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Wi r 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO % T LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 ' COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMIT Application Number: BSOL.1015-0023 Property Address: 55480 PEBBLE BEACH APN: 775170008 Application Description: ROYSCHUBERT/SOLAR Property Zoning: Application Valuation: $53,000.00 Applicant: GREEN SOLAR TECHNOLOGIES INC 6400 LAUREL CANYON BLVD SUITE 400 NORTH HOLLYWOOD, CA 91606 LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code, and my License is in full force and effect. Licennsse,Class: C46 /License No.: 991275 Date:® I7 Contraactor: f� OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the Contractor's State License Law for the following reason (Sec. 7031.5, Business and Professions Code: Any city or county that requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish, or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for the permit to file a signed statement that he or she is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's State License Law (Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code) or that he or she is exempt therefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars ($500).: ( ) 1, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale. (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does the work himself or herself through his or her own employees, provided that the improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner -builder will have the burden of proving that he or she did not build or improve for the purpose of sale.). (1 I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project. (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions.Code: The Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who contracts for the projects with a contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractors' State License Law.). (� ) I am exempt under Sec. . BAP.C. for this reason Date: Owner: CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued (Sec. 3097, Civ. C.). Lender's Name: Lender's .VOICE (760) 777-7125 FAX (760) 777-7011 INSPECTIONS (760) 777-7153 Date: 4/20/2015 Owner: ROY•SCHUBERT 55480 PEBBLE BEACH LA QUINTA, CA 92:53 Contractor: GREEN SOLAR TECHNOLOGIES INC 6400 LAUREL CANTON BLVD SUITE 400 NORTH HOLLYWOOD, CA 91606 (844)765-8324 Lic. No.: 991275 WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of _he following declarations: I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure -for workers' . compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. I have and will maintain workers' compensation insurance, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My workers' compensation insurance carrier and policy number are: Carrier:_ Policy Number: _ I certify that in the performance of tie work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the workers' compensation laws of California, and agree that, if I should become subject to the workers' compensation provisions of Section 3-i00 of the Labor Code, I shall forthwith comply with those provisions. Ate: � /3` APPI �t: WARNING: FAILURE TO SECURE WORKERS' COMPENSATION COVERAGE IS UNLAWFUL, AND SHALL SUBJECT AN EMPLOYER TO CRIMINAL PENALTIES AND CIVIL FINES UP TO ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($100,00C]. IN ADDITION TO THE COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN SECTION 3706 OF THE LABOR CODE, INTEREST, AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. APPLICANT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT IMPORTANT: Application is hereby made to the Building Official for a permit subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth on this application. 1. Each person upon whose behalf this applicotion is made, each person at whose request and for whose benefit work is performed under or pursuant to any permit issued as a result of this application , the owned and the applicant, each agrees to, and shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City of La Quinta, its officers, agents, and employees for any act or omission related to the work being performed under or following issuance of this permit. 2. Any permit issued as a result of this application becomes null and void if work is not commenced within 180 days from date of i:.suance of such permit, or cessation of work for 180 days will subject permit to cancellation. I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply with all city and county ordirances and state laws relating to building construction, and hereby authorize representafves of this city to enter upon the above- mentioned property for inspection purposes. m Dater®y 2 �� Signature (Applicant or Agent) f H o 1. • � l �bl 11�• i � ! � AE. SIf)ENT!AL'ASSOC,IATIO.N; INC. t+ � t�l`are15. d15 Ubc.'IZ�':Y;Sca�.it�e:1 f' I)- I ti c Lie t�l'i a Q It:ntit C:A..J,..�5 Jt l� i jI l�''_�, t'irtJ`I]V?h�e.�J6iClilr1; li1lC iltl�I`�fTli;lnCE 1t?=icat rctcl Dear Mr'.1scllubel't, l t The Am'�,itectural Comrllinee has I,! e.i•v<d 3hnd re�`ie �`ed v� ,,O .gr;;hitecwral Variance Application. The proposed 1 .00 KW DC -1111.43 KW ,4C roof nloun tll 4t)lal 'Irti nc ;tem application, in accordance -with dr: Califo'-nia Solar Rlgh(s Act mandated guidelines and th 1:-acttl t spcctr.�at Nal drawing submittal prepared by 43ri ; Solar Technologies, has been accepted in accordance wits (lhel� r iii;e::.l7frcr,"Crrrr'il%`%jJTrs and :associolion's CCd1Z's. I � 1 � These conditions andlor requlreii`icnt;.�l a eiapi n�"rili? :.6-ChIs acc,eptanee: 1. 11he Green .Sglal .Tethnoloti 4111dractual „rditint 'w ith their client are not a part o -'this application's review•. Il:e homeo�= tier olid HOA`I� et rit)1 hip t- larn�'; bythu I":'( til<s. 'hese conditiDns pravail; the HOA and archit'ectuval canimlt.cC s re". �t:w! )f YO u' £llti.11i;aIioll . ;Ill 1101 i;(lal1ac the -(.''� elalln statutes. ? i e -cion tc. C, is )n^I a� i l t( grit; qui il;.� al consrructi ill danlaen :s to be repaired by die contractor and done to iii : �atttift ct,on of th e [ IO'N I I I 3. The contractor to repair � nd/, , t Cpl ke at)) danlaged1 �(ree surface tc the saris;action of the HOA. 4. 7ihc contractor -is to obseiA, all'�?,sactai ;,,� t,c:. �tnt regil'ations. Contractor ve-hicles are to be parked on one i side of the street. I 5. The conn -actor s not allo-a-I r,; su). kpiie ir:<- Ir,at:tial. cC:.uil;nir: or zonsi;-uctiou debris in the street. All debris Must be cleaner up daily. 6 Ipbil 'ilirlfletion, the homEi • lea l I wIr I to i, Itic , shined copy of the cite iaQpccaion card alone. with the fJl;C( r. <C'r,n� Jlelior7 form ;I, ;j the t^:_ JiU'�t rU,' .S :�.`f.%%J;:cF,_ j _.r.)717�7 C_IiU7 C<S%!J l4GdlOJ] l'�tt.r (e;1ClOSe(l). _i It f We reser) e the richt to make a tilt if n.isnc tion of this ct>�^nye to )clic sure t:ha? it matches. the origimil request. An approval lis based only on the >cjr. tl ti s o your propoScdl i,�an and should not he taken as nov certification as to the construction worthiness orstructurall in e; rit> of the z)ri?pocud:change. { %e,hile your coopexatio;l ill y'Lllilti1l11° IhIS ,C;ClL;'Sl 1C'!°�flf)pI'c•1'JI tl IJlcy 1,e of Pur!hca' assistance: please eentact nie::arll[:i}T!0 office at (7,60) 77, 1..'; "Al L,xicr:sicn 1:. , Izc : de1te)FIN.;; -- I*I:i I rC,=lrvI I?CAvl !, i rOs °tK �Ilfa;)t ttl..d'I (')IYrn1N.bi' �1 11 tc: Archig,,,.a o'trit '' i 'Hills: l al :u inta.'Cai'irrrlia 9225 - 665, Telephone 760-771-1234 =AX 760 771-5125 �� Z d ZPos 1,zZ09k` Aon} tlagntjog• �/ . �. PGA WEST. RESIDENTIAL ASSOCIATION, INC, Committee 1�tifjcation Lei RE: Cb rName&Ad68'ess i meowner Signat.ure Date P'Fo'j'ecfi Name Dear M embers of the Con ' itk he olans and specifications submitted and . . it sa;do��sS . � / thebuilding code snd:approve6by certify -- all— – o i 'na| plan and arohitectu�a| request have p@ran�esro 'Y� �� � �V�dca� '�p(nphc�on`d0��nf�ht 'his�n[ornnat ip junc��nu/hh� em�ne � ^4 � _ M. . /! ^�^'^'~—'� / i ' ! � APPROVE| ! C � ! 54'32U Szo | m HDa. L 3 ' a,.Cu|*on�a 822 ��e�hcns 760-77 1-1234 �A�7GC'771'5125� Cn 1VOy�09/ »»-jn4»S GREEN SOLAR TECHNOLOGIES 6400 Laurel Canyon BIVd. Suite 400 North Hollywood, CA 91605 Phone: (877) 946-8855 Contractor Licence Number: 504982 Owner: Roy Schubert 14,508 W Date: 12/25/2014 Address: 55480 Pebble Beach., La Quinta, CA 92253 GENERAL LIGHTING LOAD: 8,078 W = 4,336 Sq. ft X 3 VA/sq.ft 13,008 W Small.Appliance Circuits: 2 @ 1500 W 3,000 W Laundry 1500 W 1,500 W Sub Total 1 17,508 W Application of Demand*Factor 250 W 1 First 3,000W @ 100% 3,000 W Reminder 14,508 W @ 35% 5,078 W Sub Total 8,078 W = FIXED APPLIANCES: Disposer. 600 W A 600 W Water Heater 2,500 W 1 2,500 W Dishwasher 250 W 1 250 W Compactor .450 W 1 450 W Refrigerator 840 W 2 1,680 W Microwave 750 W 1 750 W Sub Total . 6;230 W DRYER 1,000 W 1 1,000 W '' X 100% 1000 WASHING MACHINE 1,000 W 1 1,000 W X 100% 1000 Sub Total. 2,000 W . COOKING EQUIPMENT Oven 600 W 1 600 W Coffe Maker 650 W.. 1 650 W Can Opener 300 W 1 300 W Food Processor 300 W 1 300 W Wine Cooler 400 W 1 400 W Range/Stove 100 W 1 *100 W Sub Total 2,350 W HEATING OR A/C Heating Unit 1,500 W 2 3,000 W Air Conditioner 2,000 W 2 4,000 W Heat Pump 1500 W 1 1,500 W Sub Total 8,500 W LARGEST MOTOR 1,500 W 2 31000 W X 25% OTHER LOADS 4,000_ W 4,000 W Add 20 A @ 240V 4,800 W TOTAL CALCULATED LOAD SERVICE: 8,078 W 6,230 W 2,000 W 2,350 W 8,500 W 750 W 4;000 W 4,800 W 36,708 W 1. 152 A 1 INFORMATIONFINANCIAL w DESCRIPTION . +K ACCOUNT, QTY AMOUNT r.a2 4 PAID ` $ ' PAID DATEL L vTis..F �3'r i r'x.t �. •. f BSAS SB1473 FEE 101-0000-20306 0 $3.00 $0.00 - AID BV . ' + '�" METHOD �'s ' a :'''RECEIPT # ' ,t ��`'' CHEC. � CLTD BY -4 a� P _ ' Total'Paid forBUILDING STANDARDS'ADMINISTRATION BSA: '$3.00 $0.00 DESCRIPTION ` " ° AC000NTw ,,'�' -^ y�x QTY :AMOUNT w: z PAID a° k PAID DATE: PV SYSTEM - ARRAY, FIRST 20 101-0000-42403 0 $24.17 $0.00 PAID BY =METHODy y % RECEIPT # ` K + f CHECK # CLTD BY DESCRIPTION �C r ACCOUNTx_ QTY" AMOUNTS p RP PAID ' PAID DATE:: PV SYSTEM - ARRAY, FIRST 20 PC 101-0000-42600 0 $24.17 $0.00 PAID BY- ars. F��xFk, ''`t :t METHOD .e�-' _ � :RECEIPT# r I CHECK # CLTD BY " pa DESCRIPTtONr ... a. 4ACCOIINT``AMOUNT ..F PAIDF� " L..t .tx. aPA1DDATE PV SYSTEM - MISC EQUIPMENT 101-0000-42403 0 $24.17 $0.00 4 +PAID BY Y , r`_ y METHOD s 'RECEIPT # b ?. i 1 CHECK # ' CLTD BY.. y *,?DESCRIPTION P ,._` A000UNT...°AMOUNT" z a' PAID PAID DATE' PV SYSTEM - MISC EQUIPMENT PC 101-0000-42600 0 $24.17 $0.00 :" g PAID BY METHOD �: i RECEIPT # ; • s CHECK # 41 CLTD,BY Total Paid for ELECTRICAL: $96.68 $0.00 DESCRIPTION '_ t µF, . ACCOUNT QTY - AMOUNT a , A __ ', PAID 'PAID DATE. PERMIT ISSUANCE 101-0000-42404 0 $91.85 $0.00 A Ra"" -e PAID BY =* wt'.'�,METHOD E ,- n RECEIPT #' *_ +, t CHECK # F CLTD BY%' Total Paid forPERMIT ISSUANCE: $91.85 $0.00 TOTALS:00 Description: ROY SCHUBERT /SOLAR Type: SOLAR Subtype: Status: APPROVED Applied: 3/17/2015 PJU Approved: 4/1/2015 JFU Parcel No: 775170008 Site Address: 55480 PEBBLE BEACH LA QUINTA,CA 92253 Subdivision: TR 25397. Block: Lot: 8 Issued: ) Lot Sq Ft: 0 Building Sq Ft: 0 Zoning: Finaled: Valuation: $53,000.00 Occupancy Type: Construction Type: Expired: No. Buildings: 0 No. Stories: 0 No. Unites: 0 Details: 13 kW SOLAR ARRAY - (53) SOLAR WORLD SW250 POLY MODULES W/ (53) ENPHASE M215 MICROINVERTERS + 100A SUBPANEL AND MAIN BREAKER DOWNGRADE TO 175A [848SF] 2013 CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL CODE. �.. _. .. ADDITIONAL SITES • 11p,.----..---. Applied to Aproved R CHRONOLOGY TYPES `, -, STAFF 'NAME : : ACTION DATE. y COMPLETION DATE* } NOTES'f — a s_ fr NOTIFIED VINCENT W/ GREEN SOLAR TECHNOLOGIES THAT E—MAIL JAKE FUSON 4/1/2015 4/1/2015 PLANS WERE APPROVED AND PERMIT WAS READY TO ISSUE. 1 CONTACTS .: n...n .. wy .."*" NAME TYPE ib«'!C S •,,. r•u ., .w. ��yq & e6 ,.:.:i•.,i .. NAME r �'..N' w�"2Y :: « .. .... .. ADDRE551 4 CITY STATE ZIPPHONE FAX = EMAIL x- t -+ E . b APPLICANT GREEN SOLAR TF..CHNnI-0rvIFS INr U00 i ALIREL CANYON NORTH CA 91000 (044)765-0324 BLVD HOLLYWOOD CONTRACTOR GREEN SOLAR TECHNOLOGIES INC 6400 LAUREL CANYON NORTH CA 91606 (844)765-8324 BLVD HOLLYWOOD OWNER ROY SCHUBERT 55480 PEBBLE BEACH LA QUINTA CA 92253 (844)765-8324 FINANCIAL INFORMATION Printed: Monday, April 20, 2015 12:57:05 PM 1 of 3 CRWIYSTIMS � -DESCRIPTION #' CHECKV j-" A COUNT, CITY, ,-,,AMOUNT PAID PAID DATE RECEIPT :METHOD BSAS SB1473 FEE 101-0000-20306 0 $3.00 $0.00 Total Paid for BUILDING STANDARDS ADMINISTRATION PV SYSTEM -ARRAY, 101-0000-42403 0 $24.17 $0.00 FIRST 20 PV SYSTEM - ARRAY, 101-0000-42600 0 $24.17 $0.00. FIRST 20 PC 101-0000-42403. 0 $24.17 $0.00 EQUIPMENT PV SYSTEM - MISC 101-0000-42600 0 $24.17 $0.00 EQUIPMENT PC Total Paid for ELECTRICAL: $96.68 $0.00 PERMIT ISSUANCE 101-0000-42404 0 $91.85 $ 0.00 Total Paid for PERMIT ISSUANCE: $91.85 $0.00 INSPECTIONS SOLAR FINAL" BLD Printed: Monday, April 2lZOlS12:57:O5PN1 - 2nf3 ' CR=°== "~'=° , ' r. �' ��.. _;s '•s _',x k x e°' ��'^°ro rtx�h"�• t& a. Deta1�5 ' ' � :. � pPERMIVNUMBER�� ... s;�• v xa .� e � fr- �� rr�,. w., f �.' ����.. �y, t :�, P3�'„�id rq'� �»d 'iF'x� '..t, a a g moi•• �a m nan i� A �,s••City bfl:�l":QW�17ta`' �#�±i k � « to E . x� . . "� aa+.:�%4„A �•�+ •T -�. 4 P:. ..,.•.sS�. , s x..f11�a+e�w�r: � r.�" �+. 1+ • .ATTACHMENTS •: Bin. # City. of La Quinta Building 8L Safety Division P.O. Box 1504,78-495 Calle Tampico La.Quinta, CA 92253 - (760) 777-7012 Building Permit Application and Tracking Sheet Permit #� jG Project Address:�60A& Owner's Name:. -<61406 A. P. Number. Address: �' �V•e��� Legal Description: City, ST, Zip: zq Contractor l�lZQQ teektLejorej le C Telephone: ;� ;„�. Address: 1p OAo� .4LG o// Project Description: ``' • City, ST, Zip: /V, lga !%6` CB( _ O(� B©/-- fl4,6 uk Telephone: �' 7 ��� �,�� 11A\W IT PaI4 e State Lic. #: City Lic. #; Arch., Engr., Designer Address: City., ST, Zip: Telephone: Y' Construction Type: Occupancy: State Lic. #: N' i,. _.. ' ,. ,,. Project -type. (circle.one): -New - 'Add'n kilter Repair Demo Name of Contact Person:� Sq. FL: <--_.. _- .. _ # Stories: #Units: Telephone # of Contact Person: .i 9 7' ®7 c-- Estimated Value of Project V'; 0'a -0 -� APPLICANT: DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE # Submittal Req'd Recd TRACMG/r PERMIT FEES Plan Sets Plan Check submitted 'lJ Item Amount Structural Cafes. Reviewed, ready for corrections l i Plan Check Deposit. . Truss Calcs. Called Contact Person G M 41 Plan Check Bal'snte _ Title 24 Calcs. Pians picked up Construction Flood plain plan Plans resubmitted I Mechanical _ . Grading plan 2'' Review, ready for correctionskssue Electrical Subcontactor List Called Contact Person Plumbing Grant Deed Plans picked up S.M.L iLO.A. Approval Plans resubmitted Grading IN ROUSE:- Review, ready for correctionsliissue Developer Impact Fee Planning Approval Called Contact Person A.I.P.P. Pub. Wks. Appr Date of permit issue School Fees Tota , , s . 'dY c . MAR 16 2015 C$TY OF LA QUINTA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT. • • PHOTOVOLTAIC- PERMIT' ` SYSTEM SIZE: 13.0 KW DC / 11.43KW AC SHEET INDEX PV EQUIPMENT LABELS AND NOTES: 1. All PV modules and associated equipment 2013 CA BUILDING CODE TITLE SHEET _ and wiring material shall be protected from : 2013 CA RESIDENTIAL CODE." s Y 2 'SITE PLAN any'physical damage.: i. - 2013 CA MECHANICAL CODE 3 : ROOF PLAN 2: 'All W system components; (equipment and wiring) shall behsted I UL or a reco "ed '2013 CA ELECTRICAL CODL 4 ELECTRICAL DIAGRAM , N• - testing agency by the local'AHJ 2013 CA GREEN CODE 1 5 SIGNAGE 3, All wirin material shall be suitable for sun . 9- , Y- :. 2013 CA PLUMBING CODE • - exposure and -wet locations. SPECIFICATION SHEETS:, 4.. Aenstaejunction, puanoe SPEC ll field illd`ll d utlt 2013 CA ENERGY CODE- � r boxes located behind modules or panels, 2013 CAFIRE CODE s. " - , -- MODULE DATA SHEET 'shall.be'accessible directly or by displace [./ �UTA/TA. PALC72 PF� . INVERTER DATA SHEET ment.of a modules) or p�Ql(s)secLirPd h}r, -, removable fasteners. r ti d photovoltaic modules' y• ' S. The roof n►ounte . SHEET INDEX � P panels, or solar voltaic roll roofing 'material tt' INSTALLATION: OF A 13 KW shall have the same or better listed .fire- ' ROOFTOP PHOTOVOLTAIC resistance iating than the building roof- SYSTEM INCLUDING covering material. 6. ,Photovoltaic system installation shall PA, 53 MODULES, 53 INVERTERS Y , comply with NEC 690.61 requirement; loss 6f interactive stem. r u 'n -. •W GENERAL NOTES: 7. Exposed non-current carrying arts of �, �. and rmodules -framesequipment . module o • ' 1: All' ui ment shall be installed in,- �' ' •, ' conductor enclosure shall be rounded in accordance with the manufactures g t : i accordance with NEC 250.134 or 250.136 A ` approved installation method. ( ) 2. All equipment and wiring shall be regardless of voltage. " Removal of an ui ment from the stem a db UL or a recognized testing 8. ' Re o eq p system listed y gn g , - g - agericy by the local AHJ. _ shall not disconnect the (equip. grounding) ` a " 3. Use minimun #8 AWG equipment' ' bonding connection between the grounding 1 'c i • i � AREA' OF WORK grounding conductor (EGC) when 'electrode conductor. and exposed conducting ' subject to sun exposure and/or, ' servic it`issubes by means of a bonding jumper, :r 1 PNEC 690.48 +1- ,J wet location, or install"the EGC in t' an roved racewa 9. ' A bonding jumper shall be installed prior PP Y to removal of a DWP-interactive Inverter- 4. All exposed wiring shall be sunlight resistant and suitable for wet condi-` or the other equipment that does not .;,-' 4 , s , +tions. disconnect (remove) to maintainthe system - - roundin NEC 690 49 ` 5. All working spaces and accesses around the electrical equipment shall be in + , . g g , 10. Live parts in PV source circuits and PV t� " _ • compliance with NEC110.26 putput circuits over 150V to ground shall ,,� - ` • 6. The instalation is only for utility . z ` ' not be accessible to .other than', qualify �' • ; ' _ interactive systems as shown in the persons while energized. ti single diagram .>. ' p�o ;*x? 'afor ' v 7..The short circuit current 120/240V, � 7 DESIGN REQUIREMENTS.FOR'ROOF - �• . t -s' e - single phase service that is 0-225A is `. MOUNTED SYSTEMS: • , + .. 10,000A or if 226-400A is 22,000A: 1: , Do not cover (mechanical or,plumbing) `•Yw w r. 8. All electrical°equipment including the vents througth the the roof with the f , ' u J4ti tx' _ ` i 'service shall have alegible,visible, and _ .; '.. collector. { , ^.2 • When installed, over a roof covering of wood than the terminals: r.� O •,00 t� r •.a s.,jlia 0 f� O . Q o Z `' � . w Z' _�D W ►�i Q3 U ,� oc - OV Greah"Solar E :- j1 logjeS k DESIGNED BY: Cesar Morales, Engr Date: 12/22/2014 - o m' � U N N �+CZC N - pq O rn In U _ U r > 111 cti `Q I- 4. x ¢ 00 c a O• baa ' O V , W _ , OyM1 • Y V THESE DRAWINGS ARE CONCEPTUAL AND SHOW •',. BASIC SYSTEM OPERATION ONLY. ITISNOT INTENDED TO INCLUDE ALL DEVICES AND DETAILS FOR PROPER ORIENTATION.. IT IS THE RESPONSABILTY OF THE INSTALLING CONTRACTOR TO ENSURE THAT ALL NECESSARY DETAILS AND DEVICES ARE INSTALLED TO GUARANTEE PROPER OPERATION AND COMPLIANCE WITH LOCAL BUILDING CODES.. THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS PROPRIETARY INFORMA- TION AND ITS RECEIPT OR POSSESSION DOES NOT CONVEY ANY RIGHTS, OR TO MANUFACTURE USE, OR SELL ANYTHING IT.MAY DESCRIBE. REPRODUCTION; , DISCLOSURE OR USE WITHOUT SPECIFIC WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION IS STRICTLY FORBIDDEN. _ TITLE PLAN. SHEET 1 -of 5 ` durable marking indicating the . ... manufacture name voltage'_ a Class Bshakes or shingles with less than ..a . • »: , fre uen ,and number of bases. or C rating, an aluminun or corrosion- ' 9. ,Each installed equipment, wiring, and ; resistant iron substrate of 26 gauge min: "' •w '' ' r- vercurrent rotective device OCPD thickness extending at least 6" beyond the _ shall have a short circuit rating not less outer edges of the collector or collector than the terminals: s is required grou P q n e t 10. The modules shall be made of either + ' -.♦. y -c `rte+ i- '< crystalline or multi crystalline silicon ' a r mat erTal. �. :' 11. All `shall be roof mounted. $UNMODULE -- + 53 ' ENPHASE M215 53 ` IIZONRIDGE LAT 165 0 . - 11.43KW 13.0 KW 954ft2 _. ;,' `4.0 LBS /ft? modules - SW _ 250 POLY -60 MIC RO . ' ti r r ' !' 12: The module: ratings shall be based on solar irradiance standard test condition rr dunce1000W MODULE QTY_. 'INVERTER QTY RACKING & • TILT AZIMUTH AC POWER ' DC POWER PV ARRAY WEIGHT OF PV MOD y STC m2 d ' % on „> '- - - `. '- MOUNTING RATING RATING SQUARE AND ASSEMBLY . xfI(x•• O •,00 t� r •.a s.,jlia 0 f� O . Q o Z `' � . w Z' _�D W ►�i Q3 U ,� oc - OV Greah"Solar E :- j1 logjeS k DESIGNED BY: Cesar Morales, Engr Date: 12/22/2014 - o m' � U N N �+CZC N - pq O rn In U _ U r > 111 cti `Q I- 4. x ¢ 00 c a O• baa ' O V , W _ , OyM1 • Y V THESE DRAWINGS ARE CONCEPTUAL AND SHOW •',. BASIC SYSTEM OPERATION ONLY. ITISNOT INTENDED TO INCLUDE ALL DEVICES AND DETAILS FOR PROPER ORIENTATION.. IT IS THE RESPONSABILTY OF THE INSTALLING CONTRACTOR TO ENSURE THAT ALL NECESSARY DETAILS AND DEVICES ARE INSTALLED TO GUARANTEE PROPER OPERATION AND COMPLIANCE WITH LOCAL BUILDING CODES.. THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS PROPRIETARY INFORMA- TION AND ITS RECEIPT OR POSSESSION DOES NOT CONVEY ANY RIGHTS, OR TO MANUFACTURE USE, OR SELL ANYTHING IT.MAY DESCRIBE. REPRODUCTION; , DISCLOSURE OR USE WITHOUT SPECIFIC WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION IS STRICTLY FORBIDDEN. _ TITLE PLAN. SHEET 1 -of 5 ` rAl. NOTES: / / / / / / / / / / / i EQUIPMENT 1. ALL PV SYSTEM COMPONENTS SHALL BE LISTED BY RECOGNIZED TESTING AGENCY (I.E., UL., ETC). 2. ALL WIRING MATERIALS SHALL BE SUITABLE FOR THE SUN EXPOSURE AND WET LOCATIONS. FIELD PROTECTIVE COATINGS ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE. 3. WHERE THE TERMINAL OF THE DISCONNECTING MEANS MAY BE ENERGIZED IN THE OPEN POSITION, A WARNING SIGN SHALL BE MOUNTED ON OR ADJACENT TO THE DISCONNECTING MEANS.THE SIGN SHALL BE CLEARLY LEGIBLE AND HAVE THE FOLLOWING WORDS: ELECTRICAL SHOCK HAZARD DO NOT TOUCH TERMINALS ON BOTH THE LINE AND LOAD SIDES MAY BE ENERGIZED IN THE OPEN POSITION. 4. ALL PV MODULES AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT AND WIRING MATERIAL SHALL BE PROTECTED FROM PHYSICAL DAMAGE. OF LA QUINTA BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION DALE= 5. IN ONE AND TWO DAMILY DWELLINGS, LIVE PARTS IN PV SOURCE CIRCUITS AND PV OUTPU CIRCUITS OVER 150V TO GROUND SHALL NOT BE ACCESSIBLE TO OTHER THAN QUALIFIED PERSONS WHILE ENERGIZED. 6. ALL FIELD INSTALLED JUNCTION, PULL AND OUTLET BOXES LOCATED BEHIND MODULES OR PANELS SHALL BE ACCESSIBLE DIRECTLY OR DISPLACEMENT OF A MODULE(S) OR PANEL(S) SECURED BY REMOVABLE FASTENERS. 7. REMOVAL OF A DWP-INTERACTIVE INVERTER OR OTHER EQUIPMENT SHALL NOT DISCONNECT THE BONDING CONNECTION BETWEEN THE GROUNDING ELECTRODE CONDUCTOR AND THE PV SOURCE AND OR OUTPUT CIRCUIT GROUNDED CONDUCTOR. 8. THE ROOF MOUNTED PHOTOVOLTAIC MODULES PANELS OR SOLAR VOLTAIC ROLL ROOFING MATERIAL SHALL HAVE THE SAME OR BETTER LISTED FIRE RESISTANCE RATING THAN THE BUILDING ROOF COVERING MATERIAL. V)LO In N W z 00 4, 1 I—� O o ,o � O� Q 0 Z O u o z W -j mow/ (x, � U)r U O �W c H CD o .... _.._.......... Green War N citulogi s DESIGNED BY: Cesar Morales, Engr. Date: 12/22/2014 0 4� w m '— CA �U) H U o V 0 r ^ a, o cl. �0 a Q L0 U) L0 a U W O rx I~ THESE DRAWINGS ARE CONCEPTUAL AND SHOW BASIC SYSTEM OPERATION ONLY. IT IS NOT INTENDED TO INCLUDE ALL DEVICES AND DETAILS FOR PROPER ORIENTATION. IT IS THE RESPONSABILTY OF THE INSTALLING CONTRACTOR TO ENSURE THAT ALL NECESSARY DETAILS AND DEVICES ARE INSTALLED TO GUARANTEE PROPER OPERATION AND COMPLIANCE WITH LOCAL BUILDING CODES. THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS PROPRIETARY INFORMA- TION AND ITS RECEIPT OR POSSESSION DOES NOT CONVEY ANY RIGHTS, OR TO MANUFACTURE, USE, O SELL ANYTHING IT MAY DESCRIBE. REPRODUCTION, DISCLOSURE OR USE WITHOUT SPECIFIC WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION IS STRICTLY FORBIDDEN. SITE PLAN SHEET 2 OF 5 d G 3y �i a !n N 0 �o a ` o oan-� z Knox o Ch d � � aIN, \ \ X50 IS, 1, O .< y %' �Z10 sN. pate pa m8 g Z \ \ cn ^3 0 IN X \ , y \ \ \ \ c xZ(4 \' mC�n v' y = 0 u O N tri z > z > \: n \ > Z p 9 N \ C> \ A � m Z � r L n 7I.i V1 A M1 > OD N DO N r. -i y O� r }� Z r 0 c., C r O 4 Po y rF i 3 m O r att C OA 8 O n 3D rZr A m� C m yn�OgA xA 9A ...{ E' Z Ar �r r O Dr °'> OD > Z>fl> A ZA yA Oy a N 71 y N m y� m7t n iO =1 y 7C A Y N D my�y� e C 0 of p m D� 3 O y oa N n.�z�`- as s Z M —n O p tl n m 90 F�9 s �w � � _ � (n ��4 S o "� D a� a >� �O� s a a az C m n // �o $ \ at y C � m C: p z n O o ` Z m Az o O --� Y E �> T�pv DA X N Z O N y N =O�O O s; s -- v� > � o o = 0 zjq _" r A PRO ECT �_ o 3 >>� �>rmmaZnLRT A { Z R > m n _ O O � o 2m z{/��oa PROPOSED SYSTEM SIZE: j3 KW ["r `lnJ1 GREEN SOLAR v 7 3 (n x -� n -1A --Imp N y> O> z° gy m 10 a, A A SOLAR PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM FOR: _ TECHNOLOGIES o 0 in cCn "i=mn 2> ZZrpy A •� AO Z R> L, 0 s n s 8 � Roy Schubert d '� 6400 LAUREL CANYON BLVD. W O �^ > a — SUITE#400 �' ✓� z oN-p>z{ �+{o roa-fes<j� mmmZY�S .p pm<O•in_C a a m a z g o o p N 55480 Pebble Beach tl Phone: (877) 946-8855 ah6 Znp�pn OA>ZI','n'zpz o o N C x �n� www.greensoltech.com �Czn zn pmm3; S C) [17 s v� > � o o = 0 zjq _" r A PRO ECT �_ >>� �>rmmaZnLRT A { Z R > m n _ O O � o 2m z{/��oa PROPOSED SYSTEM SIZE: j3 KW ["r `lnJ1 GREEN SOLAR o m > A C m O >m2 e (n x -� n -1A --Imp N y> O> z° gy m 10 a, A A SOLAR PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM FOR: _ TECHNOLOGIES o 0 in cCn "i=mn 2> ZZrpy A •� AO Z R> L, 0 s n s 8 � Roy Schubert d '� 6400 LAUREL CANYON BLVD. W O �^ > 0=�o3Az �m> z -ZZ '�$. c1- C',pr>, -iOZm — SUITE#400 �' ✓� z oN-p>z{ �+{o roa-fes<j� mmmZY�S .p pm<O•in_C a a m a z g o o p N 55480 Pebble Beach N N o Phone: (877) 946-8855 Znp�pn OA>ZI','n'zpz o o N C . CD, www.greensoltech.com �Czn zn pmm3; S C) [17 s Z s � m > = m D La Quinta, CA 922534. CONTRA IC #X4952 Z , > o { L, v� 13 KW ROOF MOUNTED PV SYSTEM SYSTEM NOTES: ARRAY A/B/C: (14) SUNMODULES SW250 POLY (14) ENPHASE M215 -MICROINVERTERS ARRAY D: (13) SUNMODULES SW250 POLY (13) ENPHASE M215-MICROINVERTERS CALCULATIONS: INVERTERS A/B/C: MAX SYSTEM VOLTAGE = 240V MAX CIRCUIT CURRENT = =15.75A INVERTERS C: MAX SYSTEM VOLTAGE = 240V MAX CIRCUIT CURRENT = = 1237A MODULE DATA MAKE OF INVERTER MODULE RATINGS AT STC MODEL NUMBER MAKE OF MODULE SOLAR WORLD MODEL NUMBER SW250 POLY MAX. POWER POINT (MPP) CURRENT (IMPP) 8.27A MAX POWER POINT (MPP) VOLTAGE (VMPP) 30.5V OPEN CIRCUIT VOLTAGE (VQq 37.6V SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENT 8.81A MAX. SERIES FUSE OCPD 20A MAX. POWER PMAX 250W MAX. VOLTAGE (IYP. LESS THAN 600V DC) 1000V INVERTER DATA MAKE OF INVERTER ENPHASE MODEL NUMBER M215-60.2LL-S22 MAX. DC VOLT RATING 45V MAX. POWER ® 40° C 215W NOMINAL AC VOLTAGE 211-264V ® 240V MAX. AC CURRENT 0.90A MAX. OCPD INCLUDED A PERMANENT WARNING LABEL SHALL BE APPLIED TO THE DISTRIBUTION EQUIPMENT WITH THE FOLLOWING OR EQUIVALENT MARKING WARNING INVERTER OUTPUT CONNECTION DO NOT RELOCATE OVERCURRENT DEVICE STRING A: (14) SOLAR WORLD SW25OW POLY MODULES (14) ENPHASE MICROINVERTERS M215-60 BUS BAR CALCULATUION 200 A ` 1.2 = 240A 240A - 200A MCB = 40A ALLOWABLE BACKFEED A14 IF r., smo A Il) J/4• EMT CONDUIT (2) 410 THWN-2, Cu (1) #10 NEUTRAL D) N4 GROUND ROOF -MOUNTED JUNCTION BOX I� 4.4.4 L------- 1 ------- J -------- L ------ �---J----- ------ STRING B: (14) SOLAR WORLD SW25OW POLY MODULES (14)ENPHASE MICROINVERTERS M215-60 B1 III III B2 III III B3 III III B4 III III B14 I I I I I I I I ROOF -MOUNTED JUNCTION BOX 4.4.4 I1 L-------1-------J--------L-----—J----------- ��— ray ------------1 I STRING C: (14) SOLAR WORLD SW25OW POLY MODULES I I (14) ENPHASE MICROINVERTERS M215-60 II II CITY qF ROOF -MOUNTED BUILDIN & JUNCTION BOX AIS r. I� L------- 1 ------- J -------- L------ ----------- STRING C: (14) SOLAR WORLD SW25OW POLY MODULES (14) ENPHASE MICROINVERTERS M215-60 C14 D11 ROOF -MOUNTED JUNCTION BOX 4.4.4 L-------1-------J--------L------ J ----------- (E) 200A RATED DOWN GRADE TO 175A RATED BRAKER 75A 15. FORIGON ------ I I III f1ATG WIRE DERATE TABLE (E) SERVICE— r-------------- ------------ — METER TAG WIRE AMPOF CONDUIT AMBIENT TEMP.TEAIP. TO SERVICE p 59.62A 1 59.62A ELECIRICAL M ¢ r ----� SYSTEM _ I 100A RATED 240V ?P (1) 1'0 EMT CONDUIT AWG ROOF (F) (F°) FACTOR CARRYING COND. �— AC DISCONNECT (41 a6THWN-2 ENPHASE M215 — LOCKABLE, VISIBLE, 01 as NEUTRAL — NON FUSED, NEMA III r6 GROUND SW -250 POLY 3R -60 MICRO WIRE DERATE TABLE TEMPERATURE RATING OF WIRE 90• C TAG WIRE AMPOF CONDUIT AMBIENT TEMP.TEAIP. NO.OF DERATE ALLOWABLE ACTUAL VERIFY ID SIZE WIRE ABOVE TEMP. ADDER CORRECTION CURRENT FACTOR AMPACITY AMP AWG ROOF (F) (F°) FACTOR CARRYING COND. SUNMODULE ENPHASE M215 SW -250 POLY 53 -60 MICRO 53 IRONRIDGE FLAT 165° i 11.43KW ® m 40 >J•-3-1/2• 102• 4o a; 2 1.0 26.0 16 OK 3.1/2• 102• 40° 96 2 1.0 72.0 64 OK MODULE QTY INVERTER QTY RACKING & TILT AZIMUTH AC POWER MOUNTING RATING 15.75A 15.75A UINTA Y DEPT. ED 100A RATED, NEMA 3R W, 1P, 3W SUBPANEL 13.0 KW 954f t2 1 4.0 LBS/ft2 POWER PV ARRAY I WEIGHT OF PV MODULES RATING SQUARE AND ASSEMBLY Q 1> N I-1 00tY0: V 00 CD I.0 OO U Q h Z� a� v O W 1Z( W �D W x :Z) W CD v CD Green Sour T6chnologies m.. A DESIGNED BY: Cesar Morales, Engr. Date: 12/22/2014 cf) I-o u V N v Tn U E~ o V U A w a O W a o► OI(z Lp U W O F—I THESE DRAWINGS ARE CONCEPTUAL AND SHOW BASIC SYSTEM OPERATION ONLY. IT IS NOT INTENDED TO INCLUDE ALL DEVICES AND DETAILS FOR PROPER ORIENTATION. IT IS THE RESPONSABILTY OF THE INSTALLING CONTRACTOR TO ENSURE THAT ALL NECESSARY DETAILS AND DEVICES ARE INSTALLED TO GUARANTEE PROPER OPERATION AND COMPLIANCE WITH LOCAL BUILDING CODES. THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS PROPRIETARY INFORMA- TION AND ITS RECEI FT OR POSSESSION DOES NOT CONVEY ANY RIGHTS, OR TO MANUFACTURE, USE, OR SELL ANYTHING IT MAY DESCRIBE. REPRODUCTION, DISCLOSURE OR USE WITHOUT SPECIFIC WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION IS STRICTLY FORBIDDEN. ELECTRICAL DIAGRAM SHEET 4 of 5 NOTES: SIGNAL RESIDENTIAL 96 1-1. RESI5ENTIAL BUILDING - THE MARKING MAY BE PLACED WITHIN THE MAIN SERVICE DISCONNECT. THE MARKING SHALL BE PLACED ON THE OUT SIDE COVER IF MAIN SERVICE DISCONNECT IS OPERABLE WITH THE SERVICE CLOSED. 2. MARKINGS: A- VERBIAGE: CAUTION: SOLAR ELECTRIC SYSTEM CONNECTED. B- FORMAT: 1. WHITE LETTERING ON A RED BACKGROUND. 2. MINIMUN $" LETTER HEIGHT. 3. ALL LETTERS SHALL BE CAPITALIZED. 4. ARIAL OR SIMILIAR FONT, NON BOLD. C- MATERIAL: 1. REFLECTIVE, WEATHER RESISTANT MATERIAL SUITABLE FOR THE ENVIRONMENT (USE UL -969 AS STANDARD FOR WEATHER RATING), DURABLE ADHESIVE MATERIALS MEET THIS REQUIREMENT. D- MARKING REQUIREMENTS ON DC CONDUIT, RACEWAYS, ENCLOSURES, CABLE ASSEMBLIES, D COMBINERS AND JUNCTION BOXES: 1. MARKINGS: PLACEMENT, VERBIAGE, FORMAT AND TYPE OF MATERIAL. A. PLACEMENT: MARKING SHALL BE PLACED EVERY 10' ON ALL INTERIOR DC CONDUITS, RACEWAYS, ENCLOSURES AND CABLE ASSEMBLIES, AT TURNS, ABOVE AND/ OR BELOW PENETRATIONS, ALL DC COMBINERS AND JUNCTION BOXES. B. VERBIAGRCAUTION: SOLAR CIRCUIT. NOTE: THE FORMAT AND TYPE OF MATERIAL OF MATERIAL SHALLBE ADHERE "B -3b, C" OF THIS REQUIREMENT. D. INVERTERS -ARE NOT REQUIRED TO HAVE CAUTION MARKINGS REQUIRED MARKINGS AND LABELS LOCATION: MAIN SERVICE PANEL TEXT OSIZE: 8" MIN. NON BOLD. MATERIAL: REFLECTIVE, PERMANENT. TEXT SHALL BE WHITE, BACKGROUND SHALL BE RED. CAUTION: SOLAR ELECTRIC SYSTEM CONNECTED LOCATION: ON AC/DC DISCONNECT,. JUNCTION BOXES, SUBPANEL, MAIN OSERVICE PANEL. TEXT SIZE: s", NON - BOLD. MATERIAL: REFLECTIVE, PERMANENT, TEXT SHALL BE WHITE, BACKGROUND SHALL BE RED. WARNING ELECTRICAL SHOCK HAZARD THE CURRENT CIRCUIT CONDUCTORS OF THIS PV POWER SYSTEM ARE UNDERGROUND BUT MAY BE ENERGIZED WITH RESPECT TO GND. DUE TO THE LEAKAGE PATHS AND/ OR GROUND FAULTS. LOCATION: ON EXPOSED CONDUIT EVERY 10' OAT BENDS, J -BOX, AND COMBINER BOXES TEXT SIZE: 8" MIN. NON -BOLD MATERIAL: REFLECTIVE, PERMANENT, TEXT SHALL BE WHITE, BACKGROUND SHALL BE RED. CAUTION: SOLAR CIRCUIT LOCATION: MAIN SERVICE PANEL TEXT OSIZE: 8" MIN. NON BOLD. MATERIAL: REFLECTIVE, PERMANENT. TEXT SHALL BE WHITE, BACKGROUND SHALL BE RED. LOCATION: ON AC DISCONNECT OTEXT SIZE: 14 PT. NON BOLD. MTRL: O REFLECTIVE, PERMANENT. TEXT SHALL BE WHITE, BACKGROUND SHALL BE RED. PHOTOVOLTAIC ARRAY AC DISCONNECT OPERATING CURRENT: 30 A OPERATING VOLTAGE: 240 V CITY OF LA QUINTA BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION DATE BY d' WARNING: ELECTRIC SHOCK HAZARD IF GROUNDING FAULT IS INDICATED, NORMALLY GROUNDED CONDUCTORS MAYBE UNGROUNDED AND ENERGIZED LOCATION: ON AC DISCONNECT, SUBPANEL, TEXT SIZE: 14 PT. NON BOLD. MTRL: REFLECTIVE, PERMANENT. TEXT SHALL BE WHITE, BACKGROUND SHALL BE RED. WARNING: ELECTRIC SHOCK HAZARD DO NOT TOUCH TERMINALS. TERMINALS ON BOTH THE LINE AND LOAD SIDES MA BE ENERGIZED IN THE OPEN POSITION. LOCATION: ON MAIN SERVICE PANEL OTEXT SIZE: 8" MIN. NON BOLD. MTRL: REFLECTIVE, PERMANENT. TEXT SHALL BE WHITE, BACKGROUND SHALL BE RED. WARNING: DUAL POWER SOURCE SECOND SOURCE IS PV SYSTEM Q �-+✓ W roLO w` ° L-00 OY O oo p �j y V O 1_ � o Zpv� W x �D 0 3 H Q U ,� a 3 z (� CD g OSolarTectoclogies DESIGNED BY: Cesar Morales, Engr. Date: 12/22/2014 -1-1 a LO cn w t� v N U) u °? U o V^^ .9 � > 0 U) P 0 � °x a C:) a a C) Lf)o Lf7 I-� E~ U w O THESE DRAWINGS ARE CONCEPTUAL AND SHOW BASIC SYSTEM OPERATION ONLY. IT IS NOT INTENDED TO INCLUDE ALL DEVICES AND DETAILS FOR PROPER ORIENTATION. IT IS THE RESPONSABILTY OF THE INSTALLING CONTRACTOR TO ENSURE THAT ALL NECESSARY DETAILS AND DEVICES ARE INSTALLED TO GUARANTEE PROPER OPERATION AND COMPLIANCE WITH LOCAL BUILDING CODES. THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS PROPRIETARY INFORMA. TION AND ITS RECEIPT OR POSSESSION DOES NOT CONVEY ANY RIGHTS, OR TO MANUFACTURE, USE, OR SELL ANYTHING IT MAY DESCRIBE. REPRODUCTION, DISCLOSURE OR USE WITHOUT SPECIFIC WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION IS STRICTLY FORBIDDEN. SIGNAGE SHEET 5 of 5 SUNMODULE 53 ENPHASE M215 53 IRONRIDGE LAT 165 11.43KW 13.0 KW 954ft z 4.0 LBS/ft z SW -250 POLY -60 MICRO MODULE QTY INVERTER QTY RACKING & TILT AZIMUTH AC POWER DC POWER PV ARRAY WEIGHT OF PV MODULES MOUNTING RATING RATING SQUARE AND ASSEMBLY Q �-+✓ W roLO w` ° L-00 OY O oo p �j y V O 1_ � o Zpv� W x �D 0 3 H Q U ,� a 3 z (� CD g OSolarTectoclogies DESIGNED BY: Cesar Morales, Engr. Date: 12/22/2014 -1-1 a LO cn w t� v N U) u °? U o V^^ .9 � > 0 U) P 0 � °x a C:) a a C) Lf)o Lf7 I-� E~ U w O THESE DRAWINGS ARE CONCEPTUAL AND SHOW BASIC SYSTEM OPERATION ONLY. IT IS NOT INTENDED TO INCLUDE ALL DEVICES AND DETAILS FOR PROPER ORIENTATION. IT IS THE RESPONSABILTY OF THE INSTALLING CONTRACTOR TO ENSURE THAT ALL NECESSARY DETAILS AND DEVICES ARE INSTALLED TO GUARANTEE PROPER OPERATION AND COMPLIANCE WITH LOCAL BUILDING CODES. THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS PROPRIETARY INFORMA. TION AND ITS RECEIPT OR POSSESSION DOES NOT CONVEY ANY RIGHTS, OR TO MANUFACTURE, USE, OR SELL ANYTHING IT MAY DESCRIBE. REPRODUCTION, DISCLOSURE OR USE WITHOUT SPECIFIC WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION IS STRICTLY FORBIDDEN. SIGNAGE SHEET 5 of 5 Enphase® Microinverters EnphaseeM215 The Enphase" M215 Microinverter with integrated ground delivers increased energy harvest and reduces design and installation complexity with its all -AC approach. With the advanced M215, the DC circuit is isolated and insulated from ground, so no Ground Electrode Conductor (GEC) is required for the microinverter. This further simplifies installation, enhances safety, and saves on labor and materials costs. The Enphase M215 integrates seamlessly with the Engage® Cable, the Envoy® Communications Gateway", and Enlighten®, Enphase's monitoring and analysis software. PRODUCTIVE Maximizes energy production - Minimizes impact of shading, dust, and debris No single point of system failure enphase- C E N E R G Y SIMPLE - - No GEC needed for microinverter - No DC design or string calculation required - Easy installation with Engage Cable RELIABLE • More than 1 million hours of testing and millions of units shipped Industry-leading warranty, up to 25 years SP® c us Enphase® M215 Microinverter // DATA INPUT DATA (DC) M215-60-2LL-S22-IG / S23 -IG / S24 -IG Recommended input power (STC)- 190 270 W _ - _ µ Maximum input DC voltage~ 48V Peak power tracking voltage-� 27 V _39 Vµ N -_! Operating range 16 V - 48 V [Min/Max start voltage -2-2 V / 48 V µ yJ� ^y�~- - 7 Max DC short circuit current 15 A OUTPUT DATA (AC) @208 VAC @240 VAC t Peak output power _ -.- T 225 W 225 W T I� Rated (continuous) output power 215 W 215 W~ ^ LNominal output current V _ 1.03 A (A rms at nominal duration) 0.9 A (A rms anominal duration) Nominal voltage/range 208 V / 183-229 V 240 V / 211-264 V Nominal frequency/range 60.0 / 57-61 Hz - ,. �.F _ 60.0 / 57-61HzH Hz --- _ _ _ Extended frequency range' _ _--.---- .. �-- 57-62.5 Hz 57-62.5 Hz Power factor >0.95- _ >0.95 �'� Maximum units per 20 A branch circuit - .+ _- v... -....m .w....�.+r' mow++.. +.+.�. 25 (three phase) 17 (single phase) rrew .. ........-�++.�+•+++(.�+•.`�r^.l+rr. .w _.._. _ - Maximum output fault current: _. .r�.�. r.a......c 850 mA rms for 6 cycles -850 mA rms for 6 cycles EFFICIENCY CEC weighted efficiency, 240 VAC - ^96.5% 96.5% CEC weighted efficiency, 208 VAC Peak inverter efficiency 96.5% Static MPPT efficiency (weighted, reference EN50530) 99.4% time power consumption �+ �w 65 mW max M - - _ __ - _� ► MECHANICAL DATA ' Ambient temperature range _ -40°C to +65°C Dimensions (WxHxD) 171 mm x 173 mm xn30 mm (without mounting bracket) Weight_... 1.6 kg (3.4 lbs) Cooling Natural convection - No fans t Enclosure environmental rating��- Outdoor - NEMA 6 r FEATURES Compatibility Compatible with 60 -cell PV modules. y Communication Power line Integrated ground The DC circuit meets the requirements for ungrounded PV arrays in I NEC 690.35. Equipment ground is provided in the Engage Cable. No I t additional GEC or ground is required. Ground fault protection (GFP) is 1 _ _ - _ _ a integrated into the microinverter. r Monitoring #Enlighten Manager and MyEnlighten monitoring options ( Compliance UL1741/IEEE1547, FCC Part 15 Class B, CAN/CSA-C22.2 NO. 0-1791, �. 0.4-04, and 107.1-01 ' Frequency ranges can be extended beyond nominal if required by the utility To learn more about Enphase Microinverter technology, enphasev visit enphase.com CJ 11 E N E R G Y O 2014 Enphase Energy. All rights reserved. All trademarks or brands in this document are registered by their respective owner. Sunmod 'W'Pro-Series 1. 5W:245-250-255 POLY 'REALVALUE PERFORMANCE UNDER STANDARD TEST CONDITIONS (STC)' SW 245: .. SW 250 :'.', iW255 Maximum power Pm„ s 245 Wp , 250 Wp . 255 Wp - - :. - Open circuit voltage V. - -, , •r 37.3 V > 37.6 V 38.0 V ,. Maximum powei point voltage Vmvn 301 V • ` 30.5 V. 30.9 V �. ` Circuit current ,• fu .. - k95A 8.81A 8.88A .. ; Moximum power point current Impp 8.22 A 8.27 A 8.32 A Module ekiciency - Om �: � �' " 14.61%15.21% ' 14.91 % ' Measuring tolerance (P_) traceable to TUV Rheinland +/-2%(TUV Povsercontrolled) 1'STCa000W/mr; 25'C.AM 1.5� .. ,.•� PERFORMANCE AT 800 W/M',NOCT, AM 1.5 r SW 245 ..' SW 250 SW255:- 3 -_-..yy-- Maximum power - P rs,,.y'' 182.3 Wp' 185.4 Wp ` .L 188.7VJp. Open circuit voltage V� 34.0 V34.2 V 34:5 V Maximum powerpoint voltageW 27.8 V. 28.1 V Short circuit current 7.19 A 7.24 A L 7.30 A Maximum power point current I cv + 6.64 A ' -.' ,_ 6.68:A . -'6.72 A r. Minor reduction in efficiency under partial load conditions at 25 C. at 200 W/m', 100%(+/-2%)of the STC efficiency (1000 W/m') is achieved. • - - - . - a , 1000W/M2 �' DIMENSIONS . - COMPONENTMATERIALS Soo w/m� length 65.94 in (1675 mm)' Cells per module if `Width 39.41 in 1001 mm "Cell - --- ( ) type Polycrystalline _ - a 600 W/mr " Height :.. 1.22 in (31 mm) . 'Cell dimensions 156 mm x 156 mm , ❑ a00 w/mr r S:' Frame . • : Clear anodized aluminum . " Front Tempered glass {EN 12150)" r .. l Weight ; ' -..39.5 lbs (77.9 kg) 200 W/mr-:*.. .. ... _ .. '. - .,, :• ... _. mow/m= 'THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS ADDITIONAL DATA: Mw�eeNl V NOCT- "46Y Poweisorting O Wp/+S Wp ` C . TO 0.081 %/'C ' J -Boz , IP65 , :. .x4 - 3744 (9S1) \ TCV,, -0.37PV wire per UL4703 " Module leads - a y > s x 0 WithH4connectors TCP y 45°6% C „ rn 11.33 288)�.:� _�- r Module type (UL 1703) - ...1 ( .. k : PARAMETERS FOR OPTIMAL SYSTEM INTEGRATION 3.9 3T(100 ') Maximums- 'einvoltageSCll/NEC v 1000V - Maximum reverse current i ` 16 A Version : t 2.5 fram '65.94 e `f a Load/dynamic load : 113 psf/30 psf (5.4/2.4'kN/m') (1675) bottom ' mounting Al mberofbypassdiodes r 3 " - holes _ Operating range- _ -40' C to +85' C71 . y ..0.615.3 ,a Al ,': , a' - VERSION 2.5 FRAME ' - � •y " compatiblewith both 'Top -Down' ' yxq _ r s,and.'Bottom'mountingmethods 420 (1071* ♦Grounding locations;, 4 corners of the frame ' .39.41(100[)-�, ,-4locations along th'e length of the o 12231 ( .;� .. module in the extended flange* :1.34 34 All units provided are imperial. SI units provided in parentheses.'"-- -.Solafflorlcl AG reserves the right to make specification changes without notice. ,ar, +• :- ,SW -O1 -6050U508'2014 Y' 3 -_-..yy-- e GOUVIS ENGINEERING Lvi • C A L I F O R N I A • CAUFOIWIA E-MAIL TO • SUPPORT@GOUVISGROUP.COM . SALESQGOUVISGROUP.COM May 19, 1997 A.M. Construction P.O. Box 366 La Quinta, CA. 92253 Attn: Manuel Abarca Re: Schubert Residence Entry Crate GEC Job No.: 20022 Dear Mr. Abarca: Pursuant to your request regarding the above captioned project, per our phone conversation on May 15, 1997, we submit the following. Please see the attached partial cross section for the framing of the entry gate. r Concrete footing under box columns should be 12 below undisturbed soils with 44 bars at 12" o/c each way. t . Note: Please verify the above with building department prior to construction. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact this office: Sincerely, GOUVIS ENGINEERING CALIFORNIA n Y on ran e 1� President of gineer SIB: Ir 20022139.doc Attachments: 3 ° FOF CAI�F� cc: Andrzej Weber GOUVIS ENGINEERING GROUP OF COMPANIES WITH OFFICES IN. WEB -SITE: H7-FP//WWW.000V7sGROUP.COM 4400 CAMPUSDRIvE SuiTEA NEWPORTBEACH, CALIFORN/492660 0 (714) 752-1612 • FAX (714) 752-5321 2150 EAST.TAHQu17z CANYON, Sui7E 9 • pwm SPRINOs, CALIFORNIA 92262 • • (619) 323-5090 • FAX (619) 325-2863 5465 MOREHOUSE DRIvE SUITE 100 • SAN DIEGO, CAUFORNIA 92121 • . • (619) 623-9941 • FAX (619) 623-0278 FIELD OFFICES: LAS VEGAS (702) 597-2005 • FAX (702) 597-0905 • MILPITAS (408) 263-3016 • FAX (408) 263-3714 �t _ — -� .. s Z P) roo�- 2 h to 5 4.62... L-1 PIE- FLOOR- E - I FLOOR PLAN aCALIN I/W OV- CHUBERT .')GA WEST RESIDENCE: 0- F-88LE BEACH A N D R Z F' J W .. W t_ '1�': �•! f `:��{'r cry;. •;:;. �{.p:.: .. � ;1 � • ii�t. .. r...L�': 4 5 1 9 /F �I Q i I V 1, 4. 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