0006-114 (PAT)LICENSED CONTRACTOR DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty,of perjury that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9.(commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professionals Code, and my License is in full force and effect. License # Lic. Class Exp: Date 678256. W33 112{ Date Signature.of Contractor' OWNER -BUILDER -DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury•that 1 am exempt from the. Contractor's License Law for the following reason: ( )' 1, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business & Prof essionals Code). ( j • I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business &" Professionals Code). . O I am exempt under Section B&P.C. for this reason Date Signature.of.Owner• ' WORKER'S"COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: () I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure -for workers' compensation, as provided for,by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. ( ) I have and will maintain workers'"comperisation insurance, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code; for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My workers' compensation insurance carrier &,policy. no. are: CarrierPolicy No. STATE FUND' tl�G-na QRt77799 (This section neednot be completed it the. permit valuation is- for $100.00 or less). () I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is'issued, I shall.not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the workers' compensation laws of California, and agree that if I should become subject to the workers' compensation provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code, I shall forthwith comply with those provisions. . Date: Applicant Warning:. Failure.to secure Workers' Com pensation'coverage is unlawful and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines'up to $100,000, in addition to the cost of compensation, damages as provided for in Section 3706 of the Labor Code, interest and attorney's fees. IMPORTANT Application is hereby made to the Director of Building and.Safety for a permit subject to. the, conditions and; restrictions, set forth on his application.- ­ 1. Each person upon whose behalf this application is made & each person at whose request and for whose benefit work is performed under or pursuant to any permit issued as a result of. this applicator agrees to, & shall, indemnify, & hold harmless the City of La Quinta, its officers, agents and'employees. 2. Any permit issued, as a result of this, application'becomes null and void if work is not commenced within 180.days from date of issuance of such, permit, or cessation of.work for' 180'days will subject permit to cancellation. r' I certify that I have read this application and state that.the'above information is correct. I agree to comply with all City, and State laws relating to,the building construction, and hereby authorize representativesof this City to.enter upon the above-mentioned property for inspection purposes. `Signature (Owner/Agent),.'Date_ BUILDING PERMIT PERMITk 0006-1.14 DATE VALUATION LOT TRACT JOB SITE APN �•N� ADDRESS« ivf9s.wL w.dm: , OWNER CONTRACTOR/DESIGNER/EN INFER DX\r1MG.H. POOLS K! LAS AW11It�G C'OMPARY 79.3$9 V•I`3'TA V9RDE 754 WILLIAMU ROA) . LA QIMTA CA 92253 PALM SPIRINGS CA 922&& (760)3211.15 6 C`F x,if 11325 USE OF PERMIT r 190 S.Y. ALLf11s11.AIVOCID PAM COVER ICHO.2621P PORCIWATIO ISIt.RR 3F. tr, K 1rS"7MNIND COST Or C ONST)ZDi":' TO,N PLAN CHICK FUE CQ1d: TAUCTIOtd !EE 101-000-418-000 S`I`R.OAt4MOTiM Mr., REBID 101.000-241.000 $.50 :� E7-TO`1:14L CL?�i YRTIM101`1 AMD PLAN CHECK USS PRE- AT. )FEES $0400 TIOTM= :PER:N.11'1" Fin's Xrrf. 1*10W $74,75 RECEIPT DATE BY DATE FINALED INSPECTOR INSPECTION RECORD OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR BUILDING APPROVALS MECHANICAL APPROVALS Set Backs Underground Ducts Forms & Footings Ducts Slab Grade Return Air Steel Combustion Air Roof Deck Exhaust Fans O.K to Wrap F.A.U. Framing Compressor Insulation Vents Fireplace P.L. Grills Fireplace T.O. Fans & Controls Party Wall Insulation Condensate Lines Party Wall Firewall Exterior Lath Drywall - Int. Lath Final Final BLOCKWALL APPROVALS POOLS - SPAS Steel Set Backs Electric Bond Footings Main Drain Bond Beam Approval to Cover Equipment Location Underground Electric Underground Plbg. Test Final Gas Piping PLUMBING APPROVALS Gas Test Electric Final Waste Lines Heater Final Water Piping Plumbing Final Plumbing Top Out Equipment Enclosure Shower Pans O.K. for Finish Plaster Sewer Lateral Pool Cover Sewer Connection Encapsulation Gas Piping Gas Test Appliances Final Final Utility Notice (Gas) ELECTRICAL APPROVALS Temp. Power Pole Underground Conduit Rough Wiring Low Voltage Wiring Fixtures Main Service Sub Panels Exterior Receptacles G.F.I. Smoke Detectors Temp. Use of Power Final Utility Notice (Perm) COMMENTS: SCHEDULE FOR ATTACHED LATTICE PATIO STRUCTURE — 10 PSF — 70 AND 90 MPH I�E3S�1 �l. Sj Alii U,i•C 4► MAXIMUM COLUMN SPACING AND FOOTING SIZE FOR 3"X 8" ALUM. BOX BEAM HEADER Ne. 6794 Z COLUMN SPACING h FTC. S17E ms-R91S PROD- UIµRY RAFTER 2- 1X 6 1/2'X .019' HEADER rX TX .030' HEADER YX 8'X 0.036' HEADER C YX 6X 0.041 HEADER O HEADER 10 IX 6X 12 CA STL. 'C BEAN ECnON��,{ = 2C O.C. COLUMN SPACING FOOTING COLUMN SPACING FOOTING COLUMN SPACING FOOTING COLUMN SPACING FOOTING SUEPLATL CONNECTION COLUMN SPACING FOOnNC LATTICE STRUCTURE OH SUB W FOOT'C S17E N STAB • W FOOT G SIZE ON SLAB * W F'OOl'C SIZE ON SUB # W FOOI'C SIZE REO'0 ISMS ON SLAB # N FOOTC S 7E 10' 5' 1X6 12'X.02f 10'-5 10'-5' d=21' 8'-11' , B' - I I d=20' 10'-9 ,0•_g d=21' II'-Y—Iz'-Y-- a=4s a ** 13'-8 ]d-0 d=29 12' 6' 7'X6 1 1X.029' -8' 9'-6' d=21' 8'-1 6'-Z' d=2O 9'-10 9'-•10' d=2f I1'-4' 11'-6' d=24' 8 4* I1'-4' 30'-0' d=Jr 14' T YX6X.03U 8' -IT - 7'-1 7'-r d=21' 9'-1' 9'-1' d=21 9',-9' 10'-r d=14' 6 ## 9'-9' JO' -0' d=3T 16' 8' YX6Y..03C 8'-Y 8'-r d=2T 6'-4' 6'-4' d=2I' 8'-S °8'-6' d=2Y B' -T 9'-I(f d=I4' 8 4# 8'-6r 28'-r d=34' 18' 9' YXIrY.04(f 7'-6 7'-9' d=2T 5'-r 5'-r ld-ff d=21' 7'-6 B' -(f d=2Y f-- - d=25 8 ## 7'-T 27'- d=34 ZO' 10' YXTY.041 6'-10' 7'-,r 5--T I 5'-(r I d=21' I V -IV 7'-Y d=14 6'-10 d' -1O d=16 8 4# 6' -IT I 25'-6 d=36' • 'ON SLAB' ALSO INCLUDES ATTACHED COLUMN TO SAFETY STARE OR ABESCO EARTH ANCHOR ALTERNATES. xFWO COLUMNS MINIMUM REOUIRED. 4' V - r6 T DOUGLAS nR - LARCH ►2 GRADE WOOD HEADER MAY BE SUBSTITUTED FOR x B' ALUM. U TX ALUM. BOX BEAN OR 4EADER USE COLUMN SPACING FROM T v 6 x .042 ALUM. HEADER. TX IEX GA, STEEL 'G' BEAN HEADER fX6I/Y OR TXB' RAFTERS • ALTER "A" SHALL CONSIST OF 18" • OPT. ALTERNATE 'Ir (18' ROOF PA SEE SCHEDULE FOR SIZE ROOF PANELS, PLACED PARALLEL TO ALTERNATE •OPj. ALTERNATE 'A R00F PANEL) 2-2"X6 1/1 STRUCTURE ATTACHED W/2 �10 (1e HEADER IN PLACE Of SMS TO RAFTERS. 7X6 HEADER WI1H POST LATTICE AND SIDEPLATES ALT "B" SHALL CONSIST OF 18" ROOF 1 1/2" X OVERHANG 16' FOR 1/f OR 16 FOR � PANEL PLACED PERPENDICULAR TO X Y POST 2" X 4' STRUCTURE AND ATTACHED W/2 #10 SMS Nil I TO BLOCKING. \ALTERNATE 1-f X 6 1/2' HEADERS. LATTICE: .018 X 1 1/2 X 1 1/2" ® 3 1/2" ` OR 7" O.C. OR 2X 496- ORB" O.C. �� �p� ry I �� NOTES: DEPLAT S W/9 AND 10' 1. THIS STRUCTURE MAY NOT BE ENCLOSED WITH A2R4y1V& HS A OwAgIE SPLICE RUEU00Cy FO t 9149 0 NMN cfiONs 2. FOR GENERAL NOTES SEE DWG 035003 SH'T. I Yi. I - OF 16 AND 2 OF 16. 3. FOR ALTERNATE EAVE ATTACHMENT OF RAFTERS ' SEE DETAIL OF DWG. NO. 35003 SHT. 3 OF 16. J rj E0T) OLU C 4. FOR SAFETY STAKE AND ABESCO ANCHOR DETAIL R4kvNr roR to O 12 PR(J cno SEE DWG. NO. 35003 SHT. 11 OF 16. a 7y��oFg2� 5. MAX. HEADER OVERHANG = 409. OF COLUMN SPACING FOR UP TO 16' PROJECTION AND 33X OF THRU 17 PROJECTIONS COLUMN SPACING FOR 17'-20' PROJECTION. 6. DESIGN PER U.B.C. 1991 EDITION. OPT. 3 1/Y CONC. y d' - -10' -13' THRU 20' PROJECTIONS 1. FOR RAFTER HANGER, HEADER TO SIDEPLATE OR COLUMN CONN., RAFTER TO HEADER k COLUMN TO SLAB- SEE NOTE +IS ON DWG. 135003, I" SHf. 2 OF 16 7�Tli , '<d SPLICE LOCATIONS FOR OPEN LATTICE AWNINGS FOOTING OR SLAB ATTACH. SEE DWG. NO. 35017, SHTS. 6, 7, AND 8 OF 8. DATE I REVISIONS ,`��� rro239 gyp. CSN J* Nsawe �? '�° 11ma eoRo�rr+ '-CULL" 3.4971 Q 3'��IV/aENG �01 REDENG��. No. 13857 Exp. 3-31-97 -...v GIVIv w �J f Or 0.pfES5Fp� Q -� I�E3S�1 �l. Sj Alii U,i•C 4► stv--� �Cf �NGINfd Ne. 6794 Z J� 11779 Wf ►- BRUCE D. n .' 6267: COLUMN HT. SA . ALUM. RAFTER --I SEE SCEDULE FOR SIZE 3' X Y ALUM. COLUMN ALTERNATE 4 X 4 D.F. WOOD POST OPT. 3 1/f GONG. SLAB SAFETY STAKE OR ABESCO— ANCHOR WITH CONCRETE FOOTING TYP. OR FOOTING WITHOUT ANCHORS. W 3 X Ir UN EADER. ,IERNATE z DF. ODER OR X X 12 Gi BEAM 1x6 1/1 ALUM. SIDE- PLATE- ALTERNATE 2 X 6 D.F. SIDE PLATE SIDE VIEW 11"111FALUMAX 1 �, fl � rferkfa,d IhedKh Trc. 1/6sl Dance Park.oY, su0e ]30 BUILDING PRODUCTS INC. Dallas. 1.. 73240-7478 Air LC.B.O. ES, EVALUATION REPORT NO. 2621P MORE OR PARTATTACHED LATTICE PARD STRUCTURES "ALAE - 10, 20, R 30 PSF - 70 (f 00 I" MIND SPEED aW t4 5-31-91 'r°,U"SER 35017 1 OF 8 61n`7:' 14' MAX. O'HANG-6' MIN. O'HANG J� C3\ app }� 8'IM AX. COLUMN HT. SA . CAE p �A of LAGUNA—TYPE OPEN LATTICE STRUCTURE 11"111FALUMAX 1 �, fl � rferkfa,d IhedKh Trc. 1/6sl Dance Park.oY, su0e ]30 BUILDING PRODUCTS INC. Dallas. 1.. 73240-7478 Air LC.B.O. ES, EVALUATION REPORT NO. 2621P MORE OR PARTATTACHED LATTICE PARD STRUCTURES "ALAE - 10, 20, R 30 PSF - 70 (f 00 I" MIND SPEED aW t4 5-31-91 'r°,U"SER 35017 1 OF 8 SERVING THEA COACHELLA VALLEY ///��� SINCE 1972 DISC/O (SQ� LIC. NO. 678256 -389 a(I Ysl� Va—oc Dv�LH IN x - t � UC� i Pp'onsAL (DR AL( Isla\ Bat i Lexi ICL Pk►'r� ITY OF LA QUINTA BUILDING & VcAFETY DEPT APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION DAT - G BY 754 William`s Road / Palm, Springs/ California 92264 (760) 327-8466 Fax: !760) 327-8467`