TUP 2007-7324 TH ' July 27, 2007 Mr. Chris Monfort Spectrum Surveying and Engineering, Inc. For Verizon Wireless 11959 Mariposa Road, Suite 1 Hesperia, CA 92345 Subject: Temporary Use Permit 2007-732 (Amendment - Revised Location) Temporary Cellular Wireless Facility for Verizon W"reless Dear Mr. Monfort: The Planning Department has approved your request for a new location for your temporary un -manned wireless telecommunications facility on wheels. The new approved location is at the east end of the parking lot that is on the east side of the Dunes Mountain Clubhouse at 50200 Avenida Vista Bonita as shown on the enclosed plans and subject to the following revised conditions of approval: 1. Obtain an electrical permit for temporary power, prior to setting trailer on site. 2. This approval is valid for a maximum 90 days from date of this letter, after which this trailer and its appurtenant facilities must be removed with the site restored to its original condition. A time extension may be requested a minimum of two weeks prior to expiration. 3. Three foot diameter and minimum. three foot high decorative pots shall be evenly spaced (with no more than 24" between pots) around all sides of the trailer for screening purposes. The pots shall be provided . with permanent irrigation and be planted with minimum 15. gallons shrubs (minimum 7' high), such as Dodonea viscose (Green Hop Bush), Thevetia peruviana (Yellow Oleander) or Nerium Oleandar (Dwarf Oleander). These plants shall be maintained as needed and immediately replaced if they die. P.O. Box 1504 • LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 9224.7-1504 78-495 C,aLLE-Franir�co LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 (760) 77.7-7000 -FAX ( 760) 777-7101 P:\stan\mup tup\tup 2007-732 Itr rev appr Verizon.doc 4. 24 -.hour emergency contact information shall be provided on the outside of the trailer in case problems arise.that require your immediate attention. Emergency information shall be in a location clearly visible to the public. 5. Install one 2A1OBC fire extinguisher inside the trailer by the front exit door. 6. No temporary signs are approved unless separately approved by this Department. 7. The trailer exterior (excluding the tower) shall be painted or covered with a color to match the adjacent structures. 8. The wheels and bottom area of the trailer shall be covered with skirts or a similar material to match or complement the trailer. 9. The conduit for the power run shall be buried or cover "" ith earth so it is not visible. 10. The City may elect to add Conditions to this application approval to mitigate any problems that arise not previously addressed herein. This decision may be appealed to the Planning Commission provided the necessary paperwork and filing fee of $175.00 are filed with this office within 15 days. If you have any questions, please contact me at 760-777-7064. Very truly yours, STAN SAWA Principal Planner Encl. c: Les Johnson, Planning Director Doug Evans, Assistant City Manager Greg Butler, Building and Safety Department Anthony Moreno, .Code Enforcement Department Sonia Cooley, Fire Department Sergio Bocci, La Quinta Resort Rick Middleton, La Quinta Resort Sterling and Kathryn Champ, 3791 Hampstead Rd., La Canada, CA 91 01 1-391 2 P:\stan\mup tup\tup 2007-732 Itr appr Verizon.doc AVENIDA VISTA BONITA ORLVE WAY <--CLUB NOUSE G (!)—EX/Srl'NG PALM MOUNTAIN DUNES PARKING 'LO T p ECEOdE D JUL 2 5 2001 u.,., a.; DEPM IEln EW 15A�a G V . Mfroq tp IGA f Z puLLrN& 100AMP f0 POWER C. 0W. O , 1q ld tKdVi M ONouzr 3" 102' PARKING L07- APPRO X'Q' . � I .I I� y O MIN, 15< S 3' NIG F-1 (o POTTED Q EL PLANTS TIED IN7-0 """"r d I R RIGATIONOO O BYPI�ING0EA MENT 1-1 0 EXHIBR` CASE N0. T oa"7 - 3z SCALE 1'= -4� 20 T —S5' I -- . Ln e ;\\7-� I �G �O 10 IP 1�6' I C' I G MATURE TREES i ro y X35' i RESIDENTIAL A ' / I WALL C C a PROPRIETARY INFORMATION Not for use or disclosure outside Verizon Wireless except under Written agreement UNSW ON au 2 RIMS - 2AM AfT AID 60N AfF WALL D ° TELCO BOARD MWP r8IN X 95IN KICK OvT BATTERIES 6501 NATCN mot i A/C /1 CERF 8167/ 167/ SEE NOTE /2 8V 610M0[ A/C /2 --r---- '---- ---------------- OF ODOR 1200/ 1200/ 1000/ 0' ABBREVIATIONS MW - MICROWAVE NOTES* DOUBLE UNE INDICATES FRONT TOLL - AUXIUARY EQUIPMENT OF EQUIPMENT. RELTEC - DC POWER DISTRIBUTION DASHED UNE INDICATES FUTURE AND RECTIFIER BAY EQUIPMENT. MWP - MICROWAVE POWER PLANT ITEMS NOT DIMENSIONED ARE NOT CE - COMMA EQUIPMENT (ANALOG) NECESSARILY DRAWN TO SCALE. RF - RADIO FREQUENCY (ANALOG) CENTER UNE (J) • INDICATES DR - DIGITAL RACK (DIGITAL) CENTER UNE DOFF EQUIPMENT RACK. RR - RADIO RACK (DIGITAL) Ish C7 m 00 .9 cn 2�TIN m m.. OZ -� 0 19FEG �ANpTENNA- �(0 p 56 F'.T.IIV,%ST,ED V PIPE BUMP STABILIZER AND OUTRIGGERS (1EA. CORK ACCESS LADDER- LEf_L S!f�.f._E!.E:✓l�I1QN ENTRY APPROVED BY PLANNING DEPARTMENT BY`:iw`�DATtE -IL4 EXHIBIT 12eUt�•;1�c�t2 CASE N0. -114-P �irwl-anc�-Vrt-bv�� APPROVED BY PLANNING DEPARTMENT APPROVED BY PLANNING DEPARTMENT BY '6h!2 W DATE = 12110-7 EXHIBIT -vb5e4 CASE N0. l—LJ P 73 2 July 19, 2007 Mr. Chris Monfort Spectrum Surveying and Engineering, Inca For Verizon Wireless 11959. Mariposa Road, Suite 1 Hespeia, CA 92345 Subject: Temporary Use Permit 2007-732 (Temporary Cellular Wireless Facility for Verizon Wireless). Dear Mr. Monfort: The Planning Department has approved your request fora temporary un -manned wireless telecommunications facility on wheels adjacent to the west side of the Dunes Mountain Clubhouse at 50200 Avenida Vista Bonita as shown on the Enclosed plan and subject to the following conditions of approval: 1. Obtain an electrical permit for temporary power, prior to setting t`ailer onsite. 2. This approval is valid for. a maximum 90, days from date of thiE letter, after which this trailer and its appurtenant facilities must be removed with the site restored to its original condition. . A time extension may be requested a minimum of two weeks prior to expiration.. 3. A minimum of 15 three foot diameter and three foot high `decorative pots shall be evenly spaced around the front and exposed -side of the trailer dor screening purposes. The pots shall be provided with permanent irrigation and be planted with minimum 15 gallons shrubs (minimum 7' high),.such as Dodonea viscose (Green Hop Bush), Thevetia peruviana (Yellow Oleander) or Nerium Oleandar (Dwarf Oleander). These plants shall be maintained as.needed and immediately replaced if they -die. P.O. Box 1504 L'AQUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92247-1504 78-495 CALLS TAMPICO • LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 (760) 777 -7000' -FAX (760) 777-7101 P:\stan\mup tup\tup 2007-732 Itr appr.Verizon.doc 4. 24-hour emergency contact information shall be provided 'on the outside of the trailer in case problems arise that require your immediate attention. Emergency information shall .be. in a location clearly visible to the public. 5. • Install one 2A10BC fire extinguisher inside the trailer by the from'exit door. 6.. No temporary signs are approved unless separately approved by this Department. 7.. The City may elect to add Conditions to this application approval to mitigate any problems that arise not previously, addressed herein. This decision may .be appealed to the Planning Commission provided the necessary paperwork and filing fee.of $175.00 are filed with this office -within 15 days. If you have any questions, please contact me at 760-777-7064. r. Very truly yours_ STAN SAWA Principal Planner Encl. { c: Les Johnson, Planning Director ' { Doug Evans, Assistant City Manager VGreg Butler, Building and Safety Department Anthony Moreno, Code. Enforcement Department Sonia Cooley, Fire Department r ` Sergio Bocci, La Quinta Resort Rick Middleton, La Quinta Resort Sterling and Kathryn Champ, 3791 Hampstead Rd'.., La Canada; CA 911011-3912 Y; . P:\stan\mun tun\tun 2007-732 Itr annr Vari7nn rinr. AVENIDA VISTA SON -TTA CJ .MOUNTAIIV DUNE5 PARKING IOT- i 1'0 FOR CONSTRUCTION` c 1.0 -EX/5 it NG NfILMS I �. cC?Y T 0 PARKII\) G L0 Imo;� , a - n ;• • A4rrv. /-5 O 7' HIGH. O� A RE -INSPECTION'; FEE OF': $30 WILL BECHARGEDHE APPROVED_ .� POT -TED O PLANS AND:JOB CAR ARE'NQT ON PLANTS THE. SITE FOR '.A SCHEDULED TIEDINTO l IN SPECTiON.. E X/STING .NO"EXCEPTI NSI 1 R RIGATION0O O f MATURE T R EES CITY OF LA C�UINVTA BUILDING &SAFETY DEPT. I 'J APPROVE® =T` FOR CONSTRUCTION O B eo DAT ..} �: AVENIDA VISTA BONITO EXISriNu, zoo. �lE:rEFt. - PULLM& IOOAMP To POWER C. QW W/ I5 AMIp 5.E; o R MOU NTAI IV DU1NE5 PARKI NG.1OT- O —EX/5 it NG F'/iLMS O 1R A 10 POWER Ru 'I ❑ /#�/0 gAOLE rOONDt97- 3 �1---------- =-- - - =ten -55' 102'--- ------ I \ M I O Zoo; Avo3m' A IY'A� a►J : J CITY OF LA QUI' APP. RO X GO' 1 BUILDIN & SAFETY `uE�T. APP6�0!/D I FOR CON STRU TION 10 000 PAR KII1)3' LOT 0.. MIN. l 5 0 j �' 1-11GH 0 �� ARE-INSPECTfON FEE OF .$30 �T H 0 WILL BE:CHARGED,�F THE APPROVED .� 1 O n PLANS AND,. -JOB CAR ARE NQT ON PLANTS�.' THE Site FOR -.A':SCHR:DtILED TIEDINTO 0 i INSPECi`ION: , R R S Tl NGIGATION O %` .NO'D(CEPTI' NS,.. . . 00- j / MATURE TREES ', _ 0 35' ;r a -f, / RLSI DENTIAL SCALE 1'=20 /