0883e i� +�li^•4. �+•!^J•ydM;+.T'^1a.hs,.iwaewq.�¢.!{�i.R..ns.r.+•r+?ai- lr-."•.w-,..�+r•••,�.syw.�w. n w,�.�...a.r.�r. ew.,.....n•i�w..w+•w'•wa _ .�^�ww �"-` • ,,ii e 3 • i. r. " • . � ��, .. •^w''•'_^:� .r,ry,�._•.,"t+yr,..—?..�Y'.�,.••f :y,!•4,^w.l'�..e1[. NOTE: • With;propervalidation � '�`•' ' , - • t �•:i • •� . 4 Q'� thisJorm constitutes. an '�' , : • f CITY OF "LA' QNTA I 0 0 •encroachment permit • U n APPLICATION FOR'PERMIT g PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION%(ENCROACHMENT)c� - '¢ OF p�g9 ' For .the construction of ^public or private curbs;, driveways,, pavements, sidewalks, parking lots, sewers, -water main's', t and other, Iike,,public works improvements in^connection with MINOR IMPROVEMENTS and APPROVED SUBDIVISIONS ti; ' • �' ,� " Subdivision. Improvement Permit - Class:l I I DATE: 10/•30/90, Minor Improvement Permit Class IV J ` • LOCATION OF,CONSTRUCTION r n/w corner Of *Calle .Ensenada and SAvenida -Bermudas ^IStreet address. or Description of Location)' p`` • a ' -, r place telephone cable ' PURPOSE OF,.'CONSTRUCTION s Sketch (attach�constructionrplans if appropriate) DESCRIPTION'OF CONSTRUCTION per GTE permit '# 51'1 , conditions of . permit 511., shal•1 apply oto this. -permit, ` DIMENSION OF INSTALLATION OR REMOVAL, i 'SIZE OF EXCAVATION, IF.NEEDED'. 4 " 4 ' ��, ' • k A • APPROXIMATE TIME WHEN WORK,WILL•BEGIN" "' 11/1/90' :APPROXI MATE TIME,OF COMPLETION if +'ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST $ 500.00 ` r • E' (Including removal of all obstruction, materials, and debris, backfilling, com- paction -and placing ;permanent resurfacing and/or replacing improvements) i., ' ln,conside.rationsof tl a granting of,this permit,•the applicant herebyl'agrees to:t:. Indemnify, • defend and save fhe.City,'its authorized agents, "officer's, re-presentatives'and employees', hirmless from and against any ind all }penalties;'liabilities or loss resulting frorri"claims or court+action and arising out of any accident, loss or damage to persons or property ` r : happening or occurring as a proximatez result of any'work undertaken under. the permit grantedpursuant to this application. - b •', ,' ..`Notify the Administrative! Authority' at'least'twenty-four (24) hour ,in advance of'the time when work will,.be'started. Comply with all applicable City; Ordinances, the terms and'conditions'of the permit and all applicable rules and.regulations of the City of La Quinta and to pay„for any additional replacement necessary. as the result'of, this work. ' ° •y �. Signa urelof`A-ppli'cant or Agent .' • Herman..ti4eissker' Inc.' 2829' Industrial` Dr..Bloomington; CA' .9.23 6 1 114/877-2470 Name of Applicant (please print) f a i ,4 `Business'Address �, Telephone No. t .. ,• r., Name of Contractor and Jo_b Foreman, V Business Address'Telephone No. 183-556 • `'.t l'6 61 y a +: Contractor's License No. ' } ;City Business License No. ,. +. _oma .• Ss_ y -ti, s. Y on f ile.` ., , .A • t , Applicant's Insurance,Company i. Policy Number Y .FEES: 'Subdivision Improvement Permitr — Class III ' 005182Aip� 7 9 0-3 90 0 Public improvements.: 3% of estimated construction costs • _ 1-0 CASH 0� p(, � s 40.0 Private improvements: 3% of estimated construction cost's + A . ,k. r, . 0883 Minor Improvement Permit —'Class IV: See attached schedule Inspection Fee ' $ t 40.00 PER VALIDATION :Permit Fee 0883 PERMIT NO: Penalty DATE'APPROVED 1'0/30/.90 *'Cash Deposit -Surety Bond,' i > ; if required - EXPIRATION DATE �11 /QQ TOTAL: _ $. 40.00_ , .• .. � � • DATE'ISSUED =• 10/30/901 Receipt No. By Received by Date Administrative Authority Recorded by _ TELEPHONE: (619) 564-2246 .;�•. ' +�' ..,}S!:•Crr•+.YS�n'� ':. *.a tr!y — -- — — - - — — a w+ NOTE: With proper validation this form constitutes an encroachment permit CITY OF LA QUINTA . APPLICATION FOR PERMIT PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION (ENCROACHMENT) For the construction 'of public or private curbs, driveways, pavements, sidewalks, parking lots, sewers, water mains and other like public works improvements in connection with MINOR IMPROVEMENTS and APPROVED SUBDIVISIONS Subdivision Improvement Permit — Class III DATE: 10/30/90 Minor Improvement Permit Class IV LOCATION OF CONSTRUCTION n/w corner of Calle Ensenada -and Avenida Bermudas (Street address or Description of Location) PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTION place telephone cable Sketch (attach constructionlans if appropriate), ppropriate). DESCRIPTION OF CONSTRUCTION dia nit per GTE permit # 511 conditions of permit 511 shall apply to.this permit DIMENSION OF INSTALLATION OR REMOVAL SIZE OF EXCAVATION, IF NEEDED 4 X 4 APPROXIMATE TIME WHEN WORK WILL BEGIN 11/1/90 APPROXIMATE TIME OF COMPLETION 11/8/90 ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST $ 500.00 (Including removal of all obstruction, materials, and debris, backfilling, com- paction and placing permanent .resurfacing and/or replacing improvements) In consideration of -thegranting of this permit, the applicant hereby agrees to: Indemnify-, defend 'and save the City, its authorized agents,, officers, representatives and employees; harmless from and against any and all penalties, liabilities or loss resulting from claims or court action and arising out of any accident, loss or damage to persons or property happening or occurring as a proximate result of any work undertaken under the permit granted pursuant to this application. ,Notify the Administrative Authority at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the time when work will be started. Comply with all applicable City Ordinances, the terms and conditions of the permit and all applicable rules and regulations of the City of La Quinta and to pay for any additional replacement necessary as the result of this work. Signature`of-Applicant or Agent Herman Weisskor Inc. 2829 Industrial Dr. Bloomington CA 92316 714/877-2470 Name of Applicant (please print) Business Address Telephone No. Name of Contractor and Job' Foreman Business Address Telephone No. 183556 1661 Contractor's License No. City Business License No. On file Applicant's Insurance Company Policy Number FEES: Subdivision Improvement Permit — Class .1l l 0051 iQ 7 9 0-(j 90 0 Public improvements: 8% of estimated construction costs CASH �A�p� iw .40 QV Private improvements: 3% of estimated construction costs 1000883 Minor Improvement Permit —Class IV: See attached schedule Inspection Fee $ .40.00 II PERMIT VALIDATION Permit Fee Penalty Cash Deposit -Surety Bond if required TOTAL: $ 40.00 Receipt No. Received by Date Recorded by PERMIT NO. 0883 DATE APPROVED 10/30/9.0 EXPIRATION DATE 12/31/90 DATE ISSUED== 10/30/90// _ By Administrative Authority TELEPHONE: (619) 564-2246 'NOTE: •, With proper validttiwi ' this.form'cordirtutes an ' CITY OF LA QUINTA encroachment permit" APPLICATION FOR • PERMIT' ,PUBLIC :WORKS CONSTRUCTION -1ENCROACHMENT), For the• construction of public or private curbs, driveways,- pavements, sidewalks,. parking lots, sewers; watW-- nieivW;e j and other like public works improvements in connection with MINOR•IMPROVEMENTS and APPROVED SUBDIVISIONS%, ySubdivision Improvement Permit — Class 111.�.��„� GATE: ' 3v . , Minor improvement Permit Class IV LOCATION OF CONSTRUCTION, — (street sodtesa di Destination of Loosloonk , f PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTION' PL�G� ��(f.Put `�' (.A i [t Sketch lattach construction plans if appro"in ii,* • N e - DESCRIPTION OF CONSTRUCTION VC-10- Rim �im l 'I 447 DIMENSION OF INSTALLATION OR REMOVAL F -,T • SIZE OF EXCAVATION, IF NEEDED' 4 "x— d APPROXIMATE TIME WHEN WORK WILL BEGIN 05 -9o APPROXIMATE TIME OF.COMPLETION' at- - ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COSTS •SD O (Including removal of all obstruction,; materials, and debris, ba *filling, com=' paction and placing permanent resurfacing.. and/or replacing improvements) In consideration of the granting of this permit, the applicant hereby agrees to: , Indemnify, defend andsaw the City, its authorized agents. officers, representatives and employees, harmless from and against anti and oil Penalties, liabilities or Joss rewiting from claims or court action and arising out -of any accident, loss or dame",to persons or pl0"ty-f1 happening or occurring as a proximate result of any work• undertaken•under-the,permit granted pursuant to this application. Notify the Administrative 'Authority, at least twenty-four 1241 hours in advance of the time when work will be started. - Comply with all appiieabte City Ordinances; the terms and conditions of .the permit and all applicable rules and reguistions of the City of La Quints and to pay for any additional revisicernont necessary as the result: of this work. ` Signature of Appiicant or Agent l rr,K .A Name of Aopticant (please print) Business Address' Telephone No. - ` r - Name of Contractor and Job Foreman d Business Address Telephone No. Contractor's L,cense No. -City Business License No. Applicant's Insurance Company • Policy Number.. FEES: Subdivision Imorovement Permit — Class III '~ Public improvements: 3% of estimated construction costs r Private improvements: 3% of estimated construction costs Minor Imorovement Permit — Class IV: See attached schedule r - , inspection Fee S ' * .I PERMIT'VALIDATION Permit Fee PERMIT'4O. Penalty Cash Deoosit-Surety Bond DATE APPROVED if required EXPIRATION DATE TOTAL: S - DATE ISSUED Receipt No. • r' 8V Received by '' Date Administrative Authority Recorded by TELEPHONE: (81915842248=: t A B 1 2 3 4 5 ti i 7 1 91-- „ IVry- t 11 14 1J 1q w 10 17 18 19, - `20 _ R/8SURVSQNUMENi: Prior toexcavationo►b"Mainsofconstruct rvev,monumentsshallbetiedautbyClfy . �,� _•. ,.,a!•W:Ct+lintb-alit@�bN;:CbNflsrlra:gWr4ntN;dfR/Wt+erltahagbbmatlf�q:nunbtngrnemaaWwtlrk:irhlohl�'t:•_--.• PAVEM/NT CUTTtN{II:=Pwenierrc will be nnoft�meslly alit to a atraghf i;prl0r to exawuon: Method d°Oatlati. x' - -cutting shall be approved through the office of the City /noineer; W ftder no airountnarme shill aacavating pylptttofR:• be tga0>a eatOatraw prior to eutung'of pavamen% bosaften. in rid ■hell brpfao"!ln such • pcefti0n•a to bleb` faoithM the general flow of traffic. -Prior t0 final paving operations, env damage to pavemt M straight e09e7$MU be Correct"", RIB PAVEMENT-CUTnNOrF&omNreshaN be New aut prgr to ramovaL,Prior to final paving openaone; any dOmapats;- peyaIM111 Straight edge shall be eonttCosd.-. R19 LIMROFEXCAVATtONB:Excsventalseneubalimtte4tot,00ptlnsAltutotopentrenehbatorebaaNllloOerstioMrnyst begin. All onavetione shwa be properly bor►taWed with lights overnight. on wtwksnde and holidtlys for the proneuonet the traveling publfer The Public Works ins00atershell 0etarmin ithesuitabilityofareawtionbaniceoingIneachall:No excavation shell remain open for a period exceeding five 18) dap; No excavation shall be Mede unless the conwuction materiel is actually on the work she. , A20BACKRLLMAT/RULL:Sacldillshall behNofbrush. remoratMrorgankdubstenaedetrimenteltells weforpurposes' - , of product" an adegtlaalyoa+tolldnad backfill. ll. Any magrialwhleh the Chy of Le tluinta deem unswtabNbpohgvor saturated mstarfal) which Is wwountwW during *=Milan shall not be used for bacldill. but shall be supplemented or rooksow byan approved sane Of gravel R21 BACKIFU &AND: EaWn shell be approred lrahell.mis send or puivalnn end $had bopladW in Hills of nagnpartnam• tht"fastl3'Ian4vibreteduNnp1ribnt411111perOrO WwMntarfulpmenLAlnmatemethedemaybesubstituted;butinany awe retail" compaction of q peroaa em WWII be analned within the struaral section the of roadway., �; SACKRLL PLACEMENT: SaeldlN shag be applied in lawn Of not mere than 80 peroenrof the loan depth o11he treneh, before flooding lir o mmtimutn offtvo4m l8'NNgwMntnnohssateof eta0e$slwdeptfls. Care istobo sawaindtheithe backfill material It not subiacted to SWom Small by flooding opm.ttarm Bacwl ieaterid shah be placed aotharthe resulting compaction shell benaless than 90owes - erraauiv■lanttothesurrounding ground. whidtevatisfhegrffd". Oompointon: Where pondM" or flooding is used for a maximum gBlomem, adequate di1Wa wtH W camwaled to retain - �i. the water. Where jetting is uMAMS"Mall be of tufflalerr length to naoh the bottom of aaefa layer and the water ' SYp01y $hely be tantMilOw. •- ' ` R23 COM1tiaCT10N TESTS: ft to required W the inapoatof. conroaci►en pews shall be mage at Ihterrabol not more than.1,000 fall and a minimum of OM 111 few an @soft neat One (1) can of oech:a• MOH be forvrerded to the City Engineer far approval and Hied priorto making pormonsim repair*. Completion, shall bo mode as oW lnee in 8eonon 113.01 of 1M SU 14 Speoifi alis, Olvslon of Highways, State of California, dated January,1973. R24 COMPACTION TESTI: ff w raqulr a by ins inspector, compaction tells Shall be meds for each crossing or service Ilne. OM I1) COpy of 11th tact Shall be forwarded to the Clty Eflglneer fer opptewl andfiled otW f0 meklno permanent repairer Compaction tam dally be made asoutlined In Station &&DI of the Standard Spec"I"Waro, Division of Highways. Saw:.., of California. dew January 1972. 025 TEMPORARY PAVEMENT REPAl118::Aher cOmpletbn et buMlll,sM col ion operatiPne, a lempor$ry•palsfl• emtsistirg of 2 inches at 8C•S00 Wil be plaoed on o prepared subwvod The SC -800 tomWvv ostnno still bo plaeada. otter a maximum of 3A00 Hneal festof trench hal booneaawtedandbeoMill operationsdempleadr but in no aassishall - the placement of the temporary pavement exceed a five 16) day limit, R2 PERMANENT PAVEMENT REPAIR: Ahar batkful and combination operations hers been completed. a temporary patch consisting of two inches I21 of SC -800 shall be placed immediately; A permerMnt paten of incites A.C. surfecinoClaud nnA'_.-inahc ce". Case shall be0locsdnolater than days skercomplwionol tamperery road repair. 5�rfn ,,W i T 10v%A L Co^d i Ti Or• • R Ak 0 R27 PAVEMENT REPAIR: F,A.S.:Upon completion ofbaakfilland e mpectlon,stemporerypatt:hcenaaingoltvr0inonesl2') of Cold mix paving (SC -800) shall be Placed immWrstaly• A permanent patch of throe inches 13") of A.C. surfacing shah be placed on cis incilee 18"1 tOftpew bed oldirected, but rat War then f iftnn 118) dap after con, o i l of temporary, paving, Conerttte NO Shell be 01 five4aak mix and Shell 00n1aM to the City of Le Quints Rood Impto illft Standard@ and swificatione. Ofdinarae 1481: R28 POG SEAL: A too Seel:e0et consisting of an application of ssphehle emulsion shall be applied Over all patch areas as determined by the City Engineer, R29 SEAL ARMOR COAT: A seal cost consisting of an aopficautin binder and screenings shell be applied on all patch wool when such gal cats existed prior to issuance of this permit, Stela armor coats shell be @pplie0 ea epecdied rn BacUon 37, Standard Sp@edioetiem. State of California. Olvision of Highweve, dat@d Januery 1973• Work of pavement foosir to be accomplished by a liansad contractor engaged in the business of pavement repair. R30- STREETRESTRIPING:Wherestroastnpirgisstillvisibleonstnststotaeexcavated.suchstripingshallberepleceOYpon _ t Completion of permanent repairs. S/SSjil= _. R31 TREE RELOCATION OR REMOVAL Tree relocation within the City of La Ouints road right of way shell be accomplished by s licensed, bonded @no insured tree service, and handled safely without mterforence or nazwd to the traveling puolic. It shall be the responstbilRy of the permittee to maintain the tree in a vigorous growing condition at its new IGCadOn. Treat to be removed Mall be removed in sections which can be hondied "felt' without interference Or hats.@ to hlghway trSffk.-The entire width of the tree stump ahall*be removal Ono disposed of so that no debris remains in view of the - highway. The Stump hate shell be tootillod and the►eughWcompsclo0 as specified in the following paragraph. When it becomes necessary to restrict traffic, the work shall be ronrtaed to a maximum of 500 feet at any one time, Adequate signs, flagmen erne/or barricades shall be provided to protect the traveling public at dl times. Large holes resulting from tree remavaf shell bo backf ilied and compacted to not less than 80 percent or equ"lord to the suffeunding ground, whichewf-is the gr"toreompscticn at determined by the impact *11'146141 method. Competition tests Mau comply with Section 8.3.01 of the Standard Specifications, Division of Highways. Slate of California. dated January 1973. R32 TREE TRIMMING: a. Only the necessary trimmino shall be accomplished to provide clearance of the 19011V far one eaiertdar Yee►. All broken or weak sections within the trimming shall be removed. b. Where if becomes necessary to restrict traffic. the work shallosreatricledlot maximum of500feetInsnvonetime. _ Adequate signs. flagmen; maid. barrc0edes WWII be provided to pfotect•the traveling public at all times.. c. If tree trunks ere partiolly outside of the City of Lo Ouinte road fight of way, pefmittee shall make his awn i - arrangements with adjoining prow, ,owners for content to the trimming in addition to the autflanution provided by this taermk.*. d. All tree trimming on EVERGREEN TREES, PALM TREES.'and ether ORNAMENTAL TREES shall be accomplished to the setistaCtion of the CIN Public Wot Inspector. - 9 Abutting pfoo" owner* shell be contacted, in all Instances. prior t0 trimming or topping t►esa•. I. Pruning snail. in sit innences. De at the shoulder of ms crotch to insure even, fast healing M oil cuts of two inches Pic. r1...U. I�rwnl.n 1_w"w w.w•