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Earthquake Hazard Report
Exhibit D (continued) Building Survey Form #1 p�vAlk, t (,-< s /V City/County: L 4 ©1-,; ''v"r-4 Date of Field Survey: Inspector's Name 9. Building Name- Address- ame-Address_ _77 ' VI s RvF /h �.v7�Zunt Locality/District PA, -e& A2Fa Legal Description: Lot Block Tract Map Page Parcel - Owner /e4"'1 EsH_,0_e-K oaf Owner's Address RD. G0K 4' 4 L Q. Assessed Value: Improvements $ Land $ Total $ Number of Stories Building Size 3'0 ` ft x30 _ft. Floor Area - sq. ft. Date of Construction _ (Sketch Building Footprint Here) ............. ... I....... Use of Building, Bldg Name, % of Bldg Area if Mixed Use: ❑ Retail % ❑ Public Utility % Office (#. of Businesses) % ❑ Hospital _ % ❑ Police Department % ❑ Residential (# of Units) - % ❑ Fire Department % ❑ School _ % ❑ Jail % ❑Pre-school _ % ❑ Church % ❑K - 12 % ❑ Other % ❑College— % Is Building Essential for Emergency Response?❑Yes❑ No ❑ Hotel % Occupancy Group - L3 -a ❑ Restaurant % Estimated No. of Occupants (Max. in 24 hrs.) ❑ Theater % Plans Available? Ll Yes[—] No ❑ Industrial % Any Retrofit Done? ❑Yes❑ No ❑ Warehouse - % Permit Date ❑ Garage _ % I Qualified Historic Building? ❑Yes❑ No If Yes, what List or Register? Chapter 9 Reference Material Exhibit D (continued) Building Survey Form #1 (continued) Type of Building Bearing Wall P1 Steel Frame ❑ Concrete Frame ❑ Other ❑ (Type: ) Building Shape Square/Rectangle : J L - Shape ❑ U - Shape ❑ T - Shape ❑ Irregular ❑ Exterior Abutting Buildings? ...Yes ❑ No Veneer? ❑ Yes :K No Architectural Significance? ❑ Yes ❑ No Maximum Unsupported Wall Height o?S Bond Beams? None ❑ Floor ❑ Roof ❑ Other Notes or Comments Possible Hazards Interior Walls? ❑ Yes ❑ No Gables? L Yes ❑ No Signs? ❑ Yes k] No Roof Tile? NK Yes ❑ No Coping? ❑ Yes Ek No Facing? ❑ Yes W No Towers? ❑ Yes No Marquees? ❑ Yes No Ornamentation? ❑ Yes X Ivo Chimneys? ❑ Yes F. No Other Parapets Are there Parapets? []Yes F. No Unsupported Height Braced or Reinforced? ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Unknown Architectural Importance? ❑ Yes ❑ No Cornices Are there Cornices? Projection from Wall Supported or Reinforced? Architectural Importance? ❑ Yes 1 No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Unknown ❑ Yes ❑ No I 0 CALL E 2Go O M No. /4 MB /8/82-83 h k // 4 a l0 -3a // 51-431 Q a 56-y53 3 5 va o0 4 _70 10 Zee H/ D A L G O O W Q Q 0 3 5 0 4 J, -1 - - 30 1 30 3e 1 3. 0 a M ASSESSOR' RIVERS) o 0 144 23 0.24 AG r 2:66" 22 3 is ' 90 77 0.5/AC t — 1, 21 4 70 b7 s 20 �io4.S8 _ 104 04 le4.47 J ,w m 18 n /9 7 .04 A e /7 ® ®58 4 °5 io4.3 M /60 @j 9 o /5 /p 10 104.12 A s �'y74 // ©// io4. e! o /2 3e 1 3. 0 a M ASSESSOR' RIVERS) I � r - 78-105 CALLE ESTADO - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 564-2246 May 14, 1990 Ms. Frances Hack P.O. Box 181 La Quinta, CA 92253 SUBJECT: 77-885 & 77-895 MONTEZUMA Dear Property Owner: Widespread concerns over earthquake safety caused the State Legislature to pass SB547 in 1986. This law requires every city in our Seismic Zone to create a list of "potentially hazardous buildings" that identifies certain buildings which contain walls constructed of brick or other masonry materials built before earthquake resistant codes were enforced, and - which do not have steel bars embedded in the walls. Such buildings, commonly called "unreinforced masonry buildings", may not withstand earthquakes well, and they have caused many injuries and deaths in large earthquakes. The State has encouraged cities to enact local ordinances or other mitigation programs to reduce the hazard posed by these buildings. The City of La Quinta has adopted such an ordinance, a copy of which is enclosed. The structures which are affected by the ordinance are listed above. The Office building at 77-895 Ave. Montezuma has been classified as a "Medium Risk Building" as defined by the ordinance. The building at 77-885 Ave. Montezuma has been classified as a "Low Risk Building". The buildings must be shown through structural analysis to comply with the minimum seismic standards of Chapter 8.12. CS/FOR%AkING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - L%AIQUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 If the structures do not comply with Chapter 8.12 the owner must cause the structure to be structurally altered to conform to such standards, or cause the building to be demolished. Section 8.12.050 outlines the time frame involved for submittal of the required documentation. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me. Very truly yours, JERRY HERMAN PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR Tom Hartung / Building Official TH:ccs Attachment CS/FORM.1 -2- r CITY OF LA QUINTA 78-105 Calle Estado La Quinta, CA 92253 NOTICE OF EXISTING BUILDINGS: FARTHCIL'AKE HAZARD This document certifies that the structure(s) described in the attached exhibit is within the scope of Chapter 8.12 of the La Quinta Municipal Code titled "Earthquake Hazard Reduction in Existing Buildings". The owner, Frances L. Hack, thereof has been ordered to structurally analyze the building(s) to structurally alter or demolish the building(s) where it is found not to comply with Chapter 8.12. If at such time the building(s) is found not to be within the scope of Chapter 8.12, or as a result of structural alterations or analysis is found to be structurally capable of resisting minimum seismic forces required by Chapter 8.12, or is demolished, a subsequent document will be recorded which certifies that the status of the subject building(s) is no longer within the scope of Chapter 8.12 - Earthquake Hazard Reduction in Existing Buildings. Tom Hartung Building Official City of La Quinta co # Document rded Ton a 5 as too. t ��� has not b31S-E1 c=—. original. CS/DOCTH.001 10 CS/DOCTH.001 EXHIBIT A Assessor's Parcel Number 773-101-001 & 773-101-005 LOTS 8 & 9 & 11 BLOCK 133 MB 018/082 SANTA CARMELITA AT VALE LA QUINTA NO. 14 77-885 Avenida Montezuma 77-895 Avenida Montezuma La Quinta, ,.r -A OWNED BY: FRANCES L. HACK ��:�� F 'D1E,�• 78-105 CALLE ESTADO — LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 (619) 564-2246 FAX (619) 564-5617 October 21,1992 ��F,S�;/,l- W(10" I Deborah Gelson P.O. Box 1014 La Quinta, California 92253 Dear Ms. Gelson; The property located at 77-895 Avenida Montezuma, in La Quinta, Assessor's Parcel Number 777-101-005 has been identified as being within the scope of Chapter 8.12 of the La Quinta Municipal Code titled "Earthquake Hazard Reduction in Existing Buildings". As such, the structure must be structurally analyzed by a licensed engineer, and consequently altered to make it capable of resisting seismic forces as described in Chapter 8.12. If the above mentioned property is vacated, and posted by the City as "Unsafe To Occupy", the City will not, as is provided for in Chapter 8.12, cause the structure to be demolished at this time. At such time that the structure is retrofitted to resist seismic activity, it will be declared as no longer being within the scope of Chapter 8.12, and a Certificate of Occupancy will be issued by this department. It is understood that the new owners need time to secure construction money for the rehabilitation, and that as long as a reasonable effort is being made to acquire the necessary financing to complete the structural modifications, the city will not cause the building to be demolished. Please feel free to contact me'if you have any further questions. Sincerely, BUILDING AND SAFETY DEPARTMENT, City of La Quinta Tom Hartung MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 Earth Systems Consultants r,%Zn77F Southern California 79-8118 Country Club Drive Bermuda Dunes, CA 92201 (619) 345-1588 • (619) 328-9131 DAILY REPORT OF INSPECTION OF STRUCTURAL MASONRY SB/R.S CO. GOV. UBC TITLE 21/24 OTHER Building Permit No.: OSA Application No.: Date of Inspection: Project Name: % ? G) '6Z V- 1- �t 7 G,, - , G" Job No.: Project Address: t Architect: Structural Engineer: General Contractor: Sub Contractor: TYPE OF INSPECTION: Reinforcing Unit Placement Grout Spaces Cleanouts Grouting Other Description of Work � Insp`ected: _ ; Lel � 1 A � -1 c--, & S � � 1 � �— r _ ► : „ter1 �[ p I C„ - 4 q rLam, Pf{ir. UL- ,Irai 4c__ 1-) A' �L �ar rc-i __ L_pp I',Ig ,`I G2.- cl !1t_ : t Yi r Z i X, if A 11-_>J r ��• r�e n -� {� C ••->�S r r. cy r,.-- c! �«1--`V.� �il V �,�74 �` t �t� T� h._,,.�I�•f-.moi lti-Ci6F—,iC„ F7. v � - - - - � Y - - - , •- _ _ I_ I ii 1n I (J Z() cry c � + ^, r � � �J e l�5 r � 1r�r tG�r �TS S L Tct Ls G.re Descriptive Location of Samples: Slump Grout Temp: Time in Mixer: Water Added: Air Temp: Type Cement: C.M.U. Unit Sizes & Col Supplier: Mix Design Admixture: I.D. Mark: Bond Pattern Mortar Type: _ I hereby certify that I have inspected all of the above reported work, unless otherwise noted, and to the best of my ability I have found this work to comply with the approved plans, specifications 8 applicable building laws. Final report issued at project completion. Inspector's Name/No. Inspector's Signature Time in Time out Lunch Straight Time O.T. D.T. All inspections based on a minimum of 4 hours; over 4 hours will be an 8 hour minimum. In addition, any inspection extending past 12 pm will be an 8 hour minimum. Contractor's Representative Copy 1 ESC Lab Copy 2 Project Superintendent Copy 3 Governing Agency