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See below for Finance Revenue Codes ENCROACHMENT PERMIT OF PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION For the construction of public or private curbs, driveways, pavements, sidewalks, parking lots, sewers, water mains and other like public. works improvements in connection with MINOR IMPROVEMENTS and APPROVED SUBDIVISIONS. DATE: 7/28/2011 LOCATION OF CONSTRUCTION: Various Locations - See Attached Route Maps PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTION: Charitable Bicycle Ride DESCRIPTION OF CONSTRUCTION: Place Directional Signs at Turns Along Route. DIMENSION OF INSTALLATION OR REMOVAL: APPROXIMATE TIME WHEN WORK WILL BEGIN: 2/10/2012 Subdivision Improvement Permit - Class III Minor Improvement Permit - Class IV TIME OF COMPLETION: 2/14/2012 ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST: $250.00 (Including removal of all obstruction, materials, and debris, backfilling, compaction and placing permanent resurfacing and/or replacing improvements) COMMENTS In consideration of the granting of this permit, the applicant hereby agrees to: Indemnify, defend and save the City, its authorized agents, officers, representatives and employees, harmless from and against any and all penalties, liabilities or loss resulting from claims or court action and arising out of any accident, loss or damage to persons or property happening or occuring as a proximate result of any work undertaken under the permit granted pursuant to this application. Notify the Administrative Authority at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the time when work will be started at (760) 777- 7097. To submit an inspection request, leave a message on the Inspection Request Hotline at (760) 777-7097 prior to 1:30 P.M. at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the anticipated inspection. Comply with all applicable City Ordinances, the terms and conditions of the permit and all applicable rules and regulations of the City of La Quinta and to pay for any additional replacement necessary as the result of this work. Signature of Applicant or Agent Andrea Spirtos - CVSPIN - Tour de Palm Springs 74854 Velie Way, Suite 9, Palm Desert, CA 92260 Name of Applicant Business Address Event Volunteers Name of Contractor and Job Foreman Business Address N/A Contractor's License Number Applicant's Insurance Company FEES Subdivision Improvement Permit - Class I Minor Improvement Permit - Class I Finance Revenue Code Inspection Fee E_1 $0.00 Permit Fee E_1 $0.00 As -Built Deposit E-A $0.00 Cash Deposit -Surety Bond, E_B $0.00 if required TOTAL $0.00 760-674-4700 Telephone No Telephone No. N/A City Business License No Policy Number Public Improvements: 3% of estimated construction costs Private Improvements: 3% of estimated construction costs PERMIT NUMBER: 11078 DATE ISSUED: EXPIRATION DATE: BY: WORK INSPECTED BY*: PERMIT COMPLETION DATE': If the work is covered by a Subdivision Improvement Agreement, Subdivider shall request final acceptance of improvements from the City Council. Date: 1 Tract No: Vicinity: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT APPLICATION FOR PERMIT Name: Purpose of Construction (i.e.: Rough Grading, Offsite Street, etc.)R r f x � � � .Des cri tion of Construction (i.e See Plan Set No. 01234)' Dimension of Installation or Removal: Approximate Construction Start Date:.,' ol�- .Approximate Construction Completion Date: (JOA..' � Estimated Construction Cost: $ Estimated Construction Cost shall include the removal of all obstructions,.materials, and debris, back -filling, compaction and placing permanent resurfacing and or replacing improvements Contact Name:' ==`" hone Number. GF Name of Applicant/Owrier: Applicant Address:.`l Applicant Telephone Number: U� �; 7 !_-/"`n;.: ' Applicant E-mail Address: j P(ace� cCcrecfi UnC<0 ,VP)5_ A 0/0? ►A COPY OF THE CURRENT INSURANCE CERTIFICATE MUST BE PROVIDED"t j Ap licant or Contractor General Liability Insurance Com Applicant or Contractor General Liability Insurance Policy Number: Nil MAW :. Office Use Only:•, Office Use Only: Inspection Fee: Assigned Permit -Number: • O D Permit Fee: Approval'Date: As -Built - (Z) Expiration " Deposit: Date: Dust Control Issue Deposit: Date: Credit Amount: Administrative Authority: TOTAL FEE DUE: s rive ec Is s - orms , pp Ica Ions Application for rermit pose6_Zb_UV 2012 TOUR DE PALM SPRINGS CONGRATULATIONS YOU DID III!!!, See you neat year. 100 MILE RIDE DIRECTIONS - Escape the City Ride .(102.3 Miler --endilusiaqts) CID 9 Miles To: CumulaliJcMilms: 1. qTARTal 301 N. I'ahn Canvon. comer ol'Ainitio 0.1 2... I,cfI (North) on N. Indian Canyon io oarnci 0,1 3 3. 1..cfl (Want) on Garnet to Wall 5.3 2.4 4. Right (North lcA on Wall to West 7.7. 0.3 .5. I,cA (Wt -NI) on 201" AvcfWnr,-,Icy Iname change at .7 miles) 8.0 1.0 Road name changes toWom-ley 9.0 0. 7 6'. Slay *on Worsley to Pimon blvd. 9.7 2.4 T Right (East) an Pimon to Little Wrongo 12.1 3.4. 8. Right (South) on Lillic Mordrigo IoTwo.Btinch Palms Trail 15.5 1-.0 - 9. U11 (Nisl) onTwo Bunch PalmsTrail to We.%t Dr. 16.5 1.0 10. Right (South) tin West Dr. to SAG 1 .17.5 l.).1 SAG I - Two Bunch Pains Mementary School (Next Stop in 11.6 miles) 17.0 0.1 Right (L-a.q)iinl'w(vBunch MinisJCuand.L)IoHacienda 17.7 011 1 I.Right (Uasl) Hacienda In Calle Atnapola 19.7 :0.1 Ii. Right (South) tin Calle Amapola to Panorama Dr. 20.2 0-61. 13 I.eft (South) on Pararama to liticienda I Icights 20.7 1.1 1 14/15.. I.efl (North) on Hacienda Ileights/l.,ong Canyon Road 10 Dillon 21.7 7.7. 17. Lell (1;11%1) on Dillon to SAG 2 29.4 SAG 2 -Sky Valley Callenic Springs (Next S(opin 18.9 miles) 18.8 18-20 Slav on Dillon to SAG 3 - TA Travel Center (Neil Stop in 22.7 miles) 48.2 .1.3 21/22. Stay on Dillon going over bridge in Avenue 49 49.5 0.1 23. Right (West) onto Avenue 49 49.6 ().'i 24. At "Y*.' in Road. Stay Icfl onto Gmpcfruit (at KFC) 49.7' 4.9' 2 5.. Stay on Gripefirut I to Airport 54.5 4.3 .20. Right (West) onto Airport ( Ave. %) to Jackson 58.9 .3.0 27. l.cfl (South) on Jack -Ain to Ave. 62 61.9 1.9' Milighl (West) on Ave. 62 to Monnse w 62.9 I . X 0 Z Right (North) on Monroc to Ave- 60 . 63,9 c .0 1.0 I,cf1 (Wesi) on Ave. 60 to Madison (A.9 3'.1 r 29. Right (North) on Madison to Ave- 54 (i8.0 1.0, X Left on Ave- 54. Road changes name to. PGA.Blvd. 69.0 .0.9 31. Riglhl North) onto JcITcrson to R"bout 69.9 04 Stay Left to THIRD Exit onto Avenue 52 70.2 2.1 32. Wt --,t on Avc. 52 to Avenida Bermudas 72.1 6.2 33..Ixfl (South) on Avenida Benauttlas to SAG 4 - Fritz Burns Park. (Next Stop in 8.1 Miles) 72.3 0.1 34.Right (North) on Avenida Bermudas to Calk: Sinaloa 72.4 ol r 35. Ixfl.(WcsI) on Calle Sinaloa to L-isenhowcr 72.7 3.6 36.11ight (Noilh► on Eisenhower to Washington 75.7 2 37. Icf1 (North) (in Washington to Ave. 48 75.9 1.3 38. Right (Nisl) on'Avc. 48 to Jcffcmon 77.2 2.8 ,i -39.Lcfi(Norlit)(,.4tJefferson ttiGauntry Cluh 80.0 OA 40. Left (West) on Country Club to Avenue 42 80.4 .31 Stay on Avenue 42. Slrecl changes name to I-lovicy 83.6- .1.0 41. I.cfl (North) (into Morn. do Dr. to Country Club 84.6 .3.1 .42. 1.01 (West) onto Country Club to Tortola 97:7 1.0 43. Right (North) (into Porinla to ( icruld Ford 89.7 210 44/45.IA:fl(Wcsl)t)nlo(icmldl,-ordtoMonicmy 90.7 0.1 Right (North) on Monterey to SAG 5 - Ioviv's (Next Stop In. 16.6 ruilCi) 90.8 1-.0 46; Stay on Monterey (North) to Dinah Shore Dri. 91.8 5-0 47. Right (North) tin Dinah Share to Mesquite Ave. 96..8 13 11mr Right (West) on Mesquite Ave. to 171 Cicki. 98.1 1.1 48. Right (Nor(h) tin El Ciclo to Batislo Rd. 922 0.6 49. Icft (Wes() tin Baristo Rd. to Caballems 919.8 1.5 50. Right (North) on Caballeros, to Antado 101.3'. 1.0 51'. 1.0 (West) on Arnai:16 lo301 N. Palm Canyon FINISH 102.3. CONGRATULATIONS YOU DID III!!!, See you neat year. A. Cone signs used with either cones or delineators. Available with various legends. B. Type I barricade 8" reflective top board. C. Delineators — Heavy duty delineator: 42" tube, 111/2 pound base. Economy delineator: 39" tube, 71/2 pound base. Both delineators available with permanent epoxy base. D. Type I barricade 12" reflective top board. E. Portable sign stands. Other styles and legends also available. Shown with sandbag. F. Type II barricade with two 8" reflective boards shown with flashing light. G. Traffic cones in sizes 611, 1211, 1811, and 28". Available with or without reflective sleeves. H. Wooden barricade 36" high, not reflectorized. A L,c0� r E I. Cones available for day use or reflectorized and lighted for night use. J. Various types of signs, posts, hardware and guide markers, to meet all state and local regulations. K. Guide marking devices: temporary pavement marking tape, chip seal markers, ceramic dots, and raised reflective markers. Marker epoxy also available. L. Type III blockade, available in 5' or 8' lengths. PAGE 2 UNIFORM RE -11 Safety Warning Signs ' For Your Traffic Cones & Delineators (see page 2, letter A) 1 L!.Li CLEAR 00 LEFT) ONE Out%Wa of anal WIN on two lana roads on TV or Telt awe F RWW Zn Eel' P>r � Floc TWO t of Warm 8 NONE Onn outiNn of am0 croar�eis 6 YELLOW FU -L fD(R PARI( *Signs with a star to the right are in stock F1 WtW2 W9 WA WS we wT YFTA VV9 OHO ,s Q�QDe W 1T/W AA OWB 00A v11<f440t;15 W10 /ATLINti • W1044� w23 w2rTV 'u W2B yy29g W30 '*W�g— Luu�Ar w2a"ATLUCL WAllfw r� o I LILE VV"A IOIALAT w3oe w3\ ws\w waz W03 WMAAIL w3ae TIULK BALI ow Eu11El LLo ® Clf+ � YT3rtKALI3JAtlNCt1.T-1� w�a W41A WAG W3BOLY3T© W!\V1,11A® W43 EB ort FA'NCADORIAL M mm TRAFFIC WIT WEB W40 VisoWB1 W33 W33A W84A WSS ® Ia WIE $LOf * & ^4-/b\ - O .4& ® ' ITRDCE �, iLUCKf W550 WSB YVSf WSrVVSr a 11Vr0 wOIA W6,B W01C Q» ©Q O i i ONLY XIT ONLY YYO,D �' � [XIT ONLY �� Q047 p Lam8�©"Br EXIT ONLY s WBIE OK VV 2 VV72A WSR w70 wT YM3WYSOwTr [Xli LAMS Nt w [MO CROff �arr.r nAFm wa 30 wAo vu rust r[tct L[[IIA TLAFfIC O J :■n t I HE" r�M r►N woo YYB, TYPE K TYPE N TYPE P TYPE R �� . ® TYPE L ;N ® ® I N OIIEMZE LOADBarronm — Warning Signs DELIHEATOR/lUBJECT MARKERS CALIFORNIA STATE CLASS 2 DELINEATORS 31h- x 12' Baked Enamel on .050 Aluminum Plate with 3' Reflectors Specify Plastic 3' Center Mount or 3- Film Reflectors TYPECOLOR RONT I SACK USE E CLEAR 00 LEFT) ONE Out%Wa of anal WIN on two lana roads on TV or Telt awe F RWW ONE NONE Nark ide NSM 0l'Nr01ve1nroa roadrays a OYla' GOn,¢If0 YELLOW TWO t of Warm 8 NONE Onn outiNn of am0 croar�eis 6 YELLOW TWO Warning Signs DELIHEATOR/lUBJECT MARKERS CALIFORNIA STATE CLASS 2 DELINEATORS 31h- x 12' Baked Enamel on .050 Aluminum Plate with 3' Reflectors Specify Plastic 3' Center Mount or 3- Film Reflectors TYPECOLOR RONT I SACK USE E CLEAR ONE ONE Out%Wa of anal WIN on two lana roads on TV or Telt awe F CLEAR ONE NONE Nark ide NSM 0l'Nr01ve1nroa roadrays a OYla' GOn,¢If0 YELLOW TWO t of Warm 8 NONE Onn outiNn of am0 croar�eis 6 YELLOW TWO AI intefaeCliOM1t on Iwo lane ONE r ar�iaw D id esroacna to FOR REFLECTOR ON BACK. SCERB IS REQUIRED. SEE BELOW IN PLACE OF CENTER MOUNT REFLECTOR ON FRONT. REFLECTIVE FILM MAY BE USED UPON REQUEST. OBJECT MARKERS "SO AT APPROACH ENDS OF ISLANDS AND AT INTERSECTIONS Type A 6 124' BAKED ENAMEL ON MO ALUMINUM PLATE ONLY. 0 Type F Mw IME NSG 6RAIDF BOREFIEPLATE WITH Y CTIYE FILM $H E1 NG CENTER MOUNT REFLECTOR AND d' a IP GINEQQO Type K 15- s R' BAKED ENAMEL ON .050 ALUMINUM PLATE WITH 3- AMBER CENTER MOUNT OR FILM REFLECTORS (SPECIRI. USES H22 -CM UCHANNEL POST W AND 2 EA H23 MOUNTING HARDWARE. o Type L USED AS A CLEARANCE MARKER AT ANY OBSTRUCTION OR ABUTMENT CAUSING A NARROWING OF O IKE SHOULDER Al SIDE OF ROAD. 6 a 24' BAKEO ENAMEL ON OSS ALUMINUM PLATE WIl H 3• AMBER CENTER MOUNT OR FILM REFLEC O TORS (SPECIFY). SEE ABOVE DELINEATOR CHART FOR OTHER VARIATION. USES N22 -GP 5' or 6' UCHANNEL POST AND R TA: KN MOUNTING HARDWARE. AKED ENAMEL Type N-1 THAW REFLECTIVE BACKGROUND Type NA BBAACCKGROUNWITH 9-T WITH 3/B• BLACK BORDER CENTER MOUNT REFLECTORS 161 to' ON.063 ALUMINUM (' 161 IF ON.063 ALUMINUM Type N -Z WKO REFLICITH 316 SLACK 'U-Ta BOUND opo .. Type N 5 R�ADc 6ROE NONWRHLt r E;:. 161 1B' ON .063 ALUMINUM CENTER MOUNT REFLECTORS Type N-3 ORA= REFLECTIVE BACKGROUND 161 16 GNAW ALUMINUM 'ITN 310' BLACK BORDER ABOVEALSO AVAILABLE WITH 16 a to' ON ,063 ALUMINUM 9.7 FILM REFLECTORS ISPECIFYI Type P TEIU12 REFLECTIVE BACKGROUND WITH BLACK STRIPES IT' a 36ON .080 ALUMINUM PLATE. SPECIFY LER OR TIGHT USES H21-SPUCHANNEL SIGN POST AND 3 EA. K23 MOUNTING HARDWARE IITrO COLON COMEEUTI NAINU ULE UTOl1 INIAUT rr, we. A AMBEfl TEAR DROP B BLUE 2SCMIR-TOO GUARD RAIL BRACKET TO MOUNT 28CMIfl C CLEAR C.M. REFLECTORS. - R RED REFLECTOR BRACKET Y CENTER MOUNT REFLECTOR PLASTIC28CA1fl- BB RIVET ON TO MOUNT REFLECTOR TO CALIFORNIA -STATE APPROVED. BACK OF POST C FRESH OIL 2 H KAVIRAY PARUM aa� EEE BY UM OF Pwa DEFT. A. Hi -level warning device, wind resistant or solid set available with a wide variety of mesh or reflective vinyl roll up signs. B1 & 62. Sign light for night use and flashing traffic beacon. C. Portable frames for mounting signs ori, available with or without protective diamond. D. F. H. & I. Various temporary cardboard signs available. These signs are non -reflective. PAGE 5 Y PARKING BY MW Of MM KPMTMFMF E. Pennant flags 60' long available in red, yellow, orange, multi -color or red & white. Also available with legends. G. Banner tape 3"x1000' rolls, yellow or red with various legends available. J. Buried underground line detectable marking tape, water, gas, sewer, telephone and electric line, 2" x1000' rolls.