BPOL2015-0237Nov 04 15 05:26p Bubble Springs 7608379018 p:2 i t z f f I' • f - f f• f f f •- t- 11, 03 2015 TUE 15:50 FAX 1002,002 . � 1111111 (IIII IIII IIII 57 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO C • D vi� LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMIT Application Number: 8POL2015-D237 Owner: Property Address: 59955 SEVILLE TO DESERT DEV A PN: 764710 019 81571)CARE ON E RA5 Application Description: ANDALUSIA / POOL, SPA, fIREPITS, AND BBQ LA QU-NTA, CA 0 Droperty 2aning: - Application Valuation: 550,000.00 Applicant: JOHN LCAREY INC DBA BUBBLE -SPRINGS P ¢ BOX 1046 RANCHO MIRAGE, CA 92270 VOICE (760) 777-7US FAX (769) 777-7011 INSPECTIONS (760) 777-7153 Date: 10/30/2015 Contractor JOHN L CAREY INC DDA BUBBLE PO BOX 1046 RANCHO MIRAGE, CA 92270 (76C)341-2336 tic. No.: 728796 ...- C --------------------------------------------- ! : -------------- tICENSEO CONTRACrOR'S DECLARATIONV I hereby affirm under penally of oecllury that' am licensee r proves ons of Chapter 9 {commencing wjrh Sactlon 7000) or Dlvlslon 3 of the sine end Prof slons Code, and my license Is In full force and effect. license Gass``:License No.: Det V CoMractar: OWNER -BUILDER OECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the Contractors Steve License Law for the following reason (sec. 703 S.S. flyslness and Professions Code: Any rlty or county that requires a permit la construct, alter, Improve, demolish, or tepalf any structure, prior to Its Issuance, also requ.res the appllcart for the permit to file a signed statement that he or she Is I tensed pursuant to the provlslom of the Contractor's State License Law (Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Dlvlslon 3 of the B6iineSt and Professions Cade) at that he or she is exempt therefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Sectlon'7031.S by any applicant f :)r a permit subject3 the applicant Io a civil oenalty of not more then five hundred dopers I—j I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, w111 do the work, and the structure is not Intended a, offered for sale. (Sec. 7044, Business and Professlors Code: The Contractors' Y.ote License Law ones not a opty to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does the wotk himself or herself through his or her own employees, provided that the Improvements are not Intended or offered for sale. Il, however, the bullding or Improvement Is sold within one year of comptetlen, the owr ar-bullder will have the b_ urden of proving that he or she did not build or Improve for the purpose of sale.). L_)1, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contreclorf to construct the project. (Sec. 7044, Business end Prvfesslons Code: The Contractors' Stale License Law does not apply to ar. owner of property who builds or Improves thereon, and who tcntracts for the projects wish a cos: trattoria) Ilconsed pursua nt to the Contra ttors' State License Lew.). I_) I am exempt under Sec. 8 WI.C.fat this reason Date Owner: CONSTRUCTION IENOING AGENCY I hereby, affirm under penalty of perjury that there Is a construtvon-'andingagency for the performance of the work -for wh ch this permit Is Issued (Sec. 3097, Uv. Q. Lender's Name: Lender's Address: WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION 1 hereby aff fm under penetty of perjury one of the following dedztatlOnt: _ I have end will malntaln a cenfficate of consent to self. nsure for wo rkers' compensation, as provided for by section 3700 of the Labor Code, to- the performance of the work for wnlch this permit Is Issued I have and will malntaln workers' eompensatlon Insurance, as required by Section 3700 of the tabor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit Is Issued. My workers' cempensatlen Insurance car,lei and policy number are: Carrier,_ PollcyNumbitr— I tertily that In the performance of the work for fell this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person it. any manner so as to b -- sub)act to Tho workers' compensation laws of California, and agree Chet, if ould become subject to the workers' compensation provl5lonz of 5K?.Ion 97 of the Lobar Cc , I shall font wlth comply with/lit se prgvlslcns. Date /G d Applicant: WARNING: FAIL -)RE TO SECURE WORKER 5' COMPENSATION COVERAGE IS UNLAWFUL, AND SHALL SUBJECT AN EMPLOYER TO CRIMINAL PENALTIES AND CIVIL FINES UP TO ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS (5100,00C). IN ADDITION TO THE COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR iN SECTION 3706 Dr THE LABOR CODE, INTEREST, AND ArTORNEV'S FEES, APFLICA NT ACKNO WLEOGEMENT IMPORTANT: Apppcation is hereoy made to the BUllding Official for a permit eubjecl to the concrtlons and restrictions eat forth on this aopllcatlon. 1. 'Eech person upon whose behalf ,.h s eppIIEatlon Is mate, each person at whose request and for whose benefit work's pe formed under or pursuant to any permit Issued as a result of this application , the owner, and the applicant, each eereas to. and shall defend, Indemnify and hold harmless the City of la Qutnte, Its officers, agents. and employees for any ea or orr3s5lon related to the work being performed under or following Issue nee of this permit. 2. Any permit Issued as a resu't of this application becomes null ano void If work Is not commented with In 180 days frorr da to of IsSuonce of such permit, or cessation of work !or 180 days will subject permit to cancel:atlon. I certify that I have read th's application and state Ott the above hforrradon Is correct, } I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances end state to relating to bultdln constrbcllan, end hereby authorize representallves of this IVY to en r pan the i above -r, d pr for Inspection purposes. Date: Q Signature (Applicant or Agent): I I � !< f 4: FE ACCOUNT >" TY> F'AMOl1NT y� r..� :.::, ._PAID� bPAIDDATE; B$AS SB1473 FEE' 101-0000-20306 0' :.''$2.00 $0.00 x?E l� f .K:�.�' .�F �.(.,��R�.. ,3":�1ir63'y�.;` �.zn+S, � Af i i'E, `a'. �,�; Y.n.:� N,j`"...r-��n°3 .�< :AS?t� .".:�•V �f !9"en.s. �:s'. hX< �. METFIOD ��F q : fr -A'� '�P'*�4-c�..., s;�"o,,'.h'�§' ..�i �: �` �� '; � ,S£x'(sr:,:,ti?i,°'''i ."�'" ye"�t. 'v'�" i4R'';�+�.� ;k4 �' :s : ,x <._,.,.; fidl x r' e .•n 3 ,:..,,t.-+< _"�i I X a KRECEIPTCLTD'BY "' ..�3�0<" `' '�" I "2,s i'=.!8 ' .Fyss:',S n' ' 2w ?:..,i..4.','s v:z(,br`'�',.,_FFd,' c.'• i ss u'�,?'':t;,.Y.. w •a.. .'.g.'.q Total Paid -for BUILDING STANDARDS ADM INISTRAT�YION BSA: . $2.00. $0.00 j`. _ °,:,r y.: {[. Yk:'Y" ;:E �R r DESCRIPTIONS�r '-.,tee `2'4±Y�,>,`^`Ki '+# Y'r$. ."ik,Mi.. r. ..syP . UEI K. i ?cp,10;# i`S, _ »""M QTY eY, 'R" .Yn �<3z 5! .�R•�:' i S 3 °� `TN. AN10#UNT�PAID 9. s" "Y5' f..' +p'' R' S'y 'k,'''.ryl fi 4-:..,,E '<Sf%:4tt+g,�Prvi.,'X.r�-u-' <3'•4` y' S.^ .3 rb K.... `.- yACCOUNT F PAID DATE DEVICES; FIRST 20 101-0000-42403 0 $24:17 $0.00 v�:�Y AY....:�S _sy:F.. z,xF D BY „kir:.�:d:_,:."�: ,E cx.sb, Wij•e/u."RAFEP7G.?Y,.iEB'FIi[PITY MET .... :rm b a,T �`C� LTDBY,HEC# , <.'r., f.P. ;k.. • 4'.:.dxc.<..«<.�.kSaL�'i �x.: n;! Ii' 48 E�CkK"DwHO DESCRIPTION.rQ.}A000UNTr'#;4AIV i•�•'Y IOU NT 4PAIDDATE Et .F.3'�. p y,><wi'-Yern6 +z[<' -i=-<<.4: <y a..'�Yu� =` v v➢e. :f'�f'%11Ri.'.4?H,'r Tr n34�`r�`:-:=< `-� MAID T4�-sagitt r7, 2'gyy:q 3� Da` e.Ss xF ..xta�rf." DEVICES,TIRST20..PC x101-0000-42600 0 $24.17: ;$0.00., 3 r' 'e zPAID BYaMETHOD�� i A 4't`" ✓,L .,. "':aY�a:;:'�sF' .f't S g{,`i+. �' yRECEIRT"#� 4: "� CLT,DiBY.� x Ei�rF"-: gsCHECK#3 total Paid for ELECTRICAL: ",$48.34 ,' $0:00. DESCRIPTION; ACCOUNTS h,rQTY�AMOUNT� PAID*' ? ..<.Y.1�� < <.n1-. v<�.?: .. A 9PAIp DATE GAS SYSTEM, 14 OUTLETS 101-0000,42401 0 $12.09' $0.00 ",.,^. ,° t _.�.,... ' PAID BW, '°METHOD ,.5, "G'+, t•!rt'S+i n"`.i .nl '�D.. � " ei- .=;i<'Yfi',a":•n"F..sy�:7fi KRECEIPT #�`" FsxYa G4`.P.:F-;.<.,. CFIECK # § CLTD BY �, � , .. : ,:. _ , 7, ...n«> .,. QUI r{ N? xu` 4 . .. *a?` )�G`;7` f aRF ' .DESCRIPTION � 1 4 ". i�:i "Y--•" Z b 4 - F 'X ACCOUNT k Y' :YIS •,r9, TY; .. i`f,7�blYyC >AMOUNTr.? ..�-• :�'�'-'..t'��� 'FPAID gPAID DATE ,, , s. _:,.€ : .fes :... :um �F: Q ::.. �'Cc�.:117 0z.: a _:. s x Wry.- >& "T ; tt'N._, GAS SYSTEM, 174,OUTLETS PC 101-0000-42600 , 0 `,$24:17 $0.00 ' Y'n, k cs �PAID�BY METHODxr !i RECEIPT #�� # 'i�`Y/1:- BY: :..,,.. �s'a >€:,...t 6CHECK ;�� rCLTD _Total Paid4o . PLUMBING FEES: $36.26 _ $0.00 $z X3:. DESCRIPTION�i� >: _ &r a ACCOUNT' 'QTY HI s tr,,� AMOUNT{ I 4r PAD?,sDATE t ° syd SWIMMING POOL/SPA 101-0000-42404 0 $181.29 $0.00 " .'<Sx<" �aa�PAID BYE r� '.ik: .. 3?A.'�' n<:K"; 54 >.� s�,x P t;.x1C�:.:E:+es.� g, - slT,< VAR u. - CHECK'# 3,'' .`d CLwT,D.BY W$ " rvs x�b„4 �. a zi.: 3..h _ ',..,yr....METH,OD.: ;t. r;' ,:•.<r�� <b� :•..s: DESCRIPTION k r'1;+ x'3. B l'`' 4: yG; .. je.' .:' "&a$.rCr3'ST�fr.T }pkv:§€">`:YSAn'Y✓T °:' AMOUNT'` k, r"' ['yF�f@�FP? g- '{.�b(•<i�.:,4,.t-rn�,i:;-, UATEg, . r. �xuS�v.•.s4.. <6,_�SB-2 ..Ms., kay. �<'Ea_r'f3 ..3.b�_" n> Nab3kd $�} vA c✓�. v,. ui�rs R4o^iLk�Y.. TL ,L§zC N._. PAID PAID .�R''i4�f+•�.3L.�':.�Na%t�. SWIMMING PC 101-0000-42600 0 $98.62 $0:00 d 4 ",4yi '( �'k, i�1i . i� 3- N �,�e BY{. <4 ”'� METHOD��,RECEIPT FY?Y�F� # ' '.:Y' X CNECK # sS n �s•ar ,' '�,. S c CLTD BY TY% ^PAID u -Total Paid for POOL/ SPAN $279.91 $0.00 • e� Description: ANDALUSIA / POOL, SPA, FIREPITS, AND BBQ Type: POOL Subtype: Status: APPROVED Applied: 10/29/2015 SKH Approved: 10/30/2015 KKI Parcel No: 764710019 Site Address: 59955 SEVILLE LA QUINTA,CA 92253 Subdivision: TR 31681-3 Block: Lot: 193 Issued: Lot Sq Ft: 0 Building Sq Ft: 0 Zoning: Finaled: Valuation: $50,000.00 Occupancy Type: Construction Type: Expired: No. Buildings: 0 No. Stories: 0 No. Unites: 0 NOTES Details: POOL, SPA, BBQ, AND (2)FIRE PITS. THIS PERMIT DOES NOT INCLUDE ELECTRICAL AT BBQ. EQUIPMENT SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURER SPECIFICATIONS. ALARMS AND BARRIERS REQUIRED TO BE INSTALLED AT PRE -PLASTER INSPECTION. 2013 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE. Printed: Friday, October 30, 2015 2:13:44 PM 1 of 2 SYSTEMS CHRONOLOGY CHRONOLOGY TYPE STAFF NAME ACTION DATE COMPLETION DATE NOTES NOTE STEPHANIE KHATAMI 10/30/2015 sent back 10/30/15 CONDITIONS NAME TYPE NAME ADDRESSI CONTACTS CITY STATE ZIP PHONE FAX EMAIL APPLICANT JOHN L CAREY INC DBA BUBBLE SPRINGS P O BOX 1046 RANCHO MIRAGE CA 92270 CONTRACTOR JOHN L CAREY INC DBA BUBBLE SPRINGS P O BOX 1046 RANCHO MIRAGE CA 92270 OWNER T D DESERT DEV 81570 CARBONERAS LA QUINTA CA 0 Printed: Friday, October 30, 2015 2:13:44 PM 1 of 2 SYSTEMS INSPECTIONS PARENT PROJECTS Printed: Friday, October 30, 2015 2:13:44 PM 2 of 2 NAAFCRUM SYSTEMS CLTD DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT QTY AMOUNT PAID PAID DATE RECEIPT # CHECK # METHOD PAID BY BY BSAS SB1473 FEE 101-0000-20306 0 $2.00 $0.00 Total Paid for BUILDING STANDARDS ADMINISTRATION $2,00 $0.00 BSA: DEVICES, FIRST 20 101-0000-42403 0 $24.17 $0.00 DEVICES, FIRST 20 PC 101-0000-42600 0 $24.17 $0.00 Total Paid for ELECTRICAL: $48.34 $0.00 GAS SYSTEM, 1-4 101-0000-42401 0 $12.09 $0.00 OUTLETS GAS SYSTEM, 1-4 101-0000-42600 0 $24.17 $0.00 OUTLETS PC' Total Paid for PLUMBING FEES: $36.26 $0.00 SWIMMING POOL/SPA 101-0000-42404 0 $181.29 $0.00 SWIMMING POOL/SPA 101-0000-42600 0 $98.62 $0.00 PC. Total Paid for POOL / SPA: $279.91 $0.00 TOTALS:00 INSPECTIONS PARENT PROJECTS Printed: Friday, October 30, 2015 2:13:44 PM 2 of 2 NAAFCRUM SYSTEMS 1 Bin. B Crt�r a t.Ct Quln ta Bt meg & Safety Dfvfsion P.O. Box 1504,78-495 Caffe Tampico La..Quinta, CA 92253 -:(760) 777-7012 Building Permit •Applicadon and Tracking Shee;115 Permtt # Project Address: 'Q 55 Q Owner's Name:. Y. p� C t �- r vA. P.Number. Address:Legal Description:City. Contractor. ST, Zip:a VI dl 1 Cc,. qV Telephone: I D) 171 Project Description: Addrew: p City, ST. Zip: Structural Cafes. Telephone:I bo. q I to City Lia State Lia # : 1 Z Arch., Engn, Designer. Truss C21cs. Address: Com. ST, Zip: Telephone: State Lic. #: Catuttuction Type: Occupancy. Project type (circle one): Add' - Alter Repair Demo Name of Contact Parson: • Sq. FL: # Stories: # Uniw Telephone # of Contact Pelson: p I i Estimated Value of Project: '5D APPLICANT: DO NOT WRITE BEI_AW Tt•1L4 IIMF H Submittal Req'd Rev'd T$pG PERMIT FEES Pian Sets Pian Cheek submitted Item Amonut Structural Cafes. Reviewed, ready for corrections Pian Check Deposit Truss C21cs. Called Contact Person Pias Check Balance. Tide 24 Cales. Plana picked up construction ' Flood plain plan Plans resubmitted Mechanical Giadiag play 2"! Review, ready for correctioasrtsatte Electrical Subcontattor List Called CoatactPerson Plumbing Grant Deed Plans picked up SAU H.Q.A. Approval Plana resubmitted Grading IN HOUSE:- '^' RcAcw, ready for correetionsAssue Developer Impact Fee Planning Approval Called Contact Person '... A.LP.P. Pub. WIm. Appr Date of permit Issue School Fees Total Permit Fees POOL SPECS SIZE: 43'X 30' DEPTH: 3.5'X 5.0'. SQFr: 737 SQ.Fr. PERIMETER: 117' TILE: at waterline INTERIOR MATERIAL: pebble plaster NOTES: SPA SPECS SIZE: 8.5'x 8.5' DEPTH: 3.5' RAISED HEIGHT: +18" SQFr: 57 sq.ft. PERIMETER: 27' TILE: at waterline INTERIOR MATERIAL: pebble plaster SPILLWAY: Stacked Stone NOTES: DECK SPECS DECK TYPE 1: acid wash concrete TOTAL DECK SQFr: 245 sq.ft. DECK TYPE 2: Belgard Pavers TOTAL DECK SQFr 2: 1924 sq.ft. NOTES: FINISHES PLASTER Tropics Blue Mini Pebble DECK TYPE: Acid Wash Coping Band DECK COLOR: Adobe TILE: Tuscany HBLU Azul (C30) 6" x 6" BBQ: Tile top and stucco sides FIREPIT: Add Wash concrete Adobe DECKING: Pavers - Belgard three piece blend in Avignon ADDITIONAL: GRAND EFFECTS FIRE BOWL IN BURNT TERRA COTTA .4 0 F 7 I N O FIRE FEATURE: +24" RAISED BOND BEAM WITH TILE FACE WATER FEATURE: -24" INFINITY TROUGH AND op w AND CONCRETE CAP; INCLUDES ONE 31" GRAND EFFECTS EDGE WITH TILE FACE, WATERLINE AND oM GARDEN FIRE BOWL WITH FIRE RING, VOLCANIC PEA EDGE; PEBBLE PLASTER BASIN o N GRAVEL, VALVE AND KEY x c v opo FIREPIT: +12" WITH FIRE RING, VOLCANI VALVE AND KEY; ALL CONCRETE SPA: +18"'SIT & SPIP FLUSH -MOUNTED HYDRO -THERAPY JE WATERLINE, PEBBLE AND STACKED STOP DECKING: BELGARD STONE THREE PIEC BLEND