VIEWS .� = (eeBrsa-an.(76s-lass) rrMwsoldrdty.cam. UPLIFT CALCULATIONS 07.23.2015 PV System Structural Version #48.2 �o lSoIarCity. Design Software Project Information & Table Of Contents Risk Category_. ,- _--- PV;System,TyPe__ _ Spanish Tile Roof . _. ers of Com Roofln _ _ II SolarCitySleekMount'" Spanish Tile Roof E BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT SOLARCITY INC., Nat MALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN Roof slope__ � •,�: ;,So�arCity. -- PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE THE RECIPIENTS Rafter acro ynoA... "�aYI, 24" O.0 PV Sy stem- ModuleOrientatfon __ _ Pv Module.. Area. PV_Module. Width PV Module Length _ _ Standoff Attachment Hardware _ _ Landscape and Portrait - - - - -- — -- ------- -- 567'sf 39" _- - 65 Mf Hook HDG ST ---- - 3oss q Way 94402 Reduced Ground/Roof Live/Snout Loads Ground Snout Load - - - PAGE NAME (818) 456-6220 UPLIFT CALCULATIONS 0.0 psf _ - ASCE Table 7-1 -- - Surrounding Roof Snow _ Roof Snow Over PV Modules - -----------O.O,psf____--_ -__- ASCE Eq: 7.4-1 ASCE E c 7.4-1 , _-- 0.0 psf Wind Desi n Criteria Wind Design Code _ Wind_D�Ign Method_ Basic Wind Speed ASCE 7-10 110 mph _- VV -1A _ Exposure Category Roof S e` _tYl -- - - - Mean Kqgfjtg1Dht _ Effective Wind Area 1 Module _ --- -- ---- h --- . A C Gable Roof _- ---- -- 25 ft 17.7 sf` Section. 26.7 _ As 30 4-2g1e/C-sa/e IBC 1509.7.1 Wind Ptkssure Calculation Coefficients Wind Pressure Exposure .- _ _ . Topographic: Fattor Wind Directionality_ Factor Im ortance FaLtor _ _K? _ - Kit_ - Kd L .. _ .__ -__ 0.95 _ _ -_ _ _ 1:00 , _ - _ _ 0-85 -- ---- NA, Table 30.3-1 Sectloh kA _. Section 26.6-1._ Velocity Pressure qh qh = 0.00256 (Kz) (Kzt) (Kd) (V^2) 24.9 psf Equation 30.3-1 Ext Pressure_ Coeffident;(UP) .-- 6Lt Pressure Caeffl-tient Down G_Cp (Up) ---- G Down -0:86 ay.30.4-9.,30.4-5A/e _ —0.45 r,9.3DM-2n/e/c-5n/e Design Wind Pressure = h GC Equation 30.4-1 WindPresSue- Up'------------p(upj---- Wind Pressure Down down -------31:8Psi` __� 16.0 psf Allow-able'Standoff SliIiacin X Direction _ Y-Directfon Max Allowable Standoff Socing� Max Allovzable Carrble>ter _ Standoff Configuration Landscape ndscape Landscape 72"_J 52" _ ---____-- _--- _24" -- -_ —_ - 24" -_-- Not-Sta geed Maxtan 5doff T.rlbutaryga Ar_-_-� PV Assembly`Dead Load Net Wind UPlite-at Standoff _ -_--- Trib W-Pv _ T -actual _ sf ------- ^26 3 p t ^ -Z97 lbs ------ Uplift Capadty of Standoff_ _ . Stand-ol'I'Dernand/Capadity Tallow_-_ J 350 Itis 84.6% DCR Max Allowable Standoff Spacing_ Max Allowable Cantilever ___ Standoff Confl uration _ Portrait 48" 52" Portalt Portrait. _ _____20" _ 24" Not -Staggered MaxStandoffTributaryArea PVAssemhly_DeadLoa d Net Wind Upliftat Standoff _ Uplift Capacity of Standoff Standoff Dernand/Capacity _-Trjb._-- _W- --- T aitual J17sf—__.--_----_� _-- -_ --._ -_--.- _._-_--3 psf.---___----_-_---_- ___ _._1Albs _ T --allow _ DCR 350 lbs J, 56.5% CONFIDENTIAL - THE INFORMATION HEREIN CONTAINED SHALL NOT USED FOR THE M NUMBER:J B-9 2 2 40 0 6 00 PREMISE OWNER: DESCRIPTIm COOPER, GEORGE COOPER RESIDENCE DESIGN: Thomas Ireson `\, '; MOUNTING SYiEAk ZEP Mighty Hook E BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT SOLARCITY INC., Nat MALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN 78535 VIA SONATA 8.48 KW PV ARRAY � •,�: ;,So�arCity. PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE THE RECIPIENTS LA QUINTA CA 92253 ynoA... "�aYI, MODULES. ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE (32) KYOCERA # KU2656ZPASon 3oss q Way 94402 SHS' DATE SOLARCITY EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF SOLARCITY INC. PAGE NAME (818) 456-6220 UPLIFT CALCULATIONS PV 4 7/23/2015 T.(650) 638-1028 f (650) 638-1029 (888) -SOL -CITY (765-2489) ww.soIarcitycom INVOM. ABB # PVI-3.6—OUTD—S—US—Z—A GROUND SPECS MAIN PANEL SPECS GENERAL NOTES INVERTER SPECS. - . - MODULE SPECS r_ LICENSE OND (N) #8 GEC TO '(E) LIFER AT PANEL Panel Number: TM2020MU Inv 1: DC Ungrounded INV 1 - -(1)FACBBI BEL A oows24ov - (32)KYOCERA # KU2656ZPA CA � 888104 WITH IRREVERSIBLE CRIMP Meter Number: 4036505 3 Inv 2: DC Ungrounded 9 verter D� 9 9 PV Module; 265W, 238.1W PTC, 40MM, Blk Frm, H4, ZEP, 1000V, Blk Cell, o Backbar C-10 ' Underground Service Entrance INV 2 —(1)ABB / PVI -3.6 -QUID -S -US -Z -A W.EL-+B _ FCI Inverter, Zigbee 360OW, 24OV, 9 Voc: 38.3 VpmOx: 31 INV 3 . %} Isc AND Imp ARE SHOWN IN THE DC STRINGS IDENTIFIER ' �E 200A MAIN SERVICE PANEL- E� 20OA/2P MAIN CIRCUIT BREAKER - ADJUST MIN. ACTIVATION VOLTAGES! ' ' - " CUTLER -HAMMER BRYANT _ (N) 125A Load Center . Inverter 1 IND 1 y 20OA/2P Disconnect 7 t. ABB DC+t Vstart = 120V.., - _ B PVI-3.6-OUTD-S-US-Z-A T." DG MP 1: 1x8(E) LOADS A 20A/2P -- •y L1 - T5 v V rN - - EGC----------------- 40A 2P / GND DC- I i EGC/ DC+ 2 OC+ VStart = 120V ;. A' - - - - - -_—--------- - ----- ----- - 1. InoI r - '•� � .� Ian ___ GEC N DG G 'MP'1: 1X8 , s I g I I z I�, r 14-'I � I ��� GND - - EGC GC - - ADJUST MIN. ACTIVATION VOLTAGES! (1)Conduit Kit; 3/4' EMT ; N • Inverter 2 IND _ EGGGEC - - • z - - - - - -PVI-3.6-OUTD-S-US-Z-A I _ . (ay ABB _ VStart = 120Vz MP 1: 1x8 20A/2P � .. • , ;� `L1' xgov---------- I-TO rTD. -----GEC 120/240V i SINGLE PHASE L • UTILITY SERVICE I i L _ ----- ----------------------- N Dc EGC Dc+VStart - GC ---TN DG c- = 120V MP 1: 1X8 .. I :. ,• GND EGC --- -- �- -- - -� s --------- - - - I )Conduit Kit; 3/4* EMT e TY C I ®� QUINTA' ' PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM CONDUCTORS SHALL BE IDENTIFIED' AND GROUPED. THE MEANS OF IDENTIFICATION SHALL BE BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. PERMITTED BY SEPARATE COLOR CODING, MARKING TAPE, � p p �` p� APPROVED TAGGING, OR OTHER APPROVED MEANS. THE MEANS OF /` 1 i I� V - - GROUPING SHALL BE WIRE TIES OR SIMILAR MEANS AT LEAST FOR CONSTRUCTION _ y ONCE, AND THEN AT INTERVALS NOT TO EXCEED SIX (6) FEET. , ' i PHOTOVOLTAIC EQUIPMENT AND SYSTEMS AND ALL - DATE BY Y ASSOCIATED`WIRING,AND INTERCONNECTIONS SHALL.BE Voc* _ -MAX VOC AT MIN .TEMP `•' ` • INSTALLED ONLY BY QUALIFIED PERSONS POI (1)GE 0 THOL2140 PV BACKFEED BREAKER Breaker, 40A/2P, 2 Spaces A (1)CUTLER-HAMMER 9 DG222UR8 Disconnect; 60A, 24OVac, Non -Fusible, NEMA 3R A� i , r D� — (1)Ground Rod; 5/8' X 8', Capper l • ' _(1)CU (1)CUTLER- AMMER DG100NB Graund%Neutral it; 60-100A, General Duty �. .I (DG) 1 p v (I)BRYAN rCe�nteR4�125R,20/240V, Load NEMA 3R " — (2)CUTLER-HAMM B BR220 Breaker, 20A72P, 2 Spaces - , (1)AWG #B, THWN-2, Black O (1)AWG J8, THWN-2, Red O (1)AWG 810, THWN-2, Black (1)AWG 010, THWN-2, Red � 2 AWG ®1Q, PV Hire, 60OV, Black O IaI- (1)AWG g10, Solid Bare Copper EGC Voc* = 345.01 VDC Isc = 9.26 ADC Vmp = 248 VDC Imp= 8.55 ADC (1)AWG $8, THWN-2, White NEUTRAL Vmp =240 VAC Imp=32 AAC L.�1L_(I)AWG #10, THWM-2, White NEUTRAL Vmp =240 VAC Imp=16 AAC IL�L(1 Conduit Kit; 3/!". EMT • • • • .... 7.0) AWG #8,. TH.NM-2,. Preen .. EGC/GEC •— (1) Conduit• Kit; • 3/4' •EMT • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 7.0 AWG �8,• 1HWM-2,• Green .• , •EGC/GEC •- (1) Conduit. Kit;. 3/4' .EMT, . • (1 � AWG $10, THWN-2, Black - .. • • ( 2 AWG ®10, PV Wire, 60OV, Block (1)AWG g10 Solid Bare Copper EGC 2�c d RF . ADC Voc* =345.01 VDC Isc =''9'2'6' `Vmp = 248 VDC Imp= 8.55 ADC ©� _ (1)AWG 0, THWN-2, Red ,. 1)Conduit Kit: 3 4' EMT .... (. . / - • • • , (1)AWG #10, THWN-2, White NEUTRAL VmP =240 VAC Imp=16 • ,- (1)AWG $8,•'R"72,. Green • • EGC/GEC •— (1)Conduit. Kit;. 3/4'.EMT. _ ..: AAC .. + o WG , 60OV. V (1 AWG /10, Solid Bare Coppers EGC O Vmp =248 U1 VDC Imp= 8.55 ADC . condylt Kit:. .+..... O�'j' (2 )AWG g10, P. V Ere, 60OV, Black � (1) AWG g10, Sdid Bare Copper EGC .. Voc* = 345.01 VDC Isc = 9.26 ADC Vmp = 248 VDC Imp= 8.55 ADC CONFIDENTIAL -.TItE INFORMATION HEREIN CONTAINED SHALL NO7. FO MATT FOR THE BENEFIT. -OF ANYONE EXCEPT SOLARCITY INC., JOB NUMBER JB 9224006 00 ' . PREMISE OWNER: ,. COOPER, GEORGE . 4 DESCRIPTION: :. �: a COOPER RESIDENCE I DESIGN: + Thomas Ireson •�o SblarCi�.NOR MOUNTING SYSTEM: SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE QR IN ZEP Mighty' Hook . . 78535- VIA SONATA ;8.48. KW PV ARRAY - „ PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE THE RECIPIENTS IN LA QUINTA, CA 92253 (1 - - ; '.;: - MODULES ; 3055 Clearvlew Way' Son Mateo. 94402 ORGANIZATION,. EXCEPT CONNECTION WITH THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE (32) KYOCERA # 'KU2656ZPA '' ,ex rYy SHEET: REV: DATE SOLARCITY EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF SOLARCITY INC. _ : (818) 456-6220 r t PAGE NAME 1 � �,. _ . ; = THREE LINE DIAGRAM y �PV 5 7/23/2015 F: 7:(650) 638-1028 F:(650) 638-1029 (BBB)-SOL-aw(765-2489) www.solarclty.com INVERTER ' ABB PVI-3.6-0UTD—S—US—Z-A' - " _ ,; — ELECTRICAL ONE LINE DIAGRAM (E) METER EXISTING UNDERGROUND ELECTRICAL 1 PV ARRAY #1 #34036505 SERVICE ENTRANCE AND LOAD CENTER 8 MODULES PROPOSED GE Main Panel KYOCERA BI-DIRECTIONAL 200A 240V 10 _ 5 #KU2656ZPA METER# (E) 200A MAIN BREAKER DC71 2120 WATT (DC) 1904.8 WATT (AI AC PV ARRAY #2 8 MODULES 3600 WATT UTILITY INTERACTIVE INVERTER KYOCERA #KU2656ZPA 90 TO 600 VDC TO 120 /240 VAC 10 2120 WATT (DC) ABB 3.6 1904.8 WATT (Al 8 MODULES KYOCERA #KU2656ZPA DC A 2120 WATT (DC) AC PV ARRAY #4 n T"+ 8 MODULES r +• KYOCERA _ - 3600 WATT UTILITY INTERACTIVE INVERTER #KU2656ZPA _ = 90 TO 600 VDC TO 120 /240 VAC 10 2120 WATT (DC) ABB 3.6 1904.8 WATT AC i 1 AWG THW1-2, Black - - - (1)AWG #10, THWN-2, Black — (1)AWG J6, Solid Bare Copper GEC (2)AWG O #10, PV WIRE, Black Voc* = 345.01 VDC Isc = 9.26 ADC (1) AWG A THWN-2, Red 5 L_L (W)G /10. THWN-2, Red O � (1) AWG #10, Solid Bare Copper EGC Vmp =248 VDC Imp=8.55 ADC (1)AWG a THWN-2, White NEUTRAL Vmp =240 VAC Imp=32 AAC O (rte /10, THWN-2, White NEUTRAL Vmp =240 VAC Imp=16 AAC .. , .. „- 0 ).AWG. A •1HWN-2, •Green... EGC_ . , .7.(1)Con4uit Kit;, 3/$, EMT....... , . - (NN)G /8, .THWN-2, ,Green... EGC, , • • -•(1)Conduit Kit; 3/4 . EMT_ . • • , , • , • • • (2 AWG 0, PV WIRE, Black = _ O �, Voc 345.01 VDC Isc 9.26 ADC 6 � (IiNJG /10, 1}IWN-2, Black — (1 AWG �, Solid Bare Copper GEC 2 (1) AWG /10, Solid Bare Copper EGC IQF (!)G /10, THWN-2, Red Vmp =248 VDC Imp=8.55 ADC (PWG #10, THWN-2, White NEUTRAL Vmp =240 VAC Imp=16 AAC (2)AWG f10, PV WIRE, Block - 0) AWG. {8 THWN-2, • Green... ECC. • • • -•(1) Conduit KIt:. 3/4'. EMT. • , • • ...... O (1) AWG #10, Solid Bare Copper EGC Voc* = 345.01 VDC Isc = 9.26 ADC Vmp =248 VDC Imp=8.55 ADC ........................Ella O2) AWG /10, PV WIRE, Cop Voc* = 345.01 VDC Isc = 9.26 ADC ( 4 (1) AWG /10, Solid Bare Copper EGC Vmp =248 VDC Imp=8.55 ADC (1) Conduit Kit; 3/4* EMT .. CONFIDENTIAL -THE INFORMATION HEREIN CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE JOB NUMBER J B-9224006 00 PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM UTILITY AC COMBINER PANEL ucaon Thomas Ireson \\\ "IQSo�arCity. DISCONNECT SWITCH BRYANT # BR816L125RP BENEFlT OF ANYONE EXCEPT SOLARCITY INC., NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN 78535 VIA SONATA 8.48 KW PV ARRAY CUTLER HAMMER Disconnect; 30A, LOAD CENTER; 125A THE RECIPIENTS PART TO OTHERSEPT 240Vac, Non -Fusible, NEMA 3R 7 120/24OV, NEMA 3R } + (E) Load MODULES 40A/2P 20A/2P (32) KYOCERA # KU2656ZPA 20A/2P TO 120/240V SHEET. �µ DAR; SOLARCITY EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF SOLARCITY INC SINGLE PHASE PV 6 7/23/2015 T.(650) 638-1028 F:(650) 638-1029 (668)-SOL—CITY (765-2489) "w.ealarclty.con, UTILITY SERVICE AC PV ARRAY #2 8 MODULES 3600 WATT UTILITY INTERACTIVE INVERTER KYOCERA #KU2656ZPA 90 TO 600 VDC TO 120 /240 VAC 10 2120 WATT (DC) ABB 3.6 1904.8 WATT (Al 8 MODULES KYOCERA #KU2656ZPA DC A 2120 WATT (DC) AC PV ARRAY #4 n T"+ 8 MODULES r +• KYOCERA _ - 3600 WATT UTILITY INTERACTIVE INVERTER #KU2656ZPA _ = 90 TO 600 VDC TO 120 /240 VAC 10 2120 WATT (DC) ABB 3.6 1904.8 WATT AC i 1 AWG THW1-2, Black - - - (1)AWG #10, THWN-2, Black — (1)AWG J6, Solid Bare Copper GEC (2)AWG O #10, PV WIRE, Black Voc* = 345.01 VDC Isc = 9.26 ADC (1) AWG A THWN-2, Red 5 L_L (W)G /10. THWN-2, Red O � (1) AWG #10, Solid Bare Copper EGC Vmp =248 VDC Imp=8.55 ADC (1)AWG a THWN-2, White NEUTRAL Vmp =240 VAC Imp=32 AAC O (rte /10, THWN-2, White NEUTRAL Vmp =240 VAC Imp=16 AAC .. , .. „- 0 ).AWG. A •1HWN-2, •Green... EGC_ . , .7.(1)Con4uit Kit;, 3/$, EMT....... , . - (NN)G /8, .THWN-2, ,Green... EGC, , • • -•(1)Conduit Kit; 3/4 . EMT_ . • • , , • , • • • (2 AWG 0, PV WIRE, Black = _ O �, Voc 345.01 VDC Isc 9.26 ADC 6 � (IiNJG /10, 1}IWN-2, Black — (1 AWG �, Solid Bare Copper GEC 2 (1) AWG /10, Solid Bare Copper EGC IQF (!)G /10, THWN-2, Red Vmp =248 VDC Imp=8.55 ADC (PWG #10, THWN-2, White NEUTRAL Vmp =240 VAC Imp=16 AAC (2)AWG f10, PV WIRE, Block - 0) AWG. {8 THWN-2, • Green... ECC. • • • -•(1) Conduit KIt:. 3/4'. EMT. • , • • ...... O (1) AWG #10, Solid Bare Copper EGC Voc* = 345.01 VDC Isc = 9.26 ADC Vmp =248 VDC Imp=8.55 ADC ........................Ella O2) AWG /10, PV WIRE, Cop Voc* = 345.01 VDC Isc = 9.26 ADC ( 4 (1) AWG /10, Solid Bare Copper EGC Vmp =248 VDC Imp=8.55 ADC (1) Conduit Kit; 3/4* EMT .. CONFIDENTIAL -THE INFORMATION HEREIN CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE JOB NUMBER J B-9224006 00 rrtmx VMK: u[$daruvn; COOPER, GEORGE COOPER RESIDENCE ucaon Thomas Ireson \\\ "IQSo�arCity. MOUNTING SYSTEM� ZEP Mighty Hook BENEFlT OF ANYONE EXCEPT SOLARCITY INC., NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN 78535 VIA SONATA 8.48 KW PV ARRAY �J% THE RECIPIENTS PART TO OTHERSEPT LA QUINTA, CA 92253 MODULES IN CONNECTION WITH ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT IN THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE (32) KYOCERA # KU2656ZPA 3055 Clearview Way San Mateo, CA 94402 SHEET. �µ DAR; SOLARCITY EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF SOLARCITY INC PAGE NAME: 818 456-6220 ONE LINE DIAGRAM PV 6 7/23/2015 T.(650) 638-1028 F:(650) 638-1029 (668)-SOL—CITY (765-2489) "w.ealarclty.con, INVERTER- ABB PVI-3.6—OUTD—S—US—Z—A ELECTRICAL CALCULATIONS• - Module: 16 Kyocera 265W 1000V 238.1 Inv Power WPTC ' Voltage Drop Calculations Version 5.8.0 1 ABB PVI -3.6-S AFCI 0.96 3840 3657.22 Inverter 1: _ Vdrop = Imp) 2 Length) * Resistance / Vmp) Module: 16 Kyocera 265W 1000V 238.1 Im ' A Max. Length ftWire - Inverter 2: 1 ABB PVI -3.6-S AFCI 0.96 3840 3657.22 String: 8.55 70 AWG #10 at Max Ave Hi: 109 deg F - Module: Kyocera 265W 1000V 238.1 rverter 3:Branch: Module: K ocera 265W 1000V 1 238.1 �nvert&4: Vdrop = 8,55 140 0.00124 Ohms / 208.94 0.71 8.55 50 AWG #10 atMaxAve Hi:109 deg F Vdrop = (8.55 100 0.00124 Ohms) / 248 0.51 Total voltage dropin DC conductors = 1.22 Inverter: 16 10 AWG #10 at 240V Y Total: 32 Modules , Total Inv Pwr:I 76807314.43 PTC Vdrop = 16 20 0.00124 Ohms / 240 V 0.09 ` Combined 25.6 15 AWG #8 at 240V Photovoltaic Module Electrical Specifications: Total STC:j 8480 Vdrop = 25.6 30 0.00078 Ohms) / 240 V 0.17 Voc: 38.3 V deg F deg C Vmp: 31 V Record Low Temp: 14 -10 Total voltage drop in AC conductors = 0,25 Isc: 9.26 A Max Average Hi Temp: 109 43 Total voltage drop in AC and DC conductors = - Imp: 8.55 A 'Record Hi Temp: Tvoc: -0.14 V/deg C _ < Tisc: 5.56 mA/deg C String Type A and 2 Combined Strings Type A Voc Correction Method: Voc Correction Factor: ABB PVI 3.6-5 AFCI Inverter Min Vdc Input: 8 Kyocera 265W 1000V - Min Vmp at Max Temp: Voc= 306.4 Max Voc at Min Temp: Vmp= 248i I, Inverter Max Vdc Input: Isc= 9.26Maz String Size: Imp= 8.55 1 -way wire length:50 Icont= 11.58 Art 690.8(A)(1) Manuf TVoc Data Branch Circuit Type A 1 way wire length: N/A 1 strings per branch 1 1 strings per branch 2 8 modules per series string 81m dules per series string Voc= 306.4 V Voc= 306.4 V ' • - Vmp= 248 V Vmp= 248 V Isc= 9.26 A Isc= 9.26 A Imp= 8.55 A Imp= 8.55 A ' (cont= 11.58 A Icont= 11.58 A Art 690.8(A)(1) s - 130 208.94 345.0'1 600 13 1.a Conductor: AWG #10 PV Wire 2.a Conductor 1: N/A Conductor 2: N/A (cont * 1.25 = (Amps) 14.47 Conductor 1 Conductor 2 30 deg C ampacity = 40 F Icont * 1.25 = (Amps) 14.47 14.47 1.b Icont= (Amps) 11.58 30 deg C ampacity = N/A N/A ~ 2.b (cont= (Amps) 11.58 11.58 Start ampacity 40 N/A N/A t -- .� ._. __ __•_� Temperature derate (%=F) 0.41 Start ampacity N/A N/A j !t} �► # i i " " - - 7 Conduit fill derate (%=#) 1 Temperature derate (%=F) !( � t � 1 i �.J � "N I Derated ampacity 16.4 'Conduit fill derate (%_#) N/A N/A N/A N/A ,T93C3 j� f�;��.� 1Nc Derated ampacity 2.c Term 1 Term 2 Temp table . N/A N/A (cont*1.25= (Amps) 14.47 14.47 Ampacity N/A N/A fi���,�(� t f 0 �I �. V 0 9 9 9 .10JT0UP.TF ;�� ' ' �'+� -�� Icont * 1.25 = (Amps) 14.47 '` • Ampacity 40 ' 1.d j Icont * 1.25 = (Amps) r OCP Size = 14:47 15 "T , Inverter Type A Output 2.d OCP Size = 15 15 ABB PVI -3.6-S AFCI - 1 way wire length: 10 ft Icont = 16 A Art 690.8(A)(1) Combined Inverter Output Service Voltage=. 3.a Icont * 1.25 = (Amps) 20 Art 690.8(B)(1) Total Inverter Powe - 1 way wire length= 15 20 _ _ OCP Size = Art 240.6(A) (cont = # of inverters*max inverter current Art 690.8(A)(1) Icont = (Amps) 3.b Conductor: AWG #10' Icont * 1.25 = (Amps) 30 deg C ampacity = 30 dIcon THWN-2 at 90 deg C: Table 310.16 20 40 4.a Icont*1.25 = (Amps) OCP size = 40 Art 690,.8(B)(1) Art 240.6(A) 40 4.U' ' Conductor: AWG #8 Icont * 1.25 = (Amps) 30 deg C ampacity = THWN-2 at 90 deg C: Table 310.16 40 55 3.c = (Amps) Start ampacity Temperature derate (%=F) Conduit fill derate (%=#) Derated ampacity ; 16 40 0.91 4.c Icont = (Amps) Start ampacity Temperature derate (%=F) Conduit fill derate (%=#) Derated ampacity 32 1 55 36.41 0.91 3.d Icont * 1.25 = (Amps) 20 Ampacity 35 - 50.05 4.d Icont * 1.25 = (Amps) 40 - 50 - Ampacity CONFIDENTIAL THE INFORMATION HEREIN CONTAINED SHALL NOT E USED FOR THE BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT SOIARGTY INC., NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN TS TO OTHERS OUTSIDE THE RECIPIECONNECTION oRGANIunoN, ExCEPT IN CONNECTION WITH ORGAPARTNIZATION, WITH THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE SOLARGTY EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF SOLARCITY INC. � NUMBiT� J B- 9 2 2 4 0 0 6 O O PREMISE OWNER: DESCRIPTION: COOPER, GEORGE COOPER RESIDENCE r. _ -78535 VIA SONATA - 8,48 KW PV ARRAY- " `, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 "= PA N AME (818) 456-6220 ELECTRICAL CALCULATIONS DESIGN: Thomas .Ireson �� ����SOIa��'ty. MOUNTING SYSTEM: ZEP Mighty Hook r ` `DARE. V MODULES (32) KYOCERA # KU2656ZPA '" joss a�Re. way San Mateo, CA 94402 T:(650) 638-1028 F:(650) 638-1029 (888) -SOL -CITY (765-2489) �.edareityoorn, SHEET: REV PV 7 7/23/2015 INVERTER ABB PVI-3.6-OUTD-S-US-Z-A Label Location: (C)(IC)(CB) Per Code: CRC R331.2 Label Location: (DC) (INV) Per Code: CEC 690.14.C.2 Label Location: (DC) (INV) Per Code: CEC 690.53 Label Location: (DC) (CB) Per Code: CEC 690.17 Label Location: (INV) Per Code: CEC 690.5(C) Label Location: (AC) (POI) Per Code: CEC 690.14.C.2 Label Location: (AC) (POI) Per Code: CEC 690.54 Label Location: (AC) Label Location: (DC) Per.Code: CEC 690.17 Label Location: (POI) Per Code: CEC 705.12.D.7 Label Location: (POI) Per Code: CEC 690.54; CEC 690.17 Label Location: (D) (POI) Per Code: CEC 690.64.B.4 Label Location: (POI) Per Code: CEC 705.12.D.7 Label Location: (DC)(INV)(CB) Per Code: CEC 690.35(F) TO BE USED WHEN INVERTER IS UNGROUNDED CITY OF LA OTVINT BUILDING ROVED APP FOR CONSTRUCTION DATES—BY (AC): AC Disconnect (C): Conduit (CB): Combiner Box (D): Distribution Panel (DC): DC Disconnect (IC): Interior Run Conduit (INV): Inverter With Integrated DC Disconnect (LC): Load Center (M): Utility Meter (POI): Point of Interconnection CONFIDENTIAL — THE INFORMATION HEREIN CONTAINED MALL NOT BE USED FOR `�����!�; 3055 Clearview Way THE BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT SOLARCITY INC., NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED �► San Mateo, CA 94402 IN WHOLE OR IN PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE THE RECIPIENT'S ORGANIZATION, Label Set ����+►` T:(650) 638.1028 F:(650) 638-1029 EXCEPT IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE /� (888}SOL-CRY (765-2489)www.wlarcity.com SOLARCITY EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF SOLARCITY INC. r. _ _ _ , - . .• - ! R ,gin - _ -:t ....a- �. 1. - .. +i - • , y ., �' - t .1 ,• •' _ ' u .. _ _ . - ,1 '� - ,-r,: _ - _ . ,, , - -..a. -, , .,. i •� ^� i , . , . : 3 _ :,:i -.� r, -w,, {. f.. • _ -1Y a � ., ... 47, T,'� .L '.tea`= y a- ._f,,, i- _ - _-. - -_� . __tel .- - _� � - _ '''r... - 4,m __ „ w _. _.. , _.--L -. _ rr w y'4` .5-- _ t -,rw..-. - -",L.- ra....t .r • T =+ - .,.} - .1 L J 'Ali ' . 1 .. . •c. v , , '!" is •- ,. �' , I o. , , �� moi; ♦N - t 1'r- - • - i. I . i J w r -. t.. �. yr. - y , � . .,` - -fit -. yr. . , f j - > w , A I f �.1: { T• -° �� 4., tis .,•r. x t / � *' + - - -• Additional highlights• . '� .- - � _ t . - ' • • t' a - RS -485 communication interface :sr r _ �- r s ' �� r r = string inverters (for connection' to laptop or data i a lt* z t' f • 11 V_ - ' t -11 . �1 , logger)• - r _ , ;1. ° i ` 4' . i ' ♦ 4 ,r -'Integrated Arc Fault Detection and, , . _ _ .� + .a , (a , • - . • r , w ' . z ' ,I ; Interruption (A Version) r c ' _ + ♦ - _ �` . i . ' § .. t. ti� o F •s"OkW to •i ,s ' , , .s - i - S y' - " ,t It r d v . - y ,•. , _ tj - ` Fa - - , _ _ - - - �- ) i . .>' .n° - 1Ir _' .E t - ,,, t < . .. -. - •�. '- ;I . - r i .. f '^ tai, . 1' ` 1. rye- .�? `, a �� ".. _ '.� . -. / .., : _ .a i : f c - .... _ •�♦ - .4 ,.. - ♦� I� , - . - • - . . _' . r� , :u. �. - . : - . .- Technical data and types t • • t 4_ _ . " --' t . - _ _ ,B . `� _ _ a ,� v.- , • , -�J , ,S� : a ` ,. - _ .. ! - ,,:c,, ,. r - i � - Type c - ode - - - _ - - - - �PVI 3.0 OUTD US PVI 3.6 OUTD-US +PVI 3.8-3.8US .1 PVI 4.2 OUTD-US - - - - • I r`- -r ` '_ - ., - -- `- ,M t' ,_.x '^ - a.r-�a«.. t - _ . r � yjMechanicalspecifications . --- `- - - .. . . - s', a .. - - ti - - - - - ••,. �•'.'. Nominal output power .3300 - : 3000W 3600W W , 3600W . - 420OW - • -, ,a..- r . - M. +' �. .. - �'............................................................................................................................................. - Maximum output power wattage ......... 00' ' 00... 4. 001...'....3300..... OOr..... 3W0 " 3 W i,3 W0r ...30. ..4 4 42V0/oi.....40. ..46V0/Or...4 .. - N. -1 .; � _ , . - .t ,. ,,,,,.... a . 1 . , s „ -, y Rated grid AC voltage i.................:...................................i.................' W 208V •; 240V 277V 208V 240V 277V 208V 1240V ` 277V . '208V 240V 277V - .. ,. , - - • - ,. g ^o . • . . 1n Input side DC I p ( ) + Number of inde endent MPPT channels P -- - - - - - - - - 2 -. I 2 2 2 ' ^ - '. I �. y. . ..................... f Maximum for .. .. .. 2000W - 3000W 3000W 3000W r _ -, _ a ; y u> T �< •. usable ower each channel P f- ................................................................... - - . . •' `' - •-,� a. - - ,. 2. fi:. 4 -' �•-- • - r�; Absolute maximumvolts a maxj r •. -. fi 600V ..... ....................................... - - - _ - ,� . . -, .._-_ , :. - .- . ,.. .. r`: -.......................................................g.....(V......................... .:.....c.........c..........: i , Start -u volts a (Vstart :,,- P..............9.........)............................................................ .... .................. ..... 200V (adj. 120-350V) -'`i , _ - _ - - -1 ..-. . ' -- " -> - '. .. t _ , . - - _ - _ t . ,. . -. _ . - �• - - Full ower MPPT volts a ran e.-- .................. a .. -160-530V � ; 120-530V - i e d- {40-530V ...................... .......... ............. ....... 40-530V ..........................................._ - . r �e - , • L'. eratin MPPT volfa e ran �, 0.7 x Vstart - 580V >=90V) .. - - ur cm r c rent (Id ax) to both Mf�P7 in , 3 y 20A r... 32A... y 32A 32A fi - - ,. - .., - :.. .. - - > - ., « . - t+ - - - t snail elm ............. t . ' -.P ............... ..... ............10A....._ ... .................16A.......... ....... .....,.16A.................. ...............16A..-, ..._ Y , ' - - . , .. s:, ;... _ i r t " •, + , >. r - f r + - . . ! - Maximum usable currerit...er charinel , '.. ............. P .......... ........ ....................... ........ ...... ......... ......... ............... ... .. ...... .. , . _. - . + _ . ,;,• 1, , - : , • r , ,'¢ Maximum short circuit current lirriit per. ' 12.SA 20.OA 20.OA 20.OA _ r• :- + - - r; •,. '. , `' t t. : ; • .. '" '" "t" . - - channel - - .... .. .......... ....... ................ .................. N m r f wire I ndin terminals er channel d , , ..._U..._bg...4............._a..................................P........................ Array wiring termination ............................................................................ :............................................................................................................ i 2 airs ......P......................................................................................................................._ Terminal block, pressure. clamp, AWG10-AWG4 • - . ' . ` . . `. rwe>s+i^�"^ , _ )Output side (AC) - - a -- - -- r. -- -- - , ,., . . - :. a Grid connection type : 10/ i S lit . • 10 10/ i Split- 10 i Split i 107-: 10% pit ;10 , - a • .. - , :'"2W i 0/ W i 2VV. 2W. i 0/3VY i 2VJ. 2W.: i 0/3W 2W. 2W. 0/3W i 2VV > `. • ..SD - - .... . - , _ .......I .............................. ...........1-1 e•. -i : • ............................................................183......€,21.1.._.......244_..6.....183-,.....211 Ad ustable voltage range mm-Vmax :....244_...:.....183_......211_......._244_...?.....183_.......211_._......244.._ .. _ ' , -- ., . . .. �- . . . r ' ...................................... .............. - 7�- ...............I.......... ... .......... ........................................................................................................................................_ - . _ Y t..'.„,r ` ,.: `. et Grid trNq !... X i.... 60Hz ,.. ' - - m a'. " 1 - ............................ ...... ... Ad ustable rid fre uency ran "'e - ;.. ) 9.......................9........_'..:.... .......................................... ............................... ..................................................................................................._ 57-60.5Hz -20.0.-,.....20.0....,.....20.0 _ . - - v - y * ,a . - r �- „ , - _, :. " • �. .. _ _ ....... ..................g ......... Maximum current (la.°,°„) , • • ........... ..... ..... ........................................................... R...... ... .. ... ......... ....:.....'.`qMS....:.... 14'.5..-,...14.5...,.....12.0........:1'7..2 ..,....16.0..........16:6....,.....1 - .0..,.....1$.0....,.....1u....:... -: p : p p e p e ee " • 'A A ..: ... .'........:.....'.. i ..........'.. ...........8RMS.........ARMS....:........,, S....:.....'.iiMS. ....' YiMS....:.....��'aMS « . e e e ...: ' . 1 ...: ' Y ... .......... .......... _ . • =' ' • : •. �� C . « t "; _- _ - 3 -- Power factor .. ................ ...... - > 0.995 ..................... ........................................................................................................................................ ' .... . , ' - - _ - � - _ '- f Total harmonic distortion at rated ower ,................................................................................P............................;.....-!:........................:_f.."......... < 2% - - " . This family of single-phase string - ,. ' The high-speed MPPT offers real- ' Highlights: y-. Grid wiring termination type Terminal block Pressure clamp AWG10-AWG4 - . inverters complements the typical - time power tracking and improved : - Single phase and split phase output . I Input protection devices : - --- - - - ' - _____ -- - ( , Al I ;- ' ' . ' number of rooftop solar panels energy harvesting. grid connection. . , - Reverse olarity protection . P........................................................................... Over-voltage..P..rotection.�Y..P..e...................................:.....:i............ - - Yes ........ .. ...... ....... ..... .......... -.. - •......_Varistor,'2_foreach.channel..............................`.............:...............-,...::.............'...._ s - :. - ` • • enabling home -owners to get the most The flat efficiency curve ensures high - Wide input range for increased ". , Pv array ground faun detection " Pre start-up Riso and Dynamic GFDI (requires floating arrays) - ' ' ` • efficient energy harvesting for the size '� efficiency at all output levels allowing stringing flexibility. ' lOutput protection devices 1 _ - x - -_ - �' , .. -_ _ of the propert . a consistent and stable performance' .'' ,- The hi h speed and precise MPPT -• y g ,,- Anti-islandin rqt! c ion s P `� .................... - Over -volts rotection t e .............., ... Meets UL 1741/IEEE1547 requirements Varistor, 2 L, - is % L - G..... .. •,•., c . • , >+ E • across the entire input voltage and 1 • . , - - algorithm offers real time power. a ...........................9.....P..............,..........Y..P.,,,.....................................:......................:..............:....,.......:...........,'................... ' . ' , , � ' + Maximum AC OCPD Rating .(,...................,..9).............:...................;...................,...................,.................._ i 20A°,,, i 20A°„ 15A°„° 25A° 2.A° , 2oA°,,, i 2OA°„° i 2oA,,,, 2OA°„° 25A,,, 25A... i 25A°„° I , ' _ _ , -, This inverter offers a dual input output power range. ' . '- tracking and improved energy , . ty. ' u fEffciency - - _ - i - - i section that processes two strings � : The transformerless operation gives the . harvesting. Maximum efficienc Y ' , CEC 96 9% 97% 97% " _. 97% - " _ _. • , .` _ . ..- etticiericy.... 96%.r... ; '• - with independent Multiple Power Point highest efficiency of up to 97.0%. - - Outdoor NEMA 4X rated enclosure a ' f (Operating performance - - - - _ . . ' . Tracking (MPPT). - , The wide input voltage range makes -- -for unrestricted use under any 'r N .. ht time consumption < 0.6w-, - - - ° . This is especially useful for rooftop 'the inverter suitable to low power : , environmental conditions. tion I_ Stand-by consumption <8W°,.. - . _ ,, • • • installations with two different installations with reduced string size., .. - Integrated DC disconnect switch ,' IComrnuncaLinmp • - -•,'' r. , User -interface 16 characters x 2lmes LCD dis la Y i i .. - ' -' ` • orientations from two sub -arrays . . ` • This rugged outdoor inverter has been . in compliance with international yr ' I - - ' Remote monitoring (URS485 incl.) - VSN700 Data Logger (opt:)P. - - - t -, - ' oriented in different directions. (For ' � designed to be a completely sealed •i- • Standards (-S Version). ` - ' .. lEAnvironmental- .-7--________ F -; _ mbient air o eratin tem erature ran e P - . , I i • • ` • "' 13°F to +140°F with deratin above 122°F (50°C) _ example: East and West) .: . unit able to withstand the harshest h ...............9...........P..........................g.................,...............................................................................................................................9..................................... : , : :.: r ; Ambient air stora a tem erature ran e 9 .............P......................9..... i 40°F to +176°F -40°C to +80°C •' _. , • ' ` The dual in ut sections with.. - , '. environmental conditions. :: • ! °. :: ; .; Relative humidity .. ... .............. ,,....(..................................1 0 100%RH condensing Z . - �' _ - inde endent MPPT enable a more - ........ +' Acoustic noise emission level r.. " ..................se........,.......................................-'... < 50 db A ®1 m ....... ......... .... C .• '' - _ r - -. .. ., ... - y Maximum operating..altitutde without derating r 6560 ft (2000 m) ................. .. - . -' • - 1,4- - h - .. ., =... optimal energy harvesting condition. _ , .. - . •. - • „ ,! ,! ,.. 1.'Capab,hty enabled at nominal AC voltage and with sufficient DC power available: t, - ' se • . _ .. . Power and productivity . . -.'. z >Y , t , - <', - - z w .. _ . r `T� ,d . ,. :r.; . - x ^ fora better world'"'"������ - . �'S!� t - . ��w. �' � ;-:+r'" 4, - - , 4 x.` s• y *. . ,, a , �.. _ - I,. .- • 1.- •-'" ;- � • a' _ -•y -, �. ,; �� ., - 'c , ' y. _r _ Product or PVI 3.0 • _ ABB Inverters) Prod flyer /36/38/4.2-3.0/3.6/3.8/4.2 'r F}iy,.� ~ -"°i -'. i' f,Tt ' e' '- ��%� + , • r ? % c r _s - a r - Leo-, w" r {, • 1 , - l'" _ �! . S • a .. �� '1 ._ .. � - _ • • .. ,'1'• w .s - . .. • t , - - • -.. - ' , ,, Sy , 1 W `� T 'Y'r o, _. - I ,i v,. .i�, �n a ~ Y , • T . Vii` -ti , - ,.., r _ J - - - ' w ... . y e.. ` f - r • _ 4 - .. - i d : ? _ � r _ ia• • - `Y; , ,-- ,:} _ a ..+' . .+ Sr - .- � ,. s, r .. ' • � . ,4 l:.,r %_ v -' '• -_ C". . E .r' a , c P+ • •h2, 'j r �;r v r . r,. ti , ..- • - n e• - a : , < . -.. - . +.. . .r. ,,.. .-• . .. ' - - i .�=o w< - ., +r"' 7 ,. '. . ` .. �j ti- .. 1.Lµ.. - ., r,.• ' -- .. -. , , °, Vii,. ':i,..`- - r.. - F i < , -, t :r' .;{ - -- . v ; •.e' . • i r! _ _ _..tr;, -, _ .� :; .. . - .1 -1 e .._ _ :., t ] _. _u r r '_, - ` .. . .. „ 'i - qtr i .. '• . .Its +r. J , . t.. , .. . ..�- ` I. - ' . a -. -r4 . - V4�. s: • _i' ' J '_ .. _. „ .. • .. , 'r SolarCity ®pSolar Next -Level PV Mounting Technology 'a$olarCity I ®pSolar Next -Level PV Mounting Technology ZS Span for concrete tile roofs Components I I - 1x 3x U Spanner Bar Part Nos. 850-1400 - 4x 580-1399 - 3x 850-1398 -1 x ' s SpaniierClamjl. T-Leok araysWn � ._ -- --- Splice Kit Spanner Clamp \ Part No. 850-1401 Part No. 850-1194 Listed to UL 2703 Listed to UL 2703 Comar.Cap, LrteAock . Adtustabte.Mighty Hook I05P Description oPV mounting solution for concrete tile roofs Works with all Zap Compatible Modules Auto bonding UL -listed hardware creates structural and electrical bond • Zep System has a UL 1703 Class "A" Fir@ Rating when installed using modules from any manufacturer certified as "Type 1" or "Type 2" Mighty Hook V2, HDG Interlock Cam Foot �L LISTED Specifications Part No. 850-1461 Part No. 850-1388 Part No. 850-1413 Listed to UL 2703 Listed to UL 2703 Listed to UL 2703 Designed for pitch roofs �I Installs in portrait and landscape orientations Zep System supports module wind uplift and snow load pressures to 50 psf per UL 1703 • Wind tunnel report to ASCE 7-05 and 7-10 standards • Zep System grounding products are UL listed to UL 2703 and ETL listed to UL 467 • Zep System bonding products are UL listed to UL 2703 • Engineered for spans up to 72" and cantilevers up to 24" Zep wire management products listed to UL 1565 for wire positioning devices • Attachment method UL listed to UL 2582 for Wind Driven Rain Ground Zep Array Skirt, Grip, End Caps DC Wire Clip Part No. 850-1172 Part Nos. 850-0113, 850-1421, Part No. 850-1448 ETL listed to UL 467 850-1460, 850-1467 Listed to UL 1565 zepsolar.com zepsolar.com Listed to UL 1565 This document does not create any express warranty by Zep Solar or about its products or services. Zep Solar's sole warranty is contained in the written product warranty for This document does not create any express warranty by Zep Solar or about its products or services. Zep Solar's sole warranty is contained in the written product warranty for each product. The end-user documentation shipped with Zep Solar's products constitutes the sole specifications referred to in the product warranty. The customer is solely each producL The end-user documentation shipped with Zep Solar's products constitutes the sole specifications referred to in the product warranty. The customer is solely responsible for verifying the suitability of ZepSolar's products for each use. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Patents and Apps: zspats.com. responsible for verifying the suitability of ZepSolars products for each use. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Patents and Apps: zspats.com. Document # 800-1730-001 Rev A Date last exported: April 20, 2015 2:14 PM Document # 800-1730-001 Rev A Date last exported: April 20, 2015 2:14 PM - _ r y•. r-1 7_ _x . .�..5 `` „y'"TJ. •I X14 ., .. , - �� • I _ _ -y; L -V •�`Fr " Y _ •.. . - ,�. - "�� JI- - - s -T •; - _ l- e - _ .. .. _� :i i a:�'�'! r �' - •rte, 4 `�fg' " M� -'i r ,r. r i+ jl}, .. •;1 .'�� ,. - . )f ry .0 `a . _ , + - • .. - . ... 'i_ 7 i y . _ ► �- a s_. , , err 7 , •n r'q Y y�� _ Fir ,�• „y' • , .`"t � ryky Sf . •t, .-.i: S, r'� ... - .. . - - � � +4 - ' - } - .. cr � �� - c - r`��.f ;. f � II' R •• { t Y KU -60 1000V Series - <_r -ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS MODULE CHARACTERISTICS '} KyocEr�a Ku-60� �1000V z � a 60 `- Series • , . • • Cells per module (6 x 10) Dimensions•. 65.43ini38.98ini1.57ins , x w y _ J. KU265 6ZPA lengtV imidth/height (1662mmi990mmi40mm) i' Weight 45.21bs (20.5kg)j - :i r " F r r CUTTING EDGE TECHNOLOGY P 265 W • K "•= As a pioneer -with four decades of experience in the �` - v 310 �'{ v PACKAGING SPECIFICATIONS ` }` �. :< - , -.development of photovoltaic systems; Kyocera drives the. . + I� 8.55 A Modules per pallet 20 ,�. � � • market as a leading provider of PV products. We _ demonstrate our Kaizen philosophy, or commitment to - ' ' - Pallets per53'container. 36 ' 3 - •MENEM :. 'V� ° 38.3 V, ,- °� continuous irhphovement, by setting the industry standard �} ! Pallet box dimensions: 66in(40in�43in. � .. in the'' i I- 9.26 A * innovation of best in class solar energy egwpment. ,e lengrh�Widrn/heignr>• (167smmiloosmmilossmm) ; MEMO +5/-0,- % Pallet box weight: 10 1 5lbs (460kg) i' QUALITY BUILT-IN ; T 111 , • UV -Stabilized, anodized aluminum frame*in blackNOCT=800 ' Supported by major mounting structure manufacturers '' • T„aR 45 °c - MEN ' POTTED t, •Easily accessible grounding points on all four corners w , z s so Ives j P a� • 191 W HIGH EFFICIENCY MULTICRYSTAL PHOTOVOLTAIC MODULE SOLAR byKYOCERA KYOCERA Solar, Inc. 800-2 23-9580 800-523-2329 fax www.kyocerasolar.com s for fast installationI'm I 1 CABLE W/ x Proven junction box technology with 12 AWG PV wireV 27.9 } ;1 CO!ECTOR c_� c+l ❑ • t works with transformerless inverters 6s5 r A ,LABEL -Amp henol H4-UTX locking plug ;in connectors V_ 35.1 v t °provide safe, quick connections f a - v . r MEN ”' 7.49 A PROVEN RELIABILITY '� PTC • 238.1 w • Kyocera modules confirmed by,the Desert Knowledge ,- , _ t = .Australia Solar -Centre to'have the highest averageMEN - - tuf output of any crystalline module., •{ - •�" ( Pm, _ -0.45 - ,%�°c 1.10- 28..) . _ .'-,First module module' manufacturer.in the world to pass long ". v r :0.48 " % °c term sequential testing performed by.TOV Rheinland r} Imp 0.02 %1°� - - Only module manufacturerto achieve the rank of "Performance Leader" in all six categories of GTM ,E ( V. L -0.36 %hoc _. Research's 2014 PV Module Reliability Scorecard _ I 0.06 CERTIFICATIONS fi �' `r, Y operating Temp 40 to +90 ` �� 'Drw di°. Role Slotted Bountim Hole 1' ;... e - .. ... ,., ; , 0.16- (4.0 'O.as.o. aT (scroabW • UL1703 Certified and�Registered, UL Module FireSystem ` s Performance. Type 2, CEC -' } - Design ' FRAME CROSS SECTION DIAGRAM _ $ Series.F,t�us.R.atin...... ,.,., ,., 1:5•,A a.. r ' .,.-_--NEC 2008 Compliant; IEC 6121.5¢61.730, and+ISO-.14001•' ' + - " r a `Maximum DC System Voltage (UL) - 1000 V r ++ r- U Hailstone Impact " in (25mm) @ 51 mp (23m(s)'' Y c a L US O ae DSoJ w °� �MPP•t�e -, x• - _ _ ` `� • - 'Subject to simulator measurement uncertainty of +l- 3%. KYOCERA reserves the right to modify these specifications without notice.' - LOHO/SHOR7 SIDE "^ _ - - ' }�, .� r.. .� WARNING: Rcad the insUuClion manual in ils entirety prior to a .• _ - s ,. - } - handling. installing B oPeral- c ` . - - _ _ .. ,..• a _l . _ ing Kyocera Solar modules. -. - ,• ' � t } _ 040215 OUR VALUED PARTNER , r �. t , • .. haw.. r. _ - + r r k •rf ♦,. a - • -.. .. - ;. , t - . .tom •ice, `_ . a-, ,+` �,.,, 4rJ•1. „ i.,?a . xF I 6 I 5F. 4 I O DI 81 3eAAJ, ow OVANTRY I AI 3 1 z I T KNOCK OUR MR �� 1-1/2 CONOUR 1. NEMC UMENSKINS N MRLMETERS) ARE SNONN N KE - 2 W E RANGE Of LUGS IS 1/O-/14 COPPER OR ALUNWUM. ;;�jg,��A.AaKwac �ui�cn—TTnwMcn ri�w • SmaB x Mmxnvw pMFN90N SHEET I I» •� _ 80 ANP TWE 3R GENERAL Wtt 1-5 x`95-1451 w�. Bann. 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 T ID IA J • _ - , '. 4. .. _ . - .. .• - - 11 til 4 . ' Datasheet: ZS Tile ll Datasheet: ZS Tile F Components Ze Solar �r a Interlock J' 5; The Interlock provides north -south and east -west structural and ground bond connections creating a structurally • + " contiguous hyper -bonded array. Interlock UL listed to UL 2703 and ETL listed to UL 1703. in �� �'��� u Leveling Foot r t 131.&nm] 130.7mm] fs j_ 1.25in 1,21 in 157.2mmI • 4 1 [39.4mm] _ 2.25in - - ... LSSin 181.2mm] for file roofs 3.20in (1aL�m] ` l The Leveling Foot provides a means of attachment between the PV array and the mounting surface or flashed attachment apparatus and allows for easy array height adjustment (1.25• throw). •T Array Skirt J ZS Tile'" offers the fastest and least expensive way to install PV Zep Compatible " 4 �� arrays on tite roofs. It's designed to interoperate with a growing list of l Zep Compatible PV modules that incorporate the patented Zep Groove ZS Tile mounting hardware is designed for Use with Zep The Array skirt facilitates easy front -row installation while providing a clean look at the front of the PV array. frame specification. Utilizing quarter -turn, rock -in, and drop-in con- Compatible'" PV modules from - nections, ZS the eliminates the need for rails an'd separate grounding leading PV module Manufacturers. - - GroundZep hardware while offering a superior aesthetic approach: , Visit zepsotar.com for a current list of Zep Compatible". PV modules. t a ` haw The Ground Zepprovides a point of connection between the PV array and the equipment grounding conductor. One Ground Zep is required for every 72 PV modules. UL and ETL listed to UL 467. UL listed to UL 2703. Key System Benefits Key Technical Features Our Other Product Families Universal Box Bracket AC/DC Cable Clip Replacement Tile Dramatically reduces installation Low system weight ZS Aero { time for low -slope & flat roofs i# a " Easily enables additional support . ZS Comp - Eliminated Eliminated mounting rails and clip at array edges for high wind for composition shingle roofs hardware applications ® ZS Seam' Eliminates separate grounding for standing seam metal roofs f Interlock ETL listed to UL 1703 as 9i The Universal Box Bracket allows rapid attachment of Clips into Zep Groove for ultrafast and easy The Replacement Tile provides a means of flashed hardware ground bond means. . ZS Span ,Y electrical boxes to the moduleframe. management of PV wiring and micro -inverter cables. attachment for ZS Tile installations. for rail -based applications Rapid, top -accessible precision Array Skirt Cap Set Toots array leveling Ground Zep UL and ETL listed to UL . ZS Trap' 467 as grounding and bonding device for trapezoidal metal roofs Ultra -reliable hyper -bonded grounding matrix Interlock, Leveling Foot, and Ground ffoorr corr gateed roofs ; J Zep listed to UL 2703 as PV bonding - Ultra-low parts count device ilr ` - - w .. The Array Skirt Cap Set provides an aesthetic cover for Zep Tool 4 functions. l tool; Flat Tool: For inter -module -• ' Enhanced aesthetics r - the exposed end of the Array Ski rt. Made of anodized removal. - - aluminum, each set comes with two Skirt Caps. 05P •"Ibisdoament does not unit arty em. warranty br 2ep Sahra about its products or carriers. lap Solars sole warmnts'is scoulned in themiaen pr�nerarmly far each - Visitnpsolar.com for more information about our products ourcompany. 1� LISTED :\ "�Y/� 1l - pmduu.lhertuuser decommission shipped with lepSolar'spoduclsronstimtes lhesole specifications retaied to in the pmdun warmny.TheasamX is solelys'stransibbelo, - r verifying the suitability of lepSolar'c products lot each use Specifrallom are rublm to change without nothe. Copyright 02010.2012left Solar. Ina US. Patent 4759253101 Page l0f2 Patent 81090411US.& Intl Patents Pending. last Update: Febtuay25.20133:11 PM 'Pagef 2o2