13-0764c4 6 RECEIVED. Bin .# Pe it iY City Of Quin JUN 1::9 2013 Building & Safety Division CITY OF LA QUINTA P.O. Box 1504,78-495 Caiie TampITOMMUNITY DEVELOPME U.Quinta, CA 92253 - (760) 777-7012 Building Permit Application and Tracking Sheet Project Address: -715 I I Owner's Name:. �- c ib—t A. P. Number. 00 - 40 � 5 Addre�: T7 , Legal Description: 0 M 0lta L niCity, ST, Zip: G Contractor.— Telephone:7(d) 7— (-A Address: Ak Project Description: —+- City, $T, Zip: ZZ t Telephone: State Lic. # : Z. D 3 City Lie. #; 11 Arch., Engr., Designer. ' Address: Z 54-g—)15 City, ST, Zip: Fiq G 2 TeIephone(7 — 2' Construction Type: Occupancy: State Lic. #: nI . , ,w i» ' Project type (circle one): New Add'n Alter Repair Demo ,. Name of Contact Person: ►` Qb Sq. Ft.:I ?j SJ #Stories: # Units: Telephone # of Contact Person ' 7.. a Estimated Value of Project: 35,000 APPLICANT: DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS UNE tl Submittal Req'd Recd TRACKING PERMIT FEES Plan Sets Plan Check submitted 60 Item Amount Structural Cases. Reviewed, ready for corrections IZ Plan Check Deposit. . TtttSs Ca1cs• Called Contact Person Plan Check Balance_ Title 24 Cates. Plans picked up Construction Flood plain plan Plans resubmitted.'. 23 Meehaeical . Grading plan 2'' Review, ready for corrections/issue Electrical >It Subcoutactor Ust Called Contact Person Plumbing SW Ilk Grant Deed Plans picked up SALL MO.& Approval Plans resubmitted Grading IN HOUSE:- '^' Review; ready for corrections/inue Developer Impact Fee Planning Approval f✓ Called Contact Person A•I.P.P• Pub. Wks. Appr Okiit Date of permit issue School Fees A' Total Permit Fees q So SR# 28681 Project Name Juice it UP RIVERSIDE COUNTY COMMUNITY HEALTH AGENCY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH FOOD ESTABLISHMENT PLAN APPROVAL NOTICE Plans Submitted by Robert Ricciardi Owner Lori and Brent Poist Date 6/24/13 Address 79-755 Hwy 111 bld. F, ste 102 La Quinta Phone 760-202-7713 Phone 760-408-1208 The plans are now approved subject to the conditions listed below and the attached compliance sheet. 1. The Fan Tech air curtain is not an approved air curtain. According to the manufacturer's spec the 4800 model that you have chosen to install measures 710fpm measured 3 feet above the floor. You need an air curtain that can produce 1600fpm (min)measured 3' above the ground. See redline correction on page TA2. 2. The existing restroom finishes will be evaluated on site, if deemed in disreapair or wrong material may need to change the finishes. 3. Provide grease interceptor letter (waiver) from the sewer agency. Note: This facility is not approved for any seating, because there is no public use restroom. Public may not enter the food prep area to use a restroom. Restroom is for employee use only. CONSTRUCTION INSPECTIONS: Contact the Plan Checker for a Preliminary Inspection when construction is approximately 80% complete, with plumbing, rough ventilation, and rough equipment installed. Request for inspection should be made at least five (5) working days in advance. A FINAL INSPECTION MUST be made upon completion of ALL work including finished details. APPROVAL to operate shall not be granted, or remodeled areas approved to operate, until the facility has passed the FINAL INSPECTION, and "APPLICATION TO OPERATE" has been completed and PERMIT FEES have been paid. Request for inspection should be made at least five (5) working days in advance. PLANS CHECKED BY Tracey Ford, EHS III Phone (760) 863-8287 I acknowledge the corrections noted herein and as indicated on the plans and agree to incorporate them during construction: Signature. Date Murrieta 38740 Sky Canyon Dr (951)461-0284 Fax (951) 461-0245 Department Web Site — www.rivcoeh.org Palm Springs 554 S. Paseo Dorotea (760) 320-1048 Fax (760) 320-1470 Riverside 4065 County Cir (951) 358-5172 Fax(951)358- 5017 ax(951)358-5017 Company Name DEH -SAN -178 (Rev 2/06) Corona Hemet Indio 2275 S. Main St, 800 S. Sanderson 47-950 Arabia St Suite 204 (951) 766-2824 "A" (951) 273-9140 Fax(951)766- (760) 863-8287 Fax(951)520-8319 7874 Fax(760)863- 8303 Date Murrieta 38740 Sky Canyon Dr (951)461-0284 Fax (951) 461-0245 Department Web Site — www.rivcoeh.org Palm Springs 554 S. Paseo Dorotea (760) 320-1048 Fax (760) 320-1470 Riverside 4065 County Cir (951) 358-5172 Fax(951)358- 5017 ax(951)358-5017