04-3916 (CSCS)T 0 Ah f444" BUILDING & SAFETY DEPARTMENT P.O. Box 1504 0) 777-7012 78-495 CALLS TAMPICO "0'4 0)777-7011 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 IN0) 777-7153 BUILDING PERMIT Application Number . . Property Address . . . APN: Application description Property Zoning . . . . Application valuation . CITY OF LA QUINTA . CO -4-00009 1/27/05 777 6 9IGHWAY 111 649-020-040- - - . . . NEW COMML - STORES & CUSTOMER SERVICE . . . REGIONAL COMMERCIAL . . . 926293 Owner s ------------------------ 99C ONLY. STORES - - - -»- C/O JEFF GOLD 4000 E.UNION PACIFIC AVE COMMERCE CA 90023 Contractor ------------------------- -MOOREF.IELD CONSTRUCTION, INC. 3415 S. SEPULVEDA BLVD LOS ANGELES CA.90034 (310) 390-9400 WCC: STATE FUND WC: 1686016 03/31/05 CSLB: 397892 02/28/05 CCC: B -------------------------- Structure Information --------------- Construction Type . . . . . TYPE V - NON RATED Occupancy Type MERCANTILE Flood Zone . . . . . . . . NON -AO FLOOD ZONE Other struct info . . . . . CODE EDITION 2001 FIRE SPRINKLERS YES MIXED-USE OCCUPANCY M OCCUPANT LOAD 584.00 PATIO SQ FTG 1143.00 -_--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1ST FLOOR SQUARE FOOTAGE. 20852.00 Permit . . . . . . BUILDING. PERMIT Additional desc LESS PC $2158.33 Permit Fee 3320.50 Plan Check Fee .00 Issue Date Valuation 926293 Qty Unit Charge Per' Extension. BASE FEE 2039.50 427.00 3.0000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- THOU BLDG 500,001-1,000,000 1281.00 Permit . . . . . . ELEC-NEW COMMERCIAL Additional desc LESS PC = $108.01/PER$176.39 Permit Fee . . . . 255.65 Plan Check Fee .00 Issue Date . . . . Valuation . . . . 0 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE .00 12782.50 .0200 -------------------•---------------------------------------------------------- ELEC GARAGE OR -NON-RESIDENTIAL 255.65 Permit .. . . . . . MECHANICAL P.O. BOX 1504 C&lf 4 4 a" 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 BUILDING & SAFETY DEPARTMENT Application Number: 0q' Applicant: Applicant's Mailing Address: —' Architect or Engineer. VOICE (760) 777-7012 FAX (760) 777-7011 INSPECTIONS (760) 777-7153 Date: Pxcnnect or Engineer's Address: Lic. No.: BUILDING PERMIT DECLARATIONS LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I hereby affirm under'penalty of perjury that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professionals Code, and my License i i full force and effect. p License Class License No. 3 / % F -91-Z Date 1-7 2 ,4 —GS Contractor ! OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the Contractors' State License Law for the following reason (Sec. 7031.5, Business and Professions Code: Any city or county that requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish, or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for the permit to rile a signed statement that he or she is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractors' State License Law (Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code) or that he or she is exempt therefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a pemrit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars ($500).): (-.) I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is riot intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does the work himself or herself or through his or her own employees, provided that the improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner -builder will have the burden of proving that he or she did not build or improve for the purpose of sale.). U I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who contracts for the proiects with a contractor(s) licensed puisuant to the Contractors' State License Law.). V 1 am exempt under Sec. BA P.C. for this reason Date Owner WORKERS' COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: _ I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for workers' compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance Of the work for which this permit is issued. I have and will maintain workers' compensation insurance, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the •pertomrance of the work for which this permit Is issued orkers' compensation insurance carrier and policy umbel are: Cartier �?�}Tfy Nn Policy Number %(� JC'(� 0 /!� _ I certify that, in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shallnot employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the workers' compensation laws of California, and agree that, if I should become subject to the workers' compensation provisions of Section 3700 of the tabor Code. I shall forthwith comply with those provisions. Date _ J Applicant 2�— WARNING: FAILURE TO SECURE WO RS' COMPENSATION COVERAGE IS UNLAWFUL, AND SHALL SUBJECT AN EMPLOYER TO CRIMINAL PENALTIES AND CIVIL FINES UP TO ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($100,000), IN ADDITION TO THE COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN SECTION 3706 OF THE LABOR CODE, INTEREST, AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. I hereby affirm under penaltyof CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY perjury that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued (Sec. 3097, Civ. C.). Lender's Name Lender's Address IMPORTANT APPLICANT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Application is hereby made to the Director of Building and Safety for a permit subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth on this application. 1. Each person upon whose behalf this application is made, each person at whose request and for whose benefit work is performed under or pursuant to any permit issued as a result of this application, the owner, and the applicant, each agrees to, and shall, defend, indemnity and hold harmless the City of La Quinta, its officers, agents and employees for any act or omission related to the work being performed under or following issuance of this permit. 2. Any permit issued as a result of this application becomes null and void if work is not commenced within 180 days from date of issuance of such pemrit-or cessation of work for 180 days will subject permit to cancellation. 1 certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correcL I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relating to building construction, and hereby authorize representatives of this county to enter upon the above- mentioned property for inspection purposes. �{ Date —' 0—Signature (Applicant or Agent): Page' 2 Application Number . . . . . 04-00003916 Date 1/27/05 Additional desc . . Permit Fee 221.50 Plan Check Fee .00 Issue Date Valuation . . . . 0 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 15.00 6.00 11.0000 EA MECH FURNACE >100K 66.00 1..00 9.0000 EA MECH SUSP/WALL HEATER 9.00 6.00 16.5000 EA MECH B/C >3-15HP/>100K-500KBTU 99.00 2.00 6.5000 EA MECH VENT FAN 13.00 3.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6.5000 EA MECH OTHER MECH EQUIPMENT 19.50 Permit . . . . . . PLUMBING Additional desc . . LESS PC $42.19 Permit Fee . . . . 168.75 Plan Check Fee .00 Issue Date . . . . Valuation . . . . 0 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 15.00 9.00 6.0000 EA PLB FIXTURE 54.00 1.00 15.0000 EA PLB BUILDING SEWER 15.00 5.00 6.0000 EA PLB ROOF DRAIN 30.00 1.00 7.5000 EA PLB WATER HEATER/VENT 7.50 1.00 3.0000 EA PLB WATER INST/ALT/REP 3.00 1.00 9.0000 EA PLB LAWN SPRINKLER SYSTEM 9.00 1.00 7.5000 EA PLB VACUUM BRKR FIRST 5 7.50 1.00 7.5000 EA PLB OTHER BACKFLOW <=2 INCH 7.50 7.00 .7500 EA PLB GAS PIPE >=5 5.25 1.00 ------------------------------- 15.0000 EA PLB GAS METER 15.00 Permit . . . . . . --------------------------------------------- GRADING PERMIT Additional desc Permit Fee . . . . 15.00 Plan Check Fee .00 Issue Date . . . . Valuation 0 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- BASE FEE 15.00 Special Notes and Comments COMMERCIAL RETAIL - 20,852 SQ.FT. "SMART & FINAL" M OCC. TYPE VN [2-60 FT. YARDS, FIRE SPRINKLER ALLOWABLE AREA CREDIT] 2001 CODES *PERMIT DOES NOT INCLUDE BLOCK WALLS, TRASH ENCLOSURE, SITE LIGHTING, TEMP POWER, STORAGE RACKS & �. FIXTURES* [$2,800.00 RETAINER APPLIED ; Page 3 Application Number . . . . . 04-00003916 Date 1/27/05 ----------------------------------------------=---------------------------- Special Notes and Comments TO: ALL PLAN CHECK FEES AND $176.39 APPLIED TO ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEE] ---------------------- Other Fees . . ----------------------------------------------------- . . . ART IN PUBLIC PLACES -COM 4611.46 DIF CIVIC CENTER - COMM 1980.94 DIF FIRE PROTECTION -COMM 667.26 HOURLY PLAN CHECK 175.00 STRONG MOTION (SMI) - COM 194.52 DIF STREET MAINT FAC -COMM 479.59 DIF TRANSPORTATION - COMM 35948.84 Fee summary ----------------- Charged ---------- Paid Credited Due Permit Fee Total 3981.40 ------------------------------ .00 .00 3981.40 Plan Check Total .00 .00, .00 .00 Other Fee Total 44057.61 .00. .00 44057.61 Grand Total 48039.01 .00 .00 48039.01 t• Tract # Study Area Type Commercial No. of Units 1 Lot # No. Street Unit 1 79770 Highway 111 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 Comments Smart`n Final S.F. 21291 Unit 6 Unit 7 Unit 8 Unit 9 Unit 10 Lot # No. Street S.F. At the present time, the Desert Sands Unified School District does not collect fees on garagestcarports, covered patios/walkways, residential additions under 5 00 square feet, detached accessory structures (spaces that do not contain facilities for living, sleeping, cooling, eating or sanitation) or replacement mobile ho mes. It has been determined that the above-named owner is exempt from paying school fees at this time due to the following reason: EXEMPTION NOT APPLICABLE This certifies that school facility fees imposed pursuant to Education Code Section 17620 and Government Code 65995 Et Seq. in the amount of $0.36 X 21,291 S.F. or $7,664.76 have been paid for the property listed above and that building permits and/or Certificates of Occupancy for this square footage in this proposed project may now be issued Fees Paid By CC/Wells Fargo -James Ruddocks Check No. 0062102858 Name on the check Telephone Funding Commercial 13y Dr. Doris Wilson Superintendent Fee collected /exempted by r Mc 9Ivrey Payment Recd $7,664.76 Over/Under Signature NOTICE: Pursuant to Government Code Section 66020(d)(1), this will serve to notify you that the 90 -day approval period in which you may protest the fees o r other payment identified above will begin to run from the date on which the building or installation permit for this project is issued, or from the date on which those amounts are paid to the District(s) or to another public entity authorized to collect them on the Districtfs) behalf, whichever is earlier. NOTICE: This Document NOT VALID if Duplicated Embossed Original -Building Department/Applicant Copy -Applicant/Receipt Copy - Accounting COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE COMMUNITY HEALTH AGENCY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH --'-"—'--�.� ENVI RON M ENTALMEALTH SERVICES, SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT TO SAN. FORM # DATE 12 -13- 6, SUBJECT PERMIT NO. ADDRESS -7-70 1.1 Q,,jl'f-1 INSPECTOR REMARKS eA < e c+ U" .0 3) IS "y d;, -J I r-6 ce I f -fllu .0 r u e An 61f�er.,,S,L4f. f f seer. Ve (6lQe.d ApabcJ),^ :,-aKd &mitf 4 +L"\ r'l-cfc. Cl ::�t R -7 T 93 .4 A V V f I DEH -SAN -118 (Rev 8/02) Distribution: WHITE—Office; CANARY—Owner; PINK—Office 0 -Area.# IV COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE COMMUNITY HEALTH AGENCY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH PLAN CORRECTION Plan Check # R04-013 Date 2/18/04 DBA Smart and Final Address NWC Jefferson and Hwy 111 La Quinta Plans Submitted by Keith Robishaw Phone (949)250-3911 Owner Smart and Final Address Phone The plans are now approved subject to the conditions listed below and the attached compliance sheet. 1. In this configuration, this facility will not be approved for washing, cutting or produce processing. Additionally, ice may not be bagged on site. Engaging in these activities will necessitate the installation of a 3 compartment utensil sink and a receiving door air curtain. 2. The store room paint color, swiss coffee, may not have a light reflectance value of less that 70% (CURFFL 114155) 3. All floor, wall and ceiling finishes in food service areas must be smooth and easily cleanable . 4. The mop sink must be of the floor basin style. Behind the mop sinks in the splash zone the finish must be water proof to a height of 8' (e.g. FRP/tile). The water heater must be of a commercial grade, to accommodate use in a facility of this size. 5. The trash enclosure must be finished so that the interior floor and walls are smooth and easily cleanable. Seal these interior surfaces with an approved two part epoxy. 6. All exterior and restroom doors must be self closing. Exterior doors must also be sealed against entry by vermin. 7. The number of lockers provided shall be equal, or greater than the number of workers assigned to a peak shift CONSTRUCTION INSPECTIONS: Contact the Plan Checker for a Preliminary Inspection when construction is approximately 80% complete, with plumbing, rough ventilation, and rough equipment installed. Request for inspection should be made at least five (5) working days in advance. A compliance guide is attached to this plan correction sheet. All construction not otherwise addressed on the plan correction must be performed in accordance with the guidelines set forth therein. A FINAL INSPECTION MUST be made upon completion of ALL work including finished details. APPROVAL to operate shall not be granted, or remodeled areas approved to operate, until the facility has passed the FINAL INSPECTION, and "APPLICATION TO OPERATE" has been completed and PERMIT FEES have been paid. Request for inspection should be made at least five (5) working days in advance. PLANS CHECKED BY David E. Day Phone (760) 320-1048 1 acknowledge the corrections noted herein and as indicated on the plans and agree to incorporate them during construction: Signature Company - CITY OF LA QUI SVjD�ate BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT, APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION DATE By Area.# IV COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE COMMUNITY HEALTH AGENCY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH PLAN CORRECTION Plan Check # - R04-013 Date 2/18/04 DBA Smart and Final Address NWC Jefferson and Hwy 111 La Quinta Plans Submitted by Keith Robishaw Phone (949)250-3911 Owner Smart and Final Address Phone The plans are now approved subject to the conditions listed below and the attached compliance sheet. 1. In this configuration, this facility will not be approved for washing, cutting or produce processing. Additionally, ice may not be bagged on site. Engaging in these activities will necessitate the installation of a 3 compartment utensil sink and a receiving door air curtain. 2. The store room paint color, swiss coffee, may not have a light reflectance value of less that 70% (CURFFL 114155) 3. All floor, wall and ceiling finishes in food service areas must be smooth and easily cleanable. 4. The mop sink must be of the floor basin style. Behind the mop sinks in the splash zone the finish must be water proof to a height of 8' (e.g. FRP/tile). The water heater must be of a commercial grade, to accommodate use in a facility of this size. 5. The trash enclosure must be finished so that the interior floor and walls are smooth and easily cleanable. Seal these interior surfaces with an approved two part epoxy. 6. All exterior and restroom doors must be self closing. Exterior doors must also be sealed against entry by vermin. 7. The number of lockers provided shall be equal, or greater than the number of workers assigned to a peak shift CONSTRUCTION INSPECTIONS: Contact the Plan Checker for a Preliminary Inspection when construction is approximately 80% complete, with plumbing, rough ventilation, and rough equipment installed. Request for inspection should be made at least five (5) working days in advance. A compliance guide is attached to this plan correction sheet. All construction not otherwise addressed on the plan correction must be performed in accordance with the guidelines set forth therein. A FINAL INSPECTION MUST be made upon completion of ALL work including finished details. APPROVAL to operate shall not be granted, or remodeled areas approved to operate, until the facility has passed the FINAL INSPECTION, and "APPLICATION TO OPERATE" has been completed and PERMIT FEES have been paid. Request for inspection should be made at least five (5) working days in advance. PLANS CHECKED BY David E. Day Phone (760) 320-1048 I acknowledge the corrections noted herein and as indicated on the plans and agree to incorporate them during construction: Signature Company S �� Date y -/d -D Y COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE HEALTH SERVICES AGENCY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH COMPLIANCE GUIDE FOR FOOD ESTABLISHMENTS DBA: �S rf�A r i Eti A I JOB ADDRESS P]n A CHECKED BY DATE All work done at the above indicated site must conform to the latest set of Department of Environmental Health approved plans, the requirements indicated on the plan correction sheet and this compliance guide. 1. Floors A. Continuous flooring material shall extend up all walls, partitions, toe kicks or cabinetry a minimum of 4 inches, forming a minimum 3/8 inch radius integral sanitary cove. B. Waitress stations; bussing stations, food and beverage serving areas shall have a continuous, integral coved floor throughout. the area and extend a minimum of 36 inches beyond the equipment in all directions. C. Non-skid flooring shall be limited to traffic areas only. 'Floors under equipment and coved bases shall be completely smooth.. D.. Where floor drains are utilized, the. f loor surf ace shall slope to the floor drains. 2. Walls A. Walls shall be smooth,.light colored, easily cleanable, non-absorbent.(Brick,- concrete block,. rough :concrete, rough plaster, grooved paneling, wall paper -or vinyl wall covering finishes.are not acceptable.) B. Waitress stations, bussing stations, food and beverage serving areas shall have smooth, light colored, easily cleanable walls throughout the area. C. Walls behind all sinks and dishwashers must be protected by at least an 8' foot high water- resistant material measured from the top of the cove base, (e:g. FRP, .stainless .,steel;;: ceramic tile) 7. 'Ice Machines. A. Ice machines must drain to a floor sink via. legal air gap (minimum 1 inch above the overflow rim of the floor sink) . 8. Floor Sinks A. All equipment generating liquid waste shall be drained to a floor sink (located within 15 feet) via legal air gap, (minimum 1 inch above. the overflow rim of the floor sink) . B. Floor sinks shall be flush with the finished floor and those located under equipment shall be at least half exposed for cleaning accessibility. A protective enclosure will be required around the back side of half -exposed floor sinks installed under curb or base mounted equipment to prevent any waste water back flow under the equipment. C. Floor sinks in traffic areas or not otherwise protected by overhead equipment shall be provided with easily removable safety grates. 9. Kitchen Utensil Sink A. The minimum compartment size shall be 18" x 18" x 12" deep with minimum 18" x •18" drainboards, however the sink must otherwise be capable of accommodating the largest utensil to be washed and the drainboards shall be as large as the largest sink compartment. B. "Sinks installed next. to walls must be equipped with an integral metal back:,splash extending up the wall at least eight (8) inches. C: Sink installations must not have exposed screws -or bolts. D. Provide a water -proof seal between sink backsplash and wall, using approved sealers. 10. Food Vegetable Preparation -Sinks A. Food preparation -sinks) must drain to a floor sink via legal air gap. f 11. Eating and Drinking Utensil Sinks See 9A, B, C, D .' 3 15. Handwash Sinks A. Permanently mounted single service soap and single service towel dispensers or hot air blowers shall be installed at all handwash sinks. 16.. General Purpose Hot Water A. Install the hot water heater'on four inch high integral coved platform or curb; or on at least 6 inch high round metal legs; or cantilevered from the wall with a minimum six inches of clear space below. B. All sinks must be equipped with hot and cold running water through a mixing faucet. 17. Dipper Well A. Dipper wells shall drain to a floor sink via legal air 1 gap (minimum 1 inch . above the overflow rim of -the f loor sink) . 18.. Window Screens A. All openable windows shall be screened with not less than 16 mesh screening. 19. Food or Utensil Displays A.. Displays of unpackaged foods or utensils (glasses, stemware, plates, cups, etc.) shall be shielded so as to intercept a direct line between the customer's mouth and the 'food or utensils being displayed; or shall be dispensed from approved self-service containers. B. Approved self-service food containers shall have self- closing, permanently attached, tight -fitting lids. Individual securely attached scoops are.required. C. Disposable beverage cups, straws or utensils on display for public self-service must .be stored for use in sanitary dispensers: 20. Storage A. Backup dry food storage shelving shall be a minimum 18" deep and 3 tiers high. 5 23. Pass-through Windows A. Food service pass-through window openings exceeding 216 square inches shall be equipped with an air curtain which will produce an air flow eight inches thick at the discharge opening with an air velocity of not less than 600 fpm across the entire opening at a point three feet below the air curtain. B. Food service pass-through window openings less than 216 square inches shall be equipped with a self-closing screen or self-closing window. C. The counter surfaces of the pass-through window must be smooth, free of channels and crevices and easily cleanable. D. Pass-through windows. must remain closed except during actual exchange of food or money. E. Pass-through windows may not exceed 432 square inches. 24. Delivery Doors A. All delivery doors leading to the. outside shall .be protected with a door activated, overhead air curtain, generating a three inch thick (at nozzle) air flow with an air velocity of no less than 1600 fpm across entire doorway as measured 3 feet above the ground. B. Customer entry doors used for deliveries shall be protected by an overhead air curtain generating an eight inch thick (at nozzle) air flow with a velocity not less than -.600 fpm across entire doorway, measured 3 feet above the. ground.. C. -An air curtain is not a substitute device to permit a . .door to remain open. D. All external opening doors shall open outward and 'be self-closing. 25., -Customer Entrance Doors/Insect and Rodent Control A. All doors leading to the outside shall .be tight fitting, open outward and be self-closing, with no gaps exceeding 1/16 inch in width. B. Exterior and interior of building shall be constructed to be insect and rodent, proof. 7 1. 31. Backflow Protection A. An approved backflow preventor shall be properly installed up stream of any potential hazard .or connection between the potable water supply and. a source of contamination, e.g., all threaded water outlets, janitorial sinks, sprayers,• dishwashers, coffee makers, etc. 3.2. Grease Interceptor A. The grease. interceptor shall not be installed in any part of a building where food is handled or stored or where utensils are washed. - 12/8/92 F TWY� 444�rw P.O. Box 1504 78-.495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 To: Greg Butler, Building & Safety Manager From: Oscar Orci; Planning Manager BUILDING & SAFETY DEPARTMENT (760) 777-7012 FAX (760) 777-7011 Building Permit Release To CDD: 6-28-2004 Due: 7-6-2004 The Community Development Department has reviewed the Building Plans for the following project: 3 Description: THIRD REVIEW FOR SMART & FINAL (SDP2001-69�) Address or general location: 79-770 HWY 111 #B APN and/or legal description 649-020-040 Applicant Contact: MOOREFIELD CONSTRUCTION 310-390-9400 The Community Development Department finds that: ❑ ...these Building Plans do not require Community Development Department approval. ...these Building Plans are approved by the Community Development Department. �vn.- �✓Gtn�rz�. Oscar Orci, Planning Manager `1 Date 0 T-v4t 4 4 a" P.O. Box 1504 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 BUILDING & SAFETY DEPARTMENT (760) 777-7012 FAX (760) 777-7011 To: Greg Butler, Building & Safety Manager 'To CI From: Oscar Orci, Planning Manager Due d; Status: Building Plans Approval (This is an approval to issue a building permit) The Community Development Department has reviewed the Building Plans for the following project: Description:—� �J/Uj� C��(, ci4� Address or general location: Applicant Contact: The Community Development Department finds. that: ❑ ...these Building Plans do not require Community Development Department approval. ' ,*,\n ...these Building Plans are approved by the Community Development Department. ❑ ...these Building Plans require corrections. Please forward a copy of the attached corrections to the applicant. When the corrections are made please return them to the Community Development Department for review. 21 -,� Date 9 YOUNG ENGINEERING SERVICES • Engineering *A rchitecture.-Surveying- Building & Safety Services Letter of Transmittal To: City of La Quints Date: 12/6/04 Project: 79-777 Hwy 111 Attn: Ed Randall Tel No.: (760) 777-7012 We are forwarding: X By Messenger No. of Copies 1 1 . 1 PC#: PC# 04-3916 (2" Check) Tract No.: By Mail Your Pickup Description: Sets of approved plans Set of revised plans Value Engineering narrative Comments: Plans are approvable. Thanks This Material Sent for: Your Files Your Review z Checking Other By: Eric Frenzel Phone # 760-360-5770 Per Your Request Approval At the request of: 77-804 Wildcat Drive, Suite C, Palm Desert, CA 92211 (760) 360-5770 Bronz Young Craig E. Anthony Fire Chief Proudly serving the unincorporated areas of Riverside County and the Cities of. Banning Beaumont Calimesa Canyon Lake, 4 - Coachella Desert Hot Springs 1 4 - Indian Wells 4. Indio Lake Elsinore .;. La Quinta 4. Moreno Valley Palm Desert 4. Perris 4. Rancho Mirage .;. . San Jacinto Temecula Board of Supervisors Bob Buster, District 1 John Tavaglione, District 2 Jeff Stone, District 3 Roy Wilson, District 4 Marion Ashley, District 5 RIVERSIDE COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT 210 West San Jacinto Avenue e Perris, California 92570 a (951) 940-6900 . Fax (951) 940-6910 December 06, 2005 La Quinta Building Department Re: Fire Occupancy Smart & Final The Riverside County Fire Department is granting the clearance for the following locationt79 770-I=Iw -111. La Quinta. Please call if you should have Questions. Respectfully FRANK KAWASAKI Battalion Chief / Fire Marshall By Terry DeSoucy# Fire System Inspectors Subject: Jefferson Plaza - Smart & Final Retail Building La Quinta Project No.: 0402-172 Request for extension of Plan Review KKE Dear Greg: KKE Architects would like to request an extension to the above referenced project. KKE has diligently pursued the timely completion of this permit process. Delays with the civil submittal have prevented us form clearing the plan -check process. As it stands right now, we are within 14 calender days from acquiring pad certification, our last main hurdle in completing this process for 99 cents Only. Per CBC section 107.4, we may be granted a one-time extension of 180 days. An extension will allow us to fully complete the permit process and begin . construction. Sincerely, KKE ARCHITECTS, INC. 7 Brian V. Arial, AIA Managing Principal 0 Copy to: 1301M E)Lf,?_Arl cp� � : 6404 1$6-7j A`1 EjC'�"c�StorJ Da1c : 217105 Tom Haberkorn, Real Estate CITY OF I A QUINTA BUILDING ..SAFETY DEPT. ,-APPROVED DATE_ BY�I J I�IZ �Wc�enl5ta>S 6?A4 ep . A, PuCAJ%aa Aa1av-kfjrALt-J vfSLESS �GRK, 65 012D rnJ or- 3e f 21705 expanding the visions- -� KKE Architects; Inc.. ` 35 east colorado boulevard pasadena, ca 91105 626/796-8230 ' 626/796-8735 fax www.kke.com minneapolis newport beach - pasadena November 10, 2004 KK ZlTM Greg Butler City of La Quinta - Department of Building and Safety "architects La Quinta, CA 92253 Subject: Jefferson Plaza - Smart & Final Retail Building La Quinta Project No.: 0402-172 Request for extension of Plan Review KKE Dear Greg: KKE Architects would like to request an extension to the above referenced project. KKE has diligently pursued the timely completion of this permit process. Delays with the civil submittal have prevented us form clearing the plan -check process. As it stands right now, we are within 14 calender days from acquiring pad certification, our last main hurdle in completing this process for 99 cents Only. Per CBC section 107.4, we may be granted a one-time extension of 180 days. An extension will allow us to fully complete the permit process and begin . construction. Sincerely, KKE ARCHITECTS, INC. 7 Brian V. Arial, AIA Managing Principal 0 Copy to: 1301M E)Lf,?_Arl cp� � : 6404 1$6-7j A`1 EjC'�"c�StorJ Da1c : 217105 Tom Haberkorn, Real Estate CITY OF I A QUINTA BUILDING ..SAFETY DEPT. ,-APPROVED DATE_ BY�I J I�IZ �Wc�enl5ta>S 6?A4 ep . A, PuCAJ%aa Aa1av-kfjrALt-J vfSLESS �GRK, 65 012D rnJ or- 3e f 21705 expanding the visions- Craig E. Anthony Fire Chief Proudly serving the Unincorporated areas of Riverside County and the Cities of: Banning Beaumont Calimesa Canyon Lake Coachella, Desert Hot Springs Indian Wells Indio Lake Elsinore La Quinta Moreno Valley Palm Desert Perris Rancho Mirage San Jacinto Temecula Board of Supervisors Bob Buster, District 1 John Tavaglione, District 2 Jeff Stone, District 3 Roy Wilson, District 4 Marion Ashley, District 5 RIVERSIDE COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT 82-675 Highways 111, 2"d A., Indio, CA 92201. (760) 863-8886. Fax (760) 863-7072 February 1, 2005 To: City of La Quinta Building Department Re: Release for Permit / Jefferson Plaza ,tSma fiandzFinal LAQ-04BP 014and Buildings A&C-LAQ-04-BP-015 77, The Riverside County Fire Department hereby releases the above referenced projects for issuance of a permit for construction, at the discretion of the Building Department. Respectfully, Dale A. Evenson Fire Safety Specialist EMERGENCY SERVICES DIVISION • PLANNING SECTION - INDIO OFFICE 82-675 Highway 111, 2nd R., Indio, CA 92201 • (760) 863-8886 • Fax (760) 863-7072 BXLTV.U906 - Fire Resistance Ratings - ANSI/UL 263 Page 1 of 2 BXUV.U906 Fire Resistance Ratings - ANSUUL 263 Page Bottom Questions?Previous Page Fire Resistance Ratings - ANSFUL 263 Guide Information 314 Design No. U906 March 17, 2004 Bearing Wall Rating — 2 HR. Nonbearing Wall Rating — 2 HR. 1. Concrete Blocks* — Nominal 6 by 8 by 16 in, hollow or solid. Classification D-2 (2 hr). ANCHOR CONCRETE PRODUCTS INC GAGNE & SON CONCRETE BLOCK INC Allowable compressive stress of 57% of max allowable compressive stress in accordance with the empirical design method. - ,, ,–_ 1 •. a - . • BETCO BLOCK & PRODUCTS INC, DBA ARTHUR WHITCOMB ; ,FQR OONSTRIA, Vju�� http://database.ul.conVcgi-bih/XYV/ mplate/LISEXT/lFRAME/showGa e. _ p g hhnY?name B... 4/14/2004 04BXUV.U906 - Fire Resistance Ratings - ANSI/UL 263 Page 2 of 2 WESTBROOK CONCRETE BLOCK CO INC Allowable compressive stress of 75.6% of max allowable compressive stress in accordance with the empirical design method. 2. Mortar — Blocks laid in full bed of mortar, nom. 3/8 in. thick, of not less than 2- 1/4 and not more than 3-1/2 parts of clean sharp sand to 1 part Portland cement (proportioned by volume) and not more than 50 percent hydrated lime (by cement volume). Vertical joints staggered. 3. Portland Cement Stucco or Gypsum Plaster — Add 1/2 hr to Classification if used. Attached to concrete blocks (Item 1). 4. Foamed Plastic* — (Optional -Not Shown) — 1-1/2 in. thick max, 4 ft wide sheathingattached to concrete blocks (Item 1). THE DOW CHEMICAL CO — Type Thermax *Bearing the UL Classification Mark Page Top Notice of Disclaimer Questions?Previous Page I UL Listed and Classified UL Recognized Products Certified for Products Components Canada This page and all contents are Copyright © 2004 by Underwriters Laboratories Inc.® The appearance of a company's name or product in this database does not in itself assure that products so identified have been manufactured under UL's Follow -Up Service. Only those products bearing the UL Mark should be considered to be Listed and covered under UL's Follow -Up Service. Always look for the Mark on the product. UL permits the reproduction of the material contained on UL's Website subject to the following conditions: 1. The Guide Information, Designs and/or Listings (files) must be presented in their entirety and in a non -misleading manner, without any manipulation of the data (or drawings). 2. The statement "Reprinted from the Online Certifications Directory with permission from Underwriters Laboratories Inc." must appear adjacent to the extracted material. In addition, the reprinted material must include a copyright notice in the following format: "Copyright © 2004 Underwriters Laboratories Inc.®" http://database.ul.com/cgi-binIXYVItemplatelLISEXT/1 FRAMElshowpage.html?name=B... 4/14/2004 -m..•..MW- LIGHTING COMPLIANCE- SUMMARY WATTS PER SF COMPLETE BLDG. AREA LTG -2 PROJECT NAME SMART & FINAL — LA QUINTA, CA 2.0 GATE 12/09/03 ACTUAL LIGHTING POWER 0.7 475 333 CORRIDOR/STORAGE/RESTROOMS LUMINAIRE NAME DESCRIPTION NUMBER OF LUMINAIRE WATTS PER LUMINAIRE (Including Ballasts) CEC DEFAULT? Y N TOTAL WATTS A/A1 8' 4—LAMP FLUOR. 239 116 N ❑ E❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 27724 B 1x4 2—LAMP FLUOR. 11 58 638 SUBTOTAL FROM THIS PAGE PLUS SUBTOTAL FROM CONTINUATION PAGE PORTABLE LIGHTING (From LTG -1 Part 3 of 3) LESS CONTROL CREDIT WATTS (From LTG -3) ADJUSTED ACTUAL WATTS 28362 Q Q 28362 ALLOWED LIGHTING POWER Choose One Method COMPLETE BUILDING MFTHOD BUILDING CATEGORY (From § 146 (b) Table 1-M) WATTS PER SF COMPLETE BLDG. AREA ALLOWED WATTS RETAIL SALES AREA 2.0 16504 33008 IARFA CATFGORY MFTHOD I AREA CATEGORY (From § 146 (b) Table 1—N) WATTS PER SF AREA (SF) ALLOWED WATTS RETAIL SALES AREA 2.0 16504 33008 ELECTRICAL ROOM 0.7 475 333 CORRIDOR/STORAGE/RESTROOMS 0.6 784 471 OFFICE ' 1.3 110 143 LOUNGE & BREAK ROOM 1.1 110 121 WALKING COOLER/STOCKROOM 0.6 1736 1042 TOTALS 19719 35118 AREA WATTS TAILORED METHOD TOTAL ALLOWED WATTS (From LTG -4 of from computer run) Nonresidential Compliance Form January 2001 -I -- CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (Part 2 of 3) LTG -1 PROJECT NAME SMART & FINAL — LA QUINTA, CA DATE 12/09/03 INSTALLED LIGHTING SCHEDULE Name LUMINAIRE DESCRIPTION LAMPS BALLASTS Luminaire (Lamp + Ballast) TOTAL WATTS Type DESCRIPTION # Watts Per Lamp Type DESCRIPTION # # 7 Watts A/A1 8' 4—LAMP F32T8 4 32 ELECTRONIC 1 239 116 27724 B 4' 2—LAMP F32T8 2 32 ELECTRONIC 1 11 58 638 SUBTOTAL FROM THIS PAGE PLUS SUBTOTAL FROM CONTINUATION PAGE PORTABLE LIGHTING (From LTG -1 Part 3 of 3) LESS CONTROL CREDIT WATTS (From LTG -3) ADJUSTED ACTUAL WATTS 28326 0 0 28326 MANDATORY AUTOMATIC CONTROLS CONTROL LOCATION (Room #) CONTROL IDENTIFICATION CONTROL TYPE (Auto Time Switch, Exterior, etc.) SPACE CONTROLLED NOTE TO FIELD ENTIRE SPACE S3abcd MANUAL SWITCHING ENTIRE SPACE ENTIRE SPACE TC TIME CLOCK/SW ENTIRE SPACE CONTROLS FOR CREDIT CONTROL LOCATION (Room # or Dwg. #) CONTROL IDENTIFICATION CONTROL TYPE (Occupant, Daylight, Dimming, etc.) LUMINAIRES CONTROLLED NOTE TO FIELD TYPE # OF LUMIN. NOTES TO FIELD — For Bu ilding Department Use Only Nonresidentiol Compliance Forth January 2001 W MANDATORY MEASURES ® Building Lighting Shut—off The budding lighting shut—off system consists of an automatic time switch, with a zone for each floor; or 0 Override for Buildin Li hting Shut—off The automatic buil ung shut—off system is provided with a manual, accessible override switch in sight of the lights. The area of override is not to exceed 5,000 sf. ® Fluorescent Ballast and Luminaries Certified All fluorescent fixtures specified for the project are certified and listed in the Directory. All installed fixtures shall be certified. 0 Tandem wiring for. Two—Lamp Ballast's All one & three lamp fluorescent fixtures are tandem wired with two (2) lamp ballast where required by Standards 132; or ■ All three lamp fluorescent fixtures are specified with frequency ballast's and are exempt from two—lamp requirements. electronic high— andem wiring ■ Uniform Reduction for Individual Rooms All rooms & areas greater than 100 square feet and more than 0.8 watts per square feet and more than 1.2 watts per square foot of lighting load shall . be controlled with Bi—level switching for uniform reduction of lighting within the room. A NOTE: CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL NEW TIMECLOCK, RELAYS, OVERRIDE SWITCHES AND TIMERS IN ORDER TO COMPLY WITH T24 MANDATORY MEASURES. ALL EQUIPMENT SHALL BE CEC CERTIFIED. division of IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DISTRICT IIDPD-DDC April 15, 2004 KKE Architects, Inc. Mr. Carlos Olivares 20321 SW Birch Street, Suite 201 New Port Beach, CA 92660 Subject: Available Short Circuit Current Calculation for the Smart & Final - Jefferson Plaza at 79770 Highway 111, La Quinta. Dear Mr. Olivares: The available Short Circuit Current at the secondary terminals of the transformer is 14,084 Amps RMS Symmetrical at 480 volts. This is based upon the following information: 1) Transformer size: 2) Transformer impedance: 3) Primary voltage: 4) Secondary voltage: 5) High -side KVA available: 6) Transformer connection: 500 KVA 4% 7,200/12,470Y volts 480 volts 185,000 KVA Wye/Wye Please contact me should'you have any questions, at (760) 398-5820. CITY OF LA QUIN TSA BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION DATE BY CP/ms SECFAULT.Ltr.CarlosOlivares. smart&final Thank You, Carlos Partida Project Manager Customer Service IID ENERGY 81-600 AVENUE 58 - LA QUINTA, CA 92253 71- 77,9 9,,�/// o��C401or-t D. C. Inspecti*ons Weld Procedures Specifications Qualifications & Inspections 3121 N. Sillect Ave. Suite 102 Bakersfield, California (661) 326-7018 Welder Name: Bill Hall SS No.: 564-23-9851 Certification No.: S05-062 Prequalified Welding Procedure No. B -U2 -F Witnessed By: Dennis M. Combs Code AWS D1.1 Material Specifications A572 Gr.50 Process FCAW Joint Thickness/Diameter 1.00" Current Direct Joint Design B -U2 -F Polarity Straight (DCEN) Backing Strip N/A Shielding Gas N/A Position of Test 3G & 4G Flow Rate N/A Weld Progression 3G Uphill Filler Material E71T-8 Material Thickness Dia. Of Filler Material .072" Qualified To: .125" to Unlimited Results of Tests Visual Tensile Side Bend Root Bend Side -Bend. Macroetch Fillet Weld Strengtli Break 1. Sat. 1. N/A 1.3G Conforms 1. N/A 1.4G Conforms 1. N/A _ 1. N/A 2. Sat. 2. N/A 2.3G Conforms 1. N/A 1 AG Conforms 2. N/A 2. N/A 1ne above welder 1s auanued tor: Groove welds (plate) .125" To Unlimited Position Flat, Horiz., Vert., O/H Groove welds (pipe) .125" To Unlimited Position Flat, Horiz., Vert., O/H Fillet welds (plate) .125" To Unlimited Position Flat, Horiz., Vert., O/H Fillet welds (pipe) .125" To Unlimited Position Flat, Horiz., Vert., O/H (Pipe groove welding to be performed on pipe 24" diameter and above) The above welder must have the certification updated every 6 mRnths for this test to be valid in accordance with AWS D1.1 Dennis M. Combs OC 1 Date March 5. 2005 QC-1-95010531DENNI sso��� CWI 7/ WS QC I RENE D. HERNANDEI / S- l3 - - S 01111541 CWI ': ' C. Inspecti*ons Weld Procedures Specifications Qualifications & Inspections 3121 N. Sillect Ave. Suite 102, Bakersfield, California 93308 (661) 326-7018 Welder Name: Bill Hall SS No.: 564-23-9851 Certification No.: S05-061 Prequalified Welding Procedure No. B -U2 Witnessed by Dennis M. Combs Code AWS D1.1 Material Specifications SA -36 Process SMAW Joint Thickness/Diameter 1.00, Current Direct Joint Design B -U2 Polarity Reverse (DCEP) Backing Strip N/A Shielding Gas N/A Position of Test 3G & 4G Flow Rate N/A Weld Progression 3G Uphill Filler Material E7018 Material Thickness Dia. Of Filler Material 1/8" Qualified To: .125" to Unlimited Results of Tests Visual' Tensile Side Bend Root Bend Side Bend.. Mficr,.o .tch Strength 1. Sat. 1. N/A 1.3G Conforms 1. N/A 1.4G Conforms 1. N/A 2. Sat. 2. N/A 2.3G Conforms 1. N/A 1.4G Conforms '2. N/A The above welder is aualified for: Fillet; Weld Break 1. N/A 2. N/A Groove welds (plate) .125" To Unlimited Position All Groove welds (pipe) .125" To Unlimited Position All Fillet welds (plate) ..125" To Unlimited Position All Fillet welds (pipe) .125" To Unlimited Position All (Pipe groove welding to be performed on pipe 24" diameter and above) The above welder must have the certification updated every 6 months for this test to be valid in accordance with AWS D1.1 Dennis M. Combs 0C i Date March 5,2005 bM QC4-95010531 °E s15 0011 ;..,, • D. C.'In*spections..... Weld Procedures Specifications Qualifications & Inspections 3121 N. Sillect Ave. Suite 102 Bakersfield, California (661) 326-7018 Welder Name: Kendall Hall SS No.: 569-81-4260 Certification No.: S05-063 . Prequalified Welding Procedure No. B -U2 -F Witnessed By: Dennis M. Combs Code AWS D1.1 .Material Specifications. A572 Gr.50 Process ' FCAW Joint Thickness/Diameter 1.00" Current Direct Joint Design B -U2 -F Polarity Straight (DCEN) Backing Strip N/A Shielding Gas N/A Position of Test 3G & 4G Flow Rate N/A Weld Progression 3G Uphill Filler Material E71 T-8 Material Thickness Dia., Of Filler Material .072" Qualified To: .125" to Unlimited Results of Tests Visual Tensile Side Bend Root. Bend Side Bend Macroetch Fillet Weld Strength. Break 1. at. 1. N/A 1.3G Conforms 1. N/A 1.4G Conforms 1. N/A 1. N/A 2. Sat. 2. N/A 2.3G Conforms 1. N/A 1.4G Conforms 2. N/A 2. N/A (Pipe groove welding to be performed on pipe 24" diameter and above) The above welder must have the certification updated every 6 months for this test to be valid in accordance with AWS D1.1 Dennis M. Combs QC -1-95010531 Date March 5 200 A RAC AUVVC WCIUCI- IA YAllllCu 1VA; Groove welds (plate) .125" To Unlimited Position Flat, Horiz., Vert., O/H Groove welds (pipe) .125" To Unlimited Position Flat, Horiz., Vert., O/H Fillet welds (plate) .125" To Unlimited Position Flat, Horiz., Vert., O/H Fillet welds (pipe) .125" To Unlimited Position Flat, Horiz., Vert., O/H (Pipe groove welding to be performed on pipe 24" diameter and above) The above welder must have the certification updated every 6 months for this test to be valid in accordance with AWS D1.1 Dennis M. Combs QC -1-95010531 Date March 5 200 D. C. Inspecti*ons Weld Procedures Specifications Qualifications & Inspections 3121 N. Sillect Ave. Suite 102, Bakersfield, California 93308 (661) 326-7018 Welder Name: Kendall Hall SS No.: 569-81-4260 Certification No.: 505-064 Prequalified Welding Procedure No. B -U2 Witnessed by Dennis M. Combs Code AWS D1.1 Material Specifications 9A-36 Process SMAW Joint Thickness/Diameter 1.00" Current 'Direct Joint Design B -U2 Polarity Reverse (DCEP) Backing Strip N/A Shielding Gas N/A Position of Test 3G & 4G Flow Rate N/A Weld Progression 3G Uphill Filler Material E7018 Material Thickness Dia. Of Filler Material 1/8" Qualified To: .125" to Unlimited Results of Tests Visual Tensile Side Bend •Root Bend ' •Side Bend Macroetch' Fillet Weld Strength Break::. 1. Sat. 1. N/A 1.3G Conforms 1. N/A 1.4G Conforms 1. N/A 1. N/A 2. Sat. 2. N/A 2. 3G Conforms 1. N/A 1.4G Conforms '2. N/A 2. N/A The above welder is oualified for: Groove welds (plate) .125" To Unlimited Position All Groove welds (pipe) .125" To Unlimited Position All Fillet welds (plate) .125" To Unlimited Position All Fillet welds (pipe) .125" To Unlimited Position All (Pipe groove welding to be performed on pipe 24" diameter and above) The above welder must have the certification updated every 6 mo9fLfor this test to be valid in accordance with AWS D1.1 Dennis M. Combs pC 1M.cawas Date March 5, 2005 QC -1-95010531 ssoto CWI Temporary Certificate of Occupancy 0 ° 1 U u�l'6v 1 5 Building & Safety Department OF 'Teti This Certificate is issued pursuant to the requirements of Section 109 of the California Building Code, certifying that, at the time of issuance, this structure was in compliance with the provisions of the Building Code and the various ordinances of the City regulating building construction and/or use. BUILDING ADDRESS: 79-770 HIGHWAY 111 Use classification: RETAIL — SMART & FINAL Building Permit No.: 04-3916 Occupancy Group: M Type of Construction: VN-SPRINKLERED Land Use Zone: CR Owner of Building: REA LA QUINTA, LLC Address: 5010 N. PARKWAY CALABASAS City, ST, ZIP: CALABASAS, CA 91302 By: PER GREG BUTLER, MGR. Date: EXPIRES OCTOBER 31, 2008 Building Official POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE Certificate of Occupancy0 Coil �� I.nCOUOsnTID OF Building & Safety Department This Certificate is issued pursuant to the requirements of Section 109 of the California Building Code, certifying that, at the time of issuance, this structure was in compliance with the provisions of the Building Code and the various ordinances of the City regulating building construction and/or use. BUILDING ADDRESS: 79-770 Highway 111 Use classification: Commercial "Smart & Final" Retail Store Building Permit No.: 04-3916 Occupancy Group: M Type of Construction: VN Sprinkled Land Use Zone: CR Owner of Building: 99c Only Store. Address: 4000 E Union Pacific Ave City, ST, ZIP: Commerce, CA 90023 By: Daniel P. Crawford Jr. Date: 2/2/06 Building Official POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE Temporary Certificate of Occupancy 0 . Tjhf� G w5 Buildin .& Safety Department �oF�9 9► Y p This Certificate is issued pursuant to the requirements of Section 109 of the California Building Code, certifying that, at the time of issuance, this structure was in compliance with the provisions of the Building Code and the various. ordinances of the City regulating building construction and/or use. BUILDING ADDRESS: 79-770 Highway 111 Use classification: Commercial Retail "Smart & Final" Occupancy Group: M Type of Construction: VN Sprinkled *30 Day Temporary Certificate of Occupancy, see attached correction list. Owner of Building: Jeff Gold —7—,u, Building O Icial Building Permit No.: 04-3916 Land Use Zone: CR. Address: 4000 E Union Pacific Ave City, ST, ZIP: Commerce, Ca 90023 By: Daniel P. Crawford Jr. Date: Expires 1/15/05 i POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE