BCOM2014-105178-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 Application Number: Property Address: APN: Application Description Property Zoning: Application Valuation: d, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMIT BCOM2014-1051 79900 HIGHWAY 111 600010017 HOME DEPOT - REPLACE GENERATORS, NEW WALLS $104,000.00 Applicant: BAY CITY EQUIPMENT INDUST INC 0 OUTSIDE CITY LIMITS LA QUINTA, CA 92253 FEB 11 2015 CITY OF LA QUINTA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 70001 of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code, and my License is in full force and effect. License Class: _ License No.::LIC-00 74 1/1 ,f Date: OWNEILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of pe ury that I am exempt from the Contractor's State License Law for the following reas n (Sec. 7031.5, Business and Professions Code: Any city or county that requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish, or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for the permit to file a signed statement that he or she is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's State License Law (Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code) or that he or she is exempt therefrom and the - basis for the alleged_ exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars ($500).: (_) I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale. (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does the work himself or herself through his or her own employees, provided that the improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner -builder will have the burden of proving that he or she did not build or improve for the purpose of sale.). (_) I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project. (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who contracts for the projects with a contractor(s)licensed pursuant to the Contractors' State License Law.). (_) I am exempt under Sec. . B.&P.C. for this reason Date: Owner: CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued (Sec. 3097, Civ. C.). Lender's Name:_ Lender's Address: VOICE (760) 777-7125 FAX (760) 777-7011 INSPECTIONS (760) 777-7153 Date: 2/11/2015 Owner: HOME DEPOT U S A INC P 0 BOX 105842 ATLANTA, GA 92253 Contractor: BAY CITY EQUIPMENT INDUST INC 0 OUTSIDE CITY LIMITS LA QUINTA, CA 92253 (619)938-8200 Llc. No.: :LIC -0006874 WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for workers' compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. _ I have and will maintain workers' compensation insurance, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My workers' compensation insurance carrier and policy number are: Carrier: _ Policy Number: _ _ I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the workers' compensation laws of California, and agree that, if I should become subject to the workers' compensation provisions of Sectiory�700 of the Labor Code, I shall forthwith comply with those provisions. .s �l —6ate: I 05' j' Applicant WARNING: FAILURE TO SECURE WOR ERS' COMPENSATION COVERAGE IS UNLAWFUL, AND SHALL SUBJECT AN EMPLOYER/O CRIMINAL PENALTIES AND CIVIL FINES UP TO ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOL 5 ($100,000). IN ADDITION TO THE COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES ASPROVIDED FOR IN SECTION 3706 OF THE LABOR CODE, INTEREST, AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. APPLICANT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT IMPORTANT: Application is hereby made to the Building Official for a permit subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth on this application. 1. Each person upon whose behalf this application is made, each person at whose request and for whose benefit work is performed under or pursuant to any permit issued as a result of this application , the owner, and the applicant, each agrees to, and shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City of La Quinta, its officers, agents, and employees for any act or omission related to the work being performed under or following issuance of this permit. 2. Any permit issued as a result of this application becomes null and void if work is not commenced within 180 days from date of issuance of such permit, or cessation of work for 180 days will subject permit to cancellation. I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relating to building construction, and hereby authorize representatives of this city enter upon the abov mentioned property for inspection purposes. Date: 2 Signature (Applicant or Agent): • FINANCIAL • DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT QTY AMOUNT PAID PAID DATE HOURLY PLAN CHECK - YES 101-0000-42600 2.5 $175.00 $0.00 PAID BY METHOD RECEIPT # CHECK # CLTD BY Total Paid for BLDG CITY STAFF - PER HOUR: $175.00 $0.00 DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT QTY AMOUNT PAID PAID DATE BSAS SB1473 FEE 101-0000-20306 0 $5.00 $0.00 PAID BY METHOD RECEIPT # CHECK # CLTD BY Total Paid forBUILDING STANDARDS ADMINISTRATION BSA $5.00 $0.00 DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT QTY AMOUNT PAID PAID DATE POWER APPARATUS 101-0000-42403 0 $24.17 $0.00 PAID BY METHOD RECEIPT # CHECK # CLTD BY DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT QTY AMOUNT PAID PAID DATE POWER APPARATUS PC 101-0000-42600 0 $24.17 $0.00 PAID BY METHOD RECEIPT # CHECK # CLTD BY Total Paid for ELECTRICAL: $48.34 $0.00 DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT QTY AMOUNT PAID PAID DATE WALL/FENCE - FIRST 100 LF 101-0000-42404 0 $47.86 $0.00 PAID BY METHOD RECEIPT # CHECK # CLTD BY DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT QTY AMOUNT PAID PAID DATE WALL/FENCE - FIRST 100 LF PC 101-0000-42600 0 $60.91 $0.00 PAID BY METHOD RECEIPT # CHECK # CLTD BY Total Paid forFENCE OR FREESTANDING WALL $108.77 $0.00 DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT QTY AMOUNT PAID PAID DATE SMI - COMMERCIAL 101-0000-20308 0 $29.12 $0.00 PAID BY METHOD RECEIPT # CHECK # CLTD BY Total Paid forSTRONG MOTION INSTRUMENTATION SMI: $29.12 $0.00 TOTALS:00 Description: HOME DEPOT - REPLACE GENERATORS, NEW WALLS Type: BUILDING, COMMERCIAL Subtype: REMODEL Status: APPROVED Applied: 12/19/2014 KHE Approved: 2/4/2015 JJO Parcel No: 600010017 Site Address: 79900 HIGHWAY 111LA QUINTA,CA 92253 Subdivision: PM 28469 Block: Lot: 1 Issued: Lot Sq Ft: 0 Building Sq Ft: 0 Zoning: Finaled: Valuation: $104,000.00 Occupancy Type: Construction Type: Expired: No. Buildings: 0 No. Stories: 0 -No. Unites: 0 Details: REPLACE EXISTING GENERATOR AND EXTEND BLOCK WALL ADDITIONAL CHRONOLOGY CHRONOLOGY TYPE STAFF NAME ACTION DATE COMPLETION DATE NOTES ADDITIONAL PLAN CHECK FEES DUE ON PERMIT 07-2789 IN HTE. THESE FEES SHALL BE PAID BEFORE WE ISSUE THE NEW NOTE JIM JOHNSON 2/6/2015 2/6/2015 GENERATOR PERMIT BCOM2014-1051. ADDITIOAL FEE AMOUNT IS $105.63. AFTER FEES ARE COLLECTED EXPIRE PERMIT 07-2789 IN HTE AND CRW. PLAN CHECK COMMENTS FROM CONSULTANT KAY HENSEL 1/9/2015 1/12/2015 STRUC APP. W. COND. -1/9/15 RECEIVED PLANS PICKED UP BY RON DEPINTO BAY CITY ELECTRIC 619- PLAN CHECK PICKED UP PHILIP JUAREZ 1/13/2015 1/13/2015 247-0087 SENT TO PLAN CHECK KAY HENSEL 12/19/2014 12/19/2014 STRUC TO YOUNG - DUE 1/5/15 CONSULTANT TELEPHONE CALL JIM JOHNSON 1/12/2015 1/12/2015 CALLED BRIAN GLENN TO INFORM HIM PLANS ARE READY FOR CORRECTIONS. Printed: Wednesday, February 11, 2015 12:54:20 PM 1 of 3 CRWIYSTEMs Permit Details PERMIT NUMBER y F1 • BCOM2014:4 r City of la Quanta ,ta TELEPHONE CALL I JIM JOHNSON I 2/6/2015 I 2/6/2015 DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT QTY AMOUNT I CALLED BRIAN GLENN TO INFORM HIM PLANS ARE READY TO ISSUE PAID DATE RECEIPT # CHECK # METHOD PAID BY CONDITIONS HOURLY PLAN CHECK - 101-0000-42600 2.5 $175.00 $0.00 YES CONTACTS Total Paid forBLDG CITY STAFF - PER HOUR: $175.00 $0.00 BSAS SB1473 FEE 1 101-0000-20306 0 NAME TYPE NAME ADDRESSI CITY STATE ZIP PHONE FAX EMAIL APPLICANT BAY CITY EQUIPMENT INDUST INC 0 OUTSIDE CITY LIMITS LA QUINTA CA 92253 $0.00 CONTRACTOR BAY CITY EQUIPMENT INDUST INC 0 OUTSIDE CITY LIMITS LA QUINTA CA 92253 101-0000-42600 0 OWNER HOME DEPOT U S A INC P O BOX 105842 ATLANTA GA 92253 FINANCIAL INFORMATION CLTD DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT QTY AMOUNT PAID PAID DATE RECEIPT # CHECK # METHOD PAID BY BY HOURLY PLAN CHECK - 101-0000-42600 2.5 $175.00 $0.00 YES Total Paid forBLDG CITY STAFF - PER HOUR: $175.00 $0.00 BSAS SB1473 FEE 1 101-0000-20306 0 $5.00 $0.00 Total Paid forBUILDING STANDARDS ADMINISTRATION $5.00 $0.00 BSA: POWER APPARATUS 101-0000-42403 0 $24.17 $0.00 POWER APPARATUS PC 101-0000-42600 0 $24.17 $0.00 Total Paid for ELECTRICAL: $48.34 $0.00 WALL/FENCE -FIRST 101-0000-42404 0 $47.86 $0.00 100 LF WALL/FENCE - FIRST 101-0000-42600 0 $60.91 $0.00 100 LF PC Total Paid for FENCE OR FREESTANDING WALL $108.77 $0.00 SMI -COMMERCIAL 101-0000-20308 0 $29.12 $0.00 Total Paid forSTRONG MOTION INSTRUMENTATION SMI: $29.12 $0.00 TOTALS:•0 Printed: Wednesday, February 11, 2015 12:54:20 PM 2 of 3 CS?5 YSTEMS Printed: Wednesday, February 11, 2015 12:54:20 PM 3 of 3 CN?WYSTEMs PARENT PROJECTS ATTACHMENTS Attachment Type CREATED OWNER DESCRIPTION REVIEWS SUBDIR ETRAKIT ENABLED DOC 1/15/2015 RETURNED STATUS REMARKS REVIEW TYPE REVIEWER SENT DATE DUE DATE The Home Depot.docx The Home Depot.docx NOTES DOC 1/8/2015 JIM JOHNSON 79-900 HWY 111 HOME DATE 0 NON-STRUCTURAL JIM JOHNSON 12/19/2014 1/5/2015 1/8/2015 REVISIONS REQUIRED SEE ATTACHED CORRECTIONS REQUIRED REPLACE GENERATORS, NEW WALLS ASSIGNED TO JAY WUU. PLANNING JAY WUU 12/19/2014 1/5/2015 1/5/2015 APPROVED- NEW GENERATORS, PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT, APPLICANT CONDITIONS WALLS SHALL CONFIRM THAT SCREEN WALL COMPLETELY SCREENS HEIGHT OF NEW MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT STRUC TO YOUNG, DUE 1/5/15 STRUCTURAL JOHN THOMPSON 12/19/2014 1/4/2015 1/12/2015 APPROVED- CONDITIONS SEE ATTACHED ENGINEER OF RECORD SHALL SIGN AND STAMP STRUC CALCS. FIRE FIRE JACQUELINE 1/8/2015 1/18/2015 1/15/2015 APPROVED - CONDITIONS PUBLIC WORKS AMY YU 1/8/2015 1/18/2015 1/13/2015 COMPLETE Public Works has no comments. TIM 1/13/2015 1/18/2015 1/13/2015 COMPLETE PUBLIC WORKS JONASSON NON-STRUCTURAL JIM JOHNSON 1/28/2015 2/4/2015 2/4/2015 APPROVED- SEE CRONO NOTE PLANS APPROVED CONDITIONS 2/6/2015 Printed: Wednesday, February 11, 2015 12:54:20 PM 3 of 3 CN?WYSTEMs ATTACHMENTS Attachment Type CREATED OWNER DESCRIPTION PATHNAME SUBDIR ETRAKIT ENABLED DOC 1/15/2015 JACQUELINE GARCIA LAQ-I5-MISC-004 GEN LAQ-I5-MISC-004 GEN 0 The Home Depot.docx The Home Depot.docx DOC 1/8/2015 JIM JOHNSON 79-900 HWY 111 HOME 79-900 HWY 111 HOME 0 DEPOT.doc DEPOT.doc Printed: Wednesday, February 11, 2015 12:54:20 PM 3 of 3 CN?WYSTEMs zs.q tom, rr Bin. # . • city.,Of %? Quihta Building 8t Safety Division P.O. Box 1504,78-495 Calle Tampico La.Quinta, CA 92253 -:(760) 777-7012 Building Permit Application and Tracking Sheet Permit Project Address: +- 1DO Owner's Name:. A. P. Number. 460. - O 10 - O 1'+ Address: ? p , 'a o d 5-9 t.( Z Legal Description:. -Fri zgq 64 City, ST, Zip: 44-14", U 3 0W Contractor:/ p r ^ IJCI l.! E�.Q.G'tt't�. wC� Telephone: .> > ���f•<;°:, Address: 13(p �S �a�..i-e �1j'�'"F' Project Description: TkA- City, ST, Zip:P IA-G't— t,1CI3 }lin C�U�cv 1•�t5 Telephone: (1 I Cj'- �%..s—pVJI Ecity}q JH— State Lic. #: Q Q a G�/o#.: �,TK�) c) 1 >^ AT Arch., Engr., Designer: awi�u f (� Ikt,e�X cyr1/�1 'f3 . Address: (gip !1 isu vo / h4� Y " 011_5 Lv � G(� Ct cYc� t d! T � r City, ST, zip: tti % TN 3 z O s 1I- S c N F 1 Telephone: 8 oo —2gle u:\ State Lic. #: IF- Name of Contact Person: Ei..iO,y, 64, h Construction Type: Occupancy: M . —ct type (circle one): New Add'n Alter Repair Demo Sq. Ft_; #Stories: #Univ: Telephone # of Contact Person: 419 -672--04 G 4o Estimated Value of Project: APPLICANT: DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE p Submittal Req'd Recd TRACICIIVG PERMIT FEES Plan Sets 3 Plan Check submitted Item Amount Structural Calcs. 3 Reviewed, ready f r corrections IZ Plan Check Deposit. . Truss Calcs• Called Contact Perso Plan Check Balance Title 24 Cales. Plans picked up Construction Flood plain plan Plans resubmitted.*. Mechanical . Grading plan 2`a Review, ready for correctionsfissue Electrical Subcontactor List Called Contact Person Plumbing Grant Deed Pians picked up S.NLL • H.O.A. Approval Plans resubmitted Grading • IN HOUSE- '"' Review; ready for correctionsfissue Developer Impact Fee Planning Approval. Called Contact Person A.I.P.P. Pub. Wks. Appr " Date of permit issue School Fees Total Permit Fees �-5 y' -e- - s��s/q� 15� aw -A0. SCS Rim ' . PROUDLY SERVING THE UNINCORPORATED AREAS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY AND THE CITIES OF: BANNING BEAUMONT CALIMESA CANYON LAKE COACHELLA DESERT HOT SPRINGS EASTVALE INDIAN WELLS INDIO JURUPA VALLEY LAKE ELSINORE LA QUINTA MENIFEE MORENO VALLEY NORCO PALM DESERT PERRIS RANCHO MIRAGE RUBIDOUX CSD SAN JACINTO TEMECULA WILDOMAR BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: KEVIN JEFFRIES DISTRICT 1 JOHN TAVAGLIONE DISTRICT 2. JEFF STONE DISTRICT 3 JOHN BENOIT DISTRICT 4 MARION ASHLEY DISTRICT 5 RIVERSIDE COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT IN COOPERATION WITH THE CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY AND FIRE PROTECTION 77-933 Las Montanas Rd., Ste. #201, Palm Desert, CA 92211-4131 • Phone (760) 863-8886 • Fax (760) 863-7072 www.rvcfire.org January 15,'2015 Ron DePinto Re: Emergency and Standby Power Systems - Generator LAQ-15-MISC-004 The Home Depot 79900 Hwy 111 La Quinta, CA The above referenced plans have been reviewed and are acceptable by the Riverside County Fire Department with the following conditions: 1) Emergency and standby power systems shall be installed in accordance with CFC, CBC, NFPA 110 and NFPA 111. 2) A set of instruction manuals for all major components shall be supplied by the manufacturer (s) and shall contain the following: a. A detailed explanation of the operation of the system b. Instructions for routine maintenance c. Detailed instructions for repair of the generator and other components. 3) An on-site acceptance test shall be conducted as a final approval. The test of the transfer switch shall consist of electrically operating the transfer switch from the normal position to the alternate position and then turn to the normal position. 4) Guard post shall be provided to protect generator subject to vehicular damage in accordance with Riverside County Fire Department bollard design detail. 5) A 40 BC fire extinguisher shall be installed 6) No smoking sings shall be posted 7) NFPA 704 placard shall be installed The installing company shall be responsible to contact the Fire Department to schedule a final inspection. Requests for inspections are to be made at least 24 hours. in advance and may be arranged by calling (951) 955-5282. Should there be a need for further information and/or clarification, please contact the undersigned at (760)863-8886. Sincerely, _,Jacqueline Palmieri Fire Safety Specialist f. P1FN=1 1::� ENGINEERS, INC. "AN ADEQUATELY SIZED DEBRIS CONTAINER IS REQUIRED ON THE 10B SITE DURING ALL PHASES OF CONSTRUCTION AND MUST BE EMPTIED AS NECESSARY. FAILURE TO DO SO ENGINEM, NGcf)061@ WqftNER DUMPED AT THE EXPENSE OF THE OWNER/ CONTRACTOR." Job Name: La Quinta Home Depot Generator Job Number: PND# 141111.04 Date: 10-16-2014 By: JAMPECTION FEE OF $ WILL BE CHARGED IF THE APPROVED PLANS AND 10B CARE ARE NOT ON Client: Pfd& 111Egefiffit AqSGVALED INSPECTION DOCUMENT TYPE: NO EXCEPTIONS! RE �� IVEI� BY: JAN 2 8 2015 Calculations & Drawings A RE -INSPECTION FEE OF $ 2 Z. S 2 WILL BE CHARGED IF THE APPROVED PROJECT DESCRIPTION: PLANS AND 10B CARD ARE NOT ON JHF SITE FOR ALED Seismic/Wind Connections for Ground Level GenepSKCTION. La Quinta, California NO EXCEPTIONS! GENERAL INFORMA 2013 CBC Code 2012 IBC Code ASCE 7-10 BUILDING & SA -F 1" E)Er APPS= '*.. FOR CONS'fRUG i �),.! DATE 2 BY CONSTRUCTION HOURS October 1st - April 30 Monday - Friday: 7:00 arra. to 5:30 p.m. Saturday: &00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Sunday: Forte Government Code 1104days: bone May 1st - September 30th Monday - Friday. (;*,90 aorta. to 7:00 p.m. Saturday: 3:00 arta. to 5:00 P.M. Sunday: None Government Code Holidays: None goof ESS /o, 1B i W 6WI d I 1506 West 36d� Avenue • ANCHORAGE, Construction is ti01 PoMITs on the following Code IVew Year's Day ]r. Day _ Dr. Martin Luther ing President's Day 99503 0 phone: 907:561.10]1 0 fax: 907 independence uay Labor Day Veteran's Day Thant sg:ving Day C;Iristmas Day Dip 1 10/16/201`4 Design Maps Summary Report Design Maps Summary Report User -Specified Input Building Code Reference Document ASCE 7-10 Standard (which utilizes USGS hazard data available in 2008) Site Coordinates 33.708590N, 116.27022°W Site Soil Classification Site Class D - "Stiff Soil" Risk Category I/II/III 3"�,�', armt Ran' ho oge DD n IM'-,QeaeiE. La'Quinta lip mapgiuest ' l 7 J USGS-Provided Output 02014 SS = 1.648 g SMS = 1.648 g SDs = 1.099 g Sl = 0.781 g SMI = 1.172 g SDI = 0.781 g For information on how the SS and S1 values above have been calculated from probabilistic (risk -targeted) and deterministic ground motions in the direction of maximum horizontal response, please return to the application and select the "2009 NEHRP" building code reference document. MCER Response Spectrum 1.87 1.70 1.53 1.36 1.19-- 1.02 CA 0.85- 0.69 0.51-- 0.34-- 0.17-- 0.00 .510.340.170.00 0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.90 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 1.80 2.00 Period. T (sec) Design Response Spectrum 1.10 0.99 .. O.BB 0.77 0� 0.66 to 0.55 0.44 0.33-- 0.22-- 0.11 .330.220.11 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 1.80 2.00 Period. T (sec) For PGAM, TL, CRs, and CRl values, please view the detailed re ort, Although this information is a product of the U.S. Geological Survey, we provide no warranty, expressed or implied, as to the http://ehp3-earthquake.wr.usgs.gov/designmaps/us/summary.php?template=minimal&latitude=33.7085873&longitude=-116.270222&siteclass=3&dskc.. 1/2 Project: La Quinta HD Generator ® ® M Section: Mechanical Units Seismic Loads Calc. by Date Chk'd. by Date DK 10/16/2014 ASCE 7-10, Chapter 13 Seismic Design Requirements for Nonstructural Components Ilnput Parameters No. 141111.04 SDS = 1.10 (Design Spectral Acceleration) Ip = 1.0 (Component Importance Factor - §13.1.3, Page 143) h = 1 ft (Roof Height) 0.4a s"w z Fp = �' P 1+2— (.Rph)IP Fp, Max = 1.6SDSIPWp FP, Min = 0.3SDSIPWP by (Date (Horizontal Component Seismic Design Force - Eq 13.3-1) (Maximum Required Seismic Design Force - Eq 13.3-2) (Minimum Required Seismic Design Force - Eq 13.3-3) Height from Base, z Wp* ID (feet) (lbs) FP Fp, Max ap RP (lbs) (lbs) t Design Fph (lbs) Project: La Quinta HD Generator ® ® M Section: Mechanical Units Seismic Loads Calc. by Date Chk'd. by Date DK 10/16/2014 ASCE 7-10, Chapter 13 Seismic Design Requirements for Nonstructural Components Ilnput Parameters No. 141111.04 SDS = 1.10 (Design Spectral Acceleration) Ip = 1.0 (Component Importance Factor - §13.1.3, Page 143) h = 1 ft (Roof Height) 0.4a s"w z Fp = �' P 1+2— (.Rph)IP Fp, Max = 1.6SDSIPWp FP, Min = 0.3SDSIPWP by (Date (Horizontal Component Seismic Design Force - Eq 13.3-1) (Maximum Required Seismic Design Force - Eq 13.3-2) (Minimum Required Seismic Design Force - Eq 13.3-3) Height from Base, z Wp* ID (feet) (lbs) FP Fp, Max ap RP (lbs) (lbs) Fp, Min (lbs) Design Fph (lbs) Design Fp,. (lbs) Generator 0.0 6,200 1.0 _ 2.5' 1,090 10,902 2,044 2,044 1,363 Tank 0.0 7555 1.0 2.5 1,328 13,285 2,491 2,491 1,661 *Weight of all units assumed 6 pcf except 10 which is known. Weights increased by 15% to be conservative in analysis c 10/16/204 Search Results for Map ! ApplieTechnology Council �'� , W/NOSDEED �YL O�QT/O/V Home About This Site Lat/Long Finder Related Resources Sponsors About ATC Contact Search Results r t<<e1. Latitude: 33.7075 Longitude: -116.2697 ASCE 7-10 Wind Speeds (3 -sec peak gust MPH*): The Home Depot @) Risk Category I: Special Wind Region , S Risk Category II: Special Wind Region Risk Category III-IV: Special Wind Region MRI** 10 Year: Special Wind Region to . 0 1tt InoP t� MRI** 25 Year: Special Wind Region MRI** 50 Year: Special Wind Region soupte_nt� r`��tl MRI** 100 Year: Special Wind Region BevMo! B ASCE 7-05: Special Wind Region ASCE 7-93: Special Wind Region Contact the local building official for the design wind speed. r n C. i `MPH(Miles per hour) "MRI Mean Recurrence Interval (years) Users should consult with local building officials to determine if there are community -spec wind speed requirements that govern. [a Download a PDF of vour results ME 0 Print your results WIND SPEED WEB SITE DISCLAIMER: Gardenla While the information presented on this web site is believed to be correct, ATC assumes no responsibility or liability for its accuracy. The material presented in the wind speed report should not be used or relied upon for any specific application without competent examination and verification of its accuracy, suitability and applicability by engineers or other licensed professionals. ATC does not intend that the use of this information replace the sound judgment of such competent professionals, having experience and knowledge in the field of practice, nor to substitute for the standard of care required of such professionals in interpreting and applying the results of the wind speed report provided by this web site. Users of the information from this web site assume all liability arising from such use. Use of the output of this web site does not imply approval by the governing building code bodies responsible for building code approval and interpretation for the building site(s) described by latitude/longitude location in the wind speed report. Sponsored by the ATC Endowment Fund • Applied Technology Council - 201 Redwood Shores Parkway, Suite 240 • Redwood City, California 94065 - (650) 595-1542 http://windspeed.atcouncil.orgfindex.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=10&dec=1 &latitude=33.7074709&longitude=-116.2696647&risk_categ... 1 /1 From La Quinta website: http://www.la-guinta.org/vour-government/community-development/building-division/building- information/building-codes Design Criteria: In addition, for structures in La Quinta, design for the following requirements: • Seismic Design Category: "D" • Basic Wind Speed: 110 mph for Rask Category II Buildings and other structures (usually results in 85 mph for Allowable Stress Design); Exposure "C" • Climate Zone: 15 Frolect: La Quinta HD Generator lob No. 141111.04 ® ® section: Mechanical Unit Wind Loads SheetNo. C1 Malc. by Date Chk'd. by Date Apprd. by Date DK 10/16/20141 1 ASCE 7-10, Chapter 29 Wind Design Requirements for Roof Top Structures and Equipment for Buildings with h < 60 ft Input Parameters Results q: = 25.9 psf K, = 0.85 K. = 1.0 Kd = 0.90 V = 115 mph Exposure = z = G = F = B = h = C 0.0 ft 0.85 $.CrC fAJ N/A ft N/A ft (Velocity Pressure evaluted at height z of the centroid of area Ar - 29.3.2) (Velocity pressure exposure coefficient - 29.3.2 & Table 29.3-1) (Topographic factor - 26.8.2) (Wind directionality factor - 26.6 & Table 26.6-1) (Basic wind speed including importance factor - 26.5) (26.') (Height above ground level) (Gust -effect factor - 26.9) (Design Wmd Loads on Other Structures- Eq 29.5-1) (Width of building) (Height of building) Height Max Force Coefficient - from Base, Projected Fig. 29.5-1 to 29.5- 2 Width Length Height Area, Af 3, Cf 29.5.1 F ID (feet) (m) (m) (n) (ft) Factor (lbs) Generator 0.00 51 180.00 120.00 150 1.35 N%t1 4,458 GENERATOR DATA: W MODEL: 250 DIMS INCHES: 1620 X % 5MN STN %NCLOSUN ENCLOSURE) H Q 3 WET WEIGHT 8.200 (WITH ENCLOSURE) ' SUMPTION FUEL CONSUMPTIOx GPH0I—LOAD":Tb COMBUSTION AND i m CGGLNG CFM 1].770 ' GEN GRAM ADV -7(44 WEATHER C GENERAL DESCRIPTION,. SUB BASE FUEL SUPPLY TANK UL 142 LMTED DOUBLE WALL T AIRSPACE (BASIN TO PAD) ® ®F TANK TOP PROVIDES SPILL CONTAINMENT FOR ENGINE OIL A COULANI NrD a NORMAL VENT EXTENDED IZ ABOVE GRADE EMERGExCY VFNTS7 ® E Lav LEVEL (zsTc)n LEAK OETECTKWnGAT SWITCH ES WIRED TO GENERATOR CONTROL PANEL ® D Z N Z O HIGH LEVEL (M], CRITICAL HIGH LEVEL 1851LI8 LEAK DETECTION FLOAT SWITCHES W[FUM TO]LJGHT e p O H H N d ALARM PANEL (AP]) ® A Z f a, WERFBLPREVENTK)NVALVESET@B WfM7GN.LON SPILL CONTAINMENT K J G H D D L M y y MECHANICAL FUEL GAUGE N Lij (4) NFPA G I DECALOLATO (4) SPRING ISOLATORS WT11 SEISMIC RESTRAINTSlill 4fq, �• W ® B ¢J 0 Z ELECTRXA pg NSTALLSQUARE D HGL IW15MABREAXER ( Q p KOHIER FACTORY WEATHER ENCLOSURE INSTALL SQUARE D HGL36150 _ , 150A BREAKER o w K Mum FJ W W 0 144.00 3 -LIGHT ALARM a 120.00 PANEL G � - o a 1 0 I I I I ® ® 26'25 TANK DATA n NOTES: CAPGALLONS. 'NS PERER IN Ix OF DEPTH: 27. 27.8 RUNTIMEOFULLLOAD HI- 3S.8 TANK WEIGHT DRY 4: 2,821 L_________________ TANK WEIGHT WET: d: 7.SS5 T CONOUITSIFICAREA: TYPEIGIff) STATE SPECIFICATION.-SPECIFICATION.-CALIFORNIAORNM TANK TOP SPILL 2.00 AIRSPACE J 1. ENEflGENCY VENT SONG BASED ON MIQ TABLE 8.1 2. PORTS PER UL 142 SECTION IO CONDUIT CONTAINMENT FOR ENGINE OIL 8COOLANT (4)SEISMIC 3. NORMAL VENTING PER UL 142 SECTION 8. M, TABLE 83 18.00 -- STUB AREA SUBBASE ISOLATORS 4. WELDSn JOINTS PERM SECTION BFIGURE&1, B3 (4) NFPA 704 DECALS FUELTANK TANK PORTS-: 36.00 36.00 2.00— 47.00 2.00 A • 4- EMERGENCY TANK VENT B • 4 -EMERGE BASIN VENT C n T NORMAL TANK VENT D • T TANK SPARE PORT (FNPT) 160.00 51,00 E • MECHANICAL FUEL LEVEL GAUGE F • OVERFILL PREVENTION VALVE SET ID 85%n 7 GALLON SPILL CGNTANMENT G • ENGINE SUPPLY J •LOW LEVEL FLOAT SWRCN J-LOWLEELFLO ND ISTHEPROPER 250KW 650G TYPE CA 15006 GONIA E4W1 K • LEAK FLOAT SWRCH OF FREEIMID0MAN Is OF FREEMAN ENCLOSURE SYSTEMS, LLC. GS UGE 19 ENCLOSURE SYSTE AUTHORIZED ONLY FOR RESPONDING TO A REQUEST LH IGH LEVEL FLOAT SWITCH CRITICAL NIGH LEVELFLOATSWOCH A 1 US FOR QUOTATION OR FOR THE PERFORMANCE OF WORK D ­"M• V ` �I� FOR FREE MrW ENCLOSURE SYSTEMS, LLC. THIS Numea HD250-650-CA-15006 TANK PORTS ION MAY VARY IN LOCATION DUE TO INNER DRAWING IS NOT INTENDED TO BE USED FOR FREEMAN CONSTRUCTION OF SUB BASE TANK B LOCATION OF EGUIPMENT UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED CONSTRUCTION OR DISTRIBUTION WITHOUT CONSENT. D.7ly Selmprvl D'. Y� �Y DF SIne1P g N C L O 8 U R B 811.3111... 1/ ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES UNLESS SPECIFIED. JD N.T.S. 03/08/14 N.T.S. 1/1 pfOiett: La Quinta HD Generator jApprd. o. 141111.04 ® ® section: Mechanical Unit - Wind/ Seismic OTtNo. Calc. by Date Chk'd. by Date by Date DK 1 10/16/2014 Seismic and Wind Load Check (ASCE 7-10 Combinations) Anchor Bolt Forces Input Parameters LRFD Bolt Separation, s = 43 in Force Pb] Type Location, v/h [in] u U 0 7 U n M 0 w C 1O1 AO Results -1,363 E 21.5 6,200 D 21.5 -1661 E 21.5 2821 D 21.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,044 E 77 4,458 W 60 2,491 E 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Tension Pb] Rnit C:rnnn A I R ISi,.ar nil 0.9D+1.OE 2271.2 7366.8 4535.0 0.9D+1.OW 2161.0 -10279.9 4458.0 No. of Bolts Bolt Group A 2 Bolt Group B 2 Vertical Force (+down) v IA tB I Design Forces Pb] Tension/Knit Shear/Rnit 0.9D+1.OE 1136 1134 0.9D+1.OW 1081 1115 Use 0.9D+1.OE Design each bolt to withstand 1136 lb of Tension and 1134 lb of Shear. Horizontal Force (+ right) -► T [h] NMI 2114 8 1/4 2 7/8 7/8 3/8 GAP 1r 1/4— 13/18 DIA HOLE FOR ATTACHMENTTO CONCRETE (4 TYP) II II II II 1 (BASE PLATE) 3/4 DIA HOLE FOR �Y ATTACHMENTTO STEEL (4 TYP) —71/8 (VIEW CUTAWAY FOR CLARITY) 5/8 REMOVABLE - 43/4 ADJUSTING BOLT mt (NOT SHOWN IN TOP VIEW FOR CLARITY) - _ STEEL SHIM — COMPRESSION (REMOVEAFTER PLATE SPRING ADJUSTMENT) ELASTOMERIC SNUBBER 1/4.3/8 �r I 8 1/8 FREE I 1/2 LIMIT STOP OPERATING HEIGHT I (NOTSHOWN IN TOP VIEW I I ELASTOMERIC FOR CLARITY) CUP REM 1 LE=# 1 1 i I 1h lil I 3I8 I 141/4 I I 8 17 NOTES: I. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES. INTERPRET PER ANSI YI4. 2. STANDARD FINISH:HOUSING- POWDER COAT OR PAINT(COLOR:BLACK), SPRING • POWDER COAT (COLOR: SEE TABLE). HARDWARE LNC -ELECTROPLATE. 3. EQUIPMENT MUST BE BOLTED OR WELDED TO THE TOP PLATE TO MEET ALLOWABLE SEISMIC RATINGS. 4. ISOLATOR BASE PLATE MUST BEANCHDRED TO STEEL EITHER BY WELDING OR WITH MIN (4) 518 DIA A325 BOLTS, OR IT MUST BE ANCHORED TO CONCRETE WITH (4) 3/4 DIA HILTI'KWIK-BOLT TZ- WEDGE ANCHORS OR AS DIRECTED BY THE VMC GROUP. 5.ALL SPRINGS ARE DESIGNED FOR 50% OVERLOAD CAPACITY. 8. REFER TO FOLLOWING SHEET FOR INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS. MODEL M2SS-1 E VIBRATION ISOLATOR WITH INTEGRAL SEISMIC RESTRAINT AND EXTERNAL ADJUSTMENT FOR 1" DEFLECTION A P P R O VE D Fixed EWoffIL51t A O=age Ofna d SNfLwH4 HmIN Rd✓rq mtl Oevel�mmt. OPA-0553-07 a a BasMAMIW Orn MODEL M2SS-1E SEISMICALLY SEISMIC MOUNT RATED SIZE 1" LOAD (LBS) RESTRAINED DEFLECTION RATED DEFLECTION (IN) VIBRATION ISOLATOR SPRING RATE (LBS/IN) FOR COLOR CODE 7 7 Q ISOLATOR SELECTIONS LOC 1: LOC 2: LOC 3: Loc 4: LOC 5: ILOC 8: LOC 7: ILOC 8: CUSTOMER EOPT. TAG: NOTE: MATERIAL SHOWN IS FOR (1) SET. UB�EW�ueA-C .ut NONE '_/ M mbe♦ elreer: C.' 80 OF 91 TME VMC L3ROlJP OMwuM MO.: REVDtO B� n ngdekf NTU 077403 O PA -0553 Houemn, TX 77091 ��l►�n1.z•�c■ Anchor DesignerT"" Software Version 2.0.5154.40 1.Proiect information Customer company: Customer contact name: Customer e-mail: Comment: 2. Input Data & Anchor Parameters General Design method:ACI 318-11 Units: Imperial units Anchor Information: Anchor type: Bonded anchor Material: F1554 Grade 36 Diameter (inch): 0.750 Effective Embedment depth, her (inch): 10.000 Code report: IAPMO UES ER -263 Anchor category: - Anchor ductility: Yes hmin (inch): 13.75 Ca. (inch): 25.10 C,H„ (inch): 1.75 S,Hn (inch): 3.00 Load and Geometry Load factor source: ACI 318 Section 9.2 Load combination: not set Seismic design: Yes Anchors subjected to sustained tension: No Ductility section for tension: not satisfied Ductility section for shear: not satisfied Do factor: not set Apply entire shear load at front row: No Anchors only resisting wind and/or smic load <Figure 1> Company: I Date: 10/16/2014 Engineer: Page: 1/5 Project: Address: Phone: E-mail: Project description: SEISMIC LOADS INCREASED Location: BY 1/0.4 (IBC 1905.1.9) Fastening description: SEISMIC CASE CONTROLS Base Material Concrete: Normal -weight Concrete thickness, h (inch): 14.00 State: Cracked Compressive strength, f. (psi): 4000 4Je,v: 1.0 Reinforcement Condition: A tension, A shear Supplemental reinforcement: Not applicable Do not evaluate concrete breakout in tension: No Do not evaluate concrete breakout in shear: No Hole condition: Dry concrete Inspection: Continuous Temperature range: 1 Ignore 6do requirement: Not applicable Build-up grout pad: No Base Plate Length x Width x Thickness (inch): 13.00 x 8.00 x 0.35 Ib Ib 28351 0 ft -Ib X 0 ft -Ib- DOWELING THROUGH INTO EXISTING SLAB, ASSUME DEPTH EQUAL TO PAD AND SLAB. Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing circumstances, the standards and guidelines must be checked for plausibility. Simpson Strong -Tie Company Inc. 5956 W. Las Positas Boulevard Pleasanton, CA 94588 Phone: 925.560.9000 Fax: 925.847.3871 www.strongtie.com E'�I�'it�.z•�c■ Anchor DesignerTM Software Version 2.0.5154.40 <Figure 2> Company: Date: 10/16/2014 Engineer: Page: 2/5 Project: Address: Phone: E-mail: Recommended Anchor Anchor Name: AT -XP® - AT -XP w/ 3/4"0 F1554 Gr. 36 Code Report Listing: IAPMO UES ER -263 Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing circumstances, the standards and guidelines must be checked for plausibility. Simpson Strong -Tie Company Inc. 5956 W. Las Positas Boulevard Pleasanton, CA 94588 Phone: 925.560.9000 Fax: 925.847.3871 www.strongtie.com l��l►�n�.z•�c■ Anchor DesignerT"' Software Version 2.0.5154.40 Company: Date: 10/16/2014 Engineer: Page: 3/5 Project: Address: Phone: E-mail: 3. Resulting Anchor Forces AN. (in 2) ANca (int) :ecN Ved,N Anchor Tension load, Shear load x, Shear load y, Shear load combined, 1.00 Nua (Ib) Vuax (lb) Way (lb) J(VuaY)2+(Vuay)2 (lb) 1 710.0 708.8 708.8 1002.3 2 710.0 708.8 708.8 1002.3 710.0 708.8 708.8 1002.3 710.0 708.8 708.8 1002.3 Sum 2840.0 2835.0 2835.0 4009.3 Maximum concrete compression strain (etoe): 0.00 Maximum concrete compression stress (psi): 0 Resultant tension force (lb): 2840 Resultant compression force (lb): 0 Eccentricity of resultant tension forces in x-axis, e'Nx (inch): 0.00 Eccentricity of resultant tension forces in y-axis, e'Ny (inch): 0.00 Eccentricity of resultant shear forces in x-axis, e'vx (inch): 0.00 Eccentricity of resultant shear forces in y-axis, e'vy (inch): 0.00 4. Steel Strength of Anchor in Tension(Sec. D.5.11 Naa (lb) 0 ON.. (Ib) 19370 0.75 14528 5. Concrete Breakout Strength of Anchor in Tension (Sec D 5 21 Nb = kci Vfch.P (Eq. D-6) kc .le fc (psi) her (in) Nb (lb) 17.0 1.00 4000 6.667 18507 <Figure 3> 0.75ONcbg =0.750 (ANc/ANw)Y%c,N'YedNY%,NY'op,NNb (Sec. D.4.1 & Eq. D-4) AN. (in 2) ANca (int) :ecN Ved,N Pc,N Vjcp,N Nb (lb) 0 0.750Ncbg (lb) 606.31 400.00 1.000 0.880 1.00 1.000 18507 0.75 13886 6. Adhesive Strength of Anchor in Tension (Sec. 5.51 rk,w = tk,crfshod-te=KsataN.seis ' rk,r (psi) fshod-term Ksat aN.seis Zk,G (psi) 950 1.00 1.00 0.85 808 Nb. = Rarurrdaher(Eq. D-22) Aa rcr (psi) da (in) her (in) Nb. (lb) 1.00 808 0.75 10.000 19026 0.750Nag = 0.75¢ (ANa/ANao)VJec,N.T d,Na Pp,NaNba (Sec. D.4.1 & Eq. D-19) AN. (in 2) ANao (int) Pec,Na Ped,Na Wcp,Na Nba(lb) 0 0.750Nag (lb) 582.48 362.05 1.000 0.889 1.000 19026 0.65 13269 Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing circumstances, the standards and guidelines must be checked for plausibility. Simpson Strong -Tie Company Inc. 5956 W. Las Positas Boulevard Pleasanton, CA 94588 Phone: 925.560.9000 Fax: 925.847.3871 www.strongtie.com b'11V1i'i6-0190 Anchor DesignerTM Software Version 2.0.5154.40 8. Steel Strength of Anchor in Shear (Sec. D.6.11 Company: Date: 10/16/2014 Engineer: Page: 4/5 Project: Address: Phone: E-mail: Vae (Ib) Ogmut 0 ayseis Q,gmutayseisoVsa (Ib) 11625 1.0 0.65 0.85 6423 9. Concrete Breakout Strength of Anchor in Shear (Sec. D.6.21 Shear perpendicular to edge in y -direction: Vby = minj7(le/da)024da�4Pccat'•5; 9Ae4Pcca1' 5j (Eq. D-33 & Eq. D-34) le (in) da (in) x1a Fc (psi) ca, (in) Vby (Ib) 6.00 0.75 1.00 4000 12.25 24405 OVcbgy = 0 (Avc/A vw)'Poc,vV`6d,v'Po,vPh. My (Sec. D.4.1 & Eq. D-31) Avc (inZ) Av. (int) Pec, V. 'P.d,V 'PC,v Vh,v Vby (Ib) 0 OVcbgy (lb) 498.75 675.28 1.000 0.798 1.000 1.146 24405 0.75 12359 Shear perpendicular to edge in x -direction: Vbx = minj7(1a/da)02gda.lagPcca,1.5; 92.4Fcca,1•11 (Eq. D-33 & Eq. D-34) /a (in) da (in) Ila F. (psi) ca, (in) Vbx (lb) 6.00 0.75 1.00 4000 9.33 16230 OVcbgx = 0 (Av./Avco) T.c vV ad,vPT ,V rh,VVbx (Sec. D.4.1 & Eq. D-31) Avc (in 2) Avco (in 2) 'Yac,v 'Ped,V K v1h,v Vbx (Ib) 0 OVcbgx (lb) 311.50 392.00 1.000 0.829 1.000 1.000 16230 0.75 8015 Shear parallel to edge in x -direction: Vby = minj7(1e/da)02Vdax]. 4Fcca,'•5; g;64&c.11.51 (Eq. D-33 & Eq. D-34) 1a (in) da (in) Aa Fc (psi) ca, (in) Vby (Ib) 6.00 0.75 1.00 4000 6.00 8366 OVcbgx = 0 (2)(Avc/Avco)' Pac,v'%xedvV%o,vTh,vVby (Sec. D.4.1 & Eq. D-31) Avc (in') Avco (in 2) 1Pec,v 'Ped,V 'fc,V 'Ph,v Vby (Ib) 0 OVcbgx (lb) 236.25 162.00 1.000 - 1.000 1.000 1.000 8366 0.75 18300 Shear parallel to edge in y -direction: Vbx = minj7(1e/da)02gdai4a4Pcca,1•5; 9RaVF.ca,'•1j (Eq. D-33 & Eq. D-34) 1. (in) da (in) A. I'c (psi) ca, (in) Vbx (Ib) 6.00 0.75 1.00 4000 6.00 8366 r6Vcbgy = 0 (2)(Avc/Avm)'Pecy%dV'PC,V'Ph,VVbx (Sec. D.4.1 & Eq. D-31) Av. (in 2) Avco (in 2) 'Pec,v 'Ped,V 'P.,v Ph,v Vbx (lb) 0 OVcbgy (lb) 191.25 162.00 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 8366 0.75 14814 10. Concrete Prvout Strength of Anchor in Shear (Sec. D.6.31 OVcpg = o minjkcpNag ; kcpNcbgj = O minjkcp(ANa I ANao)'Pec,Na'PedNa'Pcp,NaNba ; kcp(ANcI ANcc) Pw N'PedN'Pc,NY'cp,NNbj (Eq. D-41) kcp Alva (inz) ANao (inZ) 'V.dNa VPec,Na 'Pcp,Na Nb. (lb) Ne (Ib) 2.0 582.48 362.05 0.889 1.000 1.000 19026 27219 ANc (in 2) AN- (in 2) 'Pec,N PPed,N 'P.,N '%op,N Nb (lb) Nb (Ib) 0 606.31 400.00 1.000 0.880 1.000 1.000 18507 24687 0.70 OVcpg (Ib) Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing circumstances, the standards and guidelines must be checked for plausibility. Simpson Strong -Tie Company Inc. 5956 W. Las Positas Boulevard Pleasanton, CA 94588 Phone: 925.560.9000 Fax: 925.847.3871 www.strongtie.com E-�It'/I�`z•�►� Anchor DesignerT"" Software Version 2.0.5154.40 34561 11. Interaction of Tensile and Shear Forces (Sec. D.7 Company: Date: 10/16/2014 Engineer: Page: 5/5 Project: Address: Phone: E-mail: Tension Factored Load, Nue (lb) Design Strength, 0Nn (lb) Ratio Status Steel 710 14528 0.05 Pass Concrete breakout 2840 13886 0.20 Pass Adhesive 2840 13269 0.21 Pass (Governs) Shear Factored Load, Vie (lb) Design Strength, eVn (lb) Ratio Status Steel 1002 6423 0.16 Pass T Concrete breakout y+ 2835 12359 0.23 Pass T Concrete breakout x+ 2835 8015 0.35 Pass II Concrete breakout y+ 1418 18300 0.08 Pass II Concrete breakout x+ 1418 14814 0.10 Pass Concrete breakout, - - 0.42 Pass (Governs) combined Pryout 4009 34561 0.12 Pass Interaction check N,./^ V doV� Combined Ratio Permissible Status Sec. D.7.3 0.21 0.42 63.6% 1.2 Pass AT -XP w/ 3/4"0 F1554 Gr. 36 with hef = 10.000 inch meets the selected design criteria. 12. Warnings - Minimum spacing and edge distance requirement of 6da per ACI 318 Sections D.8.1 and D.8.2 for torqued cast -in-place anchor is waived per designer option. Brittle failure governs for tension. Governing anchor failure mode is brittle failure. Attachment shall be designed to satisfy the requirements of ACI 318-11 Section D. for structures assigned to Seismic Design Category C, D, E, or F when the component of the strength level earthquake force applied to anchors exceeds 20 percent of the total factored anchor force associated with the same load combination. In case when ACI 318-11 Sections D. (a)3 to 6,(b), (c), or (d) is satisfied for tension loading, select appropriate checkbox from Inputs tab to disable this message. Alternatively, DO factor can be entered to satisfy ACI 318-11 Section D. to increase the earthquake portion of the loads as required. Brittle failure governs for shear. Governing anchor failure mode is brittle failure. Attachment shall be designed to satisfy the requirements of ACI 318-11 Section D. for structures assigned to Seismic Design Category C, D, E, or F when the component of the strength level earthquake. force applied to anchors exceeds 20 percent of the total factored anchor force associated with the same load combination. In case when ACI 318-11 Sections D., (b) or (c) is satisfied for shear loading, select appropriate checkbox from Inputs tab to disable this message. Alternatively, DO factor can be entered to satisfy ACI 318-11 Section D. to increase the earthquake portion of the loads as required. - Designer must exercise own judgement to determine if this design is suitable. - Refer to manufacturer's product literature for hole cleaning and installation instructions. Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing circumstances, the standards and guidelines must be checked for plausibility. Simpson Strong -Tie Company Inc. 5956 W. Las Positas Boulevard Pleasanton, CA 94588 Phone: 925.560.9000 Fax: 925.847.3871 www.strongtie.com FrojeR: Garden Grove HD Generator Job No. 141111.01 ® ®M section: Mechanical Unit -Wind/ Seismic OT sheetNo. Calc. by Date Chk'd. by Date Apprd. by Date DK 10/16/2014 Seismic and Wind Load Check (ASCE 7-10 Combinations) Anchor Bolt Forces Input Parameters LRFD u u 0 u �a u i w a 0 0 I Results Bolt Separation, s = 51 in Force [lb] Type Location, v/h [in] -1,363 E 25.5 6,200 D 25.5 -1661 E 25.5 2821 D 25.5 6300 D 25.5 0 0 0 0 2,044 E 83 4,458 W 66 2,491 E 26 0 0' 0 0 0 0 0 0 Tension Ph] Bolt Grout) A I B Shea, nhl 0.9D+1.OE 786.2 9979.4 4535.0 0.9D+1.OW -1125.3 -12663.6 4458.0 No. of Bolts Bolt Group A 6 Bolt Group B 6 Vertical Force (+down) t -v IA IB Design Forces [lb] Tension/Bolt Shear/Bolt 0.9D+1.OE 0 378 0.9D+1.OW 0 372 Use 0.9D+1.OW Design each bolt to withstand 0 lb of Tension and 372 lb of Shear. Horizontal Force (+ right) [h] t SIMPSON Strong -Tie Anchor DesignerTM Software Version 2.0.5154.41 1.Proiect information Customer company: Customer contact name: Customer e-mail: Comment: 2. Input Data & Anchor Parameters General Design method:ACI 318-11 Units: Imperial units Anchor Information: Anchor type: Bonded anchor Material: A615 Grade 60 Rebar Diameter (inch): 0.500 Effective Embedment depth, hef (inch): 3.000 Code report: IAPMO UES ER -263 Anchor category: - Anchor ductility: No hmin (Inch): 5.50 cac (inch): 4.48 Cmin (inch): 1.75 Smin (inch): 3.00 Company: Date: 10/16/2014 Engineer: Page: 1/4 Project: Address: Phone: E-mail: Load and Geometry Z Load factor source: ACI 318 Section 9.2' Load combination: not set Seismic design: Yes Anchors subjected to sustained tension: No 0 Ib Ductility section for tension: not satisfied Ductility section for shear: not satisfied 0a factor: not set Apply entire shear load at front row: No Anchors only resisting wind and/or seismic loads: Yes <Figure 1> Project description: Location: Fastening description: SEISMIC LOADS INCREASED BY 1/0.4 (IBC 1905.1.9) SEISMIC CASE CONTROLS Base Material Concrete: Normal -weight Concrete thickness, h (inch): 8.00 State: Cracked Compressive strength, fe (psi): 4000 4J.,v: 1.0 Reinforcement condition: B tension, B shear Supplemental reinforcement: Not applicable Do not evaluate concrete breakout in tension: No Do not evaluate concrete breakout in shear: No Hole condition: Dry concrete Inspection: Continuous Temperature range: 1 Ignore 6do requirement: Not applicable Build-up grout pad: No Base Plate Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing circumstances, the standards and guidelines must be checked for plausibility. Simpson Strong -Tie Company Inc. 5956 W. Las Positas Boulevard Pleasanton, CA 94588 Phone: 925.560.9000 Fax: 925.847.3871 www.strongtie.com 1 JUlf"U"'J90 Anchor Designer TM Software Version 2.0.5154.41 <Figure 2> Company: Date: 10/16/2014 Engineer: Page: 2/4 Project: Address: Phone: E-mail: Recommended Anchor Anchor Name: AT -XP® - AT -XP w/ #4 A615 Gr. 60 Rebar Code Report Listing: IAPMO UES ER -263 Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing circumstances, the standards and guidelines must be checked for plausibility. Simpson Strong -Tie Company Inc. 5956 W. Las Positas Boulevard Pleasanton, CA 94588 Phone: 925.560.9000 Fax: 925.847.3871 www.strongtie.com !+' IVA:+ 0100 Anchor Designer TM Software Version 2.0.5154.41 Company: Date: 10/16/2014 Engineer: Page: 3/4 Project: Address: Phone: E-mail: 3. Resulting Anchor Forces Anchor Tension load, Shear load x, Shear load y, Shear load combined, Nu. (lb) Wax (lb) Vuay (lb) q(Vuax)Z+(Vuay)2 (lb) 1 0.0 945.0 945.0 1336.4 Sum 0.0 945.0 945.0 1336.4 Maximum concrete compression strain (%a): 0.00 Maximum concrete compression stress (psi): 0 Resultant tension force (Ib): 0 Resultant compression force (lb): 0 Eccentricity of resultant tension forces in x-axis, e'Nx (inch): 0.00 Eccentricity of resultant tension forces in y-axis, e'Ny (inch): 0.00 Eccentricity of resultant shear forces in x-axis, e'vx (inch): 0.00 Eccentricity of resultant shear forces in y-axis, e'vy (inch): 0.00 8. Steel Strength ofAnchor in Shear (Sec. D.6.11 Vsa (lb) Oga ut 0 av,seis Ogm tav,seisOVsa (lb) 10800 1.0 0.60 0.56 3629 9. Concrete Breakout Strength of Anchor in Shear (Sec. D.6.21 Shear perpendicular to edge in y -direction: . Vby = minj7(la/da)02gd.,t gfcca,'.5; 9AagPcca11_51 (Eq. D-33 & Eq. D-34) la (in) da (in) Aa Yc (psi) ca, (in) Vby (lb) 3.00 0.50 1.00 4000 5.33 5517 ¢Vcby =0 (Avc/Avw)V PedvVPc,vVPh,vVby (Sec.'D.4.1 & Eq. D-30) Avc (int) Avw (inz) Ped,V VPc,V Vl'h,v Vby (lb) 0 OVcby (lb) 96.00 128.00 0.925 1.000 ._. 1.000 5517 0.70 2679 Shear perpendicular to edge in x -direction: Vex = minj7(/e/da)0•2gdaA gfcca,'•5; 9Aagfcca,l-5j (Eq. D-33 & Eq. D-34) 1. (in) da (in) Aa Pc (psi) ca, (in) Vbx (lb) 3.00 .0.50 1.00 4000 5.33 5517 (6Vcbx =0 (Avc/AVw)VPedvVPc,vPh,vVbx (Sec. D.4.1 & Eq. D-30) Avc (in 2) Avw (in 2) VPed,v KV Ph,v Vbx (lb) 0 OVcbx (lb) 96.00 128.00 0.925 1.000 1.000 5517 0.70 2679 Shear parallel to edge in x -direction: Vby = minj7(le/da)024daAa4Fcca,V'5; 92a4Fcca,1'51 (Eq. D-33 & Eq. D-34) 1e (in) da (in) Aa fc (psi) ca, (in) Vby (lb) 3.00 0.50 1.00 4000 5.33 5517 oVcbx =0 (2)(Avc/Avw)VPed,vVPc,v'Ph,vVby.(Sec. D.4.1 & Eq. D-30) Avc (int) Avw (inZ) VPedv V'..v VPh,v Vby (lb) 0 QVcbx (lb) 96.00 128.00 1.000 1.000 1.000 5517 0.70 5793 Shear parallel to edge in y -direction: Vbx = minj7(/e/da)0•2gdaAaJPcca,1•5; 9A gPcca,l.5j (Eq. D-33 & Eq. D-34) Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing circumstances, the standards and guidelines must be checked for plausibility. Simpson Strong -Tie Company Inc. 5956 W. Las Positas Boulevard Pleasanton, CA 94588 Phone: 925.560.9000 Fax: 925.847.3871 www.strongtie.com I I t�lwll`z•�►'■ Anchor Designer TM Software Version 2.0.5154.41 Company: Date: 10/16/2014 Engineer: Page: 4/4 Project: Address: Phone: E-mail: le (in) da (in) 'Fcp,N Nb (lb) fc (psi) ca, (in) Vbx (lb) 3.00 0.50 1.00 4000 5.33 5517 OVcby =0 (2)(Avc/Avco) 1Fed,vPc,vPh,vVbx (Sec. D.4.1 & Eq. D-30) Shear Avc (in 2) Avco (in 2) P.d,v - Pc,v Vh,v Vbx (lb) 0 OVcby (Ib) 96.00 128.00 1.000 1.000 1.000 5517 0.70 5793 10. Concrete Pryout Strength of Anchor in Shear (Sec. D.6.31 OVcp = 0 mint kcpNa ; kcpNcbl = 0 minikcp(ANaI ANao) Ped,Ns Pcp,NaNba ; kcp(ANcI ANco) Ped,NPL,N Wcp,NNbl (Eq. D-40) kcp AN. (in 2) ANao (in 2) Ped,Na 'Fcp,Na Nb. (I b) Na (lb) 2.0 124.09 124.09 1.000 1.000 4146 4146 AN. (in') AN. (In 2) VBd,N V.,N 'Fcp,N Nb (lb) Ncb (lb) 0 OVcp (lb) 81.00 81.00 1.000 1.000 1.000 5587 5587 0.70 5804 11. Interaction of Tensile and Shear Forces (Sec. D.71 Shear Factored Load, Vua (lb) Design Strength, oVn (lb) Ratio Status Steel 1336 3629 0.37 Pass T Concrete breakout y+ 945 2679 0.35 Pass T Concrete breakout x+ 945 2679 0.35 Pass II Concrete breakout y- 945 5793 0.16 Pass II Concrete breakout x- 945 5793 0.16 Pass Concrete breakout, - - 0.50 Pass (Governs) combined - Pryout 1336 5804 0.23 Pass AT -XP w/ #4 A615 Gr. 60 Rebar with hef = 3.000 inch meets the selected design criteria. 12. Warnings Brittle failure governs for shear. Governing anchor failure mode is brittle failure. Attachment shall be designed to satisfy the requirements of ACI 318-11 Section D. for structures assigned to Seismic Design Category C, D, E, or F when the component of the strength level earthquake force applied to anchors exceeds 20 percent of the total factored anchor force associated with the same load combination. In case when ACI 318-11 Sections D., (b) or (c) is satisfied for shear loading, select appropriate checkbox from Inputs tab to disable this message. Alternatively, 00 factor can be entered to satisfy ACI 318-11 Section D. to increase the earthquake portion of the loads as required. -.Designer must exercise own judgement to determine if this design is suitable. - Refer to manufacturer's product literature for hole cleaning and installation instructions. Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing circumstances, the standards and guidelines must be checked for plausibility. Simpson Strong -Tie Company Inc. 5956 W. Las Positas Boulevard Pleasanton, CA 94588 Phone: 925.560.9000 Fax: 925.847.3871 www.strongtie.com I .I E.7n�ilaz•►■ Anchor DesignerT"' Software Version 2.0.5154.42 1.Proiect information Customer company: Customer contact name: Customer e-mail: Comment: 2. Input Data & Anchor Parameters General Design method:ACI 318-11 Units: Imperial units Anchor Information: Anchor type: Cast -in-place Material: F1554 Grade 36 Diameter (inch): 0.500 Effective Embedment depth, her (inch): 3.000 Anchor category: - Anchor ductility: Yes hmin (Inch): 4.25 Cin (inch): 3.00 Sin (inch): 3.00 Load and Geometry Z Load factor source: ACI 318 Section 9.2 Load combination: not set i Seismic design: Yes Anchors subjected to sustained tension: Not applicable Ductility section for tension: not satisfied Ductility section for shear: not satisfied ' Do factor: not set Apply entire shear load at front row: No Anchors only resisting wind and/or seismic loads: Yes <Figure 1> Company: Date: 10/16/2014 Engineer: I Page: 1/4 Project: Address: Phone: E-mail: 0 Ib Project description: Location: J BOLT SIMILAR Fastening description: TO BENT REBAR ATTACHMENT Base Material Concrete: Normal -weight Concrete thickness, In (inch): 6.00 State: Cracked Compressive strength, fe (psi): 4000 4)e,v: 1.0 Reinforcement condition: B tension, B shear Supplemental reinforcement: Not applicable Do not evaluate concrete breakout in tension: No Do not evaluate concrete breakout in shear: No Ignore 6do requirement: No Build-up grout pad: No Base Plate _ 9451b _y Input Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing circumstances, the standards and guidelines must be checked for plausibility. Simpson Strong -Tie Company Inc. 5956 W. Las Positas Boulevard Pleasanton, CA 94588 Phone: 925.560.9000 Fax: 925.847.3871 www.strangtie.com &aWjj ZW Anchor Designer TM Software Version 2.0.5154.42 <Figure 2> Company: Date: 10/16/2014 Engineer: Page: 2/4 Project: Address: Phone: E-mail: Recommended Anchor Anchor Name: J- or L -Bolt - 1/2"0 J- or L -Bolt, F1554 Gr. 36 .'rte, ItS%�ii-"A%platta•.��* �. i -. Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing circumstances, the standards and guidelines must be checked for plausibility. Simpson Strong -Tie Company Inc. 5956 W. Las Positas Boulevard Pleasanton, CA 94588 Phone: 925.560.9000 Fax: 925.847.3871 www.strongtie.com J -�Irll�.z•�r■ Anchor DesignerTM Software Version 2.0.5154.42 Company: Date: 10/16/2014 Engineer: Page: 3/4 Project: Address: Phone: E-mail: 3. Resulting Anchor Forces Anchor Tension load, Shear load x, Shear load y, Shear load combined, Nua (lb) Vuax (Ib) Vuay (lb) J(Vuax)2+(Vuay)2 (lb) 1 0.0 945.0 945.0 1336.4 Sum 0.0 945.0 945.0 1336.4 Maximum concrete compression strain (%o): 0.00 Maximum concrete compression stress (psi): 0 Resultant tension force (lb): 0 Resultant compression force (lb): 0 Eccentricity of resultant tension forces in x-axis, e'r,x (inch): 0.00 Eccentricity of resultant tension forces in y-axis, e'r,y (inch):. 0.00 Eccentricity of resultant shear forces in x-axis, e'vx (inch): 0.00 Eccentricity of resultant shear forces in y-axis, e'vy (inch): 0.00 8. Steel Strength of Anchor in Shear (Sec. D.6.11 Vaa (lb) Ogmut 0 Og-tOVaa (lb) 4940 1.0 0.65 3211 9. Concrete Breakout Strength of Anchor in Shear (Sec. D.6.21 Shear perpendicular to edge in y -direction: Vby = minj7(/e/da)024da.1a4fcca,1'5; 9,L4Fcca,1'5j (Eq. D-33 & Eq. D-34) /,(in) da (in) Ile F. (psi) ca, (in) Vby (lb) 3.00 0.50 1.00 4000 4.00 3584 OV cby =0 (Avc/Avw) Ped,vV'c v'Ph,vVby (Sec. D.4.1 & Eq. D-30) Avc (in') Av. (inz) 'POd,V K 'Ph,v Vby (Ib) 0 OVcby (Ib) 72.00 72.00 1.000 1.000 1.000 3584 0.70 2509 Shear perpendicular to edge in x -direction: Vbx = minj7(/e/da)01gdaaaJfcc811_5; 9da4Pcca,'-1j (Eq. D-33 & Eq. D-34) /e (in) da (in) A8 fc (psi) ca, (in) Vbx (lb) 3.00 0.50 1.00 4000 4.00 3584 ¢Vcbx =0 (Avc/Avw)Ted,vTc,V'Ph,vVbx (Sec. D.4.1 & Eq. D-30) Avc (in 2) Avco (int) 'Ped,v 'Pav 'Ph,v Vbx (lb) 0 OVcbx (lb) 72.00 72.00 1.000 1.000 1.000 3584 0.70 2509 Shear parallel to edge in x -direction: Vby = minj7(/e/da)02Jd"4fcca,1•5; 92.4fcca11-11 (Eq. D-33 & Eq. D-34) /e (in) da (in) A. _ fc (psi) ca, (in) Vby (lb) 3.00 0.50 1.00 4000 4.00 3584 OVcbx=0(2)(Avc/Avco)Wed,vPc,vPh,vVby(Sec. D.4.1 & Eq. D-30) Avc (int) Avco (inZ) 'Ped,v Pc,y 'Ph,v Vby (lb) 0 QVcbx (lb) 72.00 72.00 . 1.000 1.000 1.000 3584 0.70 5017 Shear parallel to edge in y -direction: Vbx = minj7(1e/da)02Vd;A.4fcca,1-5; 97a4fcca,'-sl (Eq. D-33 & Eq. D-34) Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing circumstances, the standards and guidelines must be checked for plausibility. Simpson Strong -Tie Company Inc. 5956 W. Las Positas Boulevard Pleasanton, CA 94588 Phone: 925.560.9000 Fax: 925.847.3871 www.strongtie.com • Anchor Designer TIM Software Version 2.0.5154.42 Company: Date: 10/16/2014 Engineer: Page: 4/4 Project: Address: Phone: E-mail: le (in) de (in) 2. fc (psi) col (in) Vbx (lb) 3.00 0.50 1.00 4000 4.00 3584 ¢Vcby =0 (2)(Avc/Avco) Ved,VVc,vTh,VVbx (Sec. D.4.1 & Eq. D-30) Pass AVc (in 2) AVco (In2) Ped,V Vo,V VPh,V Vbx (lb) 0 OVcby (I b) 72.00 72.00 1.000 1.000 1.000 3584 0.70 5017 10. Concrete Pryout Strength of Anchor in Shear (Sec. D.6.31 OVcp = OkcpNcb = Okcp(ANcIANw.)Ted,NV'c,Nslcp,NNb(Eq. D-40) k.p ANc (in 2) AN. (In2) Vped,N Tc,N �'cp,N Nb (lb) OVcP (lb) 2.0 81.00 81.00 1.000 1.000 1.000 7887 0.70 11042 11. Interaction of Tensile and Shear Forces (Sec. D.71 Shear Factored Load, Vie (lb) Design Strength, aVF (lb) Ratio Status Steel 1336 3211 0.42 Pass T Concrete breakout y+ 945 2509 0.38 Pass T Concrete breakout x+ 945 2509 0.38 Pass II Concrete breakout y- 945 5017 0.19 Pass II Concrete breakout x- 945 5017 0.19 Pass Concrete breakout, - 0.53 Pass (Governs) combined Pryout 1336 11042 0.12 Pass 1/2"0 J- or L -Bolt, F1554 Gr. 36 with hef = 3.000 inch meets the selected design criteria. 12. Warnings Brittle failure governs for shear. Governing anchor failure mode is brittle failure. Attachment shall be designed to satisfy the requirements of ACI 318-11 Section D. for structures assigned to Seismic Design Category C, D, E, or F when the component of the strength level earthquake force applied to anchors exceeds 20 percent of the total factored anchor force associated with the same load combination. In case when ACI 318-11 Sections D., (b) or (c) is satisfied for shear loading, select appropriate checkbox from Inputs tab to disable this message. Alternatively, 00 factor can be entered to satisfy ACI 318-11 Section D. to increase the earthquake portion of the loads as required. - Designer must exercise own judgement to determine if this design is suitable. Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing circumstances, the standards and guidelines must be checked for plausibility. Simpson Strong -Tie Company Inc. 5956 W. Las Positas Boulevard Pleasanton, CA 94588 Phone: 925.560.9000 Fax: 925.847.3871 www.strongtie.com r�. A In 1506 West 36th Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99503. phone 907.561.1011 fax 907.563.4220 Project: Sheet Number: Of - Calculated by: Date: Checked by: Date: ! I �: _CSS -f i ! _ I A-11 ' i !_; —i � i --i— NEW � i�'t`—I--I CMU TT .I � T I I • Cd I I— I �i-- ;- ' I ILI ,_�-- r � - u a o LL) 1 N —_{.,�! L. G a NI'CY�-� lam•. I -- '— j Ir`3 – _ -1-- "_FT– — ' r —) - - - --- - --� - — —�--- --FROM SAME CONDITIONS, APPLIED WIND PREVIOUS WIND STILL THAN SPEED LARGER CONTROLS. CALC- REQUIRED..^. AND Sds —1— Title Block Line 1 You can change this area using the "Settings' menu item and then using the "Printing & Title Block' selection. Project Title: Engineer: Proiect ID: Project Descr: Printed: 13 OCT 2014. 2:06PM Masonry Slender Wall File =J:120141141111-1105REDL—IICALCUL—lVWlands.ec6 ` ENERCALC, INC. 19632014, Build:, Ver. 1 Description : Retaining Wall Code References Calculations per ACI 530-11, IBC 2012, CBC 2013, ASCE 7-10 Load Combinations Used: ASCE 7-10 General Information Calculations per ACI 530-11, IBC 2012, CBC 2013, ASCE 7-10 Construction Type: Grouted Hollow Concrete Masonry Fm = 1.50 ksi Nom. Wall Thickness Fy - Yield = 60.0 ksi Actual Thickness Fr - Rupture = 61.0 psi Rebar'd' distance Em = fm' = 900.0 Lower Level Rebar ... Max % of P bal. = 0.006833 Bar Size# Grout Density = 140 pcf Bar Spacing Block Weight Normal Weight PASS Wall Weight = 61.0 psf 300.0 psi Wall is grouted at rebar cells only Wall Dimensions A Clear Height = 8.0 It B Parapet height = 0.0 ft Wall Support Condition Top Free, Bottom Fix Lateral Loads Full area WIND load 40.290 psf Fp = Wall Wt " 0.460 = 28.060 Psi 8 in Temp Diff across thickness = deg F 7.625 in Min Allow Out -of -plane Defl Ratio = 150.0 3.750 in Minimum Vertical Steel % = 0.0020 5 24.0 in B T RoofAttachment --- Governing Load Combination... Actual Values ... Allowable Values ... A Floor Attachment Maximum Bending Stress Ratio = o.o I' i Max Mu 0.0 k -ft Phi' Mn 0.0 k -ft PASS Service Deflection Check Min. Defl. Ratio 205.981 Max Allow Ratio 150.0 Wall Weight Seismic Load Input Method: ASCE seismic factors entered SDS Value per ASCE 12.11.1 SDs = 1.150' DESIGN SUMMARY Results reported for "Strip Width" of 12.0 in Governing Load Combination... Actual Values ... Allowable Values ... PASS Moment Capacity. Check Maximum Bending Stress Ratio = o.o +1.40D Max Mu 0.0 k -ft Phi' Mn 0.0 k -ft PASS Service Deflection Check Min. Defl. Ratio 205.981 Max Allow Ratio 150.0 D + L + W Max. Deflection 0.4661 in Max. Allow. Defl. 0.640 in PASS Axial Load Check Max Pu / Ag 0.7299 psi 0.2' Pm 300.0 psi Location 0.0 ft PASS Reinforcing Limit Check Controlling As/bd 0.003333 Aslbd006833 rho bal 0.006833 PASS Minimum Moment Check Mcracking 0.4715 k -ft Minimum Phi Mn 3.238 k -ft +1.40D Maximum Reactions ... for Load Combination.... Top Horizontal 0.0 k Base Horizontal D + L + W + S/2 0.3223 k Vertical Reaction D + L + W + S/2 0.4880 k Title Block Line 1 Project Title: You can change this area Engineer: Proiect ID: using the 'Settings' menu item Pro)ect Descr: and then using the "Printing & Title Block" selection. I IIIC DIVW% LII IC V Pflrded:13OCT 2014, Z06PM Masonry Slendee Wall File= BOW1411I1-10REOL-11ICALCUL-Aredlands.ec6 ENERCALC, INC. 1983.2014, Build:, Ver: r.rlr r• Licensee: FIND ENGINEERS Description : Retaining Wall Design Maximum Combinations - Moments Axial Load Moment Values 0.6 " Load Combination Pu 0.2'fm'b't Mcr Mu Phi Phi Mn As As Ratio rho bal k k _ k -ft k -ft _ k -ft in^2 _ 0..000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.0000 0.0000 Design Maximum Combinations - Deflections Axial Load Moment Values Stiffness Deflections Load Combination Pu Mer Mactual 1 gross I cracked I effective Deflection Defl. Ratio k _^ k -ft k -ft _ in^4 in^4 in^4 in _ 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 0.0 D + L + W at 7.73 to 8.00 0.000 0.47 0.00 353.60 30.73 353.600 0.466 206.0 D + L + W + S/2 at 7.73 to 8.00 0.000 0.47 0.00 353.60 30.73 353.600 0.466 206.0 D + L + S + W/2 at 7.73 to 8.00 0.000 0.47 0.00 353.60 30.73 353.600 0.077 1,243.8 D+L+S+E/1.4 at 7.73 to 8.00 0.000 0.47 0.00 353.60 30.73 353.600 0.076 1,265.7 D+0.5(L+Lr)+0.7W at 7.73 to 8.00 0.000 0.47 0.00 353.60 30.73 353.600 0.216 443.9 D+0.5(L+Lr)+0.7E at 7.73 to 8.00 0.000 0.47 0.00 353.60 30.73 353.600 0.071 1,360.1 Reactions - Vertical & Horiiontal Load Combination Base Horizontal Top Horizontal Vertical @ Wall Base D Only 0.0 k 0.00 k 0.468 k S Only 0.0 k• 0.00 k 0.000 k W Only 0.3 k 0.00 k 0.000 k E Only 0.2 k 0.00 k 0.000 k D+L+Lr 0.0 k. 0.00 k 0.488 k D+L+S 0.0 k 0.00 k 0.488 k D+L+W+S/2 0.3 k 0.00 k 0.488 k D +L + S + W/2 0.2 k 0.00 k 0.488 k D+L+S+E/1.4 0.2 k 0.00 k 0.488 k Title Block Line 1 Project Title: You can change this area Engineer: Prosect ID: using the "Settings' menu item Project Descr: and then using the 'Printing & Title Block' selection. I me ULM, L11 It: v Pdnted: 13 OCT 2014, 2:08PM Cantilevered Retaining Wall FIe=J:120141141111-1105REDL-IICALCUL-1Uedlands.ec6 ENERCALC, INC. 19832014, Build:, Ver. 0.000 1• Licensee : PIND ENGINEERS Description : Cantilever Masonry Wall - No retaining, resist wind Criteria 1,308 psf OK Retained Height = 1.00 ft Wall height above soil = 7.00 ft Slope Behind Wall = 0.00:1 Height of Soil over Toe = 12.00 in Water height over heel = 0.0 ft Vertical component of active Footing Shear @ Heel = Lateral soil pressure options: Allowable = USED for Soil Pressure. Sliding Calcs Slab Resists All USED for Sliding Resistance. USED for Overturning Resistance. Surcharge Loads less 100% Passive Force = Surcharge Over Heel = 0.0 psf Used To Resist Sliding & Overturning Surcharge Over Toe = 0.0 psi Used for Sliding & Overturning 0.0 lbs OK Axial Load Applied to Stem 0.0' lbs OK Axial Dead Load - 0.0 lbs Axial Live Load 0.0 lbs Axial Load Eccentricity = 0.0 in Design Summary Wall Stability Ratios Overturning = 1.72 OK Sliding Slab Resists Aft Sliding 13.83 OK Total Bearing Load = 1,528 lbs ...resultant ecc. = 11.65 in Soil Pressure @ Toe = 1,308 psf OK Soil Pressure @ Heel = 0 psf OK Allowable = 3,000 psf Soil Pressure Less Than Allowable ACI Factored @ Toe. = 785 psf ACI Factored @ Heel = 0 psf Footing Shear @ Toe = 3.9 psi OK Footing Shear @ Heel = 2.9 psi OK Allowable = 82.2 psi Sliding Calcs Slab Resists All Sliding! Lateral Sliding Force = 282.0 lbs less 100% Passive Force = - 544.4 lbs less 100% Friction Force = - 530.0 lbs Added ForceReq'd = 0.0 lbs OK ....for 1.5 :1 Stability = 0.0' lbs OK Load Factors Soil Data ft -I = Allow Soil Bearing = 3,000.0 psi Equivalent Fluid Pressure Method 0.00 ft Heel Active Pressure = 0.0 psf/ft Toe Active Pressure = 0.0 psf/ft Passive Pressure = 200.0 psf/ft Soil Density, Heel = 110.00 pcf Soil Density, Toe = 0.00 pcf Friction Coeff btwn Ftg & Soil = 0.350 Soil height to ignore for passive pressure = 0.00 in Lateral Load Applied to Stem psi = Lateral Load = 0.0 plf ...Height to Top = 0.00 ft ...Height to Bottom = 0.00 ft Wind on Exposed Stem = 40.3 psi Stem Construction Design Height Above Ftg Wall Material Above 'Ht' Thickness Rebar Size Rebar Spacing Rebar Placed at Design Data fb/FB +fa/Fa Total Force @ Section lbs = Calculations per ACI 318-11, ACI 530.11, IBC 2012, CBC 2013, ASCE 7.10 Adjacent Footing Load ft -I = Adjacent Footing Load = 0.0 lbs Footing Width = 0.00 ft Eccentricity = 0.00 in Wall to Ftg CL Dist = 0.00 ft Footing Type Line Load Base Above/Below Soil in = _ at Back of Wall - 0.0 ft Poisson's Ratio = 0.300 Top Stem Stem OK ft = 0.00 = Masonry in = 8.00 # 6 in = 16.00 = User Spec Moment.... Actual ft -I = Moment..... Allowable ft -I = Shear..... Actual psi = Shear ..... Allowable psi = Wall Weight psf = Rebar Depth 'd' in = Lap splice if above in = 'Lap splice if below in= Hook embed into footing in= Masonry Data I'm psi = Fs psi = Solid Grouting 0.904 282.0 1,269.1 1,404.6 6.1 40.0 84.0 3.88 54.00 7.67 7.67 1,600 20,000 Yes Dead Load 0.600 Modular Ratio'n' = 20.14 Live Load 1.600 Short Term Factor = 1.000 Earth, H 1.600 Equiv. Solid Thick. in = 7.60 Wind, W 1.000 Masonry Block Type = 3 Seismic, E 1.000 Masonry Design Method - = ASD ' Title Block Line 1 Project Title: You can change this area Engineer: Project ID: using the 'Settings' menu item Project Desa: and then using the 'Printing & Title Block' selection. I me MOCK une 0 Printed: 13 OCT 2014. 2:08PM Cantilevered R@181111119 Wall File = J:120141141111-1105REDL-11CALCUL-ttredlands.ec6 ENERCALC, INC. 19832014, Build:,Ver: r.1r0r• Licensee : PND ENGINEERS , Description : Cantilever Masonry Wall - No retaining, resist wind Footing Design Results Footing Dimensions & Strengths Toe Width 1.42 ft Toe Heel Heel Width = 2.08 Factored Pressure = 785 0 psf Total Footing Width = 3.50 Mu': Upward = 761 0 ft -Ib Footing Thickness = 16.00 in Mu': Downward = 233 233 ft -Ib Key Width = 0.00 in Mu: Design = 528 233 ft4b Key Depth = 0.00 in Actual 1 -Way Shear = 3.95 2.93 psi Key Distance from Toe 0.00 ft Allow 1 -Way Shear = 82.16 82.16 psi Toe Reinforcing = # 5 @ 16.00 in fc = 3,000si Fy 60,000 psi Heel Reinforcing = # 5 @ 16.00 in Footing Concrete Density = 150.00 pcf Key Reinforcing = None Spec'd Min. As % = 0,0018 Cover @ Top 8.00 @ Btm.= 8.00 in Other Acceptable Sizes & Spacings Toe: Not req'd, Mu < S' Fr Heel: Not req'd, Mu < S' Fr Key: No key defined Summary of Overturning & Resisting Forces & Moments .....OVERTURNING..... .....RESISTING..... Force Distance Moment Force Distance Moment Item lbs ft ft -Ib lbs ft ft -Ib Heel Active Pressure = Soil Over Heel = 155.8 2.79 434.8 Surcharge over Heel = Sloped Soil Over Heel = Toe Active Pressure = 0.78 Surcharge Over Heel = Surcharge Over Toe = Adjacent Footing Load = Adjacent Footing Load = Axial Dead Load on Stem = Added Lateral Load ' Axial Live Load on Stem = Load @ Stem Above Soil = 282.0 5.83 1,645.2 Soil Over Toe = 0.71 Surcharge Over Toe = Stem Weight(s) = 672.0 1.75 1,175.6 Earth @ Stem Transitions = Total = 282.0 O.T.M. = 1,645.2 Footing Weight = 699.8 1.75 1,224.3 Resisting/Overturning Ratio 1.72 Key Weight = Vertical Loads used for Soil Pressure = 1,527.6 lbs Vert. Component = 3.50 Total = 1,527.6 lbs R.M. = 2,834.7 ' Axial live load NOT included in total displayed, o[ used for overturning resistance, but is Included for soil pressure calculation. F A- 8 — c — 2 L I' FaM "S 79900 Ca�rflxnir: 3merc fi Final FrusR� � ! S.c 9� Cen1a Oryty �ta'ss – . � - "_ I �� t} `Ji-.r•�-'-I t f Y; YI lf. ii 1.,1 LOCAL MAP 3 I JAN 2 S 2015 BY: THE HOME DEPOT STORE #6630 79900 HIGHWAY 11 1 LA QUNINTA, CA. 92253 i -y of-- LA QUINTA & SAFETY DEPT. UCTION PROJECT TEAM BUILDING DATA EMPTY O'z SH ET INDEX ft DESCRIPTIONF DATE ENGINEER POWER MANAGEMENT CORPORATION 60 MUSIC SQUARE EAST, SUITE 300 NASHVILLE, TN. 37203 JOHN GORE, P.E. TEL: (800) 264-2498 EMAIL: jgore@powermgmt.com CONTRACTOR: BAY CITY ELECTRIC WORKS TEL: (866) 938-8200 FAX: (619) 938-8213 Chris Madden EMAIL: cmadden@bcew.com BUILDING TYPE: II OCCUPANCY GROUP: M W SHT NO: DESCRIPTION: DATE —REV;_ f�T — T-1 TITLE SHEET, VICINITY MAP AND GENERAL 0 INFORMATION 11-07-2014 JG w U PLANS, ONE -LINES, NOTES E-1 p 11-07-2014 JG E-2 PANEL SCHEDULES, SPECS, DETAILS 0 11-07-2014 JG 00 O=z = Q co o SUPPLEMENTAL SHEETS FOR EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS X PROJECT DESCRIPTION THE PROJECT INCLUDES REPLACING THE EXSITING 60 KW DIESEL GENERATOR WITH A 250 KW DIESEL GENERATOR. THE TWO EXISTING TRANSFER SWITCHES WILL BE REPLACED AND A THIRD TRANSFER SWITCH ADDED. SEVERAL NEW LOADS WILL BE ADDED TO THE GENERATOR SYSTEM TO FACILITATE STORE OPERATIONS IN THE EVENT OF A POWER OUTAGE. Z F- W C7 PMCPOWER MANAGEMENT MEN 0 floAr0 ->1 z onsul[ing Engineers 60 MUSIC SQUARE EAST SUITE 300 NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE 37203 615-383-6949 www.powermgmt.com .��,•QrOFESSJOpn��.\ &1 E013 SOF C Zm Zg�ll i O'z REVISIONS ft DESCRIPTIONF DATE L1J1 Mal M �� N W C) p - N C J Ce) >_ 0) DESIGNER: IMG - w U - LLJ TITLE SHEET VICINITY M AAA ND GENERAL7NFO 00 O=z = Q co o wrn X 0 rn 2 Z F- W C7 Zm Zg�ll i REVISIONS ft DESCRIPTIONF DATE DATE: 11-02-2014 PROIEC79: 14129 DESIGNER: IMG - ENGINEER: IMG TITLE SHEET VICINITY M AAA ND GENERAL7NFO CONSTRUCTION ISSUE T_ 1 I I I I I I J i OI I F O1 w 2 4 m N C O T N A 4 Q T. D yV SF ,fin y ZOO O� � S m < > _ g$ J Imi Z �o r oz o� p � 0 m'^ Nzz ��qan' I I . Z cn 4 --IA m � I I z z 99T y� n � Z � 'A � � I I I o m I C) � I , I e � - I I OO1 Y UI mI D z Ay T O x p D A ~Oy if = z A CCy9V ,IC/.I1 1Cy cn z C z m m z 2- z � oD mz Z 0 L_ G)®' A �!� �..THExHOME DEPOT NIXON CGENERATO. REPLACEMENT �nw,.molmm.ma.... �i Y Y Pl- 1 I F O1 w 2 4 m N C O m Z 0 0 Q T. m C m s m < > _ g$ J Imi Z ma� s3€ r oz o� p � 0 m'^ I I I I I . Z cn 1 o --IA m � I I V I 8 L��` � � I I I o m I C) � I , I e � - I I Z� cn C m L_ G)®' A �!� �..THExHOME DEPOT NIXON CGENERATO. REPLACEMENT �nw,.molmm.ma.... �i Y Y Pl- 1 �TQ—fRE�# 6630 00 HIGHWAY 111 INCA, A. 92253 r 1 1F I F O1 w 2 4 m N C O Owl w C W C CD C �TQ—fRE�# 6630 00 HIGHWAY 111 INCA, A. 92253 r 1 1F I F O1 w 2 4 m N C O Owl w C W C CD --< > < > I I$� _I--------------- /\' -7 J Imi I I I � I I � I � � I OM) I I I" < > � I I L��` � � I m I � I , I e � - I I J I F O1 w 2 4 m N C O Owl w C W C CD Oo z D s J SPECIFICATIONS i CON ACT DOCUMENT BURROS FOR DECimC.LL WGRX ARE DKGRAMNAnC AND ARE INTENDED TO CONVEY SCOPE AMD COMMAL ARRANGEMENT ONLY. COORDINATE NSfAIARM O AL DECTRCA WORK MTH INE HOE DEPOT STORE MANAGER. SHUTDOWNS FOR MAMSFFRRHc TO NEW SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT SHALL OCCUR ONLY INEN ME SIDE 6 CLOSED AND SIAL BE SGHEa1LG) WELL IN ADVAVCE WTH DHE STORE MANAGED? AND mxON PRO,ECT MANAGER PROVIDE Al MATERIALS MD ED INOT AND PERFORM ALL LABOR REDIOED TO INSTAL COMPLETE AND OERABLE DE DMAL SYSTEMS AS INDICATED ON THE ORAIMGS AND AS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE C00F3 ANO AUTHORITIES HAUG AWSDDTIOM. M CONTRACTOR SIAL PROVIDE ALL CUTTING. DMUMMI TRENCHING. BAIXRL AND PATGING REWIRED R INSTAL THE NEW CFNERATDL WIDW SALL BE PERFORMED BY PERSONS EIRPoFNCED IN THE RESPECTIVE MADES RESTORE FINISHED SURFACES TO THERM ONINA CaDGON. INSTALL ALL EOUPMFNT AND APPURIFNMGES IN ACCORDANCE ATH MANUFACTURERS RECOW AMNS. COMPLY MIN THE APRJCABE PROVISIONS O MARGINAL. REGIONAL STATE, ANO LOCAL ELEC M AND FOE SAFETY CODES. AS WELL AS APPLICABLE OSHA AID ADA REQUMDTS ME COVIRACTOR 91x1 MAINTAIN A DEAN. LEGM SET GE CONTRACT DRARNGS MARKED M REFLECT AS BA T 00400I11E14S MIRMGS 9MNL BE TURNED OVER TO NOON POWER SDD= AT THE COMPIETIOM ODE PROECT. A ALL WORK BALL BE OWE IN A WDttMAXIRI MANNER USING PERSONS DOP EINFD N THE MADE ALL EWPMDMT BALL BE UL. USED F SARI DOSING 6 AVAL48 E. CONTRACTOR SMALL OBTAIN RECITED BUILDING PERMS AND PAY AMT APRICAGE FEES CONTRACTOR SMALL PROVIDE A WARMTEE FROM DEFECT$ FOR ALL MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP FUR09ED ON PRCECT FOR ONE YEAR FROM DATE OF ACO9TARCE. SaD�i CLAOIICTO6 SMALL TE COPPED MTH DON/THW w9aAm.. COMDIc1Qi$ W AND LARGER BALL BE SMAXDED. CONDUCTORS /D MD 112 SAD BE SDE. ALL OTHER CONDUCTORS BALL BE STRANDED. NO POTTER CONDUCTORS SMALL BE SMALLER THAN PZ. CONTROL CONDUCTORS. WHERE REOIAED SHAM BE F14. STRANDED. RAGTYAYS ANG QUIHET 80%ES ' EMT CCNOUT FITTINGS BALL BE STEL SET -913" TYPE MW CONDUIT FITTINGS BALL BE O ME THREADED TYPE PVC TIMINGS SMALL BE SDEDILE Q. CONDUIT USED NSDE SAIL BE EMT. UN ES5 LOCATED IN AN AREA SUBECT To MOSDNE W PHYBGL DAMAGE. DUDE NAD CMuT SVll BE USED. EXIERORR CO IO NT ABOVE GAGE SCOL BE EMT, CRC. OR SCHEDULE DO PVC. COMDUIT INSTALLED BELOW CGDE SMALL BE Pw sCEDIILE 80. INSTALL EXPOSED COTuT PARALLEL TO OR AT RIGHT ANGLES TO ADJACENT SOLACES UTILIZE PLEOBLE CONDOT CONNECTIONS FOR EOUPLEHT SUBJECT TO VERAI ON. USE umflGHT TUMBLE CONOUT FOR EXTDOOM WGDL PROVIDE TxVNa2ED STEEL CUTLET CURS FOR INTDUOR LOCATIONS O SIZES AS REGIIIRED. MTH STAMPED HDIMICUM IN BADC AND SIDES AND THREADED HOES FGR SECURING COVETS OR MIND GEWCES 14 ME NEW OIRERATQU ON TOM MID MUATED ELECIRCAL SYSTEMS SMALL BE MU DED w ACCORDANCE WITH NEC ARME 2sO. ALL RACEWAYS SCOL NCUDE A Gt MOING CCNUKTUR SZED IN ACCORDANCE MM NEC ARTICLE 2% GROUNDING CONDUCTORS SMALL HAVE MEN INSULATION W LEEN MAROIG TME GROUND THE NEW GENERATOR PRIME To THE BUILDING STEEL. Go NOT GROUND ME GENERATOR VDUDAI- AL PANEUOARDS. TRANSFORMERS. AND SAFETY DISCOECT SWITCHES SMALL BE BY SQUARE D. MGR HAMMER, GENERA ELECHOC, OR SEMENS 6 PROVIDE PANDBOARDS OF CROAT MAKER. DEAD -FRONT SAFETY TYPE, A LABLLED AND MEETING AU. APPLICABLE REQUIREMENTS O THE NATIONAL DIELIRCAL MAN FACn1RD6 ASSOCIATION. PROVIDE MERMA MA04EM BOLT -OM STYLE CRCLIT MAKERS, WHEN ARE RATED FOR A 40 DEGEE c AMBIENT 1D,PEIGnRE Aro FOR 115E MM TSC C cT PROVIDE TYPED DIRECTORY CARDS MOUNTED UNDER PLASM ON THE DOORS O ALL PMDBOARDS DEW AND MOORED), THE OREGtDAS SHALL INDICATE THE LOADS BEING SERVED. INCLUDING THE OWNER'S SPACE NUMBER ON PACE NAMES P60wATICH ON THE OIECPOFY CND SHALL INCLUDE NNE AND LCCAn01M O THE PAMDBOND OR SMTCUCEAI SERVING THE PMELMARO. PROVIDE RID ENGUVID NAMEPLATES FOR ALL EMERGENCY SYSTEM EOARNDNT SUCH AS AKj PANELSLII0001 GOES CONTACTORS EIC CONTRACTOR SMALL W9T THE PROEDT 511E BOOR M SUBMITTING A W N ODER ro BECOME ACOUN ITED MTH MC 02MG CONDITIONS AND TO DEM MINE ME DITENT OF OEMWDCN REQUIRED. ITEMS To BE DEMOLISHED CUE NOT ALWAYS SHOWN CU THE COMMACT DR MNG& REMOVE PANELS. DISCONNECTS. TRAN9aa06, CONCUR. ODIUM atS, CONTROLS. ETC AND OMER MAYOR AND EQUIPMENT WOW 6 NOT REWIRED ro REMAIN IN SEANCE LATER RE REPLACEMENT O THE EMERGENCY GENERATOR WERE PARTIAL GMINTS ARE REMOVED, RECONNECT ME RENAMING LOUT ELEMENTS TO MANTA ME WTEG TY OF ME CROAT. AT THE COPLETOM OF TIE PROJECT REMOVE ME EOSTNG EMEAGOCT CENSATOR AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT AND TUN OVER M NOON POWER SERVICES ON ME SITE. CON TOR SHALL REMOVE NL CONSTRUCTION DORS MD DEMO SHED MATERIAL FROM THE 511E ME GENERATOR AREA AND THE EIECROWL ROOM ARE TO BE UFT BROOM CLEAN. I. All EOUGNENI LOCATED IN ME DECDNAL ROWS AND OM THE BULLING EATEMOM 6 NOT SOW EGM OARn PURPOSES Z. ME UXAnOMS O HEM PANELS MDGTED ON DE FLOOR RMS YAY BE REVISED R SWT Sw CONDITIONS. 3 RELOCATE 51WL DEC RICH DEDUCES BAN As TV99, CQUTADTQUS, ETC M ARAE ROOM FOR NEW PALLS AND ATS'S AS NEEDED. 4. ME NEW MIND VISTA ALARA PANEL SHALL BE LOCATED IN THE FRONT OF STORE CALL ROOM. 5. AT ME CO1PUTION OF ME PROJECT LEAVE ME ELECTRICAL ROOMS BROOM CLEAN AND FREE O PROJECT RELATED DEBMS 8. GENERATOR FENCE BALL BE 96' HIGH MTH TWO 36' CAVES INSTALL FENCE A MNMUM O 38- HOROMTALLY FROM THE GENERATOR GEES SHALL BE LOCWABIL C - T. MERE ROOF DOWNSPOUTS OCCUR WITHIN ME GENERATOR FENCE REVISE ME DOWNSPOUT S) RANwATER DOES HOT WASH OVER THE GENERATOR PAD. 8. CONDUCTOR SMALL VERIFY ME EOSTNG COMIDMON PRIOR TO ODERNA MT EWPMENT. PROVIDE GROAT STEAMERS SUITABLE FOR PECTIC CIRCUITS. 9. SFE YMVFACAI ERS SHOP DRANMOS FOR CONTROL. CONNECTION REQUIREMENTS INCLUDING START OWTROM AN DERIDE ANNUNCIATOR AND NOVAR CONNECTIONS START CONTROLS SCOL BE COOECIED TO ATS F 1. IONEW CRCAT BREAKERS NO BALL "T01 THOS: CBSMG II.RE-FEED TIIREE ODE IPV NwAR CIRCUITS FROM ME EMERGENCY PAA'EL NOTES AIDE SRaxwnaNs - GnNRATTR PAD COERIC 1. YORTY TAT LOSING SITE CM nONS CQUFOTM TD THOSE WDGiED ON THE ORAWNIS NOM THE ENGINEER OF MY DISCREPANaES OR COMENTIONS OTHERWISE ADVERSE RDE PMSTAUADW O THE PAD AS INDICATED RBOC M PROCEEDING WITH THE NOW. 2. COMPLY WITH APPLICABLE DAUING CODES IN EFFECT At PROECT LOCATION. 1 NEM OR CJOSTNG GENERATOR PAD SHALL BE LEVEL r0 A TO ERNGE O 1/9' PER FOOT. RE -USE O COSTING PAD: COM ACTOR MAY RUSE COSMIC CONCRETE PAD F THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA ARE NET AND RE -USE IS APPROVED BY ME NIXON PROJECT MANNER: I. MINDIUM BAB THICKNESS SMALL. BE MMUM 5' AND 94ALL PROVIDE REQUIRED LEMON AND WIDTH SPECIFIED FOR NEW PAD. NOM THE ENONEER OF MY ORSOMPMGES D. COEREIE BULL BE IN SQM ORTIQU AND HtOVIONO DRAMAGE R COME WIN y I EWIIExCE O DERT40RADOL TING OR DAMAGE ro THE CONCRETE flat WOULD WPM 115 A&M rV PRQI.0 PDEQV4 W.PK.qT fP( THE 4V4M1Eft )REMOVE 02M MOM BOLTS. PLATES. OR OMER EMBEDS THAT LORD NTOWERE WITH I STNLATI N O REPLACEMENT GENERATOR OR IDOL REMAIN DOOMED SO As To AVOID MY HAZARDS R PERSONS OR VDIC ES IN PROOMTV ro PAID CIRCUIT SCHEDULE - COPPER EMERGENCY SYSTEM EOUPMEM SOEDULE C4--- REM CIRCUIT PHASE R NEUTRAL GND CONDUCTOR2-WIRE 3-WUE / CONDUCTORS (PER CONDUIT) CONDUIT SIZE CONDUIT SIZE 4 -MME COMMIT SIZE 20 12 12 1/2' SOL STORE IAHINXi ERTSIGN9 FAW HOZ 2 PPI FEED PPIEL IN FROM MEW L s. So se RM1 J se 201 CHTREAMNs IN sTsT -1 SB se S. J se 2(V1 DEDCA`nNDNEAAISTPA 30 10 10 1/2' 3/4' 3/4' 40 6 10 3/4' 3/4' 1 . 50 6 10 3/4" 3/4' 1' 8o 8 10 3/4' 1' 1-1/4' 70 6 6 3/4' 1• 1-1/4' 80 OR 90 4 8 1" 1-1/4' 1 -1/4 - too 3 8 I' 1-1/4- 1-1/4" 125 1 8 1-1/4' 1-1/2• 2• 150 1/0 6 1-1/4' 1-1/2' z' 175 Z/0 6 1-I/4' 2' 2" 200 3/0 6. 1-1/2' 2' 2-1/2" 225 4/0 4 1-1/2" 2' 2-1/2- 250 250 4 2' 2-172- 3' 300 350 4 2" J' ]• 400 1 500 3 NOTES: 1. 3 PHASE, 3 MME CIRCUITS "C"A NEUTRAL) ARE DESIGNATED THUS: WI 2. 3 PHASE, 4 RE ORCUYTS (MYTH A NEUTRAL) ARE DESMGRATED THUS: 3. SINGLE PHASE. 2 WERE CIRCUITS (MRHOUT A NEUTFUL) ARE DESIGNATED THUS: 4. SINGLE RASE 3 WINE CIRCUITS (MRN A NEIMRAL) ARE DESIGNATED THUS: CIL AIN ID SP XX SPN NEW PANELBOARD SCHEDULE I EH Va1A� nTxD n a NOMOG slMSAIF nmE3: 1 i NA PHASE.].0B6109FE N3•AI 9GNOIGOJTSARE(2PI; (NPNICVONVL NMC. �aDJD9D�4E O2D. TME iNIN AC IS,CD -I- - OPTION I M cm INA PHASE TVA DO, BIW aStMPF_ CW 1 n 11NN MON TDO) MO A ]A WLJ YSB-W CN9 N 2 3 ItDD B ]A ...., ...:..... .. N 4 s H 1. c n0 J B. 4 I N OAf11ifRWtl RnJ IDC ;W A .. Al ORO MIHflfifCriA P LO B 14 AN LIGE ferf R, L 7. -- ZA C I] TI It-. . L II N 6V111 �) W.] AIA 'O') FA5TSEALORR N 4 Da B IA I�vItD1N x Ie 11 N OS IA _ _ 1. 1. SWGE: OA A U) Al SIEGAMG A b -M DA D ILA L SAGE 0.0 C D.D SAME b sAOL 0.0 A C.0 SAGE N SEAQ: OA B LC siAGE N H SRL DA C OD SAO: EEsnnc CONCRETE AAB NOTES IIMICWR SWETOMMBDGOTRII® GENERATOR HOUSEKEEPING PAD DETAIL SCALE: NONE SCALE: NONE 5 LODRA1MgRY. AD LwonRE w6xvA FOOTER CID MVA L ` 4 - ARIAN,EN) 0.0 RDW C.0 OGpiT®MA _ S,) 88nISHFATIm 0.o ICON C.0 DGNUDKVA sts UPMD0.1 4A I.. 40 BANDAWO w oACGTNO66110 Nns ns Z 4 .N AS. ", '.4•� _ ; RBHIAL[EIR) C.0 IISL DA ROSIER O}281®AtP� A] GIIHRC9RRQ It IDSL OA RwSEBIQfSI®REPS DD OIIBM NTloo t019I EDM )9.0 _%CWfBT®AIRS B)A I91BN ®biB.T' L0 mt oA MurABAUME 4L I I 3EXISTING EMERGENCY SYSTEM EOUPMEM SOEDULE C4--- REM BAmxc NEW PANS BRNR ATS PANELI COMNEIlTS 2414. 1/2'C, NORMAL N ' I SOL STORE IAHINXi ERTSIGN9 FAW HOZ 2 PPI FEED PPIEL IN FROM MEW L s. So se RM1 J se 201 CHTREAMNs IN sTsT -1 SB se S. J se 2(V1 DEDCA`nNDNEAAISTPA sECURiY PANEL NOV PANEL -1 PANEL w RYl 1 EL 21Vi FEED GILTS FR(NI EAST PANEL EL 3301 t EL 12D'1 FEED O.t PANEL EL GOTH CCKIS IRCUM M NEW AY53 ] EH M FEED CIRCUM FROM NEW PANEL EN TPAMWs E7HAUSTFAN SI - OSHA Tan ) EN P') FEED GROUT FROM NEW PANEL EN COMPUTER ROOT RN ATS' 20] ) EN MFEED Dib1AT FROM FEW PANEL EN AIPN ELECTRICALLIG 6 HIM IIA Pl ) EH ]al FEED FRIM NEWP LEH DID, ) EH P1 FEED FROM NEW PANEL EH RESTRO L.RM POOL LEVELER L VEIER Pl ) En 1 FEED CI0.GUT FROM NEW NE 30 W PAL EH WA FASTS YTE ID M•) ] EH RV) FEED OROYTFROA NEW PAMELNIECE EN MIAMAVS LE 21VJ EL 21VJ MOVE TOPI ERSTPAMEL EL NA. VACUUSAW RASVACUlA CGIRCUFF LE IGS EL 26PZ MOVE QfifAXT EAANSTPEL RAs sY51EM A NVI202 1 EL 21V1 M PANEL EI 511E 11G11TNMG IIID FLUs1ER9 EH RA ] EH 21Y2 MOV CgLUTT PANELANEL EH WA BATMERY DN4RGER HDI 26.2 ] FOIL 21Y2 ORGVTREm/WLS IN PANEL101 NOTE RUMS SHOW N M THIS V STARE TO BE CONNERLD TO THE EMERGENCY SYSTEMS. TME OEORAAnON SHOW H 19 TIB BEST AVAILASLEAT TIE TME OF DESIGN THE CDNMACTOR TO 19 PERFORM A SRM INVESTIGATION TO DiETER1I➢NE THE W035I_NG INffOIUMWON CAN4lRM RILL 11ffOWN1nON PWOP TO PUISNIISING PANELS AIF GRCOT B_$ OR VFRFC{NDNG THE W ORN I I 3EXISTING I 4-/14, 1/2*t 2414. 1/2'C, NORMAL � BUSHING DIEIOQX.Y GDffJ+A1011 POWER PANEL - PVC MALE ADAPTER C - UNISTRU BRACE ATS H OTs /2 CUES 03 PAkM1 EN. s[1i J CEN. G AWUN PVC 80 PVC SGEOUIE BO PK CONCRETE - Q C J 120E 20A QIW6 T30 DDT PML d G Q , G 9 -JR4. 1•C. 2-/14, 1/2'D d .' d a 1' SPARE TO ELECROCAL ROHM NUMBER As REQAND SIZE OF CONDUITS RED 4-/10. IOD M ZD4 120V B4TIEM CHIMIN 2W 12w am WAS 250 KW -GENERATOR CONTROL WIRING DETAIL PVC CONDUIT STUB UP DETAIL SCALE: NONE SCALE: NOT TO SCALE 1 2 2'x8',10 2-2'.9'.16' BGNDS ATTACHED TO SEE BOARDS @EIRa. OM 900 ATS 3-1'.4' Sam 1i1 Ix{ 9Y PAD - z''nG /x-�*XlE 0' 1. CONTACTOR TO PACK (,'FIIOATOR AND ATS(5) FOR TRUCK SHIPMENT. ;' S • z CONSTRUCT SKID AN SHOWN AND CULT GOMENA70R ro 900. A15(5) AND STRAP/ANGAGM/BOL 4 WRAP T TO SPUD. ATS BMA OU GDEROW AND AT NEM ITRUM TR CX WILL SOD ON 7RWL TRUCK CURL BE ARRANGED BY NOON. . ...., ...:..... .. J B. 250 KW GENERATOR PAD LAYOUT EXISTING GENERATOR SHIPPING SKID DETAIL SCALE NOT TO SCALE SCAB NOT TO SCALE 3 4 6 STEEL POST CONCRETE FREED r C -� I�vItD1N BOLLARDS NEW C -I LASTING ID CC NEW HW NO PADF®I'l /4'S 0 8'. E.M. �1/ ' CHAMFER q d 11 DOWEL NEW PAD EMENSION INTO �d EXISTING CONCRETE SLAB. USE NEW /4 BARS ON 24' CENTERS. EACH Ems-- 18' -•-I EASRNG MAY. I I EEsnnc CONCRETE AAB BOLLARD DETAIL GENERATOR HOUSEKEEPING PAD DETAIL SCALE: NONE SCALE: NONE 5 6 L ` 4 GENERATOR BASE . S FRAME OR TANK 1 (4) 5/8' HOLO NB -R 5• ALL k' 4'STAINLESSEMBED SOLEI TOR o EauaL NM. 4' IMO CRETE AT CONCRETE ATEACH .P ATTACHMENT 1' • Z 4 .N AS. ", '.4•� EMBW MIN. MrTE L .IiIA •f, •p.d U"4� I ` CONCRETE PAD fc - 3000 PSI CONCRETE APPROEMATE LOCATION GENERATOR ATTACHMENT OF NEW EMERGENCY SCALE NOT TO SCALE GENERATOR SITE - GENERATOR LOCATION CONSTRUCTION ISSUE oPLAN NE $ PMCWER MANAGEMENT ��T v 0 ♦ Z Consulting Engineers 60 MUSIC SQUARE EAST SUITE 300 NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE 37203 615-383-6949 www.powermgmt.com �M°'- QyOFESSTp `'9: �Ptikfrj� . • ` . NPS, F✓ 4-) 0 Z W LO LU N W U o N CD�_cco Q - (yam d]{ y��\lco. U �� i 9 `W OTO_O ot= `z C P X iidT_w- IND c� NST E) W `1G�r- 0 Zol ,ROD , ROD H Es REVISIONS It I DESCRIPTION DATE DATE: 11-072014 PRO1ECr 0: 14129 DESIGNER: JMG ENGINEER: JMG ELECTRICAL SCHEDULES E2.0 W ' O I /Z VJ A 12'-9' C �® z N 8" 6' = m mz 0O Z --------------------- D� g <� N 0 OP c IT! 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