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2008-1244 (SIGN)
P.O. Box 1504 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92247-1504 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QU'INTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 February 29, 2008 Moni Dosanjh Fancher Development Services 1342 Bell Avenue #35 Tustin, CA 92780 SUBJECT: SIGN PERMIT 2008-1244 MIMI'S CAFE Dear Mr. Dosanjh: (760) 777-7000 FAX (760) 777-7101 The Planning Department has reviewed and approved your request for three permanent building mounted signs at 79-765 Highway 111, as shown in the attached exhibit. The approval is subject to the following Conditions: 1. This sign permit grants three permanent building mounted signs ("MIMI'S CAFE"),'.at 32 square feet in area as shown in the exhibits. Each sign will be placed on the north, west,' and east building elevations. The materials for the sign are per the approved plans on file with. the Planning Department. 2. If required, a building permit ' shall be obtained from the Building & Safety Department prior to installation of the sign. Should you have any questions or need additional information, please feel free to contact me at (760) 777-7125. Si ce N E FRANC Assistant Planner C: Building & Safety Department f 08/16/2006 11:42 7607777011 LA QUINTA BLDG DEPT PAGE 02/04 9002l�dli swjogoauelldeuao JelluaplseluoN 900 •9u la.IOGPIna pug J00ou! tlleq Jo4'eusls pajeu+ l nu! dol MIMOU '3 NVndWOO INI1HOR NOIS O'¢'Jllo� 'Suclefnolso me loopino Uv M,p wnbW uUvd n14ealddV '819345Nlj[1M SNOU1 qr * ivo VgW.. 0174 r3 jo ld� ) saougMblle 6uggSll,loamma l9Vjo� Pedlnbel wed algea!tddr/ 'A2IIVWWIIS Nbl'idWOJ 9WII g l . O 24170 [], Joapulimo Ou 04-sumsjodpino l0100pul.pue'dupg611ioo nolp q%stlojw(ald ll Up W 043A �3-9,L10 aon " SNOIS tl(50CIA i0 Of 9u6p joopino jo pans elsuoa Mwd 24i dl O. 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NOW Uan 1ntemaly IIhJ nhaled or ExismsW Ilumtzated sign wrda#ns Itght sourms and ballasts other than those Inctuded In so;u ms (M} through (S). suth ai ina.andescent lam#rs, sr 2dlLmt tr�se sockets, rs�ag tic battasts, 82c, tlsert the sl$n must cQmpty ursder Ntematl� 1. Hbvm ier, urged Sw, and unfired Arfiora of Wemall and Exteim. nkirnlrtated s are not to meet thaw sand�d� 2tJt;S Abm esWenthd Coylfama Forms Apn7 2W5