2018-19 RCTC Measure A Submittal & CertificationtaQwkra GEM ofrbe DESERT — MEMORANDUM TO: Frank J. Spevacek, City Manager FROM: Carley Escarrega, Management Assistant DATE: May 9, 2018 RE: City of La Quinta Fiscal Year 2018/2019 - 2022/2023 Measure A Five -Year Capital Improvement Plan and Maintenance of Effort Certification Attached for your signature is a transmittal letter and a FY 2018/19 Maintenance of Effort certification statement regarding the above item. Please sign the attached document(s) and return to the City Clerk for processing and distribution. Reauestina department shall check and attach the items below as aeoraoriate: �a Contract payments will be charged to account number: �A Lek Amount of Agreement, Amendment, Change Order, etc.: Y•0Q A Conflict of Interest Form 700 Statement of Economic Interests from Consultant(s) is attached with no reportable interests in LQ or reportable interests �- A Conflict of Interest Form 700 Statement of Economic Interests is not required because this Consultant does not meet the definition in FPPC regulation 18701(2). Authoritv to execute this oareement is based upon: V,_C/ Approved by the City Council on City Manager's signature authority provided under Resolution No. 2015-045 for budgeted expenditures of $50,000 or less. This expenditure is $ and authorized by [Council, Director, etc] 01- Initial to certify that 3 written informal bids or proposals were received and considered in selection The following reouired documents are attached to the oareement: Cj Insurance certificates as required by the agreement (approved by Risk Manager on date) �1 Performance bonds as required by the agreement (originals) %8� City of Lo Quinta Business License number A requisition for a Purchase Order has been prepared (amounts over $5,000) A copy of this Cover Memo has been emailed to Finance (Sandra) Revised May 2017 ta Q�W (;FNI q rh, I)Fti1-R I' - May 9, 2018 Lorelle Moe -Luna Senior Management Analyst Programming and Planning Riverside County Transportation Commission P.O. Box 12008 Riverside, CA 92502-2208 Subject: City of La Quinta Fiscal Year 2018/2019 - 2022/2023 Measure A Five -Year Capital Improvement Plan and Maintenance of Effort Certification Dear Ms. Moe -Luna, The City of La Quinta respectfully submits its Measure A Capital Improvement Plan, Project Status Report and Maintenance of Effort Certification for the Commission's review and approval. The City of La Quinta is a full participant in the Coachella Valley Multi -Species Habitat Conservation Plan (MSHCP) and the Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee (TUMF) Programs. Please do not hesitate to contact Bryan McKinney, P.E., City Engineer, at (760) 777- 7045 or Nick Nickerson, Project Manager, at (760) 323-5344 if you have questions or require additional information. Sincerely, FRANK J/SIkNACEK City Mar�ag r Enclosures 78-495 Calle Tampico 7000 La Quinta, CA 92253 760.777. MEASURE A LOCAL STREETS AND ROADS PROGRAM I FY 2019/20 Agency: LA QUINTA Prepared by: Bryan McKinney, P.E Phone #: (760) 777-7045 Date: 5/9/2018 Item No. 2019/20 2015-03 Estimated Prior Year Measure A Balance: $ - *Estimated FY 2019/20 Measure A Allocation: 1,453,286 Estimated Measure A Available for FY 2019/20 Projects: $ 1,453,286 Project Name /Limits Project Type Total Project Measure ACost Funds La Quinta Village Complete ATP Project - Carry - Streets - A Road Diet Pro'ect O $ 10,499,542.00 $ 110,990.00 1 ver 1920TMI Citywide Traffic Signal Annual Recurring 235,000.00 $ $ 235,000.00 Maintenance Program Program 2017-09 Jefferson St at Avenue 53 ATP ect Pro 1 $ 1,876,117.00 $ 74,289.00 Roundabout Monroe St. Pavement 2019-01 Rehabilitation (Ave 52 to Ave. 53; Street Maintenance $ 941,000.00 $ 941,000.00 and near Ave 61) TOTAL $ 13,551,659 $ 1,361,279 *Assumes the City's Obligation to CVAG is paid back the end of the 1 st Quarter of FY 19/20, FY 2019-20 Page 1 of 1 FY 2018119 MAINTENANCE OF EFFORT CERTIFICATION STATEMENT The undersigned agrees and certifies for the city of La Quinta (the "Agency") that sales tax transportation funds received pursuant to Ordinance No. 02-001 of the Riverside County Transportation Commission ("Measure A") shall be used in compliance with the Commission's Maintenance of Effort Guidelines and a base year amount of $937,007, approved by the Commission at its June 12, 2013 meeting, and that the Agency shall not use such funds to replace discretionary local funds previously expended by the Agency for local transportation purposes. The Agency hereby acknowledges that the failure of the Agency to continue such local expenditure shall result in a reduction or loss of Measure A funds. Additionally, the Agency commits to expending Measure A Local Streets and Roads funds for projects listed in the Five -Year Capital Improvement Plan as approved by Riverside County Transportation Commission. Dated: 018 and J.;'pevac City Manager ATTEST: Monika Ra va, D uty City Clerk