BRES2016-0063Y' g,-qjg,'q zg A �mq . . . . . . ........... IM M 'Z�� BSAS S131473"FEE,­.� 01 -'2030 4j4/ 16' l=ZlM­l%i NA go"'ig, M M t t; K" 1� ma #,I M;`QlTMBYAM 'KII. W.4 'Aa, 1,** t,,.?PAIMBY V15 ,T,1!1.K,- M XIR 5iIgrMAT44�0. THEODORE ALAN PARKER,,, �..�:DEBIT:;. R14497 BRES2016-0063, :MFA,; ��.Tptal Paid�i6ri,BiU�IIL'DI'NG'STANDARDS ADMINISTRATI .0o.' %gN'BS .4* -t '.DESCRIPTIOM'� 'M'054! , "'T"_ lo t. � ra i � w , "1, 7, 1 -MIN 1 �,n APPIN74VIpli 1� M21 ogsg M Im MV, L", g . w -, U -M 11 gg- b -42 10100 0 403 7 '0 Ai 45'03, �,$145 03 4 i6,,' D IB Me THEqDORE,A-LA,N;,PA,RKJEk� Vj, Rll 440 RES2016-9063 M Ml SMM M�� �4 wo 'M IAM Mg ml9Ml4Tl�'Ml^._l_l;l P A I D JIM..it y�v�!mrp R aW - "I -M -RESIDENTIAL, FIRST �-,OOOSF Pt 101, .,o 000-42600, 0 47.8� 4 16 ON M� m "'ll'f, I' " R E C E I NMI 4 T 1, , � FT I "." RIM 6 THE R DORE:ALAN: PA' .DEBIT `R14497 gkESidi6 063,,�,, P . . ..... ;:,I __d t7o a CONSTRUCTIOW:�' ta i orfLEC 89, TRICAL 192." 192. . WIN 111,111f ]"A M MIR A m IMEN qw,-fa,� m - a '.''APPLIANiCt�REPAIR/ALTERATION 101-00004240 ii -o 9 12". 4/i 6_ AM.71"YNM nom m"Hil M, Ml U "ME M ��Aw xf.. p a METHOM' ml R _ f ml; j5,1 Di _A g MET, Paz IMMIR 4MIR-11 . M 6 - THEOD REALAN R`K!EW­,- �PA 81 DE T �R 14497 B S26il`6-�6&3",�', hAFA WIN V 401N�M­ 'R;15 4, r; r Mr W�:.mqmwzw M. FIX Oil w�M Man . M R SIR-, APPLIANCEREPAIR/ALTERATI 0 "'101 -0000;42600,; .83 4 Ij16 'PC.:. % '83 i MIIMM IVAN I NMI MM" mill ggg', A WE. 10 ffl"U!,mm&x N� AIM AMR WWI ME INECEIP.,.Ti g, gg"� THE6DORE',4JLAN'PARKER:'';" -'DEBIT.,., 1 7 BRES2016.0063: .-MFA gm,g ggg g V EM MACCOUN f ME R "gr! 0, w-imagm g g —V ENT'FAN,,i� -10t-00 42402 66' 0. '.. ;, 12';M_' 2 li� MEMO, MEN m �'v 'RECEI m 'A nwa �l n! Vl 'A PARKER, ;`,,',J�"�ODORE AL EBIT, ii4 BRES2016 '-0063 4�kl_ SM �" z " kl ME` �M% i M M.m IN m 6M, MK Ill 10 Vl NT FAN PC :i6l,;-b006-42 0 6 0,.,, -0 4'83'r .83 �16 kg. �l gg, g -,,gg k go. Ml IM, PI, IPTIM"' p -1 ga to x MEN - ...... SM "7HEODOREALAN' �Allkiii' EBIT �1114497 BRES2016-00631' FA," .,!:Tota,Paid or MECHAMCAL.-I�:*," f �.$33' 84,�,,,, 3 "NO Mi A C Nt"M gg R;R u RPAIMI) Ml,,fgMPAID 't,,FIXTURE/TRA P '101 -OOQO-42401, %o "s 60.4 16,, 7,1 . R MEN MAt ".1cu III QL 'I 6 E THE D R ALAN PARKER', .:DEB -!T. ::.'914497 t".MES2016-0963 M FA-,,,',', i Ml a g gN M MIVIOUNTM� D' T I, � M "FIXTURE T RAP 'PC, -4 101-0000 2600, 60.45��', . 4/1 1 6 1 4 All I IN 1 _V Ml 0 D Agm, WT "g, ppTgwImrmgtz CHECKAMISM, A M CI&JgN glollIVIE-TH -I WOMEN 0, ""'N OR I'M` . .... Na"i M M... 4, M y AN m., 10311,9, V 71 e-7 i� ilt D �,JHEO OREr"ALAN PARKER 2'� ,DEBIT f., , , I R14,497 B k E S2' 0' 00631" .7 '.16 FA" g ly` M t; -1, � 1­0,1�-`, Q DESCRI I'M ME "', -0 -OUNl­ M M 1 M I 4, r WATER4YSTEM,INST/ALT/REP " 101 0000-42401 0$12:09 4/4/16 m �rZ1111 msMETHODRECEaT� �r��i'w�a : !x?Y�02 ' i. THEODORE ALAN PARKER , ; DEBIT R14497 BRES2016-0063 ' ,I<' MFA ySn'-m _'xY:sA"` `I`aS` F2f `RR"`n3 ' ,re.''ac C �$A000iUNT. W..-c3'fa i, oY 's''A` %:+oiC{ AMOUNTS Tw :g' �iv PAID Cv'�T ,''a kPAID-DATE :. z �QNr `WATER SYSTEM INST/ALT/REP PC 101-0000-42600 0 '. $12 09' "- $12:09 4/4 16 �PAIDBY zti � 3, e3 .e „4""` YF','.F r 9a'?'r: _Ell I � ' iiYh `;�.++E,s'SF' l�a,.i .�=+`iv."-Fe. `�Y.,,,,y, s e��� _ F� # ��_ CLTD BY'. � CUTDii,BY k METHOD s� .,RECEIPT#�"CHECK w ; y = `THEODORE ALAN PARKER DEBIT > R14497 BRES2016 0063 ; MFA Total Paid for.PLUMBING FEES: $145 08 $145.08 -. DESCRIRTION',YAMS �r t aNT REMODEL; EA ADDITIO'pNAL 500S��Fqq 101-0000-42400 0:; ;$21 75 $21.75 4J4/16" m?,.� ..j,L� 9` A ^py'Y'` '`�'dF hE•Yf" M 01-�5g`p �s ':g k. i5s -gY. .., �"�? � f "'F4{{ t'3 8 �. METHOD �, a` -x �:.;FdT,.tal�D ,:..moi .rn '� gni k:`11,: "h _,RECEIPT# F> " ;:. ;... - i s � k '$kr�.' SUE CHECK # l y'},b�E^Ss�4 k N'CLTD :PAIDBY� , `a'.1`!at'i�iNu"th:2°.4`zT iuFE5�.1�4�Efii,.'°,..': :f il�a,i r BYE `:, THEODORE ALAN PARKER DEBIT R14497 BRES2016 0063 ;, MFA s �.v�..y3•a i D�ESCRIPTIONf QTS" uE..-bd'sti_t�:f rt _.Sera.;.�-'fir'r', 'A000UNTQ7YxAMOU�NT, s±t PAID0012PAIDDA E il . i wi l ,� __ � "�.ar� Six � �• : REIVIODEL,'.,EA ADDIO ITNAL 500 SF: PC -426 101-0000 00. 0 $17 40 v $17:40 4/4/16 a E•". y� ..h R -.i*, • Ri sY' T q- - v' .. `` y -WTUM _TPAID;:BY �4�. ':✓I $SWT: 8T�q'. $ _esu*i"R"` W Y T � ECEIPT#xCHECKt#°, #� f $� i� _.•�y.:`-h,a��f' i 3f" �w, rl. ; . ` CLTYD,BY .•. �<:�_ xMET�HODhra.IRe���., . THEODORE ALAN PARKER DEBIT. R14497 ; BRES2016-0063'' :MFA DESCRIPTIO ¢ .; n i�3 fines ACCOUNT n� s QTY xs asA,xM AMOUNT y tf ' p MAID DATET . , i.�,R_'t� .k4?��:3�3i:isr v::.' ��nf-....94.. ff=`�:>,; >i:>.,^ia...t:f..,h., 49x. ':i'.s��?..,-'s; !r �ir@,F .,..:'. I REMODEL;`FIRST.100,SF 101-0000-42400'. 4 0<f $49 31 $49.31 =4J4/16 ;•, ��aa t� a" R �r� PAID BYE- it * �;r�, �? RECEIPT#r B•za y * .ay}s �x r+ x, CHECK #��CLTD x :; BY_ MA, . THEODORE ALAN PARKER " DEBIT ;h, } R14497 BRES2016-0063 .,<, '; A F ACCOIJNT� E �QTY�W AIVIQUNT,` ` " Ell AID � PAID°DAT.E _,;DESCRIPTIONP : ':,• .` ':'n:-aA�:§'.4 ��,? `rg4 `A�.tta•;l`'�." ,�''M:"'ziss.s".h` •.'..3a' :t-:,.? MEMO,g' —a'9�."""�ix t4i3 i1 ,`�-"swr `: i"4.';3a4sr,.P'^mf ::; x r -REMODEL, FIRST;500SFPC ;.101-0004260 0 0 M$134 88. ,M =� $134:88 4J4/16; _ '....'-�h`-yds ,'meq ° METHOD ��cxRECEIP..T#9-�M"W' OWN ` '9 �' n$?.:�?:�,`Y��"� k .'• twill ICHECK#�"0 �TDBY ;:.;�PAIDaBY� ' e ad�.e-e .:.v`•_.%ms4RLe;::4M'r'.c�.Mr.r_��^�,. .. EL.�.. 3-...:E:h , '=+1 's�"ixr.: 'li .: +>✓S +ee`a'i AT.eP3 i-5sYIm w *iv{Fx :eri <[#b'.•4*v!s3P�5:,L,H 'r... 45i`•i§e .f�:ii .»��'� ..`D.v'.:.5:'$f&R"h+`alsdx ii �r`:]ir r'n1s�L ;£n.:.i:K,. THEODORE�ALAN PARKER DEBIT 1114497 13RES2016-0063 :.:MFA Total•Paid foi REMODEL. $223 34 $223:34 w f!" i ACGO #� Q 16 T� MOU��� ,UaI PAID , 3S§f . A IN— P¢� .i^>i`:YiIu�FEY'.%tErn .x.. RT�SaiEF%I: 5P9„A.p f47dIryDt4+4: =RESIDENTIAL $90 3SMI go /D.l*v1�A,"�6," �Ir•Fr'4,vY�W.'34R�>e' 6""� -14 . � METHODME S h, ,Y,,4 ��w_e�,4.s%�F`,*A!x� '.- '� FRECEIP�T# " 413..9 S -w} CHECK # : CC=TD BY eaas%isik �. $ 4Yi,P'S'EK",Sw%44wd-. *� &Fdi ta`. '4i..pai�,e.;:.'Sua1h�3,. , &.. s� <�U{T Y:T4`+�`..T£+,«C. Fn ,THEODORE ALAN PARKER :. DEBIT �� 1114497 I_ BRES2016 0063 MFA Tot aLl'Paid,forSTRONGMOTION;INSTRUMENTATION;SML'` $3901 $3:90 ' i. �• V t 1 t, 1 .� i. a a 4 v j f r'• =ai i a d j t h . 47 P t'� i Y' i 1 ♦ �J i s...= ° j t .4v '• l t:; � I, ��� �°- Y;� fir 4. � c `�`':,� � a v 3 t ',ti :f il�a,i Yom• ' j, 1 . .` r PIS _ a r ,Tk Description: KING/ RANCHO LA QUINTA / REMODEL ' Type: BUILDING, RESIDENTIAL- _ ` Subtype: REMODEL Status: ISSUED Applied: 3/3/2016 SKH Approved: 3/9/2016 JJO Parcel No: 646380071 Site Address: 48445 VIA SOLANA LA QUINTA,CA 92253 Subdivision: TR 27840 Block:.' Lot: 106 Issued: 4/4/2016 MFA Lot Scl Ft: 0 Building Scl Ft: 0 Zoning: _ Finaled: Valuation: $30,000.00 Occupancy Type: Construction Type: Expired: 10/1/2016 MFA No. Buildings: 0 No. Stories: 0 No. Unites: 0 3/4/2016 _ Details: REMODEL MASTER BEDROOM BATH, REPLACE 2 WINDOWS RELOCATE SHOWER TUB AND TOILET. PER 2013 CRC & CBC CODES. SHEAR WALL LOCATION SHALL BE VARIFIED BEFORE FIRST INSPECTION. IF SHEAR ARE MODIFIED AN ENGINEER WILL -BE REQUIRED. CONTRACTOR SHALL OPEN WALLS FOR INSPECTOR. - 26 {,^ t 411 6 Appid.i;?pp o� ed:. " :Approved toriIsslu ; Printed: Monday, April 04, 2016 2:38:59 PM 1 of 4 ' ^ • SYSTEMS s.'CHRONOLOGY TYPE* STAfF NAME �,. ~ACTION DATE: COMPLETION ;,%-ar •eu . :V.=a x'== 4-'�.,.-rt'. "4:'..-_... 'S, a--.:- -i{e v'—_.. -ter:• ,;� i- "v PLAN CHECK PICKED UP RAMSES SEVILLA 3/4/2016 _ 3/4/2016 RUBEN PICK UP PLANS PLAN CHECK SUBMITTAL '3/9/2016 RAMSES SEVILLA 3/9/2016 RECEIVED CALLED TED TO INFORM HIM THE PLANS ARE READY FOR TELEPHONE CALL _ JIM JOHNSON 3/4/2016 3/4/2016 'CORRECTIONS CALLED TED PARKER TO INFORM HIM PLANS ARE READY TO TELEPHONE CALL JIM JOHNSON 3/9/2016 3/9/2016 ISSUE. CONDITIONS ,..,,,. ';. ,. qi �. •., y,,,. me g .fes ,�Y'..,;, K,"` �, .�• >'C.•W a':.=' F-:�+pK""�y d .'.�...w'..:.«''�'^' : 5Cs .. . j+% `. -� >•-.'�"%' S .:' .'� �..."n' .' l.a y... CONDITION.. DATE DATE DATE -,.. a „ ,.. CO TACT STATUS p.. S a NOTES. k .. :.� TYPE ,"- _ rADDED s RE UIRED: SATISFIED <-" t.; READY TO ISSUE JIM JOHNSON 3/9/2016. 3/9/2016 4/4/2016 COMPLETE PLANS NOT SIGNED ' CHECKLIST Printed: Monday, April 04, 2016 2:38:59 PM 1 of 4 ' ^ • SYSTEMS ' . FINANCIAL INFORMATibN BSAS SB1473 FEE 101-0000-20306 0 $2.00 $2.00 4/4/16 R14497 BRES2016- DiBIT THEODORE ALAN MFA 0063 PARKER Total Paid for BUILDING STANDARDS ADMINISTRATION ,RESIDENTIAL, FIRST 101-0000-42403 0, $145.03 $145.03. 4/4/16 R14497 BRES2016- DEBIT THEODORE ALAN 1,OOOSF .0063 PARKER RESIDENTIAL, FIRST 101-0000-42600' 0 $47.86 $47.86 4/4/16 R14497 BRES2016- DEBIT THEODORE ALAN MFA ij000sF, PC 0063 PARKER Total Paid for ELECTRICAL - NEW CONSTRUCTION: $1§2.89 '$192.89 APPLIANCE 101-0000-42402 0 $12.09 $12..09 4/4/16 A14497 BRES2016- DEBIT THEODORE ALAN MFA REPAIR/ALTERATION . 0063 PARKER APPLIANCE 101-0000-42600 0.1. $4.83 4/4/16 1114497, BRES2016- DEBIT THEODORE ALAN MFA REPAIR/ALTERATION PC 0063 PARKER VENT FAN 101-0000-42402 $12.09 $12.09 4/4/16 R14497 BRES2016- DEBIT THEODORE ALAN' MFA 0063 PARKER VENT FAN PC 101-0000-42600 $4.83* $4.8*3 4/4/16 1., R14497 BRES2(T16- DEBIT THEODORE ALAN MFA 0063 PARKER Total Paid for MECHANICAL: $33.84 $33.84 FIXTURE/TRAP 101-0000-42401 0, .$60.45 T $60.4'S 4/4/16 F k14497 BRES2016-1 DEBIT THEODORE ALAN . MFA. 0063 PAR KER Printed: Monday, ApH04,2O162:38�9PN1 � . . 2nf4 . � --___-- ---- INSPECTIONS . . .... PARENT niFr-.tk ...... .. .. Printed: Mond'ay, April 04, 2016 2:38:59 PM 3 of 4 07wlYSTEMS .. . .... . . . ......... ..... q 'Ib,D 'TE4A 7±77 !7- UtP ECEIPV#.� tkCmmrv;r��p :I�ME t'PAVBY0,N FIXTURE/TRAP PC 101-0000-42600 0 .$60.45 $60i4S 4/4/16 R14497 BRES2016- DEBIT THEODORE ALA N MFA - .0063 PARKER ' WATER SYSTEM 101-0000-42401 .0 $i2.09 $12.09 4/4/16 R14497 BRES2016- DEBIT THEODORE ALAN MFA INST/ALT/REP 0063. PARKER WATER SYSTE 101-0000-42600 0' $12.09 $12.09 4/4/16 —F14497 BRES2016-1 DEBIT THEODORE ALAN. MFA INST/ALT/REP�7F 0063 PARKER Total Paid for PLUMBING FEES: $14S.08. $145.08 REMODEL, EA 101-0000-42400 0 $21.7S $21.7S 4/4/16 111440 BRES2016- DEBIT THEODORE ALAN MFA. ADDITIONAL 500 SF 0063 PARKER REMODEL, EA. 101-0000-42600 0 $17.40 $17.40 4/4/16 R14497 BRES2016- DEBIT THEODORE ALAN MFA ADDITIONAL 500 SF PC 0063 PARKER REMODEL, FIRST 100 SF 101-0000-42400 0' $49.31 $49.31 4/4/16 R14497 BRES20116- DEBIT THEODORE ALAN MFA 1 0063. PARKER REMODEL, FIR * ST SOO SF 101-0000-42600 0 .$134.88 $134.88 4/4/16 R14497 BRES2016-1 DEBIT THEODORE ALAN IViFA PC 0063 PARKER Total Paid for REMODEL: $223.34- $223.34 SMI - RESIDENTIAL 101-0000 . -20308 - 0 -$3.90 T $3.90 4/4/16 R14497 BRES201i;67-DEBIT THEODORE ALAN MFA. 0063 PARKER Total Paid fQr STRONG MOTION INSTRUMENTATION SMI: $�.90 $3.90 TOTALS: $601.05 $601.05 INSPECTIONS . . .... PARENT niFr-.tk ...... .. .. Printed: Mond'ay, April 04, 2016 2:38:59 PM 3 of 4 07wlYSTEMS Printed: Monday, April 04, 2016 2:38:59 PM 4 of 4 _F7EY SYSTEMS Bin '# 46. .0ty. of La Quanta Building &' Safety Division 78-495 011e Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 - (760) •777-7012 _CYX03 Building Permit Application and Tracking Sheet Permit # tK-_ S2 O( Project Address: b ^ 44 VtA, �IC.tYI� Owner's Name: A. P..Nuinber:Address: LJr1&— y14s oq ��Gy�c� Legal Description: �� . �� City, ST, Zip: ( 07 6 Contractor: T hl !� c !n r� n -Telephone: P hone• // 'Address: �� —10�s��- �"rV`= Project Description:�CtfsQ L),) City, ST, Zip: ®a►^b li>r �� qZZ T,00 (Q't Telephone: �(oo Z 5 � 3 1 �h State Lic. # : J2 k5 LA City Lic. #; Arch., Engr., Designer: Address: ` City., ST, Zip: Telephone: - .ProJect Con tru ti s c on Type. Occupancy: ccu c Y: P. 'State Lic. # LYPa circle one): New Add'n Re air Demo' Name of Contact Person:Sq. Ft.: 2_75 # Stones: l # Units: Telephone # of Contact Person: .'7 6o - 2 ?S ( P,4 Estimated Value of Project: 3,z CC -,e, . �® APPLICANT:'DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE # Submittal Req'd "Reed TRACKING PERMIT FEES Plan Sets Plan Check submitted Item Amount Structural Cales. Revietived, ready for corrections Plan Check Deposit Truss Calcs. Called Contact Person ` Plan Check Balance Title 24 Calcs. Plans picked up Construction ---- - Floodplain plan. _. ___ •_� - . t_.... Plans resubmitted--- Mechanical Grading plan w 2nd Revieiv,:ready-for_corrections/.issue_.__ _:_ Electrical Subcontactor List Called Contact Person Plumbing Grant Deed Plans picked up S.M.I. — _.-II.O.A: Approval-- ---.:-- -- - — .- - --Plans-resubmitted _.. _-_.._ ___ .-Grading -IN ROUSE:- '"! Review, ready for corrections/issue Developer Impact Fee Planning Approval Called Contact Person A.I.P.P. Pub. Wks. Appr Date of permit issue School Fees, Total Permit Fees 1 I STATE OF CALIFORNIA RESIDENTIAL ALTERATIONS CEC-CFIR-ALT-01-E Revised 06/14 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Prescriptive Residential Alterations Project Name: r COMMISSIO CFIR-ALT- 1 E age I ) ear A. GENERAL INFORMATION 01 10�-- 03 01 Project Name: w, 02 Date Prepared: + <[ Y 03 Project Location: ti — 4 5 VLe 04 _ Building Front Cirientatfon (deg or cardi • I j ms' E 05 CA City: C'a� 06 Number of AlteredtQv weW nlling Units: � ! ! 07 Zip Code: 22:5 08 Fuel Type: ns'' U 09 Climate Zone: 10 TO-f4LC5poltioned Floo.r2Are7a(ft2):& = tY 11 Building Type , 1 12 1 SIab)A_rea (ft2) 0 13 Project Scope: ;�. Hca (2R,:,, _ _ i d'• E€ • W B. BUILDING INSULATION DETAILS (Section 150.2(b)1).".' 01 02 03 04 05 06 - � "67 08 %99 10 11 Tag/ID Assembly Type Frame Type Frame . Depth p (inches) Frameontinuous Spacing p g (inches) -Proposed Required. ' Comments Cavi ty � Insulation R -vague; R -value ,,,factor CRRCProd uct ID Appendix 1A4 Reference U -Factor Table. Cell Com liarice . Pitch Excepption' er rp'rgduct Type . �Insulat;9n Reflectance . Reflectance Emittance (Optional) Reflectance Emittance (Optional) 1SXN1 VL NO, t&_ C. ROOF REPLACEMENT (Prescriptive Alteration, Sec 4.--".2(b)1H) 01 02. 03 04 05 06 10"&p 08 09 10 11 12 13 -' 'R -value Pro bsed Minimum Re uired Method of Roof CRRCProd uct ID nitial Solar Aged Solar Thermal SRI Aged Solar Thermal SRI Com liarice . Pitch Excepption' er rp'rgduct Type . �Insulat;9n Reflectance . Reflectance Emittance (Optional) Reflectance Emittance (Optional) 1SXN1 VL NO, NOTES • Roof area covered by build •tng integrated photo o taicpanels and solar thermal panels are exempt from the above Cool Roof requirements. • Liquid field applied :coatingVImust from 110.8(i)4. comply wiinstallation' criteria section - Registration Number: Registration Date/Time: HERS Provider: CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards - 2013 Residential Compliance June 2014 STATE OF CALIFORNIA RESIDENTIAL ALTERATIONS CEC-CFIR-ALT-01-E Revised 06/14 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Prescriptive Residential Alterations Prosect Name: CFIR-ALT- E. L!J its age 2 f 4) Date Prepa e"'s 'l I — _ LU 00, D. FENESTRATION/GLAZING AREAS ALLOWED (Section 150.2(b)1) 4; CC 01 02 04 m. 03 � � Z Alteration Type Orientation Maximum Allowed ft2 Com�en s � 'C3 � U 05 06 07 ;. €f J �Ike LL. 1 f i 'm � I' E. FENESTRATION/GLAZING PROPOSED AREAS AND EFFICIENCIES (Section 150.2(b)1) 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 0.8 09 �Q ` 11 12 13 14 15 Combined Orientation Area ' Net,° Maximum'. Exterior SNGC . Area Tag/ Fenestration Frame Dynamic N, S, W, E, or Removed Added Added Alll w d Shading from ID Type Type Glazing Roof ft2 ft2� Area ft2 _ aU factor U-�factor Source SHGC Source Device CFIR-ENV-0.3 ,s 30 2 .20 a Net Added Wesf�ac t"Fenestration�A�ea b Existing +:Added W jss facing Fenpstratip rea " } c Maximum AAII V West-facir g4Fer�estrration Area g d Is West -facing Fenestration Area.< Maxirrium°Allowed W §t-"f�r�g Fenestrae V .. e N``bt Added Fenest at' Area (all o{ er t tiont)� f Existing + Added ,ration Area (all oriel at `ons) g MaximuAN m dlowedaFenestration Area (all orientations)' . � . h. Y.? Is Existing + Added Fenestration Area <Maximum Allowed Fenestration Area (all ., orientations) Registration Number: Registration Date/Time: HERS Provider: - CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards - 2013 Residential Compliance June 2014 STATE OF CALIFORNIA RESIDENTIAL ALTERATIONS CEC-6FIR-ALT.-01-E Revised 06/14 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Prescriptive Residential Alterations Project Name: (Page • Date Prepar Z• .� sem~ F. SPACE CONDITIONING(SC) SYSTEMS HEATING/COOLING (Prescriptive section 150.2(b))LLUL 01 02 01 02 03 rn OS Dwelling Unit Name Dwelling Unit CFA (Ft2) Comm ntsW 09 LL Z g Pwelling Unit Dwelling Unit: ' ''c � CL G. WATER HEATING SYSTEMS (Section 150.2(b)1G) '' co o Ol 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 • 09,% i 12 d3 5 Water .. Water Heating # °f ( Back -Up ' Water Heater System Water Water. - Rated RYgd� Heating �'`��Neapg � .. Exterior Solar Dwelling Unit DHW Heaters Storage Identification or Heating .Heater in Volume Fuel. Inputlnp�uf$'" EfficiencyEffiI. gency Standby Insul. ' Savings Central DHW System System Name System Type Type system (gal) Type Type ?� Value Tyne ayalue Los_s,;(%) R -Value Fract H. SPACE CONDITIONING SYSTEMS AND WATER HGF-A�`jJf�'G SYSTEMS I,N�I�.IULTIFAMILYDE��LING UNITS • N_ N 01 02 03 OS 06 - Central Watewf„�ieating �I � Pwelling Unit Dwelling Unit: •Dwelling L�Jnili�TotaCFA Sys n'tification o ���ame ate Heating System Alteration to the Space . Dwelling Unit Name (ft ,2j ,,nm ,�4Identification or Name Conditionirig System(s)? Comments ion Distribution Type Distribution Type H. SPACE CONDITIONING SYSTEMS AND WATER HGF-A�`jJf�'G SYSTEMS I,N�I�.IULTIFAMILYDE��LING UNITS • N_ N 01 02 03 OS 06 - Central Watewf„�ieating �I � Pwelling Unit Dwelling Unit: •Dwelling L�Jnili�TotaCFA Sys n'tification o ���ame ate Heating System Alteration to the Space . Dwelling Unit Name (ft ,2j ,,nm ,�4Identification or Name Conditionirig System(s)? Comments x .Registration Number:' "Registration Date/Time: CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards - 2013 Residential Compliance CALIFORNIA ENERGY COMMISSION ' 1R -ALT- 1 E I,� Flo STATE OF CALIFORNIA RESIDENTIAL ALTERATIONS CEC-CF1R-ALT-01-E Revised 06/14 CAI WnRN1A FNFRrV CnMMIRAInN CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE CF1R-ALT-01 E Prescriptive Residential Alterations(Page 4 of Project Name:. Date Prepare w nZ �.�Lu ,DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR'S DECLARATION STATEMENT D 1. . I certify that this Certificate of Compliance documentation is accurate and complete. Documentation Author Name: Documentation Author Signature: Cl) LU Company: Signature Date: (�LL U Address: CEA/ HERS Certification Ide ti caUoflif,applicable); " J 0 ' U_ City/State/Zip: Phone: m Q a 0. RESPONSIBLE PERSON'S DECLARATION STATEMENT J certify the following under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the State of California: 1. The information on this Certificate Compliance is true "and provided of correct. I 2. I am eligible under Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code to accept respons tyifor the buildin,& d 86 system design identified on this Certificate of Compliance (responsible designer). 3. . That the energy features and performance specifications, materials, compose ts, Vd manufactured d`e lee for the building design or system design identified on this Certificate of A. Compliance conform to the requirements of Title 24, Part 1 and Part 6 of the California Code of Reg lu atlons y 4. The building design features design features identified p or system on tl I e�rtlficate of Co lance are consisten vit�7 th formation provided on other applicable compliance'documents, worksheets, calculations, plans and specifications submitted to the erg, forcement age4-y fo approval with thl¢'bS I ding permit application. . .' N" 16 5. 1 will ensure that a registered copy of this Certificate of CorWli e„shall be made FMIjalable with the bulJd r�g pgrmlt(s) issued for the building, and made available to the enforcement agency for inspections. e all applicable I understand that a registec py of this Certlflcate%j, Compliance is equired'to be included with the documentation the builder provides to the building owner at occupancy., Responsible Designer Name: Respo�Sible Designer Signature: Company: + Date Signed: . Address: V. License: City/State/Zip: ' ”` Phone: For assistance or q estions regarding the Energy Standards, contact the Energy.Hotline at: 1-800-772-3300. Registration Number: Registration Date/Time: HERS Provider: . CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards - 2013 Residential Compliance June 2014