0942�• 3. NOTE: O With proper validriatio:�r 4 2 this form.constitutes an encroachment permit CITY OF.rLA. QUINTA . ` APPLICATION• FOR .PERMIT 0-8 534216 PUBLICWORKS CONS •' TRUCTION. (ENCROACHMENT) ' •..-� . ��� „n Sw For the construction"of public or privatecurbs, driveways, pavements; sidewalks, :parking lots, sewers, water mains other likublic works improvements in connection }and e p n with MINOR IMPROVEMENTS arid APPROVED SUBDIVISIONS November 30', 1'990' " �' Subdivision Improvement Permit — Class III DATE: Minor Improvement Permif Class IV . LOCATION'0F CONSTRUCTION,— TAS 24890-4 Washinton'. and .Tampic&'r t (Street address or Description of Location) PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTION ',t0 install new gas •main. Sketch,(attach construction, plans if appropriate) t install- '10of 6" steel` medium DESCRIPTIOWOF CONSTRUCTION pressure *gas main • 4' E/WPL•, of Wash'ingtod Street, beginning 2' HISPL of Tampico ,proceeding. south -DIMENSION OF INSTALLATION OR REMOVAL' t0 install 1698' of 611 , steel . ' medium pressure, gas main •5' N/SPL �E. of Tampico beginning 41 E/WPL of . .' {SIZE OF EXCAVQTIQN, IF NEEDED Washin ,gton proceeding east...To install -51 of 6" steel medium APPROXIMATE• -TIME WHEN WORK WILL BEGIN 11/29/9'0 pressure, gas .main 320 E/centerline L of -Calle, Rondo, beginning • 5' N/SPL APPROXIMATE TIME OF COMPLETION .5/29/91 of'Calle. Tampico, proceeding -south 's ESTIMATED '` see sketch TGP214,E,F-6 • t., . ,, -C ,'. (Including r'emoval of all `obstruction; materials, and debris, backfilling, com- y t + paction• and placing pe"rmanent resurfacing and/or replacing improvements) • �, .In consideration of the grantingjof this permit, the applicant hereby agrees to: �. Indemnify, • defend and save the City, its authonied agents, officers, representatives'and employees; harmless from.and against any and all j +" penalties, liabilities `or loss resulting' from claims or court action and arising out of any accident, loss'or damage to persons or property '.� happening or occurring as a proximate result of any .work undertaken under the permit granted pursuantto this'application: + ;;,A Notify the Administrative Authority at least twenty-four,(24) hours in advance of the time'when•work will be started.• j.�4"Comply with all applicable City Ordinances,.the terms and conditicns`of the permit and all applicable rules and regulations of the'City of >�La;Quirta and to, -pay for any4 additional replacement necessary as the result of this work. J.X. 'Snyder, Distribution Supervisor Signature of 'Applicant or`Agent 1.,,�S"6uthern California Gas PO Box 3003 Redlands, CA 92373 714'/335-7742 Name of -Applicant (please print) Business Address Telephone No.' _ A .« Name of Contractor and Job Foreman Business -Address ,' y Telephone No.. - ..Contractor's License No. `, " City Busines's License No.: . Applicant's Insurance Company 'Policy'Nurnber . FEES: • Subdivision Improvement.Permit — Class III , Public improvements: 3% of estimated construction costs t Private improvements: 3% of estimated construction costs M ' Minor Improvement Permit — Class IV: See attached schedule -0942 Inspection Fee $ PERMIT VALIDATION .Permit Fee 0942' PERMIT NOr , Penalty 11/30/90 Cash Deposit -Surety BondDATE APPROVED if required;+EXPIRATION DATE 6'/30/91 4 ' TOTAL: $ • DATE ISSUED 1,1/30/9W. - Receipt No. BY • Received by Date " ti' Administrative Authority Recorded by TELEPHONE: (619) 564-2246 �rt hd+e?�i±",•,�.i-`. 1k w�._x4y�•, w .+^•x.`.r:"`��`�'`•v'�`i.+P ,��t_+•✓•--?.% tom, *a. s�F �Fj 'F_r;,.-- ... a .. - _ 1'''� .. a • ��....I;'�"""[t`''w' s✓Y+y',•.6,V'•i. FIY� a, . .. IS fi�ra.ij} !S s.Y .. ,.....•rP�n - �'�, ` " / _ _'r' li!^—•. �Prwf� w M. 'g'rtl M w�a f� P� ! w►!�!f../w A, w.A. w}. N� .v. !h.'!- MI+.M..nr�f?w 9 � s'D. w�,=-P•,=.TA — Sl..4t !�•. w. s A..w� a w wY w w �►.!f. A' s NOTE: With proper validation this form constitutes an CITY OF LA QUINTA encroachment permit APPLICATION FOR PERMIT 53420-816 PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION (ENCROACHMENT) For the construction of public or private curbs, driveways, pavements, sidewalks, parking lots, sewers, water mains �Vv and other like public works improvements in connection with MINOR IMPROVEMENTS and APPROVED SUBDIVISIONS November 30 1990 Subdivision Improvement Permit — Class III DATE: Minor'lmprovement Permit Class IV LOCATIONS OF CONSTRUCTION TR 24890-4 Washinton and Tampico f • (Street address or Description of Location) PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTION to install neva gas main. DESCRIPTION OF CONSTRUCTION DIMENSION OF INSTALLATION OR REMOVAL Sketch (attach construction plans if appropriate) En—stall 10' of 6" steel medium pressure gas main 4' E/WPL'of Washington Street, beginning 2' WISPL of Tampico proceeding south to install 1698' of 6" steel medium pressure gas main 5' N/SPL of Tampico beginning 4' E/WPL of W,--1,-SIZE OF EXCAVATION, IF NEEDED Washington proceeding east. TO =� install 5''of 6" steel medium 4APPROXIMATE TIME WHEN WORK WILL BEGIN 11/29/90 pressure gas main 320' E/centerline. .`� of Calle Rondo, beginning 5' N/SPL NAPPROXIMATE TIME OF COMPLETION 5/29/91 of Calle. Tampico, proceeding south "y ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST$ see sketch TGP214,E,F-6 (Including removal of all obstruction, materials, and debris, backfilling, com- paction and placing permanent resurfacing and/or. replacing improvements) In consideration of the granting of this permit, the applicant hereby agrees to: indemnify, -defend and save the City, its authorized agents, officers, representatives and employees, harmless from and against any and all penalties, liabilities or loss resulting from claims or court action and arising out of any accident, loss or damage to persons or property happening or occurring as a proximate resultof any work undertaken under the permit granted pursuant to this application. Notify the Administrative Authority at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the time when work will be started. Comply with all applicable City Ordinances, the terms and conditions of the permit and all applicable rules and regulations of the City of La Quinta and to pay for any additional replacement necessary as the result of this work. J.M. Snyder, Distribution Supervisor Signature of Applicant or Agent ,Southern Califoonia Gas PO Box 3003 Redlands, CA 92373 714/335-7742 Name of Applicant (please print) Business Address Telephone No. Name of Contractor and Job Foreman Business Address Telephone No. Contractor's License No. City Business License No. Applicant's Insurance Company Policy Number FEES: Subdivision Improvement Permit —Class III Public improvements: 3% of estimated construction costs Private improvements: 3% of estimated construction costs Minor Improvement Permit — Class IV: See attached schedule Inspection Fee $ Permit Fee Penalty Cash Deposit -Surety Bond if required TOTAL: -0- $ -0- Receipt No. Received by Date Recorded by PERMIT NO J TA Q9`r2 PERMIT VALIDATION 0942 DATE APPROVED 11/30/90 EXPIRATION DATE 6/30/91 DATE ISSUED 11/30/90 By - i _4 ! _J Administrative Authority TELEPHONE: (619) 564-2246 53420-816 MOFLAQWA "TR: 24890-4j, NOTE: t With proper validation this form constitutes an CITY OF LA QUINTA encroachment permit t APPLICATION FOR PERMIT PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION (ENCROACHMENT) For the construction of public or private curbs, driveways. • pavements, sidewalks, parking lots, sewers, water mains and other like public works improvements in connection with MINOR IMPROVEMENTS and APPROVED SUBDIVISIONS Subdivision Improvement Permit — Class 111 DATE: NOV. 8, 1990 Mina Improvement Permit Class IV LOCATION OF CONSTRUCTION Washington St. and Avenida Tampico . timet address or Description of Loatiml PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTION Tn ; nct.a1 ; new gas main Sketch construction plans if appropriate) SEE NEXT To install 10' of 6" steel medium pressure DESCRIPTION OF CONSTRUCTION gas main 4' E/WPI of Washington St., begin- ning 2' WSPL of -Avenida Tampico, proceeding south. To install 1698' of 6" steel medium DIMENSION OF INSTALLATION OR REMOVAL pressure gas • main 5' N/SPL of Avenida Tampicc beginning .4' E/WPL of Washington'St., proce- eding east. To install 5' of 6" steel med. ,SIZE OF EXCAVATION, IF NEEDED pressure gas main 320' E/centerline of APPROXIMATE TIME WHEN WORK WILL BEGIN 1Calle Rondo, beginning 5' N/SPL of Calle1-29-90 Tampico, p� , proceeding south. APPROXIMATE TIME OF COMPLETION SEE ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST S (including removal of all obstruction, materials, and debris, backfillinL com- paction and placing permanent resurfacing and/or replacing improvements) _ In consideration of the granting of this permit, the applicant hereby agrees to: SKETCH TGP 214,E,F-6 Indemnify, defend and saw the City, its authorized agents, officers, representatives and employees, harmless from and against any and all penalties, liabilities or loss resulting from claims or court action and arising out of any accident, loss or darns" to persons or property happening or occurring as. a proximate result of any work undertaken under the permit Wanted pursuant to this application. Notify the Administrative Authority at #am twenty-four 1241 hour@ in advance of the time when work will be started. Co nply .with all applicable City Ordinenoes, the terms and conditions of the pannit�nd NI appficime rules and regulations of the City of 1� Otibno and to pay for any a*kiorel replIsm ent reaesery w the. result of due'J _ _ J.M:<. �. S. SUPERVISOR "SO ERN.t^nr.IFORty a"i As"c0_°' P_Q_ BOX Inn!' 12Fn_r.A Vis, r•A a���t (714} 3357742 _ Neme of Appliartt (p�se print) :'` Yusiaeae Adts>rea Telephone No. *Wte of Contractor and .bb Foremen .., Wlsinees Address TNephone No. Contracws License No. City Business Lichee No. Applicant's Insurance Company Policy Number FEES: Subdivision Improvement Permit — Clea 111 Public improvements: 3% of estimated construction costs , Private improvements: 3% of estimated construction costs Minor improvement Permit — Ciass i V : ace attached schedule Inspection Fee $ Permit Fee Penalty Cash Deposit -Surety Bond if required TOTAL: Receipt No. Received by Data Recorded by PERMIT VALIDATION PERMIT NO. DATE APPROVED EXPIRATION DATE DATE ISSUED By Administrative Authority TELEPHONE: (619)564-2246 •! r. • . .• ♦ i •fes ADDITION--- jFCROACHMENT PERMIT N0.094 CONDITIONS .R33 Survey' monuments shall. -be 'protected in place . or ` ,.. re-established pur' suaiit to City standards and • the' -State ofJ x ? k .California' Land.:Surveyor' s:Act=. ; R34 Work shall --be coordinated. with the City of La Quinta'-s 's-7- 0. forces ao .preclude delay-or'interference r with the' City of ?La f Quinta' s, prof ects' _ R35�'.`C&n r'actor shall, comply with. "the local noise •ordinance and ' • �. `; construction operations and maintenance of equipment `within ..,one half," -mile of human occupancy --shall 'be performed,.only - .during the -time periods as, -follows ". "October ist 'to- April 30:'� :,Moriday-Friday` 7 6bA-.m: -5. 30p.m: , 'Saturday 8.00a.m:=5 00p.m: May, 1st to September` 30 :Monday -Friday' 6 OOa.m.-7.'OOp.m: y- ' Saturday.' 8:00a.m:•=5:O0p.m: " Work shall -be, prohibited anytime on Sunday -'and Federal`' - q holiday:` z , R36 Traffic' control" shall` be as per Cal Trans ,Traffic.'Manual. 's Field- adjustments' in, detouring' shall be ,accomplished .,as � ` directed -in order.to adjust to•'actua'1' field.conditiorisc ItI' ,shall be-the'.coritractor's responsibili'ty to adequately,' ` , ' barricade; and detour this site. A Traffic 'control plan -shall ' ,.be submitted for' approval by the City Engineer - u. I R37. Bore and jack under existing' pavement at each :intersection. R38 All excavation,:'ator, near the travel- way 'shall, be backfilled ' at - the .end ,,of. the -work day, for the '.protection of the traveling, public. R39 Street closures shall not -be allowed at any .time. A R4 1Y, • A' minimum. of one -paved travel lane shall be, maintained• •at .all -'times with f lagmen- during working hours. tik` •, R411,.,• -All.-work to be� performed -within the` existing`-paved�*sections" shall be,temporary paved and maintained by -the Permittee, y - permanent pavement shall'•be,placed,no,later,than.15 days after completion' of the temporary - roan repair." ' • r 'R42 ;Ingress and egress'for loca-l-properties shall+be maintained at all times. } �R43 Prior' to ,work starting, Underground -Service Alert shall bee.'. ' contacted at., .1,-8.00-422-4133 'and 'an'"inquiry number" -shall be provided' to' the City Pub1ic,,-Works - -Inspector . R44. -Pavementshall be sawcut prior `to.'removal. - ' y 4t , - _ ,. !""; - ` .. yam. ti iti..:`. _ _ _' • a r Additional Conditions,-.'E-ncroachment Permit^ No. 0942 Page 2 R44 A11 backfill subgrade-soil'shallbe.compacted•to nothing= +, less ."than 9.0 or'relative dry, ,density, all backfill soil within the .top 21 of'finis_h.,pavement surface shall be' compacted to ' nothing- less than 95 0 .relative dry density`,._, .all'` base.. ' material shall .'be. compacted-to,nothing, less than'95o relative dry'de"nsity. R45 'Repl,acement , pavement sections shall. -be_ 3 " AC over 4" Class --II aggregate base. =R46 A11 work areas shall be restored to original conditions, includinglandscaping..and:/or irrigation... �- -- `R46 If: the work .is to be performed 'by forces other that. of -than• the utility company, the contracting company,will`be required -to apply for -an additional encroachment permit. and pay, the • appropriat'e fee'.. Buena Engineers, _ � Viers, enc.. tl AN EAgTN SYSTEMS, INC COMPANY 79-811B COUNTRY CLUB DRIVE' • BERMUDA DUNES, -CALIFORNIA 92201 PHONE (619) 345-1588' FAX (619) 345-7315" April 17,1991B 7 -3143-P 10 - City.of La Quiata 91-04-761 . - , • .r ,� �.. , . 'APR '291991 � .' °; .' • • , Southern California Gas Company 1981 West Lugonid Avenue �" PUBLIC WORKS Redlands„California , 92373-0306 Attention: ° John Black . Project:. Calle Tamp o #_53420815-ZA to Quintd; Ca ifornia' Subject: - Report of Field Densities Gasline,Trench Backfill r Submitted. herewith are the results"of the compaction tests performed on April 4 and 5,• 1991 Compaction tests were erf' r din accordance with ASTM. D - p p. S 2922 81 Method A or B and ASTM D 3017=88 Nuclear, Density Test Procedure. Maximum ' density -optimum:: #moisture' tests were performed in . accordance with ASTM D 1557-78, Method A or C. - The scope, of our,, services consisted of compaction tests on the gasline , trench backfill. Respectfully. submitted; BUENA-1NGINEERS,'INC: :. c> , jS portpreseatq0>AI rand6mtWirsults a , indicated, which may not be r t the specific locations' epresentative of the entire -Jim. Stokes • , • + engineering review of the project has been �°��� No Technician en ineerin Performed, nor has an g g interpretation been made of the test results. No y . should beplaced on theseresults until such r h reliance mJt .... bn b� � r review as been t t,„ HD/Field StatementsAl S i't' ' L 'n” , . 1, . s .`.' t;.• ��a : f " J 'Copies _4. Southern California Gas Company, 1— P. S. File.' `- ' 1' VTA File J BERMUDA DUNES BEAUMONT BAKERSFIELD . LANCASTER VENTURA (619) 345-1588 (714) 845-9883- ( 805) 327-5150 (805) 948-7538 ` " (805) 642-6727 rsj J() Test No. Date Tested Description Elevation %Moisture Dry Density Relative • Maximum ' - In Place In Place Compaction -Density Gasline Trench Backfill 1 04=04-91 ..Per Plan . 1.5 BSG. 10.7. 107:1 91 - 1-17.1 - . Gasline Trench Backfill / Base A21 04-05-91 Per Plan r.p; 6:4 1.29.5.- 95 136.2 �-- BSG = Below Subgrade = - - _._.... ... _. ,. .:TOTAL FEET INST'D. _ INSTALL MAIN WITH AT LEAST . COVER $FLOW TOTAL FEET RETIRED �I E✓iC-SI DG RETIREMENT PERMIT ISSUED fY PERMIT NO. DATE MOVED DATE MOVED DATE OF COUNTY ON OFF JOB OPER. DISTRICT. REASON CREW FORCMAN TRACT -,I- NO' A,ZD4�-01 '1s., To Ny YEAR 1, 1, INSTALL ED jCO`M'P1AN/Y STAKED COMPANY�SO. CAL. CILJS}I REVIEWED BY DISTRICT SUPERVISOR No. S OPFR. 20•. OR OVER d AT ' LESS THAN 20% � S.M.Y.S STAKING REQ -0. r-cY NO STAKES NEEDED Ip, ,FA1CILITY: G •y A �2 p., DIVISION ,,, ,• % /YG {J [/ I ��G_ rn �I PATNODICALY YES ly I NO Ej ROTECTED V-�l - _ SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA OAS CO. -2956.51' -- TOTAL FEET INSTD. .. _ ---_ --- �' - - CGT,e - INSTALL MAIN WITH AT LEAST B 1 COVER ELOW TOTAL FEET RETIRED K/�C `�� RETIREMENT PERMIT Issued BY PERMITPERMIT NO. GATE MOVED DATE MOVED DATE OP _ ,. _ - - GOV NTY p a -_-'-® 1`I1n/ Ex I S 1 y0 257 ON JOB OFF JOB OPER. �. - - DISTRICT' ~T REASON UN CREW FOREMAN TRACT24890-4 COMPANY • - NO. - YEAR C"' P PLANNED BY �' .... _.._ A. _... . ...... _ ... _ ...__:... . _. - .. .: _. . .., ... ... .......:-. ._ _._._ .. , 1 ,/ I / ATLAS IN ]rJ 'jJ5 .F NE/'Y INSTALLED A1/A - TI11Y STAKED .. C COMPANY FACILITY: SO. CAL...... ® /-L. S. - -. - NO. OPER. OVER BY n. r+ii x/.'7/ STAKING REO -D. - L' DIVISION _. - - - CATNODICAIY PROTECTED YES ® NO L..OR AT LESS TXAN 20L I� 1. M.T.S. 11 s D DISTRICTD SUPERVISOR NO STAKES NEEDED DY�//- �/6 ORG -J W.ONLAN(/�L —t342 CODE .-.SOUTNERN CALIFORNIA OAS CO. -2956 -SF _ ,_ .�._.Y...._.. -.,rte-�—. ... �...-. „....,.�-......,,.... ..�:...... �, _....... �.,,��. .. .,. -