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9905-325 (AR)
LICENSED CONTRACTOR DECLARATION J-• erpliIy affirm under penalty of perjury that I am licensed under provisionsof Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3. of the Buiin6ss'lancl .Professionals Code, and my Li6ense is in full force and effect: License# Lic. Class Exp Date 7100197 T B pa" te'l- itture of Contractor :C OWNER -BUILDER DECLARAT)dN I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the Contractor's, License Law for the following reason: ( ) 1, as owner ner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation; will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale .(Sec. 7044, Business & Professionals Code). 1; -as owner of the" property, am exclusively contracting -,with lice'ns6d contractors to construct' the project (Sec. 7044, Business & Professionals Code). O I am exempt under Section ~ B&P.6, for this reason Date Sign6tUr6 of Owner WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for workers! compensation, as'provided for -,by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued: I have and will -maintain workers' compensation insurance, as required by Section 3700 o . f I the Labor Code, for the performance of the . work for which this permit is issued. My workers' compensation insurance carrier &' policy no. are: Carrier.NAI I— Policy No, (This section need. not be completed if the permit valuation is for $100.00 or less). I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the workers',,pompensation laws of California, and agree that if 1, should, become subject/tothe workers' compensation provisions of Section 3700 of -the Labor Code, I Shall forthwith comply With those n6visions. , D.Ate: Applicant 17 . Workers f-/ 0-7 Warning-:' Fa'iluk' to "secure .Workers'Cbmpensakt�ion coverage is unlaw'161-and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to $100,000, in addition to the cost of compensation, damages as provided for in Section 3706 of the Labor Code, interest and attorney's fees. IMPORTANT 'Application is hereby made to the Director of Building and Safety for' a permit subject to the conditioAs and restrictions set forth on his application. 41 1. Each person upon whose behalf this application is made & each person at whose request and for whose benefit work is performed under or pursuaht to .any permit issued as a result of this applicaton agrees to, & shall, indemnify. & hold harmless the City of La Quinta,,its officers, agents and employees. 2. Any permit issued as a result of this application becomes null and void if work is not commenced within 180 days from date of issuance of such Lich permit, or cessation of work for 180 days will subject permit to cancellation. I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply with all City,,and State laws relating to the building construction, and hereby authorize representatives of this City to enter upon the above- mentioned property for'ilhspection purrp6sese ,,Signature (Owner/Agent) Date PERMIT# .14 BUILDING PERMIT 990.5-325 DATE VALUATION LOT TRACT J' A JOB S 1 lrl�, ADDRESS' 49�"-3 AWKNADA WSTA, J�QNITA APN 50 773-3 4.15i OWNER CONTRACTOR/DESIGNER/ENGINEER; CV 1)17�fc- 1.30 LOMBARDST #906' MANNY DUNES Rb SAN, raAKisco - - eik 94iio PALM SPRINGS CA 9226.2 (760)3221-0220 CMA USE OF PERMIT MON RESOINUL IADDI. CUST011 0 11sp MT .I'D Cos. olp Comnaxjcne"N PjMAIT FEE SUAfh!"Ji, ft. AN 011ECK FJM T1, $19.10 8.1'RONG NIOTCOINFa. 10t'S.11119 .101-000�241-000 J' CONS UC7� FOT N PLAN CH CK AP $728,06 -1 1P PKE�PAID FEES LES $0.00 JUN 14 1999 TO-CIA"Crtaiva -r 1pr tyuk, NOW OF LA QUINT." aNITY RECEIPT DATE BY DATE FINALED INSPECTOR INSPECTION RECORD OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR BUILDING APPROVALS MECHANICAL APPROVALS Set Backs Underground Ducts Forms & Footings Ducts Slab Grade Return Air Steel Combustion Air Roof Deck -r Exhaust Fans OX to Wrap F.A.U. Framing 104 11;Compressor Insulation An Vents Fireplace P.L. Grills Fireplace T.O. Fans & Controls Party Wall Insulation Condensate Lines Party Wall Firewall Exterior lath Drywall - Int. Lath Final Final Lo ✓ BLOCKWALL APPROVALS POOLS - SPAS Steel Set Backs Electric Bond Footings Main Drain Bond Beam Approval to Cover Equipment Location Underground Electric Underground PI . Test Final I I Gas Piping PLUMBING APPROVALS Gas Test Electric Final Waste Lines Heater Final Water Piping Plumbing Final Plumbing Top Out Equipment Enclosure Shower Pans O.K. for Finish Plaster Sewer Lateral Pool Cover Sewer Connection Encapsulation Gas Piping Gas Test Appliances Final Final Utility Notice (Gas) ELECTRICAL APPROVALS Temp. Power Pole Underground Conduit Rough Wiring Low Voltage Wiring Fixtures Main Service Sub Panels Exterior Receptacles G.F.I. Smoke Detectors Temp. Use of Power Final Utility Notice (Perm) COMMENTS: ° 01 • �• Desert Sands Unified.School District .Y , 47-950 Dune Palms Road Notice: •«y La Quinta, CA 92253 T Document Cannot Be Duplicated : 760471-8515 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - 'Date. .6/14/99 APN # 773-350-055 No. 18889 S `' Jurisdiction La Quinta Owner NameJohn D. Leland Jr. ; Permit # i No 49=643 '-Street Avenida Vista Bonita r Log # City La Quinta Zip •92253 Study area Tract # _ Lot # Square Footage Type of DevelopmentResidential Addition r _ No. of Units 1' Comments 117 sq. . addition to singe tamily residence.. At the *present time, the Desert Sands Unified School District does 'not' collect fees on garages/carports, covered patios/walkways, residential additions under 500 square feet, detached accessory structures or replacement mobilehomes. It has been determined the above-named'owner'is'exempt:from paying school fees at this time due'to the following i . reason:, Residential Addition 500.Sq Feet o_ r Less w EXEMPT , This certifies that school facility fees imposed pursuant to Government Code 53080 ha the arriount of - 0.00 X. 117 or $ 0.00 4 • the property listed above anis ot"building ` permits and/or Certificates of Occupancy for.this square footage in this proposed protect tnay riow;be issued s Fees Paid'By N/A - CVMD Inc. Telephone 323t0220 ' Name on the check By_* ' Dr. Doris Wilson Superintendent , Fee collected /exempted by Juanita Green Exempt $100 - Check No. N/A Signature [NOTICE: Pursuant of A embly Bill 3081 (CHAP 549 STATS. 1996) this will serve to notify you that the 90 -day approval period in which you may pr.test the fees or other payment identfied bove will begin to run f m the dale on which the building or installation permit for this project is sssued or on which they are paid to the District(s) onto"another public entity authorized to ollect them on the District('s)(s') behalf, whichever is earlier. Collector: Attach a copy of county or,city plan check application form to district copy for all waivers. Embossed Original- Building Dept./Applicant Copy Applicant/Receipt k Copy ` Accounting :l`J LUL V:5 b= 1-i•.A. 0 Ja=i :141b J:1:U.ri. i%(1131 VbYG .J b'•.L i�.i.ai ;3'J UUI T May 11, 1999, John. D. Leland 150 Lombard St. #906 San Francisco, California 94111 Re: 92-643 Avenida Vista Bonita Dear Mr. Leland: Youi Architectural'Variance dated.April 19, 1999 regarding the room addition inside your courtyard area has been approved under the following stipulation(s): • Actual modification must conform to the plans and specifications submitted and approved. •. The roof addition shall be installed by Western Pacific Roofing. • The color of the walls shall match the existing stucco surrounding die now walls. • Competent and licensed professionals shall do all work in a workmanlike manner. • All work is to be in compliance with. local building codes and ordinances. • All electrical wiring, if applicable, must be contained within approved conduit pained to match die surface it ccmtacts. • Any damage to the common areas resulting from this modification and its construeion will be repaired at . the Owners expense. • All construction debris is to be removed from the site by the close of each day to maintain order and retain the aesthetics of the Santa Rosa Cove. • Any alterations to the common area landscaping, if applicable, must be presented to the Association's landscape contractor, Omar Garza of Shadow Palms Gardening. + Prior to the commencement of any work the contractor and their subcontract*r(s) must provide the Association proof of worker's comp., liability and auto insurance; naming the Association as additionally insured. • Prior to the commencement of any work you or your contractor must provide the nacres of the scheduled workmen to the security guards. at the Mazatlan gate, (564-5414). • Prior to the commencement of any work you or your contractor are required to pay a S500 refundable deposit for the room addition. • Prior to the commencement of any work you or your contractor are required to pay a onetime fee of $5 per square foot for the new roof area, as well as provide a five year written guarantee covering.the new root. Please contact the Association office once your: modifications are complete for a final inspection. A copy of the approved variance will be mailed to you after the inspection. If you have any question s, please call. Ve truly yours, Pamela S. Salinas Association Manager On Behalf of the Architectural Committee THE SANTA RGSA COVE ASSOCIATION 40-991 Ei9enhower Sam, Silva! CVMD. Inc. La Uulnta, Calil'c,rnla (760) 777-7621 Fa+;: (760) 777-7E22 iblailing Address: SANTA ROSH ( OVE. ASSOCIATION ?cosi 0rfice Ilox 12710 Palm 1lesert, California 9225,) COMPLIAYNU ANALYSIS -OF the CUstinL structure. cxccprwhcl c;uc uiaune the AN ADDITION ALONE watcnccaune energy use for any addition in which the total numhcr ot.waicr heaters n the huildine _ :\nv addiaon —;hat is. the sum of all new incrca_scs. the analvsts may he prrrormca rising ,onduionca Foaccs and associated new extcnor either a special prescnpttvc packaLc accord ulrt to walls. cctl nt's. and tloors within the butldine — the sizc.of the addition or'with the point svgcm or ;nav rx snowy ;o meet the cncrL} nucect as a .111v approved c:omputcr pcnorm;iuc mcL noa. -cparatc cnnn-. Taus proccaurz docs not•im•oivc Table 7'1: Prescriptive Compliance of Additions Summary 6f Section 152fa)1 Requirements of the Standards COMPONENT ' � l(1(1 ft" 10099 ft" 500-999 ft' ? 1000 ft" ' Insulation ! Ceiling R-19 Package( Packaec Packaec Wall` ' R-13 R-13 R-13 PackaLc Floor. 'R=13 Pack'aac Packagc Packaec F'enestr2t9n U -Value 0.75, 0.75 Package Package ' % of CFA 5 50 ft` Pkg + Removed; = .Pkg + Rcmovcd Package Shading Na Package Package Package Theriii it Mass Na Y �Package` • Package Packacc ' s t `- Space.Heating Mandatorv- ; ' Package Package Packaz±e , & Cooling .(No cicctnc )6 (No cicctnc) (No cli:ctnc) t No clectiic ) Water Heating - No Increase Xc '1 No Change Na Na Na Na RepiMment: '*o Increase Standard a Standard Standard , Standard r Increase Allowed :%flowed Allowed AlloWCd ' w/Calculation' .w w/Calcufat on w/Calculation w/Calculation * ' I ; Neet the component prescnpuve requirement for Package D for 'slab -on -grade construcucn or Packa¢e E for raised floor const:ucuon (see Chapter 3). ' _'. "Heavy" and "Light 1Aass" mass wafts may meet the Package b. or E requtremcnts for mass jwaU ` insulation instead of R-13 (see Chapter 3). 3 - For compliance of additions and alteranons only, dual glazed "Sicenhouse'' windows and skyliahts may be assumed to meet this rcgttuement. a 4. The Package D or E fenesaatton area phis the area of any glazing removed because 'of the addition. 5. All mandatory measures for HVAC :ivstcros must be met (sce Chapter 2). 6. No eiectnc reststance space heating may be.installed. 7. A standard water heaung system is explained in Section 6.6. - S. If the total nuinber of water heaters increases in the -residence, then the enure existing plus addition system must meet the water heaung energy budget ( see Chapter 6). Table 3-4 lists water icaune �vstert combinations which have been pre -calculated to comply with the water hearing bud¢et. Table 3-Z15:..Prescriptive Packages for Climate Zone.15 - 4 .Package Package Package Pa aRe Package 4' Component J Ag C11, 4 CJ f :r E BUILDING ENVELOPE Insulauon Minimums: 5 . Ceiling R-30 R-38 R-49 R i3" -R-38 . Wal.11 R-19 .. R-19 k-29 f� R-21 R-21 "Heavy" Wall (R-5.5) ' (R-4.5) N/A- (R-4.76) (R-4.76) "Light Mass" Wall (R-7.01 (R-6.01 N/A N/p. N/A Slab Fluor Perimeter R-7 R-7 ; R-7 NR. NR. Raised Floor R-19 R-19 R-21 R-193 R-19 FENESTRATION Maximum U -Value= , 0.65 0.65: 0.40 0.65 0.65 %I&umum Total Area NR 16% 16% 16% 16% ` 'Maximum Total Nonsouth Facing Area 9L.6%1 NR Y NR NIS NR Minimum South Facing Area - 6.4% NR NR ^!P: NR ' SHADING COEMCMN-e South Facing Glazing - 0.15 0.15 . 0.40• 0.40 0.40 West Facing Glazing 0.15 0.15 0.40 •0.40 0.40 Eau Facing Glazing . NR NR 0.40 0.40 0.40 North Facing Glazing NR, NR 0.66 0.66- 0.66 THERMALMASS REQ NR REQ .a% 5% INFILTRATION CONTROL , Continuous Barrier NR REQ. NR NRr NR Air -to -Air Heat Exchanger NR REQ NR NR NR .SPACE HEATING SYSTEM6 - - �Electric Resitance Allowed NO NO YES7 NNNO � If Gas. AFUE= ..78% 78% 78% 78% i . 78% If, Heat Pump.- ump.'Spl t System HSPF4 = Split 6.8 6.8 6.8 6.8 6.9. Single Package System HSPF = 6.6 _ 6.6 6.6 • 6 b 6.6 ; SPACE COOLING SYST E.M If Split System A/C. SEER= 10.0 LOA'' ' 10.0 3.0 10.0 If Single Package AIC, SEER9 = 9.7 9.7 , 9.7 - 9.7 9.7 DOMESTIC WATER HEATING TYPE ` System must meet budget. Meas 't Meets Me ets' Meas 'Meets - see §151(b) and 151((x8) Budget Budget •Budget budget Budget LEGEND: NR = Noi Required: - N/A = Not Applicable: REQ = Required See notes following Table 3-Zi6. S \=;rtjricare of comnliancr: Residential . (Daae l OT 211 LF -1 R L,FL.& a -PQ ( ri — a to • 4 GPS l.�r�V v ry Date ` of «t rote Building Permit s of«t Addretta �' t,% ►✓� (7 I (� C--Y�i a-^� " ©ate` Plan ChecK IDate I eiephone ocumenntaption Author K Field ChecK 1 Date Climate Zone Entorcement Agenc+ use Only �mplianee wlethod IPacKage. Pont System or Computer) 1ENERAL INFORMATION .otal Conditioned Floor Area: I'1 3uilding Type: x Single Family X Addition Multi -Family r Existing -Plus -Addition :heck one or morel Mu =rout Orientation: North / Ea Sou West i All Orientations (Input orientation to degrees and arde one.) Vumber of Dwelling Units: =1oor Construction Type: < Slab atsed Floor (circle one or both) 3UILDING SHELL INSULATION Construction .:omponent Insulation ueyKCctm ents RVaueU Val(ato garage. etc.) -1= Wall .............. Wall .............. Roof ............. Root ............. Floor............. Floor............ Slab Edge ... A" atelbs x -r 2 w A -t -t- So vr►-� FENESTRATION. Shading Devices Fenestration Area Fenestration Interior ' Exterior Overhang Orientation (st) U -Value (roller blind, eta) (shade® vn0etc.) !� `'6 Front..... (X) 0 S°� 0.(v5 4rt"A�1DAIi't0 17 J= --- Front..... na Left....... ( ) Left ....... ( ) Rear ..... ( ) Rear ..... (. ) Right..... ( ) Right..... ( ) Skylight ....... Skylight THERMAL MASS Type/Covering Area Thickness siablexoosed. tde, etc.) (st) (inches Location/Description (kitchen. barn, etc.) �v�C a�'rrr 1)cl U YaIiT�_ 3 ° L`j La- P a BJ P /t Yom' Framing 000 F Certificate of Compliance: Residential (Page 2 of 2) CF -1 R r Project Title Oses HVAC SYSTEMS Now input nyomic or oomouneo hydrvmc data under Water NeanN Systems. except Oesgn Meaong Load. Heating Equipment Minimum Type (furnace. neat Efficiency Puma. etc.) (AFUE/HSPF) �FvQ-,-4+<;a ogoc Cooling Equipment Minimum Type (air conditioner. Efficiency haat puma. evao. molina) (SEER) D-1 to Go &ib C4, -7 WATER HEATING SYSTEMS Distribution Type and Duct or Location Piping Thermostat etc. it a Duct Location Duct (attic. etc. i R -Value a -r -r l c. 4+-9 Thermostat Configuration J Energy' External RatedTark Factor or Tank Water Heater Distribution Number Input (kW Capacity Recovery Standby' Insulation. Type Tyne in System or Stu/hr) (gallons) Efficiency. Loss (%) R Value t. For aped pas store" bated input s 75.000 Bu to owtft resistance and heat Pump water haters. list Erergy Factor. For IarQe pas storspe weer heetera Crated input 2 75.000 8turtvl. list Rated Input. Recovery EN(aency and Standby toss. For Instantaneous pas water heaters, ust RaNd Input am Recovery Efficiency. SPECIAL FEATURES/REMARKS (Add extra sheets if necessary) COMPLIANCE STATEMENT This cend cate of compliance usts the Wilding teattm and perfanmartce speaticacons needed to comoty with Ttle 24. Parts t and 6. of the Calfforma Code of Regulations. and me.a0ministrative regulation to implement them. This certiticate has been signed by the individual enth overall design resoorm o bty. When tfus certdicate of compllartce is submitted for a srge building plan to be built in mui" orientations. any shading teature mat is vaned Is Irldicated in the Speclai Featum'vRemarks section. Designer or Owner (Per Business a Professions code) Documentation Author Nam.: llama: S Jir ✓''! S 7 L.t/fb Tids(Finn: , G v t.t p I iuC, 07 t 7.rF.¢4}L C�rCfT' � TiOMFirrn: GV M b INC - . Address: 69 3 S t) t ,j - y Address: _10(l q S0,1i fjj - ID, Ai N (-I t223 L I S l> rZa IN hs _ i ti TeleW+one: 1=6v • o (-?(."> Ur- t: / I (sgnaarre f ✓ "# (der) Enforcement Agency Name: 'rods: TdeOhpnr. (sgnatw>,rstampl (dart Tslapltort . % d • 3.02' (sidrtattus► (d�1