0892 (3)SPECIAL_•CONDITIONS--PERMIT NO.'-0,892^,T' The �following %conditions,' shall bei° criet',to the satisfaction of the ' -City Engineer ... .. • 'i'. - r, 1Str'eet• -cl'osures ' shall not be, allowed at any. time.. 2• Streets shall be .kept clean. They,shall be �be, comp'letely " { y - , cleaned,-at 'the end of the working day and more 'frequently 'if t 'required..,r. .' 3'. `Conti` actor ' shall comply with the : local' • noise ordinance and construction operations, and '°maintenance `':of' equipment withint x one half r mile"- of human „occupancy. shall., be�..performed only during..the� time periods as .follows: • J �` •' r r sl,. - October 1st to April 30. .. Mon'day-Friday.,7.00a.m.-5.30p..m. '~ Saturday '800a.m.-5 OOp:m.'" ~ '- May 1st to Septembe'r.30:` Monday7Friday.•6 00a.m'.-7:00p.m•, Saturday 8:OOa.m.-5:06p.m." ' Work shall be yprohibited anytime on :Sunday and. Federal ;r = 'holidays . 4. 4. Advance :warning 'signs and ,traffic• control: shall• be;, installed r _ and-maintained in-accordance with-Cal Trans Standards and --subject to the approval of ` the City, Engineer. 5': Two lanes of traff_ ic' on paved surface'-''shall `remain open on ' •f Washington Street -at all times., i':Temporary.•pavement. ,shall ; be placed. follow ng each working. day. ,Traffic controk lhall • `15e•'•as, per Cal Trans Traffic, Manual. • Field adjustments in `' r detouring shall be accomplished' as -directed .in•. order to•,adjust. , ito actual field -conditions. It; shall'be the'"contract 'il-s• t ` responsibility to adequately barricade and detour, this site: Flagmen shall be_, required ,at all times during,'work`on h„ w ,Washington Street. A Traffic control',plan.shall•be•.submitted *� "prior to;�co_mmenc_ing' constructio.n;,for the, approval by the . City - to Engineer}. 6.. -All 'backfill siubgrade soil shall be,'coinpacted to nothing less. ' -than.90%•irelative dry-density, all back'fill•soil-within the -top,2' 'of Iinish pavement surface shall be •compacted to ' nothing" less .;than 95%, relative dry density, 4 all' base material = Yshalh} be:. compacted ' to nothing less--than 95 %,lrelative dry ' density:jy • 7 . , -Permanent replacment pavement shall be t4 L2" AC `over 8" Class -'II)aggregate ba-se. 8. Permittee - shall notify, , the City at: 564-2246 .at. least, 24 'hours • :in advance.. of starting construction.. - 9.. 'If work-is, to be- performed by others • than, those of the utility - company, - the, coritracting.I company will be `requiIre,& -to apply, t for,anradditional'encroachment permit and, pay the i appropriate fee. TARU TRAFFIC MERGE LEFT ON TYPE MI BARRE LADE RIGI�T TURN UNLY WASH INGTLN `T. EAD,PRF-FA ht TG STDP ''''-Z FL.,,Gfii-1N WHE PER. CITY GF L� QUINTr.::IPECIFiC!,TIOWS 4 5 b 1 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 116 17 SCALE 1" _ AO' t an Callfomla LOCATION AVE SO S WASHINGTGPI 5--,- EXCHANGE '-EXCHANGE IFwI[i C -O. LF\f,U!tl1 ISSUE DATE APPROVALS 1= Wh-?-2- c AREA GENERAL MANAGER DWG. NO. RELATEDOWGS. WORKOROER S /� 543'1107�tn =. 18 19 20 FORMGOV�j: kEEP RIGHT KEE.P RICHT OW ON TyJ EI BARRICADE-/// IlA RI GADE� TARU TRAFFIC MERGE LEFT ON TYPE MI BARRE LADE RIGI�T TURN UNLY WASH INGTLN `T. EAD,PRF-FA ht TG STDP ''''-Z FL.,,Gfii-1N WHE PER. CITY GF L� QUINTr.::IPECIFiC!,TIOWS 4 5 b 1 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 116 17 SCALE 1" _ AO' t an Callfomla LOCATION AVE SO S WASHINGTGPI 5--,- EXCHANGE '-EXCHANGE IFwI[i C -O. LF\f,U!tl1 ISSUE DATE APPROVALS 1= Wh-?-2- c AREA GENERAL MANAGER DWG. NO. RELATEDOWGS. WORKOROER S /� 543'1107�tn =. 18 19 20 FORMGOV�j: =t SPECIAL CONDITIONS --PERMIT NO:; 0892 ti "✓w ,Th6"f6i'lowing' conditions shall be met to. the? satisfaction of the •., ' City Engineer. ;�. r . °.L A1. Street closures shall not be,,allowedat any time ' 2. Streets shat -1= be; kept clean. They shall be be 'completely cleaned,rreat t_Yie end_=of the working`day and more'`frequently- if requid k , 3. . Contractor'�'shall comply .with', the local noise o'rdinarice and. construction' operations : ' and.... maintenance , of equipment' within ' one half. mile:- bf ;,'human occupancy shall' . be performed only t during the time periods as follows: w• ; •; ' October* --1st to April 30Y. Monday=Friday•7.00a'.m.-5i30p'.m. .�..' Saturday 8:00a.m.-5':00p.m. May,'lst' to September. 30. 'x• Monday -Friday 6:00a.m.-7:00p.m. - Saturday.8.00a.m.-5:00p.m: Work shall` be prohibitea anytime on.; Sunday and Federal.'..._ •.holidays. •.� 4 .. 'Advance warning =signs ,and traffic -control shall be 'insta•lled }r •' and maintained in accordance',with. Cal,'.Trans Standards and-.., ; ' subject to the approval- of_�,the;City Engineer. , 5. ' ,Two lanes' of traffic on 'pavedsurface shall. remain open on* -.M' J a �,:f• Washingtoh-,Street at all-, times` . .,Temporary pavement sha_ 1.1. ' heplaced''following each working, orking day. Traffic' control 'shall be as'per yCal'Trans' Traffic'Manual.. Field adjustments in, ' detouring."•shall be .*'Accomplished as directed,i,n order to adjust to ,;actualfield,conditions. It :shall'.be the contractor's responsibility •to, adequately barricade''and detour 'this 'site. Flagmen shall be required at all times during work on ` r Washington,Street:. A Traffic control plan shall be rsubmitted prior to,co_mmencing construction.for.the:approval byithe City Engineer. 6. All backfill subgrade soil shall,be'Rcompacted to nothing less 'than90 relative dry'density, all•"'backfill soil with_-in'the- ,j , top 2' of finish'"pavement. surface :shall be compacted to, nothing less than 95%,relative dry density,,,all-base material' , 'shall be compacted `to nothing less than{195% relative, dry s r. density. 17'.,, i Permanent • replacment `pavement shall' be 4'.'l / 2" AC over,. 8" Class r II aggregate base' ' • ;z. .8 . - ~Permittee shall• notify, the City .at' 564-2246 at- leash 24 hours ' inadvance of, .starting -construction. 9. If work is to be others than.those,'of the utility' ti company, the contracting company will be'required to apply :for- an . additional encroachment ` permit and pay the .. 'appropriate fee. .. 4 f L