MUP 2006-849/ I _ P.O. Box 1504 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92247-1504 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 November 6, 2006 (760) 777-7000 FAX -(760) 777-7101 Mr. Cliff Rack Davis Reed Construction, Inc. 78=370 Highway 111, Suite 290 La Quinta, CA 92253 SUBJECT: MINOR USE PERMIT 2006 -849 - Dear Mr. Rack: The Community Development Department hereby approves your application request to install a temporary construction trailer at 44-860 Vista Dunes Lanes, as shown on the attached exhibit, subject to the following Conditions: 1'. Once. the trailer is installed, it can remain on-site for,, a six-month period. . However, an extension of the six-month period may be applied for, with no additional fee, in writing to.the Community Development Department before expiration. The Community Development. Director may, after reviewing the facts, extend the.use of the trailer for another six-month period. 2. Use of the trailer shall be limited to the hours of construction as listed in the La Quinta Municipal Code (Chapter 6.08, Nuisances). A copy of this time. schedule can be obtained from the Building and Safety Department, 3. A building permit is. required for the temporary trailer and temporary electric power. Please apply to the Building and Safety Department fora permit (760- 177.7012): Written permission from the property owner is required before. a building permit can be issued. 4. The trailer shall be placed a.minimum 10 -feet from the street unless otherwise approved by the Building and Safety Director. 5. A building address shall be installed on the trailer. to 'help identify the temporary business location (e.g., minimum 2 -inch high letters in a contrasting color). W L 6. Provide one 2A1OBC fire extinguisher inside the construction trailer and sign over -the exit door which states 'Door to Remain Open During Business Hours' 7.- The trailer, if elevated off the ground, shall be skirted with metal or wood siding material. The skirting material shall be painted to match the exterior color of the trailer. The exterior surfaces of the trailer shall be painted (or may be stuccoed) and in overall good condition. 8. No temporary signs are permitted unless separately .approved by this. Department. 9. No exterior lighting for the trailer is allowed unless approved by the Building and Safety Department. All security light fixtures shall be hooded to prevent light glare from being cast onto adjacent residential properties and streets. 10. Mounted close to the front door on the outside, of the building shall be a written notice informing emergency personnel of your 24-hour emergency phone number in case of problems arise that need your prompt attention (i.e., minimum one -inch high letters). 11,. ,The trailer shall be removed from the site prior to the issuance of Certificates of Occupancy. 12. Provide.restrooms facilities to accommodate on-site workers. 13. Dust control measures shall be employed if construction parking is allowed adjacent to the trailer. .14. The.City may elect to add conditions to this application request to mitigate any problems that may arise and are not addressed herein. If you have any questions, please contact me at (760)777=7131. Very truly yours, Assistant Planner C: Building and Safety Department Public Works Department Code Compliance Department Sheriff's Department --ovsmrs univr— EXISTING CITY PARK AND RETENTION BASIN TRACT NO. 23269 M.B. 205/86=94 EXISTING 6, MASONRY WALL EXISTING 6- EXISTING 6- - --------------- MASONRY WALL MASONRY WALL EXIST, FIRE STATION . ..... f. ii -l- It.,J IWI 00 Q I CN SPEED RESTRICTION SIGN (10 MPH) . ull DUST < m CONTROL SIGN I Qf ::g [--I ., I . . SECONDARY -,H ------ f 1I CONSTRUCTION. ENTRANCE 4* A.C. ON 6* CAB. SEE DETAIL HEREON P7 1;0 TO-�T '�DAMS RE EXISTING 6' MASONRY WALL—' EXIST' ASPHALT PAYING IN CHURCH PARKING LOT TO BE REPLACED L LU By CONTRACTOR TO SATISFACTION OF CHURCH ELDERS 031 DUST A .. .... CONTROL SIGN PRIMARY CONSTRUCTION GRAVEL ENTRANCEXIT WITH WHEEL WASHING ANDS OR RUMBLE STRIPS Ir PINSTALL i Tj M-10 II FENCING W1 EXISTING CHURCH I SCREEN FABRIC I 1. PARKING LOT SPEED RESTRICTION SIGN (10 MPH) EXIST. PRIMARY WATER SOURCE PRIVATE FIRE HYDRANT RETENTION bw ON CHURCH PROPERTY BASIN EXISTING' CHURCH INITIAL ST, I I AGING AREA, EQUIPMENT STORAGE. FUELING, CONCRETE WASHOUT AND I EMPLOYEE PARKING - SEE 15 6GITIVE DUST CONTROL NOTE NO. E15 11 STALL- . . . . . . PM -10 FENCING W1 SCREEN FABRIC CONTROL OL SIGN 3" MILES - - - - --�L_ - - - --------- AVENUE E S DM 4 AC. ON 6' CAB. CONSTRUCT GRAVEL PRIMARY CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE UNTIL PAVED CE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE EE L HEREON SECONDARY WATER SOURCE F.H. ON p EXISTING EX. 12- W WITH rvwn —.4- rp