11088DATE: 10/27/2011 See below for Finance Revenue Codes 4 ENCROACHMENT PERMIT PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION ublic.or private curbs, driveways, pavements, sidewalks, parking lots, sewers, water mains and other like public connection with MINOR IMPROVEMENTS and APPROVED SUBDIVISIONS. 3rSubdivision Improvement Permit - Class III Minor Improvement Permit - Class IV LOCATION OF CONSTRUCTION: Various Locations on Avenue 50, Avenue 54, Jefferson St, Washington PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTION: Manhole Exploration for Verizon DESCRIPTION OF CONSTRUCTION: N/A DIMENSION OF INSTALLATION OR REMOVAL: See Attached Exhibits APPROXIMATE TIME WHEN WORK WILL BEGIN: 11/14/2011 TIME OF COMPLETI,ON,,rm CITY ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST: $5,000 (Including removal of all obstruction, materials, and debris, backfilling, compaction permanent resurfacing and/or replacing improvements) COMMENTS In consideration of the granting of this permit, the applicant hereby agrees to: Indemnify, defend and save the City, its authorized agents, officers, representatives and employees, harmless from and against any and all penalties, liabilities or loss resulting from claims or court action and arising out of any accident, loss or damage to persons or property happening or occuring as a proximate result of any work undertaken under the permit granted pursuant to this application. Notify the Administrative Authority at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the time when work will be started at (760) 777- 7097. To submit an inspection request, leave a message on the Inspection Request Hotline at (760) 777-7097 prior to 1:30 P.M. at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the anticipated inspection. Comply with all applicable City Ordinances, the terms and conditions of the permit and all ppGcaules and regulations of the City of La Quinta and to pay for any additional replacement necessary as the resul work. I s HHS Construction - Darin Johnson Name of Applicant HHS Construction Name of Contractor and Job Foreman 818906 Contractor's License Number Ironshore Specialty Ins. Co: Applicant's Insurance Company FEES . Subdivision Improvement Permit - Class I Minor Improvement Permit - Class I Signature of 2042 S. Grove Ave, Ontario, CA 91761 Business Address 2042 S. Grove Ave, Ontario, CA 91761 Business Address Finance Revenue Code Inspection Fee EE=1 $0.00 Permit Fee E_1 $100.00 As -Built Deposit E-A 0.00 Cash Deposit -Surety Bond, EE=B 0.00 if required TOTAL $100.00 TelephoneNo 909-393-3322 Telephone No. 109224 City Business License No AGS0009400 Policy Number Public Improvements: 3% of estimated construction costs Private Improvements: 3% of estimated construction costs PERMIT NUMBER: 11088 DATE ISSUED: lI V. // EXP[ ATE: //• Ef-/Z BY: WORK INSPE D BY*: 11AM,ykaJ62,& PERMIT COMPLETION DATE*: H.53D•{2 • If the work is covered by a Subdivision Improvement Agreement, Subdivider shall request final acceptance of improvements from the City Council. MERGING TAPER L SEE TA13LE "B" �— CURB OR E.P. B / q • • MIN. GAP 1 i SEE TABLE 'A' SEE TABLE 'A' BETWEEN CHANNEUZERS /-, (J(IF REOUIRCO) _ v . V•Z C.T� t00'A SEE TABLE 'q' r T T T Y 1 • CURB OR E.P: WORK 1T AREA ! I ! I I INSTALL TEMPORARY NO PMK— 5"S (IF REOuutEo) GY S O c�V I li I` I I I I \/ LANE CLOSED WORKSITE TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN _ WORK BEYOND INTERSECTION C30( ) 'RIGHT CA •R "0"'" �'" • G LAN o .n urao" poINI " 23' 0 NO TURN ON RED v . V•Z C.T� t00'A SEE TABLE 'q' r T T T Y 1 • CURB OR E.P: WORK 1T AREA ! I ! I I INSTALL TEMPORARY NO PMK— 5"S (IF REOuutEo) GY S O c�V I li I` I I I I \/ LANE CLOSED WORKSITE TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN _ WORK BEYOND INTERSECTION C30( ) 'RIGHT CA •R "0"'" �'" • G LAN o .n urao" poINI " 23' NO TURN ON RED LEGEND I=I TYPE RI BARRICADE W/SIGN R)• 11 I—[ TYPE II BARRICADE W/O SIGN CHANNELIZING DEVICE �CEIVTENO. OF LANES .- •Q L RICNT T T O TRAFFIC CONE WITH CLIP ON SIGN SIGN 'SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION a LEFT LANE SED AHEAD RICHT LANE MUST 84 ARROW PANEL (FLASHING ARROW) (WHERE REOUTRED) ' TURN RICHT v t HIGH LEVEL WARNING DEVICE FLAGTREE) (OPTIONAL) C20(CA) R3-7(RT) INTERCHANGEABLE WITH W20-5 P FLAGGER TANS .TOW AWAY NO STOPPING -- TO _-- (SHOW HOURS) TANSAT TOW AWAY NO STOPPING AN TIME WORT[ ZONE (ACTIVITY AREA) IMI TS DIRECTION OF TRAFFIC (NOT P VEMEN7 MARKING) END ROAD WORK ROAD WORK OAHEAD ROADWAY DESIGNATION (A THRO GH D) G20-2 W2 —) Q`CC v . V•Z C.T� t00'A SEE TABLE 'q' r T T T Y 1 • CURB OR E.P: WORK 1T AREA ! I ! I I INSTALL TEMPORARY NO PMK— 5"S (IF REOuutEo) GY S O c�V I li I` I I I I \/ LANE CLOSED WORKSITE TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN _ WORK BEYOND INTERSECTION C30( ) 'RIGHT CA •R "0"'" �'" • G LAN o .n urao" poINI " 23' N J, e Q Wb..a G` r Ik CURB OR E.P. MEDIAN OR DIVIDING LINE W'O-I CINCA) wS:I C BA SHIFTING TAPER L 2 BUFFER BL SEE TABLE 'A' SEE TAE 'A' SEE TABLE 'A' -SEE TABLE 'B' TABLE 'D' IN TAEMP NO SIGNS 48 HRS PRIOR TO COMMENCING WORK (IF REOUIRED) LEGEND 17_ TYPE III BARRICADE W/SIGN )--I TYPE II BARRICADE W/O SIGN • CHANNELIZING DEVICE T TRAFFIC CONE WITH CLIP ON SIGN T SIGN OS SIGNAUZEO INTERSECTION Vp ARROW PANEL (FLASHING ARROW) (WHERE REOUIRED) 7 HIGH LEVEL WARNING DEVICE (FLAGTREE) (OPTIONAL) P FLACGER TANS TOW AWAY NO STOPPING ___ TO ___ (SHOW HOURS) TANSAT TOW AWAY NO STOPPING ANY TIME WORK ZONE (ACTIVITY AREA) LIMITS DIRECTION OF TRAFFIC (NOT PAVEMENT MARKING) OROADWAY DESIGNATION (A THROUGH D) CURB OR E.P. Gio•t INorL 4wy5 MRS p ROCnMW n0 vAWIF IM[ - WORKSITE TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN EDGE OF CUTTER CLOSURE Mrc hCK•R Warn •In . •n' nat �o An Aw•It oanlr ERD ROAD ROAD ROAD WORK NARROWS LANE CLOSED NARROW LANE WORK AHEAD G20-2 W20-1 W5-1 C30(CA) C12(CA) INorL 4wy5 MRS p ROCnMW n0 vAWIF IM[ - WORKSITE TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN EDGE OF CUTTER CLOSURE Mrc hCK•R Warn •In . •n' nat �o An Aw•It oanlr TYPICAL LANE CLOSURE -4� L D Advence_arn lop alms, Set Tabl. I StTaore 2 Ste notes I a Z e e e e • i o i •" e i .o �" �. a ..� .._ So0'fr„750__* 500' is )SO' SOD' io 750' o I� / wwK AREA —� • ////, • e J %I\ ,•k 1 Yin ROAD. See wete * •-711'2`4.�,.J WORK7 l L �� C14 (CA)@D AHEAD CLOSED '"CLOSCO,. 5.0 note AM QA ' QA A TABLE t TARI F P W20-1 C20 (CAI (At) C20 (CA)1m) W4 -?A t Sect Note 4 to 10 o v� Le 1r.t LLIC 1 r+`1 NOTES: LEGEND •Goal fo 12'. .. ApproOCn w 5.6 HOT* .0. )•-Wtaro aP0roodn 40eeda ore 101; **vont• .oning 6. porroCle dollmik;toes, pteco0 of ane -half Ona spacing signs ;awy oe placed at. 300, sPo.inq and plMod uro clever n or, areas. in*IciiTCO for trraifiC tangs, may be voce instead of Gyp cone. for. aaytlme, closures. only. ' 2. Eoeh advance yrn;npp sign.stloo at aqulPptd vith at'least tva {1608'far 0drrimt CIOGUrl. Each flog 7 -Flashing Ort" 090 Shall pt either IyPe f or Typo 9. - OhOtl be *r Itaat 16- x 76'ib Site an* 3n011 W orange or fluoraecent rQcI arwg2 In COlor. s. The 'nOXITuv apooine bttraen Cates.olono a fCnyent Flapl11n0 a•a[MS Jn ,l D• P14teo 01 Ime loc.Y1tioms .shall, be•SO' and alc n" a Toptr shall be cc0rosimw..cly as "srtmn'In Tobi1; 1ndiCOteO./0r IO?e G10Dwe Curing hour.$. at darknosA. 171 3. A C14 (CA) "CND IiDAD' 7tORX- ai a pn, t oPproDriMo. 9. For dooroach voeedJ over 50 mph, use me 'TfOffic Jholl be Piece" dr ne and pf the tops C,Osu/e COnrrol SYJtem Ior'Lane Closure On TrOtnOys And.ExprNtvOYs" an for IOne Closufe VII006thl- the end of arN ores. is obv;wa, or coos .)thin o'lorger'pro)eN's.,l16its. aetolis ona requirw—nts. 4. If. the/120-1 sign Houle tonna/ /)thin 2000' o) 10. Wri n Specifito in the, sotctOt previeiaps, o 4-2 " ■UNC E1,05' symbol algn is to De 0 stationary W20-1 or'C11 (CA)TROAD WORK NEXT MILES", use o C20 (C�) sign for tn. first used in Olaet Of the C20 MAI 'RIGHT LANE CLOSED AHEAD' sign, aavonte morning a:gn_ 754 5. All cones uses for lane Closure, dur)np, 360 rnurs-a1.o.rkness aholI be fFltea rich retrOfeflaet Eve 427 Sanas (or Dleevesl`os' ape0fiea in +he'5Pdcifiaor7ons. A2S .1r • a ua,c �i —�-•� whtw� ... • ow. N ry �r I.r,rlw h•Cx.rn .ee,km u m: .,rrnn.:yv NOTES : UnlesK Otnerrlat SDec:fiaa In Oro GDOCioI arov:slona, o11 'remporory rornlny signs shall rove clod, I.eana on orange OOckgrour,0. COtifdrni. Godo are deg ipnaftd 0y (CA), OtherriSt. TC 00/01 (uUTC0) COaeS Ore SI:Ovn, LEGEND Oorngraaa .. ApproOCn Yinilpum ulnlmum o A Oirectian of Trove, 'SPOT* F196nin9 Arror Sign (FAS) Gyp FAS Supporl or Tro;,er hft PO'tOblt flOsh)nQ DTOaa� ft ft .ft 25 and 1»rar t5S ISO 16S 171 30 200 205 215 '227' 35 2b0 2S7 27t 2 T 40 30S i-15— 333 754 AS 360 WO '400 427 5o A2S N6414 507 Over SO See Hote 9 e Use on suatten ae'ngrode steep"' tnon -3 parc.M ono longer /hon I mot. • a ua,c �i —�-•� whtw� ... • ow. N ry �r I.r,rlw h•Cx.rn .ee,km u m: .,rrnn.:yv NOTES : UnlesK Otnerrlat SDec:fiaa In Oro GDOCioI arov:slona, o11 'remporory rornlny signs shall rove clod, I.eana on orange OOckgrour,0. COtifdrni. Godo are deg ipnaftd 0y (CA), OtherriSt. TC 00/01 (uUTC0) COaeS Ore SI:Ovn, SIGN PANEL SIZE (Min) a 36' a 36- 3r- x IV - - ` STATE OF C1tIFOANA OEPA4TkENT Of TRAHSPOR7A710H TRAFFIC CONTROL SYSTEM FOR LANE CLOSURE ON MULTILANE CONVENTIONAL HIGHWAYS NO SCALE Renfr'n )o Tohle n%C'onhnrs LEGEND 0 rroffic Conn } Tomocrory, Srgn '�'�• Oirectian of Trove, F196nin9 Arror Sign (FAS) Gyp FAS Supporl or Tro;,er \Ir PO'tOblt flOsh)nQ DTOaa� SIGN PANEL SIZE (Min) a 36' a 36- 3r- x IV - - ` STATE OF C1tIFOANA OEPA4TkENT Of TRAHSPOR7A710H TRAFFIC CONTROL SYSTEM FOR LANE CLOSURE ON MULTILANE CONVENTIONAL HIGHWAYS NO SCALE Renfr'n )o Tohle n%C'onhnrs as, � S() MV 0 California Joint Utility Traffic Control Manual Table A - Suggested Minimum Advance Warning Sign Spacing Posted Speed Distance Between Signs ** Merging Taper A► B C Urban (low speed) at least 0.33L One -Lane, Two -Way Traffic Taper 100 feet maximum 25 mph or less 100 100 1,00 Urban (high-speed) 30 mph or more 350 350 350 Rural 500. 500 500 55 mph &above 1,000 1,500 2,640 Speed categoryto be determined by highway agency. *' Distances are shown in feet. The column headings A, B, and C are the dimensions shown on drawings No. "1-51. The A dimension is the distance from the transition or point of restriction to the first sign. The B dimension is the distance between the first and second signs. The C dimension is the distance between the second and third signs. (The third sign is one in a three sign series encountered by a driver/motorist approaching a TTC zone). Table B - Taper Length Criteria for Temporary Traffic Control Zones Type of Taper Taper Length L Merging Taper at least L Shifting Taper at least 0.5L Shoulder Taper at least 0.33L One -Lane, Two -Way Traffic Taper 100 feet maximum Downstream taper 100 feet per lane Table C - Formulas for Determining Taper Lengths Speed Limit Taper Length L Feet 40 mph or less L = WS /60 45mph ormore L=WS Where:. L = taper length in feet W = width of offset feet S = posted speed limit, or off peak 85Th- percentile speed prior to work starting. Or the anticipated operating speed in mph 16 California Joint.Utility Traffic Control Manual Table D — Buffer Space Table Speed (mph) Minimum Taper Length ** For°Width of Offset 1.2'ft W Merging Shifting Shoulder L U2 U3 ft ft ft % Downgrade (Buffer Space) 20 <-3% -3%. " -6% (ft) (ft) (ft) -9% (ft) 20 115 116 120 126 25 155 158 165 173 30 200 205 215 227 35 250 257 271 287 40 305. 315 333 354 45 360 378 400 427- 50 425 446 474 507 55 495. 520 553 593 60 570 598 638 686 65 645 682 728 785 70 730 771 1 825 891 Table E - Taper Length Criteria for Temporary Traffic Control zones for 12 feet Offset Width Speed* S (mph) Minimum Taper Length ** For°Width of Offset 1.2'ft W Merging Shifting Shoulder L U2 U3 ft ft ft Down Stream ft 20 80 40_ 27' 1.00 25 125 63 42 100. 30 180 90 60 100 35 245 123 82 100 40 320 160 107 100 45 540 270 1.80 100 50 600 300 200 100 55 660 330 220 100 60 720- 360 240 10'0 65• 780 390. 260 100 70 840 .420 280 100 * - Posted Speed, off peak .85`h percentile speed prior to work starting, or the anticipated operating speed. ** - For other offsets use the following merging taper length formula for L: For speeds of (40 mph) or less (L=WSJ/60) .For speeds of (45 mph) or more (L=WS) 17 NO. OF .LANEP20) ` CONSTRUCTION NOTE: PLACE DIKE LANE CLOSED AHEAD -SIGN (C20)'HALF THE DISTANCE BETWEEN THE' FIRSAND SECOND "SIGNS ICONSTRUCTION NOTE: ALL DRIVEWAYS TO REMAIN OPEN '(WHENEVER POSSIELE) THROUGFIOUT TRAFFIC CONTROL ZONE -_ LAPER L. -`• I - owe—_� e • T;t' i > I o j SEE TABLE 'A' -'F' FOR SIGN AND CNANNEUhSt DEVICE SPAQNC AND 'TAPCR LFNCM 8R EANS SPEED APPROACHA TAPER SIGN CHANNELIZER STREET LENGTH SPACING SPACING ! S = Sign Spacing Min = -Minimum --- 1.T = Left _ RT' I =Right SEF. TABLE 'A' -'F' FOR RCN AND'CNANNEUMR DEVICE SPAQNC AND TAPER LEki;A TANSAT = ToweAwQyficNoPanel SPEED APPROACH STREET TAPER SIGN CHANNELIZER IiI i Stopping Anytime LENGTH SPACING; SPACING TANS _ 'row. Away, No L_ I Stopping CHART A - MINIMUM RECOMMENDED DELINEATOR./CONE & SIGN PLACEMENT POSTED PER LENGTH FOR CHANNEUZER SPACING SIGN SPACING SPEED 12 -Fr LANE (ADVANCE. OF CAPER LIMIT MERGING SHIFTING SHOULDER TAPER TANGENT k 8 E SIGNS) 20 MPH 80 FT. 40. FT. 27 FT. 20 f1. 40 P', 100 Fr. 25 MPH 125 FT. 63 FT. 42 FT. 25 FT. 63 FT. 100 FT. 30 MPH 180- FT. 90 FT. 60 FT. 30 FT. 40 Fr, 350 FT. 35 . MPH 245 FT. 123 FT. .82 FT" 35. FT. 123" FT. 350 .FT. 40 MPH 32(r FT. :160 FT" 107 FT. 40 FT, 160 Fr. 350 FT. • 45 MPH 540 Fr: 270 Fr. 180 Fr. 45 Fr. 270 FT. 500 FT. • 50 MPH 600 Fr. 300 FT. .200. Fr. 50 FT. 300 FT.. 500 FT. 55+MPH 660 FT. 330 FT. 220 FT. 55 FT. 330 FT. PER TABIE 'A' NOTES 1. A Flashing Arrow sign shall be used for each Ione .closed. *2. Two lone closure signs (C-20) shall be used on the approach to a lane closure with speeds of 45 mph or greo.ter. NOTE: This chart based on 12—foot wide lanes. 'For Ione widths greater than 12 feet. use the following formulae: Taper 'formula: L = S x W for .speeds of 45 mph or more. 2 L = 6S 'ror speeds.of 40 mph .or less. Where: L = Minimum length .of gaper. S = Numerical value of posted speed limit prior to work or 85 percentile speed. W = Width of offset. i.e.: 50 mph and 19' Ione; L = 50 x 19 = 950 feet PERMIT NO. 11088 Manhole Exploration / Various Locations on Avenue 50, 52, 54, Jefferson St, and Washington St In addition to the standard permit conditions, the following shall apply: 1. Pursuant to Section 14.16.320 of the La Quinta Municipal Code (Ordinance 10 § 1 (part), 1982), all work shall be performed in accordance with the latest edition of the Standard Specifications For Public Works Construction (SSPWC) and as directed by and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. 2. Prior to commencing the excavation of a trench 5 feet in depth or greater and into which a person will be required to descend, the Contractor shall first obtain a permit to do so from the Division of Industrial Safety pursuant to 7-10.4.1. The permittee may only work at night if approved by the City Manager. If approved by the city manager, night work may be halted if the city receives complaints about the night, work. 4. "The permittee shall not construct an improvement that reduces vehicular sight distances. If such improvement is found to reduce the vehicular sight distance, then the permittee shall relocate the improvement prior to sign off of their encroachment permit." . 5. The permittee shall not install improvements with the intention of providing video transmission services unless the permittee obtains a valid Franchise Agreement. 6. The permittee shall remove any underground utility markings that are no longer being used for this project. The permittee shall remove markings on paved areas using high pressure wash or a method, equivalent and at the discretion of the City Engineer. 7. Any asphaltic or concrete repairs shall closely match the existing paved areas in color at the discretion of the City Engineer. A finish product with a checkerboard appearance will not be accepted. The permittee shall maintain the existing pedestrian path of travel and must maintain ADA compliant pathways leading to areas for use of public transportation systems. 9. No stockpiling of any materials will be allowed within the City R/W without an approved permit explicitly stating the use for stockpiling and/or storage. 10. This permit or copy of it shall be on the work site (usually the job trailer) for inspection during the actual work performed. 11. HHS Construction (Darin Johnson), hereinafter referred to as "Permittee", shall be responsible for providing continuous dust and erosion control. 12. Streets shall be kept clean. They shall be completely cleaned at the end of each working day and more frequently, if required. 13. The permittee shall submit inspection requests by calling the City Inspection Hotline at (760) 777-7097 before 1:30 p.m. and at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the anticipated inspection. Special Conditions Page I of 5 PERMIT NO. 11088 Manhole Exploration / Various Locations on Avenue 50, 52, 54, Jefferson St, and Washington St 14. The permittee is required to provide a changeable message board informing the commuters using the affected Major and Primary Arterial roads of major construction and possible traffic delays, time of construction, and if possible alternate routes. The message board shall be provided for the commuters 48 hours prior to the start of traffic delays. 15. Pursuant to Section 6.08.050 of the La Quinta Municipal Code (Ordinance 18 § 1, 1982), throughout the work site, the Permittee shall comply with City regulated work hours. Operation and maintenance of equipment within one-half mile of human occupancy shall be performed only during the following time periods: October 1 st to April 30: Monday -Friday 7:00 a.m. to 5:30 P.m. Saturday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. May 1 st to September 30: Monday -Friday 6:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Saturday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Work shall be prohibited on.legal holidays and Sundays. Note: Construction work (including setting up traffic control devices) is not permitted on any Arterial street (ie any 4 lane street) before 8:00 a.m. 16. Work within 500 feet of a signalized intersection shall be performed between the hours of 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Traffic control shall be set up after 9 a.m. and removed before 3 p.m. The Permittee shall contact the City Traffic Signal Maintenance Technician at (760) 250-0571 if signal operation at the intersection is to be altered in any way. 17. Pursuant to Section 14.16.110 of the La Quinta Municipal Code (Ordinance 10 § 1 (part), 1982), Permittee shall assume responsibility for repair of any pavement damage to any public or private street and for any damage to other City streets or facilities as a result of work performed under this permit. 18. This permit is not valid until the permittee submits, to the Public Works Department 2 weeks prior to start of construction, a letter from any owners of the driveways/access ways that will be closed down due to the construction. The letter must be approved by the city and at minimum state from the owner the following: A. Approval of the construction B. Plan identification C. Time Frame of Closure D. Alternative Routes 19. The permittee shall place temporary no parking signs along the parking area affected by the construction. The signs shall be placed along the area 48hrs prior to the start of closing the area, and removed immediately after the construction completion date. Special Conditions Page 2 of 5 PERMIT NO. 11088 Manhole Exploration / Various Locations on Avenue 50, 52, 54, Jefferson St, and Washington St 20. Prior to excavating, if required, the Permittee shall contact Underground Service Alert at 1-800-422- 4133. It shall be the Permittee's responsibility to notify the Public Works Department of anticipated excavation which impact City facilities, including but not limited to traffic signal conduits and loops, irrigation lines, electrical conduits, and storm drain facilities. 21. Pursuant to Section 14.16.250 of the La Quinta Municipal Code (Ordinance 10 § 1 (part), 1982), at residential streets, advance warning signs and traffic control shall be installed and maintained in accordance the latest version of the California Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). On Collector to Major Arterial Streets, the permittee must submit a traffic control plan which shall be prepared under the guidance of the latest version of the California Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). It shall be the Permittee's responsibility to appropriately detour and barricade all construction sites. Pursuant to Section 14.16.290 of the La Quinta Municipal Code (Ordinance 10 § 1 (part), 1982), street closures shall not be permitted. A minimum of two (2) travel lanes of paved surface shall be maintained at all times. 22. Should additional work, materials, or modifications of the work be required in order to meet City standards, safety requirements, signage requirements, or to fit actual field conditions, the work shall be performed by the Permittee as directed by and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer at no cost to the City of La Quinta. 23. The City of La Quinta reserves the right to require modifications of the work be made at permittee's. sole cost for proper sight distance requirements per guidelines in the AASHTO " A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, 5t" Edition" or latest, in the installation of all appurtenances abutting and within the public street right-of-way. 24. The permittee shall be responsible for calling the city inspector to arrange the city inspector to observe random trench compaction testing performed by a city approved material testing firm. If the inspector's phone number is unknown, the permittee shall call the Public Works front counter phone at 777-7075 or the Assistant Engineer II at 777-7047 to determine the city inspector's phone number. The inspector shall determine the number and location of the test location/s. The above testing does not relieve the permittee's responsibility for future repairs due to settlement at and near the locations of the work area. Materials testing must be performed under direct supervision of a California Registered Civil Engineer. 25. The issuance of this permit and the City approval of the related construction improvement plans do not provide a vested entitlement for all design parameters that may have been utilized for the plans. As such, plans approved for this permit may be "at risk" for further modifications as it relates to any follow tip improvement plan requirements as required by the city or existing errors & omissions by the architect or engineer of record. Special Conditions Page 3 of 5 PERMIT NO. 11088 Manhole Exploration /.Various Locations on Avenue 50, 52, 54, Jefferson St, and Washington St 26. This permit is not valid until the permittee submits, to the Public Works Department 2 weeks prior to start of construction, the name of the City approved contractor, who shall submit to the City the following items: a. General Liability Insurance Company and Policy Number b. City Business License c. Contractors State License Number 27. The Applicant or Contractor shall furnish the City satisfactory evidence of insurance in the amounts provided in the Engineering Bulletin for Indemnification & Insurance Requirements. This insurance shall be kept in full force and effect at all times by Applicant or Contractor during the prosecution of the permitted work and updated Certificate of Liability Insurance shall be submitted to the City. Each policy shall name the City as an additional insured. 28. The permittee shall not encroach upon private property without prior written approval (submit to the Public Works Department, attention to the Assistant Engineer II) of the private land owner whom is being encroached upon. 29. The permittee shall haul all offsite debris to a certified landfill. Prior to hauling debris, the permittee shall inform the City (Inspection staff or 777-7047) of the name and location of the certified dump site. 30. If public traffic lanes are required to be closed, this permit is not valid until the permittee submits, to the Public Works Department, a traffic. control plan for review and approval prior to start of construction or parking on the paved R/W. 31. The permittee is required to provide an informative message board (approved by the City Engineer) informing the commuters using the affected Primary Arterial roads or heavier traffic of possible traffic delays, time of construction, and if possible alternate routes. The message board shall be provided for the commuters 48 hours prior to the start of traffic delays. 32. Backfill compaction within street rights-of-way shall conform to Section 306-1.3 of the latest edition of the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction (SSPWC), except as otherwise specified herein. Native material may be used as backfill material provided that minimum compaction, achieved in the manner prescribed herein, is achieved. Backfill shall be performed by mechanical means; no water densified compaction via jetting or flooding or other means shall be allowed. It shall be the Permittee's responsibility to provide appropriate geotechnical supervision, testing, and inspection, onsite, at all times during backfill operations. All costs incurred due to the conditions above shall be borne by the Permittee. Copies of all test results shall be furnished to the City Inspector. Special Conditions Page 4 of 5 PERMIT NO. 11088 Manhole Exploration / Various Locations on Avenue 50, 52, 54, Jefferson St, and Washington St 33. All excavations within City of La Quinta right-of-way shall be backfilled, and temporarily paved if within the existing travel way,. at the end of every workday as directed by and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer for the protection of the public. Lengths of open trench shall not greatly exceed that which cannot be backfilled in the same day. Excavated trenches shall not be allowed open overnight, however, Permittee may leave a length of excavated trench, not to exceed twenty (20) feet in length, open overnight at a point where construction will begin the next day, provided that this length of trench is completely covered by steel plating. 34. All landscaping, irrigation, decorative rock, decorative concrete, lighting, etc., shall be replaced to its original condition. 35. Access and egress to all local properties shall be maintained at all times. 36. Permittee shall permanently stabilize any and all soil that was disturbed as a result of work performed under this permit with an approved dust control treatment. Soil stabilization shall be done immediately after completing the operation. 37. Pursuant to Chapter 12.56 of the La Quinta Municipal Code (Ordinance 10 § 1 (part), 1982) the City has designated certain city streets as Truck Routes. The weight limit for restricted streets (i.e., streets not part of the Truck Route network) is three (3) tons; trucks exceeding the weight limit may use a restricted street if making a delivery or pickup on the subject street, or if this permit specifically grants permission to use the street to deliver street construction materials and/or equipment. 38. The City of La Quinta reserves the right to revoke, suspend or void this permit at any time. 39. The permittee shall indemnify, hold harmless and assume the defense of the City from all damages, delay costs, costs or expenses in law or equity that may arise out of work under this permit. 40. If it is the intent of the permittee to cut the pavement and have it restored by a third party, the permittee shall postpone cutting the, pavement until the intended third party has acquired a permit from the City to perform the required restoration work. Special Conditions Page 5 of 5 City of La Quinta The following General and Special Provisions are attached to and made a part of Permit Number 11088 The following shall always apply: ENCROACHMENT ON PRIVATE PROPERTY: This permit authorizes work to be accomplished within the City of La Quinta's right of way ONLY. Whenever construction extends within private property, it is the responsibility of the permittee for his contractors to secure permission from abutting property owners. Such authorization must be secured by the permittee prior to starting work. TRACK -LAYING CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT: Cleated track -laying constructionequipment shall not be permitted to operate on any paved surface unless fitted with smoother -faced street pads. All mechanical outriggers shall be fitted with rubber street shoes to protect the paving during excavations. Rubber -tired equipment only shall be used in backfill operation in paved areas. If -the existing pavement is scarred, spalled, or broken during the term of this contract or if the pavement is marred, City of La Quinta shall request that these portions of road be resurfaced over their entire width. Resurfacing shall consist of one coat of two inches (2") of A.C. surfacing plus appropriate seal coat as specified above. PROTECTION OF TRAFFIC: All excavations and work areas shall be properly lighted and barricaded as deemed necessary by the City Engineer or City of La Quinta Public Works Inspectors. Suitable detours and detour signs shall be placed and maintained for. the duration of the project. The City shall be notified twenty-four hours (24) in advance of any traffic detours or delineation. CARE OF DRAINAGE STRUCTURES: Any drainage structure to include corrugated metal pipe, concrete pipe, steel culvert and concrete structures encountered during excavation which necessitate removal shall be replaced in kind. In the event it becomes necessary to remove or cut existing drainage structures, City of La Quinta shall be notified prior to commencement of this work. Drainage structures and open drains shall be kept free of debris at all times for proper drainage. . RIGHT-OF-WAY CLEANUP: Any surplus material resulting from excavation and backfill operations shall be removed from the right of way. All paved surfaces shall be broomed clean of earth and other objectionable materials immediately after backfill and compaction. Existing gutter line and drainage ditches shall be replaced to their original standard or better. All excess material shall be removed prior to paving. Water tanker shall be used, as required, to sprinkle the job site to keep down dust conditions and shall be used immediately after backfill. DE -WATER OPERTATIONS: If de -watering operations are required and pumps are forcing water on City of La Quinta roads, it. shall be the responsibility of the permittee (contractor) to control this water and to provide off-street barricades when necessary. CLOSING STREETS: No street shall be closed. A minimum of one lane of traffic shall be maintained at all times to provide limited access for the adjoining property owners and emergency vehicles. In the event it is felt by the permittee that he must close a street for any length of time, permittee shall contact this office to obtain the necessary permission. SPECIAL PROVISIONS The following shall apply when indicated: ® R1 NOTIFICATION: Permittee shall be notified the City at (760) 777 - 7097 at least forty-eight hours (48) in advance of starting construction. ® R2 UTILITY CLEARANCE: (Substructures) Prior to making any excavations within the City of La Quinta right-of-way authorized by permit, the permittee shall contact all concerned utility companies relative to the location of existing substructures. Damage to existing substructures resulting from operations conducted under this permit shall be the sole responsibility of the permittee. ® R3 UTILITY CLEARANCE (Surface Structures) No work shall be done under this permit until all utilities are clear of the proposed work site. The permittee shall notify all concerned utility companies of the proposed work. ❑ R4 PAVEMENT WIDENING: Area between the proposed concrete gutter line and the existing road pavement shall be surfaced with ( ** N/A *' ) inches of A.C. paving placed on ( ** N/A *• ) 'inches of ( ** N/A ** ) aggregate sub -base course having an "R" value of not less than ( ** N/A **) and in conformance with the City of La Quinta Road Improvement Standards and Specifications, Ordinance #461. ❑ R5 PARKWAY GRADING: Area between the property line and top of the proposed concrete curb shall be graded to a slope of one-fourth inch (%") to one foot (1'). ❑ R6 GRADE CHECKING: City of La Quinta shall check grades upon receipt bf plan and profile and/or grades as established by a licensed engineer. ❑ R7 CURB REMOVAL FOR DRIVEWAYS: A portion of the existing concrete curb and/or curb and gutter ('* N/A.** ) feet shall be removed. Curb and/or curb and gutter shall be saw cut prior to removal. Depressed curb, matching concrete gutter and concrete driveway approach shall be constructed in conformance with City of La Quinta Standard #207. ❑ R8 DRIVEWAYS: A.C. driveways shall be constructed as not to alter existing drainage pattern. Surfacing between the property line and the existing road paving shall be two and a half inches (2 Y2") of A.C. paving on (*' N/A ") of class (" N/A " ) aggregate base. ® R9 SIGHT CLEARANCE: Sight Clearance of six -hundred feet (600') in all directions shall be assured and maintained at all times. ❑ R10 SOIL STERILIZER: The area to be surfaced shall be treated with soil strerilizer. Rate of application shall comply with the manufacturer's specifications. City of La Quinta .9 R11 COORDINATE WORK: The proposed work shall be subordinated to any operation, which the State of California or City of La Quinta may conduct in this area during the period of this permit. Work shall be coordinated with the State or City of La Quinta forces to preclude delay or interference with State or City of La Quinta projects. ® R12 SURVEY MONUMENTS: Prior to excavation or beginning of construction, all survey monuments which exist on the centerline of all streets or property lines when included shall be completely tied out so they may be readily and correctly, replaced by a licensed civil engineer or surveyor at the expense of the permittee. A complete set of notes showing the ties to these monuments shall be furnished to the City Engineer prior to the removal of any monuments. This office shall be notified upon completion or replacement of all survey monuments for proper clearance. ® R13 PAVEMENT CUTTING: Pavement will be mechanically saw cut to a straight edge prior to excavation. Method of pavement cutting shall be approved through the office of the City Engineer. (Under no circumstances shall excavating equipment be used to excavate prior to cutting or pavement.) Excavation. material shall be placed in such a position as to best facilitate the general flow traffic. Prior to final paving operations, any damage to pavement straight edges shall be corrected. ❑ R14 LIMIT OF EXCAVATIONS: Excavations shall be limited to one -thousand feet (1000') of open trench before backfill operations must begin. All excavations shall be properly barricaded with lights overnight, on weekends and holidays for the protection of the traveling public. The Public Works Inspector shall determine the suitability of excavation barricading in each case. No excavation shall remain open for a period exceeding five (5) days. No excavation shall be made unless the construction material is actually on the work site. ® R16 BACKFILL MATERIAL: Backfill shall be free of brush, roots or other organic substance detrimental to its use for purposes of producing and adequately consolidated backfill. Ant material which the City of La Quinta deems unsuitable (spongy or. saturated material) which is encountered during excavation shall not be used for backfill, but shall be supplemented or replaced by an approved sand or gravel. ❑ R16 BACKFILL SAND: Backfill shall be approved transit -mix sand or equivalent and shall be placed on lifts not greater than three feet (3') and vibrated using vibrostamper or equivalent equipment Alternate methods may be substituted, but in any case, a relative compaction of ninety-five percent (95%) shall be maintained with the structural section of the roadway. ❑ R17 BACKFILL PLACEMENT: Backfill shall be applied in layers of not more than fifty percent (50%) of the total depth of the trench before flooding or a maximum of five feet (6) lifts where trenches are of excessive depths. Care is to be exercised that the backfill material is not subjected to extreme swell by flooding operations. Backfill material shall be placed so that the resulting compaction shall not be less than ninety percent (90%) or equivalent to the surrounding ground, whichever is the greater compaction. Where ponding or flooding is used for a maximum settlement, adequate dikes will be constructed to retain the water. Where jetting is used, the jets shall be of sufficient length to reach the bottom of each layer and the water supply shall be continuos. ❑ R18 COMPACTION TESTS: If so required by the inspector, compaction test shall be made at intervals of not more than one - thousand (1000') feet and a maximum of one (1) test on each road. One (1) copy of each test shall be forwarded tot the City Engineer for approval and filed prior to making permanent repairs. Compaction tests shall be made as outlined in Section 6.3.01 of the Standard Specifications, Division of Highways, State of California, dated January 1973. ❑ R19 COMPACTION TESTS: If so required by the Inspector, compaction tests shall be made for each crossing or service line. One (1) copy of each test shall be forwarded to the City Engineer for approval and filed prior to making permanent repairs. Compaction tests shall be made as outlined in Sections 6.3.001 of the Standard Specifications, Division of.Highways, State of California, dated January 1973. ® R20 TEMPORARY PAVEMENT REPAIRS: After completion of backfill and compaction operations, a temporary patch consisting of two inches (2") of SC -800 shall be placed on a prepared sub -grade. The SC -800 temporary paving shall be placed after a maximum of three -thousand linear feet (3000') or. trench has been excavated and backfill operations completed, but in no case shall the placement of the temporary pavement exceed a five (5) day limit. ® R21 PERMANENT PAVEMENT REPAIR: After backfill and compaction have been completed, a temporary patch consisting of three inches (3") of SC -800 shall be placed immediately. A permanent patch of Asphalt Concrete surfacing per City of La Quinta Standard 600 shall be placed no later than ( 5 ) days after completion of temporary road repair. ❑ R22 FOG SEAL: A fog seal coat consisting of an application of asphaltic emulsion shall be applied over all patch areas as determined by the City Engineer. ® R23 STREET RESTRIPING: Where street striping is still visible on street to be excavated, such striping shall be replaced upon completion of permanent repairs. ❑ R24 TREE RELOCATION OR REMOVAL: Tree relocation within the City of La Quinta road right-of-way shall be accomplished by a licensed, bonded and insured tree service, and handled safely without interference or hazard to the traveling public. It shall be the responsibility of the permitte to maintain the tree in a vigorous growing condition at its new location. Trees to be removed shall be in sections, which can be handled safely without interference or hazard to highway traffic. The entire width of the tree stump, shall be removed and disposed of so that no debris remains in view of the highway. The stump hole shall be backfilled and thoroughly compacted as specified in the following paragraph. Where it becomes necessary to restrict traffic, the work shall be restricted to a maximum of five -hundred feet (500') at any one time. Adequate signs, flagmen and or barricades shall be provided to protect the traveling public at all times. Large holes resulting from tree removal shall be backfilled and compacted to not less than ninety percent (90%) or equivalent tot the surrounding ground, whichever is the greater compaction as determined by the impact or field method. Compaction tests shall comply with Section 6.3.01 of the Standard Specifications, Division of Highways, State of California, dated January 1973. L ti To Drawing 2 of 2 Legend ❑ MH 296 Blue Indicates Sidewalk Locatedin curb face ❑ MH 296 Red Indicates Street / SIH 284a T CROWN + La Quinta 1100 Dexter Ave Drawing 1 of 2 Seattle, WA, 98109 206-632-0931 Verizon records indicate that no structure exists between these manholes �650' 0 630' 0 653' 0 760' 0 786' u o ch to LA N CO CO Q N _ In = 2 = 2 a C Avenue 50 ` 0 470' o 769' o 589' 0 5 rn c 0 570' 0 333' 0 230' o <T J 0220' � p IS DMH 51 \ 3: mC14 _ L D MH 188 = _ E May be under asphalt = 2 N O 275' from concrete wash 0 to rn CO m MH 50 CO (V C Via Maravilla D MH 487 N N CO ige Shopping Cntr. La Quinta LO MH 26 in ACROWN U') MH 25 1100 Dexter Ave v Seattle, WA, 98109 N Calle Tampico. MH 24 M D MH 176 Avenida La Fonda ;„ Verizon records indicate that no structure exists between these manholes D MH 177 CD `� o � N v 2 = D MH 121 Nuestra Avenue 52 Avenue 50 2 0 470' o 769' o 589' 0 5 4' 0 570' 0 333' 0 230' o <T J 0220' � p f4 6 p M N 3: mC14 _ L D MH 188 = _ E COO = 2 N O a 0 to m c CO Via Maravilla D MH 487 N CO La Quinta LO Pomelo St. DMH 488 Verizon records indicate that no structure exists between these manholes D MH 177 o v D MH 121 Nuestra Avenue 52 v 656' 0 656' D MH 134 0220' 6 p M rn D MH 188 :;: COO 0 c CO NAvenue 52 MH 127 La Quinta Drawing 2 of 2 To Drawing 1 of 2 ACROWN 1100 Dexter Ave Seattle, WA, 98109 206-632-0931 T4tt 4 4a Qu&& ENCROACHMENT PERMIT OF TPUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION See below for Finance Revenue Codes For the construction of public or private curbs, driveways, pavements, sidewalks, parking lots, sewers, water mains and other like public works improvements in connection with MINOR IMPROVEMENTS and APPROVED SUBDIVISIONS. FILE COPY Subdivision Improvement Permit - Class III Minor Improvement Permit - Class IV DATE: 10/27/2011 LOCATION OF CONSTRUCTION: Various Locations on Avenue 50, Avenue 54, Jefferson St, Wash PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTION: Manhole Exploration for Verizon DESCRIPTION OF CONSTRUCTION: N/A DIMENSION OF INSTALLATION OR REMOVAL: See Attached Exhibits APPROXIMATE TIME WHERWORK WILL BEGIN: 11/14/2011 TIME OF CITY ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST: $5,000 (Including removal of all obstruction, materials, and debris, backfilling, compaction permanent resurfacing and/or replacing improvements) COMMENTS In consideration of the granting of this permit, the.applicant hereby agrees to: Indemnify, defend and save the City, its authorized agents, officers, representatives and employees, harmless from and against any and all penalties, liabilities or loss resulting.from claims or court action and arising out of any accident, loss or damage to persons or property happening or occuring as a proximate result of any work undertaken under the permit granted pursuant to this application. Notify the Administrative Authority at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the time when work will be started at (760) 777- 7097. To submit an inspection request, leave a message on the Inspection Request Hotline at (760) 777-7097 prior to 1:30 P.M. at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the anticipated inspection. _.31'x• Comply with' all applicable City Ordinances, the terms and conditions of the permit and allules and regulations of the City of La Quinta and to pay for any additional replacement necessary as the resul s work. HHS Construction - Darin Johnson Name of Applicant , HHS Construction Name of Contractor and Job Foreman Signature of 2042 S. Grove Ave, Ontario, CA 91761 Business Address 2042 S. Grove Ave, Ontario, CA 91761 Business Address 909-393-3322 Telephone No. 818906 109224 Contractor's License Number City Business License No Ironshore Specialty Ins. Co. AGS0009400 Applicant's Insurance Company Policy Number FEES . Subdivision Improvement Permit - Class I Minor Improvement Permit - Class I Finance Revenue Code Inspection Fee EE=1 $0.00 Permit Fee E_1 $100.00 As -Built Deposit E-A $0.00 Cash Deposit -Surety Bond, EE=B $0.00 if required TOTAL $100.00 Public Improvements: 3% of estimated construction costs Private Improvements: 3% of estimated construction costs PERMIT NUMBER: 11088 DATE ISSUED: b/y-// EXPI ATE: i/• Zf• Z BY: WORK INSPE D BY": PERMIT COMPLETION DATE`: ' If the work is covered by a Subdivision Improvement Agreement, Subdivider shall request final acceptance of improvements from the City Council. 1_.:.. ... Li ,.4 j 1_.:.. ... Li Date: T4hf 4 4 a" PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT APPLICATION FOR PERMIT Tract No: Project Name: Vicinity: N-4 f,� N UG S a . OAJ e V u E 5t -i , p OZ) 00, W Purpose of Construction (i.e.: Rough Grading, Offsite Street, etc.) M",CJ o E 'ex ?L-0 2 kT160 Description of Construction (i.e.: See Plan Set No. 01234) N� Dimension of Installation or Removal: S IF pr -'T pte, kt;E � Approximate Construction Start Date: l l/ 19 111 Approximate Construction CompletionD tae j Estimated Construction Cost: $ Sp o o Estimated Construction Cost shall include the removal of all obstructions, materials, and debris, back -filling, compaction and placing permanent resurfacing and or replacing improvements Contact Name: QPc42_� t l ZVk-CJS vtJ Phone Number: Name of Applicant/Owner: Applicant Address: S N -r- IF, Pl::� C3 -Fl L-c.,\J Applicant Telephone Number: Applicant E-mail Address: Name of Contractor: _A1VV5 cotJ Srt-fL� CTtotJ Contractor Address: Contractor Telephone Number:. y o a - 3-L 3 Contractor State License Number: 9; q o Lo Contractor City Business License Number: Contractor E-mail Address: (P \A y- S c6 - tJc-,n .S. N C -e - IL E ' ►A COPY OF THE CURRENT INSURANCE CERTIFICATE MUST BE PROVIDED t Applicant or Contractor General Liability Insurance Compan,yy �ohskora- SDeGia 'a- �5. ( ; Applicant or Contractor Office Use Only: Inspection Fee: Permit Fee: POO As-Built Dust Control Deposit: Credit Amount: M TOTAL FEE DUE: 5 (00 ons/Applicat Policy Number: Office Use Only: Assigned Permit Number: Approval Date: D o Expiration Issue Date: Administrative Authority: P.O. Boa 1504 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92247-1504 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 November 15, 2011 Darin Johnson HHS Construction, Inc. 2042 S. Grove Avenue Ontario, CA 91761 Dear Mr. Johnson. (760) 777-7000 FAX (760) 777-7101 I have received your letter on November 10, 2011 requesting permission to work outside. of the con.struction hours established by La Quinta Municipal Code Section 6.08.050, at various locations along Avenue 50, Avenue 54, Jefferson Street, Washington Street, and Avenue 52. Exception 2 of the above-mentioned code section allows the issuance of an early work permit under certain specific conditions. It .is our determination that a sufficient need exists due to the need to perform the manhole explorations with minimal traffic congestion. Therefore, an early work permit is hereby granted under the "long process material" provision of the .exception, subject to the following. conditions: 1. This permit is only valid for work performed for Permit 11088 from November 21, 2011 to November 23, 2011. 2. Early work hours shall start from 9:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. on November 21, 2011 to November 22, 2011 and from 9:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m. on,November 23, 2011. 3. All lanes shall be opened no later than 6:00 a.m. on November 21, 2011 and on November 22, 2011. All lanes shall be opened no later than 12:00 a.m. on November 23, 2011. Page I of 2 q 0 3. The work' allowed under this early work permit is limited to the manhole explorations at the locations along Avenue 50, Avenue 54, Jefferson Street, Washington Street, and Avenue 52 (See Attachment 1 for.locations). 4. This permit shall be revoked upon receipt by the Public Works Department of any citizen complaint of construction noise occurring during the extended hours granted by this early work permit, or upon violation of any condition of this early work permit. All work not specifically included in the terms of this early work permit shall be performed only during Code -established construction hours or by a separately issued early work permit. Sincerely, Thomas P. Genovese City Manager Attachment: 1. Manhole Locations Exhibit Cc: Timothy R. Jonasson, Public Works Director/City Engineer Greg Butler, Building & Safety Director Bryan McKinney, Principal Engineer La Quinta Police Department Fire Department Page 2 of 2 C®I\IST�UCTI®Ns INC Timothy Jonasson, My name is Darin Johnson with HHS Construction. We are pulling an encroachment permit to do manhole exploration in the city of La Quinta. The project involves setting up traffic control, opening the manhole, taking notes and photos of what's inside; and then moving to the next location. Overall it should only take 2 or 3 days. In order to minimize traffic congestion, we are requesting to work this project at night. One of your engineers informed me that the hours would be between 9:30pm and 6:00am. We would like to begin Monday, 11-21-11. If you have any questions or concerns feel free to contact me at 909-772-5035. Thank you. Sincerely, Darin Johnson Project Manager 2042 S. Grove Avenue, Ontario, Ca. 91761 Office: (909) 393-3322 Fax: (909) 393-3391 cei., 4 4Qu;Krw MEMORANDUM TO: Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager FROM: Bryan McKinney, Engineering Services Principal Engineer VIA: Almothy R. Jonasson, Public Works Director/City Engineer RE: Request from HHS Construction to Work Outside of the Code - established Construction Hours at Various Locations along Avenue 50, Avenue 54, Jefferson Street, Washington Street, and Avenue 52 DATE: November 15, 2011 Attached for your signature is a letter authorizing HHS to work outside of the construction hours from 9:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. on November 21, 2011 to November 22, 2011 and from 9:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m. on November 23, 2011 to enter manholes to perform manhole explorations. The work will be along Avenue 50, Avenue 54, Jefferson Street, Washington Street, and Avenue 52. It is necessary to perform the work at night to minimize traffic congestion. If this request is approved, please sign the attached approval letter and return to Public Works for final distribution. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or require further clarification. City of La Quinta The following General and Special Provisions are attached to and made a part of Permit Number 11088 The following shall always appiy: ENCROACHMENT ON PRIVATE PROPERTY: This permit authorizes work to be accomplished within the City of La Quinta's right of way ONLY. Whenever construction extends within private property, it is the responsibility of the permittee for his contractors to secure permission from abutting property owners. Such authorization must be secured by the permittee prior to starting work. TRACK -LAYING CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT: Cleated track -laying construction equipment shall not be permitted to operate on any paved surface unless fitted with smoother -faced street pads. All mechanical outriggers shall be fitted with rubber street shoes to protect the paving during excavations. Rubber -tired equipment only shall be used in backfill operation in paved areas. If the existing pavement is scarred, spalled, or broken during the term of this contract or if the pavement is marred, City of La Quinta. shall request that these portions of road be resurfaced over their entire width. Resurfacing shall consist of one coat of two inches (7) of A.C. surfacing plus appropriate seal coat as specified above. PROTECTION OF TRAFFIC: All excavations and work areas shall be properly lighted and barricaded as deemed necessary by the City Engineer or City of La Quinta Public Works Inspectors. Suitable detours and detour signs shall be placed and maintained for the duration of the project. The City shall be notified twenty-four hours (24) in advance of any traffic detours or delineation. CARE OF DRAINAGE STRUCTURES: Any drainage structure to include corrugated metal pipe, concrete pipe, steel culvert and concrete structures encountered during excavation which necessitate removal shall be replaced in kind. In the event it becomes necessary to remove or cut existing drainage structures, City of La Quinta shall be notified prior to commencement of this work. Drainage structures and open drains shall be kept free of debris at all times for proper drainage. RIGHT-OF-WAY CLEANUP: Any surplus material resulting from excavation and backfill operations shall be removed from the right of way. All paved surfaces shall be broomed clean of earth and other objectionable materials immediately after backfill and compaction. Existing gutter line and drainage ditches shall be replaced to their original standard or better. All excess material shall be removed prior to paving. Water tanker shall be used, as required, to sprinkle the job site to keep down dust conditions and shall be used immediately after backfill. DE -WATER OPERTATIONS: If de -watering operations are required and pumps are forcing water on City of La Quinta roads, it shall be the responsibility of the permittee (contractor) to control this water and to provide off-street barricades when necessary. CLOSING STREETS: No street shall be closed. A minimum of one lane of traffic shall be maintained' at all times to provide limited access for the adjoining property owners and emergency vehicles. In the event it is felt by the permittee that he must close a street for any length of time, permittee shall contact this office to obtain the necessary permission. SPECIAL PROVISIONS The following shall apply when indicated: ® R1 NOTIFICATION: Permittee shall be notified the City at (760) 777 - 7097 at least forty-eight hours (48) in advance of starting construction. ® R2 UTILITY CLEARANCE: (Substructures) Prior to making any excavations within the City of La Quinta right-of-way authorized by permit, the permittee shall contact all concerned utility companies relative to the location of existing substructures. Damage to existing substructures resulting from operations conducted under this permit shall be the sole responsibility of the permittee. ® R3 UTILITY CLEARANCE (Surface Structures) No work shall be done under this permit until all utilities are clear of the proposed work site. The permittee shall notify all concerned utility companies of the proposed work. ❑ R4 PAVEMENT WIDENING: Area between the proposed concrete gutter line and the existing road pavement shall be surfaced with ( ** N/A ** ) inches of A.C. paving placed on ( ** N/A ** ) inches of ( ** N/A ** ) aggregate sub -base course having an "R" value of not less than ( ** N/A **) and in conformance with the City of La Quinta Road Improvement Standards and Specifications, Ordinance #461. ❑ R5 PARKWAY GRADING: Area between the property line and top of the proposed concrete curb shall be graded to a slope of one-fourth inch (%") to one foot (1'). ❑ R6 GRADE CHECKING: City of La Quinta shall check grades upon receipt of plan and profile and/or grades as established by a licensed engineer. ❑ R7 CURB REMOVAL FOR DRIVEWAYS: A portion of the existing concrete curb and/or curb and gutter ("* N/A ") feet shall be removed. Curb and/or curb and gutter shall be saw cut prior to removal. Depressed curb, matching concrete gutter and concrete driveway approach shall be constructed in conformance with City of La Quinta Standard #207. ❑ R8 DRIVEWAYS: A.C. driveways shall be constructed as not to alter existing drainage pattern. Surfacing between the property line and the existing road paving shall be two and a half inches (2 %) of A.C. paving on (** N/A **) of class (** N/A *` ) aggregate base. ® R9 SIGHT CLEARANCE: Sight Clearance of six -hundred feet (600') in all directions shall be assured and maintained at all times. ❑ R10 SOIL STERILIZER: The area to be surfaced shall be treated with soil strerilizer. Rate of application shall comply with the manufacturer's specifications. City of La Quinta ® R11 COORDINATE WORK: The proposed work shall be subordinated to any operation, which the State of California or City of La Quinta may conduct in this area during the period of this permit. Work shall be coordinated with the State or City of La Quinta forces to preclude delay or interference with State or City of La Quinta projects. ® R12 SURVEY MONUMENTS: Prior to excavation or beginning of construction, all survey monuments which exist on the centerline of all streets or property lines when included shall be completely tied out so they may be readily and correctly, replaced by a licensed civil engineer or surveyor at the expense of the permittee. A complete set of notes showing the ties to these monuments shall be furnished to the City Engineer prior to the removal of any monuments. This office shall be notified upon completion or replacement of all survey monuments for proper clearance. ® R13 PAVEMENT CUTTING: Pavement will be mechanically saw cut to a straight edge prior to excavation. Method of pavement cutting shall be approved through the office of the City Engineer. (Under no circumstances shall excavating equipment be used to excavate prior to cutting or pavement.) Excavation material shall be placed in such a position as to best facilitate the general flow traffic. Prior to final paving operations, any damage to pavement straight edges shall be corrected. ❑ R14 LIMIT OF EXCAVATIONS: Excavations shall be limited to one -thousand feet (1000') of open trench before backfill operations must begin. All excavations shall be properly barricaded with lights overnight, on weekends and holidays for the protection of the traveling public. The Public Works Inspector shall determine the suitability of excavation barricading in each case. No excavation shall remain open for a period exceeding five (5) days. No excavation shall be made unless the construction material is actually on the work site. ® R15 BACKFILL MATERIAL: Backfill shall be free of brush, roots or other organic substance detrimental to its use for purposes of producing and adequately consolidated backfill. Ant material which the City of La Quinta deems unsuitable (spongy or saturated material) which is encountered during excavation shall not be used for backfill, but shall be supplemented or. replaced by an approved sand or gravel. ❑ R16 BACKFILL SAND: Backfill shall be approved transit -mix sand or equivalent and shall be placed on lifts not greater than three feet (3') and vibrated using vibrostamper or equivalent equipment. Alternate methods may be substituted, but in any case, a relative compaction of ninety-five percent (95%) shall be maintained with the structural section of the roadway. ❑ R17 BACKFILL PLACEMENT: Backfill shall be applied in layers of not more than fifty percent (50%) of the total depth of the trench before flooding or a maximum of five feet (5') lifts where trenches are of excessive depths. Care is to be exercised that the backfill material is not subjected to extreme swell by flooding operations. Backfill material shall be placed so that the resulting compaction shall not be less than ninety percent (90%) or equivalent to the surrounding ground, whichever is the greater compaction. Where ponding or flooding is used for a maximum settlement, adequate dikes will be constructed to retain the water. Where jetting is used, the jets shall be of sufficient length to reach the bottom of each layer and the water supply shall be continuos. ❑ R18 COMPACTION TESTS: If so required by the inspector, compaction test shall be made at intervals of not more than one - thousand (1000') feet and a maximum of one (1) test on each road. One (1) copy of each test shall be forwarded tot the City Engineer for approval and filed prior to making permanent repairs. Compaction tests shall be made as outlined in Section 6.3.01 of the Standard Specifications, Division of Highways, State of California, dated January 1973. ❑ R19 COMPACTION TESTS: If so required by the Inspector, compaction tests shall be made for each crossing or service line. One (1) copy of each test shall be forwarded to the City Engineer for approval and filed prior to making permanent repairs. Compaction tests shall be made as outlined in Sections 6.3.001 of the Standard Specifications, Division of Highways, State of California, dated January 1973. ® R20 TEMPORARY PAVEMENT REPAIRS: After completion of backfill and compaction operations, a temporary patch consisting of two inches (2") of SC -800 shall be placed on a prepared sub -grade. The SC -800 temporary paving shall be placed after a maximum of three -thousand linear feet (3000') or trench has been excavated and backfill operations completed, but in no case shall the placement of the temporary pavement exceed a five (5) day limit. ® R21 PERMANENT PAVEMENT REPAIR: After backfill and compaction have been completed, a temporary patch consisting of three inches (3") of SC -800 shall be placed immediately. A permanent patch of Asphalt Concrete surfacing per City of La Quinta Standard 600 shall be placed no later than ( 5 ) days after completion of temporary road repair. ❑ R22 FOG SEAL: A fog seal coat consisting of an application of asphaltic emulsion shall be applied over all patch areas as determined by the City Engineer. ® R23 STREET RESTRIPING: Where street striping is still visible on street to be excavated, such striping shall be replaced upon completion of permanent repairs. ❑ R24 TREE RELOCATION OR REMOVAL: Tree relocation within the City of La Quinta road right-of-way shall be accomplished by a licensed, bonded and insured tree service, and handled safely without interference or hazard to the traveling public. It shall be the responsibility of the permitte to maintain the tree in a vigorous growing condition at its new location. Trees to be removed shall be in sections, which can be handled safely without interference or hazard to highway traffic. The entire width of the tree stump, shall be removed and disposed of so that no debris remains in view of the highway. The stump hole shall be backfilled and thoroughly compacted as specified in the following paragraph. Where it becomes necessary to restrict traffic, the work shall be restricted to a maximum of five -hundred feet (500') at any one time. Adequate signs, flagmen and or barricades shall be provided to protect the traveling public at all times. Large holes resulting from tree removal shall be backfilled and compacted to not less than ninety percent (90%) or equivalent tot the surrounding ground, whichever is the greater compaction as determined by the impact or field method. Compaction tests shall comply with Section 6.3.01 of the Standard Specifications, Division of Highways, State of California, dated January 1973. S +1 PERMIT NO. 11088 Manhole Exploration / Various Locations on Avenue 50, 52, 54, Jefferson St, and Washington St In addition to the standard permit conditions, the following shall apply: 1. Pursuant to Section 14.16.320 of the La Quinta Municipal Code (Ordinance 10 § 1 (part), 1982), all work shall be performed.in accordance with the latest edition of the Standard Specifications For Public Works Construction (SSPWC) and as directed by and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. 2. Prior to commencing the excavation of a trench 5 feet in depth or greater and into which a person will be required to descend, the Contractor shall first obtain a.permit to do so from the Division of Industrial Safety pursuant to 7-10.4.1. 3. The permittee may only work at night if approved by the City Manager. If approved by the city manager, night work may be halted if the city receives complaints about the night work. 4. "The permittee shall not construct an improvement that reduces vehicular sight distances. If such improvement is found to reduce the vehicular sight distance, then the permittee shall relocate the improvement prior to sign off of their encroachment permit." 5.. The permittee shall not install improvements with the intention of providing video transmission services unless the permittee obtains a valid Franchise Agreement. 6.. The permittee shall remove any underground utility markings that are no longer being used for this project. The permittee shall remove markings on paved areas using high pressure wash or a method equivalent and at the discretion of the City Engineer. 7. Any asphaltic or concrete repairs shall closely match the existing paved areas in color at the discretion of the City Engineer. A finish product with a checkerboard appearance will not be accepted. 8. The permittee shall maintain the existing pedestrian path of travel and must maintain ADA compliant pathways leading to areas for use of public transportation systems. 9. No stockpiling of any materials will be allowed within the City R/W without an approved permit explicitly stating the use for stockpiling and/or storage. 10. This permit or copy of it shall be on the work site (usually the job trailer) for inspection during the actual work performed. 11. HHS Construction (Darin Johnson), hereinafter referred to as "Permittee", shall be responsible for providing continuous dust and erosion control. 12. Streets shall be kept clean. They shall be completely cleaned at the end of each working day and more frequently, if required. 13. The permittee shall submit inspection requests by calling the City Inspection Hotline at (760) 777-7097 before 1:30 p.m. and at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the anticipated inspection. Special Conditions Page l of 5 PERMIT NO. 11088 Manhole Exploration / Various Locations on Avenue 50, 52, 54, Jefferson St, and Washington St 14. The permittee is required to provide a changeable message board informing the commuters using the affected Major and Primary Arterial roads of major construction and possible traffic delays, time of construction, and if possible alternate routes. The message board shall be.provided for the commuters 48 hours prior to the start of traffic delays. 15. Pursuant to Section 6.08.050 of the La Quinta Municipal Code (Ordinance 18 § 1, 1982), throughout the work site, the Permittee shall comply with City regulated work hours. Operation and maintenance of equipment within one-half mile of human occupancy shall be performed only during the following time periods: October 1 st to April 30 May 1 st to September 30: Monday -Friday- 7:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Saturday Monday -Friday Saturday . 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 6:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Work shall be prohibited on legal holidays and Sundays. Note: Construction work (including setting up traffic control devices) is not permitted on any Arterial street (ie any 4 lane street) before 8:00 a.m. 16. Work within 500 feet of a signalized intersection shall be performed between the hours of 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Traffic control shall be set up after 9 a.m. and removed before 3 p.m. The Permittee shall contact the City Traffic Signal Maintenance Technician at (760) 250-0571 if signal operation at the intersection is to be altered in any way. 17. Pursuant to Section of the La Quinta Municipal Code (Ordinance 10 § 1 (part), 1982), Permittee shall assume responsibility for repair of any pavement damage to any public or private street and for any damage to other City streets or facilities as a result of work performed under this permit. 18. This permit is not valid until the permittee submits, to the Public Works Department 2 weeks prior to start of construction, a letter from any owners of the driveways/access ways that will be closed down due to the construction. The letter must be approved by the city and at minimum state from the owner the following: A. Approval of the construction B. Plan identification C. Time Frame of Closure D. Alternative Routes 19. The permittee shall place temporary no parking signs along the parking area affected by the construction. The signs shall be placed along the area 48hrs prior to the start of closing the area, and removed immediately after the construction completion date. special Conditions Page 2 of 5 PERMIT NO. 11088 Manhole Exploration / Various Locations on Avenue 50, 52, 54, Jefferson St, and Washington St 20. Prior to excavating, if required, the Permittee shall contact Underground Service Alert at 1-800-422- 4133. It shall be the Permittee's responsibility to notify the Public Works Department of anticipated excavation which impact City facilities, including but not limited to traffic signal conduits and loops, irrigation lines, electrical conduits, and storm drain facilities. 21. Pursuant to Section 14.16.250 of the La Quinta Municipal Code (Ordinance 10 § 1 (part), 1982), at residential streets, advance warning signs and traffic control shall be installed and maintained in accordance the latest version of the California Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). On Collector to Major Arterial Streets, the permittee must submit a traffic control plan which shall be prepared under the guidance of the latest version of the California Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). It shall be the Permittee's responsibility to appropriately detour and barricade all construction sites. Pursuant to Section 14.16.290 of the La Quinta Municipal Code (Ordinance 10 § 1 (part), 1982), street closures shall not be permitted. A minimum of two (2) travel lanes of paved surface shall be maintained at all times. 22. Should additional work, materials, or modifications of the work be required in order to meet City standards, safety requirements, signage requirements, or to fit actual field conditions, the work shall, be performed by the Permittee as directed by and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer at no cost to the City of La Quinta. 23. The City of La Quinta reserves the right to require modifications of the work be made at permittee's sole cost for proper sight distance requirements per guidelines in the AASHTO " A Policy on Geometric. Design of Highways and Streets, 5th Edition or latest, in the installation of all appurtenances abutting and within the public street right-of-way. 24. The permittee shall be responsible for calling the city inspector to arrange the city inspector to observe random trench compaction testing performed by a city approved material testing firm. If the inspector's phone number is unknown, the permittee shall call the Public Works front counter phone at 777-7075 or the Assistant Engineer II at 777-7047 to determine the city inspector's phone number. The inspector shall determine the number and location of the test locations. The above testing does not relieve the permittee's responsibility for future repairs due to settlement at and near the locations of the work area. Materials testing must be performed under direct supervision of a California Registered Civil Engineer. 25. The issuance of this permit and the City approval of the related construction improvement plans do not provide a vested entitlement for all design parameters that may have been utilized for the plans. As such, plans approved for this permit may. be "at risk" for further modifications as it relates to any follow up improvement plan requirements as required by the city or existing errors & omissions by the architect or engineer of record. Special Conditions Page 3 of 5 PERMIT NO. 11088 Manhole Exploration / Various Locations on Avenue 50, 52, 54, Jefferson St, and Washington St 26. This permit is not valid until the permittee submits, to the Public Works Department 2 weeks prior to start of construction, the name of the City approved contractor, who shall submit to the City the following items: a. General Liability Insurance Company and Policy Number b. City Business License c. Contractors State License Number . 27. The Applicant or Contractor shall furnish the City satisfactory evidence of insurance in the amounts provided in the Engineering Bulletin for Indemnification & Insurance Requirements. This insurance shall be kept in full force and effect at all times by Applicant or Contractor during the prosecution of the permitted work and updated Certificate of Liability Insurance shall be submitted to the City. Each policy shall name the City as an additional insured. 28. The permittee shall not encroach upon private property without prior written approval (submit to the Public Works Department, attention to the Assistant Engineer II) of the private land owner whom is being encroached upon. 29. The permittee shall haul all offsite debris -to a certified landfill. Prior to hauling debris, the permittee shall inform the City (Inspection staff or 777-7047) of the name and location of the certified dump site. 30. If public traffic lanes are required to be closed, this permit is not valid until the permittee submits, to the Public Works Department, a traffic control plan for review and approval prior to start of construction or parking on the paved R/W. 31. The permittee is required to provide an informative message board (approved by the City Engineer) informing the commuters using the affected Primary Arterial roads or heavier traffic of possible traffic delays, time of construction, and if possible alternate routes. The message board shall be provided for the commuters 48 hours prior to the start of traffic delays. 32. Backfill compaction within street rights-of-way shall conform to Section 306-1.3 of the latest edition of the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction (SSPWC), except as otherwise specified herein. Native material may be used as backfill material provided that minimum compaction, achieved in the manner prescribed herein, is achieved. Backfill shall be performed by mechanical means; no water densified compaction via jetting or flooding or other means shall be allowed. It shall be the Permittee's responsibility to provide appropriate geotechnical supervision, testing, and inspection, onsite, at all times during backfill operations. All costs incurred due to the conditions above shall be borne by the Permittee. Copies of all test results shall be furnished to the City Inspector. Special Conditions Page 4 of 5 PERMIT NO. 11088 Manhole Exploration / Various Locations on Avenue 50, 52, 54, Jefferson St, and Washington St 33. All excavations within City of La Quinta right-of-way shall be backfilled, and temporarily paved if within the existing travel way, at the end of every workday as directed by and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer for the protection of the public. Lengths of open trench shall not greatly exceed that which can not be backfilled in the same day. Excavated trenches shall not be allowed open overnight, however, Permittee may leave a length of excavated trench, not to exceed twenty (20) feet in length, open overnight at a point where construction will begin the next•day, provided that this length of trench is completely covered by'steel plating. 34. All landscaping, irrigation, decorative rock, decorative concrete, lighting, etc., shall be replaced to its original condition. 35. Access and egress to all local properties shall be maintained at all times. 36. Permittee shall permanently stabilize any and all soil that was disturbed as a result of work performed under this permit with an approved dust control treatment. Soil stabilization shall be done immediately after completing the operation. 37. Pursuant to Chapter 12.56 of the La Quinta Municipal Code (Ordinance 10 § 1 (part), 1982) the City has designated certain city streets as Truck Routes. The weight limit for restricted streets (i.e., streets not part of the Truck Route network) is three (3)•tons; trucks exceeding the weight limit may use a restricted street if making a delivery or pickup on the subject street, or if this permit specifically grants permission to use the street to deliver street construction materials and/or equipment. 38. The City of La Quinta reserves the right to revoke, suspend or void this permit at any time. 39. The permittee shall indemnify, hold harmless and assume the defense of the City from all damages, delay costs, costs or expenses in law or equity that may arise out of work under this permit. 40. If it is the intent of the permittee to cut the pavement and have it restored by a third party, the permittee shall postpone cutting the pavement until the intended third party has acquired a permit from the City to perform the required restoration work. Special Conditions Page 5 of 5 LEGEND TYPE III BARRICADE W/$ICN R10-1 TYPE II BARRICADE W/0 SIGN ;CENTER] NO. OF LANES • CHANNEUZINC DEWCE T T TRAFFIC CONE WITH CUP ON SIGN �� RICM ; a LEFT IANE RICHT LA OS SIGNAUZED INTERSECTION SED MUST ARROW PANEL (FLASHING ARROW) (WHERE REQUIRED) AHEAD TURN RI. RICH LEVEL. WARNING DENCE FLAGTREE) (OPTIONAL) C20(CA) R3 -7(R INTERCHANGEABLE WITH W20-5 PW FLAGGER TANS TOW AWAY NO STOPPING - TO -_ (SHOW HOURS) TANSAT TOW AWAY NO STOPPING AN TIME ® WORK ZONE (ACTIVITY AREA) IMITS -� DIRECTION OF TRAFFIC (NOT P VEMENT MARKING) ROADNWORK ROAD WORK OROADWAY DESIGNATION (A THR GH D) AHEAC G20-2 W2 -1 V �s �.►�� gi ov.dw , l 1��N tahc irV W e`cCL I =o C.30(CA) wM.IF ROR�. nR . 0 AR RON VpRI R wlFs or F[�roawr RO o.R.Wc :oxc WORKSITE TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN WORK BEYOND INTERSECTION RIGHT LANE F "' 23 CYO �c%c Q i r OR E.P. MEDIAN OR DIVIDING LINE — — — — — — -- — — C12(CA) WS -1 CURB OR E.P. G20-2 SEE TABLE "A' I SEE SEE TABLE "A' SEE TABLE '8' TABLE 'D' INSTAI I c uo 5IGNS 48 HRS PRIOR TO COMMENCING WORK (IF REOUIRED) LEGEND 1=1 TYPE III BARRICADE W/SIGN )--( TYPE a BARRICADE W/O SIGN • CHANNELIZING DEVICE T TRAFFIC CONE WITH CLIP ON SIGN T SIGN OSIGNALIZED INTERSECTION Ep ARROW PANEL (FLASHING ARROW) (WHERE REQUIRED) y RICH LEVEL WARNING DEVICE (FLAGTREE) (OPTIONAL) P FLAGGER TANS TOW AWAY NO STOPPING __ TO __ (SHOW HOURS) TANSAT TOW AWAY NO STOPPING ANY TIME ® WORK ZONE (ACTIVITY AREA) LIMITS DIRECTION OF TRAFFIC (NOT PAVEMENT MARKING) OROADWAY DESIGNATION (A TIIROUCM 0) ROAD ROAD LANE , WORK NARROWS AHEAD CLOSED W20-1 WS—, C30(CA) l/vor 6t P"^ --6R� END ROAD WORK G20-2 LANE C12(CA) x c. -i! It, J N1ZC arts a rtNvmARY •o GARiONG xac WORKSITE TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN EDGE OF GUTTER CLOSURE ovx xu.x NPt�rt NORM •IM •'N' NPR 4O W •IdOW PPNI Pw�b. 18 TYPICAL LANE CLOSURE t0 . D Aavones_Ornlnpai�na, Set Tablr Ste Worts t G Z o ♦ o e o e o i • o e o 500'500' to 0 750_1" 500• ro 750" 502"0 150' / r - a o �RORK AREA�II o o ^�•- I Min t � SAt Ott T QO .El a A C20 (CA) (RI) C20 MAI IRI) Ir4"2R See Note 4 ole 10 N ' o k1x Ile 1e(. lc v If UJCA r r,Y a t J« TABLE T Approach S MlnfmJm KA MOx apocIng Speed L al n vlong ido4r NOTES: LECENO 64"1 to t2'' Traffic Cana } Iw Set NoTe 0. 1. xhorti ppprooul speedo we lav, aovanco •ornin0 aipns aqy oeplated 300'a 6. Portoolo wlinootor3, plw d of One"holf Ina spacing at. n YfDpOCinq end Placed closer an OrGOt, indicated tar fr'att is cents, mOY oa used instead of a>m conte fOr.00ytlme closures. only, ' 2. Edon advanceernin sign snau qu Oe alppto M;IP 0t'1003t tvo flags For aayrime 7. Floshinq arrow elfin -Snail oe, either Type Ior-. Type .9. Closure. Each flog elan De ar ,scar 76- x )6in Mie and anon DO Oronpe of fluOfencMt red-Oronga 'In color. e. The mOXif:O.o apOcinp Oet.aen COnea. along o Tcnpent FloShlnp beocOnf Slwll D0 ocCed of 7ne locptlont shall be 50'Ond aloUp o Taper snail be opproximo<oly OS Stlatn in Toole 1. lnd;GOtta f0f' 10.ne CIOJVfe during hOUfs.of oOrkneis. 3. A CIA (CA) "END ROAD WORK" sl 0a lof0. One q. For approach Speeds over 50 mph, vie telt "7rOff!C COntroi SYStem far Closure #halqtr CjO vnle beplacedenc f *no •np of .fns Ione uosUre unless flit end of wk area r3 ObviOua, ar MO] Lane an Free""And.ExpresswOys" olen for lone orosvre rrthtn o larger �proJea's-nlgits, ' Octal IS Ona reouiromentf. 4. If. the T20-1 sign xauto fill to. within 2000' of O 3tati0nor y TRO, ^.ROAD YORK NEXT 10. when 4Pvcifitd in -the. Spacial provisions, o R4-2 IAM ENDS" SYmDoI sign ie 70 tx vaso in a C20 (CA) MILES",. Use d C20 (CAI sign for t/Ic first plat of IPA C20 ICA) 'RIGHT LANE CLOSED ANEW sign. etivante .arning sign: S. 411 cones usea for lane clOzurea dLLrinp„ilk. Hours of Oarkno3S stroll be fitted virh retrOfaf leCllt• adnds (Of 41teves)'05 specified in the apdCif ICQTians. ' C 1 A (`:YY�L,J See ,roto 3 TABLE 2 Dovngraoe , Appraoen M:nrmvm ulnlmvin 0 A 'SPARC 0 _•lv _r,. .... x Vse on ayetainea Oo.ngraoe percent ono Iongar rtfon I ar iron � V `>t WOr� .�/w•�5 V f•�,NN IF fev,et v0 iA! m U lnT NOTES: unle si: narxlae sPcc,f;ca In Iry toocioi Wov:a ioz. all temparory varning Signa shot) Have blocx '*"no an Orange bo CkgrOuna. Colitorn;o Code oro ;eAiq gted oY ICA). OTTArtise. record, (MVTC01 cocks, aro anOxn. SIGN PANEL SIZE (Alin) Q 36- x 36- -36- X t v STATE OF CALIFOAMIA OEPARTkENT OF 7RANSPOR7AIi0N TRAFFIC CONTROL. SYSTEM FOR LANE CLOSURE ON MULTILANE CONVENTIONAL HIGHWAYS NO SCALE Z Re na•rT to Tol)!e afCbn1�7nrS LECENO 0 Traffic Cana } Iomocrery Stgn Oirtct:an of Travel FlOaning Acre* Sign (FAS)- a>m FAS $.kppori or Tro;Ier ♦1/ /14Z Portable floshinp DeaM, SIGN PANEL SIZE (Alin) Q 36- x 36- -36- X t v STATE OF CALIFOAMIA OEPARTkENT OF 7RANSPOR7AIi0N TRAFFIC CONTROL. SYSTEM FOR LANE CLOSURE ON MULTILANE CONVENTIONAL HIGHWAYS NO SCALE Z Re na•rT to Tol)!e afCbn1�7nrS u S "CV S(.) Mt �, California Joint Utility Traffic Control Manual Table A - Suggested Minimum Advance Warning Sign Spacing Posted Speed Distance Between Sign ** Merging Taper A B C Urban -(low speed) at'least 0.33L One -Lane, Two=Wa. Traffic -Taper 100 feet. maximum 25 mph 'or less 100 100 1,00 Urban (high speed) 30 mph or more 350 350 350 Rural 500 500 500 55 mph & above 1,000 1,500 2,640 Speed category to be determined by highway agency: ** Distances are shown in feet. The column headings A, B, and C are the dimensions shown. on drawings 'No. 1-51. The A dimension is the :distance from the transition or. point of restriction to the first sign. The B dimension is. the distance between the first and second signs. The C dimension is the distance between the second and third signs. (The third sign is one in a three sign series encountered by a driver/motorist approaching a TTC zone). Table B -Taper Length Criteria for Temporary Traffic Control Zones Type: of Ta er TaDer Len th 11 Merging Taper at least L Shifting Taper at least 0.5L Shoulder Taper at'least 0.33L One -Lane, Two=Wa. Traffic -Taper 100 feet. maximum Downstream taper 100 feet per lane Table C'- Formulas for Determining Taper -Lengths Speed Limit Taper Length L Feet 40 mph or less L = WS /60 45 mph or more L= WS Where', L = taper length in .feet W =width of offset feet S =posted speed limit, or off peak 85th- percentile speed prior to work. starting. Or the anticipated operating speed in mph 16 California Joint.Utility Traffic Control Manual Table D —Buffer Space Table Speed (mph) Minimum Taper Length For'Width of Offset 12 ft °/a Downgrade (Buffer Space) <-3% -3%, -6% Merging Shifting, Shoulder L U2 U3 ft ff ft 20 115 116 120 126 25 155 158 165 173 30 200 205 215 227 35 250 257 271 287 40 305. 315 333 354 45 360 378 400 427 50 425 446 474 507' 55 .495 520 553 593 60 570 598 638 686 65 645 682 728 785 70 730 771 825 891 Table E - Taper Length Criteria for Temporary Traffic Control zones for 12 feet Offset Width Speed* Minimum Taper Length For'Width of Offset 12 ft ** S (mph) Merging Shifting, Shoulder L U2 U3 ft ff ft Down Stream ft 20 80 40 27 100. 25 125 63 42 100. 30 180 90 60 100 35 245 123 82 100 40 320 160 107 100 45 540 270 180 100 50 600. 300 200 100 55 660 330 220 100 60 720 360 240 100 65 780 390 260 1 100 70 840 .420 1 280. 1 100 * - Posted Speed, off peak 85.1h percentile speed prior to work starting; or the anticipated operating speed. ** - For other offsets use the following merging taper length formula for L: For speeds of (40 mph) or less (L=WS2/60) For speeds of (45 mph) or more (L=WS) l7 NO. OF .LANES I CONST— -- -- RUCTION MUTE: i SEE TABLE 'A'_ -r FOR SIGN ARD_CHANREUZM pENCE gpApRC AND 'CAPER IFl�C1H PLACE BIKE LANE CLOSED SPEED APPROACH TAPER SIGN ABBREVIATIpNS BrxC LANE i CHANNELIZER i AHEAD SIGN (C20) HALF THE 11 STREET LENGTH SPACING SPACING S CLOSED DISTANCE BETWEEN T =Sign Spacing .AHEAD — HE FIRST —_ Left f AND SECOND SIGNS Min = �. J-7 = Left 020 (CA) =Right UP .._ SEE. TABLE f01t 9CN AND:CHANNEUgR OENCE SPACING AND TAPER U4rGM I TANSAT = T'oweAwoyfr No Panel rSPEEO APPROACH TAPER SIGI HANNEUZERStopping Anytime STREET LENGTH SPASPACING 1 TANS = Tow' AwayIVa Stopping PLACEMENT OF BIKE I ANF' rr nc Vy NECESSARY) r ioc CONSTRUCTION NOTE: ALL DRIVEWAYS TO REMAIN _OPEN (WHENEVER POSSIBLE) ,THROUGHOUT TRAFFIC CONTROL ZONE j I 5 C TABLE 'g • •=�• — v CHART A -- MINIMUM RECOMMENDED DELINEATOR/CONE & SIGN PLACEMENT POSTED TAPER LENGTH FOR CHANNELIZER SPACING SIGN SPACING SPEED 12 -FT LANE (ADVANCE OF TAPE LIMIT MERGING SHIFTING SHOULDER TAPER TANCENT B BETWEEN SIGN: 20 MPH 80 FT. 40 FT. 27 FT. 20 FT. 40 FT. 100 FT. '- 25 MPH 125 FT. 63 FT. 42 FT. 25 FT. 63 FT. 100 FT, ' 30 MPH 180 FT. 90 FT; 60 .FT. 30 Fr. 90 FT', 350 FT, 35,MPH 245 Fr. 123 FT. 82 Fr, i 35 FT. 123 FT. 350 FT, 40 MPH MID Fr. 160 FT. 107 FT. 40 FT. 160 FT. 45 MPH 540 FT: 270 FT. 180 FT. 45 Fr, 350 FT. 500 FT. 50 MPH 600 FT. 300 FT. 200. Fr., 50 FT. 30o FT. 500 FT. SS+MPH 660 FT. 330 Fr. 220 FT. 55 Fr, 330Fr, PER TABLE 'A' NOTES - — 1. A Flashing Arrow sign shall be used for each Ione .closed. "2. Two lone closure signs (C--20) shall be used on the approach to a lane closure with speeds of 45 mph or greo.ter: NOTE: This chart based on 12 -foot wide lanes. :For lane widths greater than 12 feet, use the following formulae: Toper formula: L = S x W for speeds of "45 mph' or more. x L = 0 for speeds of 40 mph .or less. Where; L = Minimum length of taper. S = Numerical Value of posted speed limit Prior to .work or 85 percentile speed. W = Width OF offset. i.e.; 50 mph and 19' lone; L = 50 x 19 = 950 feet V P.O. Boa 1504 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92247-1504 78-495 CALVE TAMPICO (760) 777-7000 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 FAX (760) 777-7101 November 23, 2011 Darin Johnson HHS Construction, Inc. 2042 S. Grove Avenue Ontario, CA 91761 Dear Mr. Johnson: I have received your letter on November 23, 2011 requesting permission to work outside of the construction hours established by La Quinta Municipal Code Section 6.08.050, at various locations along Avenue 50, Avenue 54, Jefferson Street, Washington Street, and Avenue 52. Exception 2 of the above-mentioned code section allows the issuance of an early work permit under certain specific conditions. It is our determination that a sufficient need exists due to the need to perform the manhole explorations with minimal traffic congestion. Therefore, an early work permit is hereby granted under the "long process material" provision of the exception, subject to the following conditions: 1. This permit is only valid for work performed for Permit 11088 from November 28., 2011 to December 1, 2011. 2. Early work hours shall start from 9:00 .p.m. to 6:00 a.m. on November 28, 2011 to December 1, 2011. 3. All lanes shall be opened no later than 6:00 a.m. on November 29, 2011, November 30, 2011, and on December 1., 2011. 4.. The work allowed under this early work permit is limited to the manhole explorations at the locations along Avenue 50, Avenue 54, Page 1 of 2 Jefferson Street, Washington Street, and Avenue 52 (See Attachment 1 for locations). 5. This permit shall be revoked upon receipt by the Public Works Department of any citizen complaint of construction noise occurring during the extended hours granted by this early work permit, or upon violation of any condition of this early work permit. All work not specifically included in the terms of this early work permit shall be performed only during Code -established construction hours or by a separately issued early work permit. Si cerely, John Falconer, Acting City Manager Attachment: 1. Manhole Locations Exhibit Cc: Timothy R. Jonas son, Public Works Director/City Engineer Greg Butler, Building &Safety Director Bryan McKinney, Principal Engineer La Quints. Police Department Fire Department. Page 2 of 2 C®FNSY'RUCTIOIV, If\IC. Timothy Jonasson, My name is Darin Johnson with HHS Construction. We have pulled an encroachment permit (PERMIT# 11088) to do manhole exploration in the city of La Quinta. The project involves setting up traffic control, opening the manhole, taking notes and photos of what's inside, and then moving to the next location. Overall it should only take 26r 3 days. We are not placing any cable or digging at all. This project is strictly for research. In order to minimize traffic congestion, we are requesting to work this project at night. One of your engineers informed me that the hours would be between 9:30pm and 6:00am. We were originally scheduled. to work it l 1-21-11 through 11-23-11 but could not due to our crew being unavailable. I would like to reschedule for Monday, 11-28711 if possible. If you have any questions or concerns feel free to contact me.at 909-772-5035. Thank you. Sincerely, Darin Johnson Project Manager 2042 S. Grove Avenue, Ontario, Ca. 91761 Office: (909) 393-3322 Fax: (909) 393-3391 T4ht 4 4a" MEMORANDUM TO: John Falconer, Acting City Manager FROM: Aimothy Bryan McKinney, Engineering Services Principal Engineer VIA: R. Jonasson, Public Works Director/City Engineer RE: Request from HHS Construction to Work Outside of the Code - established Construction Hours at Various Locations along Avenue 50, Avenue 54, Jefferson Street, Washington Street, and Avenue 52 DATE: November 23, 2011 Attached for your signature is a letter authorizing HHS jo work outside of the construction hours from 9:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. on November 28, 2011 to December 1, 201 1 to enter manholes to perform manhole explorations. The work will be along Avenue 50, Avenue 54, Jefferson Street, Washington Street, and Avenue 52. It is necessary to perform the work at night to minimize traffic congestion. If this request is approved, please sign the attached approval letter and return to Public Works for final distribution. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or require further clarification. A 0 To Drawing 2 of 2 i Legend 0 MH 296 Blue Indicates Sidewalk Locatedin curb face 0 MH 296 Red Indicates Street / SIH 2847� T I C O Y_Y f -�1 1 �l �_A A. j t_ L La Quinta 1100 Dexter Ave Drawing 1 of 2 Seattle, WA, 98109 206-632-0931 0 470' 0 769' 0 589' 0 51 �650' 0 630' 0 653' 0 760' 0 786' 0) u N = = 2 (h Ln N M (h M Q C*4 _ U) 2 2 _ = Y d = O OMH51 be under asphalt MMay 275' from concrete wash rn c , MH 50 N 04 N Village Shopping Cntr. MH 26 En LO MH 25 o� a N Calle Tampico. MH 24 M 0 MH 176 Avenida La Fonda 0 MH 177 0 p` 0 MH 121 Nuestra Avenue 52 U 656' 0 656' 0 MH 1.34 69 = 2 0220' N O ro U') O T9 -` S W v 00L 0 470' 0 769' 0 589' 0 51 M M J � � p (Q co _ L N = = 2 6 2 a o o I N Avenue 50 M 2 0 570' 0 333' 0 230' o N_ N N 0 MH 487 Pomelo St. 0 MH 488 Verizon records indicate that no structure exists between these manholes N La Quinta Drawing 2 of 2 ti CROWN := . «: 1100 Dexter Ave Seattle, WA, 98109 206-632-0931 �I❑MH 188 Avenue 52 MH 127 To Drawing 1 of 2