BSOL2015-015578-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 `&tr 4 1wQ" COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMIT Application Number: BSOL2015-0155 Property Address: 81319 ULRICH DR APN: 764350023 Application Description: CHAZAN/11.445kW PV SYSTEM-(35)PANELS/(2)INV/125ASUB/225A MSP Property Zoning: Application Valuation: $18,534.00 Applicant: RENOVA ENERGY CORP 75-181 MEDITERRANEAN AVE PALM DESERT, CA 92211 LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code, and my License is in full force and effect. License Class Cr46 License No.: 9 8 Date: i d4 Contractor: OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the Contractor's State License Law for the following reason (Sec. 7031.5, Business and Professions Code: Any city or county that requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish, or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for the permit to file a signed statement that he or she is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's State License Law (Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division . 3 of the Business and Professions Code) or that he or she is exempt therefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars ($500).: (1 I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale. (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of property"who builds or improves thereon, and who does the work himself or herself through his or her own employees, provided that the improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner -builder will have the burden of proving that he or she did not build or improve for the purpose of sale.). (� I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project. (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who contracts for the projects with a contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractors' State License Law.). (_) I am exempt under Sec. B.&P.C. for this reason Date: Owner: CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued (Sec. 3097, Civ. C.). Lender's Lender's 11111111111111111111 31 VOICE (760) 777-7125 FAX (760) 777-7011 INSPECTIONS (760) 777-7153 Owner: LARRY CHAZAN p 81319 ULRICH DR LA QUINTA, CA 92253 I Date: 12/1/2015 Ie c -D N Contractor. 5 RENOVA ENERGYCORP�Z` J' h 75-181 MEDITERRANEAN AVE r_] PALM DESERT, CA 9221.1_-7 (760)568-3413 Llc. No.: 910836 WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for workers' comp nsation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of for which this permit is issued. ve and.will maintain workers' compensation insurance, as required by Se ion 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My workers' compensation insurance carrier and policy number are: Carrier: _ Policy Number: I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the workers' compensation laws of California, and agree that, if I should become subject to the workers' compensation provisions of Section 3700 the Labor Code, I shall forthwith comply with tho pr visions. Date: I Applicant: WARNING: FAILURE TO SECURE WORKERS' COMPENSATION COVERAGE IS UNLAWFUL, AND SHALL SUBJECT AN EMPLOYER TO CRIMINAL PENALTIES AND CIVIL FINES UP TO ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($100,000). IN ADDITION TO THE COST OF. COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN SECTION 3706 OF THE LABOR CODE, INTEREST, AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. APPLICANT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT IMPORTANT: Application is hereby made to the Building Official for a permit subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth on this application. 1. Each person upon whose behalf this application is made, each person at whose request and for whose benefit work is performed under or pursuant to any permit issued as a result of this application , the owner, and the applicant, each.agrees to, and shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City of La Quinta, its officers, agents, and employees for any act or omission related to the work being performed under.or following issuance of this permit. 2. Any permit, issued as a result of this application becomes null and void if work is not commenced within 180 days from date of issuance of such permit, or cessation of work for 180 days will subject permit to cancellation. I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relating to building construction, and hereby authorize representatives of this ciMnerthe above-mention d p perty for inspection purposes. Date: �' I! ij Signature (Applicant or Agent): 5,g .W_`15^ RI la cuJUNTA, --PAI �E UZ4-- — BSAS SB1473 FEE 101-0000-20306 0 $1.00 $1.00 11/25/15 PAID, BW4 mg METHOD;�- WmXW.��_,_MN, a r�a.� - V'z�i Vg LIM 4 v T" 10, R E C E I P T,� ,!C-HECK!'WDZYII­�f .J'4� C �T q 2N 2015112517581916 LeanaS, Waki CREDIT WEB469 ECON 937 `Total Paid for BUILDING'STANDARDS ADMINISTRATION BSA:, $1:00 $1.00 ........ ... DESCRIPTIONg� w ACC, �y IVsit PAIDDATEry j um, m :4 Is El �M_15�:­­W_l Credit Card Fee 101m=0-43505 0 $5.23 $5.23`. 11/25/15 -�kPAIM NV W p 201511251.7581916 Leana S Waki CREDIT WES469 ECON 937 Total Paid for Credit Card Fee: $5.13 $5.23 AMOUNT 'NMI 1P 10 A PAID '.V.;-,IZESCRIPTIO. J_ Ap HE M iffm� Rk _0 K ,15ATE:4. 1"t47LIoIN it.nvop PV SYSTEM.- ARRAY, FIRST 20 '101-0000-42403' 0 $24.17 $24.17 11/25/15 PAIDB �"'R VJL ?"I". ETI E :4�1E i�`,CHECK, 0 m A -4 2015112517581916 Leana S Waki CREDIT -WEB469 -ECON 937 - ur, 'DESCRIPTION1,rw, q"�, P �4 Y - UNT ;at'X 'Q '�PAID W �PAIDZATE* Rw �TACCOUNT IRT m -7 HIM 01�0_mv .PV SYSTEM.- ARRAY, FIRSf20 PC- 101-0000-42600 0 $24.17 $24.17 11/25/15 MIMI OR mng",r� .A. % CHECK(#u,CLTDZY fKPAIMB Av , MI M -A3 ;RECEIPTikffi , i 2015112517581916 Leana S Waki. CREDIT WEB469937 ECON DESCRIPTIOW� g N QTY AMOUNTS PAIDO E W V PV SYSTEM - MISC EQUIPMENT 101-6000-42403• 0 $48.34;$48.34 11/25/15 ` �,-PAID�BY-44,� 'METHOOK"' -RE ta .;z c' g � p 4. : - f W m MftL M - u 2015112517581916 Le6naSWaki CREDIT WEB469; 937 'ECON X DESCRIPTIOW, M N Qff h� _iil. 'i t IV IOUNTi N g� �,:� ! I ' 0 �'­` A ',2-M'PAIWR ffi',*�,,g gf ATE OFT SAM . � ; ... A .,Ant PV SYSTEM MISC EQUIPMENTPC • .101-0000-42600, :V $48.34 $48.34 11/25/15 o,5 j7 ag: ��-MET �HOI)214,'l N L,.,. , , A EC E!4 0 < 44- CHECK "R _ . IN gwmxosyms!,� 201511251-7581916 Leana S,Waki CREDIT WEB469 ECON 937 Total Paid for ELECTRI.CAL:. $145..02 $145.02 M„ DESCRIPTION W m ' VA T El N ��1 I �3 0 R, _1 TVAIQ' xz: PERMIT ISSUANCE 0 $911i85 $91.85 11/25/15 PAID , d M ET,, _ it RZ I— IN N NBC 104mm 2015112517581916 Leana S Waki -Le CREDIT WEB469 ECON . 937 Total Paid for PERMIT ISSUANCE: $91.85 $91.85 •7 TA L• Description: CHAZAN/11.445kW PV SYSTEM-(35)PANELS/(2)INV/125ASU6/225A MSP Type: SOLAR Subtype: Status: ISSUED Applied: 8/27/2015 MFA Approved: 11/19/20151FU Parcel No: 764350023 Site Address: 81319 ULRICH DR LA QUINTA,CA 92253 Subdivision: TR 30023-4 Block: Lot: 52 Issued: 11/25/2015 ECON Lot Sq Ft: 0 Building Sq Ft: 0 Zoning: Finaled: Valuation: $18,534.00 Occupancy Type: Construction Type: Expired: 5/23/2016 ECON No. Buildings: 0 No. Stories: 0 No. Unites: 0 -ACTION DATE COMPLETION DATE' NOTES Details:. 11.445 kW SOLAR ARRAY - (35) 327W SUNPOWER SPR -E20-327 PANELS W/ (1) SMA SUNNYBOY 6000TL-US INVERTER & (1) SMA SUNNYBOY 5000TL-US INVERTER & (1) 125A SUBPANEL & MAIN SERVICE PANEL UPGRADE TO 225A [630SF] 2013 CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL CODE. .ate., r' __j Applied to Approved f Approved to Issued Printed: Tuesday, December 01, 2015 1:44:42 PM 1 of 4 r SYS TEti1S ADDITIONAL CHRONOLOGY CHRONOLOGY TYPE STAFF NAME -ACTION DATE COMPLETION DATE' NOTES NOTIFIED CHRISTIAN CORDERO W/ RENOVA SOLAR THAT E-MAIL JAKE FUSON 9/8/2015 9/8/2015 PLAN REVIEW WAS COMPLETE AND REVISIONS WERE REQUIRED. SENT CORRECTION LIST AND REDLINES VIA EMAIL-. NOTIFIED CHRISTIAN CORDERO W/ RENOVA SOLAR THAT E-MAIL JAKE FUSON 10/30/2015 10/30/2015 PLANS WERE APPROVABLE PENDING STAMPED SITE-SPECIFIC STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS BEING SUBMITTED. NOTIFIED CHRISTIAN CORDERO W/ RENOVA SOLAR THAT E-MAIL JAKE FUSON 11/19/2015 11/19/2015 PLANS WERE APPROVED AND THE PERMIT WAS READY TO ISSUE. CHRISTIAN CORDERO CALLED AS SHE UPLOADED REVISIONS ON 11-11-15 AND HASN'T RECEIVED CONTACT. I ADVISED NOTE JAKE FUSON 11/16/2015 11/17/2015 HER THAT PLAN CHECKS STARTED AT THE COUNTER WILL NOT AUTOMATICALLY NOTIFY THE REVIEWER AND THAT SHE (IN THE FUTURE) WOULD NEED TO MAKE CONTACT. I HAVE ADDED THE THIRD REVIEW. PLEASE CONTACT CHRISTIAN. Printed: Tuesday, December 01, 2015 1:44:42 PM 1 of 4 r SYS TEti1S PLAN CHECK PICKED UP STEPHANIE KHATAMI 9/18/2015 9/18/2015 PLAN CHECK SUBMITTAL RECEIVED MARY FASANO 8/27/2015 8/27/2015 ' RESUBMITTAL STEPHANIE KHATAMI 10/22/2015 10/22/2015 CONDITIONS ACCOUNT NAME -TYPE NAME ADDRESSI. CONTACTS CITY RECEIPT # CHECK # METHOD: PAID BY CLTD STATE ZIP PHONE FAX EMAIL APPLICANT RENOVA ENERGY CORP 75-181 MEDITERRANEAN AVE PALM DESERT CA 92211 CONTRACTOR RENOVA ENERGY CORP 75-181 MEDITERRANEAN AVE PALM DESERT CA 92211 BSAS SB1473 FEE OWNER LARRY CHAZAN 81319 ULRICH DR I LA QUINTA CA 92253 758191693 CREDIT Leana S Waki Printed: Tuesday, December 01, 2015 1:44:42 PM 2 of 4 CM srsrEMs FINANCIAL• • + • 'DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT QTY AMOUNT PAID PAID DATE RECEIPT # CHECK # METHOD: PAID BY CLTD . BY 201511251 BSAS SB1473 FEE 101-0000-20306 0 $1.00 $1.00 11/25/15 WEB469 758191693 CREDIT Leana S Waki ECON, 7 Total Paid for BUILDING STANDARDS ADMINISTRATION $1.00 $1.00 BSA: 201511251 Credit Card Fee 101-0000-43505 0 $5.23 $5.23 11/25/15 WEB469 758191693 CREDIT Leana S Waki . ECON 7 Total Paid for Credit Card Fee: $5.23 $5.23 PV SYSTEM - ARRAY, 201511251 101-0000-42403 0 $24.17 $24.17 11/25/15 WEB469 758191693 CREDIT Leana S Waki ECON FIRST 20 7 PV SYSTEM - ARRAY, 201511251 101-0000-42600 0 $24.17 $24.17 11/25/15 WEB469 758191693 CREDIT Leana S Waki ECON FIRST 20 PC 7 Printed: Tuesday, December 01, 2015 1:44:42 PM 2 of 4 CM srsrEMs PARENT PROJECTS SEQID: INSPECTION TYPE INSPECTOR' SCHEDULED_ COMPLETED DATE DATE RESULT:,,, REMARKS:',. NOTES . SOLAR FINAL" BLD RETURNED REVIEWS STATUS REMARKS.. CLTD DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT QTY AMOUNT PAID PAID DATE RECEIPT # CHECK # METHOD PAID BY DATE NON-STRUCTURAL - JAKE FUSON 8/27/2015 9/3/2015 9/8/2015 REVISIONS REQUIRED BY SEE 1ST REVIEW CORRECTIONS AND REDLINES. 1'WK 201511251 PV SYSTEM.- MISC 101-0000-42403 0 $48.34 $48.34 11/25/15 WEB469. 758191693 CREDIT Leana S Waki ECON EQUIPMENT REQUIRED. 3RD BLDG NS (1 WK) JAKE FUSON 11/16/2015 11/19/2015 1 11/19/2015 1 APPROVED 7 201511251 PV SYSTEM - MISC 101-0000-42600 0 $48.34 $48.34 11/25/15 WEB469 758191693 CREDIT Leana S Waki ECON EQUIPMENT PC 7 Total Paid for ELECTRICAL: $145.02 $145.02 201511251 PERMIT ISSUANCE 101-0000-42404 0 $91.85 $91.85 11/25/15 WEB469 758191693 CREDIT Leana S Waki ECON 7 Total Paid for PERMIT ISSUANCE: $91.85 $91.85 TOTALS: PARENT PROJECTS SEQID: INSPECTION TYPE INSPECTOR' SCHEDULED_ COMPLETED DATE DATE RESULT:,,, REMARKS:',. NOTES . SOLAR FINAL" BLD PARENT PROJECTS BOND INFORMATION Printed: Tuesday, December 01, 2015 1:44:42 PM 3 of 4. J sysrcMs RETURNED REVIEWS STATUS REMARKS.. REVIEW TYPE REVIEWER SENT DATE DUE DATE-` NOTES DATE NON-STRUCTURAL - JAKE FUSON 8/27/2015 9/3/2015 9/8/2015 REVISIONS REQUIRED SEE 1ST REVIEW CORRECTIONS AND REDLINES. 1'WK 2ND BLDG NS (1 JAKE FUSON 10/22/2015 10/29/2015 10/30/2015 REVISIONS REQUIRED SITE-SPECIFIC STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS WK) REQUIRED. 3RD BLDG NS (1 WK) JAKE FUSON 11/16/2015 11/19/2015 1 11/19/2015 1 APPROVED BOND INFORMATION Printed: Tuesday, December 01, 2015 1:44:42 PM 3 of 4. J sysrcMs Printed: Tuesday, -December 01, 2015 1:44:42 PM 4 of 4 CBFWIYSTEMS ATTACHMENTS Attachment TYpe CREATED: OWNER DESCRIPTION PATHNAME , 'SUBDIR . , 'ETRAKIT ENABLED STRUCTURAL LWM SSE 2015-1968 DOC 11/12/2015 EtrakitContractor Renova Solar Larry 1 CALCULATIONS Ch.pdf BSOL2015-0155 - 1ST DOC 9/8/2015 JAKE FUSON 1ST REVIEW - REVIEW - 0 CORRECTIONS CORRECTIONS.pdf DOC 9/8/2015 JAKE FUSON 1ST REVIEW - REDLINES BSOL2015-0155 - 1ST 0 REVIEW - REDLINES.pdf Printed: Tuesday, -December 01, 2015 1:44:42 PM 4 of 4 CBFWIYSTEMS VICINITY MAP r� N Riverside County: APN 764350023-6 CONSTRUCTION HOURS: OCTOBER 1 THRU APRIL 30 a _ �UJ� C _ULU � r 0 cc C/) m U�o 0 U ,. J 19 CT' Dr U_ ••• ❑ I Monday - Friday 7:00 am - 5:30 pm Saturday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Sunday NOT ALLOWED Government Code Holidays NOT ALLOWED MAY 1 THRU SEPTEMBER 30 Monday - Friday Saturday Sunday Government Code Holidays 6:00 am - 7:30 pm 8:00 am - 5:00 pm NOT ALLOWED NOT ALLOWED PROJECT CONTACTS: CONTRACTOR:RENOVA permits@renovasolar.com Primary Contact: Matthew De La Torre Secondary Contact: Christian Cordero SCOPE OF WORK: APPLICABLE CODES: California Residential Code 2013 California Electrical Code 2013 City of La Quinta Municipal Code 9.51o. -s SHEETINDEX GENERAL C1 Cover Sheet S1 Site Plan S2 Plot Plan ELECTRICAL E1 Marking/Panel Schedule E2 Single Line STRUCTURAL P1 I Profile Elevations DATA SHEET Module Inverter Load Calculation Wind Calculation Racking Disconnect Load Center Main Panel Project consists of installing a solar photovoltaic (PV) system comprised of: PV modules, power inverter(s), conduits w/fittings and wires, roof stanchions, a rack mounting system, and all necessary electrical equipment to provide a renewable power source for the customer. ti O Cfl co L0 CV .� CV Z Q Q U U _ Q U J Z rn ;_ m Q 00Q Cl Juan-Pablo Grados Date Drawn: 07/06/2015 Revision No. 0 Sheet No. C.1 ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL COMPLY WITH THE 2013 CALIFORNIA BUILDING, RESIDENTIAL, MECHANICAL, ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, ENERGY AND GREEN BUILDING CODES AND THE LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE. _ SMA 6000 WATT INVERTER (A) SUNNY BOY 6000TL-US-22 WITH SECURE POWER SUPPLY 120/240 VOLT LOCATED INSIDE GARAGE SMA 5000 WATT INVERTER (B) SUNNY BOY 5000TL-US-22 WITH SECURE POWER SUPPLY 120/240 VOLT LOCATED INSIDE GARAGE 125 AMP AC LOAD CENTER EATON #BR612L125SDGP 120/240 VOLT LOCATED INSIDE GARAGE EXISTING METER # 1 B4SR-101067 PROPOSED BI-DIRECTIONAL METER UPGRADE EXISTING 200 AMP MAIN SERVICE PANEL TO 225 AMP MAIN PANEL EATON #MBE2040PV200BTF AIC RATING 22,000 AMPERES / 120/240 VOLT, 10, 3W LOCATED ON WEST EXTERIOR WALL 60 AMP AC DISCONNECT SQUARE -D #DU222RB 120/240 VOLT LOCATED NEXT TO MAIN PANEL N W _*_ E S SCALE: 1" = 20' SOLAR MODULES ULRICH DR CITY OF LA. BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. APPROV EPT. FOR C tf­Ti.,K, DA DRIVEWAY OP: NDUIT PA o � o Q o YA w 00 VENT wo FRO LU J � r - �N -- POOL - STRING #1, INVERTER A - STRING #2, INVERTER A ®- STRING #3, INVERTER A ❑ - STRING #4, INVERTER B ® - STRING #5, INVERTER B SOLAR SYSTEM SIZE: 11.445 kW DC CEC AC SYSTEM SIZE: 10.233 kW AC NOTES: 1. THIS IS A 11.445 KW SOLAR ELECTRIC SYSTEM USING (35) SUNPOWER SPR -E20-327 (327 WATT) PHOTOVOLTAIC MODULES. 2. THIS SYSTEM IS GRID-INTERTIED VIA UL -LISTED POWER CONDITIONING. INVERTER: (1) SMA SUNNY BOY 6000TL-US-22, 240 VOLT (1) SMA SUNNY BOY 5000TL-US-22, 240 VOLT 3. THIS SYSTEM HAS NO UPS, NO BATTERIES. 4. THIS IS A ROOF MOUNTED SYSTEM, ADDING 2.68 LB/SQ FT. ROOF IS CONCRETE FLAT TILE AT 18° PITCH (AVG 18°). 5. THE SYSTEMS SQUARE FOOTAGE IS 635 FT' (15% OF TOTAL ROOF AREA). STRINGS 1-2 HAVE AN AZIMUTH OF 176° AND STRINGS 3-5 OF 266" (AVG 236°). 6. MODULES ARE 0° TILT ABOVE ROOF SLOPE, NOT TO EXCEED 18" ABOVE ROOF SURFACE. 7. BUILDING IS A SINGLE STORY DWELLING. 8. LAG SCREWS ARE 5/16" X 4" AT 72" O.C. MAX, WITH 2.5" INTO FRAMING. 9. MODULES WILL BE SECURED TO ROOF TOP USING PROSOLAR FASTJACK ATTACHMENTS WITH UNIRAC SUPPORT RAILS. 10. ATTACHMENTS WILL BE DOUBLE -FLASHED. 11. DESIGNED FOR BASIC WIND SPEED OF 125 MPH PER PROSOLAR CALCULATIONS, SEE SPECS. 12. VISIBLE EXPOSED CONDUIT SHALL BE PAINTED TO MATCH. 13. MODULE DIMENSIONS ARE 41.2" X 61.4" 14. SYSTEM INSTALLATION SHALL BE PER NEC 690 AND IS SUBJECT TO FIELD INSPECTION BY THE CITY. 15. PROPER CLEARANCES SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH CAL FIRE GUIDELINES. 16.PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM CONDUCTORS SHALL BE IDENTIFIED AND GROUPED. THE MEANS OF IDENTIFICATION SHALL BE PERMITTED BY SEPARATE COLOR CODING, MARKING TAPE, TAGGING, OR OTHER APPROVED MEANS. THE MEANS OF GROUPING SHALL BE WIRE TIES OR SIMILAR MEANS AT LEAST ONCE, AND THEN AT INTERVALS NOT TO EXCEED SIX (6) FEET. 17. PHOTOVOLTAIC EQUIPMENT AND SYSTEMS AND ALL ASSOCIATED WIRING AND INTERCONNECTIONS SHALL BE INSTALLED ONLY BY QUALIFIED PERSONS. N0. 16600 EXP. 6/30/16 to 0 a� 0 nCN o U WG) m�`Uco c W(L) N^J 0 > L O U v co L6 m L) Rm IRV Installation Company Renova_ Energy Corp. C6forrifa.- 2012 m ti O M ~ N CV z 0 Q = U Q U U j ~ 5 z m D cEo Q Z - Q J Op J U m 'o a Drawn By: Juan -Pablo Grados Date Drawn: 07/06/2015 Revision No. 0 Sheet No. S.1 0 0 0 0 low t!� ---------- renov6.solar Renova Energy Corp 75-181 Mediterranean Ave. Palm Desert, CA 92211 (760)568-3413 Contractor's License #910836 mW o C o Project Name N Z ° � LARRY CHAZAN (741607) U)Z o o 0 W a = 0, 81319 ULRICH DR o LA QUINTA, CIA 92253 ---------- renov6.solar Renova Energy Corp 75-181 Mediterranean Ave. Palm Desert, CA 92211 (760)568-3413 Contractor's License #910836 • 20.4% efficiency Ideal for roofs where space is at a premium or where future expansion might be needed. • High performance Delivers excellent performance in real wa=ld conditions, such as high temperatures clouds and low light:'.2.3 • Proven value Designed for residential rooftops, E -Series' panels deliver the creatures, value and performance for any home. Maxeon® Solai Cells: Fundamentally better: Engineered for performance, designed fordurobilily, Engineered for peace of mind Designed to deliver consistent, :trouble-free energy over a very long lifetirne.as Designed for durability The SunPowef Makeon Solar Cell is the only cell built on a solid'copper foundation. Virtually impervious to the corrasion and cracking that degrade Conventional Panels .4,5 #1 Ranked in Fraunhofer clurability test I 100% power maintained in Atlas 25+ comprehensive PVDI Durability test.., HIGH PERFORMANCE & EXCELLENT DURABILITY E20 - 327 PANEL HIGH EFFICIENCY° Generate more energy per square foot E -Series residential panels convert more sunlight to electricity producing 36% more power per panel,' and 60% more energy per square foot over 25 years. 3A HIGH ENERGY PRODUCTION Produce more energy per rated watt High year one performance delivers 7-9% more energy per rated watt.3 This advantage increases over time, producing 20% more energy over the first 25 years to meet your needs .4 a 120% 20% 3 More Energy 110% -------- ----------------- ---- - ------ - - Per'Rated Watt -.. p l00% 0 8%more, year] 0 90% 35% more, a year 25 80% 21 70% wConventional a 60% N 50% 0 5 10 15 20 25 Years 10°ro >� Maintains High -- y`�iaERGY pfR� F: 9. N 8% Power at High Temps ..: -... .. .. Ij . o No Light Induced C 6% > ---------iij Degradation poi tES� `?aEtDN -° Hi h Avera a Watts pTi 4% IBetteklow-LiAht.and 5pectral Response LU 2% High -Performance 8 0% I I 1 1. Anti -Reflective Glass www.sunpower.com 100% 95% 90% 85% 80% 75% SUNPOWER OFFERS THE BEST COMBINED POWER AND PRODUCT WARRANTY I"yff"& 1,131113i4l M 0 5 10 15 20 25 Years More guaranteed power: 95% for first 5 years, -0.4%/yr. to year 25.8 REFERENCES: 1 All comparisons are SPR -E20327 vs. a representative conventional panel: 250W, approx. 1.6 m2, 15.3% efficiency. 2 PVEvolution Labs "SunPower Shading Study," Feb 2013. 3 Typically 7-9% more energy per watt, BEW/DNV Engineering "SunPower Yield Report," Jan 2013. 4 SunPower 0.25°/a/yr degradation vs. 1.01/o/yr conv. panel. Campeau, Z. et al. "SunPower Module Degradation Rate," SunPower white paper, Feb 2013; Jordan, Dirk "SunPower Test Report," NREL, Oct 2012. 5 "SunPower Module 40 -Year Useful Life" SunPower white paper, Feb 2013. Useful life is 99 out of 100 panels operating at more than 70% of rated power. 6 Second highest, after SunPower XSeries, of over 3,200 silicon solar panels, Photon Module Survey, Feb 2014. 7 8% more energy than the average of the top 10 panel companies tested in 2012 (151 panels, 102 companies), Photon International, Feb 2013. 8 Compared with the top 15 manufacturers. SunPower Warranty Review, Feb 2013. 9 Some exclusions apply. See warranty for details. 10 5 of top 8 panel manufacturers from 2013 report were tested, 3 additional silicon solar panels for the 2014. Ferrara, C., et al. "Fraunhofer PV Durability Initiative for Solar Modules: Part 2". Photovoltaics International, 77-85. 2014. 11 Compared with the non -stress -tested control panel. Atlas 25+ Durability test report, Feb 2013.from 2013 report were tested, 3 additional silicon solar panels for the 2014. Ferrara, C., et al. "Fraunhofer PV Durability Initiative for Solar Modules: Part 2". Photovoltaics International, 77-85. 2014. 12 Standard Test Conditions 11000 W/m2 irradiance, AM 1.5, 25° C).. 13 Based on average of measured power values during production PRODUCT WARRANTY 0 5 10 15 20 25 Years Combined Power and Product defect 25 year coverage that includes panel replacement costs. OPERATING CONDITION AND MECHANICAL DATA ELECTRICAL DATA - 40°F to +185°F (- 40°C to +85°C) E20.327 E 19-320 Nominal Power 12 (Pnom) 327 W 320 W Power Tolerance +5/-0% +5/-0% Avg. Panel Efficiency 13 20.4% 19.8% Rated Voltage (Vmpp) 54.7 V 54.7 V Rated Current (Impp) 5.98 A 5.86 A Open -Circuit Voltage (Voc) 64.9 V 64.8 V Short -Circuit Current (Isc) 6.46 A 6.24 A Max. System Voltage 600 V UL & 1000 V IEC Maximum Series Fuse �- i 15 A Power Temp Coef. -0.38% / OC Voltage Temp Coef. -176.6 mV / eC Current Temp Coef. 3.5 mA / aC REFERENCES: 1 All comparisons are SPR -E20327 vs. a representative conventional panel: 250W, approx. 1.6 m2, 15.3% efficiency. 2 PVEvolution Labs "SunPower Shading Study," Feb 2013. 3 Typically 7-9% more energy per watt, BEW/DNV Engineering "SunPower Yield Report," Jan 2013. 4 SunPower 0.25°/a/yr degradation vs. 1.01/o/yr conv. panel. Campeau, Z. et al. "SunPower Module Degradation Rate," SunPower white paper, Feb 2013; Jordan, Dirk "SunPower Test Report," NREL, Oct 2012. 5 "SunPower Module 40 -Year Useful Life" SunPower white paper, Feb 2013. Useful life is 99 out of 100 panels operating at more than 70% of rated power. 6 Second highest, after SunPower XSeries, of over 3,200 silicon solar panels, Photon Module Survey, Feb 2014. 7 8% more energy than the average of the top 10 panel companies tested in 2012 (151 panels, 102 companies), Photon International, Feb 2013. 8 Compared with the top 15 manufacturers. SunPower Warranty Review, Feb 2013. 9 Some exclusions apply. See warranty for details. 10 5 of top 8 panel manufacturers from 2013 report were tested, 3 additional silicon solar panels for the 2014. Ferrara, C., et al. "Fraunhofer PV Durability Initiative for Solar Modules: Part 2". Photovoltaics International, 77-85. 2014. 11 Compared with the non -stress -tested control panel. Atlas 25+ Durability test report, Feb 2013.from 2013 report were tested, 3 additional silicon solar panels for the 2014. Ferrara, C., et al. "Fraunhofer PV Durability Initiative for Solar Modules: Part 2". Photovoltaics International, 77-85. 2014. 12 Standard Test Conditions 11000 W/m2 irradiance, AM 1.5, 25° C).. 13 Based on average of measured power values during production PRODUCT WARRANTY 0 5 10 15 20 25 Years Combined Power and Product defect 25 year coverage that includes panel replacement costs. OPERATING CONDITION AND MECHANICAL DATA Temperature - 40°F to +185°F (- 40°C to +85°C) Max load Wind: 50 psf, 2400 Pa, 245 kg/m2 front & back Snow: 112 psf, 5400 Pa, 550 kg/m2 front Impact resistance 1 inch (25mm) diameter hail at 52 mph (23 m/s). Appearance Class A Solar Cells 96 Monocrystalline Maxeon Gen II Tempered Glass High transmission tempered Anti -Reflective Junction Box IP -65 Rated Connectors MC4 Compatible Connectors Frame Class 1 black anodized (highest AAMA rating) Weight 41 lbs (18.6 kg) [61.4in] 1046 mm [41.2 in] See http://www.sunpower.com/facts for more reference information. For more details, see wRended datosheet: www.Sunpower.com/dCt03heet3. Rer d safety and installation instructions before using this product. www.sunpower.com ®December 2014 SunPower Corporation. All rights reserved. SUNPOWER, the SUNPOWER logo, MAXEON, MORE ENERGY. FOR UFE., and SIGNATURE ore trademorks or registered, D«umem 0 504e60 Rev 0 /IT�US trademarks of SunPower Corporation. Specifications included in this datasheet are subject to change without notice. TESTS AND CERTIFICATIONS Standard tests UL1703 (Type 2 Fire Rating), IEC 61215, IEC 61730 Quality tests ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004 EHS Compliance RoHS, OHSAS 18001:2007, lead free Ammonia test IEC 62716 Salt Spray test PID test IEC 61701 (passed maximum severity) Potential -Induced Degradation free: 1000V10 Available listings UL, CEC, CSA, TUV, JET, KEMCO, MCS, FSEC [61.4in] 1046 mm [41.2 in] See http://www.sunpower.com/facts for more reference information. For more details, see wRended datosheet: www.Sunpower.com/dCt03heet3. Rer d safety and installation instructions before using this product. www.sunpower.com ®December 2014 SunPower Corporation. All rights reserved. SUNPOWER, the SUNPOWER logo, MAXEON, MORE ENERGY. FOR UFE., and SIGNATURE ore trademorks or registered, D«umem 0 504e60 Rev 0 /IT�US trademarks of SunPower Corporation. Specifications included in this datasheet are subject to change without notice. SUNNY BOY 300OTL-US / 3800TH. -US /4000TL-US / 5000YL-US / 6000YL-US / 7000TL-US / 7700YL-CJS SMA Certified Innovaive Powerful Flexible • UL 1741 -and 16998 compliant • Secure Foh-r Supply Fovides • 97.6% maximum efficiency • Two MPP trcckers provide • Integrated AFCI meets the require- daytime power during sid outages • Wide input voltage range numerous design options ments of JEC 2011 690.111 • Slade management with Opffmac • Extended operating G obal Feak MPP tracking temperature range S U N NY BOY 300OTL-US j 380OTL-US /4000TL-US / 5000TL-US / 00TL-US r 7000TL-US / 770OTL-US Setting new heig is in resir entia inverter Derformance The Sunny Boy ":OOOTL-LS,"3800TL-_S/4000T1-US/5000TL-US/6000TL-U5/7000TL-US/7700TL-US represents the next step in performance for UL certified inverters. Its trinsfonnerless design means high efficiency and reduced weight. Maximum power production is derved from wide input -voltage and operating temperature ranges. Multiple MPP trackers and OptiTracTm Global Peak railicate the effect of shade and allow for installation a- challenging sites. The unique Secure Power �Plot 'IN THE G�9 Supply feature :)-ovides da-Cme power in the eient cf a g -id outage. High performance, flexible design and innovative features make tFe Sunny Bo-fTL-US series the firs! choica among solar professionals. o sir cQ 9tia/Mf.00F Technical data Input(DC) Max. usable DC power (@ cosy = 1) Max. DC voltage Rated MPPT voltage range MPPT operating voltage range Min. DC voltage / start voltage Max. operating input current / per MPP tracker Number of MPP trackers / strings per MPP tracker Output (AC) AC nominal power Max. AC apparent power Nominal AC voltage / adjustable AC voltage range AC grid frequency; range Max. output current Power factor (cos tp) Output phases / line connections Harmonics Efficiency Max. efficiency CEC efficiency Protection devices DC disconnection device DC reverse -polarity protection Ground fault monitoring / Grid monitoring AC short circuit protection All -pole sensitive residual current monitoring unit Arc fault circuit interrupter (AFCI) compliant to UL 1699B Protection class / overvoltage category General data Dimensions (W / H / D) in mm (in) DC Disconnect dimensions (W / H / D) in mm (in) Packing dimensions (W / H / D) in mm (in) DC Disconnect packing dimensions (W / H / D) in mm (in) Weight/ DC Disconnect weight Packing weight/ DC Disconnect packing weight Operating temperature range Noise emission (typical) Internal consumption at night Topology Cooling Electronics protection rating Features Secure Power Supply Display: graphic Interfaces: RS485 / Speedwire/Webconnect Warranty: 10 / 15 / 20 years Certificates and permits (more available on request) NOTE: US inverters ship with gray lids Type designation Sunny Boy 3000TL-US 208 V AC 240 V AC 3200 W 600 V 175 - 480 V 125 - 500 V 125 V / 150 V 18A/15A 3000 W 3000 VA 208 V/ • 240V/ • 183 - 229 V 211 - 264V 60 Hz / 59.3 - 60.5 Hz 15A 1 1/2 <4% Sunny Boy 3800TL-US 208 V AC 240 V AC 4200 W 600 V 175 - 480 V 125 - 500V 125 V / 150 V 24A/15A 2/2 3330 W 3840 W 3330 VA 3840 VA 208 V/ • 240V/ • 183 - 229 V 211 - 264 V 60 Hz / 59.3 - 60.5 Hz 16A 1 1/2 <4% Sunny Boy 4000TL-US 208 V AC 240 V AC 4200 W 600 V 175 - 480 V 125 - 500 V 125 V / 150 V 24A/15A 4000 W 4000 VA 208 V / • 240 V/ • 183 - 229 V 211 - 264V 60 Hz / 59.3 - 60.5 Hz 20A 1 1/2 <4% 97.2% 97.6% 97.2% 97.5% 97.2% 97.5 96.5% 96.5% 96.5% 97.0% 96.5% 97.0% 490/519/185 (19.3/20.5/7.3) 187 / 297 / 190 (7.4 / 11.7 / 7.5) 617 / 597 / 266 (24.3 / 23.5 / 10.5) 370/240/280 (14.6/9.4/11.0) 24 kg (53 Ib) / 3.5 kg (8 Ib) 27 kg (60 Ib) / 3.5 kg (8 Ib) -40°C...+60°C (-40°F...+140°F) 5 25 dB(A) < 25 dB(A) < 25 dB(A) <1 W <1 W <1 W Transformerless Transformerless Transformerless Convection Convection Convection NEMA 3R NEMA 3R NEMA 31Z 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0/0 0/0/0 •/O/O UL 1741, UL 1998, UL 16998, IEEE1547, FCC Part 15 (Class A & B), CAN/CSA C22.2 107.1-1 SB 3000TL-US-22 SB 380OTL-US-22 SB 4000TL-US-22 ------------------------------ ---- ---------------------- •••••-------- -----i Ef idenry curve SUNY BOY 5000TL-US-22 98- 9& 9 /. - ............. .94- 92- El 4 9 El 9C a 96 E Eta IV1Ta V1B Em1va)vlvs Eta fV„-d8)V) Accessories - Not available eedwire/Wsbonrect RS485 interface edace VS DM-4B5CB-US10 WDM -U:-10 Sunny Boy 770OTL-US Fan kit for 5B :0)0/:800/ 4000/50)071-US22 FANKITOa-10 •.0 W! 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 • Standard feature 0 O:)tioral feature - Not available Outpu power power / Rated power i -' - --..................-• ` Data at nominal condiions Sunny Boy 6000TL-US Sunny Boy 70OCTL-US Sunny Boy 770OTL-US Sunn-. Boy 5300TL-US -dl 203 V AC 240 V AC 208 V AC L 240 V AC 208 V AC 24D V AC 208 V AC 240 V AC 5300 W 6300 W 7300 W 8000 W 600 ✓ 600 V 600 V 600 V 175 - 430 V 210 - 480 V 245 - 480 V 270 - 480 V 125 - 50O V 125 - 500 V 125 - 500V 125 - 500V 1'-5V/'9;0V 125V/150V 125V/150V 12EV/150V OA/ 5A 30A/15A 30A/18A 30A/18A 2/2 455C W 5000 W 5200 W 6000 W 6000 W 7000 W 6650 W 7680 W 455C VA 5000 VA 5200 VA 6000 V4 6000 VA 700C VA 6650 VA 76807A 20E V/ • 240 V/ • 208 V/ • 240 V /a 208 V / • 240'v / • 208 V / • 240V; • 183 - 229 + 211 - 264 V 183 - 229 V 211 - 264 V 183 - 229 V 211 - 264" 183 - 229 V 211 - 254V 63Hz159.3-60.5 Hz 60Hz/59.3-60.5 Hz 60 Hz, 59.3-60.5 Hz 60Hz/59.3-60.5 Hz 22A 1 25A 29.2A 1 32A 1/2 1 1/2 1/2 1 1/2 <45: <4% <d/ <4% 97..% 97.6% 97.0% 97.4% 96.61% 96.X% 96.8% 97.3% 9.51: 97.0% 96.5% 97.0% 9.5.5°/ 96.i% 96.5% 96.5. • • • • 1 I 490/519/ 185 (19.3/20.5/7.:) 187/297 / 190 (7.4 / 11.7 / 7.5 617 / 597 J 266 (24.3 / 23.5 / 10.5) 370/240/280 (14.6/9.4%11.0) 24 kg (53 Ib) / 3.5 kg (8 Ib) 27 kg (60 Ib) / 3.5 kg (8 Ib) -40 °C...+60'C (-40 °F-+140 `F) < 29 d6(S) < 29 dB(A) < 29 dB(A) < 29 dB(A) <1W < I W <1W <1W T-nmforn-Fess Transformedess TransFarmede:s Tronsformedess Convection Fan Fan Fan NEMA :R NEMA 3R NEMA 3R NEMA 3R 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 •/Ojo 0/0/0 */c/o •/0/0 JL 1741, UL 1998, UL 16998, IEEE 1547. FCC Part 15 (Class A 8'B), CAN/CSA C22:2 107 1-1 SE S00OTL-US-22 SB 6000TL-US-22 SB ?OOOTL-US22 SB 770OTL-US-22 SMA PV Inverter Secure Power Supply Technical Description EPSUSTB-en-11 1 Version 1.1 CA US Legal Provisions SMA America, LLC Legal Provisions Copyright© 2013 SMA America, I.I.C. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, be it electronic, mechanical, photographic, magnetic or otherwise, without the prior written permission of SMA America, I.I.C. Neither SMA America, LLC nor SMA Solar Technology Canada Inc. makes representations, express or implied, with respect to this documentation or any of the equipment and/or software it may describe, including (with no limitation) any implied warranties of utility, merchantability, or fitness for any particular purpose. All such warranties are expressly disclaimed. Neither SMA America, LLC nor its distributors or dealers nor SMA Solar Technology Canada Inc. nor its distributors or dealers shall be liable for any indirect, incidental, or consequential damages under any circumstances. (The exclusion of implied warranties may not apply in all cases under some statutes, and thus the above exclusion may not apply.) Specifications are subject to change without notice. Every attempt has been made to make this document complete, accurate and up-to-date. Readers are cautioned, however, that SMA America, LLC and SMA Solar Technology Canada Inc. reserve the right to make changes without notice and shall not be responsible for any damages, including indirect, incidental or consequential damages, caused by reliance on the material presented, including, but not limited to, omissions, typographical errors, arithmetical errors or listing errors in the content material. All trademarks are recognized even if these are, not marked separately. Missing designations do not mean that a product or brand is not a registered trademark. The Bluetooth® word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by SMA America, LLC and SMA Solar Technology Canada Inc. is under license. SMA America, LLC 3801 N. Havana Street Denver, CO 80239 U.S.A. SMA Solar Technology Canada Inc. 2425 Matheson Blvd. E 7th Floor Mississauga, ON L4W 51<4 Canada EPSUSTB-en-1 1. Technical Description 2 Secure Power Supply Operation 2 Secure Power Supply Operation aSafety during secure power supply operation SMA America, LLC Refer to the user manual of your inverter for all safety precautions and for the exact procedure for safe secure power supply operation. Energy despite Grid Failure In order to use the inverter in secure power supply operation, there must be sufficient solar irradiation. However, secure power supply operation is not possible as long as the inverter is in feed -in operation. The inverter activates the secure power supply module automatically only when the utility grid fails or the line voltage is below the permitted value. If the switch of the socket -outlet is set to "ON", the electrical power can be used. Hence, the inverter regulates the secure power supply automatically at the socketoutlet as long as there is sufficient solar irradiation. If the power is no longer needed, despite the grid failure, you can shut off the secure power supply operation by turning the switch to "OFF'. Returning to Feed -In Operation If the grid failure has stopped during the secure power supply operation, there is still voltage present at the socket -outlet. The inverter remains in secure power supply operation and does not return to feed -in operation automatically. Secure power supply operation only stops when the switch of the socket -outlet has been turned "OFF". The inverter feeds into the utility grid again. Secure power supply operation will no longer be possible when the grid failure has ended and the socket -outlet has been switched off. 4 EPS-USTBen*l 1 Technical Description SMA America, LLC 3 Restrictions for the Secure Power Supply Operation 3 Restrictions for the Secure Power Supply Operation Power Fluctuation The power available during secure power supply operation depends on the solar irradiation on the PV modules. The power can fluctuate considerably depending on the weather or may not be available at all. Therefore, you should not supply loads with the secure power supply operation that rely on a stable voltage supply, such as medical devices. Low Solar Irradiation The inverter interrupts the secure power supply operation when solar irradiation is too low but tries to continue the secure power supply operation automatically after 20 seconds. In case the inverter turned off due to the solar irradiation being too low, the switch of the socket -outlet must once again be operated so that the secure power supply operation can be continued as soon as there is sufficient solar irradiation. Behavior at Night Since there is no solar irradiation present, secure power supply operation is not possible at night. If the inverter is in secure power supply operation at nightfall, it turns off and ends the secure power supply operation. Behavior after Sunrise After sunrise, the inverter automatically tries to feed into the utility grid again as soon as there is sufficient solar irradiation. If the grid failure still persists after sunrise, the secure power supply operation will not continue automatically, not even when the switch of the socket -outlet is still turned "ON". To restart secure power supply operation, the switch of the socket -outlet must be operated again. If the grid failure has stopped after sunrise, the inverter feeds into the utility grid again automatically, even when the switch of the socket -outlet is still turned "ON". Overload of the Socket -Outlet The inverter will interrupt secure power supply operation in the case of an overload of the socketoutlet; however, it will try to continue secure power supply operation automatically every 20 seconds. This can lead to the inadvertent starting of a connected load. Only connect loads that have a power consumption of 1,500 watts or less. If you connect a power strip, the sum of the input power of all loads connected to the power strip, may not exceed 1,500 watts as well. Technical Description EPSSUSSTfien•11 M19 W_ -A NEON Fa.5tJa.ck Patent #6,360,491 Flashable Roof Stanchion The patented design of the FastJack© can be'easily expressed as the most innovative, efficient and cost-effective tool of it's kind! Between the precision CNC machined base and stanchion along with strict engineering and material standards, the FastJack° has been laboratory tested to provide 2,359 pounds of strength using only a single lag bolt (included)! Four Sizes Available! -ke 3" High Part# FJ -300-18 For low profile installations using Oatey® flashings (for composition shingle roof -tops) 4-1/2" High Part# FJ -450-18 For installations using standard flashings (for composition & flat rooftops) 6" High Part# FJ -600-18 For standard flashings (for flat tile rooftops) 7-1/2" High Part# FJ -750-18 For standard flashings (sized for S-curve tile roofs and/or double flashed installations) Laboratory Tested / 2,359 lbs ® i/erti-al Pullouts 808 Ibis Side Avial Pullout! Fastlac:0 FJ -300-1E For OateyQ style Flashings INO-k— FastJackO FJ450-1e" for standard heyht flashings t The Fast Jacko design is covered under Pat. #6,360,491 � ,, ,� ,� • �, Using lea. 5/16" x 31/2" lag Bah /'5 . • , f Y USED •MOUNTING:Commercial FastJacko also available (rated at 4,250 lbs.) • Photovoltaic Solar Panels Easyinstallation Benefits of the FastJack° on 3/e" sS of s flashing on 318'•X3/4 Ftatwasher • Communication r Removable post makes installation on existing SS Hex emt���' _ • Virtually anything needing roofs/retrofit quirk and easy (refer to the illustration eXlstlllg roof -LOPS = to the right) See reverse for installation theory' s s r t t �� _. • Patented design locates the lag bolt directly under the stanchion providing superior strength values • Fast & easy to install - saves time and labor costs • Precision machined from extruded aluminum, . there are no welds to corrode or break • Significantly lighter than steel for installer convenience and reduced shipping costs. • Integrated drill guide insures perfect pilot holes every time - minimizes the possibility of splitting roof rafters • Base design allows virtually any roof flashing to install flat on the roof deck Email us for more information prosolar@prosolar coni FASTJACK_layout3.indd 1 0 Standard & Oateyo Flashings slip over the base and under the delicate shingle'? The post can be r installed through the.top of th6 flashing � ". 51.16'' x 3=112" i 'SS1ag'Bolt �'� Threaded Fast e Jack Base 420/06 3:39:19 PM u INO-k— ) FastJackO FJ450-1e" for standard heyht flashings t The Fast Jacko design is covered under Pat. #6,360,491 � ,, ,� ,� • �, Using lea. 5/16" x 31/2" lag Bah /'5 . • , f Y USED •MOUNTING:Commercial FastJacko also available (rated at 4,250 lbs.) • Photovoltaic Solar Panels Easyinstallation Benefits of the FastJack° on 3/e" sS of s flashing on 318'•X3/4 Ftatwasher • Communication r Removable post makes installation on existing SS Hex emt���' _ • Virtually anything needing roofs/retrofit quirk and easy (refer to the illustration eXlstlllg roof -LOPS = to the right) See reverse for installation theory' s s r t t �� _. • Patented design locates the lag bolt directly under the stanchion providing superior strength values • Fast & easy to install - saves time and labor costs • Precision machined from extruded aluminum, . there are no welds to corrode or break • Significantly lighter than steel for installer convenience and reduced shipping costs. • Integrated drill guide insures perfect pilot holes every time - minimizes the possibility of splitting roof rafters • Base design allows virtually any roof flashing to install flat on the roof deck Email us for more information prosolar@prosolar coni FASTJACK_layout3.indd 1 0 Standard & Oateyo Flashings slip over the base and under the delicate shingle'? The post can be r installed through the.top of th6 flashing � ". 51.16'' x 3=112" i 'SS1ag'Bolt �'� Threaded Fast e Jack Base 420/06 3:39:19 PM u FastJack l l .::::: IN ■NNER Bulk packaging means easier stocking abilities, less packaging waste and quicker, more convenient installation. Everything in the photo below is shipped in a recloseable box for storage of extra parts. Easy Installation: The Fast Jack© is available in four convenient sizes. All sizes are packaged in quantities of 18 per box: 18 1" Round Posts (3", 4-1/2", 6" or 1-1/2" tall) 18 Threaded bases 18 3/8" x 3/4" SS Hex Bolts 18 3/8" SS Flat washers 18 5/16" x 3" SS Lag bolts 18 5/16" SS Flat Washers O Professional Solar Produds, Inc. -Mad 4006. FASTJACK layout3.indd 2 4/20/06 3:39:23 PM �, Flashing Template Available for Oateyi,`v alb ' (Pictured) and standard`' e flashings. Makes cutting in a perfect flashing easy and 't -r;•. • '��3�;.af�" painless! , o • F } , ` r .t f Kit includes Fast k { Jack post threader ®' ® with knob � K , FASTJACK layout3.indd 2 4/20/06 3:39:23 PM �, SOLARMOUNT a PV's most versatile mounting system SolarMount is the most versatile PV mounting rail system on the market today. We've engineered installer -friendly components for maximum fleyibility, allowing you to solve virtually any PV mounting challenge. The universal SolarMount rail system has three options which can be assembled into a wide variety of PV mounting structures to accommodate anyjob site. Unirac provides a technical support system complete with installation and ©de compliance documentation, an on-line estimator and design assistance to help you solve the toughest challenges. MM@UNIRA'C an Bright Thinking in Solar Visit us online at www.unirEc.com SOLARMOUNT® RAIL OPTIONS ATTACHMENT OPTIONS KEY BENEFITS PV's most versatile mounting system Flexible Components Speed Installation of SolarMount® Rail SolarMount' HD HD (heavy duty) rail adds the SolarMount advantage to PV PoleTops•, U-I.As (see separate data sheets), and custom applications that require long spans. Standoffs Use standoffs whenever Flashed installations • are required, on Tile roofs, for example. Two- piece aluminum standoff allow precise place- ment of a Bashing over a secured base prior to the installation of the standoff itself. - All standoff types come in four standard heights: 3, q, 6, and 7 inches. Appropriate Flashings are available. Serrated L -feet -_ •"'�-.�� Standard for ground mount installations on residential and commercial rooftops ,use L -feet _ alone above asphalt composition shingles or in conjunction with Bat top standoffs. Mount standard or light rails. Configure to either of two rail heights, one promoting air Bow for cooling, the other offering close -to -the -roof aesthetics Strut -in -Tube Style Legs Quickly set the precise tilt angle required. Styles are available for high profile (s or z legs per rail) and low profile installations. r Each series offers three leg lengths so that you • ,a "• p can adjust to exactly the tilt angle you want— up to a maximum of 6o degrees—without cutting and drilling at thejob site. Standard SolarMount' Standard rail gives you ultimate flexibility, including FastFoot— bottom mounting and tie-up options. The FastFoot^'attachment features Eco -Fasten MODULE MOUNTING technology by the Alpine Snow Guard Company. allowing attachments to metal, concrete and Assembly SequenceIsYourChoice wood decks without compromising the integriry :f of the roof. Top Mounting Clamps Bottom Mounting Clips Ideal for flush mount applica- Use bottom mounting clips 4 Tile Hook tions, such as residential rooftops, _ (standard and HD rail only) Made from cast aluminum, the the hook " where it is most convenient to whenever you prefer to attachment provides SolarMount with a secure footings and rails before preassemble the array using cost-effective solution for barrel or Spanish installing modules, top mounting module mounting holes. clamps securely grip any point of Simply fit the clip into its rail file roofs. All required lag tiles and hardware the module frame, freeing you slot over the mounting bolt for are included. Refer to the file hook engineering from the constraints of module a secure connection. Adjust the data for max load capabilities. mounting holes. clip position anywhere along the rail slot. Maximum flexibility Flush, high-profile or low -profile configurations Roof or ground mount • Pitched or flat roof Ease of installation Installer -friendly components Minimized penetration with longer attachment spans than competitive products Designed with customer input Grounding and wire management options Complete technical support Installation and code compliance documentation Online estimator Person-to-person customer service Core component for Unirac mounting solutions Three rail options to accommodate anyjob site Incorporated into other major product lines ma ..°UNII�At� Bright Thinking in Solar - Bright Thinking in Solar Component Specifications 6o6i-T6 and 6063-T5 • SolarMount ballast frame 6.1o5 -T5 aluminum extrusion SolarMounto rails Mounting clips and clamps Tilt legs and L -feet Two-piece standoffs Severe Condition 4 (very severe) zinc -plated welded steel • One-piece standoffs 18-8 stainless steel - Fasteners an U N I RAC MEN ME Bright Thinking in Solar Code Compliant The SolarMount® system is PE certified. Call Unirac fo- documentation applicable to your building code Warranty SolarMount® is covered by a so -year limited product warranty and a 5 -year limited finish warranty. For complete warranties, download any SolarMount®. installation manual from our web site. Visit us online at www.unirac.com W)UNIRAC A HILTI GROUP COMPANY .K SolarMount Technical Datasheet Pub 110818 -ltd V1.0 August 2011 SolarMount Module Connection Hardware.................................................................. 1 BottomUp Module Clip...........................................................................::....................1 MidClamp....................................................................................................................2 EndClamp....................................................................................................................2 SolarMount Beam Connection Hardware......................................................................3 L-Foot........................................................................................................................... 3 SolarMountBeams..........................................................................................................4 SolarMount Module Connection Hardware SolarMount Bottom Up Module Clip Part No. 302000C Washer Bottom Up Clip material: One of the following extruded aluminum Bottom ut (hidden..see Up Clip alloys: 6005-T5, 6105-T5, 6061-T6 Ultimate tensile: 38ksi, Yield: 35 ksi no r Finish: Clear Anodized <.. Bottom Up Clip weight: —0.031 lbs (14g) Beam Bolt Allowable and design loads are valid when components are 1038 (4615) assembled with SolarMount series beams according to authorized Transverse, X± UNIRAC documents 329 (1463) • Assemble with one %"-20 ASTM F593 bolt, one Y<"-20 ASTM F594 497 (2213) serrated flange nut, and one 1/4" flat washer Sliding, Z± Use anti -seize and tighten to 10 ft -lbs of torque - Resistance factors and safety factors are determined 'according to 41 (181) part 1 section 9 of the 2005 Aluminum Design Manual and third- ` _ party test results from an IAS accredited laboratory • Module edge must be fully supported by the beam * ' NOTE ON WASHER: Install washer on bolt head side of assembly. DO NOT install washer under serrated flange nut I . . - . 1 lJ I ! i,2i ! Y..._ r. .x 1.00 Dimensions specified in inches unless noted Applied Load Direction Average Ultimate lbs (N) Allowable Load lbs (N) Safety Factor, FS Design Load lbs (N) Resistance Factor, m Tension, Y+ , 1566 (6967) 686 (3052) 2.28 1038 (4615) 0.662 Transverse, X± 1128 (5019) 329 (1463) 3.43 497 (2213) 0.441 Sliding, Z± 66 (292) 27 (119) 2.44 41 (181) 0.619 SolarMount Mid Cla-np Part No. 302101C, 302101D, 302103C, 302104D, 302105D, 302106D f Mk Clen ~EN WOULI5 _ in J Dimensions specified in inches ■rb5s noted SolarMount End Clamp PartNo. 302001C, 30200:C, �02002D, 302003C, 302003D,302004C,3020C4D•302005C,302005D, 302006C, 302006D, 3020*71D, 3r)2008C, 302008D, 302009C,302009D,3020'OC,302011C,302012C 0 :00UNIRAC A HILTI GROUP COMPANY • Mid clamp material: One of the following extruded aluminum alloys: 6005-T5, 6105-T5, 6061-T6 • Ultimate tensile: 38ksi, Yield: 35 ksi • Finish: Clear or Dark Anodized • Mid clamp weight: 0.050 lbs (23g) • Allowable and design loads are valid when components are assembled according to authorized UNIRAC documents • Values represent the allowable and design load capacity of a single mid clamp assembly when used with a SolarMount series beam to retain a module in the direction indicated • Assemble mid clamp with one Unirac W-20 T -bolt and one 1/4'-20 ASTM F594 serrated flange nut • Use anti -seize and tighten to 10 ft -lbs of torque • Resistance factors and safety factors are determined according to part 1 section 9 of the 2005 Aluminum Design Manual and third - party test results from an IAS accredited laboratory Applied Load Direction Average Ultimate lbs (N) Allowable Load lbs (N) Safety Factor, FS Design Load lbs (N) Resistance Factor, m Tension, Y+ 2020 (8987) 891 (3963) 2.27 1348 (5994) 0.667 Transverse, Z+ 520 (2313) 229 (1017) 2.27 346 (1539) 0.665 Sliding, X± 1194 (5312) 1 490 (2179) 1 2.72 741(3295)1 0.620 —rA IS � OICN'.NUN 1 - �4'7GHr VARIES WTTH HOCOULE DILOMM Dimensions • End clamp material: One of the following extruded aluminum alloys: 6005-T5, 6105-T5, 6061-T6 • Ultimate tensile: 38ksi, Yield: 35 ksi • Finish: Clear or Dark Anodized • End clamp weight: varies based on height: —0.058 lbs (26g) • Allowable and design loads are valid when components are assembled according to authorized UNIRAC documents • Values represent the allowable and design load capacity of a single end clamp assembly when used with a SolarMount series beam to retain a module in the direction indicated • Assemble with one Unirac'/4'-20 T -bolt and one Y4'-20 ASTM F594 serrated flange nut • Use anti -seize and tighten to 10 ft -lbs of torque • Resistance factors and safety factors are determined according to part 1 section 9 of the 2005 Aluminum Design Manual and third - party test results from an IAS accredited laboratory • Modules must be installed at least 1.5 in from either end of a beam Applied Load Direction Average Ultimate lbs (N) Allowable Load Ibs (N) Safety Factor, FS Design Loads lbs (N) Resistance Factor, m Tension, Y+ 1321 (5876) 529 (2352) 2.50 800 (3557) 0.605 Transverse, Z± 1 63 (279) 14 (61) 4.58 21 (9 2), 0.330 Sliding, X± 142 (630) 52 (231) 2.72 79 (349) 0.555 SolarMount Beam Connection Hardware SolarMount L -Foot Part No. 304000C, 304000D Y A x, ► X i r [[M 1' A SLOT FOR ` 2.61 Dimensions specified in inches unless noted OUNIRAC A HILTI GROUP COMPANY • L -Foot material: One of the following extruded aluminum alloys: 6005- T5, 6105-T5, 6061-T6 • Ultimate tensile: 38ksi, Yield: 35 ksi • Finish: Clear or Dark Anodized • L -Foot weight: varies based on height: --0.215 lbs (98g) • Allowable and design loads are valid when components are assembled with SolarMount series beams according to authorized Bolt UNIRAC documents L -Foot For the beam to L -Foot connection: • Assemble with one ASTM F593 W-16 hex head screw and one ASTM F594 Wserrated flange nut • Use anti -seize and tighten to 30 ft -lbs of torque • Resistance factors and safety factors are determined according to part 1 section 9 of the 2005 Aluminum Design Manual and third -party test results from an IAS accredited laboratory NOTE: Loads are given for the L -Foot to beam connection only; be sure to check load limits for standoff, lag screw, or other attachment method Applied Load Direction Average Ultimate lbs (N) Allowable Load lbs (N) Safety Design Factor, Load FS lbs (N) Resistance Factor, 4) Sliding, Z± 1766 (7856) 755 (3356) 2.34 1141 (5077) 0.646 Tension, Y+ 1859 (8269) 707(3144), 2.63 1069 (4755) 0.575 Compression, Y- 3258 (14492) 1325 (5893) 2.461 2004(8913)1 0.615 Traverse, X± 486 (2162) 213(949)1 2.28 323(1436)1 0.664 :00UNIRAC A HILTI GROUP COMPANY SolarMount Beams Part No. 310132C, 310132C -B, 310168C, 310168C -B, 310168D 310208C, 310208C -B, 310240C, 310240C -B, 310240D, 410144M, 410168M, 410204M, 410240M Properties Units SolarMount SolarMount HD Beam Height in 2.5 3.0 Approximate Weight (per linear ft) plf 0.811 1.271 Total Cross Sectional Area in' 0.676 1.059 Section Modulus (X -Axis) in 0.353 0.898 Section Modulus (Y -Axis) in 0.113 0.221 Moment of Inertia (X -Axis) in" 0.464 1.450 Moment of Inertia (Y -Axis) in 0.044 0.267 Radius of Gyration (X -Axis) in 0.289 1.170 Radius of Gyration (Y -Axis) in 0.254 0.502 SLOT FOR T -BOLT OR %" HEX HEAD SCREW 2X SLOT FOR BOTTOM CLIP 2.500 T1.316 SLOT FOR HEX BOLT .387 750y.7510-- y 1 -w x SolarMount Beam SLOT FOR T -BOLT OR a" HEX HEAD SCREW SLOT FOR BOTTOM CLIP 1.728 i —TI SLOT FOR 1.385 3�" HEX BOLT 1.207 1, 1.875 A r x SolarMount HD Beam Dimensions specified in inches unless noted LAJ,I Le Advancing Renewable Technology ACC Acme Cable Clips • Made with corrosion resistant 300 series stainless steel • Dual wire compartments • Special tab for easy installation and removal with flat -head screwdriver • Designed to prevent damage to cable insulation • Sized for USE -2 cable (5-5.4mm) or PV cable (6.8-7.2mm) ACC Holds: 1 to 2 USE -2 wires or 1 PV wire ACC- PV www:dcpower-systems,com:. Contact us at: 845.247.4708 www.we,-Ilc.com M SOu�rtMouN'r Top Mounting UniRac Grounding Clips and WEEBLugs - 225.6 UGC- I Intertek Conforms to UL Standard 467 WEEBLug Stainless Steel Flat Washer (WEEB) Clips and lugs are sold separately. Figure 28. UGC -1 layout for even and odd number of modules in row. "X" denotes places to install UGC -1. To M ounting .clamps L�.1 I I Module T -bolt cLIL-1n UGC -Ie SolafMount@ rail (any type) Figure 27. Insert a bolt in the aluminum rail or through the clearance hole in the stainless steel flat washer. Place the stainless steel flat washer on the bolt oriented so the dimples will contact the aluminum rail. Place the lugportion on the bolt and stainless steel flat washer. Install stainless steel flat washer, lock washer and nut. Tighten the nut until the dimples are completely embedded into the rail and lug. The embedded dimples make a gas-tight mechanical connection and ensure good electrical connection between the aluminum rail and the lug through the WEEB. Even Number of Modules in row Odd Number of Modules in row Figure 26. Slide UGC -1 grounding clip into top mounting slot of rail. Torque modules in place on top of clip. Nibs will penetrate rail anod- ization and create grounding path through rail (see Fig. 3, reverse side). Ng WEEBLug ount® rail (any type) •as U N I RAC Pub 110617-2cc.. June 2011 M m 2011 by Unirac, Inc. A HILTI GROUP COMPANY All rights reserved. "U N I RAC Installation Sheet 225.6 Unirac Grounding Clips and WEEBLugs 10 year limited Product Warranty See http://www.unirac.com for current warranty documents and information. YOUR UNIRAC DISTRIBUTOR SOLIGENT Soligent www.s7-6917 ww.soligent.net U N I RAC 1411 Broadway Boulevard NE _ some Albuquerque NM 87102-1545 USA Degr 2 WEEB° LUG w,iLeLi The WEEB® Lug consists of a WEEB® washer, lay -in lug, and hardware. It is used with one solid or stranded, copper wire (14AWG to 6AWG), or two copper wires (12AWG to 10AWG) to provide a continuous ground on roof or ground mounted solar systems. Unlike traditional lay -in lugs, the WEEB® Lug does not require surface preparation on rail or module to install. The WEEB® Lug is installed using stainless steel mounting hardware. When the hardware is tightened the WEEB'washers' specialized teeth embed into anodized aluminum, galvanized steel, or any electrically conductive metal to establish a gas tight electrical connection. The tin-plated Lug assures minimum contact resistance and protection against corrosion. Copper wire is clamped by a 1/4-28 stainless steel screw, which is horizontal to the tang for easy access when mounted under a PV module. The low profile of the WEEB® Lug allows it to be installed in a variety of positions. Catalog Item # L x W x H Hole [Hardware Torque WEEB-LUG-6.7 30020109 1.60" x 0.71" x 0.47" 1/4 inch hardware - 0.266" included unassembled WEEB-LUG-6.7AS 30020110 1.60" x 0.71" x 0.47" 1/4 inch hardware - included assembled 7 ft. lbs. for terminal screw WEEB-LUG-8.0 30020111 1.60" x 0.87" x 0.47" M8 or 5/16 inch hardware - not included 10 ft. lbs. for mounting WEEB-LUG-B.OAS 50010335 1.60" x 0.87" x 0.47" 5/16 inch hardware - 0.323" included assembled hardware w/ Penetrox-A WEEB-LUG-8.OUN 50023920 1.60" x 0.87" x 0.47" 5/16 inch hardware - included unassembled on threads WEEB-LUG-15.8 30020112 1.60' x 0.71" x 0.47" M8 or 5/16 inch hardware - not included • Made of corrosion -resistant, tin-plate copper • Design ensures for easy installation • Available - With WEEB® washer technology -Assembled and unassembled - With or without installation hardware • Low profile design • No surface preperation on rail or module required • Reliability throughout the lifetime of the PV system • Multiple equipment ground conductor allowance: One 14 AWG to 6 AWG or two 10 AWG, two 12 AWG • Listed to ANSI/UL 467 by Intertek ETL • CSA Certified to C22.2 No. 41 • Custom designs available upon request Customer Service Department 7 Aviation Park Drive Londonderry NH 03053 1-800-346-4175 1-603-647-5299 (International) www.burndy.com cE�)Us Intertek 4004188 WILEY GROUNDING LUG The WILEY Grounding Lug consists of a lay -in lug and terminal screw. It is used with one solid or stranded copper wire (14AWG to 6AWG), or two copper wires (12AWG to 10AWG) to create an electrical connection between two pieces of non -anodized aluminum, galvanized steel, or any electrically conductive metal. The tin- plated WILEY Grounding Lug assures minimum contact resistance and protection against corrosion. Copper wire is clamped by a 1/4-28 stainless steel screw„which is horizontal to the tang for easy access when mounted under a PV module. The low profile of the WILEY Grounding Lug allows it to be installed in a variety of positions. Catalog :Item # L x W x H Hole Hardware Torque WILEYLUG6.7 50028861 1.60” x 0.71" x 0.47" Terminal screw included - 0.266" WEEBTm not included 7 ft. lbs. for terminal screw WILEYLUG8.0 50028866 1.60" x 0.87" x 0.47" Terminal screw included - WEEBTm not included 10 ft. lbs. for mounting WILEYLUG8.2 50028869 1.60" x 0.71" x 0.47"Terminal screw included - 0.323" WEEBT" not included hardware `N/ Penetrox-A WILEYLUG15.8 50028872 1.60" x 0.71" x 0.47" Terminal screw included - on threads WEEBTm not included. • Material: tin-plated copper • Outdoor rated! • Low profile design • Multiple equipment ground conductor allowance: One 14 AWG to 6 AWG or two 10 AWG, two 12 AWG • Listed to ANSI/UL 467 by Intertek ETL Customer Service Department 7 Aviation Park Drive Londonderry NH 03053 1-800-346-4175 1-603-647-5299 (International) www.burndy.com Intertek 4004188 y Type BR Loadcenters and Circuit Breakers Overview Product Selection Guide BR Loadcenters Description Service Loadcenters and Circuit Breakers Type BR Loadcenters and Circuit Breakers Contents Description Overview Product Description ..................... Features, Benefits and Functions.......... . Standards and Certifications .............. Catalog Number Selection ................ Product Selection ....................... BR Specialty Products Spa Panels ............................ Riser Panel ............................ Type BR Renovation Loadcenter ........... Type BR Retrofit Interior Kits .............. BR Circuit Breakers ........................ 1.2 Page M V7 -T1-42 V1 -T1-42 V1 -T1-44 V1 -T1-44 V1 -T1-45 V1 -T1-56 V1 -T1-57 V1 -T1-58 V1 -T1-67 V1 -T1-69 Single-phase, three -wire, 120/240 Vac Three-phase, four -wire, 20BY/120 Vac Three-phase, three -wife, 240 Vac delta Short -Circuit Current Rating 10 WC: All single- and three-phase loadcenters 70-225A, 8 to 42 circuits 25 WC: All convertible and factory -installed single-phase loadcenters rated 22 WC: All convertible loadcenters using 125A rated Type BRH main breakers or 150 and 200A using Type BWH main breakers selected factory installed 125A rated Type BRH main breaker Main Breaker/Main Lug Loadcenters Single-phase Three-phase Main breaker: 100, 125, 150, 200, 225, 400, 600A Main breaker. 100, 125,150, 200, 225, 400, 600A Main lugs: 70,125,150. 200, 225, 400, 600A Main lugs: 100, 125,150, 200, 225, 400, 600A Convertible Loadcenters Main breaker: single-phase up to 200A and three-phase up to 225A Main lugs: single-phase up to 200A and three-phase up to 150A Branch Breakers Types BR, BRH and BRHH:10-150A. single-, two -and three -pole; selected amperage Type 80 and BOC Multibreaker:15-30A. Two of two -pole or one two -pole and available in switching duty, HACR, shunt trip and high magnetic setting two one -pole; takes two 1 -inch (25.4 mm) spaces Type GFCB: 15-60A Type BRW: 15-30A; two -pole water heater breakers Types BJ and BJH: 125-225A: two- and three -pole Type BRSN:15-30A; two -pole switching neutral breakers Type BD Twin: 10-50A, two of one -pole; take one 1 -inch (25.4 mm) space Type OR 15-100A; two -pole, 240 Vac delta breakers BR-AFCI arc fault circuit interrupter Enclosures NEMA Type 1 indoor NEMA 4X NEMA Type 3R outdoor Meets or exceeds UL requirements for indoor or outdoor applications Loadcenter and Breaker Accessories Branch circuit breaker: Surge protection: Auxiliary components Hold-down kits Handle ties Single-phase plug -on surge protector Single-phase bottle type surge protector Lockoffs Lockdogs Three-phase bottle type surge protector Single-phase whole home surge protector Complete line of ground bar kits 5,10.14 and 21 circuit, some with additional MO lugs; Universal rainproof conduit hubs each terminal will accommodate: (3) 914410 CU/AI or It #1444 Cu/AI Group One: 3/4,1,1-1/4,1-1/2, 2 inches It 9.1, 25.4, 31.8, 38.1, 50.8 mm) Main and sub -feed lugs 125,150, 225A—two- and three -pole Group Two: 2, 2-1/2, 3 inches (50.8, 63.5, 76.2 mm) Shunt trips Adapter plate Bussing Tin-plated aluminum as standard Limited copper bus panels available Volume 1—Residential and Light Commercial CA08100002E—January2013 www.eaton.com V7-77-41 1.2 Loadcenters and Circuit Breakers Type BR Loadcenters and Circuit Breakers Product Description Loadcenters are enclosures specifically designed to house the branch circuit breakers and wiring required to distribute power to individual circuits. They contain either a main breaker when used at the service entrance point or a main lug when used as a sub -panel to add circuits to existing service. The main breaker protects the main entire panel and can be used as a service disconnect. The branch breakers protect the wires leading to individual electrical loads such as fixtures and outlets. Features, Benefits and Functions Loadcenter Construction Eaton's Type BR loadcenters have standard tin-plated aluminum bus with a limited availability of copper bus. The sum of the handle ratings connected to any stab is limited to 150A maximum on the 100 and 125A Loadcenters, and 200A on loadcenters with 150A or higher main bus. NEMA Type 1 boxes or enclosures are manufactured from galvanized steel. Raintight boxes are manufactured from galvanized steel, then finished using an electrostatic powder coat, baked urethane paint process. Neutrals Eaton Type CH loadcenters feature two types of neutrals: Insulated/Bondable Split Neutral Panels are supplied with split insulated neutrals with an insulated cross strap. For service entrance applications, the neutral must be bonded by using the bonding strap supplied with the panel. For non -service entrance (sub - panel) applications, the panel may be installed with the bonding strap not connected to the neutral. Separate ground bars must be used on non -service entrance panels. Insulated/Bondable Single Neutral Panels are supplied with a single insulated neutral. For service entrance applications, all that is required to bond the neutral is to loosen the bonding screw and the neutral screw directly beside it, insert the bonding strap into the neutral bar, and re - tighten both connections. The single neutral can be moved by the contractor to the other side of the panel, if desired. When used as a service entrance panel, unused neutral connections may be used for the termination of equipment grounds. For non - service entrance (sub -panel) applications, the panel may be installed with the bonding strap not connected to the neutral. Separate ground bars must be used on non -service entrance panels. Grounds In service entrance applications where the neutral is bonded, unused neutral holes may be used for terminating ground conductors. In sub -feed panels, the neutral must be isolated (non -bonded), and ground wires must be terminated on a separate ground bar. The insulated/bondable single/split neutral panels have sufficient terminations for both ground and neutral conductors. The insulated/ bondable single split neutral panels are supplied with a separate factory -installed ground bar if the catalog number contains a "G." If not, a separate ground bar should be installed. Insulated/ Bondable Single Neutral panels are supplied without a ground bar (unless otherwise noted), and ground bar kits if needed must be purchased separately. Neutral and Ground Terminals The standard terminals on grounds and neutrals are rated to accept (3) #14410 Cu/AI or (1) #14-4, provided the cables terminated are of the same material. For larger cables, add-on neutral lugs may be ordered from the accessories on Page V1 -T1-60. Note: NEC allows only one current -carrying conductor per hole on neutrals unless otherwise noted. Bottom Fed Loadcenters For single-phase 225A and below loadcenters that are bottom fed, a standard panel can be rotated 180 degrees to allow straight -in wiring of power cables to the main terminals. Because the main circuit breaker handle operates horizontally, the orientation of the main circuit breaker handle is consistent with the requirements of NEC 2008 Article 240.81. Gutter Splicing Loadcenters are not UL listed as wiring troughs. Therefore, gutter splicing of riser cables to tap off to the main device is not permitted. Refer to NEC 2008 Article 312.8. Fire Rating Due to the numerous openings in both loadcenter boxes and trims, they should not be mounted in firewalls. There is no approved method for sealing the enclosures for this application. V1 -T7-42 Volume 1—Residential and Light Commercial CA08100002E—January2013 www.eaton.com Date Code The date of manufacture of each loadcenter is printed on the outside of the carton as well as inside the loadcenter. On the carton, the date code is printed on the end carton label. In the loadcenter, the date code is located on the small white label located on the right side wall (with the main device on top). The date code is in the following format: F # # # &. The "F" is the numeric code for the Lincoln, IL plant, and the three numbers are the year and week of manufacturing, e.g., 023. The "!" sign at the end signifies the decade of the 2010. Therefore, the date code F023& would indicate that the product was manufactured in the 23rd week of 2010. The 1980s are represented by the sign and the 1990s are represented by a "_" at the end of the code. Surge Protectors Complete home surge protection is available in multiple options, including a factory -installed option that provides the highest level of surge protection in a residential design. See Tab 3 for more details. Circuit Breaker.Case Interrupting Capacity • 10 kAIC • 22 kAIC • 25 kAIC Warranty Information • 10 -year limited loadcenter warranty • 10 -year limited branch breaker warranty Type BR Loadcenter—BR4040B200 Extra 1.5 -Inch (38.1 mm) Knockout ■ Larger knockout provides easier installation and time savings Top or Bottom Feed ■ Straight -in wiring saves labor and material ° ■ One panel for either top or bottom applications 2/0 Lug ■ Easily removable and can be I installed in any location on the neutral bar Standard Tin -Plated Aluminum Bus ■ Excellent conductivity and corrosion resistance ■ Copper bus options are available for select catalog numbers Drywall Marking on Enclosure ■ Indicates proper mounting depth for Flush applications Warranty 10 -year warranty on all Type BR loadcenters and circuit breakers. Loadcenters and Circuit Breakers Type BR Load enters and Circuit Breakers "Tangential" Center Knockout ■ Easier installation for conduit applicatioins Commercial Grade Main Breaker ■ 25 MMC series fated main breaker for superior protection Neutral Bus (Strap) ■ Is easily removable foi sub -panel. applications Bonding 2 -strap . . ■ Provides easy field conversion for service enhance applications Split Neutral Bars ■ A minimum of 150% neutral capacity Steel Backpan ■ Provides solid and reliable breaker mounting—single piece design for stability and durability Single Keyhole Mounting ■ One keyhole at the top and bottom provides easier mounting and leveling 1.2 Volume 1—Residential and Light Commercial CA08100002E—January 2013 www.eaton.com V1 -T1-43 C 1.2 Loadcenters and Circuit Breakers Type BR Loadcenters and Circuit Breakers MStandards and Certifications Catalog Number Selection UL Listings Single- and Three -Phase Through 225A All Eaton Type BR loadcenters 70 = 70A 200 = 200A are listed under UL File 3 OR 30 42 B C E52977 except the 2-8 circuit loadcenters, up through and including Phase 125A, which are listed under Blank = Single-phase 0 UL File E8741. 3 =Three-phase Eaton's Type BR Main Device Loadcenter B = Main breaker UL L = Main lug Listed Factory Options N = Convertible main H = Main breaker high AIC SUR = Factory integrated surge Bus Number of 1 -Inch (25.4 mm) Spaces Blank=Aluminumbus� C = Copper bus Maximum Number of Circuits Single- and Three -Phase 400-600A Construction Blank = No feed thru lugs O F = Feed -through lugs G= Ground bar P = Current design NY = NY City gutter space H =NtMNiypeanramprom S = NEMA Type 1 indoor with surface trim F = NEMA Type 1 indoor with flush trim Blank = NEMA Type 1 indoor with combination trim 0 RIS = Riser panel Amperes 50 = 50A 150 = 150A 70 = 70A 200 = 200A 100 = 100A 225 = 225A 125 = 125A 3B3042DFN TT TT 11 Phase Main N =Current design Blank = Single-phase O Blank = Main lug O Amperes 3 = Three-phase 8 = Main breaker D = 400A E = 600A Number of 1 -Inch (25.4 mm) Spaces Enclosure F = NEMA Type 1 indoor with Maximum Number combination trim of Circuits S = NEMA Type 1 indoorwith surface trim R1 = NEMA Tvoe 311 rainoroof Example No. 1: BR12241-125G Single-phase Type BR loadcenter rated at 125A with main lugs, 12 spaces allowing 24 poles, indoor combination enclosure, aluminum bus and ground bar. Example No. 2: BR24L70RP Single-phase Type BR loadcenter rated at 70A with main lugs, two spaces allowing four poles, rainproof enclosure with aluminum bus. V7 -T7-44 Volume 1—Residential and Light Commercial CA08100002E—January 2013 www.eaton.com Example No. 3: 364242EFN Three-phase Type BR loadcenter rated at 600A with main breaker, 42 spaces allowing 42 poles, indoor combination enclosure. Note O No character space used. Loadcenters and Circuit Breakers Type BR Loadcenters and Circuit Breakers 1 2 Single-Phase—Main Lug Loadcenters Single -Phase Three -Wire -120/240 Vac—Insulated/Bondable Split Neutral Maximum Number Wire Size Range . Main 1 -Inch (25.4 mm) Enclosure Box Cu/AI 60°C or 75°C Loadcenter Ampere Rating Spaces Circuits Type Trim Type Size for Main Lugs . Catalog Number Surface Outdoor 70 2 4 Indoor Surface (no door) 5 48-42 BR24L70SPOO 2 4 Indoor Surface (no door) 5 BR24L70SGPOO 2 4 Outdoor — 5R BR241.70RPOOO i 2 4 Indoor Flush (no door) 5 BR24L70FP 00 2 4 Indoor Flush (no door) 5 BR24L70FGPOO 125 2 4 Indoor Surface (no door) 6 414-1/0 BR24L125SPOO Flush Outdoor 2 4 Outdoor — 68 BR24L125RPOW 2 4 Outdoor — 6R BR24L125RSEPOOO 2 4 Outdoor — 68 BR24L125RSE2POOO 2 4 Indoor Flush (no door) 6 BR24L125FP 00 s 4 8 Indoor Surface (no door) 7 414-1/0 OR48L125SPOO 4 8 Indoor Surface (no door) 7 OR48L125SGPOO Surface (No Door) 4 8 Outdoor — 7R BR481.125RPOOO 4 8 Indoor Flush (no door) 7 BR48L125FPOO 4 8 Indoor Flush (with door) 7 OR48L125FDPOO 4 8 Indoor Flush (no door) 7 BR48L125FGP @ o 6 12 Indoor Surface (no door) 7 #14—St BR612L125SP OO 6 12 Indoor Surface (no door) 7 BR612L125SGPOO Flush (No Door) 6 12 Indoor Surface (with door) 7 BR612L125SDP O® 6 12 Indoor. Surface (withdoor) 7 BR612L125SDGP4SQe 6 12 Outdoor — 7R BR6121.125RPOO® a 6 12 Indoor Flush (no door) 7 BR612L125FP 0® 6 12 Indoor Flush (no door► 7 BR612L125FGP O@0 6 12 Indoor Flush (with door) 7 BR612L125FDPO Outdoor 6 12 Indoor Flush (with door) 7 BR612L125FDGPM 8 16 Indoor Surface (no door) 7 714-41 BR816L125SP OO 8 16 Indoor Surface (no door) 7 BR816L125SGP0* 8 16 Indoor Surface (with door) 7 BR8161.125SOP00 8 16 Indoor Surface (with door) 7 BR816L125SDGPOO 8 16 Outdoor — 7R BR816L125RPOOO 8 16 Indoor Flush (no door) 7 BR81GL125FPOO 8 16 Indoor Flush (no door) 7 BR816L125FGP 041 8 16 Indoor Flush (with door) 7 BR816L125FOP O® 8 16 Indoor Flush (with door) 7 BR816L125FDGPO0@ Notes O Ground bar kits priced separately. See Page V141-60. — For 2/4 circuit Loadcenters, use GBK5 or GBK520 ground bar. — For 4/8, 6/12 and 8/16 circuit Loadcenters, use GBK10 ground bar. — Ground bars mount to the left side wall of the enclosure for the 4/8, 6/12 and 8/16 circuit loadcenters. O Suitable for use as service equipment when not more than two service disconnecting mains are provided or when not used as a lighting and appliance panelboard (see Article 408.34 of the NEC). Ground bar GBK5 is installed. O Rainproof panels are furnished with hub closure plates. For rainproof hubs, refer to Page V1 -T1-60. O CSA and UL approved. O Neutral/ground holes (6) 414-6 and (3) 414-2/0 AWG Cu/AI. O For use as service entrance applications only. O Neutral/ground holes (6) 414-6 and 131414-1/0 AWG CU/AI. O Suitable for use as service equipment when not more than two service disconnecting mains are provided or when not more than six service disconnecting mains are provided and when not used as a lighting and appliance panelboard (see Article 408.34 of the NEC). ® Suitable for use as service equipment when a main breaker is used or when not more than six service disconnecting mains are provided and when not used as a lighting and appliance panelboa'd (see Article 408.34 of the NEC). 0 Ground bar GBK10 is installed. 0 Ground bar GBK14 is installed. Box sizes Pages VI -TI -61 through V141-64. Volume 1—Residential and Light Commercial CA08100002E—January2013 www.eaton.com V141-47 V7 -T7-66 Volume 1 -Residential and Light Commercial CA08100002E-December 2014 www.eaton.com 1.2 Loadcenters and Circuit Breakers Type BR Loadcenters and Circuit Breakers n, Dimensions Approximate Dimensions in Inches (mm) Residential/Commercial/New York City Loadcenters, Unit Enclosures -Box Sizes Note: Box sizes do not include covers/fronts. Residential Loadcenters-NEMA Type 1 Indoor Commercial Loadcenters-NEMA Type 1 Indoor Box Size Height Width Depth Box Size Height Width Depth Al 15.00 (381.0) 11.25 (285.8) 3.75 (95.3) 19 44.00 (1117.6) 16.16 (410.4) 6.25 (158.8) 81 16.75 (425.5) 14.31 (363.5) 3.88 (98.4) 20 44.00 (1117.6) 16.16 (410.4) 6.25 (158.8) 82 18.75 (476.3) 14.31 (363.5) 3.88 (98.4) 22 54.00 (1371.6) 16.22 (412.0) 6.31 (160.3) Cl 21.00 (533.4) 14.31(363.5) 3.88(98.4) 24 66.50 (1689.1) 16.22(412.0) 6.31 (160.3) C2 23.00 (584.2) 14.31 (363.5) 3.88 (98.4) C4 27.00 (685.8) 14.31 (363.5) 3.88 (98.4) Commercial Loadcenters-NEMA Type 3113 Outdoor 01 29.13 (739.8) 14.31 (363.5) 3.88(98.4) G1 34.13 (866.8) 14.31 (363.5) 3.88 (98.4) Box Size Height Width Depth L1 39.00 (990.6) 14.31 (363.5) 3.88 (98.4) 42 38.00 (965.2) 16.31 (414.3) 6.38 (161.9) L2 45.00 (1143.0) 14.31 (363.5) 3.88 (98.4) 43 44.00 (1117.6) 16.31 (414.3) 6.38 (161.9) L3 48.38 (1228.3) 14.31 (363.5) 3.88 (98.4) 46 54.00 (1371.6) 16.31 (414.3) 6.38 (161.9) 2 8.63(219.1) 5.00 (127.0) 3.50(88.9) 47 66.56 (1590.7) 16.31(414.3) 6.38(161.9) 3 9.44 (239.7) 4.50 (114.3) 3.00 (76.2) 4 13.00 (330.2) 11.00(279.4) 3.56(90.5) New York City Loadcenters-NEMA Type 1 Indoor 5 9.44 (239.7) 4.50 (114.3) 3.00(76.2) Box Size Height Width Depth 6 12.00 (304.8) 6.88 (174.6) 4.50 (114.3) A 38.00 (965.2) 18.13 (460.4) 5.00 (127.0) 7 13.00 (330.2) 11.00 (279.4) 3.56 (90.5) 8 44.00 (1117.6) 18.13 (460.4) 5.00 (127.0) 9 14.50 (368.3) 6.50(165.1) 3.50(88.9) C 66.50 (1689.1 ) 18.13 (460.4) 6.25 (158.8) Residential Loadcenters-NEMA Type 3R Outdoor Types ECB and ECC Unit Enclosures -NEMA Type 1 Indoor Box Size Height Width Depth Height Width Depth Bin 16.75 (425.5) 14.31 (363.5) 5.19 (131.8) 23.25 (590.6) 8.88 (225.4) 4.50 (114.3) 621`1 18.75 (476.3) 14.31 (363.5) 5.19 (131.8) C3R 25.00 (635.0) 14.31 (363.5) 5.19 (131.8) Din 29.13 (739.8) 14.31 (363.5) 5.19 (131.8) Types ECB and ECC Unit Enclosures -NEMA Type 3R Outdoor Gin 34.13 (866.8) 14.31 (363.5) 5.19 (131.8) L1R 39.00 (990.6) 14.31(363.5) 5.19 (131.8) Height Width Depth L2R 45.00 (1143.0) 14.31(363.5) 5.19 (131.81 23.68(601.7) 9.31(236.5) 5.44 (138.1) UR 48.75 (1238.2) 14.31(363.5) 5.19 (131.8) 2R 8.63 (219.1) 5.00 (127.0) 3.50 (88.9) 3R 9.44 (239.7) 4.50 (114.3) 3.00(76.2) 4R 13.00 (330.2) 11.00 (279.41 3.56 (90.5) 5R 9.44 (239.7) 4.50 (114.3) 3.00 (16.2) 6R 11.75(298.5) 6.50 (165.1) 4.50 (114.3) 713 13.00 (330.2) 11.00 (279.4) 3.56 (90.5) 88 27.00 (685.8) 10.50 (266.7) 4.75 (120.7) 98 14.25 (362.0) 6.50 (165.1) 4.00 (101.6) ` C1R 21.00 (533.4) 14.31(363.5) 5.19 (131.8) V7 -T7-66 Volume 1 -Residential and Light Commercial CA08100002E-December 2014 www.eaton.com Product Data Sheet Technical Characteristics DU222RB SWITCH NOT FUSIBLE GD 240V 60A 2P NEMA3R I] 1SQLJA,RE D by Schneider Eiec:ric List Price $353.00 USD Availability Stock Item: This item is normally stocked in our distribution facility. Number of Poles 2 -Pole Terminal Type Lugs Type of Duty General Duty Maximum Voltage Rating 240VAC Wire Size #10 to #2 AWG(AI) - #14 to #2 AWG(Cu) Action Single Throw Ampere Rating 60A Approvals UL Listed File Number E2875 Enclosure Rating NEMA3R a Enclosure Type Rainproof and Sleet/ice proof (Indoor/Outdoor) Factory Installed Neutral No Disconnect Type Non -Fusible Mounting Type Surface Shipping and Ordering Category 00106 - Safety Switch, General Duty, 30 - 200 Amp, NEMA3R Discount Schedule DE1A GTIN 00785901491491 Package Quantity _ 1 Weight 4.7 lbs. Availability Code Stock Item: This item is normally stocked in our distribution facility. Returnability Y _ Country of Origin MX - As standards, specifications, and designs change from time to time, please ask for confirmation of the information given in this document Generated: 11117t201117:11:55 O 2011 Schneider Electric. All thts reserved. Schneider VElectric I I I I I saw ex som t,ed t swr toed z sa.r L.tw � I ;N'm Eteabical Shack Hazard nemy Source DisconnectOT TOUCH TERMINALS alsan bath Line and Load aiesDo relocate this icerartentbe energized in the open poPrate 5ve devke., s � I^ s• s — «a.wrp1mei _ u zro . z,o 0 0FIr, 5.905 O 5.495 ��18.at.� d95�'IIIII O o 0o O I L MBE2040PV20OBTS (Surface Mount) MBE2040PV20OBTF (Flush Mount) a _2S. RATED BUS Catalog Number. MBE2040PV20OBTF (Flush) MBE2040PV20OBTS (Surface) -NEMA 3R Enclosure -EUSERC with Ring Type Meter Cover -225A Rated Socket (200A Continuous)(Copper) 4 Jaw Socket -225A Rated Distribution Bus (Copper) -200A Main Breaker, 22 kAIC -70A Max Solar -Available in Flush Mount or Surface Mount -Top or Bottom Feed Applications I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I � I 1 ----J T 21, MBE2040PV20OBTS (Surface Mount) MBE2040PV20OBTF (Flush Mount) a _2S. RATED BUS Catalog Number. MBE2040PV20OBTF (Flush) MBE2040PV20OBTS (Surface) -NEMA 3R Enclosure -EUSERC with Ring Type Meter Cover -225A Rated Socket (200A Continuous)(Copper) 4 Jaw Socket -225A Rated Distribution Bus (Copper) -200A Main Breaker, 22 kAIC -70A Max Solar -Available in Flush Mount or Surface Mount -Top or Bottom Feed Applications BENEFITS Combined view of energy production and usage Offers your customers visibility of their solar energy production, home usage and the net difference Dealer value -add services Enables SunPower Dealers to offer energy efficiency services and maximize the customers' solar investment Empowers homeowners to take action Gives your customers more information to change habits and take control over their electric bill Integration with three ways of monitoring Consumption data is seamlessly integrated into the homeowner website, in-home LCD screen, and iPhoneTM application r d� i Added Feature for SunPower Monitoring System Energy Consumption Monitoring allows your customers to compare the solar energy produced with the energy they've consun-ed. With access to a combined view of energy production and usage, homeowners are now empowered to make smart energy decisions for their home and family. Once the consimption monitoring feature is added, Bill # Of Qty.. * La Quin'ta Building ar Safety DWon P.O. Box 1504,76-495 Calle Tampico 1.;.Quinta, CA 92253.:(7,60) 777,7012 Building Permit Application and Tracking Sheet Project Address: 81319 Ulrich Drive Owner's Name: Larry Chazan A. P. Number 764350023-6 Address:81319 Ulrich Drive Legal Description: Contractor Rehova Energy Corp. city, sI, zip: La Quin ta, CA 92253' Telephone: Address: 75181 Mediterranean Ave Project Description: Residential Rw . f Mounted Solar PV 11.445kW DC. Panel Upgrade Required. City. ST, zip: Palm Desert, CA 92211 Telephone: 760-568-3413SM ..11 ON - I Rcity, StateLic.#:910836 City Lic. #;104947 Arch, Engr., Designer Address: City., ST, Zip: Telephone: StatcLic.#:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Construction Type: Occupancy: Residential Project type (circle one): Now Add1n Alter Repair Demo Name of Con= Person: Christian Cordero Sq. . Ft :# Stories: —To Unils-. Telephone# of Contact Person: pprmits@renovasolar.com Estimatex! Value of Project $18,534 00 APPLICANT: DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE Submittal Reqld Reed TRACMG PERMUFEES Plan Sets Plan Check submitted Item Amount Structural Calls. Reviewed, ready for corrections Plan Check Deposit. Tram Calls. Called Contact Person 115 MAIL. q' g Pill Check Bal.... Title 24 COO. 7— Plans picked up Construction Flood plain plan Plans resubmitted.:. MCC112filCRI Gi-ading plan Review, ready for correction4o Electrical Subcontactor list Called Contact Person 6MA I L- 111 Plumbing Grant Deed Plans picked up S.M.I. H.O.A. Approval Plans resubmitted Grading IN HOUSE:- Review', ready for correctionsAssuc Developer Impact Fee Planning Approval. Called Contact Person A.LP.P. Pub. Wks. Appr Date of permit Issue School Fees Total Permit Fees . ..........