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. ` .r_ • . W - • 1. +� w .� • `"'f� : `'v • . ' - .k ..- ! 1 ` i ....-.y..,.•r.c_rS}a:i•._....+ rr,e..JoJ^�1^,,,^'•.r.x - ti^Y` •.—.v-�•.�-• .. r Y •..T-e,^t^a�r:�n...�;.,.-..^..�.�..,r-i^r•�.•.-,.a,....-•r�..s —4 � • NOTE: With proper validation this form constitutes an CITY OF LA QUINTA" encroachment permit' - APPLICATION FOR, PERMIT..".. — • PUBLIC .WORKS CONSTRUCTION .(ENCROACHMENT) SOF TR89 •For the construction of 'public. or private curbs,' driveways, pavements, sidewalks, parking lots, sewers, water mains.,, and other'like public works improvements in connection with MINOR IMPROVEMENTS and APPROVED SUBDIVISIONS' Subdivision,Improvement Permit — Class II I .DATE: Minor Improvement'Permit Class IV LOCATION OF CONSTRUCTION ..TRACT '23935 • CORNER OF • DUNE�•.PALMS ROAD' AND MILES _AVENUE (Street address or Description of Location)' PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTION , • onsite and offsite Sketch (attach.construction plans'if,appropriate) street improvements, storm•drains i. DESCRIPTION OF CONSTRUCTION, per approved plans on file DIMENSION OF INSTALLATION OR REMOVAL ` SIZE OF EXCAVAT.ION,'IF NEEDED " r APPROXIMATE TIME'WHEN WORK WILL BEGIN b/ i/ ` APPROXIMATE TIME OF COMPLETION 2 months. a ` ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST $ 4LU, U19. UU (including'removal of all obstruction, materials, and debris, backfilling, com- paction om paction and placing, permanent resurfacing and/or replacing Iimprovements) In consideration' of thergranting`of this permit,,the applicant heagrees to: Indemnify;•defend and save the City, its authorized agents, officers, representatives and employees; harmless from and.against any. and all penalties, liabilities or'loss 'resulting from claims or court action -and arising out of any accident, loss of damage to persons or property, r happening oroccurring.as a proximate result of,any work undertaken under the permit granted pursuant to this application. Notify' -the Administrative Authority at least twenty-four .(24). hours in -advance of the time when work will be started.: ' Comply with all applicable ,City Ordinances, the terms and -conditions of the permit and all applicable rules and regulations of the City of La Quinta and to pay for,any additional replacement necessary as the result of tthiis( woo�rk:•, Signature.0(60icant or Agent Gregg Thompson,= GWR' Development r ..859 N.. MountVn, #15B• Uplands 6t9%140,'2577.. Name of Applicant (please print)' Business Address. Telephone No. - MAtich Corporhtion PO -Box 50,000 San-Bernardino'92.412 71-4/824/21Q0 Name of Contractor and Job Foreman'. r• Business Address., _ - , •Telephone No.. _ ' 'R.�CiZ��. Ci i>.%• ` J5`« •r .1615 I.• - Contractor's License No. City Business License No. < on file Applicant's Insurance Company Policy Number r• FEES: Subdivision Improvement Permit — Class I I I Public improvements: 3% of estimated construction costs 0 51fiS7q 08 ''3_98700-. ' ri0 0 `Aka �, HTRL ta, Private Improvements. 3/0 of estimated construction, costs Y Minor'lmprovement Permif — Class .IV: See attached• schedule- 4 ® ®-7 9 3 `8700..15 ' Inspection Fee - $ PERMIT VALIDATION `. Permit Fee PERMIT NO. 0793 Penalty , 8123190 Cash Deposit -Surety Bond • . DATE APPROVED. if required IEXPIRATIONDATE 12/31/90 TOTAL: $ 8700:15 '• 8123/90 ' r _ DATE ISSUED , Receipt No. .''^/fit %'L,ip..•J� By Received by Date • v Administrative Authority Recorded by TELEPHONE: (619) 564-2246 +�-M.+�s'M"'��e•�'.a'sic'�wi��'�F�`S-ia-w.r .i. !r Pr �: .w w .. ..uc.. nw r r r wr r r. K. r w r r s r s .tl..r w� r.� rr +N.r. r r .Y r +.. +b. r w+� .r .. ....r. � !i -t* nv. s J 'r NOTE: With proper validation this form constitutes an CITY OF LA QUINTA encroachment permit APPLICATION FOR PERMIT PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION (ENCROACHMENT) For the construction of public or private -'curbs, driveways, pavements, sidewalks, parking lots, sewers, water mains and other like public works improvements in connection with MINOR IMPROVEMENTS and APPROVED SUBDIVISIONS Subdivision Improvement Permit — Class III DATE: Minor Improvement Permit Class IV LOCATION OF CONSTRUCTION 'TRACT 23935 CORNER OF DUN.12 PALPIS ROAD AND MILES AVENUE (Street address or Description of Location) PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTION onsitc and offsite street inoprovei-LN�nts, storm drains DESCRIPTION OF CONSTRUCTION DIMENSION OF INSTALLATION OR REMOVAL SIZE OF EXCAVATION, IF NEEDED APPROXIMATE TIME WHEN WORK WILL BEGIN 23 7 9U - APPROXIMATE TIME OF COMPLETION 2 months ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST$ 4;eUIul�.UU (Including removal of all obstruction, materials, and debris, backfilling, com- paction and placing permanent resurfacing and/or replacing improvements) Sketch (attach construction plans if appropriate) In consideration of the granting of this permit, the applicant hereby agrees to: per approved plans on file Indemnify, -defend and save the City, its authorized agents, officers, representatives and employees, harmless from and against any and all penalties, liabilities or loss resulting from claims or court action and arising out of any accident, loss or damage to persons or property happening or occurring as a proximate result of any work undertaken under the permit granted pursuant to this application. Notify the Administrative Authority at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the time when work will be started. Comply with all applicable City Ordinances, the terms and conditions of the permit and all applicable rules and regulations of the City of La Quinta and to pay for any additional replacement necessary as the result of this work. Signature of,°Applicant or Agent Gregg Thompson, GtriR Bevulorr ent 859 N. Nlo; nt�l;n, w;15E Uplands r,19/340-2577 Name of Applicant (please print) Business Address Telephone No. A.u-ktich Cor oration PO Lox 50,000 San Bernardino 92412 714/824/2100 Name of Contractor and Job Foreman Business Address Telephone No. i-rl 1G15. Contractor's License No. City Business License No. on file Applicant's Insurance Company Policy Number FEES: Subdivision Improvement Permit — Class I I I Public improvements: 3% of estimated construction costs Private improvements: 3% of estimated construction costs Minor Improvement Permit — Class IV: See attached schedule Inspection Fee $ L700.15 Permit Fee Penalty Cash Deposit -Surety Bond if required TOTAL: Receipt No. Received by $ 6700.15 Date �OaA;3tiStITRK'�—� 700.1530 PERMIT VALIDATION PERMIT NO. 0`793 -DATE APPROVED 0/23/90 EXPIRATION DATE 12/31/90 DATE ISSUED S/23/90 B y Administrative Authority Recorded by 11 TELEPHONE: (619) 564-2246 5.- Catch Basin(W=4'."V=3j') 6. 12" R.C.P. 7.. Remove 4" Asphalt and 8" OL -her Material.i`or New Street Section 8. Sawcut 4" Asphalt Pavement 9. 2"x,4" Redwood Header 10. Balance Streets from `.20' 11. 2" Asphalt over 6" C1ass.II 12: 3" Asphalt over 8" Class II 13.' 2" Asphalt Overlay w/Tack 14. 1" Asphalt Cap w/Tack. 15.. Feather Overlay w/Tack 16. 6" Asphalt Berm. 17. Barricade 18. Traffic Control Total 1.Each @ $ 4,000.00. _. $ ATICH 19 L.P. ®RP®RATION , $ HEAVY ENGINEERING CONTRACTORS ', Office # (%1 4) 8%7r21 00 P.O. BOX 50,000, SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA 92412 State Contractor's Licenso No. 149'/133 � 714 FAX # ( ) 824-2360 PISOPOSAL., @. PROPOSAL TO (Client) DATE: July 26, 1990 G.W.R. DEVELOPMENTPROJECT: Tract#23935-1 & Tract#23935-2 73-373 Country Club Drive - Suite 321 Dune Palms & Miles Palm Desert:, Ca. 922G0 LOCATION: -La Quint:a, Ca_ Attention:' Greg 'Thompson CUSTOMERS JOB NUMBER: Telephone: (619)340-2577 FAX(619)360=5902 - 1,417.00- MATICH CORPORATION (hereinafter call Contractor) submits the following Proposal to Client for furnishing the material and 'forth:. labor and performing the work hereinafter specified, subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter set @ STREET IMPROVEMENTS .- OFFSITE 3.00/L_F. _ 1. 8" Curb & Gutter 2,960 L.F. @ $ 5.90/L.F_ - $ 17,464.06 2. X -Gutter & Spandral .1,175 S.F.. @ $ 2.50/S.F. _ $ 2,937.50 3.. Sidewalk & I'Iandicap Ramps 16,390 S -.-F. @ ,$ 1:19/S.k'. _ $ 199,504.10 4. Finegrade.from :20'(Items 1-3) Lump. Sum @ $ 9,900.00 - S 9,900.00 5.- Catch Basin(W=4'."V=3j') 6. 12" R.C.P. 7.. Remove 4" Asphalt and 8" OL -her Material.i`or New Street Section 8. Sawcut 4" Asphalt Pavement 9. 2"x,4" Redwood Header 10. Balance Streets from `.20' 11. 2" Asphalt over 6" C1ass.II 12: 3" Asphalt over 8" Class II 13.' 2" Asphalt Overlay w/Tack 14. 1" Asphalt Cap w/Tack. 15.. Feather Overlay w/Tack 16. 6" Asphalt Berm. 17. Barricade 18. Traffic Control Total 1.Each @ $ 4,000.00. _. $ 4,000.00. 19 L.P. @ $ 90.00/L.F. = $. 1,710.00 15,200 S.F. @. $ 0.45/S_F. _ $ 6,840.00 2,180 L.F. @ $ 0.65/L.F. _ $ 1,417.00- 150 L.F. @ $ 3.00/L_F. _ $ 450.00 78,345 S.F. @ $ 0.07/S.i'. _ $ 5,484.15, 46,610 `S.r_ @ $, 0_68/S.F. ,$ 31,694.80. 31,735 S.F. @ $ 1.03/S`.F. _ $ 32,687.05 490, Tons @ $ 2.9.00/Ton. _ $ 14,210.00 78,345':S.F.. @ $ 0.18/S.F. _ $ 14,102.10 150'Tons @ $ 29.00/Ton = $ 4,350.00 275'L.F. @. $ 4.00/L.F. _ $ 1,100.00 100 L.F. @ '$ 28.00/L.F. _ $ 2,800.00 Lump Sum @ $ 3,500.00 _' $. .3,500.00 $ 174,150.70 Note: Item #13 does not include Petromat. Need to review plans so that Drywell can be accurately priced. TOTAL................................................................. $ NOVICE: The foregoing PropnSSl does not c0hS IM0 an 61101' .ui110Ss thO Wool ngroo tewf dopoorIng on tho ravarna side hereof is signed by a duly authorized representative of Contractor. The total is approximate only and invoice will be rendered on the basis of actual measurement of work done. (See also paragraph 2 on the reverse hereof): If rough grad- ing is done by others, it shall be furnished to us within one-tenth foot, plus or minus, of finished subgrade elevation. (See also paragraph 6, on the reverse hereof). • HEAVY ENGINEERING CONTRACTORS V.O. 00% 50,000; SAN BERNARDINO. CALIFORNIA. 92412 Stale Contractor's Licenso No. 149783 PMROPOSAL Office #'(714) 877-2100 FAX.# (714) 824-2360 Note: Need to review plans so that Spillway can be accurately priced. TOTAL.. ..................... ....................... ........... S NOTICE: The loregoing proposal does not eonslllutc an offer, unless t1io formal agroomant, appearing on the r©vors.0 side hereof is signed by a duly authorized representative of Contractor. The total is approximate only and invoice will be rendered on the basis of actual measurement of work done. (See also paragraph 2 on the reverse hereof). If rough grad- ing is done by others, it shall be furnished to us within one-tenth foot, plus or minus,'of finished subgrade elevation. (See also paragraph 6, on the reverse hereof). PROPOSAL TO (Client) DATE: July 26, 1990 G.W.R. DEVELOPMENT PROJECT: Tract#23935-1 -& Tract#23935-2 73-373•Country Club Drive - Suite 321 Dune,Palms & Miles Palm Desert, Ca_ 92260. LOCATION: La Quinta, Ca: Attention: Gree khoulp:;on CUSTOMERS JOB, NUMBER: 'Telephone:. (619)340-2577 r.•AX (GJ.9).360-5902 MATICH.CORPORATION (hereinafter call Contractor) submits 'efollowing. Proposal to Client.for furnishing the material and labor and performing the work hereinafter specified, subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter set, forth: STREET IMPROVEMENTS - ONSITE 1. 6" Curb & Gutter 4,20.0 L.F. @ $ 5.60/L.F. _ $ ,23;520.00 2. 8" Curb &Gutter715•L.F. @ $ 5.90/I..F. 4,218.50 3. Transition Curb & Gutter'. 110 L.F. @ $ 7.00/L_F. = $ 770.00 4. 6" Curb Only(Returns) 160. L. r. @ $ 7.00/L.F. = $ 1,120.00 5. X -Gutter•& Spandral 3,030, S.F. @ $ 2.50/S.F. _ $ 7,575.00 6. Driveway Approach 170; S.F. @. $ 2_30/S.F. _ $ 391.00 . 7. Sidewalk & Handicap.Ramps 33,930. S.F. @ $ 1.19/S,F. _ $ 39,7341.10 8. Local Depressions 5 Each @ $ 300_/Each... = $ - 1;500.00 • 9. Finegrade from .20'(Items 1-8) Lump Sum @_ $ 17,800.00, _ $ 17,800.00 10. Remove Redwood Header 110 L.F: @ $ 2.00/L.F. _ $ 220.00 11.; Remove Barricade 8 Each @ $ 100./Each = $ 300.00 12. 2" x 4" Redwood Header 1701L_P. @ $ 3.00/L.F. _ $ 510.00 13. Balance Streets from .20' 102,775 S.F. @ $ 0.08/S_h_. _ $ 8,222.00 14. 2" Asphalt.over 4" Class 1I 102,775 S.F. @ $ 0.60/S.F. _ $ 61,665.00 " 15. 1" Asphalt Cap w/Tack 102,775,.S_F. @ $ 0.18/S.F. _ $ 18,499.50 16.• Barricade. 180. L.F. @ $ 28.00/L.F. _ $ 5,040.00 17. Stop Sign & Stop.Bar 7 Each @ $ 325./Each = $ 2,275.00 . r • Total q.$ 193,360.10 Note: Need to review plans so that Spillway can be accurately priced. TOTAL.. ..................... ....................... ........... S NOTICE: The loregoing proposal does not eonslllutc an offer, unless t1io formal agroomant, appearing on the r©vors.0 side hereof is signed by a duly authorized representative of Contractor. The total is approximate only and invoice will be rendered on the basis of actual measurement of work done. (See also paragraph 2 on the reverse hereof). If rough grad- ing is done by others, it shall be furnished to us within one-tenth foot, plus or minus,'of finished subgrade elevation. (See also paragraph 6, on the reverse hereof). 7 NOTE: With proper validation this form constitutes an CITY OF LA' aUINTA G . encroachment permit APPLICATION'FOR PERMIT - 15 {PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION .(ENCROACHMENT) For the construction of public or private curbs, driveways, pavements, sidewalks„ parking lots, sewers, water mains and other like public works improvements in connection with MINOR IMPROVEMENTS and APPROVED SUBDIVISIONS ��ZU/Qi� Subdivision Improvement Permit - Class 111 DATE: Minor Improvement Permit Class IV LOCATION OF CONSTRUCTION 1660 21131S, � 1R- o-;: 0� �aU"� `� It> � ,Q , (Street address or Description of Location) PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTION ( Sketch (attach construction plans if a PPropriate) ' DESCRIPTION OF CONSTRUCTION 2261-1- .O'F F517E 6TZExl 1N��Y'Ea-►I:�.3i"5. 57b� l�l?A11J � - • DIMENSION OF INSTALLATION OR REMOVALS=e SIZE OF EXCAVATION, IF NEEDED ' . 14 APPROXIMATE TIME WHEN WORK WILLBEGIN 2 t APPROXIMATE TIME OF COMPLETION ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST $ (Including removal of allobstruction; materials, and debris, ba%I,filling, com- paction om paction and placing permanent resurfacing and/or replacing improvements) In consideration of the granting of this permit, the applicant hereby agrees to: Indemnify,defend and save the City, its authorized agents, officers, representativesandemployees, harmless from and against any_and all penalties, liabilities or. loss resulting from. claims or court action and arising out of any accident, loss or. damage to persons or property happening or occurring as a,proximate result of,any work undertaken under the "permit granted pursuant to this application. Notify the Administrative Authority'at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the time when work will belstarted: I V Comply with all applicable City Ordinances;,the,terms.and conditions of the permit and all applicable rules and requisitions of the City of Y ■ ', 1 E- la•Ouinta and to pay for any additional replacement necessary as the result of this work. , ( , ' Signature of4 �li t r gent G GG 70M1>50�j5 35 . Mou/Uq��, fu �S 3 ,yI LAK -1, C4, Ct 17� 4/9 - 340 2S 17 Name of Applicant (please print) Business Address " Telephone No. ZV 966-1 Name of Contractor and Job Foreman 4, Business Address Telephone No. Contractor's License No. City Business License No. Applicant's Insurance Company Policy Number•., FEES: Subdivision Improvement Permit —Class Ill Public improvements: 3% of estimated construction costs Private improvements: 3% of estimated construction costs n N° Minor Improvement Permit —Class IV: See attached schedule Inspection Fee S�r�- I PERMIT VALIDATION ' . Permit Fee �' `� PERMIT NO: ' Penalty'' ` _ DATE APPROVED .� Cash Deposit -Surety Bond if requiredEXPIRATION,DATE TOTALr ' s— A-700 ' I - DATE )SSU Receipt No. Received by' Date Administrative Authority 10 4 Recorded by. .TELEPHONE: (619) 564-2246 . I ,Robert Martin Builders, Inc. 2.150 N. Centre City Parkway, Escondido, CA 92026 • (619) 743-3007 47320 Verdugo Road., Banning, CA 92220 • (714) 849-4834 July 18, 1990 TO: Mr. Dennis Cunningham TRACT NO.: 23935 ,GWR Development 470 South Beverwill Dr. Beverly Hills, CA LOCATION.:: La Quinta, CA 90212-4210 .Upon careful examination of the plans for Tract No. 23935, Miles Avenue and Dune Palm,'we hereby propose to furnish labor, materials and equipment to complete the following work: ON-SITE STORM DRAIN DESCRIPTION (s2 PRICE 36" RCP 1500 D 88 LF $ . 65.50 $ 5,764.00 24"'RCP 1750 D 244 LF 553.00 12,932.00 CATCH BASIN 0300 (W=14') 4 EA 7,634.80 30,539.20 DRY WELL 1 EA 3.,270.00 3,270.00 TOTAL �$52,�505.�20� OFF-SITE STORM DRAIN RECEIVED ` J U L 2 0 1990 'DESCRIPTION PRICE TOTAL CATCH BASIN #300 (W=4") 1 EA $3,570.00 $ 3,570.00 DRY WELL 1.EA 3,270.00 3,270.00 TOTAL I N ,Tkc� j- ►CT,- TOTAL.PROPOSED COST $59,345.20 THIS PROPOSAL'EXCLUDES_ PATCHING, SUBGRADE BALANCING & COMPACTION," GRADING & BASE UNDER CONCRETE, PRIME COAT & WEEDKILL, ENGINEERING, INSPECTIONS, SURVEYING, PERMIT FEES, SOIL'TESTING,,CONSTRUCTION WATER COSTS, UTILITY INSTALLATION., RELOCATION,•REMOVAL, ADJUSTMENTS OR ALTERATIONS, FINISH GRADE FOR LANDSCAPING, IMPORT•OR EXPORT OF EARTH MATERIALS FOR 0 tUi � �' ;T;li:T•T Y'It r. , 1, -To I ►, r ' 4,p Itfit L1 (1511(.11 ti►' e i ' t w,t !i •i . r "li��l i'j:+./nf� l�+ IT't �'.1�� +'ill'�.lr r; • � + 1'� • 1' r .H 1 i� i t r -f H i s -t t 1 j ,a., i. , 1 + �'+' t.:Ei• : 1 tUi � �' ;T;li:T•T Y'It r. , 1, -To I ►, r ' 4,p Itfit L1 (1511(.11 ti►' e i ' t w,t !i •i . r "li��l i'j:+./nf� l�+ IT't �'.1�� +'ill'�.lr r; • � + 1'� • 1' r .H 1 i� i t r -f H i s -t t 1 j ,a., i. , 1 + �'+' t.:Ei• : '�.. `z�'- r - �. .r• '• i �. 'fir ,N y, • • s 'Page 2 ,of 5 BACKFILL, EXCAVATION,HANDLING, REMOVAL,,STORAGE OR TRANSPORTATION,•'OF HAZARDOUS, AND/OR TOXIC: MATERIAL: -.,,THE PRICES,,QUOTED HEREIN ARE BASED'ON UNAPPROVED,PIANS AND MAY' -BE REVISED UPON RECEIPT ,OF APPROVED PLANS. INCREASES IN MAT_ ERIAL' AND ,LABOR COSTS BEYOND= 08/.31/90 ,SHALL BE PASSED ON :y TO OWNER.' QUOTE BASED,,ON.ONE MOVE-IN'TO'COMPLETE SAID WORK. 1 THE GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS PROPOSAL SHALL -BE'` INCLUDED IN ' ANY. CONTRACT OR SUBCONTRACT PREPARED BY: OWNER-. GENERAL TERMS' CONDITIONS . 1_.The-co4lete terms.and,'conditions of 'this,. proposal shall Y be.includedin any contract -or. -subcontract -prepared by. j - .owner 2_,Buyer,,agrees to give written notice of any shortage'or Fti 4 defect within.five days after delivery of material. or. 4'r within.five days after the completion'of the contract'if. ; for both'labor and material, and no'claims will be fr. allowed thereafter.' No•allowances will be made for , •labor,,material',.repairs or'alterations without our written consent. 3. Delivery of material will be made at the curb unless i otherwise -ordered, and then only to a point,.accessible,,to the delivery truck: In the event'of delivery beyond the.' curbline, Martin Builders will not ,assume liability for-' t` damage to sidewalks or.other property and buyer -will) '' >•' indemnify and hold'harmless seller for,; any and. all foss, ' `F damage 'or liability as a result `of.,such;•deliver. 4. Buyeragrees to ,obtain .andpay 'for ,all, permits, ' inspection .fees, engineering, mix design, staking and'. 7' soil -' and compaction tests -as required, unless, specifically stated otherwise. ► ''�, 5. Buyer -, agrees _to • pay • for performance and labor and ' material. bonds,, if required;• at• the 'rate 7 of -one .percent (1%) of the total ---contract. ` 6. `.'Buyer agrOesi to furnish. and -,pay- for ' al -1 water 'applied by. Contractor in the .performance of the' work covered 'by this ` agreement: 'Martin Builders ww ill",apply wate'r' •as required .for dust control while our,work•16 in progress: `'All," r ' other water.necessary for dust' control•will •be' considered; Extra Work and shall° be paid for 'by the ,owner .at Martin i r + Builders',current equipment,and labor -rates., r AG WARUT8tdAVOMHYt . MdU1-411 AOITAM)Xg JJ l'q lDAq .,iA1U'?'AM JI.XGT STC\tiMA 2-U0tIs?ASAIi 'qO Vi01TH`i'3qUq�KA51T GOA 2MAJI) {INVOWAAKU No GH2AH HAA NIj. rH a4�iTUUQ c^,$:llSfici gFI`I' . &WAs`4 TSilOXgi aA 'q(j Tq- lTjH T [dC)gU (I32 iVaH 99 YAI•I WU UaP- Ail Nd ,MAH6 00�1.6XMO (IWUY3g WEN);) fIOgAd (14A dAT,q3TAM .XHUW CIIAa :ildd4MOU OT Ml-'HWOM :400 VIU CIsUA8 21TOUG .A$GtWO CIT 99 JdAHa JAaOgCnlq 81H'r qct 8MOI` WHO", OJ4A 2MUT df0gRN50 ;4HT q;►1VIWO .Y$ Q3HAgijg3 TDAATti10UHU2 f10 TOMT1400 YNA TSI r'I ULUDAI "MOI'1'.iCMCO (1141A MINT -.iNl:MUC-1 ficuir iea6-go7q t?.crfzl to ariordibnoo. bile; am -ted e;felejrroo erlT .1 -td• beirg97q to5idnoodife no Jowilaao Yrm al, bebul*Al i ecf no +gF,d7orf?. ticra 30 ao.ijari 1101,41xw ejvtg' 0.4 eat3xtj 'Ie-trrQ ti 7c Jrt°xa srrt 10 'riev.ilet:, Tortlr avab evi'l n.irfdiw t'o le•b 'Ll da5•)Inoo erld Io n0.tzelgmoo grid -19diE eysb evil nlrf4iw ed l liw eimislo on arra . t a.i-sdrim fans -xodsl ' rf:tod -iol io'i ebam ed 1Iiw taoonswoilrx oti '.7ett3a9•xejtd b anll�, 'ruo dcrofjJ-jw �:CiO�:ta'79d1:.� 'So a•xir3go—j c'Lf�t`r9�Gt7 .'YodrJ ..lnnarioo noldi'xw eseLnir demo sifd ds ebsrs ed .iliw 031, iojam 3o ylev.iisO .0 oJ* eldloaeooc, dr:iog s od yino nerf,t bnrs .bex9b'io sulw•xerfdo eri7 bnoved vYovilab to friev,--, orfs rtl .zi; wul vaevIlef? erf:.t 7o7 ydif idesi omuaa5 don 111w +a7sbliuEi n.ilisM .9ail.d'Iuo it iw 'teyifd bn a vJ-iogoiq i96,lo rso aAlzb1ebin ori EigBmsb ,naof T1s Ins yam •Ioi `1e11.ee 8$51111.1.6-H blvd bnz yalnmebni .113vileb dt)ua .30 ilusel s as voill.di3J. f -10 snsm sb Si-tin7eq xis •so:t ts,4 .hrts- of6Jdv Czt eae•Yaa is- vvH P bns gn i6lm . nx teeb x.ita aeol rioittosgan.i amel au an aw- aed brio l ioa . pa w�0rfd0 beda:ta i Cso.i. i o�cjra bnh •iodsl bna eonsm•iol'leq 'cp3 - qq 0.t r-ec3"TRs •Yeyuh ,1 •:inebgog eno 3:o edr,7 efid �dfi beiiup3 i 11 . abnod lt3i,.3,tr:n1 as`s:lrr0o IF hJ •ari.f to f I) mti b3ilggs 7adsw fla sod -%Zr;q, brie daxrrxu:i. od ,gee xis•let q .8 alild vd'• be73voo tfiow 9rfd To e-)af3m•to37eq aril tis •Twos-�-dao;) i,ynf. rpan as 4'9dr3w vJ:ggs 111w a•seblJ:r�B n.rd7srl .ztngmee-zjjs IIA .88e7ljolq rti a.i I'Yow 'Pilo eillriw IoltJnoo daUb nea ts'Yebierioo Qci JJlw 10 i tn0o :tairb 'Ira! y7yseeQoen •Tetirw -serfto n i.t•YsM dk xanwo edd yd qoa bxsq ad ! C .rfo fans ::•sow rndx=n aej wy •sodsilba 3 J:'i9rrrgiilp,3 drie i wo a•xobl iuEl '4•+ Page• 3 of 5' F , ' :• _ 'f,, � t'`,; �,;``. .• _ .� - _ •°'. i 7^ `This agreement is subject �to contingencies :of F '',manufacture,, strikes, fires, embargoes,'"regulations of r °" • .government, delays in transit due,'.to breakdown; and to ' any other 'contingencies beyond our control. , :�. '8.- Martin Builders will not be'-responsible for relocation or. =y" ' alterationof'existing,utiliiies,'• damage to underground ' pipelines, wiring, etc'. Should underground utilities,; • K '. pipelines, 'wiring or other obstructions',be encountered; ` which were not shown• ori°the plaris ,or'make •.known "by the. buyer, prior-to bidding, that result iri;additional cost'„ ." -for performance , of, works. it-.shall be considered Axtra "Work and 'ahall ben paid- for in';'accordance with-. paragraph fifteen..:(, 15) below. • -9. If an agent of:sufficie'nt strength'to kill organic-growth, ' `F is not `specified• and applied," we assume no responsibility ' :for damage to , the-'surfacing, due .to Bermuda;'Grass" or other: ,. #• -r .� organic -growth. u 10. Whenever''t-6 work of rough grading is performed by ° ` • ` ;' others; "the-; subgrade shall be; ;left compacted to the ,• ' d requred;tdensity and within one-tenth. of.a foot plus or w F ".,minus of . planned grade" or , subgrade• elevations. Any work ' •required to••compact;and.balance,the grading,'including ' .,.'the import or export of material required in,thea.fine - , grading,,operation, shall',be paid for as. Extra Work in accordance' with;, paragraph fifteen` ,,(15) below. A-1. In the'•event rock is encountered which cannot, be BOB t, 'and/or removed. with contractors -on=si'te ' equipment, notice of-'such condition will be 'given the owner,. The • separation and/or removal-of -'rock 'shall .lie 4• classified'as°Extra Work and shall be paid for in. a' accordance with paragraph: fifteen r (1'5) • below. r . ' .12:'Excavation,,''haridling, removal.,�storage or transportation °o,f=hazardousrand%or toxic materials 14 of-; for in., accordance with paragraph fifteen (15) below: _ 13. `In Lthe `event that �groundwater is ,encountered, notice''of" such condition_shall be given the'owner.. Containment' "and/or confinement ..of • ground' water shall-.be, paid"for in :k ' accordance .with paragraph fifteen; (15) • below. ' 14.r Whenever, the bid is. not on a Lump •Sum basis, payment shall .be based on Unit Prices: On a;unit price .bid, .,' 'quantities shown are approximate only. Payment shall b.e '. based on measurement-6f actual. work performed` at the-un it prices, here i`hi;specified: i� eeronr rYi ; rrao :J;)gtj un n! Ja,�nr�r�-ims r,rrfT s 3Cti E:nAi J �l.J 9 x r :�Q�`ifi m£i r se-i.il • a9AI.0a . e wl-asl unsm of bns 'rlwOhxAe-x(-1 of 91;h Jians'O rii 1tisfob 'dnamnnevo'n . I()-I'tno* --Wo b1loyer: >;arona ;ni.trxoo •Ierfjo ins no3 eldirmogcef l ed Jon 11.1w wmbl.iva n.tJ•xsM .fi 17nt1�`i3'f�>�ftJJ od '3nAlr b .L°9.f.J1. 1JU At' EJB!xe 10 lTt7L�F'Sl�if�r+ bnurj-rg-Ysbrw biuorfR .oto . grylilw . nen! l5gJq I;n`inirlJo'art9 od eno jougJedo 7erf:lo -io Iviiilw �aeriri9ZiR qdl -jd awori:f eIisni to erfslq 9rf.1 no rrworfe. drrn 9 -low rfo.irfyj :spoa InnoIJIbbs a! Ifunaq JArfJ .Bnibbld of 77i•sq ,'YStitltf s-iJ.tO beinblanoo ed .!brie .Q . t1•tciw 2n svosm al-fsq no? OcrsgTI„^tr,q d;t fw 5onzb7oons ni ^r,-)3 b.[scr sd CLFrfa bnr; xr-tnW .wo.lod (d.t.) rtan'ttil rfJwoz,-q oinag'xo .L.L.r:t of rfJ-nonJa JneiolLttu8 io .JnspkJx rir tI .r: v-J!f id.ianogp,9a o:i wloan•, yaw hst [ggTG brig b*11loocro Jor al 'YArfta -Yo e8s70 sl:lum•YgEI UJ aJrfT Tt n.iOs3'iila edi n;t 03i9mab xol . rfJtaola oinRa7o yd bem•xhtx9g ai pri lbs -in rfairo-i to 2f-xow 9rfJ-ievAnatfW .Ot edd o3 hoJosgmoo Jlel sd f irrfa ebs's;tdua 9riJ anariJo 7o ,iu(q ;toot r To dinai -eno nitfJiw bits y.fisneb be7iup97 i'"row, f,r,A .BriotOtf veim ebs-irlduc 7o ebwin b6nrrs.l.q to at,Irilm rtrihul orti . Anibsi-n MI sonsl rd baa J oFquin -) nJ be-ilupe-i I qtt ni I,ex(u;>ax if;iiglArn to 4-iogxe ter„ J-iogmi edt n.i :9-toW s'idi%g sr- -iol bfsq 9d .C.tbda .soilwingr) tirl#t1,,,+ip . wo C ed (d t) ansiI i i rf.jr,-spa-Y;nq ri i iw aonrbn000r, ecf Jonnso rioidw be-x9Jrtwoor7a al loort mvs nJ .1:i 9Jio no a'iu-to.a-iJ'noo rfsiw havcame-i riga\b,Yr, nriJ tiavr- )Cl Il.tw rtoiJihnno rfoJro to 07.iJon �Jrrrymq.tup-� tid f f situ 7foo-i to l rwome,i-io\bts s nrfT . -if)awo n i ^rot b,ing ad 11663 has :I-ioW ewtxa ar beil Tann f -) .W01-4 (01) rQ+jw 9-�n,�hnaaoc, nor fsJ7oq�ns-iJ •io etizioau . f Avomzv: bn i t brn3d a! qol WAq ed fIarfe a.ts.in3aam oixo3 no\bas auoh'xr,sad to . wo f ed (c?I) na'. rtja J.3 tfgr7hs^t,:,q rf:iiw eonsh-r()oor to eoiJon ,h9'x9Jrajonrre of •iefBw bnuoari JarIJ Jnavo erfJ nI .&I Jn9lnni s�+rro� . -ievwo edd riay.Fn 9d ff srfa roi.ti hno _, rfoue ni I(Ij 61rq nd 1;.If,rin 7-3;tsw Imiro7p, o :rrsmsrritrto-io\bnn . wo.f ed (at) ries; i `t t{:rrxris7rq rt l ic•� a-�rYah-x�cns tnomvsq .aiszd mtr2 rtmisd s no Jori at bid edJ 7:,v;3norfW .ist .bid r►n.iqa iinu v nO no h:zarci ec! Ustie, od i1ndr`s dp mnsv rswarf:3 ancJ'r.irl:3un -tirnu QrrJ• Jn bonloo 2-ieq �f'xokr 1.r,uJos to Jri9mwicmr,r-jm no b:aerd Page 4 of 5 f # { y , 1 , J T . to ; rr • • ... ; , • - Al ` 16. The Prices he ein•'specif.ie'd- include, only the. items listed _,T Any additional work' or, material' required to .,Qomplete the•contract or,,requested by'the buyer"•shall be F ' considered EXTRA WORK and shall be paid-for''at Martin- ' Builders current equipment,`material'and labor rates'. Outside purchases and/or. services,shall be charged :at COST PLUS''TWENTY-FIVE• PERCENT (25%), and`shall.'be .subject. to all terms ' of this contract ' 16. In the , event that all `^of: N the .work del'irieated"i_n tYis c proposal -can not .be •coinple`ted .within 'the -time" allowed. due to• conditions_beyond the, immediate •control ,of Martin.` .Builders; then'all additional cost,,including but�not ; ' limited to labor, equipment and material increases incur`r,'ed. by Martin Builders, 'shall' be'considered,'as addn itios to the contract`'and paid.forf,by the owner at a ' (negotiated amount or'in'accordance with paragraph fifteen (15) :above . : ' 17. Any.damages,to the improvements constructed by Martin " Builders' under this contract, which` might ;result from wind_ weather.`, operations of,others-or other means beyond' our control, will'be-repaired:by_others-at no cost:to,us. Any,repair work performed by us. will'be charged.in accordance with paragraph fifteens(15)-ab6ve: 18. At our.'6 Ation, , this proposal shall become null and void +. + ' i`f written acceptance•and.notice to proceed.is not > received within, fifteen, ,(15) days. i 19. Terms.'of' `Payment: CASH UPON COMPLETION_ Whenever. work. . extends:,beyond one month, progress:payments•shali-'be due and payable on the first day -of the month -for the total.`, amount of'labor, equipment, and materials furnished„for : the' preceding `month, with final payment being'due. and payable upon+ completion of work `by. Martin Builders': a . 20.';The'interest rate'on the unpaid balance shall be.1 1/2% ' per%month`,or 18% per annum, but in.°no event. greater that '. the rate,allowed by law. Iri.even 'of suit, -,attor'ney 'fees , shall be paid,as'an.additional item of cost.•'Reference .; is made to ,the•Materialman's Lien Law,, "California Code .r r ' of Civ'il,'Procedures, : Section 311, 'et,'seq. ” - ;. 21. 'Progress payments are a condition'pre'cedeni to performance by Robert Martin Builders, Inc. If payments t r , are not "made on- time;, ,TIME BEING - OF THE •ESSENCE, contractor may..cease further performance. 'ANY'ALTERATION OR DEVIATION''FROM THE ABOVE SPECIFICATIONS+. INVOLVING EXTRA COST OF,MATERIAL OR. LABOR WILL" ONLY •BE a ih 1- 014rq amsil 9rfj mina ebul.-mi bsf +Lov-iqp: LdcviS-itf of begiu"-i Isigoci rn qo 9 -%ow innoldibbs VnA be,Jai,f ed [lode gwvud orifi yd b-zteoupe•x '10 :fos•1:trroo oriJy edelynsoo rtl,gsM is qo3 bfsq sd ltrria has NOW 1l,1'1%9 bwTebionoo .aa;ts•s godrf boB tr,i7a:fras ,Jnsmglrlg,r•� ztnwiquo a•iebl.irrA' Is betarrsria ed Iirda co;3iv7oa •io`�hnr3 aAasrio•xLsg sbir�JutJ J,iot ijp, ed l.I8dr. bnr, . ( r?S) Ttf:' q q HVII-Mawr 8Ud'g 'x240 .303g3r100 affr'l 10 r:ns'Io;t IIr, '3.t ai:rij ni b-adsorrlleb edj to ff.s Udl jaevo edd nl .81 -,rib bewoUz emit 4rf-f rlirfJiw beJetamoo ed dcn rnso frnogo•i-q n tj-,i6M to loq% noo eJrji.b9mm1 eifj bnov`,i ano i ibrroo o:; tors tud ,irilhulorr.i tJ-ioo b3noidibbs 1(r, uerf:i� �winbl Whig coal 'coni L,3 i•xe sm Fars 1nyrnq.ttrp9 .-•rodLI vJ ;led inr c f ars beaebir.noo -9d Lisda egehflug pidisM vcf ire-muoni n, Js lecTwo aAJ Yrf zot birq baa Jowilnoc, 9rirt OJ snoi.J.ibh-f, rieo�jlfi dRsgnwirq rfJ.iw sonssb7000s 'rr.i ^so Jnrrom,s betalJoti4c, ..,vodz (al) nit-rsM yd b9ztorfiJnaon adfiemevo•xgm.c orf.,: o:i aennm5b maA . S I mo -ft dfuneq IdAlm rfoirfw 3owilnoo efrIJ 7sbnrr e•iebl.iu3 bnoZed an6em gerfdo qo a'seddo lo enDiN,,gngo •iedjoew bn.iw . P.rj Off' ::1200 on is wledjo vcf br3•zir.,ge s ed .t.i iw . 101inoo quo ni ben'xDd* eri 111w air -yd b9m,tni`1eq A-iow 'tingwi Vr1A . evods (Pt) rr09J U:t r qsq B^,h'1 rit iw •aorrnf� rcloor, f-).tov bras flun ernoo,-)d Ilrrin Iss:ogo-sq a.idd .noiago quo 1A .8I ,Ion e'i besop7q o.J ooi,lon br1r eoriaJgsoon nejzffgw Ii .nvsb (di) rto9fit3 r_iri.Jfw b--!v19O,:§q 7(gow 'xovenerfFJ _{SOT`I"�fJqMt7J 11CJiIU fi%A,,) :.insmvzq 3o an,..-ioT .el gub ed I Isda, a lw3mme�T errc, brto%ed ub,-le , x9 lz-tol ead qot rfJrtom od.3 io vrb :fu7i`t edi no eldr:v.aq bn 10=, b9rfa irs^ruf r-3jr t'ro,1t.3m bnr� <Jrlemc1 iup9 , IcAh r to Inr.rom . bno eub anisd Irremvrq Isnil djfw .djnom ��rtibea�gcx c,rf:f .a7pbixod ni:rissM Yd 21.10,* 30 noi:iel.4moh nr Lr 9Id„vEq L sd Lisch ejoa-c,1z l b tsgnu fidd no 5.18^1 J ¢eg9Jrri edT JRrif •z9Js Yy�,• Jn,:3vu on tsi Jucs smonns ~req cvbI '10 rfinom qaq Be9l mang01:tE ..f i rr3 'to nev 3 fi f . Wil f yid bowaf lis Jjsl sdj e•Jrr3'19ioil .-Jev-) fs-, mgd. fi3noiJlbbo *rA nf% blaq -id .ilr.rin ebo:1 srn1o31tr;j .Wild ge.t1 a flAmieliviem --xiJ ori ulisY1 •:I peri Ju . I J ";” nol doe�,' I iv,t:) 30 01 :tc,sbeo9•iq no.f;tibnoo 8 Qqs 8jcem%sq 8001hogq .IS ajagm,zaq 31 .-)at �a-mbf rrr8 of finM vd ,ian6wiolgeq .rjK' ''s2J 3HT U uH TJA JMIT , risr_ c t no e►Fr.rns ion eqB _ eonem'.te1i'xsq •socf;lgrr t esaa vsrn jo-lossq f 000 8 MUITAJI'dIOR-4a ?(VUHA JH'P MU'4'; RU WOII'HR1TJA YK J6 Y,lvfu Sa1W gOFlkl ALU JA75iA'IAM *►10 T20',) A51TX.H tJGlIVSi WIT Ae Page"+5 of 5 i.. ,•# 'j♦, t• ..,; .+ rat l'.-- - ' , , EXECUTED.UPON WRITTEN ORDERS FOR SAME, AND WILL BECOME AN EXTRA`- CHARGE, OVER... -THE SUM, MENTIONED .IN THIS PROPOSAL. ALL, AGREEMENTS MUST BE .MADE IN WRI T I NG' , -All of the" above wor. k to be completed in - ii substantia_ 1 ,' ' workmanlike,ymanner for the:. sum,'of FIFTY -NINE THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED FORTY=FIVE' DO LARS AND 20/100• { s M- 59, 345.201 , ` i' _ A i4y• ,�,. ^ ., ti's - .' �.+ - ��+' ' - i 1 •' #' f'Buye"r` and' seller 9 agree that ' the .,general terms and, conditio_ ns' ' ; • ' contained{ herein are part of,jhis agreement 'and are 4 thoroughly understood.' Accepted 'for; -Buyer ,' t4Respectfully .Submitted, Title. , u' Ro ert Martin President: r . 4ti. ♦, ♦ : ' ♦ - License~umber N s~»423053,.1592096 , Date t , ✓,' r s. " • When'. signed by '.the Buyer and approved by, a' Managing Officer of this Company, ' this will ,constitute a••firm contract between both=parties, hereto, for all 'Tabor and'`for all ,materials , herein' referred to ,'. according ' to .terms ' and ' conditions. i r ' ' r .•; f'.�, ',. :_ - .r•. °s'y Yet .`' I< - } .. . ` .. y•�.. ^,•.,i � r t t� -� - r ', .�.,..�,5 w ,::-fir.. ,.' t ,..j .• .i .. ' .. r,' •+�+:' ;- , ''" -:�. ria- •+ OA aMODHff J I IW CHIA allA2 qOq 2g2[GYT0 (4HTTTRVI tldb QgTUGHY.H JdA . dA80go Rq 2IHT 41 cT; VTTE aM M(JG qHT MWO MAHO AR'i'XH . DM TTIAW SII RUAtl qS T2UM @ha- MH2TR,',)A. Isi:tnsdadue n n.i betOtgw-,; _yd of ktow evad:j offj act JJrt :tri I'ma nrfd ^ro4 �zclrznr-,m a9.i,lttra'A"()w -IS�...�.�t�..��_..._.�_...._._ Qi;:C��C�� A��..�jt!L.[zi.��?�:J.�.�-.�:�`�t��'►,L.St�.���IF�tU�:{. anold i:bnoo bas am7ot Isianea. erft dsrft g97Ab-iellea has 7eyu$ eaS bnr, ,~nerusgjg5 eirfl 3o J mq s -t s rtf-:,-tafi f en to,j ac -o .�1�Ofci^I4EJI'iII �.�If�tlO'Yr'r�� .b9d3irndu;: J-rteblao•iq E3�t3SC?v . Ec:OES� aledmuk esneo id !inG sot i? ;alT.i�?rri%t�i s �i.f b5v,-viqgs bas ievuq erft. -td hen',31a rYr,)rfW a3aw.ted dooxtno:a mill s q.-tudlt?noa I.I,rw airfJ .yriAgraoD eirid 10 o Blgolzrr, IIB not Earth zodbT. IIs.. ioi .oJe-mrf eotd�toq ddod .enolt.ibnoo bns em^rsd cid anibi000r o.i b-0•s-xa3s•s rtis-I'M L '•.F :'r "-ori y;�c .. . - � .. ;� ... ... _ � .. ' , 'A HILLS OFFICE i ::.CHECK DATE ',CHECK NUMB[ PBEVERLY WELLSTARGO BANK # DEVELOPMENT , s `A9600-SANTA MONICA BLVD 3 2 =AUG `, r G0 6s- 19 S 0 ^SANTA'1IMONICA.BLVD'SUItE'�32O �- h� ���t jy BEVERLyHILLSµcAso2loa, y •. SANTA MONICA CA`904011��� ` t s; %- � 1• iy. - C yjf .4 1.�b'•24/�4 (213).393-6627 .'r12207 rr cjJ j 31 Lx je ti THIS AMOUNT holar j- and 1� Cents Elght Tusandseven Hundred .'.Dol •. •.$�g, 7.00 1` . �r . ,,,.fit.„��y�„� � �, �. _ _ �.t : � . *- � '�.' - t'.•3^,, "Y%i: t+ + [�i '$ k"Y 4 �,k {4 i.'�' _ „m' - - - �-yc '� v •., , 'CITY- k ; Y*`mow � OF' LPA QUTNTA . k l ,TO THE + u iM + 4 t • f R'�5.�' r 5 r - r Y i . 4 }f. F��,.y[µ •1' - l a .}'.i.. ..Y�y} �pty { 5.y”' •'� -wi... w '1;h! /" '' •�' �ff`CT a.•.' F J. �... 'id,�,y-':. A:e37:i'�+�5�Y .. }:•if4 it!•:r R "�'�!h5't.,Y - t,i. .. fir xu!.00;20.6 211■1:1. 2 2000.2.4-2,x:.0.6 4..5 T:0.L 20-.1411' .w, M+ ' L '•.F :'r "-ori y;�c .. . - � .. ;� ... ... _ � .. ' SPECIAL .. CONDITIONS--PERMIT, NO.: 0793 STREET *. IMPROVEMENTS' AND STORM . DRAINAGE-TR 2 3 93 5 ` 1 The following conditions shall be,. met.,to the satisfaction of the' City': Engineer . .• 3 h 1.., -Permittee-shall be • responsible 'f.or dust • ands erosion control..., 2. Streets 'shall. be ke t.. clean. � The ' p y shall, be be completely• cleaned at` theend the',working day ,and morefrequently if yti •of required:..' . r 3. Contractor, `shall - comply with'-ithe - local noise , ordinance- and' construction operations ,and maintenance'. of_ equipment within. one .half 'mile • of human occupancy' • shall be .:performed only , t during.-the time periods as_- follows: " ^ October.lst to April.30: •Monday-Friday'7:00a:m.=5:30p.m..:.: '. Saturday 8: OOa.m: -5: 0Op. m:r., May lst to'September•30:-'.Monday-Friday 6':00ci.'in-7:00p.m.: , Saturday 8100a.m;-5:OOp.m. " Work- sha11 be prohibited anytime -on. Sunday '` and Federal, s holidays, • ..: .4. aY Permittee" -shall' ''assume - responsibility ,for repair 'of existing pavement ,breakdown-- at, the . haul road access to any, public or ,private street, and for'any . damage, . to other ''City streets or y :. ' 'facilities. 5 : Any . on-site 'haul road shall*.-be effectively' destroyed at the conclusiori-6f the work. to ,prevent, use by'.unauthoriz'ed�.vehicles. a x ' E 6. 4 Construction traffic shall 'be permitted.:from'Dune. Palms. Road `only. , 'Construction traffic jshall. not- be • permitted from,'Miles _Avenue. Permittee shall furnish, install, and maintain stop , signs' -at each ,access to ' any �• public.: -street-, .to stop -construction -traffic. Advance warning and- traffic control shall be installed `..and maintained *'in , accordance" with 'Cal ., Trans-' Standards., and subject',*'to, the, approval•' of the, City- ity ' .. Engineer . , . ,. Engineer".'.a; 7. Permittee shall` notify the' City, at 564-2246F. at least 24-hours.- 4-hours.- in in advance of,starting construction. t: 8.', All improvements shall•be constructed as per approved plaris. The following General and Special Provisions are attached,to and made a part of Permit No. ° GENERAL PROVISIONS _ f .The following shall always apply:' - ENCROACHMENT ON PRIVATE PROPERTY: •This permit 'authorizes work to be accomplished within City of La Quinta rightof way - ONLY. Whenever construction extends within private property. it shall be the responsibility, of the permittee (or his contractors) to secure permission from abutting property owners. Such authorization must be secured by the permittee prior to starting work. S • TRACKLAYING CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT: Cleated tracklaying construction equipment shall not be permitted to operate on any - paved surface unless fitted with imooth-ficeds"treet pads. All mechanical outriggers shall be fitted with rubber street shoes to protect the paving during excavations.-Rubber-tired equipment only shall be used in backfill operations in paved areas. If.the existing pavement is scarred, spalled, or broken during the term of this contract, or if the pavement is marred, City of La.Quinta shall request that these portions of road be resurfaced over their entire width. Resurfacing-shall consist of one coat of two inches 12") of A.C. r t + surfacing plus appropriate seal coat as specified above. z -y 4 _..,r, • �� PROTECTION OF TRAFFIC: All excavations and work areas shall be properly lighted and barricaded as deemed necessarybythe City - Engineer or La Quinta City Public Works Inspectors. Suitable detours anddetoursign sshallbeplaced and maintained for the duration «r ' of the project.'The City shall be notified 24 Hrs. in advance-of any traffic detours or delineations. ` •� ` . CARE OF, DRAINAGE STRUCTURES: Any drainage structure including corrugated metal pipe; concrete pipe, steel culvert and ,•concrete OF, encountered during excavation which necessitate removal shall be replaced in kind. In the event:it becomes ,necessary to remove or cut existing drainage structures.- City of,La'Quinta shall be notified prior to commencement of this work. Drainage, structures and open drains shall be kept free of debris at all times for proper drainage. RIGHT OF WAY CLEANUP: AnysurPius material resulting from excavation and backfill operations shall be removed from the right of 7- e way. Ali paved surfaces shall be broomed clean of earth and other objectionable materials immediately after backfitl andcompaction. Existing gutter line and drainage ditches shall be replaced to their original standard or better. All excess material shall be removed prior to paving. Water tanker shall be used, as;required. to sprinkle the jbb.site to keep down dust conditions-and.shall be.used' immediately after•backfill.• z . - DE-,,WATER OPERATIONS: If de-watering operations are required and pumps are forcing water on City of La Quinta roads, it shall be the responsibility of the permittee (contractor) to'control this water and to provide off-street barricades when necessary. ,,. • CLOSING STREETS: No street shall be closed. A minimum of one lane of traffic shall be maintained at all times to provide limited access for the adjoining property owners and emergency vehicles. In the event it is felt by the permittee that he must close a street for any length of time. permittee shall contact this office to obtain the necessary permission. ,SPECIAL PROVISIONS' 4,The follwing shall apply ONLY when indicated: ; NOTIFICATION: Permittee shall notify the City at 564-2246 at least 48 hours in advance of starting construction. R2 CASH DEPOSITS OR BONDS: A cash bond or an approved surety bond in an amount of not less than S T shall be furnished in the name of City of La Quinta to cover all work involved in the restoration of the various La Quinta t — ' t roads and survey monuments. This bond shall be continuous until' cancelled by the City Engineer. This bond must be posted prior to commencement of any work on this project i R3 UTILITY CLEARANCE: (Substructures) Prior to making any excavation within theCityofLaQuinta right ofwayauthorized by permit. the permittee shall contact all concerned utility companies relative to the location of existing substructures. • " Damage to existing substructures resulting from operations conducted under this permit shall be the sole responsibility of the permittee. ' ( Fl3�J UTILITY CLEARANCE: (Surface structures) No work shall be done under this permit until all utilities are clear of the \\/J proposed work site. The permittee shall notify all concerned utility companies of the proposed work. t n. R5 PAVEMENT WIDENING: Area between the proposed concrete gutter line and the existing road pavement shall be surfaced with t'inches of A.C. paving placed on inches of class aggregate subbase course having an"R"value of not fess than and in conformance with City of La Quinta Road Improvement Standards at and Specifications, Ordinance #461: R6 PARKWAY GRADING: Area between the property line and topofthe proposed concrete curbshall begradedtoa slopeof 1 /4 inch to one foot (1'). r R7' GRADES & STAKES: City of La Quinta shall establish grades and stakes for the proposed concrete curb and gutter 'n construction. , GRADE CHECKING: City of La Quinta shall check grades upon receipt of plan and pFofile and/or grades as established by I` a linensed engineer. ' tO - • ti r tY f .r \\✓ 9 , . r R9` CURB REMOVAL FOR DRIVEWAYS: A portion of the existing concrete curb and/or curb and gutter I feetishall be removed. Curb and/or curb arid gutter shall be saw cut prior to removal. Depressed curb, matching concrete gutter and g ;' '` `" • concrete driveway approach shall be constructed in conformance with City of La Quinta Standard #207. R10 DRIVEWAYS. A.C.: Driveways shall be constructed as not to alter existing drainage pattern. Surfacing between the +) property line and the existing road paving shall be 2-1/2 inches of A.C. paving placed on I ") of class aggregate base. Driveway construction shall conform to attached drawing. 1 R11 CULVERTS:A inch diameter( )culvert shall be installed with the invertapproximatelyl-1 /2 nches below and in line with the existing flow line. Culvert installation shall conform to the attached drawing. R12 /SIGHT CLEARANCE: Sight clearance of 600 feet in either direction shall be assured and maintained. SOIL STERILIZER: The area to be surfaced shall be treated with soil sterilizer. Rate of application shall comply with the - \manufacturer's specifications. r R14 COORDINATE WORK: The proposed work shall be subordinated to-any operation which the State of California or 11! 3' r+ City of La Quinta may conduct in this area during the period of this permit. Work shall be coordinated with the State or t tv of La,Quinta forces to preclude delay or interference with State or City of La Quinta projects. l R15 S�IRVEY MONUMENTS: Prior to excavation or beginning of construction, all survey monuments which exist on the - . +,- �\ /-nterline of all streets property lines when involved shall be completely tied out so they may readily replaced by a licensed civil engineer or surveyor at the expense of the permittee. A complete set of notes showing the t fiestothese monuments shall be i6mished t6'the'City Engineer prior to the removal of any monuments. This office shall Abe notified upon completion of replacement of all survey monuments for proper project clearance. M RD-31 • " R16 !EY MONUMENTS: Prior to excavation or beginning of construction. all survey monuments shall be tied out 4y City of La Quinta and suitable payment or guarantee of payment shall be made as reimbursement for all wnrk involved.. R17 PAVEMENT CUTTING: Pavement will be mechanically cut to a straight edge prior to excavation. Method of pavement cutting shall be approved through the office of the City Engineer. (Under no circumstances shall excavating equipment be used to excavate prior to cutting of pavement). Excavation material shall be placed in such a position as to best facilitate the general flow of traffic. Prior to final paving operations, any damage to pavement straight edge shall be corrected. R18 ! PAVEMENT CUTTING: Pavement shall be saw cut prior to removal. Prior to final paving operations, any damage to pavement straight edge shall be corrected. f3' LIMIT OF EXCAVATIONS: Excavations shall be limited to 1,000 lineal feet of open trench before backfill operations must I begin. All excavations shall be properly barricaded with lights overnight, on weekends and holidays forthe protection of L the traveling public. The Public Works inspector shall determine the suitability of excavation barricading in each case. No excavation shall remain open for a period exceeding five (5) days. No excavation shall be made unless the construction material is actually on the work site. R20 BACKFILL MATERIAL: Backfill shall be free of brush, roots or other organic substance detrimenta Ito its use for purposes \ of producing an adequately consolidated backfill. Any material which the City of La Quinta deems unsuitable (spormor saturated material) which is encountered during excavation shall not be used for backfill. but shall be supplemented or replaced by an approved sand or gravel. R21 BACKFILL SAND: Backfill shall be approved transit -mix sand or equivalent and shall be placed in lifts of notgreaterthen three feet (31 and vibrated using vibrotamper or equivalent equipment. Alternate methods maybe substituted, but in any case a relative compaction of 95 percent shall be attained within the structural section of the roadway. R22 ACKFILL PLACEMENT: Backfill shall be applied in layers of not more than 50 percent of the total depth of the trench before flooding or a maximum of five-foot (5') lifts where trenches are of excessive depths. Care is to be exercised that the backfill material is not subjected to extreme swell by flooding operations. Backfill material shall be placed so that the resulting compaction shall be not less than 90 percent or equivalent to the surrounding ground, whichever is the greater compaction. Where ponding or flooding is used for a maximum settlement, adequate dikes will be constructed to retain the water. Where jetting is used, the jets shall be of sufficient length to reach the bottom of each layer and the water, supply shall be continuous. R23 COMPACTION TESTS: If so required bythe inspector, compaction tests shall be made at intervals of not more than 1,000 feet and a minimum of one (1) test on each road. One (1) copy of each test shall be forwarded to the City Engineer for. approval and filed prior to making permanent repairs. Compaction tests shall be made as outlined in Section 6.3.01 of the Standard Specifications, Division of Highways, State of California, dated January 1973. _ )COMPACTION TESTS: If so required by the inspector, compaction tests shall be made for each crossing or service line. Q One(1)copyofeachtestshallbeforwardedtotheCityEngineerforapprovalandfiledpriortomakingpermanentrepairs. /// Compaction tests shall be made asoutlined in Section 6.3.01 of the Standard Specifications, Division of Highways, State of California, dated January 1973. R25 TEMPORARY PAVEMENT REPAIRS: After completion of backfill and compaction operations. a temporary patch consisting of 2 inches of SC -800 shall be placed on a prepared subgrade. The SC -800 temporary paving shall be placed after a maximum of 3.000 lineal feet of trench has been excavated and backfill operations completed, but in nocase shall the placement of the temporar, F,.,;erreili bx(Aeu d iiia ;o) day iimit. R26 PERMANENT PAVEMENT REPAIR: After backfill and compaction operations have been completed, a temporary patch consisting of two inches (2") of SC -800 shall be placed immediately. A permanent patch of inches A.C. surfacing placed ona inch class baseshall beplaced no laterthan days after completion of temporary road repair. R27 PAVEMENT REPAIR: F.A.S.: Uponcompletibn of backfill andcompaction. a temporary patch consisting of two inches (2") of cold mix paving (SC -800) shall be placed immediately. A permanent patch of three inches (3") of A.C. surfacing shall be placed on six inches (6") concrete base as directed, but not later than fifteen (15) days after completion of temporary paving. Concrete base shall be of five -sack mix and shall conform to the City of La Quinta Road Improvement Standards and Specifications. Ordinance #461. R28 FOG SEAL: A fog seal coat consisting of an application of asphaltic emulsion shall be applied over all patch areas as determined by the City Engineer. R29 SEAL ARMOR COAT: A seal coat consisting of an application binder and screenings shall be applied on all patch areas where such seal coats existed prior to issuance of this permit. Seal or armor coats shall be applied as specified in Section 37, Standard Specifications. State of California. Division of Highways. dated January 1973. Work of pavement repair to be accomplished by a licensed contractor engaged in the business of pavement repair. R30 STREET RESTRIPING: Where street striping is still visible on streets to be excavated. such striping shall be replaced upon completion of permanent repairs. R31 TREE RELOCATION OR REMOVAL: Tree relocation within the City of La Quinta road right of way shall be accomplished by a licensed, bonded and insured tree service. and handled safely without interference or hazard tothe traveling public. It shall be the responsibility of the permittee to maintain the tree in a vigorous growing condition at its new location. Trees to be removed shall be removed in sectionswhich can be handled safelywithout interference or hazard to highway traffic. The entire width of the tree stump shall be removed and disposed of so that no debris remains in view of the highway. The stump hole shall be backfilled and thoroughly compacted as specified in the following paragraph. Where it becomes necessary to restrict traffic, the work shall be restricted to a maximum of 500 feet at any one time. Adequate signs, flagmen and/or barricades shall be provided to protect the traveling public at all times. Large holes resulting from tree removal shall be backfilled and compacted to not less than 90 percent or equivalent to the surrounding ground. whichever is the greater compaction as determined by the impact or field method. Compaction tests shall comply with Section 6.3.01 of the Standard Specifications, Division of Highways, State of California, dated January 1973. R32 TREE TRIMMING: a. Only the necessary trimming shall be accomplished to provide clearance of the facility for one calendar year. All broken or weak sections within the trimming shall be removed. b. Where it becomes necessary to restrict traffic. the work shall be restricted to a maximum of 500feet at anyonetime. Adequate signs, flagmen, and/or barricades shall be provided to protect the traveling public at all times. c. If tree trunks are partially outside of the City of La Quinta road right of way, permittee shall make his own arrangements with adjoining property owners for consent to the trimming in addition to the authorization provided by this permit. d. All tree trimming on EVERGREEN TREES, PALM TREES, and other ORNAMENTAL TREES shall be accomplished to the satisfaction of the City Public Works Inspector. e. Abutting property owners shall be contacted, in all instances, prior to trimming or topping trees. I, Pruning shall, in all instances, be at the shoulder of the crotch to insure even, fast healing in all cuts of two inches (2") and above in size. Sealant shall be applied to all cut sections as directed by the City Public Works Inspector.