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78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 Tdy 4 1wQur«rw COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMIT 28 VOICE (760) 777-7125 FAX (760) 777-7011 INSPECTIONS (760) 777-7153 Date: 11/3/2015 Application Number: BSOL2015-0085 Owner: Property Address: 57292 MERION JOHN AND SUSAN TRACEY APN: 762031032 57292 MERTON _ Application Description: TRACEY / ROOF MOUNTED SOLAR LA QUINTA, CA 92253 s Property Zoning:S2F—C::) z Application Valuation: $74,250.00 C) ::3, '61 O kn W Applicant: Contractor: a UNITED FIELD REMODELING INC DB UNITED FIELD REMODELING INCAQB C=) 17855 VANOWEN STREET 17855 VANOWEN STREET v a cse RESEDA, CA 91335 RESEDA, CA 91335 LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Profeysions Code, and my License is in full force and effect. License Class: B License No.: 896912 �l A Date: Contractor I hereby affirm under penalty of pSr?A' that I am exempt from the Contractor's State License Law for the following reason (Sec. 7031.5, Business and Professions Code: Any city or county that requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish, or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for the permit to file a signed statement that he or she is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's State License Law (Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code) or that he or she is exempt therefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars ($500).: (_) I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale. (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does the work himself or herself through his or her own employees, provided that the improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner -builder will have the burden of proving that he or she did not build.or improve for the purpose of sale.). (_) 1, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project. (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who contracts for the projects with a contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractors' State License Law.). (_) I am exempt under Sec. . B.&P.C. for this reason Date: Owner: CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued (Sec. 3097, Civ. C.). Lender's Lender's Add (818)402-5656 Llc. No.: 896912 WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm underpenalty of perjury one of the following declarations: I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for workers' compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the wg# for which this permit is issued. V ave and will maintain workers' compensation insurance, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My workers' compensation insurance carrier and policy number are: Carrier: _ Policy Number: I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the workers' compensation laws of California, and agree that, if I should become subject to the workers' compensation provisions of Section 3700 of the L r Code sha orthwith comply with those provisions. Date: Applicant: WARNING: FAILURE TO SECURE WO ER ' PENSATION COVERAGE IS UNLAWFUL, AND SHALL SUBJECT AN EMPLOYER CRIMINAL PENALTIES AND CIVIL FINES UP TO ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($100,000). IN ADDITION TO THE COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN SECTION 3706 OF THE LABOR CODE, INTEREST, AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. APPLICANT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT IMPORTANT: Application is hereby made to the Building Official for a permit subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth on this application. k. Each person upon whose behalf this application is made, each person at whose request and for whose benefit work is performed under or pursuant to any permit issued as a result of this application , the owner, and the applicant, each agrees to, and shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City of La Quinta, its officers, agents, and employees for any act or omission related to the work being performed under or following issuance of this permit. 2. Any permit issued as a result of this application becomes null and void if work is not commenced within 180 days from date of issuance of such permit, or cessation of work for 180 days will subject permit to cancellation. I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relatin o building construction, and hereby authorize representatives of this city to enter u n e above-mentioned property for inspection purposes. J / Date: [ / Signature (Applicant or A FINANCIAL • 1 DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT QTY- AMOUNT PAID PAID DATE HOURLY CHARGE - BLDG CITY STAFF 101-0000-42600 2. $290.00 $0.00 PAID BY METHOD RECEIPT # CHECK # CLTD BY Total Paid for BLDG CITY STAFF - PER HOUR: $290.00 $0.00 DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT QTY AMOUNT PAID PAID DATE BSAS SB1473 FEE 101-0000-20306 0 $3.00 $0.00 PAID BY METHOD RECEIPT # CHECK # CLTD BY Total Paid for BUILDING STANDARDS ADMINISTRATION BSA: $3.00 $0.00 DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT QTY AMOUNT PAID PAID DATE PV SYSTEM - ARRAY, FIRST 20 101-0000-42403 0 $24.17 $0.00 PAID BY METHOD RECEIPT # CHECK # CLTD BY DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT QTY AMOUNT PAID PAID DATE PV SYSTEM - ARRAY, FIRST 20 PC 101-0000-42600 0 $24.17 $0.00 PAID BY METHOD RECEIPT # CHECK # CLTD BY DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT QTY AMOUNT PAID PAID DATE PV SYSTEM - MISC EQUIPMENT 101-0000-42403 0 $72.51 $0.00 PAID BY METHOD RECEIPT # CHECK # CLTD BY DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT QTY AMOUNT PAID PAID DATE PV SYSTEM - MISC EQUIPMENT PC 101-0000-42600 0 $72.51 $0.00 PAID BY METHOD RECEIPT # CHECK # CLTD BY Total Paid for ELECTRICAL: $193.36 $0.00 DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT QTY AMOUNT PAID PAID DATE PERMIT ISSUANCE 101-0000-42404 0 $91.85 $0.00 PAID BY METHOD RECEIPT # CHECK # CLTD BY Total Paid for PERMIT ISSUANCE: $91.85 $0.00 TOTALS:$0.00 Description: TRACEY / ROOF MOUNTED SOLAR Type: SOLAR Subtype: Status: APPROVED Applied: 6/26/2015 SKH Approved: 10/28/2015 JFU Parcel No: 762031032 Site Address: 57292 MERION LA QUINTA,CA 92253 Subdivision: TR 25499-1 CM 78/129-128 CM 78/129 - Block: Lot: 2 Issued: 136 STAFF NAME Lot Sq Ft: 0 Building Sq Ft: 0 Zoning: Finaled: Valuation: $74,250.00 Occupancy Type: Construction Type: Expired: No. Buildings: 0 No. Stories: 0 No. Unites: 0 8/19/2015 Details: 11.76kW SOLAR ARRAY - (42) SOLARWORLD 280SW MODULES W/ (21) ENPHASE M250-60-2LL-S22 MICROINVERTERS W/ 12V BATTERY STORAGE SYSTEM. 200A SUBPANEL + MAIN BREAKER DOWNGRADE TO 150A [378SF] 2013 CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL CODE. ADDITIONAL CHRONOLOGY CHRONOLOGY TYPE STAFF NAME ACTION DATE COMPLETION DATE NOTES PLAN CHECK PICKED UP MARY FASANO 8/19/2015 8/19/2015 RESUBMITTAL LUIS URIBE 10/22/2015 10/22/2015 REVISED PLANS (3 SETS) BY LEON RUSSELL RESUBMITTAL MARY FASANO 8/3/2015 8/3/2015 RESUBMITTAL PHILIP JUAREZ 7/21/2015 7/28/2015 HAD TO MAKE ANOTHER COPY OWD BY AJ HE WILL CHARGE FOR THEM. RESUBMITTAL STEPHANIE KHATAMI 10/14/2015 10/14/2015 TELEPHONE CALL JAKE FUSON 7/7/2015 7/7/2015 NOTIFIED NIR HAGAG W/ UNITED FIELD REMODELING (818 - 784-2300) THAT PLAN REVIEW WAS COMPLETE AND REVISIONS WERE REQUIRED. TELEPHONE CALL JAKE FUSON 7/27/2015 7/27/2015 NOTIFIED UNITED FIELD REMODELING (818-784-2300) THAT PLAN REVIEW WAS COMPLETE AND ADDITIONAL REVISIONS WERE REQUIRED. Printed: Tuesday, November 03, 2015 11:00:08 AM 1 of 4 C" sysreMs FINANCIAL INFORMATION NO APPARENT CORRECTIONS WERE MADE. NO REDLINES OR DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT QTY AMOUNT PAID LTD PAID DATE RECEIPT # CHECK # METHOD PAID BY C CORRECTION RESPONSES SUBMITTED. APPLICANT SAYS HE TELEPHONE CALL JAKE FUSON 8/10/2015 8/10/2015 MAY HAVE MISTAKENLY MISPLACED THE 2ND REVIEW Total Paid for BLDG CITY STAFF - PER HOUR: $290.00 $0.00 BSAS SB1473 FEE REDLINES AND CORRECTIONS. SAME CORRECTIONS AND 0 $3.00 $0.00 REDLINES FROM 2ND REVIEW APPLY TO THIS REVIEW. NOTIFIED NIR HAGAG W/ UNITED FIELD REMODELING THAT TELEPHONE CALL JAKE FUSON 10/2/2015 10/2/2015 PLAN REVIEW WAS COMPLETE AND REVISIONS WERE $0.00 REQUIRED. TELEPHONE CALL JAKE FUSON 10/28/2015 10/28/2015 NOTIFIED LEON AT 909-938-4836 THAT PLANS WERE APPROVED AND PERMIT WAS READY TO ISSUE. CONDITIONS CONTACTS NAME TYPE NAME ADDRES51 CITY STATE ZIP PHONE FAX EMAIL APPLICANT UNITED FIELD REMODELING INC DB 17855 VANOWEN RESEDA CA 91335 STREET CONTRACTOR UNITED FIELD REMODELING INC DB 17855 VANOWEN RESEDA CA 91335 STREET OWNER JOHN AND SUSAN TRACEY 57292 MERION LA QUINTA CA 92253 FINANCIAL INFORMATION DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT QTY AMOUNT PAID LTD PAID DATE RECEIPT # CHECK # METHOD PAID BY C BY BY HOURLY CHARGE - 101-0000-42600 2 $290.00 $0.00 BLDG CITY STAFF Total Paid for BLDG CITY STAFF - PER HOUR: $290.00 $0.00 BSAS SB1473 FEE 101-0000-20306 0 $3.00 $0.00 Total Paid for BUILDING STANDARDS ADMINISTRATION $3.00 $0.00 BSA: PV SYSTEM - ARRAY, 101-0000-424030 $24.17 $0.00 FIRST 20 Printed: Tuesday, November 03, 2015 11:00:08 AM 2 of 4 - "WSYSTEMS DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT QTY - PAID PAID DATE - CHECK # METHOD PAID BY CLTD REVIE7-- WER SENT DATE DUE DATE STATUS REMARKS cFb of TNEO VV DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT QTY AMOUNT PAID PAID DATE RECEIPT # CHECK # METHOD PAID BY CLTD REVIE7-- WER SENT DATE DUE DATE STATUS REMARKS NOTES BY PV SYSTEM - ARRAY, 101-0000-42600 0 $24.17 $0.00 7/7/2015 REVISIONS REQUIRED 1 WK FIRST 20 PC AJ RETURNED ONLY ONE PLAN CHECK HAD TO NON-STRUCTURAL - JAKE FUSON 7/21/2015 PV SYSTEM - MISC 101-0000-42403 0 $72.51 $0.00 EQUIPMENT SEE 2ND REVIEW ATTACHMENTS. PV SYSTEM - MISC 101-0000-42600 0 $72.51 $0.00 EQUIPMENT PC Total Paid for ELECTRICAL: $193.36 $0.00 PERMIT ISSUANCE 101-0000-42404 0 $91.85 $0.00 Total Paid for PERMIT ISSUANCE: $91.85 $0.00 -'i 7-•�- t✓-,� 2 "�, .l J.., � ..\\ .}!!�-X��1yfL+-}."� - � � � . Y _'.i -V ' 1. Mt,l.. .��;y S� �'•��I Printed: Tuesday, November 03, 2015 11:00:08 AM 3 of 4 ropuSYSTEMS RETURNED REVIE7-- WER SENT DATE DUE DATE STATUS REMARKS NOTES DATE NON-STRJAKE FUSON 6/26/2015 7/6/2015 7/7/2015 REVISIONS REQUIRED 1 WK AJ RETURNED ONLY ONE PLAN CHECK HAD TO NON-STRUCTURAL - JAKE FUSON 7/21/2015 7/28/2015 7/27/2015 REVISIONS REQUIRED MAKE ANOTHER COPY ON'D PER YOU. 1 WK SEE 2ND REVIEW ATTACHMENTS. Printed: Tuesday, November 03, 2015 11:00:08 AM 3 of 4 ropuSYSTEMS #{..� v S - v • Printed: Tuesday, November 03, 2015 11:00:08 AM 4 of 4 OT SYSTEMS V K ..�,_ 4'-a arr Attachment Type CREATED OWNER NO APPARENT CORRECTIONS WERE MADE. NO PATHNAME SUBDIR ETRAKIT ENABLED BSOL2015-0085 -1ST REDLINES OR CORRECTION RESPONSES NON-STRUCTURAL - 7/7/2015 JAKE FUSON 1ST REVIEW REVIEW 0 SUBMITTED. APPLICANT SAYS HE MAY HAVE JAKE FUSON 8/3/2015 8/10/2015 8/10/2015 REVISIONS REQUIRED MISTAKENLY MISPLACED THE 2ND REVIEW 1 WK DOC 7/27/2015 JAKE FUSON 2ND REVIEW REDLINES BSOL2015-0085 - 2ND 0 REVIEW REDLINES.pdf REDLINES AND CORRECTIONS. SAME BSOL2015-0085 - 2ND DOC 7/27/2015 JAKE FUSON CORRECTIONS AND REDLINES FROM 2ND REVIEW REVIEW 0 CORRECTIONS APPLY TO THIS REVIEW. NON-STRUCTURAL- JAKE FUSON 9/24/2015 10/1/2015 10/2/2015 REVISIONS REQUIRED SEE 4TH REVIEW. 1 WK BSOL2015-0085 - 4TH DOC 10/2/2015 JAKE FUSON 4TH REVIEW NON-STRUCTURAL - JAKE FUSON 10/14/2015 10/21/2015 10/28/2015 APPROVED STH SUBMITTAL 1 WK CORRECTIONS.pdf Printed: Tuesday, November 03, 2015 11:00:08 AM 4 of 4 OT SYSTEMS V K ..�,_ 4'-a arr Attachment Type CREATED OWNER DESCRIPTION PATHNAME SUBDIR ETRAKIT ENABLED BSOL2015-0085 -1ST DOC 7/7/2015 JAKE FUSON 1ST REVIEW REVIEW 0 CORRECTIONS CORRECTIONS.pdf DOC 7/27/2015 JAKE FUSON 2ND REVIEW REDLINES BSOL2015-0085 - 2ND 0 REVIEW REDLINES.pdf BSOL2015-0085 - 2ND DOC 7/27/2015 JAKE FUSON 2ND REVIEW REVIEW 0 CORRECTIONS CORRECTIONS.pdf BSOL2015-0085 - 4TH DOC 10/2/2015 JAKE FUSON 4TH REVIEW REVIEW 0 CORRECTIONS CORRECTIONS.pdf Printed: Tuesday, November 03, 2015 11:00:08 AM 4 of 4 OT SYSTEMS Building. & Safety Manager Bin # City of La Quinta Building 8t: Safety Division P.O. Box 1504, 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 - (760) 777-7012 Building Permit Application and Tracking Sheet Permit # 65OL7,01$ - Coss Project Address: 2 0 ,v Owner's Name: (-t M f/ Address: 2_ 7 2 del A. P. Number: Legal Description: City, ST, Zip: �1— (f 41 TI p o 60 Project Description: Contractor: Address:�� ��C City, ST, Zip: (, Ll G 1,3 3cp Z S S �/✓% Telephone Q D State Lic. # : t10 el City Lie. #: Arch., Engr., Designer: Address: City, ST, Zip: Telephone: >: Construction Type: Occupancy: State Lic. #: Project a circle one): New , Addn Alter Repair Demo . type ' J ) P Name of Contact Person: �, (/� 4 Sq. Ft.: # Stories: # Units: Telephone # of ContactPerso 7 m Estimated Value of Pro" ct: t',7 APPLICANT: DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE # Submittal Req'd Recd TRACKING PERMIT FEES Plan Sets Plan Check submitted Item Amount Structural Cates. Reviewed, ready for corrections Plan Check Deposit Truss Cates. Called Contact Person Plan Check Balance Title 24 Cates. Plans picked up Construction Flood plain plan Plans resubmitted Mechanical Grading plan 2 Review, ready for correctimis/issue Electrical Subeontactor List Called Contact Person Plumbing Grant Deed Plans picked up S.M.I. 14.0.A. Approval Plans resubmitted Grading IN ROUSE:- '"' Review, ready for corrections/issue Developer Impact Fee Planning Approval Called Contact Person A.I.P.P., Pub. Wks. Appr Date of permit issue School Fees . Permit Fees tjTotal Overcurrent protection WARNING DC OVER CURRENT Battery Bank.Preparation The NEC/CEC requires both DC over current protection and a DC disconnect switch for residential and commercial electrical systems. Fuses and disconnects must be sized to protect the wiring in the system and are required to open before the wire reaches its maximurri current carrying capability. Failure to follow these instructions can result in death or serious injury. Terminal covers Color -coded snap -on DC terminal covers are included to avoid accidental contact with the terminals. Terminal covers are required for all installations, even if a Conext XW+ Conduit Box is used. It is also recommended that the.shank of the ring terminals (cable lugs)'becovered with heat shrink or some other form of insulation. Note: The NEC/CEC requires both overcurrent protection and a disconnect switch for residential and commercial electrical systems. These items are not supplied as part of the inverter, but are included with the Conext XW+ Power Distribution Panel. . Table 2-2 Recommended Battery Cable Size Versus Length Up to 10 Feet (3 m) Inverter Model Up to 5 Feet (1.5 m) (90°C wire) (90°C wire) Conext XW+ 5548 #2/0 AWG (70 mm2) #4/0 AWG (120 mm2) NA Conext XW+ 6848 #4/0 AWG (120 mm2) #4/0 AWG (120 mm2) NA Table 2-3 Battery Cable (in Conduit) to Maximum Breaker/Fuse Size Cable Size Required Maximum Breaker/Fuse Size #2/0 (00) AWG (70 mm2). 175 amps #4/0 (0000) AWG (120 mm2) 250 amps 975-0239-01-01 Rev G 2-15 This manual is for use by qualified personnel only NEW Conext XWN NA inverter/charger One solution for global power needs Conext1m XW+ is an adaptable single-phase and three-phase inverter/charger system with grid -tie functionality and dual AC power inputs. Available solar charge controllers, monitoring, and automated generator control modules enable further adaptability. From a single Conext XW+ unit to clusters up to 102 kW, the Conext XW+ is a scalable system that allows for the integration of solar capacity as required. Adaptable and scalable, the Schneider Electric'" Conext XW+ system is the one solution for grid -interactive and off -grid, residential and commercial, solar and backup power applications. f Why choose Conext XWO NA? True bankability • Warranty from a trusted partner with 178 years of experience • World leader in industrial power drives, UPS and electrical distribution • Strong service infrastructure worldwide to support your global needs Higher return on investment • Excellent load starting with high 30 -minute and 5 -second power • Performs in hot environments up to 70°C • Intelligent functionality enables solar prioritization, load shifting, peak shaving, and assists small generators with heavy loads • Backup power with grid -tie functionality converts external DC power to AC power for export to the utility grid Flexible • Single or three phase systems from 7.0 kW to 102 kW • Supports DC coupled and AC coup ed off -grid and grid -tie architectures • Supports charging of Lithium Ion battery packs tq Easy to service • Field serviceable with replacement boards and spare parts • Monitor, troubleshoot or upgrade firmware with Conext ComBox f —A Designed for reliability U • Extensive quality and reliability test ng • Highly Accelerated Life Testing (HALT) • Globally proven and recognized field performance Easy to install • System configures quickly into compact wall -mounted system • Integrates both grid and generator power with dual AC inputs • Balance of system components integrates battery bank, solar charge controllers and generators • Commission the entire system with PC software tool and Conext ComBox ' Product applications An6 Residential grid -tie solar with Self -consumption off -grid solar backup power Backup power Community electrification solar.schneider-electric.com Schneider Z?EIectric" Device shortname ................................................................. Inverter AC output ........... ........... ................... Output power continuous) at 25°C ................................................................ Overload 30 min / 60 sec at 25°C Output power (continuous) at 40°C Maximum output current 60 seconds (rms) Output frequency (selectable) Output voltage Total harmonic distortion (THD) at rated power Idle consumption search mode Input DC voltage range Maximum input DC current Charier DC outputDC output. Maximum output charge current Output voltage range Charge control Charge temperature compensation Power factor corrected charging Compatible battery types Batter bank range (scaled to PV array size) AC input XW+5548 NA l 5500 W 7000 W / 9500 W 4500 W 82 A (120 V); 41 A (240 V 50 / 60 Hz L -N: 120 V +/- 3%; L -L: 240 V +/- 3% < 5% <8W 42 to 60 V (48 V Nominal) 150 A 110A 40 - 64 V (48 V Nominal) Three stage, two stage, boost, custom Battery temperature sensor included 0.98 Flooded (default), Gel, AGM, LiON, custom' 440 - 10000 Ah AC 1 (grid) input current (selectable limit) 3 -60 A (60 A default) AC 2 (generator) input current (selectable limit) 3 - 60 A (60 A default) Automatic transfer relay rating / typical transfer time 60 A / 8 ms AC input voltage limits (bypass/charge mode) L -N: 78 - 140 V (120 V nominal) L -L: 160 - 270 V (240 V nominal) AC input frequency range (bypass/charge mode) 55 - 65 Hz (default); 52 - 68 Hz (allowable) AC grid -tie output �. Grid sell current range on AC I (selectable limit) 0 to 40 A (120 V) / 0 to 20 A (240 V) Grid sell voltage range on ACI L -N:105.5 to 132 +/- 1.5 V (auto adjusts entering sell mode) L -L: 211 to 264 +/- 3.0 V Grid sell frequency range on AC1 59.4 to 60.4 +/- 0.05 Hz (auto adjust entering sell mode) " Efficiency Peak 95.7% CEC weighted efficiency 93.0% General specifications Part number 865-5548-01 Product / shipping weight 53.5 kg (118.0 Ib) / 75.0 kg (165.0 Ib) Product dimensions (H x W x D) 58 x 41 x 23 cm (23 x 16 x 9 in) Shipping dimensions (H x W x D) 71.1 x 57.2 x 39.4 cm (28.0 x 22.5 x 15.5 in) IP degree of protection NEMA Type 1 Indoor Operating air temperature range -25°C to 70°C (-13°F to 158°F) (power derated a Warranty (Depending on the country of installation) 2 or 5 years Features +6848 NA i 800 W 00 W / 12000 W 6 00 W 1 A (120 V); 52 A•(240 V) 50 60 l' / L -N. 120 V +l 3%/L -L: 240 V +/- 3% < 5° <8 42 to V (48/ Nominal) 180 A 140 A VJ 40 - 64 V V Nominal) Three st two stage, boost, custom Battery em erature sensor included 0.98 Gel, AGM,LiON, custom' 440-1 3: 60 A (60 A d aunt) 3-60A( OAde ult) 60A18s L -N: 78 - 40 V (12 V nominal) L -L: 160 270 V (2 0 V nominal) 55 - 65 z (default); 2 - 68 Hz (allowable) 0Io 48 (120 V)10 I 27 A (240 V) L -N : 1 .5 to 132 +/- 1 5 V L -L: 2 1 to 264 +1- 3.0 59.4 60.4 +/- 0.05 H 95. 9 5% T65-6848-01 5.2 kg (121.7 Ib) / 76.7 kg ( 9.0 Ib) 158x41 x23cm(23x 16x9 in) i71.1x57.2x39.4cm(28.0x22. x15.5 in) ,e 25°C (77°F) 2 or 5 years System monitoring and network communications Available Intelligent features Grid sell, peak load shave, generator support, prioritized consumption of battery or external DC energy Auxiliary port 0 to 12 V, maximum 250 mA DC output, selectable triggers Off -grid AC coupling Frequency control Multi -unit operation Single and split phase: up to four units in parallel, three phase: up to 12 units in multi -cluster configuration with external AC contractor Regulatory approval Safety UL1741, CSA 107.1 EMC directive FCC and Industry Canada Class B Interconnect ^EEE 1547 and CSA 107.1 Specifications are subject to change without notice. Conext XWO works with the following Schneider Electric products XW+ Power Distribution Panel19iConext System Control Panel Conext Automatic Generator Start Product no. 865-1015-01 �. Product no. 865-1050-01 Product no. 865-1060-01 MPPT 60150 solar charge controller 11 MPPT 80 600 solar charge controller=.• 1 Conext Combox communication device Product no. 865-1030-1 Product no. 865-1032 " Product no. 865-1058 Conext Battery Monitor XW Configuration Tool Product no. 865-1080-01 Product no. 865-1155 0 2014 Schneider Electric. All Rights Reserved. All trademarks are owned by Schneider Electric Industries SAS or its affiliated companies. DS20141002_ConextXW+NA Conext MPPT 80 600 solar charge controller Install for less, harvest more energy The Conext"m MPPT 80 600 solar charge controller offers an industry -first set of integration features and top performance that allows for large PV array systems to be easily installed and connected to the battery bank at the lowest overall cost. Installing one MPPT 80 600 is faster than installing multiple smaller charge controllers and lowers overall costs further by utilizing fewer PV strings, smaller wiring and conduit, and by eliminating the need for PV combiner boxes and DC circuit breakers. Longer distances from array site to battery bank are also easier to accommodate than with sma er c arge controllers. Advanced Fast Sweep MPPT charging technology helps harvest the most energy available from the PV array, even in partial shade conditions. 80 A of battery charge current allows for the connection of PV arrays rated up to 600 V STC (2560 W for 24 V systems, 4800 W for 48 V systems). Why choose Conext MPPT 80 600? L:W True bankability • Warranty from a trusted partner with 178 years of experience • World leader in industrial power drives, UPS and electrical distribution • Strong service infrastructure worldwide to support your global needs Higher return on investment • Installs faster with fewer costly components • Improve battery life with selectable multi -stage temperature compensated charging • Harvest more energy with shade tolerant fast sweep MPPT algorithm Designed for reliability URobust design through rigorous Multiple Environmental Over Stress Testing (MEOST) Flexible • Available remote monitoring and configuration • Compatible with any brand of PV module, any grounding method • Stand-alone application or full integration with Conext XW inverter charger system Easy to install • Fewer string wires • Smaller AWG Wire • No need for combiner box or GFI circuit breaker Commercial grid -tie solar with backup power s Community electrification Residential grid -tie solar with off -grid solar backup power solar.schneider-electric.com Schneider VElectric- ........................................................... Device short..na....me MPPT 80 600 ................................................................. Electrical specifications _ �; —' ............................................................... Nominal battery voltage 24 and 48 V (Default is 48 V) Max. PV array voltage (operating) 195 to 550 V Max. PV array open circuit voltage 600 V including temperature correction factor Battery voltage operating range 16 to 67 VDC Array short-circuit current 35 A (28 A ® STC) Max. charge current 80A Max. and min. wire size in conduit #6 AWG to #14 AWG (13.5 to 2.5 mm2) Max. output power 2560 W (nominal 24 V), 4800 W (nominal 48 V) Charger regulation method Three -stage (bulk, absorption, float) plus manual equalization Two-stage (bulk, a orption) plus manual equalization Supported battery types Flooded, GEL, GM Custom Efficiency Max. power conversion efficiency 94% (nominal 24V), 96% (nominal 48V) General specifications Power consumption, night time < 1 W Battery temperature sensor Included Auxiliary output Dry contact switching up to 60VDC, 30VAC, 8A Enclosure material Indoor, ventilated, aluminum sheet metal chassis with 22.22 mm and 27.76 mm (7/8 in and 1 in) knockouts and aluminum heat sink IP degree of protection IP20 Product weight 13.5 kg (29.8 Ib) Shipping weight 17.4 kg (38.3 Ib) Product dimensions (H x W x D) 76.0 x 22.0 x 22.0 cm (30.0 x 8.6 x 8.6 in) Shipping dimensions (H x W x D) 87.0 x 33.0 x 27.0 cm (34.3 x 13.0 x 10.6 in) Device mounting Vertical wall mount Ambient air temperature for operation -20°C to 65°C (-4°F to 1490F), power derating above 45°C Storage temperature range -40°C to 85°C (-40°F to 185°F) Operating altitude Sea level to 2000 m (6562 ft) System network and remote monitoring Available Warranty Five-year standard Part number 865-1032 Regulatory approval Safety CSA Certified (UL1741, CSA 107.1) and CE Marked for the Low Voltage Directive (EN50178) EMC FCC and Industry Canada (Class 8), CE Marked for the EMC Directive (EN61000-6-1, -6-3), C -Tick compliant Specilications are subject to change without notice. Conext MPPT 80 600 solar charge controller works with the following Schneider Electric products Conext XW© inverter/charger XW 5548 NA Product no. 865-5548-01 XW 6848 NA Product no. 865-6848-01 XW 7048 E Product no. 865-7048-61 XW 8548 E Product no. 865-8548-61 �; —' Conext SW inverter/charger SW 2524 120 Product no. 865-2524 $W 4024 120 Product no. 865-3524 SW 2524 230 Product no. 865-25241 SW 4024 230 Product no. 865-3524-61 conext System Control Panel (SCP) Product no. 865 1050-01 Conext Automatic Generator Start e,: , Conext Combox * (AGS) Communication device Product no. 865-1060-01 ; .gym Product no. 865-1058 0 2014 Schneider Electric. All Rights Reserved. All trademarks are owned by Schneider Electric Industries SAS or Its affiliated companies. DS20141002_MPPT80600 .A-. Conext XW® Power Distribution Panel Save time and money installing and integrating XW+ system The Conext" XW+ Power Distribution Panel (XW+ PDP) is factory -wired and labeled to support the integration of multiple Conext XW+ inverter/chargers and Coned MPPT Solar Charge Controllers with a single battery bank. The XW+ PDP ships with breakers, bus bars and cables to install a single XW+ inverter/charger. With space to add wiring and breakers a single XW+ PDP supports one to -hree XW+ inverter/chargers, a diesel generator and either four MPPT 80 600 or four MPPT 60 150 Solar Charge Controllers. The XW+ PDP supports single-phase split phase or three-phase installations. A field -reversible door and multiple conduit knockout entry points allow for the XW+ PDP enclosure to be mounted and configured on either side of the inverter/charger. The XW+ Power Distribution Panel is designed to save significant time and money during installation, when compared to custom solutions. A mounting bracket and Conext XW+ Conduit Boz are also supplied with each XW+ PDP. Why choose Conext XWO Power Distribution Panel? C.1�7 True bankability • Warranty from a trusted partner with 178 years of experience • World leader in industrial power drives, UPS and electrical distribution • Strong service infrastructure worldwide to support your global needs Higher return on investment • Integrate multiple XW+ inverter chargers and MPPT Solar Charge Controllers with a single battery bank • Repeatable standard installation that saves time and money Flexible • Single-phase split -phase or three phase systems • Configure to the left or right side of the XW+ inverter/chargers • Multiple field configurable conduit entry points on the back, bottom, top and sides • DIN Rail mounting for QOU type and Multi -9 AC breakers 1Easy to service 1L� • Breaker configuration allows XW+ inverter/chargers to be AC bypassed for servicing • Field -reversible door panel allows for visual inspection Easy to install • Wall mount with included bracket • Add additional XW+ inverter chargers with Conext XW+ connection kit Product applications { r f i r Backup power Residential grid -tie solar with off -grid solar backup power Community electrification Self -consumption solar.schneider-electric.com Power Distribtution Panel XW+ Installation Kit for INV 2 INV 3 PDP XW+ Conduit Box Sch eoder 1-:1 .7-_ ... ... . .. * " " * "' " evi'ceshort"n'a'rn'e .. ......... '6............................................................. XWO Power Distribution Panel *******'* ............ ................. : * " Product dimensions (H x W x D) 76.1 x 40.6 x 21.0 cm (30.0 x 16.0 x 8.3 in) ......................................... Shipping dimensions (H x W x 0) 122.0 x 53.3 x 34.3 cm (48.0 x 21.0 x 13.5 in) Shipping weight 30.5 kg (67.2 [b) Product number 865-1015-01 Included XW+ PDP enclosure with a field -reversible panel door, includes wall mount bracket, and XW+ Conduit Box Three 60 A. 120/240 Vac, two -pole, Square -D, type QOU, DIN -rail mounted AC breakers for AC input, bypass and AC load (factory -installed), plus five AC breaker expansion postions One GJ 250A 160 Vdc, 3/8" stud DC breaker installed, plus two expansion positions Eight expansion positions for charge controller DC breakers One ground terminal bus bar, one neutral terminal bus bar and one battery negative terminal bus bar One pair #4/0 AWG Arctic Ultraflex Blue Tm battery cables (factory installed and labeled, ready to connect) #6 AWG Arctic Ultraflex BlueTm AC wiring (factory installed and labeled, ready to connect) Device short name XWO Power Distribution Panel (without AC breakers) Product number 865-1014-01 Included Same as XW+ PDP (865-1015-01), but does not include any AC breakers Device short name XWO Installation Kit for INV 2 INV 3 Pop Product dimensions (H x W x D) 22.9 x 40.6 x 21.0 cm (8.5 x 16.0 x 8.3 in) Shipping dimensions (H x W x D) 44.5 x 33.3 x 30.5 cm (17.5 x 13.0 x 12.0 in) Shipping weight 10.5 kg (23.1 lb) Product number 865-1020-01 Included XW+ Conduit Box and AC Sync and Xanb,,ST' cables #6 AWG AC wiring to connect the inverter to the AC breakers One GJ 250A 160 Vdc, 3/8" stud DC breaker, one bus bar for DC positive and one pair #4/0 AWG battery cables Device short name X WO Conduit Box Product dimensions (H x W x D) 22.9 x 40.6 x 21.0 cm (8.5 x 16.0 x 8.3 in) Shipping dimensions (H x W x D) 44.5 x 33.0 x 30.5 cm (117.5 x 13.0 x 12.0 in) Shipping weight 4.6 kg (10.0 lb) Product number 865-1025-01 Included XW+ Conduit Box Device short name Conext 120/240VAC Breaker Kit for Conext XW+ PDP Usage XW+ POP for additional XW+ inverter chargers, single-phase/spit-phase Product number 865-1215-01 Included Three 60 A, 120/240 Vac, two -pole, Square -D, type QOU, DIN -rail mountable AC breakers, jumpers, bypass interlock Device short name Conext three-phase Breaker Kit for Conext XW+ PDP Usage XW+ PDP for additional XW+ inverter chargers, three-phase Product number 865-1315-01 Included Three 60 A. 120/208 Vac, three -pole, Square -D, type QOU, DIN -rail mountable AC breakers, jumpers, bypass interlock Device short name 100A, 125VDC Breaker Master Pack (12 units) Usage XW+ PDP for MPPT 80 600 output, battery side Product number 865-1080 Device short name BOA, 125VDC Breaker Master Pack (12 units) Usage XW+ PDP for MPPT 60 150 output, battery side Product number 865-1070 Device short name 60A, 160VDC Breaker Master Pack (48 units) Usage XW+ PDP for MPPT 60 150 input, PV array side Product number 75 Device short name 250 60VDC Breaker Master Pack (6 units) Usage XW+ PDP for inverter charger connection to battery Product number 865-1065 Specifications are subject to change without notice Conext XWO Power Distribution Panel and accessories work with the following Schneider Electric products Conext XW+ inverter/charger XW+ 5548 NA Product no. 865-5548- 01 Conext MPPT 60 150 Conext MPPT 80 600 XW+ 6848 NA Product no. 865-6848- solar charge controller solar charge controller 01 LIPS, Product no. 865-1030-1 Product no. 865-1032 XW+ 7048 E Product no. 865-7048-61 XW+ 13548 E Product no. 865-8548-61 0 2014 Schneider Electric. All Rights Reserved. All trademarks are owned by Schneider Electric Industries SAS or its affiliated companies. DS20141002SonextXW+PDP NEW Conext XWN NA inverter/charger One solution for global power needs Conext1m XW+ is an adaptable single-phase and three-phase inverter/charger system with grid -tie functionality and dual AC power inputs. Available solar charge controllers, monitoring, and automated generator control modules enable further adaptability. From a single Conext XW+ unit to clusters up to 102 kW, the Conext XW+ is a scalable system that allows for the integration of solar capacity as required. Adaptable and scalable, the Schneider Electric-' Conext XW+ system is the one solution for grid -interactive and off -grid, residential and commercial, solar and backup power applications. Why choose Conext XW© NA? C4�7 True bankability • Warranty from a trusted partner with 178 years of experience • World leader in industrial power drives, UPS and electrical distribution • Strong service infrastructure worldwide to support your global needs _... ........ ._ _._. _............._............................................................ Higher return on investment • Excellent load starting with high 30 -minute and 5 -second power • Performs in hot environments up to 70°C • Intelligent functionality enables solar prioritization, load shifting, peak shaving, and assists small generators with heavy loads • Backup power with grid -tie functionality converts external DC power to AC power for export to the utility grid Flexible • Single or three phase systems from 7.0 kW to 102 kW • Supports DC coupled and AC coupled off -grid and grid -tie architectures • Supports charging of Lithium Ion battery packs _............._..... _... ......_ ........_.................. ........... ....... ......................... .... .- Easy to service 4J7� • Field serviceable with replacement boards and spare parts • Monitor, troubleshoot or upgrade firmware with Conext ComBox _....... ...... _.......................................... rA Designed for reliability U• Extensive quality and reliability testing • Highly Accelerated Life Testing (HALT) • Globally proven and recognized field performance .... ... ........... ....... —............. _....... ..,............._.......... ...................... ......... ...... Easy to install • System configures quickly into compact wall -mounted system • Integrates both grid and generator Power with dual AC inputs - Balance of system components integrates battery bank, solar charge controllers and generators • Commission the entire system with PC software tool and Conext ComBox Product applications _. ........-.........__._.... ................ Residential grid -tie solar with Self -consumption off -grid solar backup power L.s: w Backup power Community electrification ................................................................................................................. _... .- ............... ........._......._........ solar.schneider-electric.com Co XW - ----5, t ... . .... . ..... . ... ....... Device short name . ... .... 1. 1 . ... .... .............. XW+ 5548 NA . ... ..... .. ................ . . .. ....... XW+ 6848 NA Inverter AC output ............ . ...... .. .. ............. . ........ ........................ ..... .. . .... Output po we" r (continuous) , '''' at 25°C 5500 W 6+80,64, Overload'* *'30 min' 1 '60' sec at 25°C 7000 W 9500 W ............. ... . .. ...... ..... - 8500 W / 12000 W Output power (con't'i'nu+o+u's)a't'4*'O"***C 4500 W .. 6000. . - W . ........... ....... ..... .... .... Maximum output current 6'0* seconds *- ('r m . s) 82 A . . 1 . 2 + 0 V); 41 A (2 1 4 . 0 V) 10 1 2 A - ( . 12 1 0 .. V) 5 . 2 - A ( . 24 .1 0 V Output frequency (selectable) 50 / 60 Hz 50 60 Hz Output voltage * . ... .... L -N: 120 . V . +1-3 . %; L -L: 2401 V+/-.3 % . L -N . :120 . V +/- , 3%; L -L: . 240 V + 3% o'+ta'+I'harmonic.'.'dis'.to.'.r'*'ion.(T'HD**)+a*trat'+e"dp*owe'r, < 5%,- "1 5 i........ ........ ............. ..... Idle consumption search mode <8W ............... ...... .. <8W ....... . . .. I I ... ............ . ... . .......... ... Input DC voltage range .. .. .. .. ...... ........ 42 to 60 V (48 V Nominal) .. 11 . .. ....... ........................ ..... .. 42 to 60 V (48 V Nominal) ... Maximum input DC current 150 A 180 A Charger "136output .... .:, , , - , , " ,....... ,....., * 1.. 1. - 1. ... ....... ....... Maximum output charge current ... . 110A "... -1 . . ... 140 A 6uip'tit voltage range- 40 - 64 V (48 V Nominal) . . . .. . I . 40 .. 64 V 4 1 8 .11 V Nominal) . . . .. + . + . . . .... .... . Charge control , I � Three stage*, two stage custom boost,I . . ... . ..... . Three stage, t wo 1. stage, . b . o . ost, . custom 'y.. 6h,arge, temperature compensation' ... .... Batey temperature sensor included ........ Battery temperature s'e*nsorincluded ......I .......... ......... Power factor corrected charging 0.98 ...... . 0.98 Compatible battery' tiy'-p-e-s' ........ . . Flooded (default), Gel, AGM, 'L'i 0" N',+ custom +Flooded*' (default),- , Gel, A G, M',L'iO++N, c"u'sto-m- Batter bank range (scaled to PV array size) 440 - 10000 Ah .......... ........... 440 - 10000 Ah AC input AC 1 (grid) input current (selectable limit) 3 - 60 A (60 A default) 3 - 60 A (60 A default) * XC'2(gener'a'tor)' inip-ut-c' current limit) ......... .... 3 - 60 A (60 A default) 3+ 60, A+ (6'0*A' default).1. . I .. .. Automatic transfer relay rating / typical transfer time 60 A / 8 ms 60 A / 8 ms AC input voltage limits (bypass/charge mode) L -N: 78 - 140 V (120 V nominal) L -N: 78 - 140 V (120 V nominal) L -L: 160 - 270 V (240 V nominal) L -L: 160 - 270 V (240 V nominal) AC input frequency range (bypass/charge mode) , 55 - 65 Hz (default); 52 - 68 Hz (allowable) 55 - 65 Hz (default); 52 - 68 Hz (allowable) A6 grid -tie output . 1 . 1 . .. . . . 1. + Grid sell current range on AC'11(selecta+ble limit) 1 11 . . ........... I ... . .. ......... 0 1 o 40 A (1 20 V) 0 to 20 A 2 40 V) 0 to 1 48 A 12 0 V) 0 to 27 A (2 1. 4 . 0 . V)I ...... Grid sell voltage range on AC1 L -N:105.5 to 132 1.5 V L -N: 105.5 to 132 1.5 V (auto adjusts entering sell mode) L -L: 211 to 264 +/- 3.0 V L -L: 211 to 264 +/- 3.0 V Grid sell frequency range on A'C1 59 . .4 1 to . 1 60.4 +/- 1 0.0 . 5 Hz ... ... ... . 59 1 .4 . t . o . 60.4 .1 +/- . 0.05 . . H - z (auto adjust entering sell mode) ....... .. ... ............ . .............. ... Efficiency + ..... Peak 7*%' 7-- . 7%..... dd weighted efficiency,* + ...... . .. .... 93.0% ...... . ..... ......... .... ..... .. . . ....... 92+5% ............. I—— ... .. ...... 11.1.. .. .............. +.......'.... General specifications 'number ............ .......... . . ... Par't 865-5548-01. . . ...... 1 . ......... ....... 865-6848-01. 'Piocluct/ship'pin'g weight ... I . .. ....................... 5 + 3.5 kg (1 . 18.0 lb) 75.0 kg (165.0 . lb) - 1 - 6 . 9. . 0 .. lb . ) .... ........ ... . ... 55 . +2 kg (121.7 Ib) / 7 . 6.7 kg(169.0 . .. .... ... I Product dimensions (H x W x D) 58 x 41 x 23 cm (23 x 16 x 9 in) 58 x 41 x 23 cm (23 x 16 x 9 in) Shipping dimensions (H x W x D) 71.1 x 57.2 x 39.4 cm (28.0 x 22.5 x 15.5 in) 71.1 x 57.2 x 39.4 cm (28.0 x 22.5 x 15.5 in) .... I .. ... ......... . ... IP degree of protection ........ . ...... ..... ....... NEMA Type 1 Indoor . . ...... .. ..... . . ... . ..... .... .......... ..... Operating air temperature range .1 .... ...... .... ..... ...... I .. ............. ......... .. -25°C to 70°C (-13°F to 158°F) (power derated above 25°C (77F) ..................... Warranty (Depending on the country of installation) 2 or 5 years 2 or 5 years Features System monitoring and network communications Available .1 ............... .. .. ........ Intelligent features .......... . ... ..... . ........... Grid sell, peak load shave, generator support, prioritized consumption of battery or external DC energy . ....... ... ....... . . ......... .... Auxiliary port 0 to 12 V, maximum 250 mA DC output, selectable triggers . .. ..... .I iOff-grid Ac coupling ......... ... .. ................. Frequency control .... ... .. . .................... ..................... .......... ............. ............ .. ............. Multi -unit operation Single and split phase: up to four units in parallel, three phase: up to 12 units in multi -duster configuration with external AC contractor ........ ... . .. ... ...... - .......... Regulatory approval +107.1 . . . .. .. ........... . ... . ... .. ... ........... I . ...... ..... r .. ...... . ... Safety UL1+741,CSA EMC directive FC . C and . Indus . try Canada Class B . .. ... .......... Interconnect IEEE 1547 and CSA 107.1 Specifications are subject to change without notice Conext XWO works with the following Schneider Electric products .. .. .... ...... - .. - 1. -.- 0 2014 Schneider Electric. All Rights Reserved. All trademarks are owned by Schneider Electric Industries SAS or its affiliated companies. OS20141002_ConextXW+NA XW+ Power Distribution Panel Conext System Control Panel Conext Automatic Generator Start Product no. 865-1015-0 Product no. 865-1050-01 Product no. 865-1060-01 Conext Combox MPPT 60 150 solar charge controller MPPT 80 600 solar charge controller communication device Product no. 865-1030-1 Product no. 865-1032 Product no. 865-1058 Conext Battery Monitor XW Configuration Tool Product no. 865-1080-01 Product no. 865-1155 .. .. .... ...... - .. - 1. -.- 0 2014 Schneider Electric. All Rights Reserved. All trademarks are owned by Schneider Electric Industries SAS or its affiliated companies. OS20141002_ConextXW+NA ConextXW® Power Distribution Panel Save time and money installing and integrating XW+ system The ConextTM" XW+ Power Distribution Panel (XW+ PDP) is factory -wired and labeled to support the integration of multiple Conext XW+ inverter/chargers and Conext MPPT Solar Charge Controllers with a single battery bank. The XW+ PDP ships with breakers, bus bars and cables to install a single XW+ inverter/charger. With space to add wiring and breakers a single XW+ PDP supports one to three XW+ inverter/chargers, a diesel generator and either four MPPT 80 600 or four MPPT 60 150 Solar Charge Controllers. The XW+ PDP supports single-phase split phase or three-phase installations. A field -reversible door and multiple conduit knockout entry points allow for the XW+ PDP enclosure to be mounted and configured on either side of the inverter/charger. The XW+ Power Distribution Panel is designed to save significant time and money during installation, when compared to custom solutions. A mounting bracket and Conext XW+ Conduit Box are also supplied with each XW+ PDP. Why choose Conext XWO Power Distribution Panel? J: '7 True bankabitity • Warranty from a trusted partner with 178 years of experience • World leader in industrial power drives, UPS and electrical distribution • Strong service infrastructure worldwide to support your global needs Higher return on investment • Integrate multiple XW+ inverter chargers and MPPT Solar Charge Controllers with a single battery bank ' • Repeatable standard installation that saves time and money Flexible • Single-phase split -phase or three phase systems • Configure to the left or right side of the XW+ inverter/chargers ' • Multiple field configurable conduit entry points on the back, bottom, top and sides • DIN Rail mounting for QOU type and Multi -9 AC breakers I- Easy to service , t �t • Breaker configuration allows XW+ inverter/chargers to be AC bypassed for servicing • Field -reversible door panel allows for visual inspection Easy to install • Wall mount with included bracket • Add additional XW+ inverter chargers with Conext XW+ connection kit 7-1 G. XW+ Power Distribtution Panel i 1 XW+ Installation Kit XW+ Conduit Box for INV 2 INV 3 PDP f r Product applications Al Backup power Residential grid -tie solar with off -grid solar backup power Community electrification Self -consumption Schneider _ ... .. ..... solar.schneider-electric.com O'Electric- Device short name Product dimensions (H x W x D) Shipping dimensions (H x W x D) Shipping weight Product number Included Device short name Product number Included Device short name Product dimensions (H x W x D) Shipping dimensions (H x W x D) Shipping weight Product number Included Device short name Product dimensions (H x W x D) Shipping dimensions (H x W x D) Shipping weight Product number Included Device short name Usage Product number Included interlock Device shortname Usage Product number Included interlock Device short name Usage Product number Device short name Usage Product number Device short name Usage Product number Device short name Usage Product number Specifications are subject to change without notice. XWO Power Distribution Panel 76.1 x 40.6 x 21.0 cm (30.0 x 16.0x8.3in) 122.0 x 53.3 x 34.3 cm (48.0 x 21.0 x 13.5 in) 30.5 kg (67.2 Ib) 865-1015-01 XW+ PDP enclosure with a field -reversible panel door, includes wall mount bracket, and XW+ Conduit Box Three 60 A, 120/240 Vac, two -pole, Square -D, type OOU, DIN -rail mounted AC breakers for AC input, bypass and AC load (factory -installed), plus five AC breaker expansion postions One GJ 250A 160 Vdc, 3/8" stud DC breaker installed, plus two expansion positions Eight expansion positions for charge controller DC breakers One ground terminal bus bar, one neutral terminal bus bar and one battery negative terminal bus bar One pair #4/0 AWG Arctic Ultraflex BlueTm battery cables (factory installed and labeled, ready to connect) #6 AWG Arctic Ultraflex BlueT" AC wiring (factory installed and labeled, ready to connect) XWO Power Distribution Panel (without AC breakers) 865-1014-01 Same as XW+ PDP (865-1015-01), but does not include any AC breakers XWO Installation Kit for INV 21NV 3 PDP 22.9 x 40.6 x 21.0 cm (8.5 x 16.0 x 8.3 in) 44.5 x 33.3 x 30.5 cm (17.5 x 13.0x 12.0 in) 10.5 kg (23.1 Ib) 865-1020-01 XW+ Conduit Box and AC Sync and XanbWm cables #6 AWG AC wiring to connect the inverter to the AC breakers One GJ 250A 160 Vdc, 3/8" stud DC breaker, one bus bar for DC positive and one pair #4/0 AWG battery cables XWO Conduit Box 22.9 x 40.6 x 21.0 cm (8.5 x 16.0 x 8.3 in) 44.5 x 33.0 x 30.5 cm (17.5 x 13.0x 12.0 in) 4.6 kg (10.0 Ib) 865-1025-01 XW+ Conduit Box Conext 120/240VAC Breaker Kit for Conext XW+ PDP XW+ PDP for additional XW+ inverter chargers, single-phase/spit-phase 665-1215-01 Three 60 A, 120/240 Vac, two -pole, Square -D, type OOU, DIN -rail mountable AC breakers, jumpers, bypass Conext three-phase Breaker Kit for Conext XW+ PDP XW+ PDP for additional XW+ inverter chargers, three-phase 865-1315-01 Three 60 A, 120/208 Vac, three -pole, Square -D, type OOU, DIN -rail mountable AC breakers, jumpers, bypass 100A,125VDC Breaker Master Pack (12 units) XW+ PDP for MPPT 80 600 output, battery side 865-1080 BOA, 125V DC Breaker Master Pack (12 units) XW+ PDP for MPPT 60 150 output, battery side 865-1070 60A,160VDC Breaker Master Pack (48 units) XW+ PDP for MPPT 60 150 input, PV array side 865-1075 250A,16OVDC Breaker Master Pack (6 units) XW+ PDP for inverter charger connection to battery 865-1065 Conext XWO Power Distribution Panel and accessories work with the following Schneider Electric products Conext XW+ inverter/charger - XW+ 5548 NA Product no. 865-5548- 1�f����1pt 01 10 Conext MPPT 60150 Conext MPPT 80 600 XW+ 6848 NA Product no. 865-6848- solar charge controller solar charge controller 01 Product no. 665-1030-1 Product no. 865-1032 XW+ 7048 E Product no. 865-7048-61 XW+ 8548 E Product no. 865-8548-61 0 2014 Schneider Electric. All Rights Reserved. All trademarks are owned by Schneider Electric Industries SAS or its affiliated companies. OS20141002_ConextXW+PDP r Conext MPPT 80 600 solar charge controller Install for less, harvest more energy The Conext" MPPT 80 600 solar charge controller offers an industry -first set of integration features and top performance that allows for large PV array systems to be easily installed and connected to the battery bank at the lowest overall cost. Installing one MPPT 80 600 is faster than installing multiple smaller charge controllers and lowers overall costs further by utilizing fewer PV strings, smaller wiring and conduit, and by eliminating the need for PV combiner boxes and DC circuit breakers. Longer distances from array site to battery bank are also easier to accommodate than with smaller charge controllers. Advanced Fast Sweep MPPT charging technology helps harvest the most energy available from the PV array, even in partial shade conditions. 80 A of battery charge current allows for the connection of PV arrays rated up to 600 V STC (2560 W for 24 V systems, 4800 W for 48 V systems). Why choose Conext MPPT 80 600? , ��•� [7 True bankability • Warranty from a trusted partner with 178 years of experience f • World leader in industrial power drives, UPS and electrical distribution • Strong service infrastructure worldwide to support your global needs Higher return on Investment 1 • Installs faster with fewer costly components I • Improve battery life with selectable multi -stage temperature compensated charging • Harvest more energy with shade tolerant fast sweep MPPT algorithm �—^ Designed for reliability ; U• Robust design through rigorous Multiple Environmental Over Stress Testing (MEOST) • C.., Flexible Cd • Available remote monitoring and configuration f • Compatible with any brand of PV module, any grounding method' • Stand-alone application or full integration with Conext XW inverter p� charger system 7:. , . f, t Easy to install • Fewer string wires • Smaller AWG Wire • No need for combiner box or GFI circuit breaker • r w s Product applications C�" Commercial grid -tie solar Residential grid -tie solar with off -grid solar with backup power backup power L -= '®- Community electrification Self -consumption .. ....... ........ .............................. .... ...... ........ .... . Schneider solar.schneider-electric.com 47 E I e c t r i c- Device short name Electrical specifications Nominal battery voltage Max. PV array voltage (operating) Max. PV array open circuit voltage Battery voltage operating range Array short-circuit current Max. charge current Max. and min. wire size in conduit Max. output power Charger regulation method Supported battery types Efficiency Max. power conversion efficiency General specifications Power consumption, night time Battery temperature sensor Auxiliary output Enclosure material IP degree of protection Product weight Shipping weight Product dimensions (H x W x D) Shipping dimensions (H x W x D) Device mounting Ambient air temperature for operation Storage temperature range Operating altitude System network and remote monitoring Warranty Part number Regulatory approval Safety EMC Specifications are subject to change without notice. MPPTS0600 24 and 48 V (Default is 48 V) 195 to 550 V 600 V including temperature correction factor 16 to 67 VDC 35A(28A®STC) 80 A #6 AWG to #14 AWG (13.5 to 2.5 mm2) 2560 W (nominal 24 V), 4800 W (nominal 48 V) Three -stage (bulk, absorption, float) plus manual equalization Two-stage (bulk, absorption) plus manual equalization Flooded, GEL, AGM, Custom 94% (nominal 24V), 96% (nominal 48V) <1W Included Dry contact switching up to 60VDC, 30VAC, 8A Indoor, ventilated, aluminum sheet metal chassis with 22.22 mm and 27.76 mm (7/8 in and 1 in) knockouts and aluminum heat sink IP20 13.5 kg (29.8 Ib) 17.4 kg (38.3 Ib) 76.0 x 22.0 x 22.0 cm (30.0 x 8.6 x 8.6 in) 87.0 x 33.0 x 27.0 cm (34.3 x 13.0x 10.6 in) Vertical wall mount -20°C to 65°C (-4°F to 149°F), power derating above 45°C -40°C to 85°C (-40°F to 185°F) Sea level to 2000 m (6562 ft) Available Five-year standard 865-1032 CSA Certified (UL1741, CSA 107.1) and CE Marked for the Low Voltage Directive (EN50178) FCC and Industry Canada (Class B), CE Marked for the EMC Directive (EN61000-6-1, -6-3), C -Tick compliant Conext MPPT 80 600 solar charge controller works with the following Schneider Electric products Conext XWO inverter/charger Conext SW Inverter/charger XW 5548 NA Product no. 865-5548-01 SW 2524 120 Product no. 865-2524 Conext System Control Panel (SCP) XW 6848 NA Product no. 865-6848-01 SW 4024 120 Product no. 865-3524 _ XW 7048 E Product no. 865-7048.61 SW 2524 230 Product no. 865-2524-61 Product no. 865-1050-01 XW 8548 E Product no. 865-8548-61 SW 4024 230 Product no. 865-3524.61 Conext Automatic Generator Start _ _ Conext Combox (AGS) ® Communication device Product no. 865-1060-01 Product no. 865-1058 0 2014 Schneider Electric. All Rights Reserved. All trademarks are owned by Schneider Electric Industries SAS or its affiliated companies. DS20141002_MPPT80600 Product data sheet Q011224L125GR6 Characteristics LOAD CENTER QO MLO 240V 125A 1 PH 12SP Product availability: Stock - Normally stocked in distribution facility Price': 365.00 USD Main Commercial Status Commercialised Product or component Load Center type Range of product QO Load center type Convertible Mains (lugs) [In] rated current 125 A Number of spaces 12 Short-circuit current 65 kA Number of circuits 24 Number of tandem 12 circuit breakers 8 Network number of 1 phase phases [Ue] rated operational 120/240 V AC voltage S �a Complementary £ AWG gauge 6...2/0 AWG aluminium/copper NEMA degree of protection NEMA 311 outdoor Cover type Surface cover 5 Device composition Grounding bar included (not installed) i Electrical connection Lugs j j� �'zs Wiring configuration 3 -wire V Material Tin plated copper busbar Product certifications UL listed t3 C s Ordering and shipping details Category 00002 - QO 1PH LC,12-42 CKT,NEMA3R Discount Schedule DE3A T S GTIN 00785901867845 m Nbr. of units in pkg. 1 E 9 11 Package weight(Lbs) 21.02 8 -.13 Product availability Stock - Normally stocked in distribution facility va`o Returnability Y n Country of origin Us �.9 's Offer Sustainability a s Sustainable offer status Not Green Premium product RoHS Compliant - since 1248 - §` Schneider Electric declaration of conformity " s SZ 1! `o REACh Reference not containing SVHC above the threshold g Product life instructions Need end of no specific recycling operations Contractual warranty Period 18 months Apr 7. 2014 Schneider QElectrlc 1 Deka AGM Batteries - Deep cycle batteries for Marine, RV, Inverter, EV (Electric Vehicle), Golf Cart, Renewable Energy, Solar Panel (Photovoltaic), and Alternative (Alternate) Energy Applications. Click Here To Doxvifload The CompIcte Deka AGM Specifications •• Click to download and save on your computer. PDF format. Adobe Acrobat viewer required for viewing.) Deka AGM Deep Cycle Batteries 1 Amp Mrs 0 l j ModeE 120 32°FCA Rcaerve Cap. 0° f CCA Length Width Height Weight MR Rete i 2S Ampe 8A24 79 735 52S 145 10 7/8 in 6 3/4 In 9 7/8 in 53 lbs 276 mm 171 mm 251 mm 24 kgs 11A27 92 810 580 185 12 3/4 in 6 3/41>n 9 7/81n 63 lbs 12V 324 mm 171 mm 251 mm 28.6 kgs BA31DT 105 1000 Boo 210 12 15/16 In 6 3/4 In 9 3/8 in 69 lbs 329 mm 171 mm 238 mm 31.3 kgs BA40 198 1420 1110 413 20 3/4 in B i/2 In 10 in 129 Ibs 527 mm 216 mm 2S4 mm S&S kgs SABO 24S 1800 1450 517 20 3/4 in 11 In 10 In 158 lbs. 527 mm 279 mm 254 m n 71.7 kgs 6v BAGC2 190 900 680 409 10 1/4 in 7 1/8 In 10 7/8 in 69.5 lbs 260 mm 181 mm 276 mm 31.5 kgs Deka AGM 8AGC2 (8AGC2M) AGM Benefits: • Maintenance -free construction eliminates the need to add water. • Completely sealed valve -regulated design eliminates acid spills and terminal corrosion. • Safer operation substantially minimizes chance of acid spray, fumes and explosion hazards. • Flexible design can be installed in almost any position. • Lower electrical resistance provides higher discharge rates. • High freeze -resistance offers longer battery life. • Resists vibration damage for longer operating time. • Rated non -spillable by ICAO, IATA and DOT • Transports easily and safely by air. No special containers needed • Made in the U.S.A /o IRONRIDGE -maswrPdwL& Enclosures & Battery Racks 8D Battery Enclosures These units have a Minimum Order Quantity of 10 enclosures, and are built to order, with an approximate 6-7 week lead time. BEE Enclosures I . Our BEE Series Battery Enclosures provide NEMA 3R equivalent storage for larger batteries. These enclosures are designed to be shelf or floor mounted, and do not work in conjunction with pole mount kits. Standard features include: Electrical knockouts provided in convenient locations, stainless lid mounting hardware, and passive ventilation provisions. The BEE Series represents our most economical large battery storage enclosure and can be also used to house electrical components. Model Part Number MOQ Designed For Nominal OD - MSRP EA BEE8D-02A 55-2700-200 10 2 Group 8D / 4 Group 27 24 x 25 x-14 $571 BEE81D-04A 55-2700-410 10 4,Group 8D / 10 Group 27 24 x 48 x 14 $920 BEE8D-06A 1 55-2700-600 1 10 1 6 Group 8D'/ 15 Group 27 24 x 70 x 14 $1395 -zjO� IRONRIDGE mverpfiw est Enclosures & Battery Racks Introduction -i Thank you for choosing IronRidge's Battery Enclosures and Rack solutions. This catalog provides product information and pricing for our complete line of Battery Enclosures and Racks designed specifically for the PV industry to hold different sized... batteries from all of the major manufacturers. The Battery Racks can be anchored to a floor or. foundation using holes provided in the feet. Most of the. Enclosures have the added versatility of pole mounting capability. IronRidge engineers and manufactures all of its Battery Enclosures and Racks with the use of.destructive and non-destructive' . testing where applicable. , Price and specifications are subject to change without notice. However, IronRidge strives to maintain open communication with all of our customers and partners. In most cases, we will communicate via email 30 days in advance of any part number or pricing changes. Please make sure your server is setup to receive e-mailsfrom any address at ironridge.com. IronRidge welcomesJeedback concerning the accuracy and user-friendliness of this: " { pricing guide. Please send any suggestions to salesO-ironridge.com. .� Battery Sizing IronRidge Battery Enclosures and Racks are designed to hold batteries of different sizes included in the table below. Please note that specifications are approximate and for reference only. The groups in this table include the physical dimensions, weights, and Amp -hr capacity. Most battery manufacturers assign their own part number to existing sizes within these groups. The sizing chart below helps identify which batteries will fit into our Battery Enclosures and Battery Racks by reading the product descriptions in this document. Battery Group L x W x H (in) Amp -Hours Volts Weight U-1 7.8 x 5.1 x 7.3 34-40 12 25 Group 24 10.9 x 6.8 x 9.9 70-85 12 54 Group 27 12.8 x 6.8 x 9.9 85-105 12 64 Group 31 12.9 x 6.8 x 9.4 95-125 12 72 4-D 20.8 x 8.5 x 10.0 180-215 12 130 8-D 20.8 x 11.0 x 10.0 225-255 12 161 Golf Cart + T-105 10.4 x 7.1 x 10.9 180-220 6 62 L-16 11.0 x 7.0 x 17.0 340-415 1 6 128 Prices and specifications subject to change without notice CnUAREU: AC GIS -CONNECT .Z%n .1 '1000, N EMA 3R ,(D,22;3MRB)' k p. rr 1 r im Ma ndaetureT: SquaTe 07 ManufaetmwPaANumbw_ D2MRB F'TcdmtDescTW-on_ SqLwe Q AC Ub=vtM NEMA 3R IWA 24W, 2-P&-- Road. Ma=al But. 4M It. DZMM r _z, 0-0-m- -) ,14 ........ ... ...... .............. ......... 1� FRODUCTOVERVMV TECHN�FCALS1gE43FTCATICKNSA#",E CKM910ADIS PRODUCT OVERVIEW Squai-re D yrs breakers, ivqhdi�i,-lbzd ciati6sr-grdundinq PROD UCTOES CRIP TION Squgre D AC' Drisconnect ICMINBIA 3R, 022ARB FEATURES 10D Amp 24(NAC • 2-.Pode Fimed •'Nemrail Bar • MEMA 3R SQUA RE. D: AC DISCONNECT, IOOA, NEiMA .3R (D223NRB) h Zcom RRoau[T OVE FSYI EIRi TEcHiacA L s ixEirFIcATroNS I BmL''LJ]'9mr oo4Y'mt oA 0s TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ScdiWrt fte mm Nwnber- 3—= Idam dazttr Sqime MamifazturerlParf fir: IPmdL,ct[escdpfw:: 2- gu`ra7 , 4 fi,. 9D22 h Zcom RRoau[T OVE FSYI EIRi TEcHiacA L s ixEirFIcATroNS I BmL''LJ]'9mr oo4Y'mt oA 0s TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS SQUARE Dm CI RCUI T BREAKER, 30A,. NEMA 3 R (HU361 RB), Soligent lWn Niunbw: 50043W fAMMAadwen Squaw D -r Part ManuFacture Numben HUGGIRS, Product Desmipfion: Squme 0, Int, iNEMA 3R, 30A, UWAGWOVOC, 3Pde!Uffused, Hub., 63833, HUMIRB, Lg'"'* 9j®r PRODUCT OVERVIEW, A.&PECIMICATIONS IDO�,UMmiEllyTIDOVM,,.LOADS. PRODUCT OVERM EW'_ Square D offers breakers, switches, load centers, grounding kits and more. PRODUCT DESCRIPT1,10N Square 'D Circuit Breaker, 30A., NEMA 3R, HU36IRB FEATURES • :30 Amp • 60041AC./6,0CYVDC • 3 -Pole Unfused • Hub SQUARE D: CIRCUITBREAKER, 30A, NEMA 3R(HU361 RB) Safiga7d Run Number 5BG4DM7 NWTufacturer: tquare ID Manufachuu Part tihmber: HuMiRG, P-rod'Lml Desw#d,on: Square 0, Drtsomvv&, NEMPI 3R MA, O"ACMDUVOC, �Fde. �Unkised, 11HU., 63933.. IHLMlRB -- PROD --------- 1�r PRODUCT OVEWIEW TECHNICAL SPEMIFICATIONS DOCAMENT DOWNLOADS TEECHNICAL SPEC I FICATI 0 NIS Enphase® Microinverters Enphase@M250 orro n The Enphase® M250 Microinverter delivers increased energy harvest and reduces design and ' installation complexity with its all -AC approach. With the M250, the DC circuit is isolated and insulated from ground, so no Ground Electrode Conductor (GEC) is required for the microinverter. This further simplifies installation, enhances safety, and saves on labor and materials costs. The Enphase M250 integrates seamlessly with the Engage® Cable, the Envoy® Communications Gatewar, and Enlighten®, Enphase's monitoring and analysis software. PRODUCTIVE - Optimized for higher -power modules - Maximizes energy production - Minimizes impact of shading, dust, and debris SIMPLE - No GEC needed for microinverter - No DC design or string calculation required - Easy installation with Engage Cable RELIABLE - 4th -generation product - More than 1 million hours of testing and 3 million units shipped - Industry-leading warranty, up to 25 years enphase® SA® E N E R G Y C US Enphase® M250 Microinverter // DATA INPUT DATA (DC) M250-60-2LL-S22/S23/S24 Recommended input power (STC) 210 - 300 W Communication Maximum input DC voltage 48 V The DC circuit meets the requirements for ungrounded PV arrays in Peak power tracking voltage 27 V - 39 V Operating range 16 V - 48 V Free lifetime monitoring via Enlighten software Min/Max start voltage 22 V / 48 V Max DC short circuit current 15 A nominal if required by the utility Max input current 9.8 A OUTPUT DATA (AC) @208 VAC @240 VAC Peak output power 250 W 250 W Rated (continuous) output power 240 W 240 W Nominal output current 1.15 A (A rms at nominal duration) 1.0 A (A rms at nominal duration) Nominal voltage/range 208 V / 183-229 V 240 V / 211-264 V Nominal frequency/range 60.0 / 57-61 Hz 60.0 / 57-61 Hz Extended frequency range" 57-62.5 Hz 57-62.5 Hz Power factor >0.95 >0.95 Maximum units per 20 A branch circuit 24 (three phase) 16 (single phase) Maximum output fault current 850 mA rms for 6 cycles 850 mA rms for 6 cycles EFFICIENCY CEC weighted efficiency, 240 VAC 96.5% CEC weighted efficiency, 208 VAC 96.0% Peak inverter efficiency 96.5% Static MPPT efficiency (weighted, reference EN50530) 99.4% Night time power consumption 65 mW max MECHANICAL DATA Ambient temperature range -40°C to +65°C Operating temperature range (internal) -40°C to +85°C Dimensions (WxHxD) 171 mm x 173 mm x 30 mm (without mounting bracket) Weight 2.0 kg Cooling Natural convection - No fans Enclosure environmental rating Outdoor - NEMA 6 FEATURES Compatibility Compatible with 60 -cell PV modules. Communication Power line Integrated ground The DC circuit meets the requirements for ungrounded PV arrays in NEC 690.35. Equipment ground is provided in the Engage Cable. No additional GEC or ground is required. Monitoring Free lifetime monitoring via Enlighten software Compliance UL1741/IEEE1547, FCC Part 15 Class B, CAN/CSA-C22.2 NO. 0-M91, 0.4-04, and 107.1-01 ' Frequency ranges can be extended beyond nominal if required by the utility To learn more about Enphase Microinverter technology, ( 1 enphase® visit enphase.com E N E R G Y 0 2013 Enphase Energy. All rights reserved. All trademarks or brands in this document are registered by their respective owner. Sunmodule;-/ Plus SW 280 MONO BLACK (33mm frame) TUV Power controlled: TUVNAeMlaaid Lowest measuring tolerance in industry I � AlEvery component is tested to meet 3 times IEC requirements Designed to withstand heavy accumulations of snow and ice J OSunmodule Plus: f J Positive performance tolerance 25 -year linear performance warranty and 10 -year product warranty J 9 Glass with anti -reflective coating J World-classualit aNa6ned,1EC613n 9 y BtPoi gfled, IEC 61130 ca ®v •filfw'n fandrflst.n ,1FC60068.2-66 Fully -automated production lines and seamless monitoring ofthe process and mate- D e Army 1 rEflfbnfe, lEC 63716rial ensure the quality that the company sets as its benchmark for its sites worldwide. -P�d1c1n,p«<,e�6'"' cus Pr' dl In P E'I UL 1703 SolarWorld Plus -Sorting 'OWetC°^"°"^ Plus -Sorting guarantees highest system efficiency. SolarWorld only delivers modules • '" that have greater than or equal to the nameplate rated power. C E [EI] p • •11 Home Innovation 0Ef Q. - 2S -year linear performance guarantee and extension of product warranty to 10 years SolarWorld guarantees a maximum performance digression of 0.7% p.a. in the courseDVE of 25 years, a significant added value compared to the two-phase warranties com Mcs 01/ �g mon in the industry, along with our industry -first 10 -year product warranty.' 'in accordance with the applicable SolarWorld Limited Warranty at purchase. www.solarworld.com/warranty solarworld.com MADE IN USA OF Us AND IMPORTED PARTS Sunmodule;/Plus SW 280 MONO BLACK (33mm frame) PERFORMANCE UNDER STANDARD TEST CONDITIONS (STC)' Maximum power Pm„ 280 Wp Open circuit voltage Va 39.5 V Maximum power point voltage VmPp 31.2 V Short circuit current 1„ 9.71 A Maximum power point current I -pp 9.07 A Module efficiency nm 16.7% 'STC: 1000 W/m', 25"C, AM 1.5 1) Measuring tolerance (P,,,) traceable to TUV Rheinland: +/- 2% (TUV Power Controlled) THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS NOCT 48 'C TC 1„ 0.044 %/'C TC� -0.31 %/'C TC Pm, -0.43 %/'C Operating temperature -40'C to 85'C 1000 W/mi u 800 W/m' a 600 W/m1 3 400 W/m= 200 W/ml 100 W/m° - Module voltage (V) V. 37.8(961)- 1.30(33) 7.8(961)- 4.20 (106.65) 207.2 Wp O 35.8 V Maximum power point voltage V, pp 1 7.12 7.85 A 160.26 (6.6) (180.85) 0 0 00.35(9) 0 o_ m 1 0 a P 00.35(9) 4 11.32 (287.50) 39.4 (1001) 1.30(33) All All units provided are imperial. SI units provided in parentheses. SolarWorld AG reserves the right to make specification changes without notice. PERFORMANCE AT 800 W/m2, NOCT, AM 1.5 Maximum power P,,,,, 207.2 Wp Open circuit voltage V. 35.8 V Maximum power point voltage V, pp 28.3 V Short circuit current I,, 7.85 A Maximum power point current Impp 7.33 A Minor reduction in efficiency under partial load conditions at 25'C: at 200 W/mr,100% (+/-2%) of the STC efficiency (1000 W/m=) is achieved. COMPONENT MATERIALS Cells per module 60 Cell type Mono crystalline Cell dimensions 6.17 in x 6.17 in (156.75 x 156.75 mm) Front Tempered glass (EN 12150) Frame Black anodized aluminum Weight 39.7 lbs (18.0 kg) SYSTEM INTEGRATION PARAMETERS Maximum system voltage SC HI NEC 1000 V Maximum reverse current 25A Number of bypass diodes 3 Design Loads' Two rail system 113 psf downward 64 psf upward Design Loads' Three rail system 178 psf downward 64 psf upward Design Loads' Edge mounting 178 psf downward 41 psf upward *Please refer to the Sunmodule installation instructions for the details associated with these load cases. ADDITIONAL DATA Powersorting' -0 Wp/+5 Wp J -Box IP65 Module leads PV wire per UL4703 with H4 connectors Module type (UL 1703) 1 Glass Low iron tempered with ARC SW-01-7112US 12-2014 0.43 (11) Compatible with both "Top -Down" and "Bottom" mounting methods 4PGrounding Locations: -4 locations along the length of the module in the extended flange. 1.30 (33) �-- 1.14 (29) -� SW-01-7112US 12-2014 DIRECTORY PLACARD (BELOW) CAUTION: POWER TO THIS BUILDING IS ALSO SUPPLIED FROM THE FOLLOWING SOURCES WITH DISCONNECTS LOCATED AS SHOWN FT�M 19/ 1-110 VIA=. .......... %/ PLACARDS & SIGNAGE ATTACH TO MAIN ELECTRICAL SERVICE MIN. 318" LETTERING RED BACKGROUND WITH WHITE CHARACTERS WARNING INVERTER OUTPUT CONNECTION DO NOT RELOCATE THIS OVERCURRENT DEVICE ........ ...................... Q AC Disco / SCALE N.T.S. PV POWER SOURCE OPERATING VOLTAGE 240V OPERATING CURRENT 62 A PERMANENT SIGNAGE NOTES: 1. ALL PLAQUES AND SIGNAGE REQUIRED U BY THE LATEST EDIETION OF CALIFORNIA z ELECTRICAL CODE AND THE LOCAL JURISDICTION w WILL BE INSTALLED AS REQUIRED. 0 L S O 2. ALTERNATE POWER SOURCE PLACARD SHALL BELLI �N Z U METAC OR PLASTIC ENGRAVED OR MACHING PRINTED o LETTERS IN A CONTRASTING COLAR TO THE PLAQUE. W'06- 8 THIS PLAQUE WILL BE ATTACHED BY POP RIVETS, SCREWS Ci Q OR DURABLE ADHESIVE MATERIALS. w z a ,� 0 3. DIRECTROY PLACARD MARKING CONTENT FORMAT`. HMO w i :)a It 4z RED BACKGROUND, WHITE LETTERING. MINIMUM 3.8" Cr LETTER HEIGHT, ALL CAPITAL LETTERS, ARIAL OR SIMILAR x z FONT, NON BOLD, REFLECTIVE WEATHER RESISTANT MATERIAL SUITABLE FOR THE ENVIRONMENT. LICENSE CL B AC DISCONNECT WARNING ELECTRIC SHOCK HAZARD LINE AND LOAD TERMINALS MAY BE ENERGIZED IN OPEN POSITION WARNING ELECTRIC SHOCK HAZARD LINE AND LOAD TERMINALS MAY BE ENERGIZED IN OPEN POSITION CAUTION: SOLAR CURCUIT WARNING: ELECTRIC SHOCK HAZARD -IF A GROUND FAULT IS INDICATED, NORMALLY GROUNDED CONDUCTORS MAY BE UNGROUNDED AND ENERGIZED U 0 Lu U 9 �Lu = N Or I REVISION DATE 1 1 7/16/2015 1 I PROJECT NO. 1 5/3/2015 SHEET PV-4- rk a AC Disconnect - 200A 240V ............ .............. / f 01 ELL L/=6 0 1 SITE MAP SCALE:1" = 20' 4, R E C EI OCT 222"0 t a:-rr CITY OF LA`. ' COMMUNITY DEV NORTH VICINITY MAP �• Cmiyon Gen �cNemr y raaae sdba'- 5 „•Q i ��.� r—w_uu rxw do`T ` I 12301 Dormant PE gWW V" CITY -OF M&OUINTA � Ile GnnO DA Nor .�+ u' `BUILDING,&.SAFETY DEPT. APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION DATE io �Phf BY GENERAL NOTES: to • ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL COMPLY WITH THE 2013 CALIFORNIA BUILDING, RESIDENTIAL, MECHANICAL, ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, ENERGY, and GREEN BUILDING CODES and the La Quinta Muniaple Code • SOLAR PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM TO BE INSTALLED ON RESIDENTIAL. STRUCTURE. • THIS PROJECT HAS BEEN DESIGNED IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE CEC SECTION 1609 TO WITHSTAND A MINIMUM 110 MPH WIND LOAD. • THIS HOUSE IS 2 STORIES TALL • THE TRUSSES ARE 2" X U' AND 24" O.C. • THIS SYSTEM WILL NOT BE INTERCONNECTED UNTILAPPROVAL FROM THE LOCAL JURISDICTION AND THE UTILITY IS OBTAINED. • THIS SYSTEM IS A UTILITY INTERACTIVE SYSTEM WITH NO STORAGE BATTERIES. • THE SOLAR PHOTOVOLTAIC INSTALLATION SHALL NOT OBSTRUCTANY PLUMBING, MECHANICAL OR BUILDING ROOF VENTS. • IF THE EXISTION MAIN SERVICE PANEL DOES NOT HAVE VERIFIABLE GROUNDING ELECTRODE, IT IS THE CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY TO INSTALLA SUPPLEMENTAL GROUNDING ELECTRODE. • EACH MODULE WILL BE GROUNDED USING THE SUPPLIED CONNECTION POINTS IDENTIFIED ON THE MODULE AND THE MANUFACTURER'S INSTALLATION GUIDE. • A LADDER'SHALL BE IN PLACE FOR INSPECTION IN COMPLIANCE WITH CAL -OSHA REGULATIONS. • LOCATED IN AREAS NOT REQUIRED PLACEME ROUND LADDERS OVER OPENINGS SUCH AS DOORS,OR WINDOWS • LOCATEDAT STRONG POINTS OF BUILDING COIJWCTION IN LOCATIONS WHERE ACCESS POINT DOES NOT CONFLICT WITH OVW4W OBSTRUCTIONS SUCH AS TREE LIMBS, WIRES, OR SIGNS n TABLE OF CON TS SHEET # SCRIPTION PV 1 SITE MAP IL PV -2 ARRAY LAYO /DETAILS PV -3 ELECTRICAL INAMIAGRAM PV -4 SIGNAGE 1ft SCOPE OF W K ROOF MOUNTED SOLARvPV SYSTEM QUANTITY MODEL PART NUMBER 42 SOLARWDRLD 280SW 1 SCHNEIDER CONEXT XVZ548 SYSTEM SIZE 11.76DC kW f^ 10.091 kW CEC-AC z Z uJw ix U Z 0 5co 0 W V tn W Z i0 c lx a 2 xz LICENSE CL B 1 7/16/2015 i I PROJECT NO. 1 V — 5/3/2015 SHEET PV -1 BRANCH 1 I , AC Disconnect TILT 23 AZIMUTH: 155 THE TRUSSES ARE 2"X 6" (12) SOLARWORLD 280SW rz Meter MODULES WITH AND 24" O.C. (1) CHARGE CONTROLLER CONECTED TO SCHEIDER NORTH CONEXT XW5548 n 4 Batte ox Battery Invert Critical Load S"ub� el Load Center \1 3' 18" 18" 3' a #/ 3' 18" .................... 3' � . 18" ' 18" BFIX, NOTES: PANEL ASSEMBLY WILL BE ATTACHED TO THE EXISTING ROOF BY THE CONSTRUCTION OF A STRUCTURAL FRAME TO CONSIST OF PRO SOLAR RACKING LAG SCREWS SHALL BE AT LEAST 6" FROM ANY TRUSS JOINT. SOLAR PANELS ATTACHED TO RAIL WITH MODULE MOUNTING CLIPAND 1/4" NUTS & BOLTS ROOF PENETRATIONS WILL BE SECURE AND WEATHER TIGHT WITH RUBBERIZED ELASTOMAT SEALER AND LEAD FLASHING ARRAY WEIGHT - 2.75 LBS/SQFT CITY OF LA QUINTA BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION DATE BY U z z� U awg 105 10 N O:Z24 W06� rL� Go o>ow no zpW(L XZ LICENSE CL B U Q Lu LJU U U rn 0 o v 1 Cj rysi BRANCH 2 TILT: 23 AZIMUTH: 155 BRANCH 3 TILT- 23AZIMUTH: 155 BRANCH 4Q TILT 23 AZIMUTH: M � Z p U 2 (9) SOLARWORLD 280SW MODULES WITH (13) SOLARWORLD 280SW (8) LE WTH 2 288 0SW w MODULES WITH MODULES WITH D ~ z (1) CHARGE CONTROLLER HEIDER (13) ENPHASE M250-60-2LL-S22 MICROINVERTERS ON THE ROOF (8) ENPHASE M250-60-2LL-S22 — MICROINVERTERS ON THE ROOF O N ENLARGED ROOF PLAN CONEXTEOS8 LO REVISION DATE TYPICAL ELEVATION/MOUNTING DETAIL MODULE6" FAST JACK FOOTINGS --- TILE i 14 FLASHING G7•\» 4V 5/16" X 4-'1/2" LAG SCREWS INTO EXISTING TRUSS MIN 2-1/2" EMBEDMENT STRUCTURAL ATTACHMENTS @MAX 72" OC 0 0f<==>0v WEEBL-6.1 WEEB Bonding Jumper -6.7 SPECS SHEETS FOR ALL EQUIPMENT ATTACHED TO PLAN SET 1 7/16/2015 1 PROJECT NO. 1 5/3/2015 SHEET PV -2 Modules i T � " --i — " —I — from PHOTOVOLTAIC (PV) WRE Y1 J-B- u CIRCUIT LOCATION CIRCUIT DSGN AMpS LOAD MOLT REQ AMPS WIRE GAUGE WIRE TYPE CONDUIT TYPE # Of Conductors CONDUIT SIZE Module / Module CO 8.71 1.56 13.59 #12 USE -2 WA 1 WA Module / J -Box G1 8.71 1.56 13.59 #10 PV WIRE N/A 4 NIA J -Box / C-60 G2 26.13 1.56 40.76 #8 TW&2 EMT 4 3/4" or Larger C$01 SXCB C-3 26.13 1.56 40.76 #8 THm2 EMT 4 314" or Larger XV1 W Inverter/ X AC I Sub CA 41 1 1.25 51.25 #6 THM2 EMT 4 3/4" or Larger Enphase Inverted X AC 1 Sub G5 21 1.25 26.25 #10 THM2 EMT 4 N/A XM I Batteries C-6 130 1.25 162 #410 1 THM2 EMT 4 N/A AJUSTMENT FACTORS for MORE THAN (3) CURRNET-CARRYING CONDUCTORS IN A RACBVIWY OR CABLE MAXIMUM # of CURRENT -CARRYING CONDUCTORS - (8) WF11CH = 700/o(TABLE 310.15(B)(2)(a) 7-9 CONDUCTORS) OF 40A (TABLE 310.16 AVZ#10 @90' = 28A Cone)d MPPr GROUND FAULT PROTECTION 28A> 26.25 MAXIMUM CURRENT NEEDED BOA 600V LOCATED INSIDE CHARGE Charge Colltmler CONTROLLER- FUSE IS 10 -KD IA' DC Disconnect 30A 2 -Pole '—' /Xantrex coned MDPT XV A CC A O DC Disconnect BOA �� V 1rJJfV 30A 2 -Pole Charge cv. I I n Inverter c_a 60 tI V U 2j ► 240 �_ --—------------ ——------— ----— —----------2o Mntrex DistrLbutbn Penh Breakere 8 Cmft Por both Battery Bank and Charge Controllers is #6 (or larger) C-6 Grounding is #6 (or larger) es to Inverter from Inverter to panel BRANCH 3 (13) SOLARWORLD 280SW MODULES WITH (13) ENPHASE M250-60-2LL-S22 MAX AC OUTPUT= 1A ` IIuL.11 (4) 12Von AGM Batteries Batterya. by I—Ridge Model SBEEBDAeA Plead hade garage ftt is verdad N 2.0— L #6 BARE SOLID COPPER CONTINUOUS BETWEEN PANELS, MICROINVERTERS, RACKING, AND J -BOX USING WEEB 8.0 GROUNDING LUG BRANCH 4 (8) SOLARWORLD 280SVV MODULES WITH (8) ENPHASE M250-60-2LL-S22 MAX AC OUTPUT= 1A #6 BARE SOLID COPPER CONTINUOUS BETWEEN PANELS, MICROINVERTERS, RACKING, AND J -BOX USING WEEB 8.0 GROUNDING LUG NEMA 3R J -BOX NEMA3R J -BOX ow�ee��-- — _ --_— knrt eerwc-pl — _ _ .. _.. �:�(0xy m�0 sew — O—bud70Mn/TAseca125-C _ - 76WW%95C6W Doi +w.®ti-.—w:)m.aC. nsoow" _ C-5 Madrtun ouWe�ery 6aeaouWlrrrs),-- B2A(w- 91 AID10 V) Ow>t+haa+d l'leabriwb) � 5o l6o Her - _~ QgrU vuaago LN. I� V µ3x; L1.2ff1 V ./.9{ carat irnavica kxrnfrHo)al moda� <s+t ... _ - - IDecmumptbneee'mmom'_. _ ._ <aw, .. _ kiPu oC `alu{p Targe <i D60V)<BVNorrdW) ., Maxirxm iVxa oCaxrcva .• 159A - L1 2 G QUIN'TA C� FET`( DEPT. ovED CO�ySTRUCTION F0 DAT��------ABY L1 L2 N G #12 TH1M4-2 WIRE BETWEEN MICROINVERTERS AND J -BOX WEATHERPROOF ENPHASE TRUNK CABLE (E) 200 Am)/240V Panel 0 z r (N)150 Amp Breaker 200AnvQ40V 0 W O Subpanel Panel for House REVISION DATE � Q AG Disconnect i DZ Do 58pw 10OA 240V InU)0 ASSOCIATED WRING AND INTERCONNECTIONS SHALL 2 -Pole Fused -100A BE INSTALLED ONLY BY QUALIFIED PERSONS. (CEC 690.4(E)) PROJECT NO. 1. GROUNDED DC PHOTOVOLTAIC ARRAYS SHALL BE PROVIDED xz 90 Alrlp 5/3/2015 _ SHEET HAZARDS. (CEC 690.5) 240 Vac PV- 3 #2 AWG THNNrrHVVN-2 #6 AM THNNrrHVW4-2 GROUND 0 z r 0 z w� �u00U4 11 L F— Z 0 W O W Z CV REVISION DATE � Q U., (g DZ Do 58pw 0 InU)0 ASSOCIATED WRING AND INTERCONNECTIONS SHALL :��a BE INSTALLED ONLY BY QUALIFIED PERSONS. (CEC 690.4(E)) PROJECT NO. 1. GROUNDED DC PHOTOVOLTAIC ARRAYS SHALL BE PROVIDED xz LICENSE CL B C-3 Q W U U `C, o O r NOTES: �u00U4 11 L F— Z 1, PHOTONOLTAIC SYSTEM CONDUCTORS SHALL BE IDENTIFIEDAND GROUPED. THE MEANS OF IDENTIFICATION SHALL BE PERMITTED BY SEPARATE _ pL, L COLOR CODING, MARIaNG TAPE, TAGGING, OR OTHER APPROVED MEANS. THE MEANS OF GROUPING SHALL REVISION DATE BE WIRE TIES OR SIMILAR MEANS AT LEAST ONCE, AND THEN AT INTERNALS NOT TO EXCEED SIX (6) FEET. 7/16/2015 (CEC 690.4(B)) 2. PHOTOVOLTAIC EQUIPMENT AND SYSTEMS AND ALL ASSOCIATED WRING AND INTERCONNECTIONS SHALL BE INSTALLED ONLY BY QUALIFIED PERSONS. (CEC 690.4(E)) PROJECT NO. 1. GROUNDED DC PHOTOVOLTAIC ARRAYS SHALL BE PROVIDED VMTH DC GROUND -FAULT PROTECTION MEETING THE 5/3/2015 REQUIREMENTS OF 690.5(A) THROUGH (C) TO REDUCE FIRE SHEET HAZARDS. (CEC 690.5) PV- 3