Earthquake Hazard ReportX ea r a0k - 3s- yo Exhibit D (continued) City/County: ZA Qvl.v-rA Building Survey Form #1 Date of Field Survey: Inspector's Name: Building Name tme_ Address 40 6'4w' Locality/District #__0 ` ,¢2rA ' Legal Description: Lot Block i Tract Map Page Parcel.ik_ _; 6f Owner ZA4 O'C 41i' IA -6 Owner's Address A0- 8' r 1600 [. Q Assessed Value: Improvements $ Land $ Total $— j Number of Stories_ 2, Building Size Z5! ft x -ft. Floor Area - .3S0bq,!P°0 so, ft. Date of Constru (Sketch Building Footprint Here) Use of Building, Bldg Name, % of Bldg Area if Mixed Use: ❑ Retail — % ❑ Public Utility % Office (#. of Businesses) % ❑ Hospital --- El Police Department — - % ❑ Residential (# of Units) % ❑ Fire Department % ❑ School % ❑ Jail __ % ❑ Pre-school % ❑ Church _ % ❑K - 12 % ❑ Other % ❑College % Is Building Essential for Emergency Response?❑Yes ❑ No []Hotel % Occupancy Group ❑ Restaurant — % Estimated No. of Occupants (Max. in 24 hrs.) ❑ Theater % Plans Available? ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Industrial - - _ % Any Retrofit Done? ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Warehouse — % Permit Date ❑ Garage __- % Qualified Historic Building? ❑Yes❑ No If Yes, what List or Register? Chapter 9 Reference Material Exhibit D (continued) i Building Survey Form #1 (continued) Type of Building Bearing Wall 1F. Steel Frame ❑ Concrete Frame ❑ Other ❑ (Type: Building Shape Square/Rectangle ❑ L - Shape ❑ U - Shape ❑ T - Shape ❑ Irregular ❑. Exterior Abutting Buildings? g'Yes ❑ No Veneer? ❑ Yes 10 No Architectural Significance? ❑ Yes ❑ No Maximum Unsupported Wall Height Bond Beams? None ❑ Floor ❑ Roof ❑ Other Notes or Comments Possible Hazards Interior Walls? ❑ Yes TKNo Gables? >, Yes ❑ No Signs? ❑ Yes 0 No Roof Tile? Y Yes ❑ No Coping? ❑ Yes El No Facing? ❑ Yes No Towers? ❑ Yes ❑ No Marquees? ❑ Yes No Ornamentation? ❑ Yes F. No Chimneys? F-1 Yes ❑ No Other Parapets Are there Parapets? ❑ Yes No Unsupported Height ft. Braced or Reinforced? ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Unknown Architectural Importance? ❑ Yes ❑ No Cornices Are there Cornices? ❑ Yes L_ No Projection from Wall Supported or Reinforced? ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Unknown SW //4 of SEC 36, T 5S, R 6E 63/ •'3 z . 90 - -3G /Lor: 1�b. -or e 1� /rM 7• ,•'��•--�T_a`� 1=115 _ LOd 61 � � �1aa. •'S 1ti V 1'�r`y ..'Z, L�IA 10 �y S ' 2 284C�': 0 ,, ' _Z 0 a /.93AC. � 1` o N F O V F; iO rg Al +Nlf 2 iy �, S Q ya 73 Q C -57 x 2.37,4C.r _ P� °' /.53,4C 2.0/Ac. "rr�� 2.26AC. y S tij r�,4✓ENIl1d •�t'r'' f�orF tas�t..! -7Y ZS :73.00JA ~ze t.o r.R.A.o2o- 03 QO b0 0.09 Ac. f Lor @2 7 6 AC.oj� O N Q N �¢74s a LU h ! C� �,• C X45. F9 _ 200.00 C �5 /.59-4AC. 17 c I�-, �'LA n. s SEC Win' / 73 Ac A� ti Y� S4 /.93AC. � 1` o N F O V F; iO rg Al +Nlf 2 iy �, S Q ya 73 Q C -57 x 2.37,4C.r _ P� °' /.53,4C 2.0/Ac. "rr�� 2.26AC. y S tij r�,4✓ENIl1d •�t'r'' f�orF tas�t..! -7Y ZS :73.00JA ~ze t.o r.R.A.o2o- 03 QO b0 0.09 Ac. f Lor @2 7 6 AC.oj� O N Q N �¢74s a LU h ! C� �,• C X45. F9 _ 200.00 C �5 /.59-4AC. 17 c I�-, �'LA n. s SEC Via- 4 4aQui4tfw 78-105 CALLE ESTADO - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 564-2246 September 28, 1988 Landmark Land Company, Inc. P. O. Box 1000 La Quinta, CA 92253 Subject: 49-401 Obregon Dear Property Owner: Widespread concerns over earthquake safety caused the State Legislature to pass SB547 in 1986. This law requires every city in our Seismic Zone to create a list of "potentially hazardous buildings" that identifies certain buildings which contain walls constructed of brick or other masonry materials built before earthquake resistant codes were enforced, and which do not have steel bars embedded in the walls. Such buildings, commonly called "unreinforced masonry building", may not withstand earthquakes well, and they have caused many injuries and deaths in large earthquakes. The State has encouraged cities to enact local ordinances or other mitigation programs to reduce the hazard posed by these buildings. The City of La Quinta is in the process of developing an ordinance that may require strengthening of your building. It is expected that this ordinance will be in effect by January 1, 1990. Before this goes into effect however, public hearings will be held before the City Council. The City of La Quinta has completed the identification task, and has compiled a list of approximately 7 unreinforced masonry buildings. The building referenced above is on this list. Before this list of "potentially hazardous buildings" is finalized, the City wants to be sure the list is accurate. If you believe that your building is not an unreinforced masonry - 1 - BJ/FORM. y6d-ING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 building, or that the building is an unreinforced masonry building that does not need strengthening or has already been strengthened against earthquakes during past renovation work, please check the appropriate box on the attached form, and mail it within two weeks. Include information to support your opinion. Very truly yours, MURREL CRUMP PLANNING DIRECTOR Tom Hartung Building Official TH:bja Enclosure 2 - BJ/FORM.140 CITY OF LA QUINTA 78-105 Calle Estado NOTICE OF EXISTING BUILDINGS: EARTHQUAKE HAZARD La Quinta, CA 92254 This document certifies that the structure(s) described in the attached exhibit is within the Quinta Municipal Code titled Existing Buildings". The owi California, Inc. thereof has analyze the building(s) to st: building(s) where it is found r scope of Chapter 8.12 of the La "Earthquake Hazard Reduction in .er, Land Mark Land Company of been ordered to structurally ucturally alter or demolish the of to comply with Chapter 8.12. If at such time the building(s) is found not to be within the scope of Chapter 8.12, or as a result of structural alterations or analysis is found to be structurally capable of resisting minimum seismic forces required by Chapter 8.12, or is demolished, a subsequent document will be recorded which certifies that the status of the subject building(s) is no longer within the scope of Chapter 8.12 - Earthquake Hazard Reduction in Existing Buildings. Tom Hartung Building Official City of La Quinta LD 0 CS/DOCTH.001 i IL92917 EXHIBIT A Assessor's Parcel Number 631-360-027 1.59 ACRES M/L IN POR SW 1/4 OF SEC 36 T5S R6E 49-401 Avenida Obregon La Quinta, CA CS/DOCTH.001 EXHIBIT "A" PARCEL "A" That portion of the Southeast one-quarter of the Southwest one-quarter of Section 36, in the City of La Quinta, County of Riverside, State of California, according to the Official Plat thereof for Township 5 South, Range 6 East, S.B.M.; described as follows: COMMENCING at a point in the Easterly line of Lot 212 Common Lot of TRACT No. 14496-1 as shown by map filed in Book 119 of Maps at Pages 9 through 15 thereon, Records of said Riverside County, which bears S 00007'38"W, a distance of 15.00 feet from the Northeast corner of said lot, said point being the Northwest corner of that certain parcel of land described in the deed to LANDMARK LAND COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA, INC. recorded December 31, 1987 as Instrument No. 367694 of Official Records of said Riverside County; thence S 89°51'58" E along the Northerly line of said parcel of land, a distance of 130.04 feet to the True Point of Beginning; thence S 000 08' 04" W, a distance of 230.08 feet to the Southerly line of said parcel of land described in said deed to LANDMARK LAND COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA, INC.; thence S 890 52' 22" E along said Southerly line and the Southerly line of that certain parcel of land described in the deed to LANDMARK LAND COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA, INC. recorded December 31, 1987 as Instrument No. 367695 of Official Records of said Riverside County, a distance of 255.00 feet, to the Southeast corner of said last mentioned parcel of land, said corner being on the Westerly line of Obregon Street, 40.00 feet wide; thence N 000 08' 04"E along the Easterly line of said last mentioned parcel of land, said line also being the Westerly line of said Obregon Street; a distance o 230.05 feet to the Northeast corner of said last mentioned parcel of land; thence N 89°51' 58" W along the Northerly lines of said parcels of land described in said deeds to LANDMARK LAND COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA, INC.: a distance of 255.00 feet to the True Point of Beginning. CS/DOCTH.002 -1- PARCEL "B11 T 192976 That portion of the Southeast one-quarter of the Southwest one-quarter of Section 36, in the City of La Quinta, County of Riverside, State of California, according to the Official Plat thereof for Township 5 South, Range 6 East, S.B.M.; described as follows: BEGINNING at a point in the Easterly line of Lot 212 Common Lot of TRACT No. 14496-1 as shown thereon by map filed in Book 119 of Maps at Pages 9 through 15, Records of said Riverside County which bears S 00007'38"W, a distance of 15.00 feet from the Northeast corner of said lot, said point being the Northwest corner of that certain parcel of land described in the deed to LANDMARK LAND COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA, INC. recorded December 31, 1987 as Instrument No. 367694, of Official Records of said Riverside County; thence S 890 51' 5811E along the Northerly line of said parcel of land, a distance of 130.04 feet; thence S 00°08'04"W, a distance of 230.08 feet to the Southerly line of said parcel of land described in said deed to LANDMARK LAND COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA, INC.; thence N 89052122"W along said Southerly line, a distance of 130.01 feet to the Southwest corner of said parcel, said corner being on said Easterly line of Lot 212 Common Lot; thence N 00 ° 07' 38" E along the Westerly line of said parcel, said line also being said Easterly line of Lot 212 Common Lot, a distance of 230.10 feet to the Point of Beginning. CS/DOCTH.002 -2- LANDMARK LAND CO. DESIGN & PLANNING P.O. Box 1000 La Quinta, CA 92253 (619) 564-4500 FAX 564-8052 DATE: DECEMBER 4, 1990 TO: JOE WOODARD FROM: GARY KERNEY RE: LA QUINTA HOTEL SEISMIC MEMORANDUM The Hotel was noticed on May 14, 1990, as to the earthquake ordinance. The ordinance requires the following: L Engineered plans on the reinforcement are due by January 14, 1991. 2. A building permit is required by May 14, 1991. 3. You have to start construction by November 14, 1991. 4. Construction must be complete by November_ 14-,4994.- ASL 4; 1994. - ASL Engineers were the lowest of the two bids for plans at $51,900. ASL's estimate of construction was $500,000. GK/kr September 4, 1991 Mr. Tom Hartung, Senior Building Official CITY OF LA QUINTA , 8 105 Calle Estado La Quinta, California 92253 RE: File #201-16 13 • La Quinta Hat—ol Dear Mr. Hartung: Pursuant to our meeting Tuesday, September 4, 1991, in your office regarding the seismic rehabilitation requirements for the La Quinta Hotel, this letter will confirm that we have been granted an extension to October 1, 1991 for the commencement of structural design. If you have any questions or comments concerning this information, please do not hesitate to give me a call. Regards, LANDMARK LAND COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA, INC. Pete Hendren Vice President, Construction ss cc: Joe Woodard Judy Vossler Woodard LANDMARK LAND COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA, INC„ Land Planning, Engineering, Design & Construction 78-150 Calle Tampico, PO. Box 1000, La Quinta, California 92253 (619) 564-4500 FAX (619) 564-8052 Landmark Land Company of California, Inc. 78-140 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 Telephone (619) 564-8130 Facsimile (619) 564-8184 February 13, 1992 Honorable John Pena Mayor of the City of La Quinta 78-105 Calle Estado La Quinta, California 92253 pWa 1-d ?A7 ## FFEBi4jo U I Re: Earthquake Hazardous Building Reconstruction Dear Mayor Pena: WRITER'S DIRECT DIAL: i V. 'FEB 1 8 1992 �afy• - - f .Y /F.� k Pursuant to your discussion with Judy Vossler Woodard, this letter shall serve as the written request of the La Quinta Hotel Golf & Tennis Resort to the City of La Quinta for an extension of time for compliance with the commencement of structural design pursuant to Title 8 of Municipal Code Chapter 8.12 "Earthquake Hazard Reduction in Existing Buildings." I respectfully request written confirmation of an extension of time for compliance to be forwarded to this office at your earliest convenience. I thank you in advance for your time and consideration. Ve ly yours, MICHAEL E. BRADLEY 7 Coun�-el MEB/sb Michael E. Bradley, Counsel FFD .i If CITY OF LA QUINT. T H E C I T Y 0 F Z �. La Ouinta 1982 - 1992 Ten Carat Decade September 16, 1992 Ms. Judy Vossler Woodard La Quinta Hotel 49-499 Eisenhower Drive La Quinta, CA 92253 Dear Ms. Vossler Woodard: As you know, the City of La Quinta adopted Chapter 8.12 in December of 1989 that is titled "Earthquake Hazard Reduction In Existing Buildings". The chapter deals with retrofitting of unreinforced masonry buildings such as older portions of the Hotel. In May of 1990 the La,Quinta Hotel was informed that it was subject to the provisions of Chapter 8.12 and given the following time schedule for compliance. Submit engineered plans for seismic retrofit by 1/14/91. Obtain building permit for retrofit by 5/14/91. Start construction by 11/14/91 Complete construction by 5/14/93. On September 4, 1992 an extension was granted to submit the plans by October 1, 1992. This extension did not extend the time limit for completion of construction which was scheduled for May of 1993. In February of 1992 another request for an extension was made by Michael E. Bradley. There were no specific time frames suggested in that request. On May 5, 1992 we met to discuss the retrofit program and the possibility of an extension. Because of the financial uncertainty of Landmark Land Company of -California at that time, it was impossible for you to determine when the retrofit would be commenced. The ordinance does provide for an extension for completion of work only if wall anchors are installed per the engineered plan. This would be a 1 year extension and would allow the total retrofit to be completed by May of 1994. At this point no plan has been submitted for approval and if the process is not started in the very near future completion of the retrofit or the installation of wall anchors by May of 1993 is very unlikely. City of La Quinta Post Office Box 1504 ♦ 78-105 Calle Estado _ La Quinta, California 92253 Phone (619) 564-2246, Fax (619) 564-5617 Design B Produclion: Mark Palmer Design 619-346-0772 Judy Vossler Woodard September 16, 1992 Page Two Section 8.12.060 of the La Quinta Municipal Code states "If the owner or other person in charge or control of the subject building fails to comply with any order issued by the Building Official pursuant to this Chapter within any of the time limits set forth in 8.12.050 the Building Official shall order the entire building vacated and remain vacated until such order has been complied with. If compliance with such order has not been accomplished within 90 days after the date the building has been ordered vacated or by such additional time as may have been granted by the appeal board, the Building Official may order demolition of the building..." This action is obviously drastic, but it is provided for in the ordinance and unless the process of the retrofit is commenced by the submission of plans for approval in the near future, it may be required in order to protect the life safety of the hotel occupants. Please contact me if you have any questions regarding this matter. I cannot emphasize enough the importance of moving ahead with the retrofit in a timely manner. Sincerely, BUILDING AND SAFETY DEPARTMENT Tom Hartung Director of Building & Safety