BPLB2015-010878-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 T4ht 4 4a Qa1Ar(v I COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMIT - 11111111111111111111 78 VOICE (760) 777-7125 FAX (760) 777-7011 INSPECTIONS (760) 777-7153 Application Number: BPLB2015-0108 Owner: Property Address: 79280 TORONJA JOHN HOWTING APN: 776260021 79280 TORONJA Application Description: HOWTING / CHANGE OUT (1)75GALLON/GAS WATER HEATER LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Property Zoning: Application Valuation: $1,852.00 20 Applicant: TOMMY ROOTER PLUMBING INC Contractor: C;' TOMMY ROOTER PLUM Cir 80975 INDIO BLVD #C3 80975 INDIO BLVD #C3 6 INDIO, CA 92201 INDIO, CA 92201 n a (760)574-4444 Uc. No.: 930133 LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 {commencing with Section 70001 of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code, and my License is in full force and effect. License Class: iiC3JJ6 License No.: 930133 - t (.0 garitn-cnor: - Z - C-QJZ& J,-, OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the Contractor's State License Law for the following reason (Sec. 7031.5, Business and Professions Code: Any city or county that requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish, or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for the permit to file a signed statement that he or she is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's State License Law (Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code) or that he or she is exempt therefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars ($500).: (_) I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale. (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does the work himself or herself through his or her own employees, provided that the improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner -builder will have the burden of proving that he or she did not build or improve for the purpose of sale.). (_) I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project. (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who contracts for the projects with a contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractors' State License Law.). (_) I am exempt under Sec. . BAP.C. for this reason Date: Owner: CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued (Sec. 3097, Civ. C.). Lender's Name: Lender's Address: Date: 9/16/2015 WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: _ I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for workers' compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. I have and will maintain workers' compensation insurance, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My workers' compensation insurance carrier and policy number are: Carrier: _ Policy Number: _ I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the workers' compensation laws of California, and agree that, if I should become subject to the workers' compensation provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code, I shall forthwith comply with thlos�e provisions. (�1 n �\ WARNING: FAILURE TO SECURE WORKERS' COMPENSATION COVERAGE IS UNLAWFUL, AND SHALL SUBJECT AN EMPLOYER TO CRIMINAL PENALTIES AND CIVIL FINES UP TO ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($100,000). IN ADDITION TO THE COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN SECTION 3706 OF THE LABOR CODE, INTEREST, AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. APPLICANT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT IMPORTANT: Application is hereby made to the Building Official for a permit subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth on this application. 1. Each person upon whose behalf this application is made, each person at whose request and for whose benefit work is performed under or pursuant to any permit issued as a result of this application , the owner, and the applicant, each agrees to, and shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City of La Quinta, its officers, agents, and employees for any act or omission related to the work being performed under or following issuance of this permit. 2. Any permit issued as a result of this application becomes null and void if work is not commenced within 180 days from date of issuance of such permit, or cessation of work for 180 days will subject permit to cancellation. I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relating to building construction, and hereby authorize representatives of this city to enter upon the above• mentioned property for inspection purposes. Date'f — (0 ' Signature (Applicaannt oorr Agent)`. E 02LA6,� ;DESCRIPTION PAID E ACCOUNTI-15 A M 0 U N T,4`�k,., PAIDIDATE 11, 1 -, g BSAS SB1473 FEE 101-0000-20306 0 7,- $1.00 $0.00 W6,kA- Al'- X 11 �A #1� 4 Ch 6E ii"CLTU BY. Total Paid forBUILDING STANDARDS ADMINISTRATION BSA, $1.00, $0.00 �,PK ;DESCRIPT 0 , T kK40UNT4, .PAID DATE PERMIT ISSUANCE 101-0000-42404 0 $91.85 $0.00 PAID BY' --,i, , — . I ',-,�METHOD.'i"r :43ki� I �T CHECK ICLTD BY,`. Total Paid for PERMIT ISSUANCE: $91.85 $0.00 A Q7 A M 0 U N T P A D PAID DATE: - WATER HEATER/VENT 101-0000-42401 0 $12.09 $0.00 PAI BY-�r�--' D I it ­'- RECEIPTHECK C,7� �'�CLTD BY,��, A C C 0 U N T,! Qi _Y1 N PY, PAID D tPAID:DAT WATER HEATER/VENT PC 101-0000-42600 0 $7.25 $0.00. BY 'r p4g -,t R EC E I PT. # CHECK'# Total Paid for PLUMBING FEES: $19.34 $0.00, Description: HOWTING / CHANGE OUT (1)75GALLON/GAS WATER HEATER CONDITIONS Type: PLUMBING Subtype: Status: UNDER REVIEW Applied: 9/15/2015 SKH Approved: Parcel No: 776260021 Site Address: 79280 TORONJA LA QUINTA,CA 92253 Subdivision: TR 28797 Block: Lot: 21 Issued: Lot Scl Ft: 0 Building Scl Ft: 0 Zoning: Finaled: Valuation: $1,852.00 Occupancy Type: Construction Type: Expired: No. Buildings: 0 No. Stories: 0 No. Unites: 0 APPLICANT Details: CHANGE OUT (1)75GALLON/GAS WATER HEATER. 2013 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE. 80975 INDIO BLVD #C3 CHRONOLOGY CONDITIONS CONTACTS NAME TYPE NAME ADDRESSI CITY STATE ZIP PHONE FAX EMAIL APPLICANT TOMMY ROOTER PLUMBING INC 80975 INDIO BLVD #C3 INDIO CA 92201 CONTRACTOR TOMMY ROOTER PLUMBING INC 80975 INDIO BLVD #C3 INDIO CA 92201 OWNER JOHN HOWTING 79280 TORONJA LA QUINTA CA 92253 Printed: Wednesday, September 16, 2015 9:24:45 AM 1 of 2 ��� SYSTEMS F94 —koflyffiT Or M :.. � •�'-; f^.s tea '4aw.:'rr ,�: :Y""y€'•'' .t;-.!;vyk.,s,�,•. .a: t.r,..i:^s:..'- rfr P h Y t L t►; r : , Y k 3 INSPECTIONS � ,sir , t ;.F r '1 a.P "r �'ch `.w— " f f T 4, .`"4 ' Printed: Wednesday, September 16, 2015 9:24:45 AM 2 of 2 ULJ LJ SYSTEMS CLTD DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT CITY AMOUNT PAID PAID DATE RECEIPT # CHECK # METHOD PAID BY BY PERMIT ISSUANCE 101-0000-42404 0 $91.85 $0.00 Total Paid forPERMIT ISSUANCE: $91.85 $0.00 WATER HEATER/VENT 101-0000-42401 0 $12.09 $0.00 WATER HEATER/VENT 101-0000-42600 0 $7.2S $0.00 PC Total Paid for PLUMBING FEES: $19.34 $0.00 gag 777 :.. � •�'-; f^.s tea '4aw.:'rr ,�: :Y""y€'•'' .t;-.!;vyk.,s,�,•. .a: t.r,..i:^s:..'- rfr P h Y t L t►; r : , Y k 3 INSPECTIONS � ,sir , t ;.F r '1 a.P "r �'ch `.w— " f f T 4, .`"4 ' Printed: Wednesday, September 16, 2015 9:24:45 AM 2 of 2 ULJ LJ SYSTEMS 06/06/2013 THU 15109 NAV is Quintia Bldg 6 Safety ilrn # City of La Quanta Buffft.a Safety flfv bn permit 4 P.O. Box 1504, 76-495 Calle Tampico E% PL l La QUMU, CA 92253 - (760) 777.7012 —�^ Building Permit Application and Tracking Sheet Projext Addrtss: $ CS 10r Owner's Name: l.l� A. P. Number: Address: ` on Legal Dm1=1 tiara: City, ST, Zip: � Contractor. T eE hone V Address: Nact Dwxtptton: City, ST, Eall a i . Tel none: �•�•� ° �� S' State Lia City Lia; Amh., Rug, Desipor: Add=. ------------- City, ST, Zip: ®001/001 • Telep&aue: Construdon Type: State Lie- #: •- a Project type (�ftlo one): New Add'n Alter Repair Demo Irma of Coat= Porsan l -\a $q• F•: #Statics: #•Units Telephone# of Contact Verson: S 7 L }L i3stitnafad VaittC of Project: APDL! 7Y Submittal Plan Sete stmaml calm Truax talcs. .Title U Calle. i Brood plate Pfau GtadtnE plan SlibepmblCtOr I,lyt Ciraat Deed N.O.A. Approval 1 INHOUSS:- i • 1Pleonine Approval T'u& Wks. Appr School Fees Total Permit Fea$ S CANT. DO NOT WFUTE BELOW THIS LINE l°dReC74 TRACNM4G rRIMUT FEES PIso Cbeck suiiatttted Item Amount Reviewed, ready for correedow T144 CAeck Depoot Called Contact Person Plan Cheek Balance Mus plckcdup CbnBttuction Plans resub.m1wd MecbaniCsl 2" Revle1V, roldyfot cotrectioLs/iseue Elege�¢al Cabled Contact Person P}umbing plans picked up S.M.1, ' Plans resubmitted Grading Revim,.ready for comctbans/lssne bnveloper Impact Fea Called Contact person A�►�a, Date or permit Ism Total Permit Fea$ S Prescri tive.:CeKti Cate of Compliance. Residential CF -19 -AI T-DHNV Residential Alterations Page i of z Pro'et 1vaLriei: t7 1f Climate Zane: Permit #: " (3eneral Iiiforritation Site Addi'esa: Enfott ement A site bate: Building T Sin 'le Family l7 iti i-Farnii - I. Prm'ect T : EJ Ri laicerttent`or.Chan a Qut of Water heater W.1TER HEATING • i certify tlik this Certiflcato of Compliance documentation is accurate and complete. Lis?'heWly Oatelled-water heaters and' -boilers for both domestic hot wafer heaters (Diytl) and ltydrorlie space heating. Newly installed DWH heaters and boilers trust be as, ro ane, or.ttse the existing tel N e. Water Hem'Distribution cts TypeiRtel Type' Type Recitru in NVtnber-ln� 9ystern Tank Eneigy Factor oe Capacity (VI) Thermal Effidency l?.xtcmg,I Tank Insulation R.V ilue' enforcertient agency for: a roval with this building rmit licatlon_ me: - L Company: P `,�, ate: Address: License: 2 City/State/2ip: �� Phone: Up D -S 1 y I-AI�� L. h,dieate Type (Storage' Car, Heat Ptunp, /nvgn-(an4 0us, etc.1 2.1.ecirculating systems serving 'nadrip/e divelliAg units shall ?tteet the reclrculadon "require►►fe4ts of •§130(nk requirements do not allow the installation of a.recirculating water heating sysrem for single dwelling units. 3. The external water heatin .rank and piq shall fie lnsulatec(to meet the re uirernents of -0-50(j). ne •Prescriptive Contractor or Honwowner (Docnmentation Author's/Responstble Building Designer's 'DeclarstiEon Stater6ieiit) • i certify tlik this Certiflcato of Compliance documentation is accurate and complete. • I am ctiglble under. Division 3 of the California` Business and Professions Code to accept responsibility for the building design identified on this Certificate of Compliance. • [certify, that the energy features -and performance specifications for the building design identified on this Certificate of Ctimpliance conform to the requimrnents of Title.24, Paid and 6 of the California Code of Regulations. The building design fcarures Identified on this Certificate of Compltanci am consistent with the inforMaiddh providea to document this building design on the other applicable compliance forms, worksheets, calculations, ' pians and specifications submitted to the enforcertient agency for: a roval with this building rmit licatlon_ me: - L Company: P `,�, ate: Address: License: 2 City/State/2ip: �� Phone: Up D -S 1 y I-AI��