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2007-1176 (SIGN)
September 7, 2007 Mr. Mark Eiland Best Sign Products P.O. Box 2550-A Santa Ana, CA 92799 S N� SUBJECT: SIGN PERMIT 2007-1176 - CASH PLUS Dear Mr. Eiland: The Planning Department has reviewed and approved your request for one permanently -mounted business identification sign for "Cash Plus" at the Jefferson Plaza shopping center. The approval is subject to the following Conditions: 1. This sign permit grants one permanent internally -illuminated channel letter sign. "Cash Plus" letters shall be blue with five (5) inch returns. The logo shall be red with a. white dollar symbol. Total sign area is limited to fifteen (15) square feet. The materials, size, illumination and location for the sign are per the approved plans on file with the Planning Department. 2. No .signs are permitted.ori the buildings north elevation. 3. The sign letters must conform to the approved Sign Program for Jefferson Plaza, Phase II (SA 97-378). 4. A building permit -shall be obtained from the Building & Safety Department prior to installation of the sign. I have enclosed two stamped approved copies of the plans. One is for your submittal to the Building & Safety Department and the other is for your records. Should you have any questions or need additional information, please feel free to, contact me at (760) 777-7125. P.O. Box 1504 • LA QUINTA-, CALIFORNIA 92247-1504 78-495 CALLL' TAMPICO • LA QUANTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 (760) 777-7000 •PAX (760) 777-7101 Sincerely, ERIC CEJA Assistant Planne c: BU-BF676 Safety -Department) r 09, WW b. :1176.. ' ..F ST "_ APPROVED BY PLANNING DPARTMENT BY 4Ll DATE II ? 0 7 EXHIBIT CASE NO. _ '54- c,"7-W2/- SITE "7-W2 SITE CASH PLUS 79800 Hwy 191 # 106 La Quinta, Ca. 92253 [` PLUS' .1T •« s ri T)r T FRONT ELEVATION SCALE 19 O°' I - rt y.. ,-- I 111 { i Best Sign Produc "A Sign of Quality" 2121 So. S6san. Unit I Santa Ana, Ca. 92704 (714) 516-9710 SCL-530800 LICEk -BONDED-IN SIGN LIGHTING COMPLIANCE OLTG-4-C PROJECT WME DATE AJtemative i — Lighting Power Allowances Altertlative 2 —For 5dgns that ONLY use one or more of the technologies listed in M through S A t3 C D E F G Fi L [Check aN that a M N 0 I p q R allotted. Watts Lam Design Watts S to O r r nm0 r a3 m n 0im mm 0 m m0 � Ral m 10m °°rA Descriptio Or -= 0 ^' r �='� � � � X 3 n Z � N mm n � Q m n N maS � � �m amLocation m � 2 .r trw m to m� m -ow F - I I 171 For Allotted LPD use 12 watts/square foot for Internally illuminated Signs, and us 2.3 wadW for Externally Illuminated Signs. a„ ,,,,�,,,a„y .,,.Mill IoLwu VI L-AtUr!IQ!!y I1 UI1411towu sign wnlarns ught sources and ballasts other than those included in columns (M) through (S), such as incandescent lamps, medium base sockets, magnetic ballasts, etc, then the sign must comply under Alternative 1. However, unfiltered signs, and unfiltered portions of Internally and Externally illuminated signs, are not required to meet these Standards. 2005 Nonresidential Compliance Forms ApaI 2005 4- euftna Permit e e ErMorcemetit Agency Use GF IERAL INFORMATION - DATE OF PLANS OUTDO N f✓ 4 FUNCTION TYPE r❑ OUTDOOR LIGHTING 'MoUTD00R SIGNS ❑ INDOOR SIGNS PHASE OF CONSTRUCTION ❑ NEW CONSTRUCTION 1 .1 ADDITIONS ❑ ALTERATIONS STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE This Certificate of Compliance lists outdoor lighting system specifications need to comply with' Regulations. This certificate applies Only to building Iighfing requirements. The documentation preparer hereby certifies that the documentation Is accurate and complete. the California Code of The Principal Lighting Designer hereby certifies that the proposed outdoor lighting and signs design t g ng g gn represented in this set of conslructtnr►-aocumenie Is consistent with the other compliance forts and worksheets, with the specifications, and with any other calculations submitted with this permit application. The proposed building has been designed to meet the lighting requirements contained in the applicable parts of Sections 110, 119,130 through 132, 148, and 149 of Title 24, Part s. Please ✓ orie: ❑ 1 hereby affirm that I am eligible under the provisions of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code to sign this document as the person responsible for Its preparation; and that I am licensed in the State of Callfomla as a civil aNineer or electrical engineer, or I am a licensed architect. ❑ 1 1 affirm that I am eligible under the provisions of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code by section 5537.2 or 8737.3 to sign this 1--1 document as the person responsible for its preparation: and that I am a licensed contractor performing this work, Q 1 affirm that I am eligible ander the provisions of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code to sign this document because it pertalns to a structure or type of work described as exempt pursuant to Business and Professions Code Sections 5537,5538 and 13737.1. INSTRUCTIONS TO APPLICANT OUMOOR LIGHTING COMPLIANCE A WORKSHEETS (✓ box it worksheet ib included) For detailed instructions on the use of this and all Energy Efficiency Standards compliance forms, please defer to the Nonresidential Manual published by the California Energy Commission, _ ()LTG -I -C Certificate of Compliance. Required on plans for all submittals for outdoor lighting, Part 2 of 2 may be incorporated in schedules on the plans. EHher LTG -I -C or OLTG-I-C may be used for signs as follows: - 1. Use LTG -1-C if the project consists solely of indoor signs 2. Use LTG -1-C if the project consists of indoor lighting, and outdoor or indoor signs, but no other outdoor lighting. 3. Use OLTG-I-C If the project consists solely of outdoor signs 4, Use OLTG-I-C If the project consists of outdoor lighting, and Indoor or outdoor signs, but no other indoor liahtina ❑ OLTG-2-C ❑ OLTG-3-C CJ OLTG-4-C ING requlred for ALL Spans) - -__. ,.a....� 4.�.....,,.. AREA CALCULATIONS WORKSHEETS. Applicable parts required for all outdoor area calculations SIGN LIGHTING COMPLIANCE, Required for all internally and extemally Illuminated signs, for both outdArx QinnQ (Except 2005 Nonresidential Compliance Forms April 200$ Siva 40 L PlBpd) 3ONVI`1A03 =10 31V31:111. 1 U Not A Ilcable _ ❑ Lighting power allowances for local ordinances or for security multipliers on ALTG-z-C Part 2 of 4 ❑,Not A pllcable ' Lighting power allowances for specific applications, other than vehicle service stations with canopies on OLTG-2-C Part 3 of 4 ❑ Not Applicable ❑ Lighting power allowances, for vehicle service station canopies on OLTG-2-C Part 4 of 4 �~ ❑ Not Applicable ❑ Sign lighting compliance on OLTG-4-C- ❑ Not A livable IlMandatory-M-08SUres on Plans show that Outdoor Lighting Meets Outdoor Lighting Controls and Equipment Ind! le location on ens of Note Block for Mandatory Measure ❑ Installed lighting power has been determined in accordance with § 130(c)1 ❑ Not Applicable , ❑ All permanently installed luminaires with lamps rated over 100 watts either have a lamp efficacy of at least 60 lumens per watt or are controlled by a motion sensor § f 32(s) ❑ Not AoDllcable LJ All Luminaires with lamps rated greater than 175 watts In hardscape areas; including parking lots, building entrances, canopies, and All outdoor sales areas meet the Cutoff Requirements of § 132(b) ❑ Not Ap ilcable ❑ All permanently installed outdoor lighting meets the Control Requirements of ❑ Not Applicable - ❑ wilding facades, parking lots, garages, canopies, and outdoor sales areas meet the Multi -Level Lighling Requirements of § 132(c)2 ❑ Not Applicable TORY AUTOMATIC CONTROLS TION 11 Auto To 2005 Nonresidentlal Compliance Forms April 2005 T0 -d OT6T 9V9 VTL WV bS:90 L00Z-TZ-d3S This Certificate applies only to tw The documentation preparer hereby certlflea that the documentation is accurate and complete, DATE �T-1 ThePrincipal Lighting Designer hereby certifies that the proposed outdoor lighting and signs design represented in this set of constrUction'nocuments 18 000sistent with the other compliance forma and worksheets, with the specifications, and with any other calculations submitted with this permit appl"llon. The proposed building has been designed to meet the lighting requirements contained in the applicable Paris of Sections 110, 119,130 lh►otgh 132, 146, and 149 of Title 24, Part S. Please ✓ one: © I hereby affirm that I am eligible under the provisions of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code Io sign this document as the person I responsible for Its preparation: and that I am licensed In the State of California as a Civil engineer or electrical engineer, or I am a licensed i architect. ❑ I affirm that I am eligible under the provisions of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code by section 5537.2 or 6737.3 to slgrr this document as the person responsible for its preparation: and that I am a licensed contractor performing this work. I affirm that I am eligible under the provisions of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code to sign this document because it pertains to a structure or type of work described as exempt pursuant to Business and Professions Code Sections $537,5538 and 8737.1. INST UCTIONS TO APPLICANT OUTDOOR LIGHTING COMPLIANCE 8, WORKSHEus (✓ box If worksheet Is Included) For stalle7by s on the use of this and all Energy Efifclency Standards compliance forms; please refer to the Nonresidential Man al puhe Callfomle Energy Commission. LTGificate of Compliance, Required on piens for all submittals for outdoor lighting. Part 2 of 2 may be ,..I.__,. rporated in schedules on the blans. cnrior L i u- r -t, or ULTG-I-C may be used for signs as follows: - 1. Use LTG -1 -C if the project consists solely of Indoor signs 2, Use LTG -1-C if the project consists of indoor lighting, and outdoor or Indoor signs, but no other outdoor lighting, 3. Use OLTG-I-C If the project consists solely of outdoor signs 4. Use OLTG-1-C If the project consists of outdoor lighting, and indoor or outdoor signs, but no other indoor Ii htin _ 13 LTG -2-C LIGHTING COMPLIANCE SUMMARY, SApplicable Parts -required for ALL outdoor lighting allowances (Ekcept for i ns ❑ LTG -3-C AREA CALCULATIONS WORKSHEETS, A ppiicsble parts required for all outdoor area calculations, ❑LTG4-C SIGN LIGHTING CQMPLIANCE. Required for all intemally and externally illuminated signs, for —both and outdoor signs. 2005 onresldential Compliance Forms -_ April 2005 ZO'd OT61 9bS VTL WV TS:SO L00Z—TZ—d3S