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0006-268 (PAT)
LICENSED CONTRACTOR DECLARATION . hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am licensed under provisions of -Cf �pter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professionals Code, and my License is in full force and effect. License __# Lic. Class Exp. Date 2 C61 1x0-3024 gvwzc. Date&x' Signature of Contractor!'`%%�1�f` e' ,f OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the following reason: , ( ) I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business & Professionals Code). ( ) I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business & Professionals Code). ( ) I am exempt under Section , B&P.C. for this reason Date, Signature of Owner WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: ( ) I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for workers' compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. ( ) 1 have and will maintain workers' compensation insurance, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My workers' compensation insurance carrier & policy no. are: Carrier STATE FUND Policy No. OW795-93 (This section need not be completed if the permit valuation is for $100.00 or less). ( ) I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the workers' compensation. laws of California, and agree that if I should become subject to tFhe workers' compensation provisions of Section3700 of the Labor Code, Ashall fort with comply withathose prow's obis. Date: !/ Applicant�� t Warning: Failure to secure Workers' Compensation coverage is unlawful and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to $100,000, in addition to the cost of compensation, damages as provided for in Section 3706 of the Labor Code, interest and attorney's fees. IMPORTANT Application is hereby made to the Director of Building and Safety for a permit subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth on his application. 1. Each person upon whose behalf this application is made & each person at whose request and for whose benefit work is performed under or pursuant to any permit issued as a result of this applicaton agrees to, & shall, indemnify & hold harmless the City of La Quinta, its officers, agents and employees. 2. Any permit issued as a result of this application becomes null and void if work is not commenced within 180 days from date of issuance of such permit, or cessation of work for 180 days will subject permit to cancellation. I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply with all City, and State laws relating to the building construction, and hereby authorize representatives of this City to enter upon the above-mentioned property foVinspecttiion,, purposes. �� Signature (Owner/Agent) `� l� t �r Date' . BUILDING PERMIT I r `."" � DATE VALUATION LOT TRACT $3,391.5 JOB SITE APN ADDRESS 44.4M IMLIr, VRM. ^ OWNER �� CONTRACTOR / DESIGNER / EN (NEER - T9TJLkZA C: OMA TONY M MAMA. CONSf. CO. p 44-430V:Li:.-71ADRIVE - 5 6 MR(&01J'DMVU � 1,A QU NTA CA 92253 COMMESA CA 92626 (714)SM-5493 MLA 4240 ,r s USE OF PERMIT %RTIC) 295 S.t' ALUMAWOOD LATTICE PATIO COVET: [CSO 5039 - PORCH/PATIO 239.00 SF I:nSIx1V1XM13 COST OF CO1!7S IRUC ,70M PERWr F suhu"Ry PLAN CHEM PU 101.000.439.318 '844193 CONSTRUCTION' i+EE 101-000-418-000 $63.00 STROM A4C}T1014 IFER - RFSID . S.30 SUS-TMAL C-01MRUCTTG7R A14 -D PLAN C"` TiX,Y IMS PRE -PAID FRES RECEIPT I DATE 1X-1.5 DATE FINALED I INSPECTOR $104.45 $0.00 $101.4' INSPECTION RECORD t OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR BUILDING APPROVALS MECHANICAL APPROVALS Set Backs Underground Ducts Forms & Footings Ducts Slab Grade Return Air Steel Combustion Air Roof Deck Exhaust Fans O.K. to Wrap F.A.U. Framing Compressor Insulation Vents Fireplace P.L. Grills Fireplace T.O. Fans & Controls Party Wall Insulation Condensate Lines Party Wall Firewall Exterior Lath Drywall - Int. Lath Final Final BLOCKWALL APPROVALS POOLS - SPAS Steel Set Backs Electric Bond Footings Main Drain Bond Beam Approval to Cover Equipment Location Underground Electric Underground Pibg. Test Final I I Gas Piping PLUMBING APPROVALS Gas Test Electric Final Waste Lines Heater Final Water Piping Plumbing Final Plumbing Top Out Equipment Enclosure Shower Pans O.K. for Finish Plaster Sewer Lateral Pool Cover Sewer Connection Encapsulation Gas Piping Gas Test Appliances Final Final Utility Notice (Gas) ELECTRICAL APPROVALS Temp. Power Pole Underground Conduit Rough Wiring Low Voltage Wiring Fixtures Main Service Sub Panels Exterior Receptacles G. F.I. Smoke Detectors Temp. Use of Power Final Utility Notice (Perm) COMMENTS: ATTACHED LATTICE PATIO COVERS (WIND SPEED • 70 8 9O MPH) TABLE A xo< MAXIMUM POST SPACING B FOOTING _SIZE WIND •0/15PSF UPLIFT•ID/15PSF BEAM/HEADER DIz�t?+ PROJECTION RAFTER 3' X B• X .04f:' BEAM/ HEADER 3' X B' X.042'+ CHANNEL INSERT BEAM/HEADER �' 1 IV "I INCLUDES MIPleAI,M NLMEEA 6' POSTS POST CONNECnM SIZE POST FOOTING MINIM,IMNU•BERCFPOSTS POST fOOTING NO OF SCREIAfS 24* MAXIMUM SPACING SIZE RAST TYPE FO&TTYPE SPACING SIZE 7tK TYPE 39. Pe SAo[wu -� �\ yrt OVERHANG 24 OC a rJ. rta,e MR IIPFI I 2 J 4 1 2 J 4 muLm" Rate MRi 1 2 ) 4 I 213 4 70 NPN 90 MPH a 1 - t'- 19 ''1 it - 4 e - - 10'q' .;0'•II 2-4 TH C - - 4 F J 1 : Ts GS • 02 3' S I . ," •+ I ��,,rg+�46. II p• T, 6h 2a 12.10' 1210- 19 : 1 2 2 - 4 3 3 2 10 1' 29'-f S [ 2 4 �.+� 12'•0' 7.6..024 12'F' 12'•6 19 [2 2 2 a 3 3 2 '•5• :9''0' 2t, 29 2 T - 4 3 J 2 `�- ..� •- IS fes`• 1J•.p 2-.6Y•.pt4 12'- I 12'• I' 19 22 2 ? - 4 3 3 2 8`10 28'• I' 25 29 2 7 _ 4 3 J 2 64 ' I 14• 2~6'•.022' II'•9' il.q• 26 � 3 2 _ 5 3 3 T 'a• 27-Y 2G 2b ) 2 - 5 3 `B'o•Y., Ig. T•vG`i■O'SY 11'•2' 11'-a 2U 3 2 5 3 3 2 7 -IC' 2G'•8` 2G 30 3 2-_ 5 3 3 12 oY [r I POST wEIL.T _ Z■6 ,.0117 IY•0' I F- 1• 20 23 3 2 - s J 3 2 7 5' 25 10 26 30 J 2 S 31312 n. 0 CL 17.6 2-•G:•032 10's' 10'•10' 20 23 312 - 5 3 3 2 7.0' 24-7- 2G JO J 2 S 3 J 2 O 2tG •OJ 9'' 10'-6' 20 23 J 2 - - 4 4 4 2 6't' 2a'-7' 27 30 J S IOCT .IL I I _ / _ IB•O _ • S"[" Is:� / MArIK.OEw� ' 19'-O' 256'x• 9.•5• 10.4' 20 2J J - 6 a 4 J 6'S' ?4•T 27 31 3 2 6 4 a r.• (w✓ttw, Sc[ ,AULc . FOR 2-.6 'A 9'O' 10'• I 20-25 J 2 - 6 a 4 3 6'• I' 2J• 7• 27 JI 3 2 - r 4 ♦ $ etTAGus I rnafr.wtr ,. traw-LCwLIY7Larx[ -� 2 •0 B ql [' • I.. 0 (Q1tM K[ lAafl .. Ara I Vr wYneLa W -Ora. Wet, Y[ ' /}�•c�w. t/ aa]YSECIIW A,/ 3 2 F B.p 10'10' 17 19 - 3 ? _ _ F_.R 22'.2- 21 :4 _ _ Sx tYL• coa .c•� 1- T•6S•ON' 0' F' 2 / - • 10 >• I ; 17 . . _ - J G'�_' 2YR' 21 7a J y/ ,Atit.a.E 0V 2,. 4 ? ? _ •_.�. '..OA2 'L11' q0' I7 17 22- _ _ - •, WIT �. / - _ ..__... __ 4 3 S wct ws,•*ww xw' "'r L- 2 •65"OCR' B' a- 9'. B 1 7 20 2 2 _ - 4 3 ) 2 5.3' 20'•1' 2? 25 2 2 - aIWatsS-tat I A % ''� o II T• 7'•9 9'•4' 17 20 2 2 - 4 J 3121 4'•11 151 S' 22 25 2 -T-7-7-3 J 2 1, .x -r +g"L., �r.l,.«...•ol,.r.n,Lr.w...tp[.1,rl.w.. a 12.0' 6h•. 72 .. •. FLArIn[o. PO1T /mo i 2 6Y•032' 7'• Y•O• 17 20 2 2- 4 3 3 2 4'•B I$=9 22 25 2 2-- 4 3 3 2 LL K;[I &,C- - TDOINLfAKK O[Lirls� iQ•� tOY 1 u.oF •• F.O. S[t'.e-t " i 14• 2'• A,63T 6.10' IB 20 ] 2 - - S 3 3 2 4'-♦' IB'•3 23 J 2 - - 5 J 3 2 tuc o ffAG. j OPEN LATTICE •TYPE PATIO COVER IS T,G1.D40 6' S' 8 6 I B 20 3 2 - 5 3 3 2 0'- 1' 17-B J 2 - 5 J 3 2 xo'•v rA.MY xxt J 16• 2.64 6 It 6. 1' B'• IB 21 J 2 - J-10' 17• 26 3 2 S J J 2 I r.•ru DrtwwArL-5 - 8 i .' 11Gy.024 7.3" 9'0 IG 18 2 - - 3 2 13l IB' -9' 20 23 22-- -80 3 2 IJ . . ■Anti I �•0 2-•G, 6'•$' B'•R' 16 18 2 2 - 3 2 ' 18.0' 20 23 - 4 2 s 16-01T•6S•D32' 6.2" '•4' 16 1 2 2 - - 4 2 ' 17:4' 20 23 2 2 �-�• 0 11•p 2>.6i• S'•9 B'•0' r IB 2 2-- 4 3 16'•8' 20 3 2 ■6Y•D32' 5'-4 7'•9' I6 19 2 2 -- 4 3 16'•1' 21 24 2 2- a J _ 0[Ilr I.CAM. j No- 2-267,040 7.0' 7. 6• 17 1 9 2 2- 4 3 15'• 7' 21 2♦4 Jj b• 2'26 .D40' 4•$' 7'•J 17193 2 - 5 3 15'1' 21 24 2 - - 5 J J 2 $ W., Wil ,I"? � 21 P,sTwL swtu rgsr nvotw Al[S aLaC[Kt rip. 02.•Al YAG a, )•Sall DKa FODIrG.FASTENER / ANCHOR BOLT CONNECTION TABLE C I'm alot NAlts, SitX TABLE B TION I+ssr vacs, a mt- --ICKNE3S SP I PROJECTION ISO OC- 20_ OG 22'OC. RAFTERTO BEAM CONNECTION BEAM TO POST CONNECTION +'•"'�1--IF B • 0 < 024' 024' 024' WIND SPEED •70 Mat WIND SPEED •90WHO SPEED •70 UPH WINO SPEED -90 MP.H )h•lwc. cow - CROSS • SECTION SCALE: ). ••'"l.•r'�• W Ir •rll r.'�',1� �,•Ir ,.,.wr...+ r.11 .• I• .. : •••' •r ,•• �,�' rr •r ,r »,Ir. r.ru... ».. »r 1.1.•.1. .OTC: POSTS INT H ATALw[D S1A4 "N31"A I-,. Awcld, a COK. fair.4, pop . TTP[S Q .02 1.024- Wel 1121•2'■.02•'rllat• Y]MSYS (fl Y50 FOP •Y1• 2'.L 1/2' . 032. rn•NY SYS 2.50 Post. 121 x•, LVY ■030 rn Qb•r Sra :o rmsiiia. :i 4a� OF 1--010 tt K.rflm RI>7 sr+u : a!r t•Y1 r1r a• r rwr corn or aw r + 1" rltt0. wr Irl•111. r 0..1 ATTACHED LA -LICE PATIO COVERS VATH MAXIMUM OVE 40MS ( WIND SPEED - 70 8 90 MPH.) tiw.lx• wrri� a .rraK. - . S- 12'-5 WXIMUM PWSPACING 8 F'OOIHG SIZE WINO . D/IS__UFL .r11.1v J _ s 7 X 8' X .042' BEAM / HE ER WITH OIANNEI I 1'L �'�E'.:�:: rZ W� WIND SPEED -70 M.P.H. TO RAFTER WINO SPEEI PE D 100 MP.H WIND SPEED • IB MPH.r7' FOOT G IW--s3'%B'%O30' [3 u i s M TD RAFTER TO SEMI TO BEAM TO RAFTER r• 1� MAXIMUM POST HEIGNT B SIZI zw r' e..r••�� :••aSar•� e., zc• z•Wsue•" zrala•'n z.uToar•" r•Lar' g ,�j2 YL �1• 1� a s MAXIMUM POST HEIGMT• 8'•T MAXIMUM F g 12-7 sa M.. gfrL Kl 1 n..gtrs. rrn Sri 41-.n sra tar 9t! or .•mt. 1.1-.Qsrsn. 1OPEN 1�.mrK1 a.15=w.,mou.aoan.— .Kam.Qa.rl WIND . 70 MPH. WIND '. 90 MPH WIND .70 v a: 1 .-=ALI1 •-IOTAL. W -11 -AB -1 ALAR J" SLAB �! SLAB SLAB nor ZgljuAr.'w''..�.':;� 17= X 30' 12- Y-0 16'•11 18",2' G4aa 2• 2 ' IB 21-2' 3% X.036• 15'-2 - IV -G' 4*80.d a2 8'w. o - Ir POST TYK5 2<-9' 3'k X.042• 17-9' 7-0 12=5 2• foa I8",Z21f Z. t. -gs4e Igo BEAM TO POST CONNECTION a FOS O'x OS20'W tBYi M4sts.. WIND SPEED 70 MPH. WIND SPEED . 00 MPP WIND SPEED- t00 MP. H. WIND SPEED -110 MPH. TABLE A w W O < I 1 1 { WR 1B m SEE BEAM TO POST TCON[ECTION BELOW. -O G' 24'•9 I rAbI LNLH CONNECTION TABLE Y -O S- 12'-5 z r tz� ra3Q.x. r•.: s+soa r s•, zas rn n 1w,sv' scIm.612 J RAFTER TO BEAM CONNECTION WIND SPEED -70 M.P.H. TO RAFTER WINO SPEEI PE D 100 MP.H WIND SPEED • IB MPH.r7' IW--s3'%B'%O30' T0. BEAM M TD RAFTER TO SEMI TO BEAM TO RAFTER TO BEAM M zw r' e..r••�� :••aSar•� e., zc• z•Wsue•" zrala•'n z.uToar•" r•Lar' 1l1-•gflaa [•tl. l[4 21+0 axSri 11Q7A' aF.q Srau.L[4 IG.Q Sr1 v11rG IL14 7:SU.u. 41+4 Sxi GLim •mK•-gTAL 1 . • w.L 1 1!1-.4ax3"I"r..lf�r.1 tt ll.kr9a• LATTICETYPE PATIO COVER 12-7 sa M.. gfrL Kl 1 n..gtrs. rrn Sri 41-.n sra tar 9t! or .•mt. 1.1-.Qsrsn. 1OPEN 1�.mrK1 a.15=w.,mou.aoan.— .Kam.Qa.rl vrt° X8 1 .-=ALI1 •-IOTAL. .m nor ZgljuAr.'w''..�.':;� POST TYK5 BEAM TO POST CONNECTION O'x OS20'W tBYi M4sts.. WIND SPEED 70 MPH. WIND SPEED . 00 MPP WIND SPEED- t00 MP. H. WIND SPEED -110 MPH. (� SSO. PO9T.m-2.61/2' IBHn•SAG %Sa LIVE!DAO • 20 LIVE LOAD •30 UVEIDAO.20. LIVE LOAD -30 WE LD•D• 20 LIVE LOAD -30 LIVE.LD .20 UVELOAD•70 OS POST 7'SO IX74T12I.- k la- (� 2❑ 0 © ❑ - ❑ 2 4 - I � x s: i02tl W7112/••M iYS: 4 ❑ f<r Y ®T'S'G Pm -421-2'X61!2' 22 — _ _ 'i1•sevra ael. 1i1 S11/r4 to R.11l j7 K /.0�2: W1141=1145MS. — 1t1.].Yr0.10 [ml — 1t13r'rremwr 3 sour¢ ta[L war. • wsaaorasnmm sit usu ATTACHED LATTICE PATIO COVERS WITH MAXIMUM k1i.n b wmwrta •eo.[. OVERHANGS ( WIND SPEED ' 100 8 1I0'MP.H. I TABLE 8 M MAMMUM POST SPACING B FOOTNG SIZE. WINO -t / 3 PSF UFLIFT•30 PSF It s'min�rL vr' a :' 3' X 8' X •042' gFaM /HEADER N17H CHANNEL INSERTs Z �; y� 6 3J �N S m FOOTING I / F• u MAXIMUM POSE HEIGHT 8 SIZE MAXIMUM HOST HEIGHT. - MAXIMUM FOS! HEIGHT- I IIO' IIyy 6 _ ya xglr WIND . 100 MR..H WIND . 110 MP.N IN _,00 M.PH. WIND•IIO MRH. [ Q mpu° ' 1O 9.AB W/SLAB' ND SLAB' W/SLAB WSLAB W/SLAB NOSLAB IWISLAS m 17=8' u 21'•2' 3-XBX Dap' 12'-B' S -O' 3•X D36' I5'-2 G' 16'•11' res4us•f 1r•. r••' rusnu• e'•,ac' r+/s4•r 1s•,z. ' r•/ss., M+ -2-4r" I ' vans CROSS-SECTION 24'•9 X -42-17'-9 Y -O S- 12'-5 z r tz� ra3Q.x. r•.: s+soa r s•, zas rn n 1w,sv' scIm.612 J u•.,m- rz3e.,e• e•.ro•f r. aw 1 ' SEE BEAM IW--s3'%B'%O30' 10-6 4'-2' 15=G zw r' e..r••�� :••aSar•� e., zc• z•Wsue•" zrala•'n z.uToar•" r•Lar' CONNECTION TABLE ABOE. w ... �.� «1•.- ...- ..�.� •-.•.,.a- IY-7 3 ;X$3_6' 12-7 5'-O I4'- 2 •�k'r Aac• • z.o a^' 0. V a r-Ir—'s 1 .zd ' f r•nour•' 20.7 X8 14'-9• .m 11 -n 1f'., rq•4' r.n ,.. .r.. s.. ...«.... _.-. • -.-__ _ _ _._ ._ _ _ _. T :w • •�nr r. ray r. � -. •.. .- .0 «.w .r... •r... n r n ................ FOX ENGINEERING —E tAY[t K I.L ertYC1Y.AL trtlrttt WI D 3PEED•70890 MP.H tsQ--rta,.fpt. srt� wwaar•.QnI�• 3 OF 12') OV sm L t« r•rut ea' •f rr ••% LF /OIr rr•GIIIaL10 Ll xe raQ •T'rq jIck — , ' ITl• 1 ' �•SOD•'w]L foo•-Ylc-YfL �••w% l.. rot '�'�'I wWlo•IY YYr.gY BEAM/HEACETT W/pinraELe6ERT I RAFTER 2 POST W/SIDEPLATES 3 1 'an. ' sur r 10 La a mwm'mn I •.tar r1 rrr rr lrrrrlr ryr•, a[ LY[LIIW tr6a rO rl[ greMRM • MAD (0100110 )rr•(rlr Xarcna .�-�.+1 •_ a�r G1rr• �' Yr tirr ..Y 1.w.1or rr•r1. I � @ 7 •o. c. 1' f�. '— 7 1 ._ � 7°°L••�Nom' •1 r Lnrl.uoa• I rw .ua• �_ wcf •TL oA I .tM•wY I/I�� ft':- •1u1r1p(ac1.r4 {•y� � _ !i;•T 7iar� • R wart r..L.r••o.fl eTao+asrYrAfl I 8'RAFTER �. l T•�t ar ]trr.,y volt. fm SeIRRK f(lrLr[6 rOIG q SN. 10 nA (6[ Ol T1t O)rs FOST BASE 13RRAAC,KET / 7 /HEADER POST BASE FLANGE BRACxET/ ALUM 8 BRACKET i gAFTEA /To •� emmOR. 9 ANGLE \� ar' I£It�(y7iI.�l,[.��LROtI�p y"*UK[KY '- , pq STTKnM(rt0. °�•OOI f x.( .i 1S••` 1 a� RAFTER 0 RAFTER L 26.04 MAX 27'QGMAX o 0 � ,rr RAFTER -'I MwaY[T vw •rn• i . r[•rIK•«• a••ta[r r17 •'u tri ror[wr a•-•0 9 .\ _lam rO M.rap YarlaLr Yn..t+ra. ro .qq• •"�'• llr••t SKa U1tG rosrf la -.est[. tw uc trinrA.°'BC--., A•1wlr[• s[[Ds® r1R11 71•r•alrlr xi{:w"t BRACKET fwr.11 LL w.+w w-o71°..rttl)tl(•Y(�[(xM •lL 0a •OV IrKT•Ir"'WTt(0 lt•1001 IwnIY•f/•a'r Dtl16r 101as, - W)rr rlrrri •� X/ ODrr[Cr10Y T•Kr 3q IM qtr 01'0°I WALL CONNECTION 13 ri•iiiii: ::: ry71. RAFTER 70 BEAM/H1.0ER OCNN. 14 lrgl�t rlR X1,(T(p RAFTER TO BEAM/ HEADER CONN. IS EMOEC �•r•rat 011 � •sc.( di1� rc.n00f"10r1oq I1g1 a1Tf ` °"• ,1 it R•LIIc RUG '.• YO( I r•MTIIOQ t- 1a.T Avr• ro tart eee .rrra fo•r e a ill�u•°i tr[n tar n�dsTSCUM 3'« I ! o .n�.awlar I as• ti• :: �qm m•rna• I 3� J .�f. LYaurl•1ra w.nl I [Yw sq `` •+•o•G-�. / its l•. rx j.�/ 'p Gsaln w• r« a•so.rmre[TYtlw I �� a. wa f« R•re3 I3r3 [•fav •!O i 3'- I s e'laro r1Yw ion /HEADER TO POSE CCNN 20 1 BE AM / HEADER 70 FCST O[XJN. i I2111155WIHEADERTOPW fF� FOX ENGINEERING r..oa. nwcw•AL awurqu (w l.D[17•rOrwll r 1•fllll lqT rawl•rrrt[ roq;.rnc[•n.[,rnt 1; , .'OC rrr L • r•.: i rr•'• a.Y 110 r +4Yu r♦ . g0(otr,•trT,M !7>m �L �[1��''•I .•. rlgl Mr y- 'Mol 'JIr r.l kk 1 .. ta' , . rt rr•r rI f srnnnr[ xucn:.i I RAFTER `y T"; - •u[•rotn MX � ...�j 0•r rbf r04 ••a nIt y fr�1(ryla Yltt Tl O. :E M RAFTER CONN. S OBL. ANGLE R1Sf aticc muu r_ .V7• - -• _ _ __- _ 1 � OW IOD• w)G.W.r • I I I I I I � I I I T Va1'_ r('I r3 I IS•r � 7.Y. rf (.(. � 1-=IYrgA«tot!—i 3MM1 T •r•aN•011 rrn M•r'q•[nA q[•WtMr10• y 1 t usa a Tro co+. I U' BRACKET -GENERAL 11 DOL. ANGLE CD'•NpaEAOmPm 12 VM CMA— KYn i,n: 316 'IrCw toot \`;/' AI tD r �• eY 4l (D I � • I '� „ •7C rw �•oD j I F'---- �1�I,�• I •�i'�. Obi -� `� •tu.,t�wl.nr lST TOSAFETY STAN 17 T 10 ASESCD ANCHOa 18 ()•f0 rq}�� � �L1}r01 R•rlt�.Lor ra• • roorrG / "' � qtr Xwo ali vr. L yI rso.or•tn fx[ ata n• �r•1r�w.► I°" `T wrso.Y - •Co:l.:rT� Md ono• � Qr�ro •t•.O I ••1• ]1l3 t. fOt lrnlw[ ano:T +'i r1Y 14•rY ° ar.aJroprrr.rl 1 l VAT10 roo9nw r�+rna•r.a r•„ Ioa aaY Yno cau tot n+rcrwl (Drum 11 a 12