1093-.`'ro. - • .. NOTE: With proper validation this form constitutes an CITY OF, LA QUINTA encroachment permit APPLICATION FOR PERMIT PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION (ENCROACHMENT) For the construction of public or private curbs, driveways, ,.pavements, sidewalks, parking .lots, sewers, water mains ' and other like public works improvements in connection with MINOR IMPROVEMENTS and APPROVED SUBDIVISIONS Subdivision Improvement Permit'— Class ill' DATE: MAY 1`10-11991 Minor Improvement Permit Class'IV LOCATION OF CONSTRUCTION (Street address or Description off Location) ' P.URPOSE'OF CONSTRUCTION' RFMAr. r:RTNT)F"R Sketch (attach construction plans`if appropriate) ` NOV WTT)T?• r:RF.F.N WF"Tr wT - AT.T. F.T.SR T.Fr.AT. tc'` DESCRIPTION OF CONSTRUCTION HAUL •ROUTE: ALVARADO 1' MONTEREY TO, " BERMUDAS - TO 52 TO •WASHINGTON. TO ` HWY 111;. DIMENSION OF INSTALLATION OR REMOVAL t SIZE OF EXCAVATION, IF NEEDED + i } - DATE 5--2=91 APPROXIMATE TIME WHEN WORK WILL BEGIN r j' APPROXIMATE TIME OF COMPLETION ESTIMATED'CONSTRUCTION COST -$' �'' .� �' �•'�''z� =tt F �, + �(lncluding removal:of`all obstruction, materials,.and debris, backfilling;;com_ paction.and,placing permanent resurfacingand%or replacing improvemen'ts►-p Ilk In c'on'sideration `of the granting ofithisttpermit;;thefapplicantyhereby' agrees to: Indemnify defend and save the"•CItits,authorized agents; officers representati4es•and and harmless.fmrm and against any and all penalties; "liabilities or loss, resulting from ;claims,or court action 'andrarising;out.of any accident, -loss or; damage to persons or property happening or .occurring as a•prozimate result of any work undertaken^under'the permit, granted pursuant to this application. Notify the Administrative Authority at least twenty-four, (241 hours in advance ofithe time when 'work will-be'started., I. 'Comply"with all applicable City Ordinances, the terms and conditions of the'permit and all, applicable'rules and regulations of the.City of La Quinta and tc pay for any'additional replacement necessary as the? it "of, this work`+� tiµ r 3y r aT i, Signature of 'Applicantor Agent TARMAC/MASSE)[-. P.O. BMN 14050 PALM -ilimi T I' '�• "' ' a ` Name of Applicant:( please print). Business Address `•` """. Telephone No. ON FILE 0 Name.of Contractor and Job Foreman Business Address Telephone No. ON FILE ON YFLE Contractor's License No. City Business License No., Applicant's Insurance., Company Policy Number. i. FEES: Subdivision Improvement Permit — Class I I I Public improvements: •3%.of estimated construction costs n Private improvements: 3% of estimated construction costs 7 Minor Improvement Permit — Class'IV: See attached"schedule 10.00. Inspection Fee $ PERMIT VALIDATION r �t. Permit Fee PERMIT NO. Penalty Cash Deposit Surety Bond. DATE APPROVED 5-1-91 if required : . 5=2-91 EXPIRAT ON DATE ,,TOTAL: $'. T 0 �� S-1-91 �DA� 6U ReceiptNo. ;• B Received by Date' t Administrative Authority Recorded by TE'L`EPHONE: (619) 564-2246: �_--------. -___- -- - -- - --- - ------ - --- -- - - -- _--__-_ ". .. ,•�r'`4...'1J�..ta"�l;i .�h+�:.........;'aw.?h ''i 4.a•rr .-t..� +,.-•`•.^w _.� ;�..��w;gl,o,ia�r .�Kc�.•�i n -eV�..� "tt !: ' ti � �;. .. j NOTE: With proper validation this form constitutes an encroachment permit CITY OF LA QUINTA APPLICATION FOR PERMIT PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION (ENCROACHMENT) For the construction of public or private curbs, driveways, pavements, sidewalks, parking lots, sewers, water mains and other like public works improvements in connection with MINOR IMPROVEMENTS and APPROVED SUBDIVISIONS DATE: MAY 1, 11991 LOCATION OF CONSTRUCTION Subdivision Improvement Permit — Cass Ill Minor Improvement Permit Class IV (Street address or Description of Location) PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTION AEMAG GRTNTIER Sketch (attach construction plans if appropriate) RO' WTDE GREEN WEIGHT ALT, ET -SE T-EGAT. DESCRIPTION OF CONSTRUCTION HAUL ROUTS: ALDABADO 11 MONTEREY -TO BE WAS TO 52 TO WASHINGMN TO ,,:,►: HWY 111 DIMENSION OF INSTALLATION OR REMOVAL SIZE OF EXCAVATION, IF NEEDED Y 1 DATE 5-2-91 ; APPROXIMATE TIME WHEN WORK WILL BEGIN APPROXIMATE TIME OF COMPLETION ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST $ (Including removal of all obstruction, materials, and debris, backfilling, com- paction and placing permanent resurfacing and/or replacing improvements) In consideration of. the granting of this permit, the applicant hereby agrees to: Indemnify, defend and save the City, its authorized agents, officers, representatives and employees, harmless from and against.any and all penalties, liabilities or loss resulting from claims or court action and arising.out of any accident, loss or' damage to persons or property. ` happening or occurring as a proximate result of any work undertaken under the permit granted pursuant to this application. Notify the Administrative Authority at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the time when work will be, started. Comply with all applicable City Ordinances, the terms and conditions of the permit and all applicable rules and regulations of the City of La Quinta and to pay for any additional replacement necessary as the result of,this work. Signature of Applicant or Agent TARMAC/MASSEY P.O. BU 14050 PALM DESERT Name of Applicant (please print) Business Address Telephone No. ON FILE 0 Name of Contractor and Job Foreman Business Address Telephone No. ON FILE ON ME Contractor's License No. City Business License No. r' Applica'nt's Insurance Company Policy Number FEES: Subdivision Improvement Permit — Class I I I. Public improvements: 3% of estimated construction costs -1093 3 Private improvements: 3% of estimated construction costs Minor.lmprovement Permit — Class IV: See attached schedule 10.00 Inspection Fee $ I PERMIT VALIDATION Permit Fee \ 1093 Penalty Cash Deposit -Surety Bond if;required TOTAL: $ 10.00 Receipt No.. a Received by Date Recorded by l PERMIT NO. i DATE APPROVED 5-1-91 5-2-91 DATE rEXPIRATION 5-1-91 r':otk.D/ TT SUE), f By Administrative Authority TELEPHONE: (619) 564-2246 I. _ ;'p(.�r ..�w.i # �t� r ��.fx�fti"!'/_'i"1 b a.^l'�1!�;`'•:� .. .... -4W 4 rj '`�. ♦ I WI<h ProP.r v.Udatlon - _ . +�. '+ • 1ltt le form pon.tltute. en • ,,• ` •" 1 noro.ahmant Permit 1 `. CITYOF -LA •QUINTA e - - A�k4 I • r y f• r, APPLICATION'- FOR PERMIT!" PUBLIC,WORKH CONSTRUCTION .(BNOROACHM@NT) .t 4 -♦ r ,y ,Q�1 1 .Forthm co—t-1. of PUDIIa or Privet. ourb., drlvaw.V.. p.Vem.nu; ` ldawalk., perk lnp lots, .owmra; wap. main. ' r and other Ills. Publio'WPrlt.' Improvement. In oonn 1.7 with MI NOR. IMPROVOMENT6 end APPROVED SUEDIVISIONS 'r 7 { �! • , .- . A •OUDdlvl.lpn Impe mein Patmlt — Cly.. 111 *• 1 tl.• .i •� tr OAT®: NAY 1 rovMinor Imprevemant Permit Cla.., IV Looacri0N OP CONE -;-RUCTION _ . 1 lar•rt .ddroa. ur pow rip--- �, tiy, '< j • • PURP06e OP CONSTR IJOTION Sltatah (atteoh con.truotlon Pian. 14L opp—prE...) -, f 1 _ - . OfiBCRIPTION OF,OONOT RUC TION' HSIIL 7WOiYTR■ AI.VA�LO.d 1eQAT6Y8= O SSATINDAE TO 32 TO TO UMr!r 12L >•, { OIMENSION OF INSTALLATION OR REMOVAL • ' ' 9126 OP EXCAVATION, IF NEEOEO DAIM 3-2-91" APPROXIMATE TIMG WHEN WORK WILL BEOIN. r ' APPROXIMATE TIME OF COMPLETIO E ETIMATEO CONOTR UCTION COST 6' r + - (I ncluding removal of all ob.truptlpn. moterl.le. and debri., bookfllling, com- _ ' .} !paati— and Placing PPrmmnent ra.urfaaing and/or replacing Improvomanb) In mn.ld.r.tlon of t)1a granting of thli'parmit, the applicant herobY .gram. tel ' ' „ Ine.mnllV'•d.f nd ab ta. a O{tV. Iti nuNPrl..d . m. otflvor.. q ru.�lt.tivs. a mP10V.v., h.rmlw f.- .b —1—. and *11 ' nal<1... I.bll lel.. Or IDK gwltln0 < I.11n. w Ourt ..t1Pn a .rl.lnd OY .mld.ne, leu er demepe m Par.om Or PI.P.rry • . I i h.pPenlnc a eaaurrina H a Proel•n.t cult o nV'werk untl— .. und.r th. parch agmW Pur. an t0 1h1. .PPll..tbn. —,n, 1h. Ad•n{nl.rgtiva A .lay .t I.Yt a,r.nW-1 (Zai hour. -In edv.nm [M MO .Im. —hon ark -will b. R rstl. • Opm p1Y —Iln . ePP11mb1. 011V Oidlnenee..-1n. 1.r1r1 -and aentll<Ivn. o n. .•Iola and .I .pplle.bl. w. rb repW.11en. of M. .1wet '.la Oulnm end lL P.V Ipr any .dtlhlen.l gpl.o.m.nt nAWry m ahs gwla pt MI. —111 • , . r ' t ., . t ' • ' . l,: Signature of APpllcent or Agent - .. • t - � ti Nemo of Appllwn< (pi.... print)- - 0u.lnem Addrom I Talophone No. SNam. of Cem:roetor end Job Foremen - ft—In.- Attdre.. Telephone No. r +It -I 1 ON 8IL8 _ . Contractor. Lleanm No. - _ CItV 6u.lnam Llean.e No. - • - . d ' APpll..nt•. In.uranpa Comp..v A' PolloV Number • - ' •f iEE61 Sulidlvl.lon Irrf0ro rnent Permit — Cla.. All a' _ 1 ` r. • Pub.l. Impro —.— '9% of-o.tlmaetl—.aruotlon mo.o A' S • 1 0-93 .. 'Prlyev Improvemental 396 of .almatad oon.truc.lon ao.L 1 . ` • Minor ImPre<.men<Permle .� Olam IV1'See attacMd.chadule ', - :+ , • < on.co.tlon Foo . g 10.00 'PERMIT VALIDATION , ! y L • Parmle P.w. .. PORINIT NO. 1099 ♦ P.nelty 1! I Ce.h ,DATE APPROV ED — —01 t, OePo.l t�HurktY Eond, - - - r If .aqui, ad •� 4•' EXPIR O TB ' Reuelved by .Dote Adminl.tr.tive Authorl• •� - nV TELEPHONE: (010)'604'..940R.—d.. `41. rfi TH I S DOCUMENT 'l (�REDUCtED'•'SAMPL•E, ABOVE) , WAS 'SENT - %C 0 UNT7- , • ., • .[, .• } �wy , 1 �li^ . •-�' r •• , r 1 , era .. •t , , •'• , , , ' :1 ♦ a•' SEND* > • 1 rfi TH I S DOCUMENT 'l (�REDUCtED'•'SAMPL•E, ABOVE) , WAS 'SENT - %C 0 UNT7- , • ., • .[, .• } �wy , 1 �li^ . •-�' r •• , r 1 , era .. •t , , •'• , , , ' :1 ♦ a•' SEND* • i. - TOTAL 0: 01 01 • 1 r' i NO REMOTE STATION,rI.,yO.•', START TIME -DURATION iiPAGES '1, COMMENT ., 61 93427504 ' y 5;-' 1,-91 1.1 :.1 3AM V i 01 • i. - TOTAL 0: 01 01 • 1 r' i NO REMOTE STATION,rI.,yO.•', START TIME -DURATION iiPAGES '1, COMMENT ., 61 93427504 ' y 5;-' 1,-91 1.1 :.1 3AM V i c Aid NOTE: ti ' i With proper validation ,' } this.form constitutes an { 1 r�� encroachment permit LM LA'QUINTA x �''; a. APPLICATION FOR PERMIT" , r PUBLIC, WORKS. CONSTRUCTION . (ENCROACH M6 •-� iq, a� "MOF T��O r. 3•ry For the construction of* • public or private curbs, driveways; pavements, sidewalks,, parking lots, sewers, water mains r and other like public works improvements in connection with MINOR IMPROVEMENTS and APPROVED SUBDIVISIONS . `,t w r . •x r' Subdivision -Improvement Permit - Class II I DATE: MAY l,'.1991. i ', ' Minor Improvement PermitClass IV - ' = LOCATION OF CONSTRUCTION 'r t , F j (Street address or Description of Location) i• PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTION T{FMAr r.RTNnRR Sketch (attach construction plans if appropriate) ;� +'• - 10 t WTnF.. rRFF.N TdF.TANT AT.T. F.T.SF. T.FrAT.' r • - - .. - _ R L '--,,DESCRIPTION OF,CONSTRUCTION + HAUL ROUTE: ALVARADO &'MONTEREY TO . _ BERMUDAS T0.52 TO WASHINGTON TO HWY 111 i "'DIMENSION OF INSTALLATION OR REMOVAL • •may ,. ., 5 , ♦ r t .� _' • ! + 4 • 'f 4 ~ t SIZE OF,EXCAVATION, IF NEEDED r' « ' DATE 5-2-91. 1 ' j APPROXIMATE TIME WHEN WORK WILL BEGIN APPROXIMATE TIME OF COMPLETION r " r t. ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST $ `- •« _ (Including removal of all obstruction, materials, and debris, backfilling, com• �� -, ° `.. r ,j ` paction-and placing permanent resurfacing'and/or replacing improvements) ' • .. In. consideration of the granting of this permit, the applicant hereby agrees,to: s, Indemnify, the City, its harmless -defend and save authorized agents, officers, representatives and employees, from and against any and all penalties, liabilities or loss resulting from claims or court action. and arising out of .any accident, loss or'damage to persons -or property' ' • r happening or occurring as -a roximate result of an work undertaken under the rmit. ranted • 5 �+ 9 9 P Y Pe 9 Pursuant to this application. , 'in.advance ° Notify -the Administrative Authority atmleast-twenty-four (24) -hours of the time when work will be started:-•ir+ • •- ~ • �" ,r Comply with all applicable City Ordinances, the terms and conditions of the permit and all applicable rules and•regulations of the City of La•-Quintpa and to pay for any additional replacement necessary as the result of this work. t - • '~ ,,t "",. ?. r - °• ' . Signature of Applicant or Agent 7Y , '• TARMAC/MASSEY P.O.- BOX 14050 PAT.M DF.SF.RT' Name of Applicant (Please print) Business Address Telephone No.F • ti.". � ON FTT.F. r - Name of Contractor and Job Foreman Business Address ;, tl• Telephone No:, ` r y ON t ON +FILE ... 4 • FTi.E Contractor's License No. - City Business License No. � - - .. - . Applicant's Insurance Company + ' Policy Number `'•• FEES:. Subdivision Improvement Permit -Glass III `'• Public improvements-' 3% of estimated construction costs -10..9 3 4 r} Private' improvements: 3% of estimated construction costs - Minor ImprovementPermit - Class IV: See attached schedule 10.00; Inspection'Fee $.' PERMIT VALIDATION a . _ • � '.. r' Permit Fee- ry PERMIT N0. 1093 i r � • .'„ t Penalty r• -;. �` r !.�` Y`. ' - DATE'APPROVED Cash Deposit -Surety Bond' i r ♦ ` , if required . i� 5-2-91 fir. o � •. � •• EXPIRA N DATE - , 5 _ �1g.^^ -TOTAL:.-' i $ .D 'U a r ReceiP t No. ,x r ~ BY, ryReceived by Date J Administrative Authorit 'Recorded by ' TELEPHONE: (619) 564-2246'.'f y ' 1• 4�:t4•'4 �"rKl.f ♦iw ,� •• -4 , • '. - , .'t •4• , -. , .. ,L,ti , P. 0 MAY— 1-91 WED 1 18 MAS NOTE. Whit orotw►vaikknpn. tflit form conssltt m an tntroau+merht Dertmtt CITY OF LA QUINTA APPLICATION FOR PERMIT PUBLIC WORKS CONVAUCTION JENCROAC4IMENT3 For the constn=on of piulc or private curbs, driveways, pavemames. sidamiks, pmkinq lou. smart, W.W Dadra.. and other like Public works irmprerrerr1ar11x In cannomon with MINOR' IMPROVEMENTS end APPROVED SUB$ryISIOW Subdivision Improvemaht Pi mrt — Clata lit DATE: / � Mirror Imarw "swat Pertnit Gaal IV ..�....,,�,� . UJCkTION PF CCNSTRUL'i'iON ISta++s aeWrta on 6"WO - 01 Lamm") PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTION Sketch construction pearq l( i771 I DESCRIPTIO FCOIsbSTRUCTION aG�/ Ae-�aRl� 1h " DIMENSION OF ASTALLATION OR REMOVAL / ' p fq SIZE OP EXCAVATION. IF NEEDED APPROXIMATE TIME YMEN WORk WILL BEGIN APPROXIMATE TIME OF COMPLE`I'tON ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST S (Induding ren[oval of all obnnxtion, inetertelt, and dttprre, baddil ing, csuwr pacoon and placing parn+inrnt rwmaisoatp and/or replacing imv►ovonrnd) in constdaraaon of the grantsng of this pemut, the eppt+ant henlby agrees to: , Nd—Aty- d•Mrd and 2" me City, ses aue+omed asst a. 4Nieare. nvnanatnrr and tkllptnYlaa, tum»ea from ane opum spy Late au Ilr WM, IOWA;"ar 1da MWIfln♦ Aom claNMr Or CoVn action e04 arOW4 CPA Of amp at:eKt". 140 M tlamaM * pi - oretrowl, Amoan,n/ or ow" of a pmxwow rewn of any work snot amass the pomn IN -too oummit to tho eo i team, Nettfv Me Admrn4uvr w AV11Wny in %Wn twnnp+a+r t3ii. tie++" ,h aevanrt/ Of Wit WN whin wont will be rnrtret. ". Camp+v vrtn all GtV oMwrow, hiss, tfin}t'. � .ini p!tt'w+m itnd all .tiara NMa p!'� �;;,,; t ,iroiri ave 7a+ rtiry rOCntarvir rro!rewtint .iirJtile sf tbn'wwti, i A 7• :r '•, . r:. ,. 1 .,�1 Signs" of Applicant or Agent n / n / Nama of Acotstant tplesu pr1p({ j Business Address Talepnona No. E Nama of Contractor innb F Tamen Bus+neas Address yly Contractor's L•cerue o, City Bus7nm License No. Aoptrcant's Insurano Cornoany Polity NumDNr FEES: Subdivision Imorowmw, Permit —•Goan NI , Public irnorovemmm: 3% of eebanatNd mnnrttetlon cam Private imllrovementt: 3% of ttmnatoo conttructton com N4 Minor improvement Permit — Chap IV: Set bmchtrd schedulk Ij a In3Gactton fee oarmit Fee 5 Penalty - Cisi, Oeootn•Surary Bond If "qutrad TOTAL: Seaman No. .Raawad by Datm Aecbroaa by PERMIT VALIDATION yERMIT':O. DATE APPROVED EXPIRATION DATE r DATEI=EO Adounautrvve Auo)orrty TELEMif NLI 1619; 664x148